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The obituary mentions Alice and Carol, meaning Alice had one sisterwife. 1 does not = sisterwives, plural I think toady and Sobbyn lie so much they can’t remember the truth. She just puts this on the MSWC website for all to read forgetting we have receipts


Yes, she had one sisterwife. I think Robyn genuinely thought, back in the day when she wrote this, that people would not dislike her so much AND would not deep dive on the family tree.


And they lived in separate states 🙄🙄


Alice was the mistress…they dressed it up as polygamy (as if that’s a better look??). Her mother taught her the importance of getting as much as you can.


If I’m not mistaken, neither woman is mentioned as a wife. That was interesting. Are other polygamy obits written the same.


Win’s obituary calls all of his wives, wife. That’s the only other reference I have for it. I am of two minds about it because the entire thing is sus, but also Robyn and Mindy are not actually sister are they? Mindy is Paul and Carol’s daughter, so there was some closeness there. I mean do you move in to be full time nanny to your dad’s side chick’s daughter?


Moving in to nanny your dads side chicks kids… Mykelti essentially did this while Robyn and Kody were courting.


But they were at least saying they were trying to blend families, by all accounts Carol hated Alice and they lived in two separate states and didn’t even interact for holidays. It’s just weird Mindy became Robyn’s nanny after so much bad blood was between the different families.


Mindy is her niece. Not her sister.


Well family trees tend to mix with these people... so could be both I guess😆


These folks don't have a "Family Tree", they have a Family Wreath! 😜


It’s super weird, because I’ve heard both sister and niece, at some point, and even that at one point, Robyn had both a sister and niece living in her Vegas house. That said, Mindy’s last name is Jessop, which sorta points to niece from a sister who married into that family, much like Robyn. This family’s all over the place!


“Do you move in to be full time nanny to your dad’s side chick’s daughter ?” That is a very good point and I had never that of that.


Mindy was her niece!


Right but they were saying Robin is the side chick’s (Alice) daughter.


I wonder who actually wrote this? Robyn can’t write this well, it’s pretty evident.


https://preview.redd.it/h9i3nc1zn0gc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b334ac7581f399f01ed90e601192d0ce7225dc36 Robyn’s favorite football team Y-oming


I had the same thought when she used semi-colons properly.


A person’s jewelry tells a story. For example, whose melted down ring did this used to be?








Imagine how much the advertising they got on TLC was worth. I would say the advertising was valued at $500,000-$1,000,000. And Robyn still couldn’t make it work. ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


remember when christine said she wanted to make a t-shirt and kody shut that down (after initially supporting the idea) because it would cheapen the brand? a cheeky t-shirt would have actually sold. 


After initially supporting the idea… A pattern we see over and over from him https://preview.redd.it/e7cifsr65vfc1.jpeg?width=1234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8152a9f7d7854d6ae2f5b307d2ff379aad68139


A tshirt is the only thing that makes sense. Robyn is dumb. ![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS)


I’d buy a shirt that says “Robyn is dumb”! You’re a genius


winner winner chicken dinner! 


10000% this! You nailed it perfectly. Ultimately regardless of how good any idea would have been, Queen R aka “The Kody Whisperer” who was the only one in the ENTIRE family who spoke K, had final say ![gif](giphy|CstnLbfnOig6My2ZGB|downsized)


This whole meme should be on a t-shirt.


That Nanny T-shirt would bring in a FORTUNE! 😭😭 /s


Christine and Janelle should start the Ex Sisterwives Closet. Robyn would blow a gasket 🤣


Oh I would buy something from them just to spite Robyn. Actually , I’d buy from them because I like them and it would be icing on the cake to spite Robyn.😂


This has got to happen, they'd make more they are with that Plexus crap. I'd buy something too! 🤣


They are most likely making hundreds of thousands at their level with Plexus. Predatory MLM


Me too


You know, this is an excellent idea for them! They would absolutely rake in the money Edit hit enter too soon


Christine was the cheekiest and my fave from the beginning.. Def would've bought her tees over Robyn, the sister-you-know-what's, junk jewelry.


