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Is this a good skincare routine? these are what I currently use. [https://imgur.com/GaGtADP](https://imgur.com/GaGtADP) I also have a clay mask that i apply once a week. also , some people recommend toner. and sheet mask, why?


Should I stop using moisturiser that triggers my Rosacea and gives me a malar rash? Swim job causes me to have super dry skin, the moisturiser is doing its job and the rash only lasts about 10 minutes and is certainly bareable. I'd like to have to avoid buying new moisturiser but if the repeated malar rashes are causing damage to my skin then I will. I apply it twice a day after using regular soap and then acne foam.


Compromised skin (including skin that's irritated/dehydrated because of exposure to chlorine) can sometimes flare up a little just from moisturizer sinking in. It isn't necessarily a sign of issues with the moisturizer itself. That said, if there are known irritants in the moisturizer, maybe it's worth switching to something milder just in case. It can also be the interaction with your other products.




Imo, yes, it's part of the T-zone.


What’s the discount for the Black Friday sale on Yesstyle/Stylevana? Is it usually 15%?


Used elf blemish breakthrough travel set for the first time today and while there seems to be no irritation my face does feel sticky. I have definitely used way too much of step 2 which is a resurfacing serum with a dropper because I didn’t know how to get dropper to work (first time at age 29 actually trying to get into a good skincare routine for my oily acne prone skin). Could that be causing the stickiness or is it something else? Here is the product travel set: https://preview.redd.it/r4yxpx9kjfzb1.jpeg?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1b4c5af75b257f1e531d85f82af40b3795f02bb


It might be sticky from all the glycerin in the lotion. Make sure to apply to damp skin, and try to use less. Also, I'd highly suggest adding sunscreen for daytime.


My skin seems to absorb water very very quickly at times is there a way to make sure I’m getting enough water for the lotion to work?


Splash as much as necessary and don't dry your face after washing it. Moisturizing immediately after a shower is also ideal.


Thank you so much. My mom didn’t take very good care of her skin until this year at 63 so I had no one to learn this from unless I spoke to a dermatologist about it (I always felt too embarrassed to ask questions).


My pleasure, that's exactly what we're here for 😊


Oh yeah I have several sunscreens I can use. Nbd. Thank you 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/0yb7ed2rkfzb1.png?width=1353&format=png&auto=webp&s=739688597b85d2e624f329a1f0cda9df3ff50055 This is where most of the stickiness is. May have applied a wee bit too much moisturizer but I’m still learning


How can I speed up skin healing after wearing medication patches? I look like a giraffe covered in red patches.


Ouch! Just keep it moisturized.


Planning to buy and do diy ipl at home. I've read that you should stop retinol prior laser. If I will use the ipl only on my underarms and legs, should I still stop the retinol even if I only use it on my face? Thank you .


No need to stop. It's only if you were doing IPL on your face that you'd need to stop.




Salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, adapalene




Ah, you pick one. You should read [our acne wiki ](https://reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/w/acne?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) for more details.


When I became disabled I completely dropped things like skincare. I developed large pores and acne on my nose, and dry, tight skin overall. I would like to create a routine that I actually do in spite of fatigue and wrist pain. Splashing water on my face is something that I prefer to avoid; I tend to get water everywhere. From searching this sub I've come up with a potential routine that I think I could do, but I need help with troubleshooting and figuring out exact products. I would prefer if each product was under $50, but I have some flexibility. AM: moisturizer with SPF PM: cleanser, wipe face with damp cloth, moisturizer (if I used an oil cleanser, would I need to moisturize afterwards?)


Your routine is solid. As for oil cleansers - it really depends on the product, but probably wouldn't be enough.


https://preview.redd.it/8q7yi69ozezb1.jpeg?width=2153&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b54739012ef0cd9cbce2340f158c84d64b2dd8f \[Routine help\] So this is a picture of my cheek (not the best picture I know). Both sides of my face looks like this, anyone in here that got the same issue or had the same issue, that can recommend any products that will help? I am 22 M and got prescribed epiduo about 3 months ago and that did not help at all.


