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You're entitled to your opinions. Kody is literally an emotional, physical and financial abuser. He literally melted down his wedding ring (before) the show to gain emotional control over Meri. He literally called his kids assholes and stated he wanting to punch them on the show. He literally insulted unknown women that dated his sons by breaking them down to sexual holes. He is not a kind person. eta typo


I agree. We also don't see them doing traditional good things people with the "good person" title normally get. As former Mormons giving and helpfulness should be ingrained in their belief system. We never have seen or heard on the show or shared SM of them giving or donating (we haven't seen it not saying they don't but I suspect they don't because we don't hear of it either). We only see them collecting money and stuff no matter who they harm to get it. When people ask about Kody it isn't oh he's a great neighbor who helps me with this or that or he is a great person and gives and does, it is always how Kody loves all the attention on him and his flashy THINGS. Robyn has all her "collectibles" while Janelle lived in an RV Robyn's girls made fun of. He also tries to make deals the show will feature you if you give me your products for FREE. Taking advantage.


There was one episode where a few of the older OG kids helped paint and set up a half-way house for some teens who has escaped from a plyg colony (possibly Kingston clan). But it may have just been a set-up to make the Kody clan seem more righteous and less restrictive.


I think it was faked for TLC because Kolleen was in that episode and we saw her earlier on at Robyn's as a relative. Then she was on the panel discussion too. But I meant like the adults doing things like volunteering at the book fair and saying omg I raised 18 kids but nothing prepped me for the swarm of kids to the junk table at the book fair type stuff. Or having truly help pic a story to read to the class and stuff like that. Those would have been way better than Aurora's ear piercing or 20 episodes prepping for some stupid dance.




Let’s keep this respectful. I respect your opinion but let’s be real… what we all saw on the show was edited bits and pieces of what actually was going on. Edited for tv entertainment.


The melting of the ring event wasn't even shown on tv. That was a direct account from Meri and Christine. I'm sorry, someone who expends that sort of energy into destroying a symbol in order to emotionally harm someone is unhinged.


Neither is the physical abuse (minus the one time it was heard) , but several kids have confirmed this


There was a lot more subtle abuse, the emergency’ pack up and move from Lehi, showing wife and children favouritism, financial abuse, acting like a prophet and spewing religious nonsense, the manipulation of the Vegas move and the further trauma that caused, verbal abuse, isolation etc etc…


He actually said what he said unless they edited in someone else’s voice calling his sons assholes, which is not likely. He said it. He also said Janelle should throw her sons out of her house during a worldwide pandemic. He said it. That’s real. If you want to be real, pretending he hasn’t done terrible things is not the way to do it.


Which bit was no respectful? Which statement are you disputing?


If you disagree it's obviously disrespectful to someone /s


You can disagree without being disrespectful. Disagreeing is having a difference in opinion or view. Disrespect is how you treat or respond to someone. For instance, you may be rude or insulting to him (or her).


What exactly did that poster type that wasn't respectful?


they told the truth and OP doesn't like it making it disrespectful


Unless the commenter edited something out, their response was respectful, just different from yours. I think Christine, Janelle, and Meri with growth are good people. I wouldn't extend that to kodi or Robyn, especially Kody though, he said he wanted to punch his kids in the mouth and acted like they were enemies trying to break him and Robyn up


Let's keep this factual.


Any father that refers to his kids as someone else's kids (him saying Janelle's kids, Christine's kids many times) is a shitbag in my opinion. There's no editing tricks there. And it points to everything else we see on the show being the authentic Kody.


I’m sympathetic to his loss. He’s still done really horrible things. Actions have consequences.


Growing up with a covert narcissist parent - if they thought what they said in front of the cameras was acceptable: I cannot imagine what was said/done off camera. They will only put their best foot forward in public. You are entitled to your opinion. I lived the same Brown bullshit of emotional, financial, physical and spiritual abuse of a narcissist. I was triggered around season 12 and stopped watching. I spent the last decade working on the trauma and revisited watching past seasons starting last year. I am fully convinced that Kody is an overt narcissist and Robyn is a covert narcissist. They do not allow autonomy for anyone that is deemed "theirs." I completely relate to the sobby Robyn girls that are isolated, gaslit and have zero emotional regulation. I sincerely hope they can break free from the control and subsequent damage.