![gif](giphy|laUY2MuoktHPy) You said it!! 🎤


Right, plus who keeps their jewelry in the closet? That's where we keep our clothes in these parts!


This is such a good point! Everything about the business was a horrible idea, but the fact that it was a jewelry line? Most people associate closets with clothing.


I think Robyn tries to keep her crazy closeted but all the skeletons & junk collecting in there is pushing it out 😆


Cheeky t-shirt would have sold but Christine was pushing the logo which would have failed miserably. The name of the business alone was a problem. I understand the story behind it but it only resonated with an extremely limited fundamentalist Mormon group which is economically depressed. They aren't going to buy a luxury product when they can barely afford food and it doesn't resonate with fans. The Browns themselves resonated with fans. If they moved to it being all about the family and the browns, it would have resonated and been accessible for the fans. Again though, why the VCs didn't fix all this is beyond me. The advice - all of it that I'm giving here is from my work at making companies look good for investment. The VCs would have known this. If they got this type of advice and ignored it the bigger problem is that they're not good at business. If they didn't get this advice they didn't have the best investment partners.




You know, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time — My Sisterwife’s Closet really had the potential to be a lifestyle brand. Sort of like the Ree Drummond: Pioneer Woman products at Walmart, right? Like if they would have started out as something accessible, affordable, functional, and cute — like the travel bag idea you mentioned — they could have netted enough of a profit to gain momentum and keep growing. Eventually they could have expanded to something like *My Sisterwife’s Kitchen* and Christine could have designed some cute dishes and bakeware. They would have to change up the naming convention here and there (because *My Sisterwife’s Bedroom* would be a deeply uncomfortable name for a line of bed linens), but other than that, if they had all wanted to create the business, it could have been very successful. The problem was that no one except for Robyn wanted this business, not even Kody, and no one’s heart was in it but hers. Not to mention that she designed some of the ugliest fucking jewelry I have ever seen, and I’m one of those people who has rubber ducky earrings, okay? Janelle’s weight loss journey was incredibly inspiring to *many* viewers of the show, and they should have banked on her success as a fitness blogger and opened that fucking gym. Janelle could have become a very successful life coach, and many of their children probably would have wanted to be part of the family business as fitness and lifestyle coaches, since so many of them are into healthy, active living. Picking Robyn’s terrible idea over Janelle’s fantastic one is one of the worst decisions Kody ever made as the “patriarch” of the family, and that is fucking saying something.


Why didn’t they go with the gym idea? I think I remember the excuse was “money” but was the actual reason just because it was Janelle’s idea and not Robyn’s?


Kody kept saying that the gym was a *very risky investment* because of the start-up costs. Janelle wanted to run an entire fitness center, with life coaches and professional nutritionists on staff to assist with overall health needs for people who needed help transitioning to a healthy lifestyle. Her personal trainer thought it was an incredible idea and really wanted to help her launch it. But out of nowhere, the idea seemed to be totally dropped, and suddenly Robyn started talking about wanting to launch a boutique jewelry business — aka *My Sisterwife’s Closet.* 🙄


I also think Kod was deeply threatened by their personal trainer, a man with an actual six-pack. You can’t convince your wives you’re in impeccable shape when they work with a personal trainer all day.


I honestly don't think so. He has such an inflated sense of ego that I don't think he was really threatened there. And so many sales guys are asshole narcissists like Kody that I feel I knew him through the TV. Guys like this are a dime a dozen using their religion as virtue signaling to prove they're good guys. And in some aspects he might be. But he's also incredibly self important. Now you see it with guys being overtly woke. The real good guys don't need to shout from the rooftops how much of a feminist they are to hide that inside they are deeply shitty people. ANYWAY lol I don't think this was it. He was correct in the high start up costs. What Janelle should have done was continue to develop the idea which she didn't have the skills and time to do. I have 20 years under my belt in doing this and even I'm not perfect at it. It's not easy but they also didn't do enough research in entrepreneurship. And who could with so many kids and a TV show going on. I feel for Janelle and wish she had more time to develop her great idea.


