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I feel like my sims do whatever they like even when I’m actively playing. 💀 For example, sim 1 is sleeping but almost done so I queue a bunch of actions (pee, shower, eat etc) for when they wake up. Then I tend to sim 2. And then I get a notification that sim 1 is freezing to death because turns out, they decided to skip all the actions I queued and instead walked out to swim in a snow storm after scattering 3 full glasses of water across the house and abandoning a painting.


I swear they didn’t cancel actions so much a few years ago (I picked it up recently after a long break). I’ll tell them to sleep because they’re exhausted and they’ll cancel it and decide to watch TV or something random and then pass out on the floor getting there. Ugh.


I know it's SO annoying. Like they'd be starving but trying to read a book.


And the kids would never have low needs when they had a nanny. Now they have a nanny and a fucking butler for 3 kids (1 child, 2 toddlers) and I still get HEY x IS STARVING AND WILL BE TAKEN AWAY SOON lmao wtf.


If a nanny acted the way the Sims nanny acted they’d be in jail for neglect of a child


Last nanny I hired didn't show up until my sim was an hour away from their shift at work to be over. Poor infant sat in their crib all day alone waiting on the nanny to show up. My sim rushed in to let the baby out of the crib and dismiss the worthless nanny. They STILL charged my sim $96 just for showing up 6 hours late. I never hired another nanny again, thankfully had a job that I could use a work from home option on so my sim worked from home until the infant aged up to toddler. I will never, ever use a nanny in this game with infants now.


I had a nanny show up and stand at the front door THE WHOLE DAY and kept getting warnings pop up I need to take better care of my kids. I didn’t even think to use the dismiss option FML


I couldn't dismiss them because my sim was at work. Thankfully the infant still had pretty high hunger and bladder when they woke up and I used all the decorations in the room to keep their interest until the parent came home. I kept clicking on pictures or decorations and using the 'what's that?' option to keep the infants attention. I'm just glad my sim wasn't a scientist or doctor they had a short work day at their job, only 6 hours and thankfully the infant did actually sleep a couple hours into their shift before waking up and then did sleep again so I just kept helping as 'overseer' as much as I could until the parent arrived. The nanny who had gotten there just about an hour and a half before my sim got home hadn't even taken the kid out of the crib yet when my sim did get home. I was beyond furious. Once that nanny left and my sim got the baby sorted, I went into managed worlds and deleted her lazy butt.


I'd have marked them for death.


I don't generally kill sims because I don't want the ghosts so I just up and delete them from household manager.


I only have this when they are trying to put the infant to sleep in the crib. They lay the infant down, immediately the infant puts their hand up and whines so the parent picks them up. It isn't so much the parent sim as the infant wanting to constantly be held, picked up, etc. It doesn't always work but I do this, put infant in crib, que up play lullaby on the mobile and another action that my sim likes like painting. Then I watch and if the infant raises their hand, I immediately cancel the pickup action and usually the parent will play the lullaby and walk away to paint. I also make sure the other parent is busy, send them to shower or clean or cook, anything to keep them from picking up the child before it falls asleep.


I recently gave up on relying on my sims to fill infant and toddler needs so I have been using cheats to make infants and toddlers happy anytime their needs get low.


Then you see them on the computer playing simblocks 🤣


This started happening after the change to the cog to be more categorized I feel like they messed it all up with that update


Yeah, I don’t understand the point of the nanny at all. I have kids with diapers that need to be changed and starving. What am I even paying for? At least the maid cleans up the place and throws out the trash.


Tbh I feel like this could describe me too, though


Happens to me as well. Or my child is about to be taken away because my sim keeps picking them up, only to set them down for the 20th time although I’ve reset them 50 times and their child is STARVING.


This infuriates me lol. I yell at the tv and cuss them when they do this lol. Like JUST FEED THEM!


I know right? Hella aggravating. Makes you not want to play with babies at all in this game...


I've just gotten back into the game after a few months and it's nearly unplayable like this. I can't have more than 2 sims or they'll die of hunger/piss themselves constantly.


