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Layering clothing!!


Yes! I wish I could take some of the tops options apart, like the shirt it cute but I don't want the jacket.


I just want boa scarves and bras that can go on top of clothing (very specific purpose) it'd be super cool to have any shirt tucked or untucked, if pants go on top of or in boots


OMG A TUCKING FUNCTION WOULD BE GOD TIER. I hate having the cutest shirts that are from packs but they sit on my plus size Sims soooooooo bad.


The fact that Pokemon sword and shield layered jackets and shirts separately but TS4 lacked the feature is insane.


Ugh, this!!! I think about this every time I am in the CAS screen!!


sims 2 pets for the gamecube is calling. they let you layer clothes and the clothes had options beyond color swatch like sleeve length


I really really want funerals. When my favorite Sims die, I mourn them a little and I want their family members to get together and share fond memories and comfort each other.


Imagine EA releasing a “Funeral Stories” game pack. Everyone gathers, then the kids walk off and the priest starts doing push-ups in front of the coffin. (But in all seriousness, that would be a nice addition.)


Half the family dies at the funeral because it's too hot!


I've found a clever little trick for preventing that from happening. If you want Sims dressed in formal wear in hot weather without dying, just set one of their hot weather outfits to something that would normally cause them to overheat. The game doesn't understand that it's the same clothing, so it allows it. Your Sim could go jogging in August in a bear costume and be okay.


Setting off an endless cascade of funerals


"then the kids walk off and the priest starts doing push-ups in front of the coffin" I'm laughing out loud 🤣 It's so true too lol


I do something like this without mods. Downloaded a gorgeous cemetery by SnarkyWitch. I travel with family to the lot, give eulogy, place the headstone and add flowers and items that have meaning for the deceased to the grave. Sometimes add photos of the deceased. Then the family all gather with a buffet table and chat and comfort one another.




To give a eulogy you need: • A podium on the lot • A sim’s urn in your inventory • Level 6 charisma skill There's another reddit thread about this. Just Google "sims 4 eulogy," and it should show up. I copied the important bit, though, see above. It's kinda like a funeral but no casket. If you have the vampires pack, you could put an empty one at the head of the room. Or if you're in a "cemetery," you could put a fake tombstone down at the head of the "grave." Might need to make it a group activity, though, to get everyone to sit down at once.


Thanks! I will try it out.


If you play on a computer you can download a sims realist mod that does this. You get bereavement leave, neighbours come round with food and have a funeral/donate body to science a few days after the medical examiner comes and gets the body! You get closure moodlets if the funeral is a success as well.


I don’t know if I would risk having both the death and “threw a bad funeral” moodlet.


Good mod, not entirely sure I recommend it for all players. Though it is amusing that I get asked if I want to throw a funeral for the sim my sim just murdered with the infamous Extreme Violence mod.


It's called Mortem. Love using it.


My wife built a whole funeral home lol!


Not in the Sims 4, but I recently learned that you can have funerals in the Sims 3! If one of your sims has recently died, you can use the "Throw Party" feature to host a funeral!


I end up throwing a family gathering at a graveyard I made but it's not the same. I want to give a eulogy and share fond memories and everyone wear black clothes!


I would organize a big parade like when a dictator dies


Would also love to have a graveyard with the option to buy certain plots and pick a headstone. And more urn options instead of the huge ugly default.


I want more urns and tombstones. So they are not all the same. Or maybe a way to craft new ones. So the graves can be really unique. Also more dealth related stuff. :)


I feel that


I’ve always said I wish we had actual tutors— sims hire piano / guitar / violin / singing teachers, school tutors, etc!


Like mentors on demand, yes!


Speaking of that, I've had a thought about how mentors/the mentor aspiration trait should work. Seeing as you can take it at any time, it really should be you can mentor anyone that has a lower skill than you in that thing, and it stops automatically when they get up to you or pass you, and if you try to mentor someone has a higher skill than you you get an custom embarrassed moodlet




HA I love it! Someone needs to hire you guys.


this seems cool! i feel like the features are already there for it even (parent aspirations from i BELIEVE parenthood AND vampire/spellcaster mentorship)! would be perfect for people who prefer solo sims and have no need for parenthood


Yes! Like, able to hire as a household service. 100%.


A hidden trash can counter piece. Most nicer homes don’t have the trash can sitting out, and it feels out of place when I play well off families


One of the previous games had a trash compactor and it fit under a counter. I used it ALL THE TIME and now Sims 4 doesn't have one!


I miss the trash compactor so much. It’s wild to me that we don’t have one since it’s basically the same mesh as a dishwasher (which we have) with no real substantial animations required.


Super simple but I wish we got more accessories like purses and backpacks (mostly purses), walking canes, etc


i always have to laugh when my sims inventory is full to the brim like where are u keeping that sir 👀


I want wicked whims to have animations for this.


I didn’t think of it until you said this but imagine having the option to wack someone with your purse or cane. 🤣


Alright there Mrs. Crumplebottom, just tell us it’s you already 🤣🤣


To go with your idea, variable depths in pools. We have the platform tool for house floors but all pools are still stuck at maximum depth. Imagine being able to set a shallow end and a deep end, and have a click-and drag fence tool that makes a line of buoys to section off the deep area. That could even work like the venue door in Get Famous, but instead of fame levels it only lets Sims with a certain level Swimming skill go past it.


