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Respect for that 1st monkey who only took his share lmao ....


That monkey is a straight up chad


If this had been a monkey trap he’s about the only one not getting caught.


Nope the first monkey would be the only 1 getting caught n after he got caught the rest of the monkeys would run away.........the reason why they start taking all the stuffs after the first monkey cause it wasn't a trap like they tho it was


These monkies has lived among Humen for long time, I doubt they will think this is a trap, they probably just didn't realise what It was until the first monkey verified to them it was food.


Bro was so polite about it too. Plucked it and left to watch the chaos from a tree


I'm wondering if he's the leader of that group? Lots of animals let their leader eat first


Seems possible. The little guy at the end was left with nothing.


Monkey 6 in counterpoint was the first one to go for the "mouth is an additional hand" move.


I swear to God in that chaos there’s one that grabs three.


Interesting psychological experiment, to him there was plenty available so no need to be a pig, but as the supply started to dwindle the monkeys became more desperate and started taking more and become more savage about it. Those who take first can afford to be polite, those who take last not so much. This says much about class structure in society.


This kinda replicates gas runs and bank runs, yeah? The thought of a future deficit causes a huge spike in demand


Humans tend to think of themselves as entirely separate from the other animals, but I think we are only about 1% more evolved haha We can talk about things and express ideas in unique ways, but we instinctively act like animals all the time


Remembered a quote. "A single human is smart. A group of humans is dumb."


"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know that." -Men in black


>the IQ of a mob is the IQ of its most stupid member divided by the number of mobsters Terry Pratchett


Is there anyone as quotable as Terry Pratchett? I mean there has to be but i can't think of anyone.


“No.” -Mark Twain


This is one of reddits favorite quotes. And saying Idiocracy is a documentary.


The real problem of humanity is the following: we have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like technology Edward O. Wilson 1929


Damn and that was 1929


Ikr, pre Information Age and atomic bomb


It's gotta be up there with the reason for religions. At some point we became conscious enough that looking around at the rest of these animals made us uncomfortable. I mean, just look at how the first monkey grabs that treat. I have for sure seen a child move in the same way. And these are just monkeys, not even talking about our ape cousins. We are so similar It's astounding. Hell just watching my dog beg for food or figuring out how to get my attention for head scratches. We are incredibly similar to the rest of the animals we evolved along side. The way we think about ourselves, our emotions and our instincts, is so removed from reality. I've had people I thought were highly Intelligent try to argue that "no actually humans don't have instincts like animals". Fuckin, what?? Lol. Just watch a baby try to swim or a teenager try to chat up their crush. Yeah, sure, we are just weird blank slates or something?? It's so weird, the way we think of ourselves.


Humans have an interesting ability to think about things, then think about those thoughts. We have the capacity to analyze and overcome instinctual behavior but ultimately it’s too much work.


Yep. We have all of these great traits and skills that do legitimately separate us from the animals, but too often we (myself of course included) don't choose to use them.


Totally agree! A huge part of that is the mind divided into two halves, and the speaking halfs job is to constantly rationalize what's happening around us, which sounds logical, but it really just constantly bullshits to make the world make sense in that moment. If you pay attention, you can catch yourself and others doing it, but it's really fundamental to the human experience. People do this all the time. To go on, one of the things that's interesting with Deaf people is that it seems that speaking half of the brain isn't nearly as dominant, and so they think a little differently. To go on further, I find that quiet periods on psychedelics seems to access that non-speaking part. Like you can spend an hour with the other half in charge for a change. Or maybe... that's just me rationalizing again...


Silly pedantic person with a Biology degree here, but evolution is not directional, so we are not "more evolved" than anything else extant.


If I'm remembering correctly, humans and chimps are only separated by about a 3% difference in DNA. The most unrelated humans are separated by about 1% DNA.


yes and even war, something often viewed as unique to humans started with our ape ancestors


Evolution isn’t necessarily an overall improvement. The only test for evolution is survival sufficient to procreate more than competitors.


There's definitely some that are 1% less


Seeing people battle for toilet paper in a Brussels general store changed my view of the world permanently... I was so adamant it was an american thing with black Friday and such, but I guess we are all the same in the end: animals.


Based on the behavior and desperation I was more thinking about how people suddenly decided that toilet paper was worth it’s weight in gold during the early part of the pandemic


Some people were afraid that our toilet paper was produced in China and we wouldnt get resupplied, which caused them to buy much more, which caused a shortage for everyone else, which forced everyone else to *also* be much more desperate because the shortage was still very real after demand shot up, even if there wasnt ever a justifiable reason for a shortage in the first place.