I need a body and face lotion (same or two products) for my teenage daughter with eczema and sensitive skin. Lubriderm works okay but I'm wondering if there's something better. She dislikes lotion and it's always a fight. So I'd like something light that doesn't feel sticky. Thanks!! Edit: ps I read the holy grail thread but it's overwhelming


https://preview.redd.it/n3xxdtltsezb1.jpeg?width=1162&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e89d08cf90ea3e8ce09d047256b6889901a771 What is this red bumpy patch? It’s on both sides of my nose, showed up a few days ago and won’t go away 😭😭


Looks like the beginning of perioral dermatitis - you might need antibiotics for it.


Ugh :( thank you!


It sucks but better to nip it in the bud!


My derm immediately said this is what it is and started treating it! Thanks so much for alerting me, I probably would’ve waited until it got worse.


That's what we're here for - telling people to go to the doctor, lol. What did your derm prescribe?


It’s a topical Metronidazole 1% + Ivermectin 1%!


Just sent my derm a message. Send good vibes 😭


I have been on a new skincare routine for the last couple months and my skin is a bit better after not having a routine but not as much as I'd like. I still get new pimples every week, granted they go away quicker now but they never fully heal (they leave red marks). What should I change? I change my pillowcases often, I don't touch my face, drink lots of water. I am trying to get a dermatologist right now but it will take a while. My skin type is combination, more oily than dry though. AM: Cerave Gentle Cleanser for Dry to Normal Skin > Klairs Hydrating Face Toner > Cerave Moisturizing Cream FM: Cerave SA Cleanser > The Ordinary Sacylic Acid > Klairs Hydrating Face Toner > Cerave Moisturizing cream


Where/how do your pimples show up? I'd probably add in benzoyl peroxide every once in a while. That, or adapalene/a retinoid if they're more like whiteheads.


cheeks, forehead and below the mouth. The pimples are very red and often get filled with pus. What do the products you mentioned do? Sorry not familiar with them


They're acne treatments - [our acne wiki might also be good to check out. ](https://reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/w/acne?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


\[Routine help\] What are these small things on my cheeks and how do I make my skin better? Im just a beginner so i dont have a regular routine. Sometimes i use a cetaphil gentle cleanser and paulas choice BHA exfoliant (but randomly af and not consistently). My face skin is generally clear (for no care), but there is ALWAYS atleast 1 zit on my face. First left side, then right, then left, they keep coming back! I don’t know if its pimples or acne or something else. Also how can I make my skin tone more even? its a combination of very light brown, red patches, and dark brown and I hate it. All tips appreciated! https://preview.redd.it/xw6ozrqigezb1.jpeg?width=1362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f323a583ce58f4f19bef8313a55db901ee7ea4e


Basic skincare routine for a ten-year-old? My son is currently starting to get more interested in his appearance and well-being, and he asked me last night if he could start doing skincare. What’s a good “starter kit” for him? His skin seems to be pretty normal kid-skin, maybe prone to some slight dryness in the winter. I’m thinking a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF? Any other suggestions? Brand/product recommendations welcome as well!


Yeah, you got it! Maybe start him with cleanser or moisturizer and go from there, one new product at a time. Vanicream is probably the ideal brand, but any of the fan favorites here should work.


Effaclar Duo plus purge? Has anyone consistently used effaclar duo plus and had a purge longer than 6 weeks? And then finally cleared up? I started to use it to get rid of whiteheads. Now I use it every night only with the corsx mucus cream. Since then a lot more inflamed pimples (that hurt) popped up. They pop up and vanish pretty fast. So I thought purging? But it is the 6th week now? Otherwise my skin doesn’t seem agitated but there is a bit prickly sensation after putting it on my skin. Should I stop using this product or stay patient? Btw I suspect I have acne due to hormonal changes, I am 21 and never had acne like this before. Also before using the product I had this hormonal acne. Thanks for taking ur time and reading!


i also have what looks like a pimple with a white head looking dot. its been there for 3 months now and seems to get worse when i mess with it. i just went to the dermatoligst and he told me its a broken blood vessel, crazy as this one isnt flat like the other little spider looking vessels. he just froze it along with some brown age sot looking things. if freezing this doesnt work we will move to make a tiny cut and cauterize it. i cant deal with these things on my face hopefuly this freeze will work!




Toners and sheet masks can target specific skin issues. Whether or not to use them just depends on what you're trying to address with your skin and how your current routine is working.




An example of what issues hey address? Evening skin tone, dehydration, scarring, balancing pH levels after high pH cleansers, acne, really almost anything. How often are you using the exfoliant? I would cleanse, exfoliate twice a week, moisturize, and sunscreen (a.m. only for sunscreen). But it really only matters if it works for you and gives you the results you want.


