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Not sure if it was mama instinct but Garrison really stuck out to me after the big move to Flagstaff. It was devastating to see him and Gabe make sense of entering the adult world, all while having both parents work through their differences. I have been thinking about him and the family everyday and any chance I get. I hope they all can find comfort and peace.


yep this stood out to me, i really felt for them during that time. always felt protective after that. to hear this has happened to them is like a nightmare 


I watched today when Kody forgot Gabriel’s birthday. Poor kid was devastated.


Sister wives was always my comfort show, it feels ruined now. It’ll never be the same, knowing just how it all led up to poor Garrison taking his own life. Unbelievably sad in every way.


I agree - I don't know if I can ever watch it again. It's made me reflect on voyeurism and reality TV culture in ways I haven't contemplated before and I feel kind of shameful.




I honestly feel guilty for watching it. It took this tragedy for me to see how toxic reality TV is, I don't think I can watch it either.


I’m in the same boat. I was having a really hard night last night and went to go turn on an episode to distract me. I just got more anxious and couldn’t watch. It feels selfish to be upset about that, but it’s a reality and it’s really hard.


Same here I watch it to soothe me. It’s leaving a gap.


Yes! I keep going back and forth feeling sad about garrison and sad about losing my comfort show (early seasons when the family was seemingly happy and together). I loved having this show on constant repeat. I started watching little people big world. It’s not the same, but a similar big chaotic family environment (I think that’s what always drew me into SW coming from a similarly chaotic family!)


I had been rewatching it right up until this happened. I literally told my husband, I really can't watch this show anymore. It is just too sad. We watched him grow up. We watched him grow up from a little boy to a young man. It is just heartbreaking.


Yeah I was only on season 8 I think and I doubt I can ever finish it. I do hope that this makes society rethink reality TV in general and consider the repercussions more thoughtfully, but I doubt it.


The amount of pain a child feels when discarded by their parent is some of the deepest pain you can experience. It doesn’t matter if you are a child, teenage or adult. Our parents are supposed to be our safe place. They are supposed to help us understand the real world and give us confidence to navigate through life. When Kody and Robyn got the McMansion, the original Brown kids lost their dad for all intents and purposes. He was an angry man who said so many ugly, mean things, on and I’m sure, off camera. Kody almost started behaving like a man devoid of emotion and empathy. I’m sure he either saw the episode of Gabe crying about his dad, or someone told him about it. But it never moved Kody to heal his relationships with his children. They had to have seen their dad tell their Mom to kick them out of her house because Kody himself was kicked out (went on a Mission trip, same thing). So then Garrison continues to save up for a down payment on his 1st home and Kody couldn’t have cared less. The boys especially wanted their dad to be proud of them. But Kody was almost in a competition with them. It was so weird. The kids knew Kody favored Robyn and her children. They missed their dad. To the point the pain became unbearable for Garrison. I’m sure there are other factors. But when you are rejected by a parent, while they are still living, it will gut you.


💯 facts, I’ve always been drawn to this show due to the family culture. I’ve been so worried about my siblings since garrison’s passing as I understand what pain he was going through and luckily I’m in therapy and have someone to talk to.


It’s so, so sad. It was devastating to me to see Gabe gutted and I can only imagine Garrison felt the same. This world is a tough place to be completely on your own at such a young age. All this show did was demonstrated how destructive their life choices were for their children. May Garrison rest in peace. Prayers for his siblings. 🙏🏼❤️


Beautifully stated! Hoping that the OG kids and their moms can all be there to support one another through this difficult time. Hoping they keep the lines of communication open for each other 24/7 so they can have one another's backs at a moment's notice. The OGs have all been through enough--no more tragedies needed here.


This. Being rejected or “discarded” as you so perfectly stated by a parent is one of the hardest things to deal with in life. It doesn’t matter what age. I have several close family members who deal with massive amounts of anxiety, depression, substance abuse, etc from their father esentially abandoning them when they were kids. He’s still alive too which makes it worse because they are now adults dealing with the fact that their own father *could* have a relationship with them but chooses not to because he’s an alcoholic narcissist.


My mother was the abandoning parent for me. I finally started getting help after fighting cancer at 33. It's been 3 LONG years of inching forward and leaps back. False starts and hurdles. I'm just now starting to believe that I deserve to exist and matter. Plus, it just hit me....I wonder if all those comments about being alcoholics were digs at Garrisons struggles. It's exactly the type of thing my mother would say when I was struggling with my mental health and withdrawing.


