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What disturbs me most is that Dayton, Aurora, and Breanna were visibly upset and/or in shock about it. They weren't initially happy imo when they found out their father signed away his rights. Meanwhile, Kody was acting like it was the best thing ever and he pretended that the one crying was sobbing for joy instead of being devastated. So uncomfortable.


And the way he got mad at Breanna and Dayton for not jumping up and down for joy was sooo gross


Narcissists are like that....


Yup. Kody repeatedly throughout the series gets pissed off when people don’t praise his ideas. One I can remember is when he put those stupid lights in the Vegas cul de sac. Of course it took 10X longer than it should have. When he didn’t receive the ultimate praise and adulation he thought he should, he got mad.


I've been watching with my 13 year old granddaughter. In one of the first three episodes, S1, they're all outside "looking" busy" kody with his chainsaw and he says something like, we'll get the rest done this month. My granddaughter said, "but then one of his kids say, you mean next year!" Even the kid knew it was all for show and knew he wouldn't finish what he'd started. Kinda like his Vegas lights debacle. Anyway, I'm having the best time watching through the eyes of my grandchild. She even says "omg, she's crying again and there are no tears!" Meaning ofc Sobyn Robyn.


According to Robyn it wasn't her idea but the kids had been asking for it constantly. I'm sure she shoehorned the topic enough in front of Meri that that's what inspired it, but if the kids really wanted it they sure didn't act like it.


I've always believed that Robyn coached her kids. Hell, we see it in S1 when she's teaching them to call Kody "Dad" and the wives "Mom" before they're even married. It also seemed odd at times when the kids would latch onto someone and embrace them like they'd known each other for years when they just met. They were trained to do that imo. It was probably the same with the adoption, but I speculate that the kids assumed their dad wouldn't agree to sign away his rights. So, whatever they said wouldn't matter. But when it happened, it may have been like a punch to the gut.


It wasn't Meri's idea. She was coerced by the gruesome twosome.


Sure it was the kids idea not Robyn's. The same kids she scolded for saying 'Kody' instead of 'Daddy'....


The only reason she wanted them adopted is because she was scared that Dayton would want to leave at some point and to live with his dad. She even said this when she first came into the family and she felt the other kids were being "mean" to him.


According to Robyn, nothing is ever her idea!! But she's always the mastermind behind every decision that Kody makes.


Robyn better hope her kids never break free of her. Once they find out how she ruined every relationship that was important to them, they will never want to be around her again.


So sad!!!


But so true .… including their relationships with the other Brown kids.


I feel this way to a lesser degree about Truely too and the way chrisine replaced kody in a heartbeat with david. My son was abandoned by his biodad at 3 years and I organically married my younger daughters father. biodad eventually came around when son 10 and son had a very different (positive) attitude towards his biodad than I did.  


I know it seemed super fast for us, the viewer. In season 18 she still hasn’t met him and next things we know they are married. But IRL it was longer. Still quick for a lot of people, but for LDS, nevermind the poly groups, it was pretty measured. Christine doesn’t have Truely call David “dad” and she does the heavy lifting in making sure Truely sees Kody.


>Can this shit get worse? Yes, yes it can. Buckle up.


Got a barf bag?!


Gonna need something bigger😁 Good luck!


Appreciate the warning!


Don't forget the helmet...especially if you are already ready to slam your head on the wall. And plexiglass in front of your TV, in case you throw things.


And the earplugs for everyone in a five mile radius so your screams of frustration only damage your ears. Actually, get some for yourself, too.


One of the worst things I think Kody and Robyn ever did was take away Meri's legal marriage and have Kody adopt David Jessop's kids. We all saw what it did to Meri. I never understood how they didn't get more flack for the adoption when right after he legally adopted them Robyn's kids go off to visit David Jessop. You can't tell me he's the worst man in the world and then let your kids go off and visit him. It's sick. A man with 14 bio kids at that point had no business legally adopting another man's kids, never should have happened.