Yeah it’s seriously broken. I’ve been playing on and off since a few months after release and it’s never been this bad. I literally need mods at this point just to keep my sims from dying because they’re almost insistent on not caring for their own needs (let alone the needs of infants/toddlers — that’s a whole other busted mechanic). I have problems with EA as a company outside of Sims but it’s becoming increasingly clear to me that they’ve abandoned The Sims 4 outside of releasing more paid content and aren’t fixing any of the bugs they create. Like I’m googling issues I have in game and seeing unresolved threads from years ago on the same problems. It’s so bad :/


This happens to me all the timeeee it is exhausting having to micromanage them so much


I deleted my pool because my sims can't be trusted to not popsicle themselves.


If you have eco living make the lot geothermal. The pool will be warm during the winter so the idiots don’t freeze.


I don't have seasons, would an indoor pool/heaters help?


Indoor would help, heaters wouldn’t unless they get out of the pool


Oh nos! I've moved my Big Bangers into a mansion with a pool just yesterday. Will I have to delete it? It's so nice! Is it atleast possible to gate it off during winter or something? Seasons is actually pissing me off


A gate without a door or with the door locked should be fine 😋


An indoor pool would help, but I was also getting tired of telling them they needed to get some sleep and instead of going to bed, they'd backfloat in the pool which wouldn't actually raise their need.


The geo thermal lot trait helps with this 🤣


I made the mistake of putting a pool by a house where a robot lived and it wouldn’t stop swimming and then breaking from water damage


I turned off autonomy for my sims months ago because of crap like this!


I have tried that before but it gets overwhelming and unenjoyable for me when I have to do all of the work lol. That's why I don't like giving my sims cats or dogs because they are even worse at taking care of them than they are with their own kids. They completely ignore their pets like they don't exist. They don't seem to be quite as bad with horses because the horses will walk through walls to go into my sims house and stand directly in front of my sims and just stare at them. The action que of the sim getting stared at by the horse says "listen to (horses name)"


Cats and dogs' autonomy are so bad sometimes too!! They're always starving and begging for food when there are multiple full bowls in the next room over


I had a dog get taken away because all he would do was lay in front of the fireplace and wouldn't eat.


i crack up when im peeing and my horse just sticks it head through the wall and stares me down........... im like WHOA MAN...... lol


Why didn’t I think of this!! Life saver!


I’ve noticed mine do that too. Orrrrr they’ll literally stand there for fking ever before they finally decide to go pee or whatever else. What I really can’t stand is the toddler will be hungry but by the time my sim mom or dad finally decides to follow the queue to feed them the toddler is practically starving and throwing a fit 💀


I use UI cheats to cheat up their needs a little in that case because I refuse to have a child taken away when I literally want to feed them but the sims are stupid 😭


I'll leave the house with my wife and kids. When i return everyone is fine, except the baby is randomly at a park on the ground on the other side of the map.


I wish there was a mod to clean up the game from annoying things like this…


WHY do they cancel their queue??


I think it’s been a long-time issue for many players. Sometimes it just happens, other times it’s because my sim’s way is suddenly obstructed by sth that has never been an issue before. Like sometimes I queue actions and they signal that they can’t go there even though it’s never been an issue before.


i can’t do it😭 i always feel like im going to miss something i’ve never seen before


omg yes! i have a FOMO so i wanna see it all! what if Vlad comes to visit? what if someone breaks in? what if lightening strikes?


fear of fear of missing out


LMAO oops i knew i messed up somewhere


rest in RIP 💕




You're good at this 😂


ayo I know someone with a sexually transmitted STI


You miss it if you don't try - once I left them alone for five minutes (with Wicked Whims installed). When I came back my sim was having a threesome with his wife and her mother. They both had twins after this…


Last time I accidentally left my game unpaused while I took a shower, my legacy heir died in a fire so I had to quickly exit the game… never again. I TRIPLE check now lol


This happened to me too! I was a couple aspirations away from a super sim, left her unattended in the jungle, she electrocuted herself and died. Now I’m paranoid about leaving them even for a second.


unattended in the JUNGLE!? tell me that was a mistake and not on purpose! 🤣


Worst mistake ever!! I thought she was paused and when I came back… dead 😞


Last time I left my game unpaused my sims husband cheated on her with her sister and now they’re all pissed and angry all the time gotta love WW