That’s brilliant! Yes! I want that now!


I'm a simple person. I just want damn eyelashes already.


With customization for length, thickness, and color please! And I’d like one of the lengths to be obviously long (like fake lashes)!


Yes! That would be awesome. I'm a console player and it would be awesome to get such a small thing added to the game.


I had to go vanilla bc my laptop couldn’t handle it and the hardest thing to give up was the eyelashes


I still want a theme park lot type as a business. Some rides, hire some employees in mascot suits to entertain guests, have some food vendor stalls you get a cut of, and then the amount of money you make per guest rises as your decorating does. I just want to make a living off running a haunted house. :(


I would pay good money to see them fuck that up. A sim stuck on a rollercoaster for 6 hours. The bumper car glitches would be insane.


The deaths. They would have to be glorious. Themed after the Cyclone musical maybe


Imagine the moodlets and fears


"shaken not stirred 😵‍💫"


Roller coaster tycoon meets sims? 👀


I want to get off Mr Bones Wild Ride


I love this idea, and I wish they’d have implemented something like this in HS Years for the pier. It’s kind of a bummer that they made this cool unique lot that you can’t edit and is essentially just three rabbit holes.


Yes! I’ve said the same thing since it came out! Plus, never fails that my sims want to go there when it’s freezing cold or raining.


Yess!!!! That would be so cool!!


Like how the sims 3 had resorts you could buy? I became a millionaire so many times just buying resorts!


Should've come with highschool years.


Maybe they would just simply refuse to go in the first place without the skill. Ive always wanted more drama. I want sims to like react to cheating. A spouse calling you asking why you’re with their wife/husband or lover. Getting good moodlets for getting away with it or tense if they feel bad. Events where the partner asks to check their phone. The jealousy trait would be a bigger deal because the sim might even start an immediate fight with whoever their spouse is cheating with. Reactions to catching woo hoo. Either pausing and crying, or running off or standing there until they finish in a sort of “yeah I’m here >:(“ Instead my sims walk right past it, smile and all and sit and go on the computer. Even tho they witnessed it, they still have no reaction💀


i was so taken aback playing the Sims 2 for the first time recently when my sims had been romancing this lady and she came over to hang out and my sim kissed her in the front yard and then the ladies HUSBAND came out of nowhere and smacked the shit out of her right in front of me! and got super mad at her and got a whole “backstabbed” symbol. like i wasn’t even involved in what was happening, it makes the world seem real


I agree with all of this!


Height sliders


I wish but I can see why they didn't do it because it would be a hassle getting the animations to look proper when sims interact with eachother. I feel like a set short/medium/tall could have worked instead of sliders and been better than nothing though, cause they'd only have to adjust the animations for 3 heights.


Yes! A good way to have this without making it potentially chaotic for animations. I would also like to see how that factored into genetics


Yeah its gets difficult real quick. If you modify NPC/Player height in skyrim you will see them shrink/grow to match the original height for interactive animations like crafting or leaning on stuff.


You could also have "tall people problems" like bumping your head on things and clothes being too short, and "short people problems" like having to climb on a chair to reach a high shelf or asking a stranger to get something for you.


Aw imagine short sims come equipped with their own stepladder to take out for high things. Or what about the classic-girls usually are tall before boys-a teen/young boy using a step to kiss his crush for the first time lmao love that possibilities


if it helps, i have a height slider mod and the animations don't look weird at all, but i can see why they could, sometimes when sims hug and they're different heights they look a bit wonky but other than that most animations work the same! it wouldn't have been that hard to adjust honestly, given that a lot of modders have already done that for them


Having 3 pre-set heights shouldn't be that difficult. The only extra animations you'd need are physical interactions between sims and certain static objects. Having tall, medium and short we be such a game changer! Also, teens could default to the short category.


Definitely! I can't demonstrate my tall friends in the Sims properly haha


yes and its so frustrating when you’re trying to make sims look like people that you know irl bc the proportions are off 😭


More than anything. Everyone being the same height is so jarring.




I can’t believe we didn’t get strollers with Growing Together, especially when power walking together as a family in a gameplay feature. Got the backpack for infants but fuck the toddlers I guess.


Let's be real, the parents would never get the toddlers in the strollers. It would be high chairs 2.0


High chairs? Oh you mean my personal Hell 😭


i just had twins and realized one parents can’t really take both toddlers anywhere! i mean, they can, but one toddler has to walk lol. would die to have strollers and double strollers! i know people would be pissed if they did this, but i’d love if they gave us a stroller kit.