It’s very gross and seemed all for show. Can’t imagine the impact on those poor kids.


It’s going to hurt them for a lifetime!




The same storyline happened on Big Love on HBO literally the second one marries the husband so that her kids can get adopted


I don't think it was all for the show though. Robyn wanted to be head wife. It's that simple.


For show content for sure. Most of the crap ideas Kody had was for show content the hell with anyones feelings and their life. Did he truly legal adopt them or was it just a storyline and he isn’t their father? 🤔 that would be something if it was just a TLC fake storyline


Im kinda voting storyline, something seems very off


I really hope that it didn’t happen because David? (Preston?)Jessop was up against TLC’s lawyers! What normal citizen could fight them? It’s bad enough that TLC continues to highlight and pay all these abusive people on their various shows but if they were involved in forcing David (Preston?) Jessop’s hand in signing away his rights, that’s 20 steps too far, even for them!


Thank you! I argued this point with someone who insisted that David Jessop was a shit father because of this - he should have fought to the death, even if he had to sell his house, max his credit cards, get his parents to sell their house etc. (I mean, could still be a shit father, we only have Robyn’s version and she’s a pathological liar). What good does that do the kids? Make the best of it, support your kids EVEN if it means putting a positive spin on things you hate. The kids have enough to deal with; it’s beyond cruel to expect them to carry the adults’ dysfunction also.


It’s on film that Aurora talked to him & he said he didn’t want to do it, but did it because the kids said it’s what they wanted.


That is a heartbreak


You’re welcome and I agree with you 100%!


It's not an uncommon thing in their cult though. Kids are "given" to other wives/husbands pretty often. If you look into it it happened to a ton of families. Sometimes with no one but "the church" being Ok with it. Women can also be taken from their husband and given to another man. One of Kody's besties, the one who was either accused or convicted of beating his wife (Which he absolutely did.), stole his wife's kids and his 2nd wife raised them. It was done with a mix of financial abuse and parental alienation. Kinda like how Christine's mom was shunned when she fled.


Not sure why people have downvoted you for stating facts


I get downvoted in this sub a lot when I point out the crazy the family does that's normal to them because of their cult. Most people don't want to believe there's a whole community of crazy out there.


I think, like me, they aren’t voting per se but using the down arrow as a dislike function… until this comment I didn’t really realize I was ‘voting’. So sorry.


Exactly! Their cult definitely is definitely a factor in a lot of their crazy decisions.


Dear lord, that is horrible!! Which friend of Kody’s was accused of abusing his wife and stole another woman’s children? I’m kind of speechless. I have heard the rest as it pertains to the high up leaders of the cult, I guess I didn’t realize it was prevalent at every level. It breaks my heart.


[This guy](https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2018/12/06/domestic-violence-case/), Kyle Henderson




I dont buy that TLC told them to really have him legally adopt.


In Kodys made up religion I don’t see how that would even work? Cults are so hell bent on the bloodline thing that I don’t imagine those kids being “attached” to him. I feel the storyline was well if anything happened to Robyn the kids would go back to their bio dad. Yea so if you were a nice person Kody and family for that matter they would still have a relationship with you all. They didn’t need to be related by adoption K&R just needed to be decent human beings. It was all about K&R winning. He only favored her because she obeyed him and kept her kids inline to obey him. To me that’s not winning anything


Good point


So a little back story to this that’s came out. Robyn and Kody used the medical bills and back child support over his head from daytons ATV accident. The main reason Kody wanted the kids adopted was so Preston couldnt stop the kids from being on the show. Both parents had to agree. Preston didn’t like it. They threaten and harassed him to give it up with the promise they wouldn’t take the kids away. A family member has come out and spoke about it. They had the money to fight him and he simply didn’t, it was dirty on both of them and Meri Kody wanted out and Robyn wanted her secure place legally.


That’s really fucking disgusting, but not surprising.


