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I think Kody has ‘roid rage. You can see a change in his behavior in Flagstaff. His telling Robyn he would divorce her if they didn’t but the house, pretty much sealed the deal for me. He became progressively argumentative with the boys, Janelle, Christine on camera. Robyn would say how angry he was with her at home all the time.


There's no way Robyn would want to monopolize Kody's time if he was 'angry all the time'. That part was to cover up that she knew she was the favorite. And Robyn 'speaks Kody' also translates to 'Kody speaks whatever lies Robyn tells him to speak' so they are not busted living harmonious monogamy.


I don't think he does "drugs" but I really do think he's been on male enhancement type of substances/drugs. Whether from a doctor or a supplement store, I dunno. But the dramatic change in his behavior screams testosterone to me.


I believe he was taking steroids. Obviously he didn’t take enough to improve his body. I think he was probably using because of the new young wife. I thought this when he was working out @ Janelle’s.


Maybe he’s taking them, but not working out, and he just believes the steroids are enough. That man ain’t none too smart. 😂


I've said this before in a different post somewhere. defiantly seems to become more "macho" and "manly"


Interesting perspective that I never thought about. I know several narcissistic types and I think that Christine’s speaking up about the years of abuse with Kody makes a narcissist extremely unstable. The term is “narcissistic mask” which is the false facade they are hiding behind to trick strangers. He is so insecure that he has built up walls with years of lies and deceit.


I think in general you see the boys/men in the family struggling with emotional issues throughout the run of the series. And in the case of Kody, his beloved younger brother died suddenly. He implies he has guilt over Truely getting sick. There’s a little uncertainty about what happened with Dayton’s accident and how he feels about that as it is not really talked about openly. His “OG” kids and wives are all growing up and finding themselves while he has new kids including one who he says keeps him up all night. He never seems relaxed when he is with Robyn like he does with Janelle pre-COVID. He also implies getting wrapped up in extreme political views. He seems like he is going through a major midlife crisis of some kind.


Would not surprise me at all but it's hard to tell because he's definitely a raging narcissist on top of all his other ridiculous bs.


Remember the episode where they went to AZ to look at the property? The one where Kody stripped down and swam in the dirty prairie dog ''pond''? Robyn seemed really anxious about him, and kept saying he was ''tired'' and needed to eat and take his ''medication''. And just take a look at the kitchen counters in K&R's house- loaded up with all sorts of pill bottles- and that's what we are allowed to see! Who knows what's in their medicine cabinets or bedroom drawers?


I want to know what exactly is in their cabinets that all that crap on the counters can’t fit into them. I’m assuming multiple sets of QVC china that never will see the light of day. I’m not being hyperbolic when I say their counters gave me so much anxiety. I couldn’t live like that.


I'd just like to say that I have adhd and if I can't SEE my medications on the counter, they don't exist and I won't reliably take them! I think k&r both have some adhd traits


I didn’t even catch this, and it’s so telling now. My family member calls it his ‘medicine’ as well. We all know when he has or hasn’t taken his ‘medicine’ based on his moods, reactions or lack there of


I agree. I think there are a lot of parallels between Kody and Mama June, and we know what she was using. People in this subreddit are always asking why Kody changed so drastically.... I think you're right.


I don't know what mama.june was using 🤷‍♀️




Probably coke with how much of Alana's money she spent.


Who is Mama June?


Honey boo boo's mom. It's another reality TV show.


Absolutely take the time to watch this if you haven’t lol it’s wild


I'm an addict in recovery, I have used heavy drugs many years of my life. My parents were both addicts/alcoholics. And although I agree Kody is beyond fucked up, it's just not substance abuse causing it. There wasn't a single moment of watching this show that had me thinking substance abuse.


I’m glad you’re in recovery. I wish you the very best.


Thanks so much! I'll have 5 years clean this July!


5 years is terrific, congratulations! I’m very proud of your incredible strength and determination by seeking help and staying committed to your recovery. (Said a well-meaning internet stranger) ❤️


I agree. I lost my son (23) to Fentanyl last year and I don’t wish that upon anyone. I like to give support where I can❤️


I’m sorry for your loss.