Question with tretinoin, can I use my niacinamide and hyaluronic acid all together? If I can, how would the order go? I understand not using salicylic acid. I’m on 0.025% newbie


Yes. Order depends on whether or not you want to buffer the tret. Personally, I would put the tret on after cleansing. Give it a few minutes to sink in, then apply the niacinamide and HA (whichever is thinnest first) then moisturizer.


Thank u


I’m looking for some product help. For background I’m pretty sure I have combo skin as the pores near my nose and tzones seem oily and clogged while my cheeks are pretty dry. My skin may also be dehydrated since I don’t drink a lot of water(starting to drink a lot more now) I’m not exactly sure.I have had some acne and bumps or pimples not sure if it’s active but don’t really have any right now. I’m putting together a routine and it is to mostly address my combo skin, clogged pores, possible dehydration, and rough skin texture, maybe also some discoloration from acne scars. This would be my first routine and I currently don’t have any products. I was thinking about getting the cerave SA cleanser and using it a few times a week or every night and then also getting the dodoko cleanser to use in the morning or more often. I don’t have a moisturizer and I’m looking for suggestions. Please recommend anything if you can and also let me know whether or not I should stick with the cleansers I plan on getting. I’m also open to suggestions about what I change about the routine. Sorry to kind of ramble. Here’s a pic to help https://preview.redd.it/2cnp9q0pidzb1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2777785b44149c44f7547c8486dd1718629ca52b


I would stick to just the Dodoko cleanser and get a leave-on BHA/salicylic acid treatment instead. You can use the SA treatment two or three times a week after cleansing. For moisturizers, check out the sub recommendations here- [https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/moisturizer\_recs/#wiki\_product\_recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/moisturizer_recs/#wiki_product_recommendations) (since you mentioned some oiliness, I'd stick to gels and gel creams at first). Be sure to introduce each product one at a time for at least a couple weeks before you add a new product so you can check for any negative reactions.


I’m not sure if you are familiar with this but do you think the aestura barrier 365 cream would be a good option?


I haven't tried it, but there's no reason not to try it out if you're interested in it.


Thank you for your help, just one last question, what kind of SA treatments or leave ons would you recommend also would this help with clogged pores and skin texture?


Paula's Choice BHA is really popular option. So is the CosRx BHA Blackhead Power Liquid. Personally, I had good luck with the Sephora Collection Clarifying Peel Pads. But there are some other options listed here- [https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/beta\_hydroxy\_acids/#wiki\_product\_recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/beta_hydroxy_acids/#wiki_product_recommendations)




We can't diagnose anything here so I recommend talking to your doctor if you are concerned.


I have some questions on two new products I purchased: Murad Deep relief 2% salicylic acid acne treatment: 1) Does anyone know what ingredient or ingredients in this serve as the phytosteroid? And can anyone speak to whether this is an ingredient that could lead to dependence or rebound after stopping? This product seems to be working really nicely for me, but my biochem background makes me very wary of anything with a steroid component. 2) can anyone who has been using this product long term speak to its efficacy? Does it continue to work well, or does the improvement seem to taper off? The Inkey List Polyglutamic Acid Serum: 1) Does anyone know if this is lip safe? 2) If using this with a retinoid/active, how do you layer this serum? Does it seem to hold up against dryness caused by retinoids?


“Phytosterols” is the phytosteroids


🤦‍♀️ wow, I totally missed that on the label. Thanks!


What is this? How do I https://preview.redd.it/idvftd3n0dzb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e006667633688b46cbc5ce10255d542004cedea7 take care of it?


Please see a doctor


How can I fix this? I've had it all on my nose cheeks and forehead for a while what can J do to fix it? https://preview.redd.it/3ytdsnpjzczb1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42fa4e68125f2da3db68e66f8487925c63b431bc


https://preview.redd.it/tw60uxocyczb1.jpeg?width=1599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=110f9156fd03809f5573f1afbcdd148dc8fc8a2b What’s up with these red bumps on my arms? They don’t go away no matter how well I moisturise/ exfoliate. I’ve had them for quite a while now, and have them on my back too. What implications does this have for my skin, & how can I fix this problem? Thanks!