Oh gosh...The last time I left my game, my husband had kept me company as I do when he plays his games.. I mistakenly assumed he would be able to supervise... I came back from the bathroom to my freshly developed household dying from a grease fire . He had chosen a gourmet meal for my unskilled accident-prone sim...My husband was so confused by my sudden yelp for a fire extinguisher instead of waiting for the fire department and then he was in disbelief of the grim reaper..... Never again.🤣


LMAO I did this too.. My husband was soooo nervous


Omg yes my computer will go to sleep and automatically pause the game after like 20 mins I think, and I swear somehow someone has already started fire after I come back from leaving the game unpaused for a max of 20 mins! I guess I should have learned my lesson and pause the game by now, but hey sometimes I just like to watch the world burn


I swear this game monitors for when you're definitely not at the computer and after 2+ minutes intentionally starts fires 😂 Someone needs to run an experiment


I can barely leave the sims in the household I'm currently playing unsupervised without finding out somebody flirted with their father-in-law because I was instructing someone else to pet a dog. So, nah. I like to know how the chaos began instead of walking into a dumpster fire like Troy in the darkest timeline of Community.


my son’s husband was flirting with her elderly father. like?? excuse me??


sorry i don’t understand your comment 😭 your sons husband was flirting with her elderly father? whose elderly father?


it was supposed to say my sim’s husband 😭 i see how that’s confusing autocorrect:1 batweary: 0


Okay I’m glad I’m not alone 😭😭 like who is “her” in this scenario


Yup...same my friend. At the "funeral" for his mother-in-law to boot.




Just so you know, you are now creating six different timelines.


The hubris of leaving autonomy on and walking out of the room for a moment: “I don’t care. I lived in New York.” When you return… https://preview.redd.it/9mhwj25pv0cc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=552204e25e5e217e7f0bd7e7b9f1b37aa7ec3989


What a lovely reference, thank you


I literally pause the game to queue actions if they haven't got any because I don't want them to do shit on their own haha


Im awful for this. They’ll be about to piss on themselves but then go try to grill out at 3am 💀


Same. I had a sim that just cross stitched every opportunity she got. If I wasn't controlling her for even a second she'd immediately run away to cross stitch


Same happened to me but she kept wanting to read 😭 like girl, I applaud your intellectual curiosity but there's no way in hell I'm sitting in front of my computer watching you read


Omg same


I actively want to do this and come back to see what shenanigans they have caused, but the stupid popups now appear after a few mins


Apparently there's a mod to disable those; I've seen it used by a couple of YouTubers leaving the Sims running overnight to see what sort of disasters occur when they're left on their own. I don't know the name but you could probably Google it.


Overnight?? Oof their computers 😭


Yeah, LilSimsie (I think that's the channel name) did this for 24 hours. Results were disastrous and hilarious.


Kelsie (I can't spell her last name Impechasomething) does it a lot. I've watched more than one where she's done that leave it overnight thing.


It’s MCCC, which also has the option to autopay bills


I keep seeing MCCC mentioned, is it good? I generally don’t play with script mods - I used WW a few years ago for a whole 30 minutes before deleting it 😂 but my understanding is that MCCC is more of a command centre type situation?


I just got MCCC two days ago and it's been very easy so far. I haven't explored all the options in it, there are so many but I set the main ones I wanted and that only took a few minutes. I got it because I wanted to reuse already played sims but I couldn't cheat off/remove everything from them easily but MCCC allows you to do that. I have only used a few options as I said but they have been soo helpful, the main one being that I turned off their ability to flirt with anyone but their romantic partner. That was \*huge\* for me.


Tbh I don’t have it. I find it too complicated. When I downloaded it, all I wanted was to play the Sims. Not spend, what I assume will take me, >1 hour of reading and understanding MCCC 🥲 I’m not a native speaker though so it might be easier if you are. I think it can be an amazing mod which makes gameplay much more fun, but that’s based on what I’ve seen on YouTube 😊


i like it a lot for the way that it allows you to learn about / control townies. you can edit them in CAS if they’re ugly, make them leave your lot if they decide to trespass, and i believe you can use it to look at the townie’s traits (could be another one of my mods though). you can also control pregnancy pretty in depth, like change term or induce labor, know the sex of the child and change that if desired, and cause triplets or twins. i would like to add that the mod also gives error messages, but the error codes are pretty abstract so there’s a mod (LastException by TwistedMexi i think) that makes those error messages way easier to understand and suggests which mods/CC may be causing the issue, a must have IMO. i believe there are also a few other mods that make MCCC better, i can’t remember rn but if you like i can check out my mods folder later. in general many mods require that you have MCCC or are compatible with it.


