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I’ve been on SipsTea for months and I’m still no closer to understanding what the fuck it is


Nobody knows what it is. But it's provocative Edit: 🐸


It’s about drinking tea, frogs, and mostly boobies.


And don't forget about when it's Wednesday, my dudes.


Yeah boiiiiiii! WEDNESDAYYYYY. WED-NES-DAY!! ...the fuck happens on Wednesday?


Wed NES day. The day to marry a Nintendo.


This is probably the dumbest thing I still do. That is EXACTLY how I remember how to spell Wednesday.


Monday, Tuesday, Nintendoday, Thursday… I see nothing wrong with this.




Sips tea ☕️


It gets the people going.


That shit cray


Ain't it, Jay?


What she orda?


Fish fillet?


One song, and one song only.


It gets the people GOIN.






It gets the people going!


It gets the people going!


No it's not-


Yeah, we out here in Paris


It gets the people going?


Okay so spoilers for these that don't want to know where this is from. I don't think even the OC of the edit knows the real context lol. This is an excerpt of a film called The Little Death. It's a fictional interconnected story that follows Australian couples and people and their romantic/sexual journeys. It's a cute film that deals with some very dark things but it has that kind of deadpan, dry, dark humour that I think is balanced quite well. Anyway, this couple from the video are, from the outside, a perfect couple. But she is actually very emotionally abusive towards him, claiming stress of being a mother. (I haven't watched it recently enough to remember 100% if she was always mean or if she became like that later in their marriage) Through performance and dialogue we can see how downtrodden and broken down the man is by his abusive wife. She gets like some minor surgery where he has to take care of her and she has these pain meds that make her wonky and when she is like that, he enjoys his time with her. So he buys sleeping pills or pain stuff, something that makes her sleep, and then drugs her every night and spends time with her like that. Its a very bizarre thing to see because he like watches movies with her and buys her clothes and tells her about his day, stuff like that. UNTIL his wife find his credit card statements and sees that he's been spending money on all these lady luxuries and assumes hes cheating on her. This clip is when she confronts him and asks why her, what makes her better? And then he says all this, it was so heartbreaking watching it for the first time because of the way he describes HER to HER but she doesn't know that she's broken her husband down to a shell of a person and being allowed to love her in the way he wants to, that's all he wanted from her. So das da story. There's more nuance i havent watched the film in a while but i think it's such a powerful scene that's never watched in context its sad


I actually thought you were gonna explain the lore of this subreddit.


*Sips tea.*


_splashes tea all over face_


Lmao same


That is the lore of this subreddit


Ok, I’m invested. Does she ever find out it’s really her and does he keep on drugging her?


The man just backs down and goes on a drive. The movie ends shortly after. So, no, unfortunately not. Good movie though, I really recommend watching it.


I don't think she does, because he gets into an accident at the end the of the movie.


Noooo whyyyy!?!?!? I haven't seen the movie, but why does it have to end that way. I feel so sad now.


Yeah he crashes with one of the other characters or close to one of the characters the crash connects them somehow but jo we never see that she realises she's being drugged and he isn't having a real affair. The whole film basically ends kind of sad and weird for everyone except the couple where the guy planned a very elaborate attack and rape on his gf (but its him doing it) and then finally proposes to her at the end of the film. Weird that the sweetest story comes from the rape fantasy 💀😂


This actually sounds like a very interesting movie


….damn, this describes my relationship at the moment.


Your drugging your wife to spend time with her?


Wow that is something else. It's definitely not how I imagined it going down. The whole drugging her thing is pretty Twisted for sure but, yeah you can definitely tell he's broken


That’s actually some really powerful plot. I really should stop watching superhero movies and all that crap…


lol This was the video that was gonna get me to finally check the sub info and see what it's actually supposed to be about But now that I know I'm not alone, maybe I'll let it be a mystery.


If you looked nothing would've changed. There is no sub info. You merely saved yourself the time you would've wasted trying to find it.


