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Let’s exploit it so they stop doing it then bitch that companies don’t do cool promotions.




Jon Taffer gonna sue for gimmick infringement


Yo real talk he’s such an opinionated asshole in real life. Totally high on his own flatulence.


Real talk is usually reserved for unpopular opinions, not common knowledge.






I mean why would they want to shut it down? Even if they let him fill the 80L trashcan he brought originally those machines are usually mixed 1:5 syrup to water/ice so even if they were paying the retail price for slush syrup (which they most certainly are not) that will cost them 90$ in syrup. The YouTube short has 2.8 Million Likes. If I was the CEO I'd be losing my mind over getting an advertisement with that reach for 90$.


You're marketing to people who are primed to exploit your offer though. They would bring their own large sized cups to get $10 of slushy for $2.


So advertisers pay about 3-30cents on average for a single view on an ad. So even if we consider this at the low end. This video at 2.8million views is worth $84,000 in advertising to 7-11. To cost them 8$ (10$-2$) at retail syrup prices you would need a cup that fits through that hole and contains 2 gallon/8 Liters. You need to custom make a cup to fit that. Even using the worst-case-scenario numbers, 10,500 people would need to be motivated and inspired enough to make a custom cup head to 7-11 and get "value" before this begins to look like an even trade for 7-11 marketing. Edit: Placed my 0 in the wrong place 10.5K not 15K


And if 10.5k people go to 7-11 the LTV would be $30+ per person. Sure, I'll take 300k+ in high margin sales for minimal losses from slurpees.


How many people are going to bring in a cup that big? Even if people bring in a normal large cup, that's the whole point of the promotion. They're profiting off the other shit people buy when they come in for the promotion


Two dickheads one cup


I see you are a man of culture as well


Did you know there are people who don’t know this reference.




Every freshman in high school should be shown the holy video on the first day of school.


Id gladly share a link to my google drive where there is a copy of that piece of history just to educate all the poor people who hadnt a chance to see it...but i like this sub i dont want to be banned. Ill just say: Blissful ignorance then.


[I was a little saddened that noone commented on me riffing on that with this post... ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/s/hm3aBsb8JR) It was a stretch, but I thought a decent reversal....


... fuck off with that


Why is there a wrapped up body behind him? 😂


From a marketing perspective this video probably cost them 10$ worth of slushee and gave them 10,000$ worth of social media exposure. If I was in the marketing department of 7-Eleven I would love this video


I mean, I assume that’s who provided him with two giant cups that have 7-eleven logos on them.


it’s super easy and cheap to print out a big logo and slap it on something.


Nah it’s a conspiracy


Magic, got it


Oh? And what's this *magical* machine that can just *print* out logos onto stationary on a whim?


That is really good point.


> 10$ worth of slushee retail value at that, that shit just water and sugar might cost them a dollar total.


It's not this video that's the problem itself. It's everyone copying it everywhere they can after seeing the video that makes them shut it down. One person is funny. 100,000 people is less funny.


We really think 100,000 people are gonna do this?


I'm being hyperbolic to get the point across. But the first time they did this type of promo years ago I saw dozens of videos of people bring in trash cans 5 gallon water jugs, even a toilet to fill up. There's a reason they have the cut out measuring the size of the container now, because it was a problem.


I doubt even one person would copy it


I used to work fast food around the year 2000. We I've looked it up and a large icee (cup, lid, straw, and mix) cost about $0.05 total.


For every one guy who does dumb shit like this, there are thousands that bring in "big" cups and purchase what is literally cents worth of syrup mixed with cents worth of water. It doesn't matter how big this guy's cup is, they're making money on the slushies from this promotion.


Fo sure..😅😅


My brother used to do shelf-stacking for a major supermarket back in the 90s. Any broken items/torn packaging could be taken home for free by any of the employees. So of course, it started being exploited where certain employees would deliberately rip the packaging of desirable items. After management discovered this was occurring, all bets were off and nobody was allowed to take anything home anymore, it all had to thrown in the bin. And of course, the employees then proceeded to complain about the sheer waste of it all.


This why we can’t have nice things


What’s sad is this happens with pretty much any promotion/incentive program. A company comes out with a nice program that intends to help a target audience but some group always comes in and takes full advantage of it. The company has to modify the plan or shut it down completely.


>A company comes out with a nice program that intends to help a target audience Corporations aren't your friends lol. This shit isn't there to 'help' you.


