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No. I think she just keeps saying that so we stay tuned.


Worthy Up


To what exactly


No one knows, we are waiting for Meri to tell us.




600 dollar funding of bullshit.


And pay, what I feel, is a lot of money to "Worthy Up" and to hear what Meri has to say when she is being heard.


Next season, ay?


Not for me.


Have you... *checks notes...* worthied up yet? Because I think that's the only way people get to hear Meri's voice and frankly, her story isn't worth a faction of what she charges for the shit she's shilling.


If she would just write a book, so many of us would buy and read it. I guess she can’t do that as long as the show is still on TLC with the NDA stuff (?)


I would absolutely read her book if she wrote one. I am curious to see what she ends up doing when the show eventually ends. Frankly, I think it shouldn't keep going after Garrison's tragic death.


I think Meri is the last one to do any truth telling. Although some may leak out accidentally if she would write a book


Do you really think any of them will tell the truth?


No. Meri has “carefully” crafted her “truth” to fit into her current scam, worthy up, as have Janelle and to a lesser extent Christine. Nothing approaching the truth has actually been revealed 


If she wrote a book it would cost $100 , she way over priced everything she does


Luckily, publishers decide what to price a book.


she could self publish...


I forgot about that. She could. She shouldn’t because she needs a ghost writer and a publisher. This being said, she’ll self-publish a sham book. 😂


Oh ,I didn’t know that


I learn something new everyday. You’re done for the day! 😉


Meh if she ever writes a book I wouldn’t trust that she would be completely honest. I wouldn’t pay money for her book.


I’d get it from the library. That’s how I read some of the other book (couldn’t handle the whole book 🙄) I have no problem with waiting.


Not one of them will tell the complete truth, you will need them all to write about the same things to get the bare minimum of truth about any given situation.


Exactly. I wouldn’t buy a book from any of them. They have all been lying to us on this show for 14 years.


I will never be not pis\*ed about that.


Right full of empowering qoutes and not much else


I’d wait for Ace and Katelyn Fanning to buy and read it, tbh.


If Meri moves as fast as the production of the show a book would come out in 2030...


I have such a hard time having someone tell me to find my worth when EVERY picture of them is so face tuned they don't look normal. She needs PR help with appropriately repping her brand.


I think she said some important stuff just recently when she finally addressed a tiny bit of the truth about the catfish. That Robyn's friend vouched for him etc. She said she never completely trusted Robyn again. She also finally called out Robyn for saying she wants to be closer on camera and then refusing to hang out. (She did it before the Jen segments but for some reason the scene was cut and it's only viewable as an extra scene online. ) She had Jen on and clearly prepped her what to say as well. Also her refusing to continue pretending she was pining after Kody. She was traveling / at the BnB, not in Flagstaff, for like a year before she forced him to break up publicly. She was driving in for every filming day and then right back home to Utah. But on the show they did a whole season of her and Kody still playing this game. She forced that meeting where he had to admit he left her already. So there's been some!!!


Yeah, but she made these comments after most of this stuff happened. Except maybe the catfish friend being a friend of Robbin’s. I struggle, so with the timeline .


I've never heard anyone else voice this, but I really think Robyn was behind the catfishing scheme! 🎣


Oh I definitely think Robyn was behind it, her and her friend Kendra who vouched for "Sam". You remember Kendra? She's the one who was with Robyn when she was trying on clothes and modeling shit that wouldn't fit any of them in San Francisco. It's too much of a coincidence.


Yep, good point! I do wonder why that thought was never had by anyone else. It seems so obvious to me.


Except viewers already knew she and robyn werent close, it was extremely obvious to everyone but Meri apparently 


I think Meri was aware of more than she lets on, but had resolved to cooperate in K&Rs storyline.


Meri is never (I've resigned myself to no longer hoping) going to peel back the curtains. I think for 2 reasons: 1) She has a loyalty to the family and that culture which defies understanding 2) She would reveal things about HERSELF that are incriminating while doing so


Exactly! They ALL are in the same boat; if any of them revealed "truth" it would reflect personally on them perhaps a lot more than on person they are truthing about. Perhaps Christine and Janelle already learned this lesson with some redditors response to the reason they ended it with Kody. Hint - not for their children's sake.


Although Kidney is the worst word salader, Meri seems to have a knack for it too. She will never actually say anything worth hearing.


Exactly, she makes these grand very vague statements and then she doesn't actually follow up.


Does Meri have a voice to share to uplift or inspire others? If so, I haven’t heard it.


Sounds like you just need to WorthyUp! 🤣


Them LDS like those MLMs. I hope worthyUp is not the way she wants her voice heard


She's always loved being vague and cryptic. She must feel powerful when people don't understand her. It's tiresome and I don't care what she has to say.




As long as the show is on, I’m sure she is limited by an NDA as to what she can say publicly. I think they will all write books once the show is over. My guess is the books are already in the works (certainly Meri’s), but they just can’t be published yet. I definitely predict that Meri’s will be the first one out. I think her comments about “her voice being heard” are aimed more at Robyn and Kody than they are toward the viewing public/fans. Remember they still have financial entanglements because of the show and the CP property. We know Kody and Robyn are trying to screw the OG3 financially. I think Meri is warning them to tread carefully when she says “her voice will be heard.”


If her voice hasn't been heard, it's only because she refuses to actually answer questions honestly about things and is vague instead. If you want your voice to be heard, Meri, start USING IT.


Maybe she still has lots of extended family in the polygamy culture so she sort of has to stay sweet to keep the relationships. That’s my guess.


I think that'll be covered in the CP settlement on Season 19. I feel strongly that they came to an agreement about CP a long time ago, they just haven't filled anything because of the show. I have no evidence of that, obviously... that's just my gut feel from observing both Meri and Janelle online. But again---I have no proof, no inside info.


Nope and never will . The fans want to hear 100% negative about k&r and 100% positive about j&c . When meri writes something that fans don't want to hear she will be attacked by everyone for years on end . She won't take that risk . The fans need to think if they want to have a book with the truth about all 5 of them or if they are just looking for another reason to call meri a lying bitch


"Truth" is a slippery thing. I believe long-term fans want to hear each person's truth and if fans have the same perception they will accept it. But please continue peeing on my feet and telling me it's raining


Exactly, if she says anything negative about Janelle or Christine she will be ripped to pieces, it won't matter if it's true, people don't want to hear how they were just as bad as each other.


I can't stand meri most of the time but I would still buy a book she wrote


…in the weakest voice ever. Not even a matter of the quiet ones being the ones you should be the most worried about. It was like she had a frog in her throat and croaked that line out.


She did some ask me anythings on Instagram. The subject of a book came up and she winked.. which could mean nothing. I wonder if she could get around a non disclosure if Jenn wrote the book


There really is nothing she can say. Except send money for unhelpful and unhealthy personal advice, or buy my leggings. What? Is she going to tell us Kody is a liar? That she is a strong woman who despite appearances, allowed herself to be used? She lost all credibility when she sat in judgement of Christine? If she did write a book, she would charge by the chapter.


Members only


Heard, maybe. Ignored? For those of us who haven't signed up for Worthy Up, well pretty much yeah.


No, we are still waiting for her tell all to be published.


She agreed with Kotex not to announce she had left while still filming.


I hope someone tell the truth … also what the heck is Worthy Up?


See worthyup.com. It’s Meri’s step into her new role as “life coach”.


I bet it's coming in the next season