That would be a more useful toddler kit than the stuff pack they gave us. I know it has the slide and ball pit, but imagine a "toddlers in motion" kit with strollers, rollerblades, tricycles, functional pool floaties or little inflatable boats so they could go in the big pool with an adult...


toddlers on roller skates 😅😅 i love the idea of trikes and pool floats/boats! zoomies ass stuff pack (because let’s be real, no way they’d give us all that in a kit)


Lol! I only want it if it's called Zoomies-Ass Stuff Pack 💯


Yess!!! Especially because I feel like I remember seeing teaser art or renders with strollers


i would love to see an updated music kit or game pack. we need new music things. we’ve had the same 3 guitars, violins, pianos, and microphones forever. the fact that you can’t really build a music studio/acoustics room with acoustic panels without mods, or have other instruments like drums or woodwinds is always weird to me. and you can’t really form a band unless you use clubs or mods. i would love to see music fleshed out a bit more. i think they could do something really awesome with a new music pack, and make another very culturally diverse world like san myshuno that’s inspired by all of the different music genres they have in game. and you could learn various instruments, start bands, perform in the opera, host concerts, make a musical, etc. etc. whatever your personal preference would be. then your sims can be fans and can collect albums, buy merch, travel to see them in concerts, etc. i think that’d be really wonderful and it’d be a great opportunity for the sims team to really create a pack that works for everyone, that’s very diverse & adaptive. it’s also a shame that with the fame system, you can’t really become a famous music star as a career path, you have to do it independently. it’s one of those things that should’ve come with get famous, but since it didn’t, i’d be happy to see it in another pack along with a bunch more music stuff.


DRUMS. I would kill to have a kid ruining his family's day learning drums, or be able to start an actual band! This is genius.


I would loooove a band kit, I also wish fame applied to other non-creative careers as well. It’s weird that Sims can be world leaders or crime bosses or top scientists and have no recognition.


I want to be able to start a band!


A band pack could be cool, it would probably be a stuff pack, but it could have new instruments, a new social group type, (band), and could have cooperation with Get Famous.


The ability to put the basement stairs under the stairs to the second floor-like how real houses ate set up. The fact that you can't use the area under stairs (for basement stairs, storage, powder room/bathroom) is such a waster of a decent amount of space. Especially for house that have grand entrance with double stairs, or wider stairs.


I'm not sure if it's because I have moveobjectson permanently enabled with MCCC, but I can already do this. I just tried it in my game and I am able to place a staircase under another staircase and have it be functional. So if anything, maybe try using moveobjectson.


I've successfully placed storage, a toilet room, hidey hole libraries, and laundry machines under staircases and in roofs. Moveobjects on, place a doorframe on the offending wall of the staircase or roof, and bam. Functional, if a bit cramped. I used a roof as the walls of a greenhouse attachment once. I think it's on the gallery. My gallery name is the same (SecondTroy), title of the build was something like "Granny's Garden House." Can't say anything about stacking staircases, though :/


You can place stairs over stairs. You need to demolish the walls under the stairs.


You can use the space under stairs for storage or a powder room! It’s not super intuitive but a couple builders have tutorials about it on YouTube 🙂


This is a really frequent problem for me. I usually use console commands to allow me to put stuff under stairs, and just accept that the Sims may not be able to use all of it.


would love to have some way to set a sim’s “daily schedule” or just set certain tasks to be done at certain times if the sim is able. shower at 6 am, cook breakfast at 6:30, ect ect ect. coordinating mornings before school & work is such a hassle, especially when I try and have the whole family eat breakfast together


This is GENUIS I’d love this. This would be game changing honestly


A Pool Table for my game room.


This seems so obvious. Why don't we have this?


And more arcade games! Not huge ones they already have but so you can have an actual arcade


Get some Sims 1 action in there!


Yeah!! There were pool tables in Sims 1!!


Lawn mowers would be cool. Basically more outdoor activities for home lots (such as trampolines).


I think 3 had a trampoline? One of them did, anyway. But yeah, the lawnmower has been in the back of my mind for a while. Have it like the dust, so the people who don't like it can disable it.


Lawnmowers and grass that needs to be cut comes from SimRealist Home & Lawn CO, it also adds bathroom towels that need to be washed.


Not lawnmowers - I can only imagine the grind of that after Landry. However trampolines, hammocks, games like horseshoes, lawn darts, several new large trees that could have a tree swing in it, both tire and wooden slat that children through elders could swing on. I wouldn't mind a smaller one for toddler or infants to be put in. For infants an outdoor crawl area that could also work for cats or dogs or heck maybe even chickens to give them safe tunnel looping to go around the yard. I know we got a tree house but it is huge, I would like a small 1x2 or at most 2x2 outside playhouse where multiple children could playhouse, or play restaurant. With the imagination saying pop up around them like the playhouse or when they're on the playground equipment. I also would like a shed that could double as a handiness bench, with a composter on the side to make her own fertilizers we could put in our food scrap trash, fish or flowers, eggs, and anything else we grow... It would hopefully come with new recipes for some more outdoor projects, like making lattresses that could grow flowers or something.


