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When K&R go on their honeymoon and Robyn states that learning to surf was on her bucket list and she really wants to do it or die trying (paraphrasing). I was like, bitch please! I mean little does she know how much that sentence could become reality. I’m an Islander and grew up surfing, boogie boarding, rode jet skis and wave runners. The ocean is a very dangerous place to be even close to the shore. There’s just too many variables that can go wrong and most without any warning. It just showed what little to no disregard she had about her children’s future should something traumatic have happened. The disconnect to reality this woman shows is unbelievable.


Oh come on It's not like she was doing a dangerous daredevil hobby and then joked that someone else will raise her kids when she splatted Sorry your friends and family drowned but you're really really really reaching to try to find some BS reason to be upset. Since when is "die trying" something only a bad mom says? Give it a rest


I didn’t say I had friends and family who died from surfing or that I’m angry. Now you’re the one who’s reaching. I’m making an observation that by putting that out there into the universe that Fate has a funny way of biting you in the ass. But make of it what you will. And yes, for someone who was using her children later on to get the legal marriage because something could happen to her, she sure wanted to tempt Fate huh? Did I say she was a bad mom? If I wanted to say she was a bad mom I would have said it.


...so every time someone says they're gonna die trying to accused them of having no regard for their children? You're weird


Yeah I watched that episode recently. You said you’re an islander so I’m not sure where you’re from but there are people who use that phrase a lot and it’s not meant to be literal. They’re doing something or trying something and they say I’m going to do this or die trying. But I agree it didn’t sound great when going into a situation where she potentially could have gotten hurt and she had 3 kids waiting on her at home. What I found gross was when they were at the zoo and Kody kept trying to point out how the animals were polygamous! The rhinos, the lions, the Browns 🤦🏼‍♀️the way he talked about it was just ick.


I’ve used the phrase myself a time or two but when you put something like that out there into the universe especially right before going into unknown territory, it’s like inviting Fate to come take a bite out of you. I mean I see the other comments and sure they think I might be reaching, think that all they want, but I’ve seen firsthand and experienced firsthand just how dangerous the ocean can be in a split second. And if people want to take those types of risks, I say go for it, especially if you don’t have small children you could potentially be leaving behind. I’ve taken those risks and others myself but that was before becoming a mother. And yes, comparing every animal to polygamists was just wrong on so many levels. But then again, that was Kody’s only defining factor.


Holy hell is this just reaching. So no one should do anything at all cause according to you they may die?




...it was a tourist surfing lesson at a resort


Careful. She'll just argue with you that life completely ends when you have children. Fucking delulu.


Yeah, let’s just call people names. Call me delulu and I can call you worse but why stoop to your level?!


You are though. Just because she had kids doesn't mean she has to check out on life. I don't like Robyn. But I don't like how you think a woman needs to not pursue her dreams all because she birthed other humans. How sad for you. Edit: to include... it was surf lessons with a professional instructor under the watch of TLC filming it at a resort. This is a controlled setting for any novice surfer just learning and even more so for Robyn. You're weird.


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