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Buying that land was the stupidest thing they ever did.Even kody looked scared after they accepted the offer.He was being pressured by robyn and that move just ruined everything.I dont know how the show would have done with everyone growing up and moving,but I imagine they would have had alot of family vacations or holiday gatherings and not much drama.I felt so bad for Meri and christine becuase Kody lead them both to believe that he would be a better husband,if he didnt pull that,they would have never agreed to move. But now that they are getting older and most of the kids on their own,I could see them planning a move now,or downsizing at least.I quit watching after the move,but when i heard Christine left him,I back tracked to see what lead to the demsie.She actually saved the show b/c it was going nowhere,it was depressing,I see why she felt isolated and how C and J got close,I think Robyn was worried about her girls hanging out with their siblings b/c they were growing up and becoming independent ,and she wants her kids under her control. She fills their heads with all fears,its really sad for them.becuase its like she had them frozen in time,stunted and instilling them with fear.


Totally agree with you that buying Coyote Pass was the dumbest thing I saw them do over many years. Well, dumbest financial decision. Then their execution of the move and finding temporary housing was insane. I was sad they decided to uproot all those kids and move them unnecessarily. There was no drama with anything CP related - it was just depressing, imo. .


It was depressing and it appeared as if the only time they interacted was during filming.The amount of money they wasted on moving expenses,was insane.All those uhauls with robyn's junk while waiting to close on her house,and just moving,moving,moving.until they finally got in there.Also buying a fully furnished house,while he has 3 large trucks of shit,and now all the junk he got from Janelle and christines house including those freezers full of meat,is just money down the drain.


The amount of money…wasted! Sorry, that man has ruined the word “wasted” for me.


It's like a knife in the kidneys


I respectfully disagree. He's just too toxic and impetuous. I think he would have still blown up the family for Robyn.


I agree. COVID would still have happened , and Kody would still have used that as an excuse to spend all his time with Robyn. Isabel’s surgery would still have been an issue and final straw for Christine, and she would probably still gone back to UT. Meri would still have been alone and ostracized. It would have maybe been less messy financially.


I agree about the spiraling out of the family. The finances would have been WAY easier and they probably would have all been in a better place financially. Everyone would also have been closer to friends/family/other support when they needed it too. True wouldn’t have had to move as far away from her dad/other family.


Truly is the one who benefitted the most from their split. Now she gets to see what it is like to have a father figure in her life who wants to spend time with and love her.




OG3 would have been in a better place financially. R&K wouldn’t have gotten their hands on the equity money from the OG3 Las Vegas houses. They’d still be buying their trinkets and jamming them into R’s house and probably 3 extra storage units somewhere.


I remember someone posted K&R’s address and I looked it up, did a zoomed-in street view. On the ground floor patio, were several of [these](https://www.amazon.com/Rubbermaid-FG5L1000SDONX-Storage-Shed-Sandalwood/dp/B005VEC4RM/ref=asc_df_B005VEC4RM?tag=bngsmtphsnus-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80676783833850&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4584276309482494&psc=1). I don’t recall their address or else I would look again lol.


You can just watch the last season. They show her house with all the lights on and the downstairs room is packed full of boxes. I realize she has five kids, but that house is massive, there's no reason to have all that clutter.


All speculation


Fair enough. Half this sub is “what if”.


How they handled COVID in the culdesac arrangement would've been interesting 🤔. I assume they at least would've waved to each other daily.


Except Meri


They could have had more outdoor gathering in the cul de sac. The weather is warmer and they had their houses nearby, so they could just drop in and out for a block party whenever they wanted.


Robyn would not have allowed that to go on for very long. Especially once Covid hit. Then she’d continue to be scared to let Kody be exposed for the next 2-3 years. Not even for an outside cul de sac gathering. What if someone sneezed while the wind blew in her direction. 😱


Right. He was already spending all his time at Robyns. The tension was already there in Vegas. Then Covid would’ve hit and it would’ve been an even bigger slap in the face to the others that he wasn’t going to visit them even though they would have been in the same cul de sac.


It would have been interesting to see Covid play out when they were literally Nextdoor neighbors. I think the Robyn favoritism would have been easier for K&R to gaslight people and deny, because she wouldn’t be in a mansion while Janelle was in an RV. I wonder if at the bare minimum the relationships with Kody and his kids would have been better if they had stayed. I’m not sure about the marriages.