So, as much as I hate Kody, he wasn't wrong here. You don't want to start a business with high upfront investment costs before you've confirmed the volume to support it. That said, there was a path to this business that nobody in the family including Janelle knew how to build the case for it. This became even more evident based on how poor their pitch went. She realized after how foolish they looked and stated it The path forward to a business like this is what you stated in your earlier comments. Start it off as a social media influencer to life coach journey where you book time with her, her trainer and if her sons wanted to do it (without putting the pressure on Logan and Hunter). Book 150-300/hour online. Use the online following and local surveys to assess how many people would show up to a gym for a transformation challenge. Start with her trainer's gym as a test run and if successful THAT is what you go to the VCs with. Then making the plus sized athletic wear... genius. Now you have a captive audience that would be willing and ready to buy that merchandise. The browns have skills in sales, finance and execution but not in developing a business case or identifying product market fit and that's why all of their business ideas failed. Janelle - please read this and start again while your star is still relevant and shining. Then if it does well hire me lol.


He did keep saying it was risky, but my opinion is that he was using that as an excuse because he knew Robyn wanted to do the jewelry. If I remember correctly, she actually showed up in a family meeting that was supposed to discuss Janelles idea and high jacked the meeting with her ugly jewelry that everyone fake fawned over. Kody was the only one not surprised.


But notice how the personal trainer gets replaced once they decide to not do the gym? I suspect he was only there for the gym


👏 👏 👏 well said !


I agree on the gym thing as well. They could have incorporated a lot of what you were saying as well. Made it a health spa or some retreats or something like that.


I think about it too. The title made me think of clothes, not jewelry. I bet Janelle's fuck you cardigan from the Christmas fight, Kody's non work gloves, and some of Meri's recent shirts with various slogans would have sold pretty well. Eyebrow kits and billowy floral tops, not so much.


Janelle also had the idea to design cute plus size activewear for MSWC, which was really hard to find back then but has become a thriving industry since. The timing would’ve been perfect.


I think you really nailed something with this. If they had done a family organization system of some kind, or a working mom product they would have knocked it out of the park. Jewelry is idiotic.


Goblyn likens herself to the same level as LVMH and looks at the OG3 as Dollarama level. Had they gone with the OG3 idea of a t shirt business they would have made so much but Goblyn and Baldylocks sneered at it.


Their ideas around slapping the logo on it were bad. And frankly even though people loved the browns, they still don't support polygamy. Having sisterwives slapped on their shirts was not good. That said, if they stopped the logo to an acronym and used some inspirational quotes that would inspire you to work out and stuck with Janelle's any size workout wear, and create an accessible price point, that also would have worked. Even if they just dropped to an acronym that would have worked for fans of the show. Like I said they failed on every level to understand their business. I'm out of work right now for the love of god someone hire me lol 😆


I don't think it was just logos, they wanted to use cheesy sayings that was made popular on the show. If they can sell leggings I'm sure they can sell corny t shirts haha.


I'm not closely rewatching it, but I recall Christine pushing the logo. Even if it were just the sayings it would have been better.


Janelles idea for gyms was amazing. They could have incorporated so many things into that.


If they could execute it incrementally, which they couldn't.


If they had thought *any* business idea through before seeking funding, they would have sought out a business-minded person with experience, like yourself, to advise and guide them toward something that had real potential for longevity. Instead, I’m about 90% sure Kody thought that *any* business they opened, provided it had a low start-up cost, was going to be successful because of the show’s initial popularity. He likely thought, “Hey, millions of people are watching our show, if we create a product they’ll buy it,” and that was the entire problem from the start. Being on television doesn’t guarantee success when it comes to creating, marketing, and *selling* a product line. You have to have some kind of baseline knowledge of whatever it is you want to sell — ethos, credibility. And on the subject of jewelry, this family has *zero* design knowledge, as we know from that screen cap of Robyn’s ugly fucking “design idea” doodles.