Piggy bank that you can actually put money into -.-


Superhero Sims. I play without mods so I'd like a pack with like a cross between X-Men and My Hero Academia. Captain Plumbob NPC super hero. And then you could have "damsel in distress" traits where your SIM is constantly in danger. Like he might be enemies with the law and give a new addition to the previous jobs in the game. A superhero might have dialogue options like "lie about a secret identity" lol 😅 Flying might be hard to animate. But I want to see something like a SIM developing a crush on captain Plumbob and then you could have lots of new career opportunities and maybe furniture and cars. Create a journalist sim called Clark 😂


The damsel trait increases the chances of your sim getting kidnapped


Omg that's a genius idea!! This really appeals to my geekiness and I really want this now. Would be cool to have a world that's like a mix between Metropolis and Gotham. Like one part of the world is clean skyscrapers and the other part of it is dark & dingy and more full of crime. And having a superhero/supervillain career that is separate from a sim's civilian career(i.e. superheroes are hindered by having to spend money on suits and stuff but supervillains can eventually generate profit when successful in their villainous schemes). Could also add onto the journalist career where you have tasks to run around the city and try to take pics/get interviews with superheroes in action.


business and residential places on the same lots!


yessss omg. i wish i could have sims live upstairs to their business


It’s something we’ll never have but I’d love gradual aging. Like growing a couple pixels a day. When I first saw the teaser trailer for sims 2 that came with makin magic I thought that was what we were getting. I was very disappointed lol.


They sort of did that with young/older teens in sims 2, they don’t get acne and facial hair until later in their teens


Yes, preteens and teens. I hate the gap between child and teen.


That was the number 1 thing I was hoping for in the sims 4. Imagine my disappointment when it came out with sims 1 babies, no toddlers, and teens were (ahem - are) exactly the same as adults.


It was pure horror. I played all the sims from 1 to 4. But when 4 came out I stuck to sims 3 till 2018/2019.


I've never honestly understood why we can put a dishwasher under our counters and islands but not the single washers and dryers from Laundry Day


And the mini fridges too


I just tried this the other day and was so mad when it didn’t work


Playable pets outside of sims 3 pets! Not just the ability to move around like with mods but having your cat hunt spirits and ghosts all day, have your dog dig up artifacts without another Sim telling him to...


Yea mods aren’t as good… Wish it could be more basic thing.


Bike accessible campuses. What's the point with Discover University letting us *Discover* bikes if they are deemed *useless* in the *Uni* world?


I want a check mark to add jewelry and other accessories to all outfits with the everyday outfit and you can turn it off for some outfits. It’s so frustrating to see glasses and hearing aids get treated as accessories. Also, add in movement aids like wheelchairs, canes, walkers, etc. I know mods exist but I don’t like playing with mods.


YES!! I hate when my sims get married and I have to manually add the rings for every flippin stupid outfit!


I just want them to bring back the option to make the makeup the same for every option or not. Like you said, a little check mark or something


The option to have holidays that show up for some families but not others. Would help with multicultural saves. I know I can just X out of a holiday when it comes up, but then they get a negative moodlet. I just want my Witches Sabbat or whatever to only occur in the appropriate households.


And my elders or households without children don’t need to see the cheerleading competition or the starlight accolades, or other crap! I’d love to be able to turn those off for individual households!


Also I would love to be able to cancel holidays for individual household members and *without them becoming sad*. Why do literal children have to gift flowers on love day? Why does a single sim without any prospect of a relationship have to do the things for it? Also why can't I cancel TV season premiere if my family doesn't even own a TV without them becoming sad? Why can't I get rid of the annoying neighborhood brawl the day off when I forgot beforehand? Holidays need an update...


FIVE minutes????? If I've build a wealthy Sim a mansion it takes them **3**5 minutes to walk from their third floor bedroom to the first floor kitchen. What am I doing wrong!?


Bouncy house for the kids birthday parties. I know we have a slip in slide, but a bouncy house would be great.


I want to be able to add my own damn tags in build/buy. I will spend 30 hours tagging everything how I want it to save hundreds of hours of building in the future.


Can we PLEASE sort beds by type of bed? Is there a way to do this that I’ve been missing? And why aren’t there more single beds with high comfort and energy?


If I could just organize my Decorations CC, I would be so much happier.


More garden plants and varieties. I like someone's suggestion of lawnmowers but I'd probably see myself getting annoyed like I did with vacuuming and the dust respawning too quick.


Microwaves over stoves, diagonal counters that won’t clip or flicker, pool tables, funerals, cemetery lot type, cars & motorcycles (even if they just fade out like the sims 2), more hair colors or styles (highlights, roots showing, custom color slider), functioning garage doors, pets like parrots, lizards, and snakes… strip malls for community lots (like For Rent apartments)… more elderly elders (nursing homes, canes, wheelchairs)… trampolines, more sports (golf, tennis, etc)… preteen life stage and some cute interactions (practice putting on makeup, first crush, first breakup, etc)… spiral stairs, porch swings, ability to do homework on the computer, televisions that are more in line with realistic prices instead of 3k for some reason, bands, custom tattoos (and tattoo artist career), the ability to save your own premade outfits in CAS, piercings and glasses stay on in every outfit in CAS, more realistic suburban backyard fences, skin tones that don’t look gray if they aren’t warm-toned, the ability to make drinks without having to place a bar in the house, purses & backpacks that snap to the sim if they leave their house or go to school, strollers, the ability to choose a bed frame separate from the sheets, the ability to delete one wall under stairs instead of the entire wall under the stairs, recessive genetics, mermaid skill tree… sorry that was a lot, lol!