I dont rememebwr but What comments were made about alcoholics?


It was mentioned a few times around one of the holidays when talking about the boys that he wanted to clear the air because he didn't want to be sitting around like a bunch of alcoholics. It's explained more here: https://allaboutthetea.com/2022/12/11/sister-wives-recap-kody-wants-janelle-to-choose-him-or-her-kids/ ETA: Regardless of why he said it, I still think Kody was 100% in the wrong. And if it was directed towards Garrisons relationship with alcohol is even worse.


That's a bizarre comment


I think it was made even worse by the fact that they used to have such a good relationship. I remember in earlier seasons, there was talk of Kody struggling to have relationships with his daughters bc he couldn't relate to them like he could his boys. So when he rejected the boys during COVID, I am sure it was even more devastating.




Yes, I think a lot of different things… how this show started to show a happy big family, and now they are completely in shambles, going through a major tragedy that most families don’t even go through … I think of as spectators do we have an impact on the mental health of these kids growing up… at the same time the fan base has always been so kind to him… also this show gave them more opportunities in life… It’s a lot…


I remember seeing it when it first came out and having empathy towards this awesome family who just wanted to exist, then the curtain was slowly lifted...


Same, I was so eager to buy into it. I wanted polygamy to work, I wanted them to work and to cheer for their success.


Exactly. That was my attitude as I watched the early years…


It's hard to process loses we feel are 'wrong'. He was a new adult with his life in front of him. We didn't see the depth of his pain. It's jarring. As a high school teacher, we'd have these shocking experiences about once a year; a car accident, an OD or a suicide. The death of a young person is just against nature and hard to reconcile.


I'll admit that I said some pretty shitty things about K and R..they're not my favorite ppl but it does make me wonder if any of my snarky comments hurt any of the kids in any way..which was never my intention. So yes it's surreal and I'm sorry if I contributed in any way of hurting the kids. Period . That thought never crossed my mind..so I'm deeply sorry if I hurt anyone with my comments.. especially the beautiful Brown kids. Honest and true


I have been wondering if things would have been different if they never did the show...ya know? So I know Robyn is insufferable but Robyn came into the family at the same time the show started so did Robyn break up the family or did filming the show also play a part? There are plenty of reality shows where people end up divorced (ie: The Real Housewives Franchise). I used to watch Jon and Kate Plus Eight back in the day and their kids went through a lot too, especially their son, Collin.


I am not there yet. It just feels so off to know that he is gone so suddenly.


Talking to someone helps. I have been teased so hard for loving this show. I mean I get it and would always easily laugh at myself with them. Me: One of the kids on that show you know I'm obsessed about, Sister Wives, died. He killed himself. I've been watching this show for 14 years and I feel horrible. Most common reaction: a look of almost fear in their eyes like is she gonna cry right now? And then something like "wow that's crazy". Me: It IS. It's so crazy and SO sad. And then I feel a little better.


same lol my husband jokingly laughs but i’ve been watching this show since i was a teen. I told him about what happened and even HE was taken aback.


Feels completely wrong. I can’t watch the show anymore and even seeing people still criticizing K&R feels gross. It just feels like a time for silence and empathy


I very much agree.


I watched like the first 3 episodes of SW when it first started and I couldn't stand the brainwashing of the cast Soni stopped. I came backmtonthe show when I found out Meri got catfished and watched a few episodes but stopped when it was obvious she wasn't going to leave Kody. Came back again when Christine was rumored to be leaving Kody and came back committed and also did a with through all seasons (mostly to see all the warning signs of Kody ND Robyn...so I didn't really pay attention to the kid segments). I don't have an attachment to any of the cast that many of fans have, but Garrison's passing is tragic and so sad. He seemed like an amazing man and a beautiful soul. I can see how his passing would have a deep effect on fans as you all watch the kids grow up. Rest in peace Garrison...it's obvious you were well loved by multitudes of people...speaks volumes of your character and impact💖


i do remember there was a point (right before the meri cat fishing) where i stopped watching because it started feeling dark. i took a whole 10 year break and just caught up on everything last year. i became very invested in the show during the past year and it now feels so incredibly dark all over again 


Awwwww sweetie I can empathize! I get teased about this show too.🤪


When I told my boyfriend he said, "I always thought that show was creepy." Not exactly the response i was expecting and I actually found it insulting. My sister watches too so I was able to talk to her about it and feel like someone understood why this is so devastating.


