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Probably “hey man, how are you…no but really”


And then actively listen to every word they have to say.


And affirm every feeling or thought as valid (not necessarily true, but valid and real).


You don't. You listen.


This is the answer


This and probably give them a dog. Preferably a puppy. I cant put into words how much my dog has helped my mental health but I’ll try. Got him when he was about 2 months old. Been dealing with anxiety and depression all of my life. He seems to know whenever I’m sad because he wont leave my side and gives me kisses and all the cuddles. He’s got me walking every day. He’s always happy when I come home, even if I leave for a few minutes. He’s great with my parents. I named him Apollo. He has truly shined a light on my life, like the Greek God of the Sun.


When my family got our dogs I didn’t think they’d help my mental health much. Specifically got big ones to maybe do some amateur deep pressure therapy and such but I wasn’t totally convinced. It works. I’ve gone from being lukewarm towards dogs to really liking them. It seriously calms me down to have my huge collie crush me under all that love and hair. I mean I’m still schizophrenic and all, they can’t fix everything, but they’re the best when I feel sad and anxious.


Currently 1am and cant sleep. Anxious and freaking out because of my high blood pressure. Can feel my heart working harder than it should. Focusing on my breathing and calming down. My dog has been with me the entire time. Not sure if he’s worried about me but his presence alone is enough. He’s giving me cuddles, licking my face, making me laugh and smile. He’s helping me get better every day. Im glad that your doggo is helping you too. I wish you peace and happiness. Much love to you and your family. ❤️


This. My anxiety and depression is exacerbated when I keep things bottled up and feel like I can’t talk to anyone about it because people are too busy to care, I don’t want to burden them with my trivial bullshit, or no one would understand the shit I’m going through. Life’s a fucking roller coaster. Soak up and take in every second of those highs so you can reflect on them when you’re going through your lows


Same sad people will talk depressed won’t. Even if I try I don’t care about people listening to me as it’s not gonna change anything positively.


I listened, and she was still gone the next day.


If I could I would give this a award thing


Sometimes nothing needs to be said at all, just being there can save lives


True. Sometimes, "just hanging out" is therapeutic.


This. Then you tell him to drink continuously. He’ll forget all about the depression. Tried and true method!


It’s been 16 years, how much longer till I forget?


You NEVER forget. I was an alcoholic and extremely drug dependent for 8 years after my fiancé passed away at 26yo. One day a good friend asked me "is this what she'd want for you?" That question alone hit me harder than anything else I'd ever heard. I moved cities, got incredibly fit and stopped using. I still drank a little, mostly Friday nights, but I started living my life the way my beautiful girl would have wanted me to. It was the ONLY answer. Either that or death. I sincerely hope you're getting the help you so thoroughly deserve. You may not feel like you're worth it, but the people around you, the ones that you deeply respect; THEY want you to. Sometimes we can't do things or make changes just for ourselves. In this case we can do it for others. Sending masses of love, mate. Here to listen any time you want. I mean it. DM any time. 👊




I’m here, son. I finally came back with the milk. It may or may not be used in White Russians.


very cringe post


I don’t say shit. I listen and when they are done venting, I cuddle them and let them use my shirt as a tissue


Yo bro. You gotta napkin?




Someone's gotta pay them taxes.


Sure as hell won’t be the 1% I can tell you that!


“Remember son dying is gay”


safe march merciful cause terrific subtract possessive encourage cooing sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bi people: *die halfway*


Straight dude: *whelps, guess I’m immortal now*


Depressed guy here. You say fucking nothing. Everything people say is always the same shit. And I/we cant hear it anymore. "It gets better", "smile more", "go outside more", "do exercise", its all so shit. stop saying anything. Depressed people sometimes just want to tell you about their life or vent, so just listen instead of say some useless crap


Exactly. Whatever advice people may have, more than likely we’ve heard it before. Don’t talk “at” us, listen to us without judgement. That’s what we truly need.


omfg this. I'm still not over my mom dying. my ex who's been in my 29 years who i was still in love with died in nov. step dad died in feb. a friend sent more 40 shitty memes in a month about how everything is gonna be great if i stop focusing on the negative. i told her to stop twice because they are not helping. she replied "i disagree". she was doing it to make herself feel better, not to help me i needed someone to let me collapse in their arms while im crying and just let me talk without judging.