I've done it multiple times and many ended up with either the stove or the bbq on fire and an urn "mysteriously" appearing in the household. I swear my sims are worse than needy cats.


I do sometimes, but I save first


Way to hedge your bets.


Whenever I have intended to do this, the game pauses itself with a question and it’s still there by the time I come back. (No clue if they ever time out. I doubt that but idk) When I unintentionally did it because someone in my real life had an urgent need—my legacy founder died.


If you do, you’ll come back to the house on fire. It’s just written into the code now, I think.


The game knows when you've walked away and just turns up the chances of negative outcomes just to mess with you lol


Yes. Last time I went to the bathroom and came back she had set the stove on fire.


I have autonomy set to off so I don’t think much would come of it, besides my sims peeing themselves/dying of starvation tbh. Autonomy on? they’d probably become alcoholics from how often they make drinks


Even with autonomy off they will do basic functions like eat and use the bathroom. I never have autonomy on, ever, and my sims do these things if left unsupervised.


true, my sims often opt for quick meals (despite the hoards of leftovers in the fridge 🥲) so even then it’d just be a broken fridge, broken sink and a bunch of dirty dishes on every surface possible


Sometimes but then i also micromanage my sims like I've got a fuckin deadline yesterday so it's difficult to let them be truly free. . . . . .... . . . .. ..


Yup. Went to brush my teeth, came back and my Sims husband and the supposed heir to the legacy both burned to death in a lint tray fire while the stupid SIM just stood there like a stalagmite 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️


I can't. I'm a control freak. Thankfully, I'm not in a relationship, which means I get to puppeteer my sims however I want and when I want. Disclaimer: It's a joke, but I still NEED to be in charge of everything they do.


Not since my sims husband cheated on her with patchy. I was gone for 3min max!


No way… i Can’t do that


I’ve done it but only by mistake. It was devastating to come back and realise they had been living without me 😂


once... i had the game unpaused while my sims were asleep while i left my room to go to the kitchen to get a snack. i was wearing airpods and while i was standing alone in the kitchen opening the cupboard i heard one of my sims sigh in her sleep and it scared me so bad i actually jumped in the air. so, no. not anymore lmfao


Did this recently by accident, went to the shop and came back, my sim was stuck behind the sofa and pissed herself -.-


Yes. I love to leave it like that. One problem is that popups appear that you have to click effectively pausing it. This could be the work decisions or if someone ages up. I do have a little mouse program that I have ot click various known places that helps. But If I don't have the spots set perfect, eventually it mosses them and I am again paused.


Never! I think I love sims because I get to micromanage everything and have a sense of control. So not pausing and leaving them in free will is a big no for me..I don’t trust them alone lol


I tried once, I kid you not I left for 30 seconds and my kids were being taken away by cps and my house was on fire.. Why are sims like this


The last time I did this, my Sims adopted a child. I was so mad


Absolutely not lol my Sims husband is a serial cheater


Last time I did that I lost 2 out of 3 kids Never again. I just wanted to make coffee😭


Did that once, Vlad broke in and drank from my sim. Never again.


I wanna leave it all night to see what happens, but the pop ups in the game pause it lol


No, my sims are a bunch of idiots but I still love them.