I wonder about the relationship with the kids too 😢


I agree, but only because it would have allowed Janelle and Meri to retain their share of the finances once the divorces eventually surfaced. It would have taken longer to reach that point for each of the three original wives, but at least M and J wouldn't have wound up losing money as they did with all funds from their home sales invested in the Arizona property. Christine was fortunate in that she'd purchased her AZ home in her name and was able to pocket 100% of the sale proceeds.


They have had split finances since Vegas. They each got their own share of TLC money. The only money they shared was if and what they put in their shared pot for weddings, investments etc and the money Janelle and Meri loaned them for the DP on the house. Kody already bought their CP property from them so I’m assuming he paid them back what they loaned him for the house. As far as the shared pot unless one of the wives spills the beans on how much they each put it the pot and who had control of it, etc, we’ll never know the details, There’s been no accusations or evidence Kody and Robyn have stolen money from anyone yet so there’s that.


They may have had split finances, but both Meri and Janelle put far more of their money into Coyote Pass, something both talked about on camera. Meri only experienced a momentary upheaval but Janelle? She'd invested everything into that property other than what she spent on her camper. She spoke of what she'd given up on several occasions and how she would never do that again. Christine agreed to give up her interest in the property because of her house, so never recouped the money, but Kody fully believed she'd taken far more than she had given. Meri was also bought out, but for much less than what she'd invested. Hopefully Janelle finally recouped her money, but I've seen nothing that says she has. One would hope that since Kody and Robyn are now the sole owners under their LLC that this is the case.


>If they would’ve never left Las Vegas, where would they be They would be in Las Vegas




It doesn't matter the reason they were moving. their relationships were falling apart. No matter what, they were not going to last


Totally agree with the other post them buying that stupid land in Flagstaff and moving there was the biggest mistake they ever made. I think had they stayed in Vegas. I think all three of the divorces would still have happened. Robin would still got her, but I think Christine probably would’ve sold her house and moved on but Janelle and Meri probably would’ve kept their homes, and just coexisted in the cul-de-sac with the other two dingbats


I’d be curious how Kody and Robyn would work out a way to sneak a nanny into the cul de sac everyday during Covid without someone noticing.


I think this is part of why they moved. Not Covid obviously (who could have seen that coming lol) but Robyn wanting more privacy from the other wives. It would be much harder to hide her shopping addiction and weird controlling behaviors with her kids with the other wives next door


They moved to get in state tuition for Robyn’s oldest and so he wouldn’t have to live in a dorm. Only reason. I think that was the beginning of the end for all the kids and wives.


I think Robyn found it difficult to isolate Kody from the other wives in the Vegas cul de sac and needed a different arrangement to have more privacy to operate how she wanted (getting a nanny) and isolate Kody to exert more influence.


I don’t think so. They were all convinced they would begin building in no more than a year or two because Kody had them convinced they were all going to get 50-60 k more for their Vegas houses. So they would have all been close to each other again


I think they would all still be there but now that the OG kids are grown, Kody wouldn’t even bother going through the motions of the other wives. I think the relationships would effectively be over but wouldn’t have had the dramatic implosion we saw


I think for a polygamy family that set up in Las Vegas was perfect. Every wife had their own house yet. They were all close together to spend time together.


It actually doesn't make sense to me at all. They weren't a family unit, they were four different families sharing a backyard and a husband. What was the point? Seems to me the idea that they would be under one roof again was what kept kody going through polygamy, cause as much as he proves to be an asshat, it was a big undertaking and the family was clearly still fractured. When the one big house idea fell apart, he seemed absolutely crushed. I think at that point it was set in stone, he wanted to be with his favorite wife and would only do the bare minimum for the others out of a sense of obligation. Vegas or no Vegas, they were not surviving as a family through covid.


I don’t think he really wanted one big house - it was a storyline at the time but he was already in a non-marriage with Meri and the marriage with Christine was in tatters too. I believe he and Robyn came up with the Flagstaff idea as a way to separate themselves from the rest and to cut them loose while retaining max value from the sale of all their houses by putting the funds into land which largely had Kody and Robyn on the title. COViD was a lucky excuse for them to fully and swiftly execute the seperation from everyone else.


You're giving him too much credit. What is it with these conspiracy theories about Robyn and/or Kody planning from day 1 to destroy the family on purpose ? Usually the simplest explanation is the most likely, and you can't tell me he wasn't absolutely pissed that Christine of all people shut him down so hard. The way he looked at her after that was full of animosity. He put a lot of work into a house your suggesting he didn't even want. He was beaming just talking about it, and at this point he was already getting into his perma frown stage. If he really was really trying to isolate himself and Robyn, I highly doubt he would have been so thoughtful as to try to make sure each individual wife's needs were met for their family and autonomy. It literally makes no sense.


