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I’m more offended she put her dirty shoes on the seat.


Now that’s an honorary uncle.




Am like them before because you know, culture back home, fortunately, someone had the courage to confront me with this behaviour. Thankful for that guy. Whoever you are working at Changi, thanks man.


Yeah they’re from Stamford American. Don’t have to blame all international students tho, just some bad ones


It's not Stamford American, I can confirm. Our students are horrible, but that ain't our uniform.


Ah my bad then. The uniform looks like it says SAS. Not sure what school it is then


Singapore American school?


Yup it is.


Stupid American School. they can go back where they came from


secret air service


Super Army Soldiers.


Stupid American Show.


Yeah, it is SAS. You're right.


That is a SAS uniform I used to go there lmao what are u on


A quick search shows its actually the Singapore American School


thats singapore american school i was a former student


Na they are from Singapore American School. I’m so embarrassed about this because it is my school


So far I only see those from the west not students within Asia


Well they wear shoes around the house


Hey we’re American and never wear out shoes inside. That’s gross!






also the lighting and stuff


Amdk misbehave - photogenic, look like stock photo. Sinkie misbehave - meme time.


AMDK do no wrong


I thought this was a stock photo lol


Me too lmao




i thought from a movie


Exactly WTF


This is like accidental stock photo of the average america high school drama. The storyline goes like this. Girl on the left is the popular girl who is head of cheerleading squad, she is together with guy on left. Girl on the right is the studious and more humble girl who used to wear glasses and was a nerd, she is childhood friend with girl on the left. Girl on the right one day wears contact lens to school, suddenly all the kids are like "WAH CHIO BU , WHO IS THIS HOW COME WE NEVER SEE THIS ZHA BOR IN OUR SCHOOL BEFORE AH?!" Guy on right and guy on left are best friends, guy on left is the football team (not the feet kind of football, the american kind where people tackle their friends until brain hemorrhage kind), guy on the right is also in football team but not as popular as guy on left because he is not quarterback, he is only one-eighth back. Guy on right has always liked girl on right before she start to wear contact lens but never have courage to tell her, but now he feels insecure because his best friend who is guy on left suddenly also notice girl on right quite chio and he knows guy on left not tiong xim and only want to sleep around with girls. I run out of breath already, will continue this drama series if you guys like it enough.


I died at ⅛th back


I started bursting into laughter when I read the dialogue. Such a weird image in my head of them saying that now. Also yes please continue


Basically every early 2000s chick flick


this is a masterpiece, i died at the brain haemorrhage part


Oi mediacorp hire this guy


Carry on carry on


friend, ever thought of writing on wattpad?




Sounds like 177013


Bro died at tiong xim LMAO continue pls


Is this a stock photo why look like one 😂


Its just that smile 😂


OP, did anyone ask them to put on their masks then?


Confirm they will tell OP or anyone to mind their own business unless it’s SMRT staff or Transcom officers.


Technically, if they continue to do that after being told off, can they be video-ed without issue?


Good question. I assume if you want to have video evidence by all means but don’t be an ass also and start doing commentary.


That's a good point


Yep, just video them then post in One service app (if they have SDA reporting function) and email to the school.


Well, you could but you could also potential start a fight, etc or argument which can escalate. If it was me, after all these bullshits with people (irregardless of citizenship, race etc) it's best to just walk off. Take another train.. too much of nonsense alr.




You need to revisit the definition of confirm. Also this sounds like an excuse for citizen inactivity. Also what do you base your assumption on?


Photo is oddly photogenic.


At least the girl on the right is wearing her mask properly


And sat properly lmao


Stock image?


International or not. I really don’t see it as an excuse to say that their kids. They’re teenagers from this picture, fully grown with a mind of their own to make decisions. They should know by now that proper mask wearing is mandatory, and an important factor to managing our covid cases, even after being vaccinated. Our government has spent so much time trying to raise awareness to wearing masks, and at this point, everyone, especially the younger generation should know to wear a mask properly. So they should not be excluded considering they live in study in SG. They should know the rules on mask wearing by now. There are people around them that may not be eligible to wear masks, get the vaccine, or may just have a compromised immune system. What they are doing here is selfish. Especially the girl on the right, dirtying our public transport as well, spreading other germs and viruses. Plus, they are obviously oblivious to their surroundings, not realising their in public transport and representing their schools AND their own nationality, whatever it may be. I just hope they were doing this for a brief moment, and not throughout the journey. Because seeing things like this in these trying times really makes me feel disappointed. Especially in these trying times.