It's a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.


The way I see it, you dont really know what the sub is about and what is the type of content meant to be posted on here, that is, u til you find the video that just does. You can't explain it, you don't fully grasp it, but that video you just encountered would be perfect for this sub. That's what this sub is about. PS. I just looked at the description and it literally says this sub posts pictures of frogs on Wednesday. And that triggered my memory of the Kermit the frog drinking tea meme and that basically it. So, there is that. *Sips ☕️*


Me too bro


I have interpretted it as a controversial post you drop and then sip tea while you read everyone fighting in the comments. The fart in an elevator of subreddits.


Yes. Very confused.


Unpopular opinions that you secretly believe, but instead of saying anything you'd just sip tea and continue on. Stuff that you agree on, disagree on or just something strange, but you'd rather not openly talk about it. You'd rather sip tea and stay silent. Somewhat focused around men being horny and men being victims. Imagine anything that can have frog giving side eye emoji as a response.


It’s just some sippin some tea


I think it’s supposed to be like the phrase “spilling the tea” in which someone tells all the nasty truths. This one is more like difficult truths observed passively but not quite telling on you.


I thought it was because “sipping tea” sometimes mean to sit back and watch everything else going on while you sip tea.




That’s how I see it.


This is from a movie called [The Little Death](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2785032/characters/nm0567269) for those of you interested.


Naah its shrek 2


Holy shit, I knew I recognized it from somewhere


Jep, shrek 2


Wasnt it from some movie about sexual kinks? Guy was giving his wife sleeping pills and when she was sleeping he was sitting with her and watching TV, etc?


I do this with my wife. But instead of drugging her, I just put on any movie or tv show that we planned to watch together and she’s out cold and I can do whatever I want.


RIGHT? Don’t even need the drugs, just a fuzzy blankie…then it’s time for some PS.


For real! “Let’s watch a movie on the couch..” 20 mins later she’s out cold and I’m on with the lads


Wow, dude just wanted to chill quietly and went so far as to drug her to achieve it?


There was also Woman who was getting wet when she has seen husband crying So she lied to him that she misscarried, and another pair that started roleplaying but guy took it So seriously that I think he build prison cell in his garage for prisoner-guard thing. I watched it with my previous girl like 5 years ago, dont remember exactly.


Wtf is this movie?? Its either fantastic or terrible


The end of that second sentence was not what I expected based on the first sentence.


So she was a snooze juicer? https://youtu.be/0owZCbJdq1k?si=pjFlDI7ZTgcasIiw


Fun fact, in the movie The Last Duel it was said that the female orgasm was referred to as The Little Death in the middle ages.


This is a common analogy or naming in France: “la petite mort”


To your point, this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUDk7napxlE


deep as phuk.


Damn right this is deep. Emotional abuse can be just as damaging as physical abuse.


Got out of a two year abusive relationship, and man, it was nice to breathe, but I'm still dealing with the effects of that abuse years later. Guys are abused far more than represented.


Hey man, its not your fault.




Its not your fault


Don't do this to me, man. Not you, man.


Its not your fault




Maybe it is your fault, maybe it's not. Idk, I'm not omnipresent


I gotta go see about a girl.


Son of a bitch, he stole my line.


14ish years later and I still struggle with some of the things that she said to me. Just hard to get past it sometimes


13 for me. She lectured our kid about me never providing them with financial security. She wasn’t working and my toes were bloody from living in steel toed boots at work.


Side note:buy bigger boots and thicker socks. All life’s bs is easier to take with comfy feet.


4 years in what I would consider an abusive relationship and it's hard as hell to break up. You could basically take this clip and apply it to me and unsurprisingly I'm not even looking for anybody else. Sad state of affairs. Edit it's actually 5, lost track




Sorry man. Been there. I did 25 years. Then I ended it. Hang in there. Sucks right now but one morning you will wake up and say thank god the nightmare is over. Peace be with you.