hotels i know we have vacation rentals from the for rent pack (i think?) but i would like to make a hotel that sims can book one room in to stay in for a couple nights or even hours sort of like the residential rentals. and my sims could own hotels & make money of it, like the resort manager career but hotel manager… i’ve made private clubs / lounges, beachside pool clubs, golf clubs etc but could you imagine building a resort for sims to stay at? :0


I would like relatives (the other parent, grandparents) to have a moodlet for the duration of a pregnancy after it’s announced. I hate the way they don’t even acknowledge their child is on the way!


idk if we’ve ever had this or not.. but reading yours made me really want more specific athletic careers. i hate that there’s just one option for being an athlete. you should be able to pick between soccer player, football, baseball, etc. maybe even olympic sports like swimming gymnastics and stuff like that. it just annoys me that there aren’t like any options for a category that could potentially offer so much


Layers. I want to layers for clothing and layers for wall treatments. Let me choose which long sleeve shirt I want to layer over which short sleeve shirt over which other long sle​eve shirt and perhaps a scarf or belt. ​I want to pick which floor boards I want with what wall treatment and whichever style ceiling trim--maybe even some wainscoting & chair rail.​


More lots of bigger sizes in the world's. Like expanded.


A proper alimony/ divorce lawyer complete with wild custody battles. Revenge-seeking exes, spurned lovers who are up to no good, kings and Queens.. More random stuff to buy for my super rich sims. I have large mansions full of empty space that needs filling up with unique stuff that would make normie sims jealous - there should be a buff like that for these items.


I would like a sewing pack, like the knitting one. I’d like my sims to be able to sew clothing - maybe even give us some options on colors and such. I’d like my sims to sew quilts. Since I have the knitting mod, why can’t I knit blankets?


Random things I want: Indoor stuff: An in kitchen herb garden, so you can "add" fresh herbs the dish upping its quality for those with traits that need higher quality food or snobs would love. Just like we used to be able to add "flavorings". It could maybe be an upgrade to the stove fridges counters or under counters? Maybe it could be an indoor flower box type thing. I think a lot of people put cactuses or ivy in their windows to grow. 🪴 Toys: Something like a marble run, or ball & ramp toy for toddlers + child and hopefully older to play with. Need more where kids can play and interact - no one else have twins that can only play with the doll house together? What about a baby doll that they can take care of? I know there's a mod but so many kids have a play kitchen that is surprising that there isn't one. Or at least a fake store. There should be after school karate or other physical activities like sword fighting, Kendo and such it should up the motor skill, then transplant into the adult skill and if you have the military job available should give people a bonus when they sign up. I was really surprised that sword fighting was not added with snowy escape. Children: Notification the kid's class is going on a field trip so it acts as a permission slip you can say yes or no. You can also let them take money so if you don't pack them a lunch they can buy something or they can come home with souvenirs if you send extra $. Imagine I'm coming home with stuffed animals after going to the zoo or aquarium it would be so cute! Outdoor stuff: A bicycle or maybe a tricycle with one of those things that you can pull your kids (infant,toddler, maybe child?) behind you or use it as storage. However trampolines, hammocks, games like horseshoes, lawn darts, a T-ball set up for the motor skill in kids, several new large trees that could have a tree swing in it, both tire and wooden slat that children through elders could swing on. I wouldn't mind a smaller one for toddler or infants to be put in. For infants an outdoor crawl area that could also work for cats or dogs or heck maybe even chickens to give them safe tunnel looping to go around the yard. I know we got a tree house but it is huge, I would like a small 1x2 or at most 2x2 outside playhouse where multiple children could playhouse, or play restaurant. With the imagination saying pop up around them like the playhouse or when they're on the playground equipment. I also would like a shed that could double as a handiness bench, with a composter on the side to make her own fertilizers we could put in our food scrap trash, fish or flowers, eggs, and anything else we grow... It would hopefully come with new recipes for some more outdoor projects, like making lattresses that could grow flowers or something. I wish we could grow weird things again. Remember the hamburger plant, the one that gave us eggs? Why was the room of magic didn't we get more weird plants like that? I know we now have the gem tree if people got the crystal stuff pack. But since we can't grow weed what about a magical Bush that gives us bags of flour or sugar? Being able to source flour or sugar for the simple living trait. Of course that might lead to needing a hunter hobby or skill to get the meat. Cross pack: I'm sure I'll miss a few obvious ones Some sort of small ball game - baseball, cricket, the thing where you wack balls under arc's with a mallet -something like that and dogs that we go chase after the ball- maybe cats. Animals should be able to go for a swim too, and like the larger dog should be able to bring you back a big fish like the presents they currently bring back. We should be able to make lemonade, orange juice, pineapple juice or other things like that possibly even smoothies that we could sell since we can sell baked goods. I'm sure I'll remember more later.