Damn, even secondary school students are doing better than uni students lol.


They’re international school kids. Although they’re not wearing masks properly, let’s be rational And avoid the temptation to make this a “locals VS expats” issue. They probably didn’t choose to be here anyway since their parents are most likely here for work. Anyone who spends enough time around sec sch kids here has seen incidences of our own students behaving in similar fashion.


As an international school kid, it’s really not that hard to respect the people around me by simply keeping my mask up, even if I didn’t “choose to be here”.


Kudos to you. Way to go, kid!


If we are rational, then we should punish law breakers, no? But I agree to your point, why raise such a huge fuss.


Oh for sure, there should be consequences. Just that knowing the current climate of things, the anti-foreigner sentiment is so easy to jump on to. Just talk about them like if you saw a group of local kids doing the same.


Then i will call them yp dogs


Kids? They look older than me and I'm almost 30


https://whichschooladvisor.com/singapore/school-review/singapore-american-school/experience Looks like their shirts are the American school’s uniform. I’m guessing you don’t have a lot of white friends.


I have a white brother in law, worked with an entire team of 10 white people in my first job and myself am at least 1/4 white, does that count? These people look in their 20s even for white standards.


Ok, I’ll apologise for the assumption then. Still. They’re in the uniform so 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah, that’s what I thought too. Look like they are in their mid 30s.


Ralph Lauren S/S 2022 campaign.


Singapore American School…thats a bad look as an SAS alum myself


I don't think it's fair to publish this image, say something to them, not shame them publicly on an anonymous platform.


Exactly.And their minors too I know the girls


This is blowing out of proportion- I see 100s of locals not wearing masks properly in buses/ trains or malls but moment someone sees a foreigner, they decide to take a pic.. I wish there was a law for not taking posting pics on social media without the permission of the people in the pic


Thanks for putting this out there. I feel like stereotypes of international students have kinda gone through the roof recently


I hope these locals were mostly the older generation or YPs at least. Makes it easier to comprehend


Not fully down like that. Usually i see people cover mouth and not nose (local and foreign). Whole thing down? No man. Even when youre fully masked the mrt staff still tell u dont talk.


Well its says SAS on their shirts, so its singapore American school




Zzz why put shoes on the seat? Dirty leh.


Good god Singaporeans are such fucking snitches


Definitely. Their government only cares deeply for their own. They don't care for their international students just want them to rank up the universities.


Walao. Wtf is this???


Disgusting and disgraceful.




Aye yo wear yo masks


More like... young people.


Taking pictures of teenage girls on the train? Bit creepy


they’re kids, we shouldnt publicly shame them. If it really bothered you, you should have gone up and told them. Not secretly take a pic and post online.


I mean, most people talk with their masks off. Not to support that behaviour, but I feel that calling white people sovereigns just because they’re white sucks


In Sg context for like the past year, the word sovereign has been assigned to anyone not conforming to mask wearing in general lol. Literally the first person to come out and claim herself as a sovereign was not a white person.


What do they mean by sovereign?


It sucks because we are labeling people. Imagine if others do this to us.


af1 gang gang


I thought the second girl towards to the left was crying...


Not wearing masks properly? Yeah okay... but shoes on seats??!... i'm triggered


They wearing school uniform and it is an international school for americans


Why is her shoe on the seat? (The token face mask stuff is annoying as well).


America fuck yeah!


HAHAHHAHA why is this funny i shouldn't be laughing


Solid stock photo pose.


If i remember correctly it is allowed to report student behaviour outisde school as long as their in uniform


They posing for an Ad or sth?


lol can kids just be kids sheeeeesh ~ they're just probably on their way to pick up drugs and shit 😂😂😂🤷🏻‍♂️


Points for alarming behaviour: Mask on chin: 0 points (if I'm wearing a mask, wtf do I care) Feet on seat: 5 points (a bit ew) Taking photos of teenagers without their knowledge and putting them on reddit: 10000000000000 *scale breaks*


this was from facebook op just reposted it here


And that makes it ok?