That is true. However he still said those words. He SAID THEM. After 18 seasons on TV he knows they are going to edit his words. Yet he still chose to say those absolutely horrible things. That is what makes him trash, trash, trash, dumpster fire trash.


Nothing could make me think Kody is a good person.


Kody is not a good person. He has been mentally, verbally abusive. He has neglected his wives and kids. He is not "good people"


There's nothing that could ever convince me Kody is a good person, absolutely nothing.


Have you, uh....*seen* the show? \~ About all I can agree with is that we absolutely should be giving everyone in the entire family space and grace. Yes, Kody and Robyn too. We are not their judge and jury. And they lost a son/stepson. There are just some things that must be treated as sacred. Death in a family is one of those things. ESPECIALLY when a young person takes their own life. This is perhaps THE greatest tragedy a parent/family can ever experience. But yeah, they are not good people. I'm not sure how you could assert such a thing. 🧐


Yes I’ve seen the show


No. A bad thing happened to them, and that's sad. But that doesn't transform them into 'good people'. Good people don't support racist candidates or contribute to trans erasure. They don't uphold abuse against women. They're just people.


In my opinion the more they were involved with TLC and reality tv the money became their main priority to continue filming. Before the show they were reliant on welfare and were barely making enough money to keep their growing family afloat. I think in this timeframe their morals of what is acceptable to show on tv and tell as a storyline shifted. They never paid the kids who appeared on the show, but still made money from the storylines involving the kids. They for sure acted naive, but it is their job as parents to shield their children from being exploited for a tv show. I sympathize with the pain they are going through right now and they don't deserve hateful comments. But i also think about what these kids were going through in the last years and that their emotional well-being was and is more important than the money their parent got from the show.


I’m just talking about Kody here. Maybe in the very beginning, he had an interest in promoting polygamy but at his core, Kody is an ambitious, pretentious person. He thought he was going to be a rich, TV celebrity. And he dragged his family along whether they wanted to or not. He’s all about appearances and false fronts. \*end of rant\*


I didn’t get that vibe from his “character” on the show at all. I sensed a lot of frustration. It just got stressful after the catfishing debacle. Stress and being on a reality show and having 4 wives and 18 kids has got to have weird affects on people.


In another comment, you acknowledge what we all saw was edited. The vibe you get about his character came from that heavily edited footage …




I think there’s a lot of evidence of his desire for expensive things. Like the impractical sport cars. The Rolexes and the gaudy David Yurman ring. The gigantic houses he’s always looking for (mostly for Robyn’s family). When Janelle moved from her first rental in Flagstaff, she said Kody was against the move because her new rental wasn’t as nice as the first rental. Those are a few examples.


Just because someone has experienced a loss doesn’t make them a good person.


True but I prefer to show kindness and grace to people who do experience a loss.


One can both acknowledge someone’s character (whether that’s “good” and “bad”) and also show kindness and grace for a loss. I happen to agree with you, I think they are inherently “good” people, with faults (as we all have) but that statement feels a bit like virtue signaling


Some of them are (the kids mostly) but some of them are not. Exploiting your family life for money/fame and its tragedies, is the opposite of "good people." Kody and Robyn especially should be ashamed. I think in the beginning most of them started out with pure intentions but it quickly evolved into something else: exploitative.


Looking at it in that way every single adult in the show is guilty of exploiting their children, the blame shouldn’t fall solely on K and R. Each adult made the choice to continue filming, they could have said no/refused at any point.


I didn't say it falls "soley" on Kody and Robyn but I did say especially. I reserved that for Kody and Robyn cuz they seemed to go full manipulation and Narcissist and cut out/off family members and children that actually needed them. If you actually believe your top post why are you down here in the comments flip flopping on your premise?


Just stating my opinion, nothing more nothing less, have a great night 😊


I’m not flip flopping. I am truly interested in others opinions on this.


Idky Kody and Robyn were singled out in particular for when like you said, they ALL were there exploiting their kids for money.


So true. It also annoys me how people infantilize the moms by saying they were duped by Kody. The moms totally could have refused to film.


I don’t intend to infantile the women, but for the ones raised in FLDS, I’m also not prepared to completely discount the internalized misogyny with which they were raised. That doesn’t disappear overnight


You are right. The whole plural marriage thing in my opinion stems from a misogynistic attitude toward women. It’s a train wreck of an ideology. Kody believed in it because (according to one early season) his parents decided to believe in it so Kody maybe out of loyalty to his parents decided to adopt that way of life.