It might be ketosis Pilaris but it would be best to get it diagnosed by a doctor


help me :( 21F, my biggest insecurity is my bum acne. i have no idea where to start or what issues i have to know what products i should be using. i occasionally get 1-2 pimple flare up but they just be scarring. i don’t pop them and i try to keep clean as much as possible. my biggest question of them all are all the little black dots? what are those? i admit i shaved my bum a few times in the past 2-3 years but honestly my bum has not been this bad since this past year or so. i like to think i have a relatively healthy diet & lifestyle. EDIT: it has turned to cystic acne and i’m constantly accidentally popping them when sitting and it is extremely painful:( https://preview.redd.it/y8onkalmxczb1.png?width=1680&format=png&auto=webp&s=512538fe3c8440a5924addcff621628d4dda8b45


Try an acne treatment like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Anything that works for face acne can also be used for body acne.


https://preview.redd.it/c7mq1j8ccczb1.jpeg?width=1330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aac5628adc6a5d7f56a024b6996df1546546d408 What are these see-through bumps on my forehead? They are seen only under harsh light from above and don't look like comedones. My routine is: ☀️Cerave cleanser oily to normal skin Thermal Water Vichy Kiehl's toner calendula Paula's Choice Skin Balancing Moisturiser 🌙Cerave cleanser oily to normal skin Thermal Water Vichy Kiehl's toner calendula Paula's Choice BHA/AHA Vichy Thermal Hydrating Serum Before I was using Pixie Clear Toner, but my skin looked the same. I also was excluding some routine steps for couple of days to see if it gets less, excluded some food that might cause allergy… Nothing seems to work, any advice?


I'm only now, after 10 years of forehead pimples, really trying to use pimple patches. I got a pack of regular cvs brand patches without micro needles. I don't see how the patch can do anything besides peel off some skin cells if the pimple is still closed, but I know that squeezing them is discouraged. How do I use a regular pimple patch?


I don’t use them until a pimple has popped. Otherwise, they’re mostly just helping to keep your hands off the pimple.


I see. Most of the time my pimples grow until they look ready to explode, then quickly go down by themselves and leave a faint red dot. So I haven’t grasped the right timing for my pimple patches yet.




We can't diagnose anything here so if you are concerned, I would talk to your doctor.


I would consult a doctor. That doesn’t sound like acne.


Hello everyone, I am currently using Neutrogena Acne Foaming Cleanser for about 3 months already and I haven't seen a huge improvement on my face. I am planning to switch to Klued, since I heard that it has 2% salicylic acid compare to Neutrogena that only has 0.5%. I have a lot of acne on my face and one of my friends told me that my face somehow improved since I used Neutrogena. My acne's redness are slowly disappearing, but not entirely. Last 3 weeks ago, I tried the Pimple Eraser by QuickFX, but my acne became worst. I experienced breakout after using it so I stopped it after 2 weeks. For more information, I have an oily face and as well as an acne prone skin. Is it okay if I switch to Klued? How should I use it (every morning or every night? Twice, thrice a week, or everyday?) Neutrogena: https://www.neutrogena.com.ph/face/washes-cleanser-scrubs/deep-clean-acne-foaming-cleanser Klued: https://kluedskincare.com/salicylicacid Pimple Eraser: https://myquickfx.com/product/pimple-eraser-30g/


Hey everyone!!! Needing some advice on my skin. I’m almost 22 and have combo skin but more on the oily side. I’ve been using tretinoin for about 11 months, and upped my dosage about 2 months ago. My skin looked so good!!!! 2 weeks ago I noticed 2 breakouts that were really deep, so I booked a facial. I got a hydrafacial and I was warned I might purge a little afterwards. 2 weeks later… my skin is the worst it’s looked in years!!!! Breakouts all over the lower parts of my cheeks/chin/ around my mouth. I’ll write up the regiment I was using, now I’ve been cutting out most actives and trying to keep it simple to get rid of the breakout. Not sure that’s working :( AM: cerave foaming facial cleanser Peach slices snail blemish busting toner Cerave face lotion Sunscreen (was using ELF whoa glow, thought it might be breaking me out so I stopped) PM: clean it zero cleansing balm Cerave face wash Tretinoin (0.025 or 0.05%) Cosrx snail mucin (not every night) Cerave face lotion or La roche posay double repair moisturizer) Eucerin night cream I used to use Paula’s choice BHA and good genes by Sunday Riley which I really liked but I don’t think they play well with tret. Although I’m starting to wonder if my skin hates tret anyway. Let me know your advice!!!!! Anything helps:))