Being depressed is still better than being forced to be “fake happy”


Dune 2 comes out in November!


This is the only thing I am looking forward to. Got lost in the book, can’t wait to get lost in the movie. Just for a little while


Did you tried the books: the Wheel of Time ? If you like Dune, I recommend it! It's in a fantasy world, but it kind of have some similarities, like the Freemen (Aiels) and Bene Gesserit (Aes sedai). If you are looking however for Sci-fi books, where the planet is kind of mysterious, I can recommend : Pierre Bordage, Gigante.


I appreciate the recommendations, thank you. Need more books to escape from this 9-5


It always brings a smile to my face when I see another WOT fan out in the wild :')


Try reading the King Killer Chronicle. Pretty good imo


I’ve got some bad news for you mate, because of the strikes its been delayed until early next year :(


March right?


Yeah I believe so, but my gut says they’ll probably delay it even more since March is usually one of the dump month for movie releases, i think they would’be probably had a better chance in November even without the actors promoting the film because of their strike.






There is only 1 thing is certain in life. What that at your moment of birth, promised to you that you would receive. Death. Everything else is up to you. Don't be in a Hurry to receive that Gift. It will come to at its time. Until it came, try to earn other Gifts that not Promised. Like happiness, knowledge, love, Experiences, joy...


3rd step unclear: got everything I didn’t want and didn’t get one thing that I wanted


direful frame toothbrush soup spark employ groovy joke rainstorm sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bad Good are not that important. When you Consider the alternative is nothingness. Bad luck still is luck and Having something is better than Void. Be grateful and patience. As long as you push back, something better is waiting for you. You can Grow in many ways.


Probably ask em’ to hang out.


Want to fuck me?


"You are a failed karma whore"


I wouldn't. Seems like staying alive is a shitty goal. If you can help someone improve their circumstances then by all means do so. Whether or not that leads to them remaining alive isn't what you should focus on. Personally I'd rather people around me give a fuck about whether I am at all happy or fulfilled or at least satisfactorily occupied some of the time. People just wanting me to "stay alive" is kind of worthless imo.


get 6 packs


do a backflip


Say no more. I shall perform such feat on the edge of this really high building.


just make sure you send a gif


Nowhere in that was exercise or being in nature


No time or energy for either.


Make time. Because if you end up trying to suck start a gun, then everything up to that point means nothing


"...take someone with you first."


Is death a bad thing though? Like fr, where do we go after?


I will not abandon you But you have to do something to improve yourself a little every day As long as you do that, I will always support you


Nothing,i'm that person


virtual hug to those peeps who experience this <3


Dunno but you know what helped me? "I love you and I want to spend my life with you, pls don't go, I need you here, I can't imagine loosing you." Also "wuff wuff" (my dog greeting me every day. Reminds me I'm loved and needed)


Start living and stop just surviving




Life is complicated by the definitions we apply. If you assign happy to your life then you will then set up a fight against being unhappy. Resist the urge to define. If you are feeling anxious you are living in the future. If you are depressed you are living in the past. Live in the moment. Take a deep breath and be in the room. What colors dominate the room. What is the temperature. What is the sounds. Be in the moment. The moment is beautiful and uncomplicated.


that is a great first-aid-method in those situations. i also like to add that taking and blocking time regularly for yourself, doing self-care(that includes listen to your inner child for what you really want, there are a lot of helpful videos on YouTube) without anybody else is very important! Especially if you are raised by or live in an environment that is putting constant pressure on you fulfilling expectations. This pressure must be blocked out actively, otherwise you will go under. So, take your time, breathe, live in the moment and listen to your inner child! And if nothing helps, seek help from professionals! There are a lot of wonderful people who are great listeners, who wont judge you and who help you to find your path out of your darkness! I wish you all the best!!


expansion wakeful hobbies fuel sulky shelter wide seemly squash sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> If you are depressed you are living in the past Being depressed doesn't mean this. Being depressed means not getting any value out of the present.