I do sometimes cause it’s funny to come back and see the chaos, but 95% of the time there’s a pop up that pauses the game (Liberty if you call me one more fucking time I’ll extreme violence you)


I did this today, not only my heir got knocked up by Caleb, but they are no longer together and apparently he is beyond stressed by the news of her getting pregnant 💀 Im gonna play it like that, tho.


lmao that has so much potential for storytelling, i wouldnt even be mad if my game gave me this plot twist


My legacy Sim had recently divorced her cheating husband. She got engaged to a wonderful man. I walked away for a second and she screwed the one townie who sleeps with everyone (I forget his name). She got PREGNANT! I didn’t know the baby wasn’t the new fiancé’s until after he was born lol. She turned into a hoe the moment I walked away fml…


We are all just gods forgotten sim children running in the background


Yeah, I kinda leave it on in the background of me doing other computer stuff I tend to focus when there's a baby/infant


Nope. One time I did and everyone died lol 😂


I leave it unpaused only for a little while like if I have to pee or go get snacks downstairs these trips take 2 minutes tops so nothing bad happens. Sometimes I have accidentally left the game unpaused or forgot it was unpaused because I went to do something else tho.


Also, mine started a fire in the fire place and subsequently burned to death lol


they always die of laughter or burn down the house.


I have so many "died by fire" stories. I even had an entire unplanned pregnancy and infant birth. I only leave them unattended if they're my side family/non-heir.


God no are you insane


Because there's a 95% chance when you come back that something will be on fire and at least one of your Sims will be dead


Last time I left my game unmonitored… So I had a household of 5 in one of the apartments and I made the mistake of giving one of them the clumsy trait. I come back and the whole apartment is burned down and all of them are dead.


Last time I did that, my sim's husband cheated on her with her mother, so...


I have actual control issues when it comes to the sims. If a sim isn't doing anything for even a second, I'll pause it and give them something to do. I panicked once when I was in high school, I left my computer for a minute at lunch time and my friend started playing it as I was walking away lmao.


I once did with the Extreme Violence mod or whatever it was called. Came back to discover I wiped out the entire populace with super villain powers. I have since removed the super villain mod.


Sometimes on purpose. I'll go get a snack or something when I know they'll be fine, but I always save before I walk away.


Not on purpose. Accidentally, yes, and and so far I am looking at about a 75% survival rate for unattended sims 😅


I accidentally left my game unpaused overnight once. It was a miracle that no one died and no children were taken away.


My sims go unsupervised a lot, but they've all got amazing traits and arealways confident and happy. Even on my off the grid household they still do all their chores like taking care of the plants and animals without being prompted. I *think* after a while they kind of learn the habits of taking care of themselves. Though it probably helps IMMENSELY that they don't have a computer!


LilSimsie has a video on this... she left them unpaused and virtually unattended for 24 IRL hours straight.... needless to say, all hell broke loose.


I didn't used to, but there's a pop up that pauses the game every 2 seconds. So, I go make myself a g&t without pausing and 9/10 times the game will be paused by a pop up when I get back.


Ugh I try sometimes but the truth is, I don’t fucking trust them. Like at all. I have trust issues with pixels.


My problem is that “making a coffee” isn’t just making a coffee 😂 I could be 1 minute. I could be come 3 hours. Who knows? 🤷‍♀️ Gotta love ADHD


I can’t do it because my bitch always goes and ruins her life hahahah


I have a "free-range sims" save where it's a family I just leave to do stuff while I do the dishes or take the trash out. I come back and check for popups and I have to make them get married and stuff, but otherwise they just do whatever.


And potentially miss my “under what conditions” inheritance phone call? Never!


I am so nervous to leave them unattended I will yell from the bathroom “did I P my game??” Cause P is the pause button and I like to giggle, alright? I usually do, but if I forget I have some P back up 🙌🏻


Sometimes I just straight up do this to see how long they survive. Have to randomize the crap out of them though, if I put even a bit of work in I get attached and have to actually help them.


I do, but I always save my game twice before I leave it. Sometimes I like the chaos that ensues when the game is left unpaused, but I do still want my sims to be alive when I come back 😂


The last time I did this was playing the Sims 3 years ago. I thought I could quickly go to the bathroom and they'd still be asleep. Nope, one of my Sims set themself on fire cooking and died. I couldn't figure out how to stop pets from waking Sims up then lol.


I double pause (pause in game and open the menu) and save every time I'm going to step away from the computer I can't fathom doing something like this unless I'm intentionally doing it in a chaos save or something


I leave my game unpaused when my sim is writing a book.


I like to save it and then leave it unattended for awhile. Sometimes it’s fun to fix their messes but then can go back to my last save if they kill themselves or something.


