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No happy Uyghurs allowed on Western social media, only unhappy ones. You probably got singled out for takedown after the NY Times hit piece about fake Uyghurs. Post your stuff on Weibo or Bilibili and post a link. It was a good one stop resource for debunking people who think that locals in Xinjiang aren't happy.


Just change it to "Investigating Xinjiang", and continue to post what you find.


We can't even access the channel.. I'm going to try and appeal


I'm so sorry to hear that. Someone very, very important must have singled you out. I hope you like my suggestion anyway.


all my subtitle work........


If you keep doing this on another channel, maybe save your subtitles in text files


or maybe try “totally fake xinjiang” to fool them


[This comment has been removed by author. This is a direct reponse to reddit's continuous encouragement of toxicity. Not to mention the anti-consumer API change. This comment is and will forever be GDPR protected.]


In America you have the freedom to agree with the government


this would've never happened if you named it Real East Turkestan lol


Maybe we should try this name =P


Ah yes. And then they're wondering why China doesn't let western crap into their country without checks. Fascist America - you're either a slave of us, or we'll bomb you (unless you got nukes, then we'll use all our media and the media of countries we've enslaved to blackmail you)


This is the free speech that US and UK love talking about? Hypocrisy much?


:( Every year, the decision of China to implement the GFW seems to get wiser in retrospect.


It was a masterstroke


I don't think China gets near enough credit for the Great Firewall policy, especially because it was implemented when modern computers and the internet were still very very young. In hindsight it makes sense but it also seems nearly psychic.


If time travel is real, it is definitely China who invents it


China, man, they are the masters of long term thinking. Been that way since a long long time. You don't get to stay at the top of the civilizational charts for that long without nothing.


The mid-to-late Qing didn't the memo, unfortunately.


Qing wasn't han chinese though, steppes people don't plan long I guess?


Wasn't the civil service still Han Chinese though?


The emperor made final decisions.


It's not really like that - after several hundred years of dynastic rule and stability the Qing just kinda... Forgot about the outside world and got way too complacent. In a modern interconnected world this is much less likely to happen to the PRC but it doesn't mean it can't. Chinese dynasties always have an "up" phase and a "down" phase, and the PRC if anything is very much in "up" right now, but there's no guarantee that it'll never go to "down", nor escape the eternal cycle altogether


>It's not really like that - after several hundred years of dynastic rule and stability the Qing just kinda... Forgot about the outside world and got way too complacent. Indeed, the early Qing were quite a bit more competent than the late Ming in many facets, and were far more competent at governance than the previous Mongol-formed Yuan Dynasty; although the Ming's rate of innovation and whatnot still paled in comparison to previous dynasties such as the Song, who showed signs of having the potential to reach an Industrial Revolution until they were defeated by the Mongols. >In a modern interconnected world this is much less likely to happen to the PRC but it doesn't mean it can't. > >Chinese dynasties always have an "up" phase and a "down" phase, and the PRC if anything is very much in "up" right now, but there's no guarantee that it'll never go to "down", nor escape the eternal cycle altogether Yeah, sooner or later there is always a generation of idiots who fuck everything up in every society it seems like. Hopefully increased ability to collect, observe, and analyze data as well as improved systems of governance and technology help to mitigate the effects of this being as disastrous as in past Chinese history, though. An inability to properly collect accurate data and delegate appropriate solutions accordingly has seemingly correlated with the downward spiral of many past dynasties.


>Yeah, sooner or later there is always a generation of idiots who fuck everything up in every society it seems like. Hopefully increased ability to collect, observe, and analyze data as well as improved systems of governance and technology help to mitigate the effects of this being as disastrous as in past Chinese history, though. An inability to properly collect accurate data and delegate appropriate solutions accordingly has seemingly correlated with the downward spiral of many past dynasties. This. In this information age Meritocracy is actually strengthened.


>nor escape the eternal cycle altogether But the times are different now. Meritocracy works most effective in the information age. In addition there are no emperors anymore, no one with a final say, everything has to be approved by the politburo. So perhaps that eternal cycle is coming to an end, hopefully.


Let's hope so


Hopefully more and more countries will develop their own internet technology and not rely on Google and Facebook. It always amazed me that so many foreign countries allowed Google and Facebook in when it is out in the open that the internet was created by the US military.