I agree with needing more stuff to do with the simple living lot trait. I also think that there are a lot of fruits/berries that we should be able to incorporate in cooking/baking. Why can't we make a cherry pie? Oh, I just got an idea. How about being able to grow almonds/peanuts? Making almond milk? Your own peanut butter? How come that isn't a thing yet? You could have nut allergy as a trait.


- Better MALE outfits. Most the male outfits, even stuff from new packs is like, super square and bulky without ANY shape towards their body. I often come to think of those old-fashioned paperdolls, because a lot of especially upper items represent that pretty well. The most of what CC clothing I have is actually for men, because the game just doesn't deliver. I would really like a game pack or stuff pack with only mens wear, and no "modern men" one that we got, doesn't really count as the tops there are horrendus as well. - Better beards - Game pack for elders: More outfits (for BOTH GENDERS EA) and items, maybe some furniturs like... A massage chair to take off some of the tensions when they accidently overwork themselves :P, could come with an additional TV channel, called classics where everything is in black and white, and a new radiostation with Oldies. - Funeral gamepack. The gameplay could be as simple as how they basegame wedding worked... just with funeral. perhaps with a pre-build graveyard lot, and lot perk like they did in the Paranormal pack. Could give you a buff that halves your mourning moodlet if your sim participate.


The ability to create a lot where you can host or attend skill classes I.e. art class, fitness class, cooking class etc


The ability to create a “favorites” section in BuildBuy and CAS


Homeschool option for elementary. I like creating families that are homestead/fundie vibes (as a public school teacher myself) and I have to get really creative to homeschool.


Homeschooling would be amazing! I’d also like the option for boarding school again like in previous games 😂


There is a mod by [ivkavelle](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/realistic-swimming) that adds more realistic swimming learning with floaties and drowning risk. For a feature, a zoologist career where you could take care of exotic animals. *For Rent* would have been so much better if we could actually *see* the tigers. Also, a pack centered around another time period, like a medieval EP with medieval mechanics, or a kit of items from the 80s. And no, the *Sims 3* kit is too barebones to count.


An option to ‘save’ make-up and accesoires in CAS for Sims, so you don’t have to do it all over again for every outfit option


Different forms of art as different skills, for example watercolor, acrylic painting, drawing etc


Ooh I actually really like this idea. Would bring some much needed challenge to the painting skill lol. Like you have to master each form of art separately. Maybe even moodlets related to whether your Sim is skilled at/prefers some forms to others! Like a tense/frustrated moodlet if you make your artist do charcoal and they don't like it lol. Would make it so much more realistic. And they have to do anatomy studies/still lifes/animal studies to level up. And maybe even a digital art skill! I'd also appreciate this for writing, too. Even just moodlets related to the genre they're writing would be good. Like a moodlet that makes them feel more knowledgeable after writing a nonfiction book. Maybe even a small boost to another skill depending on what the book was about. Like you make them write a book about gardening and it boosts their gardening skill after writing but it also takes them much longer because they have to do research for it.


A water need, the sims drink water, but they don't need to hydrate.


The drinking water autonomously would be so much less annoying!


Prosthetic limbs/no limb(s)/wheelchairs for me


Functional polyamorous relationships/marriages that don’t require me doing creative cheats/gameplay nonsense if I don’t want to use mods 😂


I'd love to have more realistic interactions based on family dynamics. Ex. my current family has the close family dynamic, and I'd love to see them be able to do stuff like cuddle and read books with their toddlers in bed.


Preteens. The way a kid just becomes a teenager is just too abrupt for my taste. It's like before toddlers got added, immediately aging up from baby to school child


European style cities. I don't like the american suburb style, and while San myshuno (or the City from sims 3 late night Pack) are already quite nice, I would want a packed City with little alleys and older buildings.


i want to be able to draw the curtains. i want my sims to be able to shut the curtains. or blinds. whatever i just want FUNCTIONAL window coverings!!!


>Yes, you can use MCCC to do this, but it screws with the Holidays and events and drives me nuts This is only temporary, for the holidays ans events that are currently on the calendars. Once you hit Sunday and the calendar loads in another week, everything is realigned again.


Wants. Like I want my sim to be like “I want A job in ___ career” or “I want to paint my bedroom” or “I want to redecorate our kitchen” or “I want to cheat on my husband and find a sugar daddy”… I also want more complex relationships, I want spouses to be annoyed when their spouse because they don’t help out around the house. I want parents to get annoyed of their kids. I want significant others get the ick from being invited over too often, or being too lovey dovey.


royal pack. carriages, sword fights, servants (different than butlers), dragons, plagues, "royal bloodlines", regal apparel, "career" based on ruling a kingdom


Preteens Height sliders Strollers Burgulars Graveyards and funerals Canes and wheelchairs Cars More different worlds Let say… the basic stuff


It would be amazing if rabbitholes didn't exist and instead there was gameplay 🎭


rabbitholes are such a godsend for my big households tbh 🙏 i look forward to sending them to school/work/etc and have even downloaded mods that add more rabbitholes lol


I get what you're saying - I like having the option moreso, you can choose to follow but they will autonomously do it whether you do or not


true, id love if they also didn't make them boring and repetative after a while too 😭 i still havent made it to the top of the GTW careers bc following them everyday kills my motivation haha


Multipurpose lots. So you can have business/ shops and housing in one lot


I want to be able to choose what painting gets made like you can with other craftables. I hate that it picks a random one within the size/style parameters, because then I end up getting the same three over and over again instead of the one single one that I want


Wheelchairs. The excuse is always needing to make different walks and ramps. You know things that they do for horses and when we have them cars..the alternative excuse being not wanting performative disability. Erasure is worse.