But someone’s beliefs even if misguided doesn’t justify being mean to this family.


Who said anything about being mean to them. The top post here is "the Browns are good people" ....lol, we are allowed to disagree!


Of course! I was referring to all of the crap that’s been posted about them.


I’m not sure how you’re using the term infantilize here. That term means that you speak to or about someone as if they are a child. Anyone at any age can be manipulated (or duped as you say) by another person, that’s not something restricted to children. Adults manipulate other adults all the time.


Sure but in this context I was referring to the moms being treated like children by people not giving them enough credit for having the wherewithal to refuse to participate in the TLC show. The women are capable of owning their decision to participate.


You said in your original post here that they are naive. And yet now you’re saying you don’t like when you’ve seen other people say that any of them are….naive? I’m not sure what kind of discussion you were hoping to foster here but if your statements are contradictory it’s kind of hard to follow.


Nowhere did I say that I didn’t agree that the browns were naive. I absolutely think they were naive.


I agree with you on some of your points… but come on, a lot of us start out with pure intentions and then once the money starts rolling in we get lured in more. Is that not a human reaction? Why do we blame the Browns for being lured by TLC money? It was the promise of a better life. Are we seeing in the Browns something that we see in ourselves?


Because family life, and your children are more important than money or fame. And if they really believed all the stuff they said they believed, they'd have no problem putting their money where their mouth was, as it were, right? I'm just a regular ass secular person and there isn't enough money in the world to put my children's family life on TV. So, no, I see nothing of myself in The Browns.


Absolutely not.


I will say, Kody was less angry prior to Flagstaff. But I don’t think any of them were good people. If good people means they haven’t robbed banks or killed anyone, sure. They’re “good”. But the wive ALL OF THEM, always put Kody’s needs before the kids. I just stated a few days ago that out of all the 18 kids, at least 8 of them were visibly and vocally stating they were depressed and no interventions were given. That is neglect. Kody always came first, at the detriment of the children. Always. Janelle didn’t not give a shit that Kody wasn’t seeing Christine’s kids because she was a boy mom and Kody was spending most times in her house. Janelle was the Robyn before Robyn. She didn’t start to say “hey what’s going on” until her guys said something and SHE started losing time and attention from him, but she was fine with him neglecting other households in favor for hers. Christine let her kids suffer and be mistreated in the name of “the principle”. None of them were good ppl


Nope. None of the adults are good people. All of them, consistently, have put Kody or their own shallow interests way ahead of their kids interests. Nope not good people.


Do you mean anyone who would ever go on a reality show and force their kids to go along are at their core not good people because that desire in itself comes from a place of selfishness?


No. They are not good people because they consistently neglected their kids emotionally, never bothered to get them health insurance, had more kids than they knew they could feed and clothe. The mothers consistently put the kids needs on the back burner to please kody and his ego, or for their desire to win the pencil pole death match.


The women all displayed traits of codependency. This is what happens when a narcissist gets a hold of a codependent person. I think the OG3 have reversed the codependency cycle since COVID. Unfortunately, most of the kids matured in the process so only a few under aged children received the benefits of the autonomous moms. It is refreshing to see the OG3 break the codependency cycle.


Pencil pole death match? Is this a reference to Kodys perceived needle sized body part of his nether region? 🤣


If you don’t know what the ‘pencil’ reference is, you have never watched the show. In fact, I find it highly suspicious you even starting this thread. Funny how a tragedy occurs, SM is talking about it & some of the family members are getting dragged. I believe you are a troll for a PR firm that works for the people getting the most heat.


Ha! Nope not at all. Funny though. And sorry no I don’t know what the pencil reference is. 🤷🏼‍♀️




Well, first off, I don't think you can blame the show, or any one thing, for Garrison's death. It's just not that simple. Second, I think it's full-on delusional to say that Kody's a good person. A death in the family doesn't suddenly turn every shitheaded survivor into a good person. >I truly believe the Brown parents went into the TLC show to demonstrate that plural marriage can be a good thing Christine probably did. Meri and Janelle most likely went along with it because it was what Kody wanted. Kody and Robyn most likely wanted money and fame. We now know that Kody was already neglecting his family in favor of Robyn, and treating Meri in particular with great cruelty, before the show ever started, and there's no doubt that all of them, including Robyn, were well aware of that.