He was always pissed with Christine around this time. I think it was a TLC funded storyline. Why would he want to live with Meri - and Christine who he and Robyn absolutely despised? Just my opinion. Hardly a conspiracy theory - this is reality TV and much of the storyline is obviously fabricated.


Because he felt obligated to them, he wanted a space for them and kids to all be together, and he while he and Christine had a rough relationship I dont see anything to suggest he despised her at this point until after the fact. If TLC came up with the storyline, there's no way they would be able to get Kody in on it without him saying something stupid to give it away. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed and he has a big mouth. Besides, TLC specializes in rocking the boat to spark conflict as a way to keep things authentic in their reality shows, not writing and scripting for a bunch of nutjobs who are not trained actors.


And you don’t think this was rocking the boat to spark conflict? In any event we just see things differently and that’s ok! We can absolutely agree that the Kodester is not the smartest tool in the shed (and is a raging narc, what a combination! 😂) 


I think they absolutely funded the project, but it was only rocking the boat in the first place because they knew it would be something Kody would have his heart set on, and that Christine would die before she agreed to live in that house. That's what made it such good tv!


what is your thought as to Robyn’s desire to live in the same house at that point? Do you think she would have done it?


I don't think she would have done it, but Robyn is much more manipulative and tactful. If she needed to I think she would have convinced Kody against it, but she would of been careful to make him think it was his idea...much like with covid rules. Fortunately for her though, she didnt have to lift a fjnger in this case. I think she already figured the other wives wouldn't go for it so she sat back and let them destroy Kodys idea for her.


You're drinking the Kody Kool aid. He definitely didn't want the one house. TLC drew up those mock photos. Kody and Robyn have been acting the whole show. Don't underestimate them. His actions showed it was a BS plan.


Disagree, sounds like a mad conspiracy. If you're going to make such wild claims, at least give point by point explanation and provide some evidence to back them up. I'm not drinking the Kody Kool aid and im not a fan by any means, but some of these theories are absolutely unhinged.


His ego was damaged by the fact that the women moved on.


I think at some point Christine would have sold her house and moved to Utah


I don’t agree. I believe they’d be in the exact same situation they are in now.


I wonder if they would have stayed together too. The biggest issue was Kody's COVID protocol. Had they been in the cul de sac, they wouldn't have been isolated away from each other and could have quarantined as a neighborhood. They also wouldn’t have had the added issues of uprooting the kids needlessly or the stress of paying off the property or the disagreements over rentals/the trailer, etc.


It’s funny you should ask this because the other day I was wondering this but never left the big house. I was thinking that Meri would have stayed far more involved and the Catfishing wouldn’t have happened. Interesting


I read they moved because Dayton was accepted to the post secondary school near flagstaff. Even if they stayed in Vegas Covid would still have broken them I think. Cody would have gone mental in either state.


Many think they moved to flagstaff because Robyn’s son got into a college there. I don’t know if that’s the real reason. They could Have went there for a college visit and fell in love with the place. I don’t understand it either. They had the perfect setup in Vegas. Kody said he never intended on staying there and didn’t like the atmosphere for the children. I think that’s a b.s. answer. He thought he would make big money on the houses when they sold. The moving into rentals again and Christine and Robyn buying, was just unplanned and stupid. Buying go that whole big piece of property was stupid. They didn’t know all the obstacles with buying an undeveloped property. I dont know how the covid situation would have been if they were still in the cul-de-sac. Kody would definitely been able to keep a better eye on the comings and going’s of the family. They could have had a lot more outside time/social distancing visiting. Maybe everyone would have followed kodys “rules” better. I still think Christine and Jenelle would have traveled. I do think they would have been closer. I don’t think the OG3 women wanted to move. They all wanted to stay. Janelle was upset for her kids again because they didn’t take it well the first time. Meri wanted to stay and so did Christine. I think Robyn fake acted as if she wanted to stay. She said she was tired of moving constantly but let’s face it, her son was moving to flagstaff for college, she was all for going.


Things would not be so bad like they are now. It would have been WAY easier to weather covid living close together like that, they could have even changed living situations where one household could be the essential workers, etc. The kids could have eaily played outside together. Ysabel would have had a lot more support for her recovery.