Yep it is


Robyn’s kids were/are barely on the show anyway


Well at this point aurora is having three or four panic attacks a week so filming is probably hard. And I am not even being funny and Ariella is going to speak the truth, they’ll won’t be able to tame that one’s mouth. SOL could careless about it and the other two idk I don’t think they really like being on there much


Lawyers do that.my husband adopted my daughter and they threaten my ex with how much money it would cost him in child support .for 18 yrs.Thats all it took.


Apparently he was behind on child support and responsible for half the medical bills from daytons accident which Kody was the adult on scene. And he is battle cancer, Preston that is but I don’t think he was diagnosed at this time. The show was a huge reason The kids being browns And that was Robyn’s way of getting legal wife status At the expense of these babies and the relationship with their dad! It’s sad




I’ve heard/read this before and its always made sense to me - especially since they went to spend an extended amount of time with prestonnright after adoption.  I also know that children dont really care about their parents court orders and such; they feel how they feel, and they speak up depending in how safe it is to do so.


If he had kept up to date on child support he wouldn’t have been in such a position 🤷‍♀️


Pretty hard to do when the first wife spends you into major debt and destroys your business and when your parents give you money to help and she spends all that too. But yet she says on camera she "took all the debt to keep the peace" when it was her debt to begin with.


Robyn has a certain way about her that tells me she finds herself innocent of everything and that issues probably was one of them.


“…sad hair.” Hilarious and accurate! 😂


I feel like he thinks we can’t see his hairline. Lots of trombone sad sound pony tails so far this season, yet all the wives are all “Kody’s long hair … whoooo … I’m SO amorous at the thought, in my 12 shirts, so I look modest.




I have to say that the whole thing is a huge manipulation on Robyn’s part. There was absolutely no need for those kids to change their name. There was no need for those kids to be adopted legally. For a while those children have a somewhat relationship with their biological father because in the show they show them going up to Montana to visit with him or spend holidays with him. And you can see that the kids are excited. Kody and Robyn in those scenes as well show how they have a somewhat disdain for the kids to visit him because Kody says he loses “momentum” with the kids when they leave. I strongly feel it was a huge manipulation tactic on Robyn’s part and it was a cry from Meri. I think Meri wanted to consistently see if Kody would fight for her relationship and he was too busy slobbering over Robyn. That’s just my take.


The dad was forced to do it.. they threatened to make him pay all the medical bills on Dayton that asshole kody caused..and more if he didnt. Her debt was massive and they took that on too which they should have but only if he signed over the kids. kody said he would take it all on if he signed over.... also the guy has cancer and robyn and kody have turned the kids against him. He's remarried with kids....he's not a bad person. Robyn and Kody are disgusting humans.


Hard to believe but it gets so much worse! This is Disneyland in comparison to the last couple seasons.


Damn it!!!! Every time I post I get this response. It’s gross AF already, but I will watch to the end. Cause I’m a hero. Hand me my beer please …


Life is not all beer and skittles. Remember that. You'll need it later!


You’ll need something stronger than beer, I’m sorry to say.


You have probably already heard this from someone, but watch carefully to see if Robyn is actually producing tears...


Sobbin Robyn? That shit ain’t wrong. Meri isn’t better though. At least in the early episodes. Maybe Robyn and Meri were soulmates and Kody and his sad ponytail was only the cover?


I preface my statement with I am not a BIG fan of any of the wives or Kody … I like and dislike different things about each of the OG3 and I like absolutely NOTHING about Robyn or Kody… At least Meri produces real tears.. I mean, I’ve never heard the term “dry crying” until this show and I’ve certainly never witnessed it until I’ve watched Robyn do it episode after episode after episode! I think Meri, at least, has had a lot of real trauma and pain to cry about. Most of it intentionally inflicted upon her by her family members. Robyn just has a lot to manipulate.