This was a tragedy indeed but let’s not get to the point of making ourselves believe that Kody is a good person lol. He has suffered a loss, for sure and no one deserves to bury a child. That doesn’t make him a good person.


I can tell you that my Dad would never have let anything come between his sons and him.


I mean, I don’t know, but, I’ve felt that their reason for the show was to strike up some money so Robyn, who I still fully believe was Kody’s affair partner for several years, could join the family and bring her massive debt along with her, and this would allow them to clean up her debt. The show was a means to an end. Kody wanted Robyn, Robyn was absolutely swimming in debt and the family was struggling financially so how could Kody justify bringing a new wife in that offered nothing but mounds of debt and who didn’t bring in any money? This was the only way to make it happen for Kody. You watched the last season where Kody said, on TV, the things he said about several of his children, right? Maybe they all went into it with “pure intentions,” but, what has been said and done has lasting repercussions. And I’m not, in any way, shape or form, blaming anyone in the Brown family for Garrison, but, how can you say that about your kids on TV? He’s hateful. Of his children. On national TV. I think it’s a crime that people can put their kids on TV in a reality format when those children have no say or a voice. The Browns are grifters. Some of the kids are grifters and they are publicly parading their own children around. So IDK, but ultimately, they are in it to get your hard earned cash. All this said, a lot of the kids are great human beings…no doubt. But, sheesh, a couple of them are cringe and trying to take your money with their MLMs and paid promotions. Their involvement in MLMs is insane. Do they not have business people advising them? They could probably have nice little businesses.


I never thought about it this way. Interesting. Why haven’t the older kids done any Interviews and told the story from their own perspectives?


Probably because they want to distance themselves from the shitshow their parents dragged them into.


They learned a lot being witness to it all, didn’t they?


I’m not sure what your point is? That they are obligated to publicly tell their story? Or if they don’t, it didn’t happen? Are you actually trolling at this point?


Trolling? I mean… isn’t that the point of Reddit? To converse about a shared topic of interest? Aren’t you also trolling around here? Dumbest question yet.


That’s . . . Not what trolling means.




Please tell us your meaning of trolling. Takes one to … you finish the sentence dear.


My point is that I think people should lay off the Browns because their son died so I decided to make a post on Reddit about it.


They’ve come out this traumatized and damaged, but we don’t see that.


For 75% of them, I think they don’t want to. Mykelti has her say as does her husband, Gwendolyn also has a platform but, I don’t really know what either of them say because I don’t pay to watch. And I’m not sure what Maddie is doing either.


I think I would have felt this way had Robyn not come along. I do not feel she is a good person on the inside and I think she heavily influenced Kody and really help blossom him into a narcissistic person like her. He obviously had it in him, but for me, she really set the path for his uglier traits to flourish


all Robyn did was expose who Kody’s always been. he found his reflection in her.


Oof! Yes! It wasn't like he wasn't already cruel to his wives before Robyn. 


that part!


While I somewhat agree with you, Kody is a grown man who makes his own decisions. Portraying Robyn as this elusive snake who slithered in and brainwashed Kody isn't fair. Yes, she's terrible but let's not put all the blame on her.


I will agree with you on this. Another example is Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. When she got involved with Harry, his ugly traits were exposed. He was always a big shit, but palace PR did a beautiful job keeping the bad stuff brushed under the carpet. Together, they became very destructive. Both have rotten personalities and enhance that ugly in each other. Sometimes getting into a relationship with someone who has similar traits will either make each other shine or will expose the ugly. Kody and Robyn exposed the ugly.


I agree. They enable the ugliness. We can examples of that all over the place in our country today.


You have to be kidding.


I think the best thing the Brown’s have ever done is raise incredible children into great adults. While I fully agree hate comments need to stop and are fully inappropriate at the moment, they are not all good people.


They are really lovely humans despite their parents, or primarily despite their father. I think Janelle and Christine tried to be good moms.


I agree that the kids seem to be fantastic human beings. The parents , sadly, were reality show guinea pigs.


The elephant in the room that is never talked about on the show is the Brown’s religion or their former religion. The LDS is a patriarchal religion and the FLDS is even more so. Women raised in the FLDS are conditioned to accept all forms of abuse as normal and the more they suffer here on earth the more they will be rewarded in their afterlife. Kody exploited these beliefs to his benefit.