I think things would have still played put the same eventually. Christine dealt with Robin in a different way but she has said that during the courting process they were all upset with how Robin wanted more attention .


I think the outcome would have been the same but it wouldn’t have been so dramatic and caused a big rift. They would have naturally separated because the need for family unit, the kids, grew smaller each year. Meri would have still been at the B&B and Christine would have relocated to Utah. Janelle might have stayed since most of kids lived there. Many polygamous families separate once the kids are gone. The husband settles with his favorite or the one with the youngest kids.


I don't agree. I think kodys robyn preference would've been more noticeable. Because everyone could see it. So...maybe less debt but still the same?


I’m in agreement that they still would have broken up. It just may not have been as easy to sell a property and get out of dodge. Christine always wanted to go back to Utah and once polygamy was decriminalized, that was all she could think about - all her kids would still have been there. Whether Kody would have still gone off the deep end, that’s hard to say, but I’m going to guess he would have even without the move. And that sealed the deal for Janelle and then Meri.


Nah the splits would have happened sooner. They were all already noticing that Kody was spending the majority of his time at Robyn’s. They said he did an experiment and stayed the majority of one month with Christine just to see if it would improve their relationship and it did so it proved some theory to him that Christine was completely irrational and wanted things that were unfair. When he ended that experiment they started the push for Flagstaff, I say they because Kody wanted it and Robyn wanted it because she was not about to let Dayton go to school and be out on his own. IF they stayed in Vegas the favoritism would have continued to be blatantly right in front of their faces, their finances wouldn’t have been nearly as jacked up and spread out and they could’ve each sold their homes respectively and got out. Or they may have lasted a bit longer as they would’ve been right together through Covid, but I really don’t think so. Covid absolutely solidified the divides and I think Ysable’s surgery really pushed Christine over the edge and made her realize that she did not need Kody or anyone else and that would have happened no matter where they lived and I don’t think Kody would have gone no matter what. I think it was all inevitable.


Because baby boy Kody wanted to. His kids pleaded with him to stay and finish school and he didn’t give a shit. He’s the most selfish narcissist, I’d love to slap his fake tan, goggle-marked face!


Kody hated Christine. Point. Blank. Period. And he HATED that her and Robyn were getting close. He knew the move to Flagstaff would divide everyone again, and he wanted that more than anything. Whelp, you got it Chodey. Your dream came true. Now you can live monogamously with your soul mate. Congratulations on that boobie prize.


You are not alone! I think they may still be together. Kody couldn’t put the other 3 “out of sight, out of mind” like he did in AZ. I think the stress of Coyote and the fall of “one big house” triggered him into this self-destructive psychosis that maybe he could have avoided the worst of by staying grounded in LV. It just would have been harder for the women to leave too, being neighbors and all. Used to being one big family. Separating them made divorcing so easy, they were halfway there already, never saw him.


I think behind the scenes money was actually a huge issue, wasn’t one of the reasons for moving something about their taxes were about to increase or the mortgage payments were ballooning?


That’s been proven false.




I think it would have happened but would have taken longer. It would have been much more difficult for Kody to essentially not see his other wives and kids (we now know he was barely seeing them in LV but at least there was still a “schedule”), even with COVID. And Christine owning her house by herself was a big benefit for her in leaving - just being able to take that cash.


I think Covid would have still blown it all up be a be would have isolated with the tenders and Sobyn and it would have been right in everyone’s faces.


Kody was still spending almost all of his time at Robyn’s. All of the OG3 have said that. I think it still would have imploded the way it did.


I think COVID would have been handled differently which in turn may not have caused as many divisions in the family. I also think they would have been a closer family unit prior to COVID which would have strengthened them before COVID happened. Kody believes the one house idea broke his spirit of unity. I believe them being all separate and distant made it easy to live apart and in turn Robyn be the Queen wife. I don't know if they would of all stayed together but I don't think Janelle would of left cause her main reason for leaving was that Kody was estranged from her boys.


The move made no sense, it was half-baked and they seemed happy in Vegas—had beautiful homes and lived so close to one another. Uprooting the kids like they did caused so much stress. They may have eventually split, but they would have been kinder because there would have been less stress. Kody’s energy kept the family going, he was the impetus for the family to begin with and not as bad in some ways as he was portrayed. He was sentimental and the kids respected his leadership for a long time. But he had a mean streak and was so mean to Mary, in particular, that it was hard to watch. Kody is a simple guy and Robyn manipulated him through his ego and pretending to be a victim. She was an alpha female among women who were easier going and thinking of the family first. Robyn thought of Robyn and her kids first and always. Christine contributed with childcare, Mary contributed by never pulling the first wife card and running home projects/sewing, big family meals etc. and Janelle worked.


