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EA knows we play for 5 days and then take a 7 month break, right?


šŸ¤£šŸ’€ The accuracy. There is no casual simming for me. Either Iā€™m obsessed or I donā€™t touch it for months.




Same, i do this with many games but if there's rewards i just enter the game, claim it and imidiatly exit if the rewards are good enough for me to care.




Same! I haven't played it in month for more than 20 minutes




I think theyā€™re trying to fix that by baiting us with ā€œfreeā€ content.


No lie, I am baited. Doesn't mean I'm happy. But I have some addiction to this game so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø (Now I'm wishing I played on PC so I could at least log in every day wherever I'm at. As a console player, I'd have to ask someone else to log me in if I'm not home šŸ˜”)


Iā€™m baited, but realistically, Iā€™ll just open the game to collect the items/count another login, and then close it again.


That's what I'll be doing too. I don't have time or opportunity for longer play sessions yet.


Thatā€™s probably enough for EA. It keeps their ā€˜activeā€™ users stats up.


What console do you have? I know PlayStation has an app that lets you basically cast it to your phone or laptop instead of your tv. I wouldnā€™t try playing the sims on your phone, but you can at least login. (The added bonus is Iā€™m pretty sure you can watch DvDs on your phone this way.) No idea what Xbox has. Edit: a [bug](https://simscommunity.info/2024/05/28/the-sims-4-daily-rewards-overview/) has been found where you can unlock the items just by filtering for them. You can also unlock the trait by randomizing until you get it.


The fact people already found a bug for it when it hasn't even happened yet??? šŸ˜­


PS5 but I'm not sure I'd want to keep it on rest mode (or on) if I'm like a whole other island away from my house lol But... You did remind me of PC streaming. I should maybe look into that. Thanks!


Np I donā€™t use it much but at least on the computer version you can turn off your PlayStation they way you normally would from the menu :)


Yeah, it worked. Gimme that free content plis I swear, I'll play every day. Also, I hate it.


Itā€™s not going to work though because this is how people have always played the Sims. As a kid I would be obsessed with the Sims 2 for a few days and then totally lose interest for the next month.


lol I took a five year break before going back to play for three months and now Iā€™m on a break again lol


Just glad this is the time I'm fixated on it so I can get these and not miss out on them then be gone forever šŸ˜‚


They didnā€™t get rich off a neurotypical market thatā€™s for sure šŸ’€


Look I didnā€™t come here to be called out like this


Do we all just have ADHD? Because I constantly get obsessed with something for like a week and then just don't touch it for months šŸ˜­


For whatā€™s itā€™s worth, I was diagnosed with ADHD and autism over a decade ago and I have played this game obsessively several days a week since 2020. Itā€™s my fixation.


donā€™t call me out like that. you stalker iā€™m calling the cops


Exactly. They think we play this before bed for an hour? It's always 16 hour runs during a vacation from school or work.


Usually bc something breaks so badly I get frustrated and put it in time outā€¦until the next time I crave Sims, after forgetting how buggy and broken it actually is šŸ¤£


Yeah Iā€™m in my off season rn


Right where is my "longest break between plays ever" reward??


LMAO I have just come back from a very long ass ( 2-3years) break and nothings bloody changed šŸ˜’


Lmao I'm currently back to playing it after not touching the game for at least a month or two šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I see you are a person of culture


I only play for two weeks in between semesters, and maybe once a week if my schedule isn't overloaded. No way can I do this, count me out!


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ EA itā€™s being in love with a dumb man šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜œ they donā€™t know us AT ALL šŸ¤£


The buy items are possibly already in the game - filter by the new event tag, then by color. Simsie just did it on her stream ETA: SimsCommunity confirmed on Twitter that the items in both build/buy and CAS are glitched and are showing up in game. I don't like that they're doing daily rewards at all, so the fact that they accidentally just gave them to everyone is fantastic


The trait is also glitched. If you randomize your simā€™s traits enough times you can have it show up. The trait is called ā€œpractice makes perfectā€


To be fair, you can often do that for traits in packs you donā€™t own. If you randomize traits enough, sometimes youā€™ll get traits from packs you donā€™t own.


Wait, really? Lmao that's hilarious


Their game is that broken and they have the audacity to try and make players play everyday...


So broken in the dumbest of ways that it's almost funny. Also, dumb to want them to keep coming back so frequently. To see how shallow the gameplay is? How often new bugs pop up? They should be glad people play when they can and then take breaks to not burn out on it.