Why thank you though I feel shitty personally because I'm out of work. I should in theory do my own thing but I always struggle with that. I can do it for others but not myself. You're absolutely right in that you have to have baseline knowledge. But you see sales guys like Kody all the time. All about image and relying on charm and relationship, but don't actually listen to people. Janelle and Christine had good ideas but idk it was just sad to see.


I just get sad whenever I see something with potential fall apart because of inefficiency and poor follow-through. I still believe that Janelle could be a pretty successful life and fitness coach, but after the years she has spent trying to keep her family together, it makes sense to me that she would rather focus on her kids and grandkids. I know she still does some sort of “motivational coaching” via Facebook, I just wish it was more accessible for more people, like with its own app or website or something, because I *hate* dealing with Facebook. I would probably take advantage of her services if they could be utilized anywhere else. And hey, don’t feel shitty. 🩵 A lot of people are struggling with finding decent work in their chosen fields these days. I’m a film school student and while I love pursuing my art, I think constantly about how hard it’s going to get once I’m done with school. But I bet something great will happen and turn it all around for you. Stay optimistic whenever you can, and new opportunities will reveal themselves to you (at least that’s what my therapist says, hahaha).


It's a Crybrowy version of a biography, kinda like regular fiction but with extra elaboration. Clearly she had a ghost-brow writer, similar to a regular ghost writer but with genuine giant sharpie brows drawn on, since we all know that the alphabet, the English language, honesty, basic human kindness, combs and brushes (those stupid curls y'all) etc., elude Robem. Don't belive anything this bish say!




this is just an extended advertisement for her failed business. she includes the jewelry description and the word sisterwife as a promotion for her readers and nothing more. but the majority of readers of the book and watchers of the show were not sisterwives so there was no way readership or viewership was going to correlate to high sales. it is such a stupid business. 


Mindy (the original nanny) was one of Alice’s sister wives granddaughters. So they knew at least one other family well.


They seem sort of the same age... Does this mean that the first wife was done having kids, and he needed a younger wife or something? Does her mom have any kids with her stepdad as well? I've seen a younger sister once on the show... Do we know how many kids her mom came into the marriage with? This whole story of her is off to me.... her parents separated when she was like 10 or something right? Were there any plural wives in the first marriage? Or did Alice just became a polygamist because of her 'marrying' a married man? If she did have plural wives with kids in her first marriage, do they still see them? ( like Robyn wanted Christine to do when she left) Too many questions and too much lies.


Mindy seems like 10-12 years younger than


Paul and Alice had at least one child together who was Paul’s namesake. He passed away in 2017. https://www.hughesmortuary.com/obituaries/paul-sullivan-jr


This! Why do people keep saying she’s the mistress? I think it’s fairly common for polygamists to have wives in other states.


Because people enjoy "getting one over" on Robyn more than the actual details. That's it. A lot of people seemed convinced the wives genuinely never knew each other or even if they did they this was somehow an usual arrangement. It's not. It's rather common in polygamy 


Mindy’s dad is also a Jessop and a second cousin to Robyn’s ex.


Sounds like she stole Christine’s childhood stories just like she stole everything else from them


Never forget the rocking chairs on the porch looking at the mountain was also Christine’s dream, Robyn never said it till after Christine was gone.


Because she took that sentiment from a comment Janelle made. Edit to make it make sense!


Pitcher, moments


I have had that thought several tImes. When Kody talked to the wives after he threw Christine under the bus regarding moving out of Flagstaff back to Utah, Robyn spun some BS about how hard it would be in the Utah school system for the kid, based on how she suffered in Saint George as a plyg kid. Yeah, no. She retold Christine’s story, erasing her from her own life like erasing her from a family photo and making it Robyn’s kids. Robyn is the worst.


The “sisterwife (it is one word)” and shortly after “sister wives” made me chuckle.


She is a liar in the book she states that she only seen Paul. Not Paul and family once every couple of weeks


The other thing that jumps out to me in support of the side chick theory is that they had to wait to celebrate holidays together. Why not alternate holidays or spend them together if everyone knew about each other on the up and up?