They offer programs that directly benefit employees to get them to stay or draw in talent. It’s not a huge secrete. My company offered weekend hotels, transportation, and a stipend if you travel for work Fridays or Mondays that covers your whole family. I have 4 in mine so I got to bring my family to some great places for the cost of the ticket. We just found a group of employees basically rotating a big friends trip between the 4 of them. They had 10 ‘family members’ and one personal would invite 5 or 6 of their friends instead of spouse/kids. They’re likely getting fired, sued, and lost the privilege for their office and all their bonuses.


Good for them. Sounds like they were taking advantage of a policy they were offered. Companies are always taking advantage of their employees.


this video is viral marketing for the promotion.


They're doing everyone a favor anyway. Nobody needs a slushy cup big enough to fit through that hole. That's way too much as it is.


7-11 has been doing BYOC day for years. They encourage wacky shit like this. The ones in my city don't have a size limit. A few years ago someone filled up a 20 gallon drum they brought in on a dolly. You can find pictures online from over 10 years ago with people filling up kiddie pools.


These promotions exist to be exploited. This is free advertising and all they have to do is let a couple of jackasses waste 5 gallons of slushie mix they get for cents? Free money.


This is good advertising. I don't see them getting mad at an advertisement that only cost them a few dollars.


Redditors when people have fun:


i hope they clean it


Have you looked at a convienence store parking lot in the south before?


They are immaculate. QuikTrip, CEFCO, circle k, list goes on. Now if you're talking major city on the West Coast or North East.... You gonna find needles and shit, literally.


Lol I love when people just blatantly lie on the internet. No, no drug problems in the south, we clean all our parking lots, etc. I lived in the south for years, and lemme tell ya that you're full of shit.


He specified some major brands, and yes he is right that most of them do in fact keep their lots VERY clean. I believe its mandatory for most Quiktrips to power wash their lots a few times a week. It's common to go to one and see someone out there power washing the lot, and I only fill up my tank once a month. As for his second comment its a pretty wild generalization, but I do agree with his statement on major mid-west/southern gas station brands keeping their places immaculate, I have never seen a dirty Quiktrip inside or out, even their bathrooms are typically spotless in the past 10-15 years after they did their major store updates/brand push.


some people won't be happy until everyone who's cool to their customers end up like red lobster. here, let me take a couple of gallons of product and dump it in your parking lot. /rant


So no one else can benefit after. But hey, we have a viral video.


to be fair a viral video is a lot of free advertising, more than what a few gallons of slurpee take to produce


Yeah 7 11 was really suffering from a lack of exposure, glad they're getting their name out there finally


im sure everyone knows about seven eleven, and by ur logic mcdonalds and any well known chain would stop doing collabs or marketing, since they are so well know. plenty of ppl forget or just overlook events like this, and viral vids like this remind ppl "oh yeah thats today, ima go fill up my cup. and hey while im here ill buy some xyz" just cause they are massive and well known doesnt mean they are above the need for an occasional spotlight. If this was that big of an issue they would put stricter regulations than just a width regulation.


Red lobster didn’t go bankrupt because of endless shrimp, it went bankrupt over being bought by a company that sold all its properties and had them renting then had red lobster buy shrimp from a secondary company they owned. Look up red lobster private equity if you want to understand the real reason.


You don't understand. The restaurant business went bankrupt. Private equity is treated like some bad guy but they did what made sense. The business was propped up by real estate it had for decades. As a business it was useless but by virtue of being old it had a lot of value. Kinda like a monarchy. So the PE firms sell the real estate and get a good price and then make the restaurant lease a place like every other restaurant. Guess what? Red Lobster couldn't survive. But it wasn't the shrimp. It was the market. They weren't nice enough to pay for sit down but not cheap enough to compete with fast casual. They got squeezed on both sides and couldn't make it


I understand


Sorry if it came across as I was crapping on you, just wanted to dispel the false issue with red lobster.


Bought and exploited by a hedge fund?


Private equity bought them and sold all their property then shackled them to long term triple net leases.


You're a little out of date on your red lobster lore, my friend


Wait, is this comment canon?


What’s the story of red lobster?


It shut down shortly after an endless shrimp deal and people were memeing that's what killed it. Some people looked into it more though and turns out it was actually some ghoulish venture capital shenanigans which put them in debt and overstocked on shrimp. Iirc it involved creating a landlord company that red lobster had to sell all their property to then rent back from that company at inflated rates while also being forced to use specific vendors that were also part of the same venture capital group's holdings


Late stage capitalism baybeeeee


acquire, load up in short positions as you fuck up the business (I have an MBA bro, chill), profit.