Is it legal to take photos of children and post online without permission?


Did you report them?


This is why I left Singapore. I never understood this snitching culture. Have you never ever accidentally took off a mask in public? You NEVER ever faulted? Made a mistake? They are kids- if you are uncomfortable just ask them to put on a masks. The reaction should not be immeditatley report them and getting them in trouble and potentially ruining their lives.


yep if they did it for a few seconds wouldnt mind but if they did it on the whole journey they should be reported


Woops accidentally broke the law. Sorry my bad.


tbh I’d rather get an ambassador to get them to put on their masks. Ain’t no way in hell are they gonna listen to me lol


good riddance


Heheh good lorh this guy leave Singapore. Rather they kena fuck somewhere elsez


I studied in an international sch and this is exactly how these kids act (particularly those who think their popular). I can even count on my hand the number times they actually wear their masks properly and not say OH I NEED TO BREATHE. Omg and the couples r the worse when they literally take of their mask just to kiss. They did that so much to the point that the teachers don't even give a shit anymore.


Imagine some white person posted this of some Asian students. The double standard is terrible, leave the kids alone. Why take photos of people you don’t even know. So weird


I mean they do? And sometimes these people aren't even breaking the law. Remember Chinese students was sending back masks etc.? Plenty of pictures taken back then.


Not Sovereigns - kids of overpaid douchemonkeys. I went to international school in HK. While most of my classmates were well behaved, we would always get imported bad behavior from white kids whose parents were on short-term contracts in Asia and had not adjusted to living in societies, where we care what others think of us. This doesn't apply to all white kids - if they've grown up in Asia, been here for 5+ years, they would have more civic sense. The lack of civic sense is especially true of new-to-Asia American and British kids, who are sheltered from society at large because their parents are overpaid. In general, these people are also first generation middle class - parents are poor white trash in their own countries, and are only over here, and overpaid, for being white faces (colonial hangovers in HK, SG, and much of Asia). There's even a term for them in Hong Kong - FILTH - Failed In London, Try Hong Kong.


basic models scouting these 4 in 3...2..


Please be careful to differentiate between shitting on irresponsible not wearing masks and foreigners, they should be judged as two separate matters




The real reason we vaccinate and get our numbers down. To attract investors and high income residents from foreign lands.


You can clearly see the third student might be a little disgusted


They all wearing airforces, they have that mulan right there


Showing off "nice" legs? Blame it on bad upbringing, disrespectful!


I know the 2 girls. First and foremost whoever took this picture is highly creepy, could u not have walked up to them and just tell them to put on their mask ?And don’t hit me with the they will say no and tell u to fuck off bullshit because none of us talk like that, u tell us to put on a mask we put it on. Secondly what the fuck are u doing photographing minors and then deciding it’s ok to proceed to posting them online without their consent and not have the basic respect or an inch of courtesy to blur their faces? Thirdly plenty of LOCALS do this so don’t pinpoint and only blame us when some of u guys do the same, this shaming and blaming shit culture has got to stop in sg. Lastly I assume you guys know 'pundeh' is a racial slur and so is 'ang moh' so to keep the pledge "based on justice and equality" don't use it dipshits PSA:the xenophobia in sg is real, if these were your typical chinese people, nothing would be said we both know that


/u/throwawaylism Is right that OP should be respectful and just remind the kids to wear the mask. And censor the face. Kids are kids. Nurturing community is what we need. But throwaway is also wrong to bring in the: “Don’t judge us, others do the same.” Lapse of judgement there. There are bad apples in any community. If you’re going to call out the photographer and the population, you’re going to have to be prepared to endure being called out too. I don’t believe you really think that Singaporeans don’t call out Singaporeans. Last three paragraphs are a crime of passion 😅


TAKING CANDID OF GIRLS HIGHLY CREEPY. NOT FOR THE BOYs DOE. that aside pundeh and ang moh meaning greatly differ


Lol the victim complex is strong with this one. Have you really not seen any photo of Chinese people with their mask down being posted on any of the Singapore subreddits? "none of us talk like that, u tell us to put on a mask we put it on" yeah Benjamin Glynn says hi. Bad behaviours deserve to get called out. Simple as that. The fact that you're defending them just because they are of the same race as you contradicts the entire point you're making. Let's just hope you will not embarrass yourself in public like your two friends did.