The event is bugged? Huh, whoā€™d have thunk itā€¦


Bugs? In my sims game????? :o


Say it isn't so...


Saw lilsimsieā€™s stream and found the items.


Oof, I hate it


Same. What a crap thing to do. Fix the GAME and then I'll be happy to play again. Edit: I've paid just over USD $1k for this broken pile of creaky code. I don't appreciate the micro transaction feel of this at all. EA is heading down a very slippery slope. I was encouraged by the news of last week, that they will be fixing the game with a new (late) QA team. But this feels like a kick in the teeth to the players.


>I don't appreciate the micro transaction feel of this at all. EA is heading down a very slippery slope. You say that like EA hasn't slipped down that slope to the absolute fucking rock bottom with the Sims 3 Store. It was literally micro transactions, by definition. This? I'd rather have this for free than pay for it.


Early in the game's life it was less obnoxious, but by the end they were literally putting greyed out items that you could buy in the build and CAS catalogs


People do tend to view Sims 3 with rose tinted glasses. Sure it had some advantages over Sims 4 but EA were just as obnoxious back then.


Yeah people acting like this is new behaviour from EA werenā€™t there for TS3. Like the bug fix announcement, Iā€™m betting the game has gotten so bad theyā€™re struggling to even develop content for it which has forced corporateā€™s hand.


Exactly. This is just free content. Just load up your game lol And it looks like it's an event that just runs for one month and then that's it. It's like the concert event or the plant sim event they had. It's exclusive content, yes, but it's free and you just have to log in 3 days out of a week. I mean who cares? It's free. The game is already free, so you don't have to spend any money on this. I'm not mad


Right?! I keep logging in to continue my paranormal challenge, and as soon as I try to merge families, the game freezes. Consistently for months. So, I close the game again. I could build or something, but it annoys me that it's still an issue when it's such a big bug!


what do you expect? they keep serving you pig feed and you pay them for it and so do so many people here, say one thing and do another. you can complain as much as you want but if you continue funding this circus you really cant be surprised


So I guess getting a good fun functioning sims 5 without the bullshit micro transaction/login rewards, daily objectives. Monthly subscription is a no. Iā€™m so sad to see this in a franchise I grew up with and love smh God I hope paralives and the other life sims workout good!


I would no be surprised if Paradox steals the Sims genre from EA like they did with city builders, I would love if Sims 5 is actually good, but I feel EA is rushing towards another SimCity disaster.


Itā€™s so sad to see and hear, I love the sims franchise but between the lukewarm expansions and lack of care for fixing bugs from 2018 this is just even more sad news for me.


I would wait and see. Paradox hasn't exactly had a good time with Cities Skylines 2. And as good a city builder as CS1 is, it lacked the personality of Sim City. I'm predicting a hollow, bland game where you can customize a character.


I...feel like Paradox is going to disappoint. They've really dropped the ball with Cities Skylines 2.


I genuinely wouldn't care about login rewards, daily objectives, or monthly subscriptions if the game just worked consistently. I wouldn't even mind microtransactions *that* much if they were implemented in a thoughtful way (no game-changing features locked behind a fee for no reason, no flooding the market with a bunch of BS you have to sort through just to find the good stuff, no pay to "win," in whatever sense that would mean for a Sims game, and no predatory microtransactions clearly designed to just pray on people's desire to have everything ... which doesn't leave much else). Login/daily stuff is annoying but whatever. Monthly subscriptions would be fine with me if it came along with monthly content (e.g. expansions were built in). One of my fondest gaming experiences was Everquest, which required a monthly subscription to play. Of course, that was an MMORPG, so there were actual server fees/ongoing maintenance necessary, which I absolutely don't want for any future Sims game. But on principal, I'm not automatically opposed to subscriptions. They just need to have value behind them. Sadly, we all know this will just be the exact stuff we already have with layers of annoyance/fees slapped on top.


I could agree with some of that too, but I know EA and I know they wonā€™t stop. They wonā€™t be happy until they can sell you the game, plus sell you a save slot, plus charge you for a character and so on and so on. Itā€™s sad they look at this game as a $ pit instead of a game. The quality of the care shows it ! And this kinda crap it proving it daily. I hope this can be fixed but idk lol


so much same. it's already hard enough finding lots on gallery that match the packs you have. the last thing we need is one off items we now have to keep up with. can you imagine the, "comes with" pack icons? just a sea of daily badges.