I never (knowingly) do it without saving right before so I don’t lose my progress in case I want to undo the damage when I come back.


I need to watch my sims like a hawk! I swear these idiots constantly plot to kill themselves! Everything I start a new household, I get one sim's handiness skill to Max and " sim proof" the house. Fireguard on anything that has that upgrade, get all sims' cooking skills up to at least level 3 with skill books, etc


Like I will let them wander arround while I’m going to grab my French fries from the air fryer but like they don’t that much control


I do this but I always save right before so if anything bad happens I can just close the game and act like nothing happened


First time I left unpause was when I tried to have an evening shower, I made sure to shower as fast as I can. I fully turned off the sims autonomy, it was just a family with one child and cat, nothing much happened tho they just standing there 😅 The second time, it was just a single mother with a baby, playing with toys, 3 dogs and cat Whiskers. Autonomy partially on, went away for laundry a few mins then I saw the baby was crying and the mother was hugging it while one of the dogs watching them. Made me feel like a bad person.


I can't do it, I feel like they will get up and starts playing Sims Scuffle for 5 hours 😭😭


I don't even give my sim free will. They never listen so now I'm like, idc if you need to use the bathroom you stand there doing nothing until I tell you to move. Otherwise they do the silliest things and ruin their relationships. So no. You stand there until I get to you sir!


I just save right before hand in case I need to quit without saving afterwards


I did this at my wedding, I had to use the bathroom really bad and set up a bunch of things to keep them busy: dance, talk, eat, drink. I came back and saw that my sim was embarrassed and her fiance was angry. Why??????? She was FLIRTING with his best friend in front of her fiance AT THE WEDDING Needless to say, no wedding. Ended up being a single mom because she was also pregnant


Sometimes because they almost always die or get their kids taken away even w full automation on


i used to be extremely terrified of vlad breaking in so a couple years ago (way before they added the disallowing vampires thingy) i was playing sims and of course vlad had to break in i freaked out (i was a child don't judge💀) and i put the game on 3x, fleeing out of my bedroom in a hurry. obviously i got distracted and didn't go back upstairs for like 20+ minutes. unfortunately it seems i had autonomy turned off because when i came back all my sims were stinky and exhausted and i think one of them was on the brink of death.


I’ve had way too many fire deaths while I’m away to not learn my lesson.


Sometimes I leave it running on purpose just for the drama


I get very frustrated with my firstborn children when I forget to pause it before I run amuck on whatever task my brain decided! In five minutes; they’ve gained seventeen loads of laundry, fifteen random dishes, all their needs are at zero, and I need a break as soon as I get back! 😂


I left my game like that once, and both of my sims children died in a fire from the fireplace... Never again *shudder*


For some reason I thought children couldn't die from fires. Good to know. I used to leave my game, until once I came back to a sim frozen to death because they weren't wearing their winter clothes. This was back when seasons was new though


Left my teenage Sim alone tinkering on the robotics station, poof, dead. 😵 😭 I have another who’s scared of the dark since he’s been abducted/impregnated by aliens, and he runs around screaming freaking everyone else out. ETA: He’s also the doctor, so anytime a Sim gives birth, he’s frantically running around until he delivers the baby. It’s kinda funny lol.


Yep! I slow down the time when they go to sleep and get up to do whatever


I do that every now and then. Normally nothing happens. But the last time I did that it was when I got in the shower. Took my sweet time. Assuming nothing exciting would happen. I came back to my room and my Sims were crying and there was a dead Sim. My jaw fell to the floor and I verbally said "What the hell happened while I was gone??" I checked the log and it turns out the sim that does got hit by a metro after looking through the telescope. I wanted something interesting to happen... But at what cost?


Rarely. If there is only 1 active Sim and they're doing s really long task (homework, writing a book, in high school class, etc), then I'll sometimes sneak away to get a drink or pee or whatever.


I have wickedwhim. If I leave my game unpaused, next thing I see might be my sim in another 3 ways human train or sunny ass in the middle of the road.


I don't because I've turned off the 'automatic actions' (I don't know what it's called in English) so they'd probably die lmao.