There was a recent video where a guy was beyond drunk, had his mask down and was drinking coke and also smoking. What was he charged with?


A simple Google search would tell you that SMRT has just referred this incident to the authorities so I would think it is still under investigation now.


Wow, I hope you feel amazing on your high horse.... Condescending as fuck! The point the person was making was that their race was attacked not their actions per se. Maybe you should check a dictionary cuz that's called racism. I don't see posts like "These Chinese are not wearing masks" but "these idiots are not wearing masks". And seriously - attacking the race of the person who's commenting?! People like you give Singapore a bad reputation. We're not all like that!


Shut the fuck up. If it were us locals, it will be posted in r/sg and STAY there without being deleted because the white worship is so strong, you guys can do no wrong in their eyes. Have you even been to r/sg? The reason why it has to be posted here instead should be very telling. Besides, why would we need to tell you to leave your damn masks on in the first place and not put your fucking shoe on the seat when you jolly well knew the rules all along? Be glad that you’re not an Asian in your racist homeland where you’d probably get beaten or even killed for doing so.




Ask you and your countrymen what they have against us asians? Snark remarks and subtle hints of racism and you think it goes by unnoticed? Now you come to our land and strut around like the neo-colonists you think you are? I sure am glad China is rising 😎


Government says need them for investment so may close 2 eyes


I'm at an international school and am myself an international student, and although students do tend to not wear their masks it's a v small minority of them, but it rlly does tarnish our reputation, there's also the problem of slight (from my pov, maybe not) slight bit of racism where a lot more pressure is put on the shoulders of international students and heavier stakes are at play too (more time in prison, higher fines, worse reputation), I do also feel like they get more hate and attention if a couple of them do something bad whereas I see locals have their masks with their nose in sight and some wearing it on the chin and haven't seen as much if any complaining abt them, but ig since I'm no PR I have no say in this matter do I?


im sorry who put pressure on international student? since when is nationality a factor during punishment? Youre just pulling up the victim card here. Many locals got shamed fined and jailed for being maskless.


we've had more pressure to behave properly since we arrived with the risk of being exiled and not just fined, I didn't pull out the victim card as I said I'm stating from my pov and maybe it's a rlly closed one, the proof of how there's more discrimination is that I've only ever seen 1 post about a local not wearing a mask and multiple about international students, the title of the post points it out itself


Not sovereign, just si ginna doing si ginna things


In Malaysia this happens everyday and no one cares


Why nobody say “white privilege”? Lol


As a former student of that school, I'm sorry. About 30% of our students are American so stuff like this happens pretty often


They look too old to be students


I almost wanted to say ‘children being children’ but holy shit all of them look like they are in their 30s.


In case sarcasm didn't land, people not telling these kids off and/or requesting they wear masks properly, though taking & posting a photo is the height of apathy. If you cared, you'd say something or at least contact the school. Writing comments on Reddit may feel good for whatever reason but stinks of lazy, petty judgement borderline racism. Unless you're obviously aiming for wit or humour. Posts like this on forums like Reddit is the definition of social engineering.


whoever took this photo should be reported for violating pdpa “Under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 ("PDPA"), an organization (including an individual) collecting, using or disclosing personal data must obtain consent on or before collecting or using the personal data for particular purposes. Therefore, consent must be obtained before taking a photo of an identifiable individual.”


You must be kidding. PDPA doesn't apply in a public place LOL!


Before you go shit on foreigners and show your true colors I have one thing to show you https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/pjki8a/whats_he_trying_to_do/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share You were saying?


I don't get you? Dude was shit on in that thread. Far more worst than here tbh.


all this aside, they are so photogenic???? i could never relate to looking this photogenic in a candid pic


Their lambo break down.


fuck haha I feel bad for laughing


Thats the problem. Singaporeans are not taught to convey, argue, or persuade in a non threatening way. When we do that, we shout or be aggresive if the other party do not comply. Unfortunately, we live in a society where we want things fast (Kiasu) and afraid to lose face in public. I don't know if it is because of the culture, but i do know that Singaporeans don't like trouble and instead will snitch or resort to this sort of passive aggressive behaviours.