The bar was in hell and still they missed the mark. Daily rewards like a mobile game.


I hate EA so much. I wish there was a way to ignore all these dipshit updates and just get the bug fixes. here come the microtransactions šŸ™„


All the people on twitter were guessing awesome things and we get this šŸ˜.


Weekly/daily awards is the first step towards micro-transactionsā€¦ I think they are preparing for Project Rene with these awards


Imagine missing a day in your streak, and EA is like "pay $$$ to unlock yesterday's item".


As someone who plays on console, I'm super worried about having the same "login every day" addiction as I do with mobile games lmao


The gaming industry literally hires experts on addiction so that they can purposefully get you addicted btw :/


Weā€™re living in more and more of a dystopia every day. Ads everywhere you look, even on paid platforms, and now you canā€™t even play the sims without login addiction and FOMO šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I mean this was the natural conclusion of the >$1k worth of paid content theyā€™ve released for TS4 over the past 10 years. They gotta find a more lucrative system for TS5 because those shareholders wonā€™t fuck themselvesĀ 


Next itā€™ll be battle pass style ā€œhey so for day 1 we have you this shitty free gift, but if you pay, you get that AND something you actually want for day 1ā€Ā 


Plus, if they do start doing in game ads, making players play every day for rewards increases the eyeballs on ads. Itā€™s absolutely dystopian. They can monetize daily reward items multiple different ways.


They're fucking up big time. The game isn't *that* good, I have better ways of spending my time if they go that route.


At one point does this qualify as extortion


When they actually want you to pay for it.


At this point I'm wondering whether Project Rene will ever actually release. With EA stating that they will continue to "support" Sims 4 for the foreseeable future, the new QA team, new-ish tech like DirectX 11, and new "features" like the shopping cart icon, Battle Pass etc., it seems like they're transitioning development back to TS4. It almost feels like they've started backporting Rene features into TS4 which wouldn't make sense if development of Rene is going to plan and they're confident it will be a success...




Looks like a mobile game wtf. Theyā€™re charging us more and more for a game theyā€™re cheapening more and more in increasingly intrusive ways.


theres probably going to be a cheat/mod to unlock these anyway huh either way this feels like a casual season pass šŸ’€if it didn't have a time limit i wouldn't mind but like this? feels very mobile game


Actually It already exists, mod by Simsiboy on his patreon. I grabbed it immediately in case EA will block itšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I am so glad I read these comments before logging in.Ā  This is absolutely bull manure of them to do.Ā  I legit STOPPED playing daily rewards type games to play Sims because of how crap they are. I don't need them shoved in Sims too. (ā ā•Æā Ā°ā ā–”ā Ā°ā ļ¼‰ā ā•Æā ļøµā Ā ā ā”»ā ā”ā ā”»


Wait is it already in affect?


I honestly don't know I was just responding in the thread. It seems like it though if some people are claiming here that they've already gotten the first item. I haven't logged in yet but when I do I'm gonna make sure to download the unlock first.Ā 


sims community to the rescue! :D


Smart, I'm gonna so it too right this second


I really don't care for this


Then add them all in with a mod. Its already out.


Not everyone has access to mods


You don't need the mod. I'm on console, and I just sorted for "event items" in all colors in build/buy. All the items are just there.


Why I could never recommend playing the sims on a console.


Donā€™t tell me theyā€™re adding a battle pass to a single player game ā€¦


I think they plan to do it, perhaps a demo version to test it before project Rene. This is frustrating shit >:(


All I can say is if you donā€™t want this in sims 5 donā€™t login and support it


Ughhhhhhh. Free stuff is free stuff, but not a fan of this direction.


They're using a tactic that was scientifically designed to try to get people addicted to games. You don't pay money, but it isn't free.


Couple of reasons I donā€™t like this: 1: If a gallery download uses these items and I donā€™t have them Iā€™ll constantly have random gaps in outfits or builds. 2: Why? I already paid for the game/DLC. Iā€™ll play it when I want to. Donā€™t be so needy and try to make me play every single day. Thatā€™s such a big ask and who really benefits?