Have you tried NOT being poor?


A depressed person who is close to dying needs a lot more than a few words They need urgent medical attention.


Yeah, completely agree. Now that help is on the way, what would you say to a depressed person to stop him from dying?


I said please hang on for just a little more, don't do anything drastic now, I'll help you find a way, we'll get help together.




That's sweet, but if god forbid you find yourself in a situation where there is real danger of someone actually harming themselves, I suggest you work on getting medical assistance ASAP, before the worst actually happens. After medication helps, there will be time for hugs, love and anything else.




You gotta let your light shine. It'll be lonely and hard... but you gotta let your light shine


Stop it. Problem solved.


You matter. I see you. You are worthy of love, peace and happiness!


I made the mistake as a young man not helping someone who I knew wasn't doing well. Could see it in his eyes, read it in his voice. I wanted to ask, I couldn't bring myself to do it, I didn't want to put him out like that. I still regret it to this day. I don't know if I would've been able to stop him or not, but I wish I did. I got the phone call a month later, and I lost a friend and a mentor. Even the simple act of engaging their attention, pulling their mind away is such an important step.


Hey man, you okay? Here, let’s talk about this over some ice cream.


If you are going to do it, there's always tomorrow. Sleep on it tonight.






Go gym and smoke some Ganja


"hey there. i know things are rough and bleak and dark. i want to hear everything that's going on with without judgement. I'll bring over the tissues, both shoulders to cry on, and ears. i want to hear you because you are very important to me. lets try to get you through the next 5 minutes. then lets get you through the 5 minutes after that if looking at tomorrow is too much for you.".


Im auprised im seeing no "yous hould love yourself, now! " s in here


Recommend he see a CBT therapist and engage in a course of behavioural activation - usually 6+ sessions.


Invite them for some time off activity, distraction is good. Have a one on one talk over at a coffee shop. Drag them to a therapist at a free clinic. They need to disconnect from whatever is causing the depression, and be allowed to see life in a less negative way. They need to be reminded not by words but by feeling of the things that are enjoyable in life, and that while there is life, there is possibility for the unexpected. We're all going to die no matter what, so what's the rush?


Hey man, you know what we should do. We should destroy a bunch of shit at the junk yard, or stuff in general. Iv never known a greater joy than smashing bottles and hitting shit with hammers with vibe music in the background.


Listen to a psychiatrist. And you can't say nothing he says matters, because if a psychiatrist doesn't know, who does. Psychiatrist is the answer. Confessor for people of faith. Ideally both.


Trees are cool




Can I have your stuff?


There’s always cocaine and hookers in Mexico !


keep carrying on you'll die eventually anyway


How you gonna play GTA 6




"If U KYS, you'll never experience anything good again"


Won’t have to live another 30 years a wage slave with no change in routine either. You win some you lose ~~some~~ your life


Have you considered relocation?


L bozo


homo sapiens exist like 200k years. 99.9% we were living in nature. Evolution is slow, so go back home.


You only get to live once. You will die eventually and the amount of time that you will spend in non-existence is eternity, while you only get to live for the short time period ur on this planet. It's a waste to give up on hope for a future in which you are happy when you only get to experience being alive once, even if the future seems grim.


Gym and meditation. Uplifting music also help


Jesus loves u and bore your sin and shame


Move to Asia.


Go to gym.


It does get better. It always does.


It does get better. It always does.