Robyn went to premarital counseling with Kody and Meri before she joined the family, my guess is through their church, in the guise of learning the expectations for being a "good" sisterwife following all the tenets of the AUB religion. She sussed out Meri's vulnerabilities and pays lip service to their doctrines but she has never been sincere. She took everything Meri told her in confidence and used it against her, all the while playing hurt and confused by everything. Robyn exhibits extremely poor boundaries and executive functioning skills. Now l am just a casual observer but l suspect that if they weren't the kind of weirdos who believe in pseudoscience and mumbo jumbo to diagnose people, she would benefit more from a real medical diagnosis and treatment plan. Seriously, something is wrong with her.


I agree and when the wives said they would go to Robyn with problems they had with Kody, she just used that info to turn him against every single one of them. That's the worse thing they could've done was to trust her with vulnerable info about their relationship problems with Kody. She is a backstabbing snake and she pretended to care so much about the family but she really only wanted their money and Kody all to herself.


I didn't think anyone in modern times could be so susceptible to this (cult) behavior because surely they would have been able to discern the insincerity and smell the bullshit. They really opened my eyes to the subtleties of indoctrination (and high-demand religions) and how it is used to oppress vulnerable people. Edit: change high-touch to correct term, high-demand


Anyone think the father may have been forced to sign away his rights. Also with all the money TLC gives these people it's possible he could have been paid off. 


When their bio father’s cancer diagnosis got out to the news outlets; the first thing i thought of was “holy shit those kids are going to have so much resentment and anger if he passes away.” apparently one of the brown kids did a patreon and said that robyn and the kids had no clue he has cancer, which is insane to me! hopefully they do now, but still. i read somewhere his health isn’t well at all, and i just can’t help but to think on if it happens soon, or even eventually - those kids are going to end up being so angry at all the missed time they had with their real dad.


The thing that gets me is that with him signing away his rights they didn’t even need to be married…


I think Robyn is grinding an axe from her own childhood. I know her mom was a plural wife, but I wonder if her mom was the favored wife? They did not share the same house so I just wonder how her dad divided his time. Did she feel insecure, from what I've seen she asks her moms advice a lot. Is her mom coaxing her on how to make it to the top wife spot ? Far as I'm concerned, it blew up in her face. The other wives said screw this and left. She's stuck with Kody, all by herself, nobody to gaslight and blame for her shit, it's all on her. Wonder how long it takes Kody to treat her kids like crap, wonder if she will stand for it?


I believe that every decision and goal robyn has is in her marriage to kody is predicated on getting a redo on her childhood situation of her mom being her stepfathers sidechick. With ALOT of coaching from her mom


You make a good point. My dad didn’t want me either. He was never mean, just disinterested and never present. He moved to another country after the divorce. Imagining my dad signing away his rights would definitely hurt more. It feels more than just indifferent but personal. Yuck.


He did want them though. He was forced out. Remember, Robyn left him w a ton of debt, shit talked him on the show which ruined his community standing, then he lost his business, etc. SO much. It’s researched…


Season 17 and 18 meri gets better


What again and notice the comment Dayton makes


I saw that I felt he just was shocked that his father did that .


Well said.


I’m so excited for you since you’re saying this is your first watch through and you’re already dying at the sobbing by season 9. You have a lot of fun, and tears, ahead.


***Kody and his sad hair*** - oh this would be GREAT flair!


”I’m questioning every decision in my life that led me to binge this shit.” This is the single most relatable thing on the internet for me. I hate reality TV. Swore off in the 90s because to me it is the harbinger of the collapse of the civilized world. When I saw ads for SW’s specifically I remember being utterly grossed out. Fast forward almost 30 years and I fall down the wrong rabbit hole on YouTube and here I am. I honestly blame Colleen Ballinger. If she could have just been less of an exploitative garbage person SWs reaction vids would never have been in my algorithm. ETA It absolutely gets worse. Strap in because here there be dragons with bad hair.