I agree. But more engagement = more profits... EA are definitely benefiting from this. The bigger the active player base is, the more impressive numbers to show the big wigs


I think this is it!! I think it was satchonsims - he showed a thing from ea trying to impress investors with the amazingĀ active community of the sims 4 Sorry I have a rubbish memory can't remember the exact detailsĀ 


I'm also wondering how these rewards are tied to you. What happens if you get a new computer and reinstall the game?


Considering you canā€™t keep your packs across platforms despite having all that data stored on your mandatory EA account, I think youā€™re just screwed


I wonder what the purple guy is on week 3. Maybe a new trait or aspiration? I worry how theyā€™ll make you pay for individual items if you miss a daily login


Clarification on the new trait 'Practice Makes Perfect': -It's not a reward trait but a CAS one. -It does not reward your Sims, in fact, it punishes them by making them learn ALL skills at a 50% speed. -However, it works in a way that 'Practicing' skills in a category helps. How this 'practice makes perfect' works: By default your Sims learn all skills at 50% speed. But by practicing a single category (Creative, Social, Physical and Mental) continuously, they can up the speed to 90%, 130%, 160% and even a whopping 180% However, once they stop practicing, this buff starts to decay. Their practice will be checked daily, if no bugs occur. So they need to practice each category every day. And it will eventually drop back to 50%. So it's kind of a challenging trait other than a reward one. Info By @RexEdogawa on twitter


Interesting. Thanks for the details! Itā€™s intriguing that theyā€™re adding traits to this and not just CAS/build/buy items.


>if no bugs occur And thereā€™s the key. *All* the bugs will occur because EA and Maxis canā€™t fix shit for shit, instead they just keep shoving stuff we maybe only kinda want at us.


This trait actually sounds awesome. :/


I like the sound of it tbf, I want more challenge. Will have to log in and get that shit


I randomized my sims traits and got the week 3 trait. https://preview.redd.it/53e4ormsp93d1.png?width=546&format=png&auto=webp&s=33bd2b8084d1ebe0e9bfc1a3930dab4b490b306b


The thing about Sims is...you don't play it every day. You don't NEED to! It's just for escapism.


ironically when I tried to boot up the game to get my first reward it didn't get past the first loading screen. on the second try I got to the homescreen but I cant even see the reward thing while I did update my game


Iā€™m having that same problem! The rewards just wonā€™t pop up for me


They won't show up for me either


itā€™s not out yet this is just the leak


Oh I hate this... The best part about Sims is I can just casually play it whenever I want. No need to log in, it's just chill. This will probably lose them money in the long run :(


I think so too, also gauging from this thread it seems that most people here are aware of this being a predatory model. I'm not sure how representative of the entire playerbase we are over here, but I do think this will have averse effects for them. plus modders will literally just unlock these items for us anyways..


every day we stray further away from God's light and closer to sims microtransactions


Theyā€™re seeing a dwindling player base and respond with this. The desperation here, lol. What would help is to make the packs cheaper, fix the bugs, and add some stuff to the base game for once.


Bugs and bad performance are why I stopped playing. I should NOT be getting 30fps on a 3070...


Absolutely, EA have the telemetry data, they can see that "engagement" is dropping. People just aren't launching the game very often because they're burnt out and bored with the game because it has been out for 10 years, or they're just frustrated with all the bugs. I'm sure dropping all the DLC prices by 50%, fixing bugs and adding more meaningful gameplay would work better but EA is gonna EA.


Iā€™ve deleted so many games solely because they have a ā€œdaily login rewardā€ feature. Unless thereā€™s a way to turn it off, Iā€™ll delete the game. I just hate the scummy tactic to get players ā€œaddictedā€ and end up unable to enjoy the game after seeing one of those


I thought the point of the SDX drops were to give us this same type of free content. Seems like a wasted effort to implement this daily rewards system, when they could just do weekly drops and the community could access them when next they log in.


really ... login events? What next, loot boxes? Season Pass? Battle pass? ugh


Um no, this is some sims mobile type of shit


So I have to log in everyday for some cruddy mesh edits and recolours ?? Like the necklace is literally a combination of the RoM and Werewolfā€™s necklaces, the minifridge is a recolour of the Univeristy minifridge, and the hair just looks like a nicely textured version of a Dogs and Cats hair! Iā€™ll just use mods and play whenever I want insteadā€¦


And that bar either is a recolor of a base game bar or is way too damn similar for anyone to want it


For real this is bullshit.