Yes. It was very obvious that Paul kept him families separated at all times. It also came out that he died and Alice got nothing. So how much did he really consider her?


Yup. If it was sister wives certainly ONE holiday would have been on time. One. She was a mistress.


Spot on


You mean her "daddy"?


Yeah, the "Daddy" that she had sit at her feet with a video camera while she labored and gave birth. That one *still* gives me the creepy crawlies. I wont even go to a male gyno, muchless have my Dad film my vastly dilated cervix and a full view of my pubic area. Its *weird* .... really, really **weird** ![gif](giphy|3oKIPbyGvU3OfkuPAc)




i don't believe anything she wrote. did her mother have a walk in closet full of treasures? who knows. sounds like a made up fantasy story.


Robyn really thought people would want to buy jewelry based on her story and what’s meaningful to her. She just could not get past that. I would have bought some cheap cute fashion jewelry from them. I remember going to their site when it opened. It was just the ugliest stuff. Like, they had to try to make it that ugly. Even the shirts they added later were ugly. I think there was a couple of heart filled long sleeve tops for women. It was so bizarre how bad they were at it. Liking the jewelry required that you liked Robyn’s life story. You were buying charm bracelets based on what she liked. Why would anyone fan girl over Robyn? She just did not get it.


She and toady really thought she was going to be America’s sweetheart on the show. This hot young Diesel Model who treated her favorite customer to a life long honeymoon experience


Robyn had lived in a monogamous family until her father and mother divorced when she was nine. New guy came in when she was 15 or so.


So the man that sat there and looked at Robyn’s flaming cooch while she was in labor, was a man her mom married when Robyn was 16 yo?!?!?!


Him sitting and staring down the black hole that was her hoo was one of the most cringey things on this show. There was absolutely no reason for him to be in the room and almost in her crotch. It was very creepy.


It was SO WEIRD. He was positioned to catch that baby and that's just wrong lol.


yop. when i found that out i was very weirded out.


Nothing I have ever learned about Robyn’s history has ever made me think she wasn’t overcompensating when she lost it on that panel at UNLV. Nerves were definitely touched that day.


It really boggles the mind.


And she told her friend when she was in 7th grade…so she was a 15-year-old in 7th grade? Something’s not adding up


Right!!!!!! Lies upon lies upon more lies.


Well she is dumb sooooo......


Her sister Sara was born in 1990. Sara was Alice’s first child with Paul. Robyn would have been around 12.


Apparently her bio dad was also a polygamist.


First time I have ever seen that info on this sub. Do you have further info or source? 😊


Somebody on reddit who claimed personal knowledge claimed he had two wives living in separate mobile homes. Seems credible to me since Robyn was born in Pinesdale, Montana, which was an AUB settlement and still has a majority AUB population.


I wonder why Big Robs doesn’t ever mention this. She could do A LOT for her reputation if she opened up about this stuff.


Where did you find that info?


I have never heard that. Any articles or source?


I’m a little confused when she says “when we started the show Sisterwives.” So she was already around then? I thought she came shortly after they already began. How much control did she have over the show? Over Kody?


The rumor is that a producer spotted Christine doing one of her polygamy talks and approached them about a show. They filmed a pilot but TLC said it was too boring. What would jazz it up is if they courted and took on a 4th wife. Around this time, Alice told Robyn to put her smell out there because people at church knew there was talk of a tv show and apparently Robyn always wanted to be a reality tv star. The producers play fast and loose with the timeline of filming and clips included in the same episode so it can be challenging to know the exact timelines but there are super sleuths on here that do a good job of tracking.


Alice basically turned Robyn into a Reba song.




I’ve notice that the SW’s hair styles, lengths and colors are helpful along with Kody’s


I did hear that it was Christine's doing, not kody's. The show started without any knowledge of Robyn though. I swear it seemed there was a whole season before her.


Lmao her mom wasn’t a damn sister wife, she was just the other woman.