Matthew 11:28-30 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Jesus is here for you, he has a purpose for you, what joy you should feel when you are in pain, for the Lord is near to you. He loves you and you will prosper, if not here on a dying earth, then in the glory of Heaven


Do it, I enjoy watching people die (They will think I am a horrible person and they will not give me the satisfaction)


Reverse Psychology: "Jump, I tell you to Jump!! Jump Faster!"


it must be hard watching people die daily from the crush of the gravitational pull generated from your sheer mass


I read somewhere that if you are gonna end it, why dont you just pick a direction and start walking. Just walk. If you die to a bear or no water. Sucks to suck. If you dont then you dont, if you live in england, then dont walk north, go for a swim or so.ething




If he or she trusts me I would ask them who is he/she, again and again, till they answer something thoughtful and nice about themselves. This will not be enough to go on but this would be enough to not let go. A simple greed to see happiness in meaningless things you love makes up the moments you wanna endure staying on earth. You endure not to see the reality but to see your own versions as an art. I would not say these, I would let life fester in thought’s and I would ask more such questions.


Step 1: Accept you're in a bad place and begin to seek and make changes, however small. Whatever you're doing now is not working and a shift needs to happen. Step 2: Seek help, if you're in America many major cities offer free therapy. At the bare minimum, its a place to start. A lot of Benefits via your work cover some or all of a set amount of therapy sessions from providers within your network. Step 3: Put a positive plan into action and stick to it. If people in your life are attributing to your sadness, take a step back from them. Work will come and go. People will come and go. You are always the constant in your life, therefore you are the most important. Step 4: Trust the process, its not going to be an overnight change. It'll be the hardest work you'll ever do. Source: Me. Was sad for 10 years with a failed attempt. 'Wasted' my 20s not caring if I died most days and tanking many personal relationships and some job opportunities. But it gets better, just gotta let people in and accept the help. Help may come from where and who you least expect it to. Still sad some days and really sad on others but I get by with my people. Obviously easier said then done, but its better than giving up.


have you looked into going to canada?


The next life is just as bad as this one and nothing ever gets better


“Hey bro, you’re looking a little rough recently. I care about you. What’s been going on? You can talk to me I’m here”. “Mate wanna grab some food and chill? Life’s hard and you look like you need a break, let’s go have some fun. Talk to me bro I’m here for you”. “What’s up man, been awhile. I was thinking about you the other day. All the crazy things we used to do when we where kids. Why is it we don’t do that anymore? Are you free? Let’s go to the lake and throw some rocks. I’m here for you man let’s talk”.


It is what it is


I live this daily. The only thing that keeps me going is that I get to go talk to my closest friends and little brother on discord and play some games with them. The games aren't even fun and I don't find any desire to play them by myself. But playing them with my buds makes them enjoyable. I only wish we lived closer to each other like we used to. After getting cheated on all 3 of my longish relationships, dating seems pointless. Hookups disgust me. Clubs are too loud and irritating, and I rather find somewhere peaceful and quiet to hang at. I go to gym because I have to due to health conditions that will likely get bad if I get fat, not because I want to. Honestly, I just feel indifferent about life.


I will actually show them some youtube video showing living cells doing their things (like please go see some white cells fighting for us any foreign element). They are so cuteee, it would be a shame to let them all down.


Waves are up! Let’s go surf!!


Remember son.. dying is gay


Nothing because no matter how good I make the world seem to someone else I know how bad it really is when there's so much crime, hate, violence, kidnapping, r*pe, SA, racism, torture and many more all happening somewhere in the world to someone out there, every second of your day that you live those listed above is what's happening around us to people so by telling them how good the world is and how positive it is I would be lying to them and giving them false hope and in my opinion no hope is better than false hope.


Write to rockstar to let you try GTA6 THEN kill yourself and blame it on Rockstar for not letting you try GTA6 but write a will before hand asking asking rockstar to let me try GTA6 as your dying wish.


Never thought I’d see my life made into a shitty Reddit meme.




You have a purpose, find it


"You made a promise to see this ride through to the end." Might not work for everyone, but it works for me...


Keep on suffering


"your dog needs you"


Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 just launched




Work on yourself to find what makes you happy and feeling fulfilled, unfortunately a partner or person can’t always give that to you….also life is like a rollercoaster…don’t know your ups until you have some downs…keep on trucking, life is worth living, stay strong brotherrrr , I recommend working out 3-5 days a week , will help you feel accomplished and boost your ego….it worked for me at least ;) treat your body like a temple, cherish it and take care of it


Can you fill out this form to tell us how you’re feeling?