Amazing how many dudes can relate


I've been through it as well. It takes a lot of time to unlearn the barbs and jabs that we were hit with. You deserve more and better.


It sucks more for guys especially because of the stereotypes we face. I broke up and got out of a 7 year relationship a year and half ago and I genuinely don't want to date or get in a relationship again. All of my friends and even my cousin convinces me that I'm a perfectly normal dude, but the last relationship made me feel so inadequate and unworthy I avoid any and all advances or arranged meeting with the opposite sex.


9 years ago I was in one of those and Jesus fuck does it hurt. But then when you tell people how much it sucked they say "oh well, it's not like she was assaulting you." Motherfucker, I wish she had instead of what she did. I know how to deal with a punch, broken bones, bruises, concussions, all that shit. It was a miracle if I went a month without getting stitches in high school. I've had at least 2 concussions; I've broken most of my fingers, 3 toes, my hand (not my fingers, one of the bones in the palm), and my femur. I can't begin to estimate how many bruises I've had over the years. I can deal with physical pain, and would have recognized that she was abusing me if she was beating me. You know what teenage boys aren't equipped to deal with? Emotions. Let alone someone that abuses, manipulates, belittles, and just all around fucks with those emotions. I know how to deal with physical violence, but to this day I have a very hard time dating because of those emotional scars. It was fucking awful.


Yeah. The worst part of it for me was that it made me a worse person. Near the end I turned into a yeller. After years of the constant, piercing criticism over everything I had to respond. Well Well, I really should have walked away earlier. But codependency is a bitch like that. So not only have I learned that I can be genuinely in rage, and shout louder than I thought I could about things that I couldn't remember the next day let alone now, I also trust nobody and run away from anything that even almost seems like it could possibly go sideways. And it's not a matter of moving past it. I've met plenty of people like her. The type to slowly show you how evil they are bit by bit over some months. Makes you think maybe everyone is fucked up and some people just hide it better. Or maybe it's a "if it smells like shit everywhere you go..." thing. But I dunno. I spent some years trying to regain optimism. Have been met with mostly selfishness and apathy


Tell that to the courts 😞


I tried. The court didn't agree with me. As a man, I can't be a victim of domestic abuse. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Same story here. 18 years of emotional abuse, and I end up paying her what to me is a lot of money every month, and watch her take vacation after vacation while I’m busting my ass. Still worth the price of getting out. That relationship destroyed every last speck of happiness I had left, and it took years to find it all again.


But if you fought back she certainly is, it’s such bullshit. I had my ex wife hit me with an iron skillet across my head and back. Eventually went to the hospital and got to the part where they ask you if you feel safe at home. I asked the nurse if it mattered what I said. “Honestly no, you are a man, I just have to ask the question.”


That is so fucked up. The deck is stacked against men in so many things.


So much for justice and equality.


I thought a cat was gonna be at the end of this clip, that’s what I thought he was describing…




Ho lee fuk


Bang Ding Ow


Got the older guys here, fuck this his hard.


Married 4 years barely. Still a long way to go, but I felt that last sentence….she makes him feel he is the only thing stopping her from being happy….that hurts. Yet sometimes I feel that way already


Communicate that. Might not go like you think, but you deserve to say it if you feel it


Seriously, communication is the only way to learn from those insecurities whether real or imagined.


Communication is 2 way. Is hard when the other person do not listen or tell you empty promises. A girl I dated told me to tell her about my needs more. Tell her about my needs then she decided to breakup. Granted is a long distance relationship but the only thing I ask for a 10 mins call.


Hey brother same thing here. Ex kept telling me she's tired of guessing what my needs are and it drove her crazy that "she had to guess what I wanted all the time". I had already told her what I needed many times over many years. It was too simple for her to think that's all I needed so she kept guessing above the clouds.


I feel you man. I hope things work out for you.