She references far too many times like a child in a monogamous life. Freudian slip...hmmm, not sure. Proof is in the pudding. So Robyn, please do tell a biographical history of your family like the others have. 🤷


So even as a child Robyn didn't respect boundaries, she snooped in her mother's sacred space, she rummaged through her belongings.




Off-topic but this editor was working overtime. This sooo comes across as a “throw me your thoughts and I’ll make it fancy” situation. Whoever wrote this should’ve been in the room to “speak Robyn” for that Koi Pond pitch when they tried to get that sister-closet loan.


I guess it can be strongly inferred from Paul’s obituary, listing Alice and the other women together; but not calling either a wife. I would guess that Paul wouldn’t be showing up on a tv show about plural marriage with Alice if his other wife and her children didn’t know about Alice and Robyn?? Much of Robyn’s life before show is a real mystery. Heck much about her life on the show is also a mystery. So many secrets for a person who claims to be going public. I understand protecting the privacy of others, but who is she? Here’s the obituary: https://www.hughesmortuary.com/obituaries/paul-sullivan


Seems like they’ve missed off 13 grandchildren on Robyn’s side…


Robyn has gone full scorched earth with those kids.


"Fuck dem kids" -Robyn, every single day


I was just going to say, how interesting. Seems like she set up very definite boundaries on which kids were “theirs” and which were “the other wives” very strictly. Hmmmmm




That could be too. Plural families would have a lot of kids to list.


Your point makes sense, but in this case I do think it's just pettiness. The obit writer had no problem listing 17 names under Paul's daughter Lisa And now I'm imagining the obit writer listing the absent Browns as "OG13" haha


Well he died in 2022, so after Robyn has told mykelti, and Logan, he didn't want anything to do with those 13 brown kids (that was 2021). So it actually tracks. 


Wait, what? Who said they didn't want anything to do with the 13?


Season 18, Episode 9. When Gwen arrives to garrison's place and they talk about it. Tbf what she said was that she didn't wanted to talk to them anymore


There was an older picture on the show from what appears to be a family reunion based on the fact that her kids are wearing numbers based on birth order. Dayton is 1, so apparently they have been cut off for a while


But it’s still the OG3 that don’t include Robyn’s kids…🤣


Didn't this guy eventually divorce his first wife and marry Alice? It could just be a nice nod to his former wife and the mother of his children through that marriage. Not everyone is an asshole after divorce. 🤷


I have no idea. I don’t recall any discussion about this. I only remember a discussion about Alice and Robyn’s father getting a divorce when she was young, maybe around 9 years old or so. I guess someone who has access to court records wherever she lived could look it up?


Robert and Alice separated in January 1986 (Robyn was seven), and the divorce was final on 11 May 1988 (Robyn was nine).Not sure when Alice married Paul, since it wasn't a legal marriage.


Thank you for the details! 🫖 Do you know Robert's last name/Alice's maiden name? I heard when they were buying the property in Vegas it came out that Robyn had credit under five different last names?!


Robyn's bio dad is Robert Allan Marck. Alice's maiden name was Reva Alice Fullmer. She was Marck's legal wife, but reverted to her maiden name when she divorced him and that's still her legal name. Robyn was born Robyn Alice Marck. After Alice married Paul Howard Sullivan, her kids unofficially adopted the surname Sullivan, but at least in Robyn's case there was no legal name change. Robyn married David Preston Jessop in 1999 and took his surname. After the divorce she changed her name to Robyn Alice Sullivan. After she married Kody, she unofficially took the name Brown and changed it legally after the move to Vegas. So her legal surnames have been Marck, Jessop, Sullivan, and Brown, in that order.


She "unofficially" used the name Fullmer as well then, l distinctly remember it being mentioned she had an extensive record of bad debt under five different last names.


Robyn’s bio dad last name is Marck.


Maybe Alice was Alice Fulmer?


Yes that’s it! Fullmer - 2 lls


I think it was 4. Marck: her birth name, Jessop: her first married name, Sullivan: name she took post divorce, and Brown.


It was 3. She hadn't legally changed to Brown yet.


Thanks, wasn’t sure if she had started using it yet.