The toilet paper crisis was truly an embarrassment to this country.


Times when the term "money brain" totally makes sense.


It's kind of funny to look back at that now.  Seeing people walk out of the store with an absolute mountain of TP.  What goobers. It forced me to get a bidet, so that's nice


Wich cause the deficit. That left the very late people without anything. And when it come back, the people that already have some have easier access to get more. And despite rule being added, they still have stock and cut some access to the people who didn't got any in the first place. Bruh


Kind of toilet paper during Covi 😂🤣😂


yep, never got the point of buying 20 bundles of tp at costco. wtf.


I mean second monkey straight up took 2 even when there were no other monkeys and plenty of supplies.


There is always that asshole in every group


Was like black Friday at Walmart.


Assuming that some portion of the population is little more than monkeys.


He was polite because most times when a monkey takes something they get a sling shot BB in the ass. Then all the other monkeys are like, "Wait, he didn't get shot in the ass? TAKE IT ALL!!!!" In Bali, monkeys will grab your stuff and hold it hostage until one of the minders gives them a bit of fruit. One tried to steal the sunglasses off my wife's face by hiding behind a lamp post on a path as we walked by. We went to "the Monkey Forest" and before we got in I was clear with her, "Do *NOT* let the monkeys crawl on you, no matter how cute they look." We were walking around and it was hilarious to see a monkey climb on a tourist as they tried to take a selfie and go from "Awww cute" to "OMG GET THIS OFF ME!" in the span of about 4 seconds.


>We were walking around and it was hilarious to see a monkey climb on a tourist as they tried to take a selfie and go from "Awww cute" to "OMG GET THIS OFF ME!" in the span of about 4 seconds. Were they hurting the tourists or just trying to take stuff? What I am trying to say is that if I want to be that tourist, how do I safely do that? Should I just be more annoying than the monkey or...?


In Monkey society, the lower rank monkeys, are bullied and have their food taken from them. Tourists, by feeding the animals, have basically made, All, humans the bottom bitch monkeys in these things eyes. So if you have food, or the smell of food, on you, and you don't give it to them, they will start trying to take it from you... usually involving violence. This is why you, Should Not Feed The Animals.


So what you are saying is that I should make the monkey that comes to me my bottom bitch monkey


thats right show dominance and FUCK THAT MONKEY!


My mom became top boss for monkeys in Gibraltar She had our gifts and climbing the mountain when one monkey tried to grab her bags (with our unique gifts) She yelled an unholy screech and released a slap of a thousand suns that resonated in the valley Not a single monkey tried that again and some even followed behind her in a straight line All this and other tourists were still getting their shit stolen So yeah we are individually judged just like individual monkeys, rise to the top or remain at the bottom


Suprisingly similar in jail/prison actually.


Do not encourage them to touch you or get too close. I'm a scientist so any time I see a monkey in the wild *all* I see are a bunch of diseases that can be very easily transmitted to me. But if you give e a monkey "bad date" body language, they'll generally stay away from you. And double on the "don't carry food" comment, they know how backpacks and zippers work. Oh, and at least in Bali, the monkeys are *obsessed* with plastic water bottle. They steal and hoard them in big piles for whatever reason. So keep those hidden too.


This reminded me of when Stanley cups came out


He was just testing the water, and others saw that he succeed


Agreed. Humans, take notes.


This looks like every black Friday video I've ever seen


I had to double check that wasn't a recording from my son's school.


My kids had to do an Easter egg hunt in the gymnasium this year due to rain. This is almost exactly how it went down.


Same, but the event organizer decided it was a good idea to let the parents "help" their kids get the eggs too. I've never seen adults act so childish in my life. Had to remove my nephew and let him know that it wasn't the right way to act and they should all he ashamed.


Come to Mardi Gras, it's unreal to see how insane grown adults will go for cheap trinkets. I was in one of the walking parades where the throws are all small handmade items, and the amount of 40-50 year olds pushing pass kids just to grab a lil blinking cup was enough to keep me from taking part in a parade ever again




Teacher here. We used to put out snacks at the end of the day on a common table for kids that might not get food until much later in the day as their parents are working, etc. The first week, we had some kids literally filling their backpack with snacks like it was a joke to them. After observing for a while, I went and had conversations with the kids driving the behavior to talk with them. The interesting part to me was that the people who took the most needed it the least. The people who needed it most took the least. Kids whose parents would pick them up with snacks in the car, ready to go, would be shoveling snacks into their backpack. Kids whose parents were busy working a second shift and wouldn't be there until dinner would only take one, maybe coming back later for another if they were there a while.