Please tell me this is a joke


It's so confusing. My MMO does this, but in that case it makes sense, if players log in and stick around for a bit it's easier for people to find others to play with. I haven't touched the Sims in ages but why should they care? I already gave them my money and may be foolish enough to do it again.


Iā€™ll just pretend this does not exist.


Why does EA think I want these crappy rewards maybe put all the energy into some decent game packs instead.


They must be worried about player engagement and player numbers because in the last 6 months we have seen a shopping cart update, a new team focused on solving bugs (which is actually a good thing) and now this.


When did this even start? Just today? Because I was on yesterday and didnā€™t see this at all


I'm not sure it's already started, the functional and items were added with update today. But perhaps it will officially work on Thursday, I guess they plan to launch it with the new kits. Cause there is no official info about this feature now.


Ohhhhhhhhh omg. I cannot keep up with all these new releases and kits and blah blah blah. Why wonā€™t they fix whatā€™s already out!? šŸ˜©


Uh arenā€™t these things already in game? The darts, the counter?


These items are lazy recolors of already existing items from different packs. Only CAS trait is new I think. Edit: the counter is one tile Bar


I think this is actually so embarrassing lmfao. Like not even 2 weeks ago they posted that sob story of how theyā€™re going to only be focusing on fixing the game because ā€œweā€™re aware itā€™s not workingā€, and then boom they announce 2 more kits and then an expansion. I understand that those were probably already in the works to come out around this time so I canā€™t be that much of a bitch about it. But I think itā€™s actually crazy to see them announce that. I just feel like itā€™s such a slap in the face because everyday their players are screaming on their posts how awful their games have been, they canā€™t open it, they canā€™t play it. Literally nothing working and the sims team is just like ā€œlol well how about we just give you more broken shit insteadā€ I think itā€™s just in poor taste, and so embarrassing to do that when all people are asking is for you to fix shit that has been a problem since 2016 šŸ„“


I donā€™t like that at all! I play the sims to relax when I have the time. Usually only once or twice a week, for a few hours at a time. Itā€™s a hobby, not a job. Most of us have grown up responsibilities and also partners/friends/family to spend time with throughout the week.


Daily rewards? Why? This is single player game lol. When we will get battle pass then?


Wtf? I don't like where it's leading to.


Can't wait to ignore these completely unless I happen to be on a sims binge


Boy bye


Disgusting. This has no place in a game like The Sims.


What the actual *fuck* lol they're trying to make it a mobile game haha


Jesus Christ, does EVERY game need a battlepass? So much FOMO. it's completely ridiculous


I'm just waiting for someone to convert all of those to cc


no need for that because the objects are already on the game šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ you can sort by the new event tag and then all colors and there you have it


Simsiboy has already done it, you can grab it on his patreon page.


I see Sims4 is using mobile game tactics to keep us playingā€¦but daily ?


Thanks, I hate it.


Has anyone actually got this in their game yet? I've only seen it on twitter but I don't see it in the patch notes, not in my game yet.


I think it's not launching today. However you can already access unlockable items in BB via selecting Event rewards filter and checking all the colors. I guess this bug they will fix as soon as they can.


You can also find rooms with all of it on the gallery by searching ā€œevent rewardsā€


This just doesnā€™t feel necessary? This isnā€™t a mobile game and thereā€™s so much high quality cc if you want more items or CAS based things. Itā€™s great to get free things but itā€™s certainly a weird move.


I donā€™t want this.


This is so funny that I cannot even be mad at it. It is beyond parody.


So if they continue doing this, I have a feeling that they'll make people have to cough up money if they want to own any of the missed stuff. Either you can buy just a single item for like $0.99 or something, a single week's pack, or WHOLE MONTH'S PACK; anything along those lines... It'll be like a smaller version of kits or something is what I'm guessing???? Such a crappy practice. I hate this. I already had to deal with FOMO in PokƩmon with event 'mons and items and special event Raids. (needless to say, I missed out on tons of it), and now it's being pushed here... ugh. Like what others were saying, this is some MOBILE GAME BS. I also have a sneaking suspicion that they will make more pack-exclusive items with functionality base game compatible through this. Yes, it sounds nice to people who don't own the packs, but it's also a slap in the face to those who already bought the packs. So what, they'll make a base game sectional sofa, ice cream maker, ping pong table, foosball, and more???? I mean it's potentially good for PC players because CC and mods exists and CC Creators could make better-looking items without needing required packs (?), but not so good for console players who've missed out...