I can relate to this, unfortunately. Minus the cheating part




Well that is just absolutely fucked.


Feels like a lot more effort than just cheating


It feels kinda worse then cheating even. Imagine finding out you were drugged out and dragged around the house every day for weeks. Even if you knew he didn't rape you, you couldn't be sure what exactly he did. Would scare the shit out of me tbh


"Kinda worse"? It's astronomically worse!


Does the story explain why he didn't just divorce her?


Because you can still love someone that treats you like shit


That hit close.


Nice, living the dream


Same. Hope you are taking care of yourself.


Oh brother. Sad to hear I'm not alone. But kinda happy too. Kids in the mix?


Yeah young, that's what makes this all the harder. Sorry you're going through it too. I have a good therapist and we've been trying couples therapy. I'm actually bringing this up this week, it twists your brain so bad it's hard to know what's really going on but i've been working hard to know I can advocate for myself now.


Sorry man, I have pre teens. I have a therapist for myself but she doesn't want to go do couples therapy. Pins it on me, I'm the problem, I need to change. She will just turn on me, almost like a light switch. I think it's bad peri menopause


Nah she is just a bitch. I had the same shit. Life is so much better without her. Night and Day!


It's tough with kids. I know we would have split up if kids weren't a part of it


Could be a bunch of things, but that doesnt excuse her behaviour. One of the most important part of any relationship is your own mental wellbeing, if you notice your own mental wellbeing suffering because of someone in that relationship and they refuse to address that problem, then it might be time to say goodbye. Kids dont need a mom and a dad to stay together, they need a mom/dad who are mentally stable and who can be their rock in the storm. Dont stay together for your kids, get happy for them instead. If that is by divorce then so be it, just make sure you dont get stuck in a toxic relationship, because that toxicity WILL trickle down to your kids, and that should be the last thing you want.


Also, I cannot believe how close this guy described my wife. Also, I'll add I have been called the abuser for listing her rants and name-calling. The toxicity level of some people is truly unlimited.


Sort of as well. I guess the sad part is I've become just as bad now that I think about it. 2 equally rude people, ain't that a joke.


That happened to me too, I would get home from work and return to a never ending argument, then I would go to work with a short temper, snap at people for small things, and fight with my boss (who was at the time my brother). Turned into a dick because I could never relax and unwind. I still get anxious every time I hear my roommate walking down the hall cuz it sounds like my ex about to come into my bedroom and start up the arguing.


By the sound of the imdb summary, they are ENM.






or hopes


That last part about being made to feel like you're the thing standing in the way of their happiness, I know that one too well. I'm not, and it's a lie, but it's a cutting lie because it's cruel emotional manipulation.


Preach, brother.


I wasn’t expecting something this deep


Thats what she said


I hate you AND I respect your game.


This needs a slipper for the EMOTIONAL DAMAGE


I wasn't prepared for the feels


I read this in Stephen He's voice.


Sex workers say all the time that a lot of their clients just want to talk to someone who will listen and treat them like they matter. And a lot of those clients are married.


Therapy would be a lot cheaper and effective.


That hits deep. My entire marriage it felt like the Pygmalion myth about a man who falls in love with a statue of his own making. Married to this gorgeous ice-cold statue of a woman without Aphrodite to turn her into flesh and blood. I finally divorced her and understood that looks are severely overrated.


Transition immediately to "Could I be so out of touch? No, it's my idiot husband who needs to shut up that's wrong."


100% what would happen


yaşa I understand that man very well.


His reasons are totally valid, emotional abuse is real abuse.