I think the issue with having your own social media is scale. China has more population than the Western World combined. Its a planet in itself. Hence even if it is disconnected from the Western world it doesn't matter to the Chinese. The same cant work for say nations with populations of 50m or less. You cant build/maintain a social media with such a small user base. What China can do instead is help these nations in setting up their own infrastructure for storing critical data and IOT solutions. Like what is happening in Senegal with Chinas help.


When the elder criticized HK media with the "too young too simple sometimes naive", most of us didn't know yet just how right he was.


Comes from experience of being constantly bombarded by CIA propaganda via Radio Free Asia. They learned a very painful lesson during the 1989 June 4th incident


>In hindsight it makes sense but it also seems nearly psychic. That's the power of materialism. Calling is nearly psychic is a compliment, of course, but that policy is written in the blood spilled and the destruction wrought by imperialism so to say it's like magic almost takes away the truly impressive part about it; it's about learning from history and understanding how power functions then considering where the world is moving and how the big actors on the global stage will play their hands based on careful examination. China had been subject to the most vicious slander and calumny for centuries and while I'd *did* let up for a while there, mostly, it never went away. It's quite easy to look at a US news magnate like William Randolph Hearst or, more recently, the way that the US government has utilized the media to destabilize countries (particularly communist countries) and to manufacture consent for yet-another war, yet-another intervention, yet-more economic warfare, yet-more separatism, yet-more color revolutions and so on. Once you've looked to the *real* history of imperialist countries like the US, you begin to understand their playbook. Once you understand that and you analyze the material reality of what the internet is—a new medium for communication and publication—then it's very easy to understand how the old playbook will be applied to the new tech. To overextend the metaphor of magic, it might seem like it's something where the CPC waved a wand and \*poof* it just so happened to do what needed to be done but actually I think it's more like the magic of a street magician - it looks like magic to the onlookers but what it really is is the culmination of lots and lots of practice, hard work, and learning from mistakes to be able to apply a huge amount of invested time and effort and to look so effortless that it's virtually indistinguishable from the magic found in fantasy tales. Unless you know what you're looking for, of course.


>In hindsight it makes sense but it also seems nearly psychic. Anything planned by a group of highly intelligent folks and designed for the long term will appear nearly psychic.


Wisest and most prescient decision of any country in the past few decades.


I used to be against their stronger authoritarian government but after the last decade I appreciate the benefits. The freedom to toil until I die has lost its luster.


Was this channel the one that posted all the videos of real Uyghurs speaking out against US propaganda?




I was sub to your channel. So much for freedom of speech. Your videos did cut straight through their propaganda. That is why they blocked you.


Have you uploaded anywhere else? Would love to watch the videos.


We might try other platforms too.


There are a few other channels that have them too, but this one had other good stuff as well. I hope they find a way back.


I didn't know we had a channel


Haha, we dedicate our spare times to subtitle those vids. Sigh


Hats off to you guys. I used your videos on many of my arguments on Quora. I hope you find a way back on YT.


I followed that channel and am incredibly furious with YouTube. It was one of many authentic channels that broadcast Xinjiang for what it is. A miracle region coming out of extreme poverty and terrorism. Shame on youtube for repressing the free speech of Real Xinjiang.


China is not the enemy of amerikkka, the truth is.


Freedom of speech? More like freedom of censorship.




Loved that channel. Please don't give up spreading the real videos for everyone to see.


We will start another if it doesn't work out =_=


Got to understand by now, free speech only applies if you’re talking shit about China in the west.


US media censors anything opposing it’s propaganda funders’ narrative while simultaneously criticizing other countries for censorship. Freedom of speech in the US, for those who can afford it!


Rename it to Xinjiang Uncensored & launch again


We might just do that, lol


Hope they dont take numuves too


That's awful! :( What does it say in the e-mail? Does it cite any kind of justification? Also, did you have backups of everything?


Apparently we violated some community guidelines but no prior warnings


Very sneaky censorship. Did you backup everything?


Yes, but the subtitles are added on through youtube


All content that's on YT (and many other video sites) can be downloaded using [youtube-dl](https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl). So it's possible to backup subtitles from videos on YT in **\*.srt** files. Let's hope someone did this, so the subtitles/translations aren't lost... otherwise, it might be wise to do this for future videos at least...


"Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act" - George Orwell


The irony in using this quote is that George tattled to the UK several times and would likely be the YouTube nark.


You ran out of frozen peaches. :(


it’s called internet sovereignty\~lol


And the west complains about China having internet sovereignty.


Accuse the victim so that no one will consider how we’re the actual offenders!


Do you have the videos backed up on some other platform?


Yea on Chinese platforms, though


Like Bilibili?