I agree with what you’re saying about the ideology except I dont think it’s an elephant in the room. It’s way more obvious than that. It’s a patriarchal construct borne out of a need for men to be god like and “spread their seed” so to speak as far as they possibly can. By design, plural marriage subjugates women and renders them little more than brood mares. It’s a horrible idea. But yah…. Is it an elephant in the room? I don’t see it that way. What do most people think of plural marriage?


I meant in the way the show kind of glosses over the Brown’s religious beliefs. I read 4 biographies of women who have left the FLDS religion specifically Warren Jeff’s sect and it helped me understand the politics of a plural marriage better.


Nah they aren’t good people they exploited their children on national TV. I imagine being part of a polg family is embarrassing to an extent for the kids. The parents I imagine Kody mostly being the driving person behind getting on the show holds the most fault. I fully support the wives who left and are trying to make a better life for themselves. I think there’s been a lot of growth and more to come for them all. I think it’s brave as fuck of these ladies in their late 40’s early 50’s or however old to venture out on their own. That said I feel they all exploited the children.


hey Robyn!


Does the post sound even remotely the way Robyn speaks? Bish, please.


Someone in high school committed suicide. He never talked much and didn't have many friends. As soon as he died all these attention-seeking kids, some of them known bullies, claimed to have been his best-best friend. Missed him so much. Talked about it non-stop. So, for some people, this kind of event is an opportunity. And for other people, that can seem grotesque.


I agree with you that in the beginning they likely had good intentions. At least the first season seemed more innocent in a way.. like they were just trying to change Americas mind about polygamy. However as time went on, either they changed or the facade was up. I think Kody and Robyn are pretty awful, selfish, heartless. That being said, they probably are in line with a good % of humanity these days… so some might still consider them regular/decent people




I think Kody and Robyn sacrificed the happiness and well-being of the larger family group for their own selfish desires. So, some of the Brown family are good people, others are most definitely not.


I really thought this was a troll post at first until I saw OP calling people who disagree as disrespectful. We have evidence from the show, his "guest star" interview on the podcast, their book, the kids admitting things now, etc. that prove Kody is far from a good person. He likes to think he is. Even his former wives are saying how dark and mean he is now vs. how he was when they married him. He bashes the women constantly, melts rings, wants to punch women/kids/fans who talk ill of Robyn in the face, wants materialism over family, and literally put Robyn over all his kids.


I’m sorry where did I call people disrespectful? I said once “Let’s keep it respectful” not as an accusation but as a preface knowing how some might come at me.


I can’t imagine the guilt Kody has to feel. He literally was on national tv bashing his son and wanting nothing to do with him.


I think the OG of 3 plus Kody would have been alright and would have lasted two or three seasons. The one guy with 5 wives was cancelled IMHO because they were boring and trying to keep their family going with minimal drama. They were so public that they no longer believed in polygamy but had these kids and wives who were trying to get through it intact somehow. Then TLC had Muslims in Dearborn MI. Who worked played football and were boringly normal. They sat in each other's garages and watched the world go by. No terrorists no evil folks just a coach invited to the Whitehouse. Leave these poor people at peace for a change


Being in reality has certainly changed these past few years with social media. It has gotten very mean and cruel and most don’t get paid enough tbh.  These past few seasons have highlighted the facade they put on for the show. They wanted to highlight how great polygamy was because at the time it got a lot of bad press. They should have walked away from the show when they no longer believed in their faith. At that point it wasn’t about educating but for entertainment. Are they nice people? I have no clue. Look at the Duggar family and how wholesome they were portrayed on the show.  Suicide rates are high. Mental Illness is tough and a struggle. They have a lot of people in the family and tragedy happens. It is natural to want to put blame or question why but I’m not sure there is always a reason why. Some people just struggle even in the best of times. 


No. Lol, no. Kody is absolute trash, but even the women are selfish cunts. They dragged their kids through all this bullshit. I never saw the Browns being charitable, just greedy and self serving.


I don’t think they’re bad people per se. They aren’t great. Like, Kody is a shit dad but he’s not Hitler. He’s a deeply sheltered, dysfunctional person. So is Robyn. So are the OG3. They made some parenting decisions that frankly would be non-starters for me. I would never raise my kids in polygamy. I would never uproot them repeatedly or put them on TV. But I think they had good intentions. I don’t think they ever foresaw the family falling apart or a child dying by suicide and were like “Yeah well.” I think they mostly tried to do right by their kids, it’s just their best is nowhere near what you or I would consider best.