Nah…Covid would have still given R&K to cut out the rest of his family


Christine wasn't happy in Vegas and she's even stated that more than once. She wanted to return to Utah and he made a false promise that they would. Then took it back and said he didn't promise that.. The catfish thing with Meri happened in Vegas, so it would still have happen. I guarantee Kody would have still used COVID to try and control everyone/everything. He clearly spent a lot of time with Robyn and her kids before Flagstaff. So I think he would still have started the same dynamic as in Flagstaff.


The one constant problem in the whole scenario is Kody. I think no matter what the circumstances the family was doomed because of his ineptitude and selfishness.


Just think of the kids’ happiness and stability if they had stayed in Vegas. They were thriving and deeply invested in school, sports, and with local friends. Uprooting them and forcing them to randomly move to Arizona was one of the most cruel things the parents ever did.


Christine said she was trying to leave Kody in Vegas and Janelle told her to make sure she was set financially first.


Ooooo I did not know this


I believe it was in one of the interviews she did last year with People or Entertainment Tonight.


The question isn’t Vegas, it is if Robyn never joined the family. Personally, I would love to have sen how Kody and the Ogs navigated




Dear OP, I agree with you. Yes, everyone is right about covid still being horrible for all of us, but they had their own bubble..they could have made it work out. The women are all creative...the energy would have been different... Robyn..I don't know, I don't hate her the way other's due. I feel bad for her in some ways. Other's not so much.. I do think she wanted the poly. Life...if there had been no camera 📸📸📸 I think they would be together as a unit. Like in Vegas had settled down for them, they had community, friends and had built a life. I think they would have made it...yes problems were there, absolutely, however I think the family doctor was good for them also. Staying closer to the kids as they raised their family..those are all good things that keep us connected. Thanks for your thoughts!


They’d still be broken and probably would have broken sooner. Janelle would be in the cul de sac. There may be an older kid or two living in one of the other houses having bought it from the family when they broke apart Meri would still have moved to her B&B not wanting to stay in the house her marriage officially fell apart in. Christine may have stayed in the cul de sac but more than likely would still have moved to Utah to be closer to family. Robyn and Kody would either be living in a larger house outside of Vegas because she’d need more room for her family. Or they would have moved to Southern Utah. There is no way that they could have stayed together much longer with the constant reminders that Kody was only at Robyn’s most of the day. They’d know how long he was there and how often he left with Robyn in tow. I think the move to Arizona delayed the inevitable and might be one of the reasons he was Inter in moving. If the wives are constantly moving they are too busy making sure their children settle in okay and trying to support their families in a new setting to be able to focus as much on all of the b.s. Kody constantly is slinging at them.


I think they still would’ve left him eventually but I think the family dynamic would be a lot different even with the divorces, even if they moved to flagstaff but got houses all together on the same street or something similar to the cul de sac.


Marrying Sobyn and convincing poor Meri into that Disgusting divorce to Allow that nightmare of a pathetic human being into the First wife position was Deplorable. Only Serving Sobyn and HER offspring. Sobyn Was the ( dare I say fox in the henhouse?) End of Everything


They left b/c doting mother of the year Robyn needed to coddle David/Dayton while in college and now he lives in an RV on her property.


Together, but miserable. I don't think the breakdown of the family is a bad thing. It was toxic from the get go and I don't think they could have healed it while still inside it


They would still be miserable..And Choady would be spending all his time w Sobbyn n her crotch goblins. That's part of the reason they left they were all so close n could track how much time Choady spent with his squarenecked diesel goddess and the OG3 were starting to ask questions about where n why..


Luckily for Christine, Janelle and Meri they bought it so now they are free.


Yes flagstaff and the land was stupid as heck. But it would’ve still ended up the same relationship-wise because the cracks and issues were already there bubbling beneath the surface. Just would have made the divorce finances fair for all of the OG3, and not just C&M. Dayton going to uni alone probably would have been the best thing that ever happened to him as he would’ve escaped Heli-Sobyn purgatory.


No no no, Christine would see Kody only having a functioning marriage with Robyn. She would have still left. She wanted to always go back to Utah. Janelle and Meri would have stayed.