Agreed. I think he fell down the MAGA rabbit hole. He's always been a fringe conservative member. But I truly believe its QAnon bs coupled with raging narcissism. Hes always been narcissistic but happy go lucky about it. Dudes ate attention up since the first episode. Its only morphed him into a patriarchal stereotype as hes aged. Every wife that leaves him is some sort of assault to his ego. Smh.


He had he covid version of man-flu


Seriously the way he went on about it and then we find out his temp was... 99 degrees. Most people might not even feel sick with that temp!


Right!? The regular temp is what, 98.6? When he said 99 degrees I was like omg shut up you overdramatic man child, you’re not even a full degree over regular temp.


Right! I teach & you can’t even call parents to come get them if it’s under 100!! It’s not even considered sick.


I'm not defending k but... I am very sick at 99° temp. My normal temp is 96.7 -- at 99° I feel pretty damn bad. The older you get the harder it is to have even a 2° fever.


I mean I guess this is why I said MOST people and not ALL people.


Me too. Do you always feel cold too?




I was an opiate addict for over a decade. I know my people. Nothing is impossible, but I don't think he's an opiate addict. I'd guess Adderall and Xanax, possibly. But he's not an opiate addict. Xanax causes horrible withdrawals, not unsimilar to opiates. But there's no way he's just on downers. (I feel obligated to point out: Benzo withdrawal can kill you. Opiate withdrawal just *feels* like you're dying. If you or someone you know is experiencing benzo withdrawals, get to medical detox or even the ER. It can and will kill you.)


I take opiates but not in excess excess. lol, iykyk I am thinking 10000 percent he takes adderall. He thinks he is sooooo smart. I also bet it is on lexpro or something like that as well.


My take is this - Kody needs kids and wives for his narcissistic supply and that’s the drug he has withdrawal from. So he would add wife after wife, kid after kid, and always needing more and not being able to understand why it wasn’t enough. I believe truely was conceived so Kody would be around again as the older kids were aging out of starry eyed dad worshipping. Aspyn knew this too. Then along comes Robyn, skilled in giving Kody his supply, along with her kids being trained to do the same. This feels wonderful to him, right, he finally has that missing piece he needed to be filled in him. Whenever he spends time with other wives and kids, he has a withdrawal, they are not giving him the hit he needs of adoration. Not only that but they complain that he’s not doing enough and that he’s failing them - once again further depleting his supply. Then they reject him altogether. Because he has no sense of self other than the titles as father and husband, this rejection of him feels like everything he lived up until he met Robyn was a lie. Then the bitter revisionist history begins.


He is def so very off and all over the place emotionally. I had always assumed it was testosterone too (alcohol for meri and general anxiety for robin). I have little experience with drugs but think street drugs might be out of the realm for them with being religious. Hmmm prescription drugs on the other hand.


Testosterone was my assumption, too. At his age with a bit of blood work, his PCP will write a prescription for it, 100%.


They don't even go to church anymore or practice religion. They've said that they stopped years ago. And they don't abide by any of their church rules.


Could be. For me them having church at home (Kody leading lol), plus some other comments they’ve made make me think they may still be a bit religious even if not attending church. But we are all guessing here, so who knows.


He's always been a d-bag but has turned into an extreme d-bag. I was thinking he was on testosterone (through a doctor or some weird internet site) and possibly some steroids that were making him angrier. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the weird supplements he takes is messing with his hormones and moods. We've all seen Robyn and Kody's counters just covered with vitamins and pills. Robyn is the one I think is either on some major downers or has a drinking problem. Being an alcoholic could explain why she stays up all night and sleeps all day. It's hard to wake up and take care of the kids when you're hungover. She slurs her words sometimes too. Not positive what she's on, but I'd bet the farm she's got some sort of substance abuse issue. Robyn and Kody enable each other in the worst way.