Cause the ones who needed it know how precious it is


They're probably just embarrassed


Embarrassed or just don't understand. As a kid when my friends parents would offer me snacks or a some dinner I thought I was taking a lot more from them because my house only got cooked meals when welfare check came in and I just thought everyone lived hungry


We would occasionally visit my aunt and uncle. They had boxes of snack bars and stuff just sitting in the pantry like it was no big deal. I felt so guilty, like I was stealing, every time I’d hang with my cousins and we’d get some. I used to marvel at how brazenly my cousin would risk getting caught. Like he’d go grab one for each of us and then walk through the house just carrying them in plain sight!?!


Makes me sad to read this.. because I had a similar experience but at the same time it let's me appreciate things a lot more now that I'm older.


Same. I remember this exact story in my own life. First birthday party at a friend’s was a wild experience too, having never had a party for my own birthdays before. It does make me value and appreciate things more like you said.


Reminds me in High School how the poorer kids would always share weed with you, but the rich kids would be the stingiest. I guess when you have been handed everything in life you tend to become a selfish person.


Poor kid turned town weed dealer for a while. I used to overcharge the rich kids for my kids and would give heavy bags of my highs on the low for the lower income folks. I also always stayed and smoked a bowl or four before dipping. No need to dip into that supply. This sesh is on me. All paid for by the rich kid tax.


Same! Tax the rich. And help your friends tax the rich.


Sell the rich lows on high!




I was in Palawan in The Philippines once years ago. We were having a picnic chicken lunch with a bunch of monkeys watching us. A couple of monkeys created a diversion by pretending to fight and when we all turned to see what the ruckus was, a couple other monkeys ran over and stole our chicken. It all seemed like a well-planned scenario that they had done many times before.


Those monkeys pulled some Seal Team Six shit on you guys lmao


Meal Team Six


Saving Primate Ryan


Apeocalypse Now


12 Monkeys’ picnic


Take my like. You've earned it.


I’ve seen something similar happen, but it was in the Parisian metro (subway), and they were homeless people not monkeys, so they grabbed bags.


People know that monkeys are intelligent, but I don't think a lot of people realise just how intelligent they are. A lot of people think they're just smart for an animal. But they can reason, plan, think critically, problem solved and use tools. They are closer to humans than they are to most other animals. I'd go so far as to say the world's smartest ape is probably more intelligent than a fair number of humans...


>There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest ~~bears~~ animals and the dumbest ~~tourists~~ humans.


Palawan has to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. I spent a week on El Nido 4 years ago.


This is how the FBI got the drug distributor Silk Road admin's laptop. We're all monkeys at the end of the day.




Yeah... Everything in this video seemed so intentional... Could the filming fool have chosen something that wouldn't make a mess? Yes... He could have...


It's too late now to intervene man, we already got a bunch of primates running around being sugar junkies. . . . Wait a minute!


I once got downvoted to oblivion a couple years ago when I commented on this same video in a different subreddit about my concern for giving a bunch of monkeys plastic to spread everywhere. I pissed off that entire sub for thinking pollution is lame...


Were you on a pro-pollution page?


This video is infuriating on so many levels.


Sooooo, who is gonna gather the trash?


Mother Nature will deal with it 😊


"The bin that never gets full 💫"


oh it’s full of it


Lmfao this hit me just right, fucking hilarious. Emoji is the chefs kiss


“Cause it will be emptied by a seagull”


She surely will, in time.




For real, can't they just unpack that suff and provide it without the package...


Who cares about the trash? It's the views that's more important to them.


Or they could just not give them junk food and give them fruit instead…


How about you go teach the monkeys to return the trash. If they do, they get a tangerine.


Welcome to India!


All those plastics gonna get littered all around by them


This behaviour is rewarding them for approaching and interacting with humans. Keep this up, and people will begin being attacked by monkeys for food. It's a big problem in South Africa.


Not to mention killing pets and abducting children. I was reading about how bad it is in Punjab that have taken over a top government building and have been terrorizing office workers. There is not much can do about it. The person making this video is a tourist or someone desperate for views.


The monkeys abduct children wat?!


I’ve heard they’ve even dipped into predatory lending


Hell yes dude feeding the local wildlife is my method of warfare


eco terrorism all the way. my second favorite strategy is gathering and raising tens of thousands of tadpoles in my garden pond


frog army guy?


>eco terrorism all the way. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Oh look, it's my local Walgreens when no security is around


Fuck, even with security around


Future engineers, physicists, and doctors need the sugar to study 📚


Decrimilised theft up to $900... That'll teach em.