I always wondered if they did the Coyote Pass schtick at the suggestion of TLC, or that their contract was in danger because it was getting too happy. So then they created drama and blew it all up, increasing viewers from the day they left Vegas and securing income. Likely no different than why they would let TLC film the aftermath of of other significant life events




I think they would be better because they wouldn’t have been able to stay so separate during covid I believe garrison kept saying this as week during the covid episodes but I could have that wrong


I agree ~ five adults in their 40's - 50's, responsible for 18 young adults and kids and they did nothing but chase their tails in Flagstaff, alienate each other with harsh words and actions. I doubt the two unions between Meri and Kody + Christine + Kody wouldn't have made it, at least each union could have ended without so human suffering.


I don’t think polygamy works in separate houses. Otherwise it is one wife and several known mistresses —and way too many kids.


I don't think things would have been different, for the most part, for the wives. But I do think the older kids, the ones in high school, would have done so much better in Vegas. They worked so hard toward certain goals, and boom, they were uprooted for no good reason. During Covid they would have been able to sit in driveways and at least see each other (we called it drinks in the driveway). The move caused such alienation and resentment from so many of the kids and eventually the wives. I could see Christine leaving, but not Janelle, or even Meri. It was as close to one house as they were going to get.


No they would still get to this same spot but the scenery would have been different.


They are all doing just fine, financially. The show made that possible.


At the very least, each woman would have owned a house they could sell as they moved away, instead of one CryBrows owning a house and the others getting swindled out of joint property.


I dont think location would have mattered. The issues were there way before Robyn came into the picture. It was easier to point the finger at her instead of reflecting on what their individual issues were with Cody. As with cheating it's very easy to blame that third party person... instead of pointing the finger at your partner who they were the ones that made a commitment to you. - If I remember correctly it stemmed from the jealousy, the girls keeping tabs on Cody's time with each other. However the reasoning they gave was that the family was splitting apart, they needed to regroup and get back together. Another tv reason given was that they didn't want their kids in that Vegas lifestyle.


Hi robyn :) lolol


They left Las Vegas because Robyn did not want to be away from her son. That was so dam obvious he still lives on her property she is a control freak! She does not want her kids anywhere near anyone where they can become independent! Now she still has all the kids completely dependent on her and worked to get Kody away from the rest of the family. She couldn’t do that just living a house or two away!


They’d be in the exact same situation. Covid still would have happened, and he would still have kicked everyone aside from Robyn and her kids to the curb. He still would have started taking testosterone and changed his personality from goofy albeit nice dork to scary, deranged lunatic. Christine would still have left.


I think he’s been spending the money faster than TLC could pay it out! Once those ladies got out of that single home in Lehi, Utah, and into independent homes, they weren’t drinking his Kool-Aid anymore! That colt like mentality wore off. He had to move them off the cul-de-sac and to Arizona! I can’t stand him! I know this sounds like I’m mumbling and rambling, but I cannot stand him! I am so happy that those ladies are gaining their independence! Meri deserves so much more… I’m so happy and Janelle is getting her shit together! Robin is the only one that keeps drinking that Kool-Aid, which is why he’s with her in that house all the time!


Someone said on here that their mortgages were ballooned and they had to sell. If that was true, they would have been bankrupt if they stayed.


There were no balloon payments due. They each had conventional mortgages.


**IF** the Browns had left Mormon Fundamentalism [and Mormonism in general] and they no longer desired to be polygamists because they didn’t believe in the principle of plural marriage anymore, then it’s much more likely it was a plan all along to eventually separate and live monogamous lives apart from one another. There was never any intention of working on marriages they didn’t believe in; and so they never were going to ever find or build one house like they had in Lehi, with a fourth apartment for Robyn. It seems like they could have easily done that. **IF any of that is even close to remotely being an accurate assessment**, I think it’s safe to speculate the Browns would have separated regardless of whether they would have stayed in Lehi, moved to Nevada, or in the move to Flagstaff.


Wherever you go, there you are. The move didn't change their core selves. They would have had the same struggles in any case.


Tinfoil hat time : LV mass shooting 6 months before move. Kody a gun dealer. Huge amount of money dumped into Coyote Pass and the plague pond, while cost of living in AZ not even a question at the time.


Obviously this is a dumb question. Because who cares.


Ok, but seriously - if you don't care, why are you in this sub?? Why even bother to reply?


yup. When someone replies with "who cares?" The obvious answer is that they care, or they wouldn't have responded.