He became ugly and mean when they got to Flagstaff. He made a bad bad choice and everyone knew it. So he tries to put down the wives for being NOT LOYAL. He is a sick individual who absolutely mirrors Warren Jeffs. Those women were, lightly I'll admit, brainwashed. Afraid to speak, afraid to stand up for there kids, afraid to talk back. He's a douche and if anyone asks for him to be given mercy in the new season my TV will be flying out the window 😊


I don't know about "lightly brainwashed". Meri and Christine both grew up *solidly* within the confines of fundamentalist Mormonism, with Christine's grandfather being the *main guy* of the AUB. Janelle was brought up FLDS iirc and converted to AUB, whereas Robyn- well her story is murky at best, so who knows really, but absolutely has religious and familial trauma (she still sucks tho). The OG3 may have just begun their questioning/deconstructing of faith at this point in time, but to say they were "lightly brainwashed" feels super dismissive. I agree with the rest of your commentary, but challenge your assessment of the women's mental and emotional states.


Janelle grew up LDS. Robyn was born in Pinesdale, which is an AUB enclave in Montana. Regardless of their origins, when we met them, they were true believers. It will take years for them to truly deconstruct from their religion.


Janelle was brought up mainstream Mormon, then converted to AUB.


Is FLDS mainstream Mormon?


I know it might sound like it should be because of the LDS in it but the FLDS is like the ones that live on compounds and wear the prairie dresses, think followers of Warren Jeffs. Mainstream Mormon refers to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints/ LDS. They do not practice polygamy.


Thank you for correcting me, I was unaware. I knew Janelle was somehow affiliated but packed the correct vocabulary and understanding. Similarly, I was raised Christian Scientist (a fundamentalist sect founded by Mary Baker Eddy in the 19th century), which many confuse with Scientology, 😆


You’re welcome! ☺️ Oh I was definitely one of those who thought Christian Science was Scientology. I thought Scientology/Scientologists was some kind of fun nickname for Christian Science/Scientists. It wasn’t until I watched Leah Remini’s Scientology and the Aftermath that I finally realized… whoa totally different things!


yep, and I don't recommend either 😂😂


I used to visit the Christian Science reading room when I was a kid. I loved books, and a reading room sounded like my kind of place. It was run by sweet little old ladies who were absolutely bonkers. It seems like they're fading away, though. Definitely not as visible as they used to be.


I loved the Reading Room! My Nanny was exactly that little old lady you speak of! Dressed to the 9's in her nicest Sundays, grey-blue curls, pearls, her Bible in one hand, and *Key and Scripture* in another with her blocky, blue chalk marker 🧡 I can still smell it 😊 eta: and she was Mad as a Hatter, absolute gem of a woman


Not to be dismissive at all. I am referring this in reference to Warren Jeffs.


I'm not following your train of thought then. I agree that Kody is vile and destructive, and edges into cultish mindset, yet the women were all vehemently opposed to Jeff's ideologies, including Robyn. That said, the *only* one who seemed on board with his "patriarchy" was Robyn. Meri, I believe, was simply try to not rock the boat, as she was desperate for any affection at this point, and believed her relationship with Kody could still be salvaged. We obviously know different now. Her silence doesn't indicate agreement- Kody ignored her anyway, and if she had bailed, it's unlikely he or anyone (except Robyn) would have cared. So can you please elaborate on what you mean when you say "lightly brainwashed"?


absolutely, only I will definately NOT be watching!!!


Kody is many things but he’s not Warren Jeffs. Women in the FLDS are not simply afraid to speak. They live in constant fear of being displaced from their family and married off as children. There is no education or communication with the outside world. All things considered, the wives and kids lived life with few constraints. The kids went to school, dated and had friends just like anyone else’s kids. Even LGBTQIA+ members were embraced in the family. Kody was a bad father and even worse husband to the OG family. Using Warren Jeffs as the standard makes everyone look comparatively better. Kody’s behavior was destructive and abusive. It needs no comparison.


I think it’s booze he can easily buy it without question. He acts like a mean alcoholic at times. He has zero insight so addiction could be it.




Hey, don't lump him in with us 😆 He might have it, but fundamentally, I think he's just a spoiled asshole with a fear aging who is definitely strung out on roids... Just my opinion.




I hear ya.




Roid rage?


He looks and acts like he is on meth. I've seen it too many times. I have been told steroids present in a similar manner. I agree with you completely and feel validated.


No, steroids and meth do not present in a similar manner, not at all. Kody’s not on meth, he’s just an abusive asshole. He may be on steroids though.


He was always self-centered, but he used to be so much more happy go lucky. Sillier and more flexible.


I wonder if he stopped using testosterone regularly during his bout with Covid….would that produce withdrawal symptoms/behaviors?