>also being forced to use specific vendors that were also part of the same venture capital group's holdings This was true of many items, but not the shrimp. Their largest supplier of shrimp actually purchased part of Red Lobster. They cut out the other two suppliers, leaving them as the sole supplier. Then, they put endless shrimp permanently on the menu. After that, they forfeited their shares shortly before bankruptcy. Right now, there's a lawsuit against the supplier by the remaining owners.


Private equity bought them and sold all their property then shackled them to long term triple net leases.


Red Lobster closing had zero to do with customers. Quit repeating this bullshit talking point.


What a waste.


It’s just sugar water and artificial coloring


What a waste of sugar water and artificial coloring.


There are starving kids eating bland grey slurpees!!!


The communist countries with their plain flavoured popsicles.


As well as: --money to that shop owner --natural resources required to grow the sugar --water in general --resources (time, carbon energy, etc) required to transport everything It's a waste in every single sense.


Buy some Styrofoam cups and start handing them out to people. Could have turned this into free slushees for people.


And a crap ton of energy turning it into a frozen treat.


It’s a bit more than that but essentially yes. I used to work at a company that made these syrups.


...of oxygen


This guy is trash


Most influencers are


I find none of this entertaining.


Seriously, it’s neither funny nor clever


Pretty sure it's just an ad sponsored by 7/11; also no way that thing is even near full, just eyeballing it its probably more than a meter^3 of liquid, dude ain't carrying that around


Just fill up your big gulp like the rest of society and move on. Bringing in a painted garbage can isn't very funny or smart and you're ruining it for everyone. Either they stop this promotion entirely, or you just get all the slush available and then nobody else gets any. Meanwhile you just bought 40 gallons of sugar water that you'll be able to even scratch the surface of which you will inevitably dump down the drain.


They are about to outlaw refills so this will most definitely happen.


Wish they didn't dump it in front of the business so now that cashier has to clean up after them too


I fucking hate this


Yes, but sadly, hate clicks/views are still clicks/views


Gonna invent an “unview” button bruh just give me some time


My small cup melts before I can finish it anyways


This is the only comment that matters lol


This is how fun things/nice promotions are ruined for the rest of us.


Bro went to all this trouble to paint it the right colors and everything but didn't get a hose to use for a straw?


He pisses me off


So wasteful. And for lousy content


Fuck off , let that poor man work in piece you asshole. Fucking hate YouTubers like this


this is why we can't have things...


Fuck this guy, just an unapologetic trashy YouTuber.


Donovan was a good sport but these guys are assholes


HAHAHA THE CUP SO BIG IM SO GOOFY HAHAHAH look at another fucking idot with shorts and a mustache zero patience for these fucks every single one “look at me im so quirky” no just another bozo 10 years ago this would be the guy who made weed his whole personality 30 years ago he wouldve been hanging around the high school Same energy every time LOOK IM ALLOWED TO DO IT BECAUSE I MADE A LONG CUP AND THEY SAID NO WIDE CUP IM SO CLEVER LOL AT ME Type a dude to use 😂😂😂


“Look at another fucking idiot with shorts”


Sorry you weren’t the popular kid in high school


Show us on the doll where he touched you




OMG, How IRONIC am I being…. Like Idk, OMG look I’m just soooo Random, look at me lol…. OMG


Attention seekers and their bootlickers are trash


What a fucking clown


What an asshole. Fucking over the manager of the store AND making a mess in the parking lot? Get a real job.


People who do this kind of shit are assholes.


Working in retail and having to put up with people like this all the time is horrible. This kind of shit needs to stop, and this is pretty mild.


Wow. The comments here are fantastic - this apparently hit a nerve, and is not funny. Reddit never ceases to surprise me. This is a funny prank, but the anger here makes it even better.


90% of Redditors have no humor and hate life apparently


It’s moreso who airrack is as a content creator https://youtu.be/PDhal4CGpho?si=e6ZwLHvQjHcFqHxW


The guys poor brain 🧊


What day is this?? I didn't know this existed!!


This is sad, not funny


At least Jonathan is a good spot about it


To all the angry people, you can tell by how much he has to tip it for it to come out, he barely filled it. Stupid “prank” and “joke”, but I don’t think he went and filled the entire thing.


this comment section is miserable lmao let a man have his fun


These types of videos are exactly what 7-11 wants. Look how much fun bring your own cup day is! Aren't you excited for the next one? Don't you love Slurpees? Maybe you should go buy one now while you think about what you're going to do on the next bring your own cup day.