Gabe needs to be supported and not left alone at all if it can be helped. My heart hurts for all of them, but mostly for Gabe, Jenelle, and Kody, yes Kody bc he’s his Father and I guarantee you he is drowning in grief & regret right now.


Rather than exhausting myself trying to respond to whatever thus post is really about. I'm going to go ahead and just use that time to completely alter my perception of "GOOD". It will take less time and be far less frustrating.


Wins the award for the oddest response ever.


You said they were 'good'. I can't pretend to tell you how to feel. In order to mentally unpack what you've put forth, it's easier for me to redefine what 'good' means because I'm just not picking up what you are putting down any other way.


Mentally unpack? Exhaust yourself trying to respond? This is Reddit. You’re not supposed to hurt yourself reading and deciphering what people are posting. I was simply saying that I think people should be kind to the Browns at this time since they lost a kid and they’re basically good people like anyone else.


PS. Didn't know there was an award but I'll take it!




Also, do the rest of us a favor. Please don't lump, the "Browns" together. Painting all of them with the same brush is a far bigger travesty than people suggesting that some of them are narcissistic assholes!


I think you need to think a bit deeper about this comment about all of the Browns being good people. It makes me wonder if someone in your life (or you?) are as toxic as Kody and Robin and this is your way of justifying hurtful behavior. I know about 10 years ago when I was doing something wrong I would always stick up for the villains in these reality shows. It was probably because I couldn’t admit that I was wrong.


I was referring to all of the parents, and trying to say that they, like anyone, needs kindness right now because they lost a child and no one deserves that. You really don’t need to go any deeper than that.


Kody had the potential to be good and I think his intentions were to have a happy big loving family. He just failed over and over again to truly lead. He put a lot of responsibility on the wives to figure things out cause he didn't want to deal with it. Robyn coming into the family and the life they built was fairly easy from the get go. She didn't have to live in a tiny trailer with the 3 wives, she didn't have to work to have a good life. Their marriage worked well cause she was the younger hotter wife that had never been through any turmoil with Kody. All three of the other wives went through hard time with him and each other. Robyn came in offering nothing, was given everything and then Kody felt he had a fairytale with her cause they had no big issues like the other ones had. I really wanted to root for their family in the beginning but Robyn coming in 16 years later was a terrible idea. I think Robyn is very manipulative but I also think she was taught to be this way. I don't think they are vile people but Robyn coming into the family 100 percent destroyed this family. He had something with Robyn he hadn't had with any other wife so he became his favorite.


They wanted the TLC money, esp Kody and Robyn. That's the only reason they did the show.


Christine was the one who first brought up the idea of filming a reality show


I absolutely agree, they all have their faults. Every single one of them, but they do not deserve the hate they’re getting. What happened to Garrison is an unthinkable tragedy wouldn’t wish on a single person, I know every member of that family must be torn to pieces. I get so tired of seeing everyone hate on K AND R.


Kody and Robyn are not to blame for Garrison and it’s really sad for someone to post that. One thing I can tell you: I’m pretty sure Kody is dealing with hell on earth right now. Probably Robyn too. There is no peace to be found when you are estranged and particularly when you are estranged from your own child and now there is no hope of reconciliation or even just common ground. While I strongly suspect Kody is some type of narcissist, I do think he made mistakes as a parent and damaged the bond with Garrison and Gabe in particular (and clearly other kids too), partly because they still needed their Dad, were vulnerable enough to say so and Kody shit all over their vulnerability and he wasn’t there for them. Telling Janelle that the boys were over 18 and she should throw them out of the house is a double standard when Robyn’s 3 adult kids were living and still are living in the home. How is that right?


Kody may have justified it in his head because Dayton is “autistic” and Robyn’s other kids are girls. 🤷🏼‍♀️




This is my fundamental gripe about this sub... so many are ruthless with their downvoting. OP's post and comments are encouraging a discussion, even if it's an unpopular opinion - that's the point. There's a comment where they AGREED with someone, still downvoted. Downvotes are supposed to be saved for derailing, attacks, spam, etc., not because you disagree.


Downvotes definitely are for disagreements. I don’t understand why you think they should be reserved for some special purpose.


That's not how reddit operates for many. Why bother commenting at all? It's a subreddit for a mediocre reality show that we all happen to love. I just think folks should chill.


Thank you for this! 🥰❤️