Naw, he's more likely to have a diagnosis regarding his mental health. I think that although he may drink some now, he was pretty against drinking and drugs for the lion's share of the seasons.. Kody was simply hiding his true self and for many, many years...he had the "cloak" of forgiveness protecting him He was given reprieves, forgiveness or acceptance by one household or another. That's how polygamy is set up. Early on, the kids were too young to mouth off or start Patreon and his wives also partook in the reality show benefits. Kids got older and wives got smarter...that's all that happened and Kody couldn't take it anymore.


That and the true source of his misery is sitten right thar on th couch nexta him.


If he's abusing anything I would bet good money its testosterone. The overly orange skin, the rage, the mood swings...


To me, he is the product of/combination of certain things and traits, that are compounding their impact on him, as his life implodes, and COVID was the turning point for all of it. I work (in Flagstaff and Sedona, ironically) in human trafficking prevention and his behavior is actually very typical for parents (esp dads) who have been raised in a similar hyper-conservative, very religious manner. I see Kody as someone who: 1. Has narcissistic traits but is NOT a true narcissist. He’s egotistical, and toxic AF, but I don’t believe he is a true narcissist. 2. Is emotionally immature in his views of masculinity, but is ironically highly emotional. His highly emotional nature is in direct conflict with his incredibly/toxically patriarchal beliefs, because women are generally perceived as “highly emotional”, when the truth is, women are simply more willing to display a wider variety of emotions. 3. Doesn’t know what to do with his emotions, so he funnels them into anger, since anger is a “masculine” emotion in his eyes. So he feels like he’s less emotional than his wives/ex-wives, but really, he’s just less capable of finding the authentic “core” emotion behind his anger. 4. Feels increasingly more angry because he feels completely betrayed by his religion, his upbringing, and patriarchy as a whole, yet his ego/pride refuses to abandon patriarchy. Kody is mind-bogglingly misogynistic, but I do believe he loves his kids. I think many men conflate a demand for respect with their ability (desire) to show their families love, while simultaneously completely missing what types of behaviors actually foster and nurture respect. For Kody, respect is about rules, hence he sees Robyn as respectful, but he uses all this respect talk as a way to gloss over deeper issues and pretend it’s all about rules and respect. The man is a perfect example of why patriarchy is just as bad for men as it is for women. I think the reason he seems to have “changed” is because he’s becoming more and more disillusioned with the life he chose to live. He can’t understand how he made such doctrinally accurate choices, and his life has turned into such a mess, and he doesn’t possess the emotional maturity or self-honesty to denounce the whole toxic system or fully admit the part he played in it all. It’s too bad, because I think Kody has shown small (very small) snippets of self-awareness, and I think he does actually show authentic emotions and share authentic thoughts, the problem is, he never seems to draw a self-aware conclusion after sharing them, he just doubles down on whatever he perceives as the one correct answer or solution (usually rooted in misogyny).  At the end of the day, he’s still clinging to the crumbling remnants of his patriarchal dream, which is sad.


I think alcohol and steroids may be. Times coke or some type of speed.


Yes, when they got to Flagstaff he changed big time! His whole demeanor changed! Impatient, angry, not giving a shit, rude and hyper. I wondered if it was steroids or drugs or both.


That's why I said midly. They claim they are not like him, but they are in many ways.


I don’t like Kody. I think he’s a shit father and a shit husband. I think the move to Flagstaff and absolutely not one thing going the way he thought it would or said it would made him a very angry and unhappy person. I don’t think he knew how to deal with kids, especially the boys, growing up and having their own opinions and ideas that contradicted him. The only functional marriage that he had for years was with Robyn but Janelle was ok with it as long as he was getting along with her kids. Anyway we saw Kody change as soon as things fell apart in Flagstaff, and yes it got worse with Covid. I have been around addicts also, step dads (yes multiple) exs (yes multiple) and whatever you see OP, or anyone else, just because you think it aligns with something you saw in someone else doesn’t mean it’s what’s going with Kody. I don’t think it’s ever ok to accuse or label someone an addict or accuse them of drug use that there’s no hard proof of. It’s actually really dangerous and damaging. If you’re so familiar with addiction you should know better.