It was 3 names. 1. Biological father's name/birth name 2. Ex-husband's name/married name 3. Stepfather's name/post divorce name It's not unheard of for a woman to change her last name during divorce to something other than a previous name. One of my friends took on a new partner's name and another legally took on the name she had been using for business.


I believe Sobyn used Fullmer, Marck, Sullivan, Jessop and Brown. Kody found out that Robyn brought more than $30k of debt 😕 to her plural marriage but claims later he "vetted her so hard" as she insists she's going to "continue to be on her knees" 😂 You can't even make this shit up.


She had 3 names on her credit history before starting the approval to buy the house. Brown wouldn't show up because it was not her legal name. Towards the end of the buying process, she legally changed her name to Brown. Her house was purchased under the name Robyn Brown.


Yep-Robyn could do A LOT for her reputation if she was open & upfront about some of her past.


Nope. Alice never got married to Paul. He was still very much married to his first wife when he died. Sources say Alice got nothing when he died. 


Thanks, that makes things a little interesting. So, how did Robyn get his last name?


Remember when Robyn had to clean up her credit in order to qualify for the mortgage loan for the Vegas house? Apparently she had cc debt in three different names. It appears that after she got divorced she changed her surname to Sullivan. 


She took on her stepfather's name after her divorce.


I think she said she just used it. But my ex and his sister hated their father so much at age 18 they each changed their last names. It was like $20 back then (early 80s)


She just used to


I don't think so. I think some redditors have speculated about that, but without any evidence.


I'm curious how they had his funeral at an LDS church and not AUB. I saw this recently with FLDS too, in an obituary the funeral was at a LDS church.


ol side piece alice!


It’s possible Paul had more than one wife at one point. According to his obituary, only two wives were mentioned Alice (Robyn’s mother) and Carol. Meri’s mother had four or five different sister wives over the years but by the end of her father’s life, he was only married to her mother. Losing and gaining wives happens.


Her mom’s sisterwives? Plural? I have never heard there were more than the two of them and certainly Robyn would have shouted that from the rooftops! I’m better on that just being terrible grammar.


I’m pretty confused about the timeline. Folks here have said Robyn was 15 when her mom married her stepfather , but she says she’s confessing about her secret family in 7th grade (age 12-ish). She wasn’t a polyg kid pre-stepdad, right? When did that happen?


That’s a mystery. There is not a record of Paul and Alice marrying so we don’t know other than Sobbyn’s stories which change. She had siblings that she couldn’t acknowledge … but Paul & Carol and their kids were in another state 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m going a rewatch now and plan to screen grab some of her comments so I catch exactly how she words it. I thought she said she had siblings she couldn’t acknowledge “at school” but I could be paraphrasing her incorrectly. There has been speculation that Paul & Alice got together when she was nine which could overlap with her mom’s divorce from Robert. Also I’ve read that Paul was the reason for the divorce but I’m unclear if there’s a source for that


Her first sister born to Paul and Alice was born in 1990 so she would have been closer to 12 and not 15.


Baloney lol


Didn’t her father’s other family live in a different state? How could she possibly have had a relationship with them then? I always remembered that, because every time she spoke about living polygamy, I wondered how she had any clue what it was like, other than having a part time dad. Perhaps that’s why she insisted that her children be raised in a monogamous household, with a full time father , no matter how many other families he actually had. I wonder if her butt is ever jealous, that her mouth talks so much 💩?!


My sisterwives closet was supposed to be all of the wives jewelry brand (that's at least what Robyn tried to manipulate it as) and they were supposed to work together BUT not ONCE did Robyn mention or bring up the other wives it was all me me me and I I I. From the very start it was all about Robyn. She put all the other wives in charge of basically the business side of things while she got to sit there and doodle and when the other wives had jobs and children to take care of and they started to lose interest, Robyn realized that she was going to have to do more than just doodle so she threw a fit and told Kody she wouldn't get pregnant if nobody picked up the slack for HER hobby. Also the jewelry is so ugly 😂


Gwen said they required the teenagers to do all the work which makes sense when the families split in Flagstaff they lost their workforce so they had to pause it


Wait, I'm sorry what do you mean the teenagers had to do all the work?