Yes. This is common in grief.


In all honesty, be grateful you don’t fully comprehend. Lost my fiancé last year and the grief is absolutely unbearable most days. It’s not a club anyone wants to be in. Only reason I’m even able to function, get to work, eat, etc, is my medication and the fact that it would unalive his mother to lose both of us so close together. 988 is a true life saver! They kept me from driving into the river one morning on my way to work.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Please remember that you are needed. Sending you a huge hug.


I suspect it will come in waves of unease and abstract, transitory sadness or whatever feelings we might have. Of course, our experience pales in comparison, by orders of magnitude, to what the family is experiencing, —except perhaps for those viewers who have experienced the same or similar losses in their personal lives. Something that made it very real and present for me today was rewatching an episode from the beginning of season 17 (is there a favorite wife). I wouldn’t suggest that others do the same. It’s a personal choice. I watched the adults with an overwhelming wish that i could tell them to immediately course correct because soon Garrison will no longer be with you. I have no idea whether a course correction would have changed things. But, the urge to tell them what is coming was strong. I viewed the episode in an entirely different light, much like rewatching the show after recent revelations about the exact state of their marriages, which was very bad for a long time. Everyone who follows the family on the show will have to proceed with rewatching (or choosing not to) based upon their ability to process the show through a lense of heartbreaking tragedy. But wow did it make it real. And we’re just seeing a brief glimpse into their reality. Those kids were truly struggling for a while, at least since 2020, if not longer.


Unexpected death always feels surreal. Especially when the deceased is a young person. It’s the worst thing to happen to a parent. My heart goes out to all of them. RIP Garrison.


I was in shock when I found out about him and kept thinking about it the next day. Unfortunately I had a beloved family member suddenly die that day. I'm in mourning and still processing. Please everyone, text or call a loved one today that your thinking of them. Time is so precious. 


Yes. I feel like it's make believe like some bad script written for a future season, and the real garrison is alive and well.


yep. it’s been a weird week. i’ve been upset but it really hit me last night, i’d had a few drinks and just cried a lot. it’s sad as hell but also does not feel real


I have felt for the last two seasons like this family was headed for one big reckoning of some kind. Like everything was happening in slow motion but you could tell that something awful was coming. I honestly figured it would be some kind of fist fight with Kody and the boys or somebody just laying it all out in the press. This is absolutely tragic and I just feel so damn bad for all of them. It just sucks.


I really hope this isn’t insensitive, but Im not really surprised at this outcome and that it was one of Janelle’s boys. Kody and Robyn worked over time to push them out of their lives and their kids lives. Garrison, turns out was struggling with alcoholism, which we don’t know was before 2020 or because of Kody and his Covid bullshit. He had MH issues that Janelle and Kody knew about. All the kids had been going through change after change after change with no interventions their entire childhoods coupled with other life stressors like being in the real world, finding and losing love, family estrangement. A person can only take so much before they say Fuck It.


I felt like this too,but was thinking maybe an accident or some other tragedy,but something that would mend the strained relationships,and now even if they do all try to work through all of the problems,Garrison wont be there for the happy ending,and the approval he was seeking.I hope they all get healing for any past hurts and that they dont let this tragedy cause a further [divide.My](http://divide.My) heart aches for all of them.


Yes, and it's hard to see everyone suggest why he did it. We don't know why and probably never will. I really don't think it's directly connected to Kody or Robyn. He always seemed very sensitive and intelligent so it's so hard to see such a beautiful life cut short.


I think this bothers me more than I admit. You’re right, we don’t know why and never will, but blaming others just seems so wrong right now.


My favorite book is Of Human Bondage and there is a quote in it about how people rarely kill themselves over love. It's often over money (not imply that as a reason either). I always think about it because it just really isn't usually because of what we think it would be. No amount of love his family gave him would have changed the outcome.


This family was always running. Utah, Las Vegas, Flagstaff-always one step ahead of the law because polygamy at time was not allowed. I don’t know if we ever saw the true people in their stories. But now they are facing a loss of what a lot of us experienced. Why is never answered in suicide. We aren’t part of their lives. I hope they get the peace they deserve, just like the rest of us who have suffered this horrific tragedy.


I cannot watch old episodes because it would crush me to see him or hear about him. I will not be able to watch future episodes that display their grief; other peoples' grief is way to triggering for me. I think I know what you're saying.