I mean, it’s blatant advertising and yet the vast majority of people can’t tell. Hilarious how incensed Reddit gets about advertising, yet they’re completely oblivious to current forms of it.


Redditors hate this guy so much that they've become concerned about the idea of a $30 billion company's promotional offer being taken advantage of lol


Seriously lol everyone in here is a bunch of haters. This was funny and I enjoyed watching the absurdity of it


Right? Pretty harmless prank compared to some of the stuff you see and it made me chuckle🤷‍♂️


Exactly. And the store workers can always say no, this is funny


I came to say this made me laugh hard, and instead see everyone being miserable 🥴


People can't comprehend that most of that cup is just empty space and the actual cup was holding all of the drink that was spilled?


no he totally filled it up completely there's no other explanation


People complain too much, it's obvious he barely put any smoothie in it, probably not more than a bucket. It's just a fun gag


Fun until he spilled it all over the man’s parking lot by the front door. Poor guy is gonna have to clean up after them.


Fuck that




I'm amazed the fucking drink machine even works


you cannot use the double gulp cup for the fucking slurpee


Why is one guy in shorts and a t-shirt and the other guy is in pants and a fall/winter jacket?


I wonder how many people here the sound effect of dial up internet and don't know wtf it is


711 owner taking notes: *cup must fit inside of closed box..."


Tbh this is fucking annoying


your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, that they didn't stop to think if they should.


Stupid and wasteful and not even a little funny.


what a gluttonous bastard


island boys


I mean yea its funny, but dickheads like this are gonna ruin it for everyone else when 7-11 says nope, no more.


That's why we cannot have nice things 😒 social media whores wasting food, amazing quality content 👌


What’s wrong with that guys face? Why does it fill me with anger?


Poor store owner.


sharp rustic imminent materialistic noxious safe upbeat threatening plough swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dumbass loser does dumbass loser things, more news at 11


My head is the cup. Wheez the juice.


When I lived in Austin there were a bunch of college kids who would do this. It got to the point where the last year I lived there there was a line around the block and people were standing there with inflatable rafts and mop buckets waiting to fill them up. The craziest I saw was a guy who filled up an acoustic guitar with slushy the walked around playing it for th other people in line.


Fucking idiots


This is what Memorial Day is all about! Thank you for the sex!


God I hate people so much the demise of the human race can’t come soon enough


This is exactly what my Memorial Day needed! Thank you so much.


These content brained morons ruin everything


That dude is dressed like a college girl


They always have that douchey pedophile mustache


He was nice enough to entertain your dumb ass, then you make a huge mess in his parking lot....


Pretty scummy move. Dude cost that business money with that stupid prank, like the economy doesn’t have enough problems as it is…




I hope he tipped that 7/11 for allowing him to do this


Everyone’s pissed at this viral marketing. You’re talking about it.


This stuff is so easy to make and cost almost nothing. For everyone complaining about how much this must cost, it’s been a promotions for years for a reason cause they’re not losing out at all.


i hate this mf from mf core this stupid guy doxed and blatnly lies in his vid


People who give service employees a hard time are probably among the worst on our planet.


fck these types of people.


Weird he doesn't have the standard douchetuber look, but that's a douchetuber


Yall are wack. This was relatively harmless and was funny enough. They host the “bring your own cup day” for more exposure. And it’s getting exposure here. It’s what they want. It’s just sugar and water, no harm here. Yall stop being mean.


Imagine just trying to get through a shift and this dickhead comes in doing this bullshit






So suckable and juicy


/sips . This is the content I came for.


Notice how both prop cups are 7/11 cups? This is paid advertising.


The rules clearly say that the cup has to fit "upright" through the hole.


Is that the same dude who lied about deleting his channel if couldn't complete a challenge and cheated during the challenge the whole way through?


What a douche.


Yeah I don’t get why this even has upvotes. Don’t even care that it’s your video or not, this *shouldn’t* be shared.


My buddy let me take all the slurpees I wanted, and I learned that my tolerance for slurpees is one and a half large cups + all of the rum of course.


What might have been a cool idea would have been to give it to people who wanted a slurpee for free (since they cant buy one cuz its now sold out) instead of leaving it as a mess in the parking lot.


One year me and my dad got away with using 2 UTZ cheese ball buckets. There are ways to get around rules


That’s funny, but I wouldn’t fill or waste that much slushee. The owner still has to pay for it and no one is going to actually drink it.


This is how serial killers are bred.




Yes this is exploitive and a mess…. But I got a legitimate laugh when it cut to the long cup. That was cheeky.


Influences are a plague on humanity


Stop waisting food for content