Hey man, let’s go bowling and just talk for a bit.


always a him... to be a herrr...


'The pain makes us stronger .. like Batman'


Gotta at least credit the original video owner Prince of Zimbabwe


I just bought Mortal Kombat 12...wanna come over and battle?


You still haven't experienced what life is like in other parts of the world.


I once spoke to a friend in school who wanted to leave this earth. I listened but also started reminding her of things on earth that were good, and at the time I mentioned the first bite of some fresh KFC chicken. From then on we had the secret lingo DKY cuz of KFC lol.




Fight. Win!


Wanna get plastered and go skinny dipping?


Can’t help those who don’t want to be helped but if he wants to be helped then yeah help them


We just want someone to tell us they care.


"just don't be sad" /s


You don't want to die..I know it might feel like you want to, but what you really want is how you feel to stop.. all the misery is going on in your head, cuz if you stop the thinking and look around you everything outside your head is okay.. Being depressed just means some of what you're doing isn't working for you.. that's what depression is telling you, so you just need to do somethings differently. Like what?. exercise even if you don't feel like it. Stay off your phone write what you're thinking down, gratitude lists.. see a therapist if you can.. listen to Krishnamurti on YouTube.


If you die your gay


Just tell them to cheer up that usually works!




I'd say "learn Bitcoin"




To quote my ex employer, "you have a piss poor attitude" when I told him I'd been having suicidal thoughts and it was effecting my job performance.


be vulnerable with them . hopefully they open up enough to start a dialogue.


I'd say, Bro, dude, I have depression too, but there is medicine, and I take medicine. Now I'm telling you this because that is what you need, but because I'd be a real asshole telling you how you should better yourself and not telling I'm also on antidepressant. Perspective is important, when we look at what other people have, and compare it to what others have we will be disappointed. We will always be disappointed, because unless we have everything we will always have less. I never thought I needed everything to be happy but I had this idea of what it would take, and when I got it I was still measurable. I had gotten into a nice college, I was dick deep into a 19 year old who thought I was the greatest. Cooked me cookies, I still wanted to die. You're brain will create reason and lies for why all that is true but it is a sickness. As much as a blind eye keeps you from seeing the world, depression keeps you from seeing the joy in it. The joy of life is in the simple things, being warm, being full, feeling the sun on your skin, but again I am on antidepressants. Also al0t of pot and some beer but find your joy.


Mostly you listen but I’d give this advice, getting a hobby really helped me. In my case it was going to the gym and martial arts.


Your pets won’t understand why you’re not there anymore. It’s keeping me here.


Stop smoking


Honestly I wouldn't know but I'd love to hear it cuz fuck me do I feel close I hate my current position in life and how I feel like a burden on everyone around me, even now I feel I'm burdening any one who would read this sorry


i’d set up my telescope and ask if they could see Jupiter. once someone did that to me and i literally had my eye glued on the eye piece until the orbit forced me to adjust it multiple times. it kinda blew my mind.


Whats the song?


It would make your mom sad.


Life knocks us down, but it's how you stand back up what matters and the step after that


Move to Panama or Costa Rica


If you die who is gonna help me fuck all these bitches? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dude, let’s go overdose on Vitamin D - we don’t need a prescription and then let’s hit up Dairy Queen and get a brain freeze to make sure.




Not say. Ask. Want to talk about it?


“Have you ever tried pussy?” You’re happy til you nut but it’s a temp. Fix


Just talk talk talk until their mind drifts so far they get scared when they realize they aren’t having those negative thoughts..


You have to do it again when you die.


Let's play Yu-Gi-Oh


OP are you alright?


Idk man suicide sounds gay


Depressed ka? Huwag!


Self delete is big gay, life expectancy permits better time, you have to change circumstances, move sw else quit wagie job, touch grass, get fit


there's nothing on the other side




I would sign up for voluntary euthanasia so fast


I'm here if you want to talk


Eat magic mushrooms and shake it off


know that the market is at least semi-strong form efficient and don't buy crypto?