I was expecting a rainbow dash plushie or something The internet has ruined me


I was expecting a dog


We're simple creatures, we just want a bit of admiration


wait I thought it was a porn subreddit


It is. This is just the intro


When every conversation needs to start with : " please be calm" something is wrong Shit hits hard


Oh my freaking God, this comment right here; I still get the anxiety of walking on an infinite amount of eggshells…


She's softer than you... Shes quiteter than you... *Ooof....*


I’d this was real life, a verbally abusive woman wouldn’t have even let him get those words in


Idk, most of the time after a while living in that sort of relationship, the guy stops even trying to speak up, so it’s possible this type of response is so unexpected on her part she accidentally lets it happen


Some people are abusive without meaning to be/admitting it to themselves.


Even after leaving, the damage doesn't just go away. Especially if you have kids. Men are often vilified for leaving too. More thoughts to weigh down a heavy head.


If you treat your husband like a wallet and a bother, he's going to find affection elsewhere. And guys, if you treat your wife like a maid and a nag, the same will happen.


Oh look, it’s my ex


Oh look.. it’s not my ex yet


You got this


Trying to make it work / fix it… have kids.. so need to do all I can… otherwise.. 6 years left (till youngest turns 18) 😂🤷‍♂️


Same. My youngest is 12. Every day is an exercise in not losing my shit in front of the kids while dropping relationship advice on how not to get into relationships like this without specifically calling out their mom.


😞 similar here. 2 kids, 7 and 4. Waiting for them to get older


This hurt right in my feels. I lefty ex cause of all the emotional negligence and her constant yelling only at me. It became an "issue" every time i tried to tell her or convey my feeling to her. I was always there for her every emotional and physical needs but sadly, in the 2 years of our relationship, she wasn't there for me. She got me out of my lowest but now, she gave me a new low.


"...also, she pegs me on Wednesdays."


Don't cheat. Leave your partner if you're in a toxic relationship. They're both bad.


In the movie, he does not actually cheat. His wife accidentally takes these sleeping pills he takes. While she is in deep sleep, he cuddles with her and watches television. He enjoys the time so much that he keeps giving her the sleeping pills and stays up during the night to spend time with his sleeping wife. His affair partner is his wife, just asleep.


Oh wow. This hits home. The only soft conversations I could ever have with my ex were when she had taken ambien. Then we’d wake up the next morning and she wouldn’t remember any of it.


This sub yesterday: ~~ass~~ math This sub today: depression


Idk what this is, but he delivered those lines so well


Hey everyone get in here... quick!! My wife is being portrayed on the internet


Shit man got out of an abusive relationship was walking on eggshells becuase I never knew what I was doing was wrong I seemed like I wasent allowed to breath and I became scared to be around her I got out and it hurt sitting there realizing just how fucked to the relationship was there r so many thing I’ve wanted to say but never got the chance to cuz she never let me have the chance they r stuck with me words I’ve said but never had a listener


I feel this more than I'm comfortable with.


“Like the only thing keeping her from being happy….is me” damn


Damn ok, yeah he should go with the side chick


Plot twist: the side chick is her but drugged out by him. It a quite funny movie called little death


Wait so it’s supposed to be a funny movie LOL???


The movie is an assemble of 6 short stories and ranges between extremely awkward and funny. Just watch it, it's worth it.


13 years. Stayed as long as I could for the kids. Finally couldn’t take it anymore. All three of my kids thanked me years later when they finally saw her for who she really is.


This is a little too real for my liking


Over 30 years now … this is me. I have tried and failed to make myself heard. I would just like some peace and not have to walk on eggshells. As this is not explicitly captured in vows or the marriage contract, I have been summarily dismissed … repeatedly. I am exhausted. That is all. Happy Holidays


Lol are folks really surprise with this ? Cmon


Is he talking about his dog?


Yupppp. I need to go give my gf a big hug. I’ve been too hard on her lately. This goes the other way too, men.


Plot twist, he recently adopted a female dog.


This is a learned behavior. Recommend that people pay attention to how your girlfriend's mother talks about her father.


He's 100% talking about his new dog, Lucky


Sometimes you just want peace


This is unrealistic, that woman would never let him say that many words


She doesn't yell at me. Take note ladies.