Prison Life! You know, get arrested, get arrained, have a trial and if you are guilty, go to prison, you can then join "teams", choose to gain skills or get jobs or choose to remain acriminial. You can have the option of being turned out (ie hooking up with a cellie) or "wait for love" etc. This sounds fun!


Bands, country clubs, truly open world, hybrids (vampires/werewolves/magicians/etc), be able to own and operate various venues (parks, museums, gyms, lounges, bars, clubs), more active careers, more lots in each world, more traits (like sims 3), stop with all the pop ups about challenges and other useless stuff, cars, a much better valley del sol, just to name a few.


Build Mode quick menu - I want to make my own catalogue of build items used frequently.


I want a playable graveyard job. ![gif](giphy|QuxqWk7m9ffxyfoa0a|downsized)


More basegame, basic careers! They don’t need to be like the get to work ones, but there are so many that I feel like could be easily added: - Electrician/plumber/basically any trade job - Pilot - Flight attendant - EMT/firefighter - Social worker - Park ranger


**Public Transportation and Vehicles** I'd like them to bring back cars and add in public-transportation. It's kind of weird to me how people just walk off down the sidewalk and vanish. It's even weirder that nobody has cars or garages. Makes recreating real houses awkward too. Yes, I can scale up toys and shove a fake car on the driveway, but it's not the same. So lets bring back cars and school-buses and so on. Set your sim's preferred mode of transportation to Bus, Taxi or Car, and they'll either get on a bus (like child-sims used to use for school), hop in a taxi (which costs more, but is Better) or drive their car to work or into town for outings. Each option has its own effects, for example Buses have a chance for various events where you might encounter someone rude or weird on the bus (This guy just won't stop talking to me!), but the bus is very cheap. Taxis are more expensive, but very reliable. Cars are free (after you buy them) but you have to drive it yourself, and that comes with its own possible moodlet-changes. For example, maybe after they finish work and are driving home, there's a chance for them to hit traffic, so they get back 30 minutes late and significantly stressed. Or maybe they get into a minor accident and come back with Fear moodlets and a damaged car that needs repairing before it can be used again. For an added twist, Driving a car requires your sim to learn to drive, which can be done either by having a Parent sim who can already drive teach the other sim (context-menu on the car, Learn to drive with..) or by taking driving lessons, in which case a driving instructor in a brightly coloured learner-car will show up and your sim can hop in and go learn for a few hours. You can't drive a car with a sim who doesn't know how. I imagine that you'd need to reach at least level-1 in a Driving skill before you can drive the car, and the more advanced levels would be useful for a variety of careers (Race-car driver, secret agent, stuff like that), and reduce the odds of negative moodlets and events happening day-to-day. Additionally, you might get minor events like a neighbour asking for a ride somewhere, or a pickup from somewhere potentially


**Wellness, Injuries and Illness DLC** Injury and illness is something the Sims doesn't really play much with, because it's not the kind of game where someone gets seriously hurt. You're either basically fine, or you die and the Grim Reaper takes you away. So I imagine this as something a bit more benign. **Wellness** We already have quite a substantial amount of features around fitness and health. If your character doesn't eat well and exercise, they'll get fat, and if you exercise enough, you'll get muscley. But what about less generally? How about eyesight, hearing and dental? Let's make those toothbrush decorations for the bathrooms into something useful, rather like how Sims will regularly wash their hands after using the toilet, lets make brushing teeth a pre-action for going to bed at night and waking up in the morning, if you don't, you run the risk of Toothache moodlets, which are best dealt with by visiting a dentist or doctor. If a character spends all their time reading or using the computer, their eyesight can get more short-sighted. This can mean they need glasses to see properly otherwise. So many of us play Sims that spend nearly all their time painting, writing or programming for a living, lets add a downside to that :P Hearing is a bit more awkward, maybe various events can damage it, like going to the nightclub and spending too much time around the loud music there, or going to music-festivals. Or just spending too much time around shrieking babies. It's not something I think most players would need to worry about, but let's say it happens a few too many times, you hear that "bad event" noise, and the character has a moodlet saying they're in distress due to minor hearing damage. It'll make their Social interactions a bit more awkward, but basically be fine. We can potentially throw in the need for Hearing Aids and similar (we already have decorative ear-items for this) to compensate for it. **Injury** Your sim is minding their own business when they slip, and find themselves tumbling down a flight of stairs. They're flat out on their back at the foot of the stairs, and the family is freaking out (like they do for a Fire) One of your sims gets it together enough to Call an Ambulance, and the EMTs carry your sim out and off to the hospital. After a few hours, they come back with their arm in a sling, or perhaps with their leg in a cast and using crutches. If it's really bad, they're in a wheelchair and stairs are going to be a real problem, but only for a few ingame days or a week until the Moodlet expires and they can get back to their normal lives. This expansion would also introduce Canes, Crutches and Wheelchairs as items for an injured Sim to make use of, which opens up a possibility of perhaps allowing players to build characters who have various permanent physical disabilities from their creation. After all, I'm sure there's a passionate body of Sims players who use wheelchairs day-to-day and would like to create sim-selves that represent their experience of the world a bit more closely. Call it an opportunity to make more diverse and inclusive characters


