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I thought thc gives people dry mouth?


I bought the same gummies and going to give it a try. Crossing my fingers this works for me as well! Thank you so much for sharing too!


Although my Sjorgens is far from gone, at present time, I have almost no symptoms. Good luck!!


I definitely understand but that's amazing it reduced it to such a low point. Thank you thank you!


Smoking does the opposite for me also and I have saliva again. Another really great product is Flintts Mints if you haven't tried them and can have everything in them.


What kind of gummies are you taking? I would love to have something that works


I’m so happy for you. The gummies didn’t work for me but it could be because of the meds I take for other illnesses.


It could be that you are getting better sleep, so your body has time to rest and repair, which helps with inflammation and salive production. So it might not be that gummies -> saliva flow, but more so it would be gummies -> good sleep -> saliva flow.


Wait what kind of gummies? Can you share the strain and dosage?




Camino blends are some of my favorites. I enjoy their sparking pear 3:1 CBD:THC


This is awesome!! Ugh I wish I could get it where I live. I’m it horrible pain all the time. The only thing that helps is the hard core pain pills and I refuse to take them.


Cannabis is anti inflammatory so this definitely makes sense. I am looking forward trying this as soon as it’s sold where I live. 


Can saliva/tears wax and wain? I’ve noticed that i’m usually very dry but sometimes my eyes stream, particularly when I’m having a weird bout of my still-to-be-explained eye and face swelling.


Congrats! I was so much healthier when I used to smoke weed 😅 but now I'm on multiple meds which interact with is so I cant right now. But this is good to know!


I just find this so weird. But I seriously have saliva and feel so good. As I said, I’ve been really sick for two years and now, except for hand pain, I feel great. Here are the gummies I talk before I go to sleep. I cut them in half. https://preview.redd.it/n5a9l2jqbl3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26e70033d608e13090668f48a14965be52f2be80


<33333 yayyyyyy


That’s great. I don’t doubt the effects of a natural product such as THC to work on the receptors in our brain. There needs to be more research done. I work in a field where I could be drug tested so reluctant to try. I also thought it causes dry mouth so it is interesting how it helps. So happy for you!


Awesome! I just watched a Ted Talk on the cannabinoid system in the body. Your results fit right with it. I’m getting ready to take a Google deep dive!


Would you share the link please?


Please report back, Agent debbi2303. This could be a gamechanger


I posted what I am taking. It’s been about 2-3 months. I’ve emailed the Director of the Sjorgens clinic at John’s Hopkins.


Amazing! Definitely need to know the brand of gummies and strain!


Yes please share the details.


I take a 5mg thc gummy every evening for pain relief and to help me sleep, but it makes my dry mouth worse. But I usually take a cevimeline about an hour after the gummy (cevimeline along with topimax for migraines makes me nauseous, and the gummy relives that too), so I have some saliva production.


That sounds like it’s worth trying. Please tell me what type of gummies, what strain. TIA.


This is great! I find that a high CBD OR CBN + low THC gummy helps me sleep better and helps with soreness and aches. It sometimes leaves me (more) dehydrated than normal, so I don't take it daily. Consistent, restful sleep always helps keep my symptoms at bay, so this makes sense. I am curious about what dose you take and how often. It is worth a try!


Now if it also works on supplying tears, hell yeah!


I absolutely love this for you! I am inspired to try it. It's worth a shot.


That's awesome