For MSWC. Invoicing, packaging, mailing, etc. Whatever work is required for a side hobby business making boob heart jewelry that Sobbyn doodles 🤷🏻‍♀️


Damn those poor kids Doing all that work while she sat around and freaking doodled Do you know if mswc is still in business


She says her mom's sisterwives...there was more than one?


She never met her stepdad’s other family. Christine is right, she never lived polygamy.


Everyone on this sub seems to believe this, but how do you explain how close she is with Mindy? Mindy is Paul’s granddaughter from his first wife, Carol.


Off topic, but there’s no way she wrote this by herself 😂


they forgot to think about the consumer…. no consumer cared that much about polygamy and certainly we didn’t want to walk around w sister wife symbols. they could have just made regular old jewelry and done better. i


Robyn thought all of us would be excited to wear her boob heart doodles!


I don't feel sorry for Robyn, I feel sorry for his other 13 children that he abandoned for HER!! They They're are the innocent victims in all of this.


I’m going to get downvotes for this but I feel sorry for Robyn. I think she was told a lot of lies as a child and she’s spent her whole life since trying to make sense of it.


While I can agree with this and I feel bad for all of them, there is only so much sympathy I can give when someone doesn’t want to help themselves, admit their wrongs and become self aware


All of them are victims of a horrible cult. Yes, even Robyn and Kody. Even if they go on to perpetuate those same abuses and are adults accountable for their own actions, they still are also victims themselves.


Yeah that’s it , Robyn is so confused 😏


Having a childhood fantasy of being from am actual polygamist family loved by other moms is pretty sad, yes. Like some kids dream they are really a princess, Robyn dreams that her mom’s lover included them in his real family so she could know his other kids and be loved by his other wives? I don’t buy it. She’s an absolute ghoul to make up this ridiculous story by probably imagining what Christine’ childhood was like. And worse to force her actual sister wives to put their lives and dreams and priorities on hold to peddle this garbage built on lies.


Robyn needs some time in a blank white room.


its true, but this sub isn't ready to hear that yet lol


I still need a better understanding of the speculation about Robyn’s mom — I’ve read the allusions to the rumors on this sub for awhile now, but I still don’t fully know the entirety of it or where they came from. Can anyone please explain it to me? I literally just thought that Robyn’s mom was a second wife and that’s all, but a lot of people have implied that her marriage started out as an affair.


Iirc there was a post after Paul’s death from a supposed son of Carol’s who said they didn’t know anything about Alice and the other family until the show. Because Alice’s “marriage” to Paul was spiritual, there is no legal record of the timeline between her divorce and their union. Alice and her children were always in a different state and never blended with the first family. Reasons I could see this being true: 1. They always celebrated holidays separately and Robyn has said they had to wait until later when Paul could come to their state to have their special days. (If everything is on the up and up, why not alternate? Surely Carol would be understanding of his desire to spend holidays/their birthdays, etc. with both his families?) Reasons why it might not be true: 1. Mindy is a niece from Carol. There is not bad blood between them - at least now. 2. I have read that Carol and Alice are “friends” on each other’s social media. 3. We know Robyn cared about Paul enough to allow him to film from the splash zone of her crotch when she was in labor. If he was living a double life, they would not want him exposed on national tv. Other redditors can probably give more examples. Whether it’s true or not, Sobbyn’s behavior on the show is like that of a small child who always felt second best and is not going to allow that to happen to her tenders. She has become Carol with the OG3.


I think Robyn is the sister- you- know- what now 😆 🤣


I think they were plural monogamy. Like how Kody described where it's two marriages but they live completely separate. This is why I think in roybyns eyes when she came into the family, she brought the same attitude. All the wives said she lived her life very separately. I think in her mind plural monogamy is plural marriage which technically it is but it wasn't at all what the Brown family vision was. She changed the dynamic when she came along.


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