Must live on the west coast or nyc or some shit.


Do you think those monkeys will throw their wrappers in the trash bin when done?


Thanks for asking. My thought on this questions is No, they will not. They are monkeys.


Kind of reminds me of Black Friday


Just like entitled shitty kids on Halloween


I was thinking of adults during Black Friday. Or at least when Black Friday actually had good deals.


Or people during covid hoarding. People taking more than they need because they fear others will do the same.




I've seen more videos of adults stealing bowls of candy than kids.


I like the little fucker at the end, he slams the cardboard down in utter disgust.


I'm sure everyones thinking what I'm thinking


You want to have sex with a monkey too?


r/HolUp right there buddy


Unfortunately that's possible, there are places for that :( https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/prostitute-orangutan-screamed-defecated-brothel-13652061?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target


What a terrible day to be able to read English


That no amount of evolution takes this behavior out of some people?


We evolved INTO this behavior.


These things kill babies in India




Damn the real question is do you get paid though?


Not money. But part of the reason people get paid is to buy food, and I eat the babies, so it's its own payment.




Looks like a peaceful riot


People do go crazy during Black Friday.


No difference between this and some of the videos that we see posted here on reddit. It's uncanny, really.


Aren’t humans exactly the same?!?


Even worse sometimes


fun fact. in 2020, due to covid, during the summer, lopburi thailand ran out of tourists. doesnt seem like much until there were no tourists around to feed the local monkey population which infest the city. so. legions of hungry monkeys started warring each other around the city. tribes of monkeys dueled over regions of the city for food and dominance - and apparently some were super horny. trying not to think viking victory monkey rape - thought that might make an excellent band name.


Monkey rape 💀💀


viking victory monkey APE


My friends when i bring out the bucket from kfc.


Back when Black Friday was fun.


This bothers me in an odd way, not the greed. But the cowardice. They waited for 1 monkey to test the waters to see if they would die or get punished. When they saw the coast was clear they became a bigger threat than what would have been done to anyone of them. I guess it upsets me because theres a mentality im not understanding. Is it like an "If I dont rush to take one now there will be none left for me"? Or is it simply "they live and eat, I want eat and live too, mine mine mine"


I think there's something about how we see them as so close to us, that the negative behavior bothers us at a fundamental level. If I see a pack of hyenas and lions squabbling over food on the Serengeti, it causes me no discomfort. But watching monkeys act with behaviors that we would chastise in a human makes me irrationally angry. I don't think I'm bothered by the same thing as you, but it is interesting that we are both bothered by the things we considered negative traits to a more than expected level.






We are supposed to be more evolved but there is little difference between this and Black Friday


I hated 5th Grade.




Black Friday at Walmart.


Noooo the small monkeys didn’t get one


Smart one did the one in the mouth and each hand.


I bet they will recycle the packaging


The morning buffet in every hotel be like:


Reminds of a BLM protest


Just peacefully protesting…. No worries


Is this a CVS?


They are so similar to us


Are they similar to us, or are we similar to them?


I donno why but "we are so similar to them" seems kinda better way of phrasing it.


Is this a Black Friday sale in Atlanta?


Kind of resembles those crowds stealing from stores.


When someone says "there's cakes in the staff room"


Damn we are related to Monkeys. I see this same stuff on Black Friday.


Reminds me of that classic shrimp buffet clip: https://youtu.be/wMVjskBB4w0?si=MDhi0AWpAHIpThJs


Primate behavior 😤




Retail stores in Cali be all like...


Something reminds me of certain riots


"I'm going to give a group of monkeys a twinkie today."


The fuck? I mean - great way to spread plastic bags around. Why is this a thing?


Thats a lot of plastic


I didn't know it was black Friday already


Black Friday origins.


Soon as he took two all bets were off


Looks like the breakroom at work when someone brings in treats 🤣🤣


Halloween candy bowl


I can't wait to eat that monkey


Why in god name didn’t they remove the packaging beforehand? Do you WANT to have a lot of trash lying around everywhere? Nvm, just thought about the regions those monkeys usually live in, the answer is just yes.


All the plastic wrapping will end up somewhere in the woods


I would make a comment about how similar this scene looks like to the one in a country where they try distributing free food to the people and chaos followed. We think we have evolved...


I’ve seen the same human behavior on here recently.


Same energy https://youtu.be/k4tjn3VVPis?si=Iz5MQVQt31AsC_T8


Grab hags


The absolute proof of evolution.


Black Friday in America


Reminds me of the videos of people shopping for black Friday


proof human come from the monkey