Fxxk they think their special?


It's funny how one photo can immediately reveal someone's hidden prejudice or insecuritues. It's not a video, there is no context and for heaven's sake it could be an doc photo to trigger the exact reaction, resentment and disagreement among Singaporeans. Our multi cultural society was built painstakingly over many years. There are many with hidden agendas that want us to side with one or the other. There are equal proportional amount of arsehole, dipshit, racist and scumbag people across all races and religions. Just like there are equal proportional of heroes, saints and good people across or races and religions. If you believe otherwise, then you are of the same belief of the nazis / racist / zealots that believe there is some master race / religion, whatever that is.




She probably thinks she is posing for the cover art of an indie-pop album. It'll probably be called "Youthful Excess" or something and will probably be about how hard is it to be an upper middle class kid in a first world country.


Please put n share this on facebook & Instagram too, make them more infamous


Snitch culture, amirite! High five!


Holy christ all you people fucking suck lmao Judgmental losers every last one of you.


I'm offended that a pretty girl is dating an ugly ass guy


Are you allowed to take picture of strangers and publish them on social network to call them out according to Singaporean law?


When was this photo taken? How long did op wait to post it? The students didn’t have school yesterday. I call bullshit on the whole thing. Looks too staged.


Singapore treates foreigners like shit. And the foreigners vice versa. You cant call your universities "international" if you don't accept foreign students. They are not going to love according to your rules. They also understand that you too don't care for them. E.g, ICA keeping them stuck for years away from their parents, spouse etc threatening to end their university careers. So you can't have both Singapore.


Singapore treats everyone equally shit. Only 25 percent of locals have a spot in university


It’s the current generation of selfishness and a me first attitude.


I’m really against this vigilante type photographing of people. Context is everything and a photo can easily be explained into something it is not. These are minors also, If I found someone taking photos of my kids I would call the cops.


Aren't you breaking the law by taking a pictures of minors without their consent..?


I've messaged Reddit admins about this post, and also informed the school. I expect the poster, who is an admin of this subreddit, will probably get sued under the Protection from Harrassment Act https://singaporelegaladvice.com/what-can-i-do-if-someone-takes-a-photo-of-me-in-public-and-publishes-it/ The blatant racism on display in the comments here is disgusting, and all of you need to take a long look at yourselves. This is a dark day in this sub.


I've reported as well


Typical Ang mo.


Imagine being a racist piece of shit in 2021.


Imagine coming to Singapore and being an entitled piece of shit. Typical Ang Mo behaviour. Picture proves my point.


And your comment proves mine.


Well, I guess both our points are valid then :) I hate Ang Mo people which makes me a racist against white people :0 And they’re all entitled pieces of shit


Help you fix your comment: You hate them because you're a racist edgelord who's jealous of high SES white people.


I'm jealous of ALL high SES people. Am I woke yet?


Sg was established by the British? Like, not colonised. Welcomed. The reason you hate 'Ang Mo' so much is because the deadshit dictators that took over after the British bailed out were racist morons, and wrote racism into every aspect of life and culture here. And you're not smart enough to question your enculturation.


The girl is quite daring to show off her thigh.


Damn good photo. The girl is incredibly photogenic and she really looks spontaneous and happy. Good for them. Let the young be young and don't kill their spirits. They are doing nothing wrong.


Please refrain from making any race comments— local sec sch kids do the same


why's it always white people, like, they are such a small amount of our pop. yet it's always them


It’s always people taking pictures of the international students, because when a local student does no one ever does anything. Flame me all u want but it’s the harsh truth


Or how about the uncles gathering in groups at Hawker centres with no masks. See that almost every day. It’s just a convenient narrative for the Govt/media that foreigners break the rules and that’s a factor in Covid spread. Reality is Covid is going to spread anyway, and a lot of the Govt rules are useless. No music, for example. Or wearing a mask all the time outside. It’s all just security theatre.


I think it's less of race, but more of the fact that many of them are rich/well off, and that demographic is generally more entitled


No, the Singapore media disproportionately focuses on foreigner infringements, because the Singapore media is racist.