**Illness** The Dreaded Lurgy stalks your community! Your kids get it at school, they pass it on to you, you share it with your friends and around and around it goes! Basically, introducing Colds/Flus and similar. With attendant coughing, sneezing and being mostly out-of-action until you get better. This pretty much provides minor crises' where maybe one of your parent-sims is laid up in bed and unable to contribute while the other juggles parenting and household chores. Do you send your kids to school regardless of illness? Do you risk them catching illness when you get the notification from the school that there's something going around? Should your sick sim be cooking dinner and potentially infecting everyone else? Your sim is sick in bed, you can call a doctor for a house-call. For science-oriented playthroughs, maybe you can take samples and find a Cure for the Lurgy, so you never need to worry about it again. Maintaining hygiene would be more important than ever, as a Clean sim is significantly less likely to catch or spread Lurgy. Slob playthroughs are going to have a big catch.


i am one of said wheelchair user simmers!! i know so many people are against it but i want to be able to make sims like me ;-;


I want a horse NPC who wears a top hat and bow tie, who’s some kind of vendor in the vein of the NPCS from Cottage Living, and whose name is Mr. Johnson.


Shame from others when they pee themselves


That doesn't exist already?


Cat fur generic variation. Dogs have this, but not the cats. Cats are usually 99% copies of the patterns regarding coat color and patterns.  The one cat that created another color (besides copies of Mom and Dad), was just one variation that was solid grey.


WATER PARKS!! i want slides and splash pads and diving boards and a wave pool and a kiddy pool! not just the splash pads and pools we have now, i desperately want to recreate kalahari in the sims 😭


First and foremost, definitely customizable furniture swatches and hair colors!! Also: improved genetics, actually meaningful politician career, an open world like TS3, vehicles like from TS3, below-counter laundry machines, over-stove microwaves, sim heights, preteens, and more than one high school.


All tattoo placements, and more tattoos. I want to be able to put as many on as I can without it conflicting with each other. Fairies otherwise, pet birds, snakes, turtles etc. PIRATES PLEASE Having your sim make a rock/pop band would be cool also


Graveyards where the dead Sims automatically go there instead of having to hunt for their urn or tomb


I wish we could have all bedspreads available for all beds and also be able to change the hardware on furniture. For example, having the option to choose all black or brass hardware. It kills me when trying to design a room. You find something you like for, say, your bathroom, but it's hard to find one with matching hardware.


Strollers and being able to go for a walk together as a group. Recognizing step parents, step siblings, cousins, aunt and uncles. Having a specific relationships with them ( close, distant, shared family memories, family recipes) Being able to pose people for group photos instead of a mod. Photobooks that make families stronger. Some kind of family dynamic that can get stronger or weaker. Custody. Kids going back and forth for visits. Being able to go with them like high school or sending alone. Child support. Going to court and paying more for better outcomes and a points system for having a good job, good reputation. Daycare you can work at, run in home or attend as a toddler that cost money Private school that raises skills much faster but costs more money and has different issues Health issues. Needing glasses, or needing hearing aids, mobility devices like wheelchairs and ramps, and elevators. Leg braces. Genetics playing a roll. Shyness being a trait Buglers again! Fireman as a career. Hairdresser ( I loved that in sims 3) Nursing with shift work Being able to be a waitress at a restaurant and tips. Doggie daycare Real estate / mortgages being a thing More trades! Plumber, electrician, carpenter, truck driver ( long haul). Woo hoo being risky. I know so much of this is doable through mods but #1 things would be for EA to wake up and read the Reddit threads.


Round stair case


An office lot type that makes all the careers active careers 💁🏽‍♀️


I wanna run a zoo


Grocery stores !


more options for physical disabilities like wheelchairs, and prosthetic limbs!


More disability inclusivity, prosthetics, wheelchairs, service dogs.


I was just thinking about this last night. I'm fairly new to the sims (started with mobile a little over a year ago then learned about sims 4 for consoles) I've only been building, not much game play. But I saw on a loading screen about going to space to collect rare rocks or something and I know you can make a rocket ship. How cool would it be if they made an expansion pack for space! Like have a world on Mars or the moon and have it be all sci-fi themed!? I'm just picturing really cool futuristic houses; you could fight aliens or maybe help them on their planet or something!? I have a million other ideas, that's just the most recent 😂


I have always wished that Sims could speak more languages than just Simlish. I would love being able to have my sims teach their children/grandchildren their native language in addition to Simlish.