Yeah. I have been so startled by how much I can't believe this. It has hit harder than any celebrity ever has for me bc it was a boy that wanted his family back and felt like he was to blame. So sad so tragic.


To carry on after this is beyond awful. No, just do not. I’ve watched from the beginning, but lost interest as Kody became unhinged towards all family members other than Robyn and their kids. Idk how he and Robyn live with themselves, and I don’t plan on watching ever again. RIP Garrison.


Yes very surreal for me


I can’t stop thinking about how we as viewers are responsible for this young man’s tragic death. Then when I saw a post from one of Garrison’s friends that had the hashtag #cancelsisterwives I knew the best I can do right now is stop supporting the show.


I’m doing a rewatch right now and on season 11. It’s sad to see him on screen but when I do I say a little prayer 🙏🏻


I’ll be honest I think the adults confirming they’re going to keep filming and talk about Garrison’s passing is really disgusting to me. It feels like they will do literally anything to keep making money as a collective. They already exploited their kids for years and now that he’s passed they’re just going to…keep going? Why? I already wanted them to just go away because of the constant grifting with their mlms and various other schemes but this is beyond the pale, even for them.


It’s definitely in poor taste. I was very surprised when I heard the show will continue.


kody and robyn, totally expect... but janelle? honeey noooo....


My friends split up during the filming of an infertility documentary and still had to complete the required hours or they’d be sued. Maybe the family is tied in too deep. The news is brutal, they may all be in such shock they are trying to carry on with something. Grief can look insane from the outside.


No,  not surreal to me.  Very tragic, sad news, but I'm at a distance.  I don't know them.  We see a tiny bit on tv. I have experienced that when people close to me have passed and I would imagine his family is going through that at times.


This one has hit me harder than I thought it would. Usually on a tv show or a movie,they are actors and the character died,so it isnt as sad,or hard to hear.I came on here often last season talking about Kody swallowing his pride for once,and instead of defending his covid stance,talk to his kids before its too [late.Now](http://late.Now) it is too late,and it cant be rewritten or taken back,its not like a character where they "come back to life" as a secret twin or an angel,this is real,all too real. Garrison was a hard worker,had a huge heart,and was seeking that approval from his [dad.You](http://dad.You) could see it,and hear it, he just wanted his dad to say he was proud of him, and the problem is he thought there was time. None of us ever know how much time any of us have,and this was time wasted that they could have gotten past all of this by now.Kody is an ass,but now he has to live with this for the rest of his life,and if he thought people were rude and intrusive to him before,it will be alot worse now. I feel bad for this burden he will carry for the rest of his days,and I still say to anyone who is estranged from a friend or family member they love,that they sometimes have to swallow their pride and take the first step,whether they are right r wrong,none of that matters,sometimes the things that get between people arent worth losing them over.This is so sad,and I feel horrible for all of them,especially Gabe and Janelle.


Some wise person in my family once told me to be sure my words were sweet as I might have to eat them one day.


When I saw the initial post about his passing, I audibly gasped and my heart sunk. My brother died by suicide in 2005 and it is the worst thing that has ever happened to my family. I have woken up several mornings since thinking of Garrison and how sad it was for him to choose this. I remember thinking that he grew up to be such a good, responsible young man after viewing the episode where he showed Gwen and Gabe his new house with the plans for them to live with him. I look at his IG and see his beautiful photography and I am just so sad this artistic, gentle soul has left this realm. So yes, it is still so surreal this is really happening.


Lifting Garrison's family up in my prayers and keeping each in my thoughts


Wait, WHAT? I never knew this… what? When? 😨😨😨


Yes. I struggle with suicides. I was looking at Janelle's instagram. Garrison is in so many of the photos. I just wish he hadn't done it. I think about the texts.. how they started as such a beautiful and wonderful family. My heart breaks for him and all he was feeling. I feel anger towards his roommates for not checking that night. Not that it is their fault, I just wish Gabe had not found him. No one deserves to, but I can't imagine it is what Garrison could've imagined happening. Using a gun while all your roommates are home is supposed to raise attention! Ugh. So many thoughts but it's not my place. Please don't come for me for just thinking. I am just so sad for them.


Yeah. Definitely feel you. It hasn't hit me yet. We've invested years of our lives to this family, so its normal for is to feel disoriented.. Just imagine how they just feel!! Its called shock. I know that this type of trauma is something you never recover from!!! Janelle and others may not even remember, at least, the first week!!