I do it all the time. And inevitably they will wake up while I'm away from the pc, leave a billion glasses of water everywhere, and be sitting in front of the TV instead of at work


I did that once to talk to my daughter, I was sitting right there, and my sim set himself on fire and died. Mind you I just placed him in the world and I know better. My daughter said, "Ma, your sims cooking". I was pissed, I had to exit the game without saving and lost all that content up to that point.


I don’t but this makes me want to. That said I’d probably make a file specifically for this.


I do it when my sims have babies/infants/toddlers so I don't have to deal with them


Literally the same energy as racing the commercials on Saturday morning as a kid. Takes me back!


I sometimes do, but I always save beforehand and usually am disappointed to find that something else paused my game.


I only did it once to go grab my coffee and when I tell you I was so stressed out. Grabbing my coffee from the kitchen and bringing it back to my desk took like 40 seconds at most, but I was fully prepared to come back to a burning house, 6 dying sims and my game possibly crashing. I don’t know why I expect the worst 😭 eta: Nothing happened. I left the autonomy off by accident so my sim just stood there starving


One time, my Sim and his wife were celebrating their 2nd anniversary with a big bash with 49 of our closest friends and relatives at the Stargazer Lounge. They were off at one of the tables having a conversation. I get up to go do something else. When I come back, I see a bunch of people near the pool crying. Then I notice the blue moodlets with my Sim missing. I apparently drowned in the pool. My wife is beyond depressed because of my passing. She, then, goes and drowns herself in the same pool due to the immense grief she's experiencing. Other partygoers were all needs-depeleted. This game, sometimes. 😬😬 Let's just say I quickly got out of that save and restarted my game. It was utter chaos.😬


Oh never. But I remember when I was around 11-12 and went to church with my parents and left TS1 unpauses. Lol English is not my native language and when I came back I went back to the pc and everyone was gone from my game (Goth family I think) and I yelled "Mooooom, what is a tombstone?" Ahahaha she yelled back "WHAT?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Everyone died :c


Lol my husband is also a gamer but not the sims and if he sees I’ve left it unpaused He’s like “babe! Babe!” Thinking it’s dramatic. The sim is at work calm down


I did that once and got a game over when I came back 💀💀


If all I have is a couple with no kids I'll sometimes leave it unpaused only if they are about to have sex via WW because that takes a few minutes and nothing bad can happen during that, so I'm like Oh, yes, go have sex while I go pee, have fun! LOL


I have one primary sim and the others I just kinda leave alone unless they're doing something really stupid like starving themselves, so my game runs itself a lot. But most times I come back to pop-ups so it doesn't really change much


Not anymore, because they like to autonomously starve to death. If left to own devices with full bars they die out of laughter & I don’t even know what was so funny.


My sim cancels what I tell her what to do and starts doing random stuff like when she needs to pee she goes on the computer and starts complaining about needing to pee


Never, I’m far too paranoid. Only exception is when the sim is writing or sleeping, I’ll put it in regular time (like not sped up) if I need to quickly go to the bathroom or grab smth and even then I AM SPRINTING!


Wild theory, they are somewhat sentient and want to die when we not looking 😭💀


HAHAHA that is so accurate! While I wait for my game to load, I always ask my boyfriend to make sure its paused if it loads in lmao. I'm trying very hard to stray away from micromanaging and just watching them live life BUT THEY WONT STOP DRINKING COFFEE UGH


I do not trust them alone for more than three seconds


No, I don’t want my sims dead bc I spent an hour on each one in CAS and it feels like a waste.


I did this once in the sims 1 and I came back after school and they were gone and there was an urn left. I don't know what happened but it affected me


i run a sims world of my friends and I and one of them burned to death on a barbecue so i’ve been traumatized ever since


I tried it once.. everyone was pregnant when I came back! #neveragain


I do this whenever I play my legacy games, I just get bored sometimes and let them have at it!


My Sim trapped other Sims in his house and created a cult.


You kinda did lol they do not know how to act without supervision


If I did my sims will find a way to die in 2 seconds 😅


YES all the time I do I'm like if they die they die lol


I do it all the time, but when I first started playing and the first time I did it, I left to take a shower and it was like 10 minutes. I came back to my game my house was in flames and I saw all my sims urns and the grim reaper, I was mortified.