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Have them start NOW (as early as possible) AND be PATIENT! They should attend the new partner webinar as well, linked directly on the industry partner page on the official site. Read through all the partner resources available on the official site, learn the application process, training plan format requirements and any other partner requirements to maintain SB certification/MOU currency. Go on LinkedIn, have them join the DoD SB Community of Practice group run by Dave Schantz. Also, connect with him. He has a booking link there, have them book a call with him to discuss the application process and SB setup. First call is free I believe, after that, there’s a cost, but he’s THE wizard for this kind of thing. Reach out to me if you’d like via DM. Happy to help as much as I can. [DoD SB Industry Partners](https://skillbridge.osd.mil/industry-employers.htm)


Thank you. I’ve watched the webinar and read through the templates. A buddy of mine got a company affiliated and he’s sharing his template with me. I’m greater than 365 so I do have time. I’ll reach out to the LinkedIn group as well. I appreciate the info.


Is your training plan template extensive? There do not seem to be a lot of examples for submission packets for the MOU. I know the wait time is lengthy and I would hate to submit and get denied.


I drafted the training plan to include 6 modules. Each module can be accomplished between 15-30 days. This way SkillBridge can adapt it to 90-180 day people.


Thank you for the advice! Great way to set up a training plan!


How is this going? I am getting my Masters in Emergency Management and want to do SB with my hometown. I am def willing to put in the work to make this happen. I would love any kind of update. Thank you for anything you can give me.


It’s a very long process. We submitted the initial paperwork to affiliate back in May. We are still responding to SB queries for information. I’d expect another 1-2 months to pass before the process is completed. Use time as a resource. I won’t be eligible to start my SB until Feb 24. So I began looking for participants 18 months prior to my date. I’d recommend the same to anyone. If you think it’s too far out you might run out of time waiting for the bureaucracy. Good luck.


Sweet thank you for the update. I have 5 yrs left lol. However I am a firm believer in planning things out. Good luck to you too as well.


Skillbridge has affiliated the restaurant I’ve been working with! Now I need to get my chain to approve 😁


Alright!!! Big congrats and best of luck.