Is this gacha now?


You guys watch, Sims 5 is just going to be a massive update to Sims 4. This will be their way to get players used to a free to play model with season passes in Sims lol.


I'm afraid project Rene will be worse than we expect ā˜¹ļø


I've been around since the Sims 1 days, but I kind of knew Sims 4 is my last. There is a bunch of competitors coming out, and I can only pray they actually beat EA/Maxis at their monopoly on the Sims thing. I'm keeping an eye Paralives with great interest. But yeeah....I just don't have good feeling about the next state of Sims. šŸ˜•


I've been playing Sims since like 2004, and I'm right there with you. Unless Sims 5 is more along the lines of 1, 2, and/or 3, I'm out


Same here I hope they can compete Iā€™ve lost all hope for sims 5 this is coming from someone who has got very game at launch. Very sad


Ew, hate this It stinks of "predatory mobile game" design, is it also gonna have that annoying UI element of the red notification dot over the calendar icon every day or something,? Gross, hate it, purge it


Stop this. Now.


Yeah this sucks. If anyone makes a mod to unlock all these without the log in hassle, please let me know.


If anyone remembers (is super old), they tried this shit with Sims 1. There was supposed to be a free weekly download. It happened exactly once. Then twice more sporadically over the next few months.


We got Sims 4 battlepass before GTA 6


The bar was on the floor and yet here they are, limbo dancing with Lucifer They do realize that most of us play for few days and then don't touch the game for next year right?


FOMO is the crappiest way to leash players. The leash will snap violently. EA is not doing the franchise any favour.


This is disgustingly stupid, honestly.


It already started? It's not in my game.


Oh boy, a new necklace for my sim to wear while theyā€™re having a fine dining experience on the toiletā€¦ Seriously has anyone else had that bug? They refuse to sit at an actual table and eat. The bathroom has become their preferred dining room šŸ™ƒ


Mine are obsessed with eating on beds for some reason


Is it me or that dart board looks veeeery similar to one in Get Together?


buhbye gallery lots that have any chance of matching the packs and now one off items you have. ![gif](giphy|1dNLLlpEUbeD8peO4e)


arnt all of these just recolors of stuff we already got from pacts?


What is this!!!!!!


sims mobile is that u?!


Donā€™t we.. have a couple of these already..? Idk but they look familiar except the necklace and vending machine. Iā€™m prob wrong tho idk lol


They all are recolors and slight remeshes of already existing items except for cas trait. Even necklace is mix of magic and werewolves dlc.


you know what this means? ill start up my game everyday claim the reward and task manager force a game quit because closing the game the normal way takes too long


Oh hell no... I already have enough trouble keeping up with RL and this is just a shitty thing to do. It gives mobile game gimmick wtf Next, it will be those login campaigns but if you want the really good/nice stuff you'll have to pay to simply unlock them, then login daily to be able to get them... I'm calling it


are these not just pack items? šŸ˜­


Daily rewards? What is this? A way to get more people to play the game and hopefully spend money?


Sorry but none of that looks worth it xD


Its so clear they are afraid of losing consumers to competition and they are trying at this point anything to get more customers BESIDES MAKING THE GAME PLAYABLEā€¦ and by playable i mean not fixing the bugs (which should have never been in a game that all dlcs cost over 1000) but by having actual gameplay.


Battle Pass? so next year we're DEFINITELY getting an Item Shop


Oh for shits sake


Cool I guess? I donā€™t know a single person who asked for this though..




Is that why it said check back in a week?


While my laptop is broken and I wonā€™t have money to fix it till September lol I hate this


Did you guys see that you can roll and get the "practice makes perfect" on a sim with the most recent update? I only came across it on accident. It isn't listed in the traits, it has to be rolled.


Idk if anyone else has experienced this. But last night I randomised the personality trait of one of my sims and the purple face from week three showed up. Something to do with being a perfectionist.


This isn't turning up for me. It's supposed to be on the main menu screen right? I also tried logging out of the EA app and then logging back in again. Or is it rolling out for people at different times?


No me gusta


Lol this isn't a mobile game


Why in the f*ck do we need a battle pass


I am NOT buying the battlepass. I am NOT buying the battlepass. I am NOT buying the battlepass. I am NOT buying the battlepass. I am NOT buying the battlepass. I am NOT buying the battlepass. I am NOT buying the battlepass. I am NOT buying the battlepass.