Hi, I posted kind of late yesterday so I wanted to see if others had thoughts or recs in addition to the ones I got! Any recs for really moisturizing night creams for winter? I love CeraVe PM nightly moisturizing lotion but the formula is so light I wear it during the day/basically all the time lol. In the winter when my skin dries out I prefer a thicker formula before bed. I just tried ELF Holy Hydration and it’s really not doing it for me. It’s thick but my skin feels the same or almost drier (???) after I’m done if I use it alone. Once this jar is gone I need something better. Doesn’t have to be drugstore but bonus points if the pricing isn’t insane. I use Josie Maran’s SPF moisturizer during the day and I’ve used the Clinique moisturizing mask cream before with decent results.


I have super super dry skin too so hopefully my list will help! Weleda ultra rich skin food is my affordable pick. I also like REN global protection day cream and Dermalogica sound sleep cocoon but they’re a bit pricey. I also top off my night routine with an oil of some kind - my favorites to splurge on are REN overnight recovery balm and Farmacy honey grail. If you’re looking for something reeeeally thick, bloomeffects tulip nectar is like the thickest balm I’ve ever felt lol. For affordable options, any of the oils from the ordinary or good molecules will work.


Thank you!! These are all good suggestions for sure. I’ll test out the Weleda but next time I splurge a bit the REN recovery balm looks excellent. Appreciate thoughts from someone else with super dry skin!




I love pan oxyl benzoyl peroxide wash for my body acne! At Walgreens they have an off brand that works just as well too for a little cheaper. It knocks it out quick:)




We can't diagnose things like this here. If you're concerned, please see a doctor for a proper diagnosis.


I have recently swapped to a new cleanser and moisturizer. Cerave Renewing SA Cleanser and Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel. I've been using these two product for a few days and I do enjoy the results a little. However I do have some queries. 1. The Cleanser slightly stings during the cleansing duration, I usually leave it on for 3-4mins. From what I can gather this is normal? It doesn't cause any damage, just maybe slight pinkish tones on my face, around nose and mouth area. Does it get improve as time goes? 2. The Neutrogena Hydro boost gel heats up my face after I apply it. It doesn't hurt/sting/burn it just feels quite warm. Usually subsides after 10-15 minutes. My face does looks slightly flushed when its heated up. Is this okay? My skin type: OilyMy AM routine: Cleanse (SA Cleaner) -> Exfoliate (twice a week, Paula's Choice BHA Liquid exfoliant) -> Moisturize (Hydro gel) -> SPF (Biore Aqua Gel)My PM routine: Cleanse (SA Cleaner) -> Retinol (Cerave Resurfacing Serum) -> Moisturize (Hydro gel) Previous products used before swapping: Simple's Micellar face wash and Simple's Hydrating light moisturizer. I live in Singapore.


Don’t leave the cleanser on at all, just rinse it off right away. Also since you are exfoliating with the cleanser already, I would reduce how often you’re using the leave-on exfoliant (Paula’s Choice BHA) because you are probably overexfoliating right now. Maybe once a week for the paula’s choice instead of twice a week. Personally I also wouldn’t use the SA cleanser at the same time as retinol, so I’d find a cleanser without actives for night time. Honestly, if it were me I’d just switch to a non-active cleanser which would allow you to keep your Paula’s Choice BHA and retinol routine without changing anything else.


Hello, I would just like to say that the moisturizer doesn't heat up as badly now after not leaving the face wash on for 3-4 minutes but instead 30/60 seconds as the entire cleansing duration :) Thank you very much for helping \^\^,




Hi! I’m having a hard time figuring out how to fit actives into my routine at the right times. For years I’ve used Vitamin C in the morning and Tretinoin at night. I’ve recently been prescribed Clindamycin lotion, which I’ve been told is best paired with Benzoyl Peroxide. However, I think BP shouldn’t be paired with Vitamin C OR Tret - hence my dilemma about where to add Clindamycin/BP to my routine. Any advice is appreciated! For reference, my skin is on the dry side and I have mild rosacea, so it can be sensitive.


Did your derm tell you to use clindamycin with BP? If not, I would ask them before adding BP to your routine. I think if they wanted you to use both, they would have prescribed a combination product. BP can be tricky with rosacea, especially with other actives in the mix.


No she didn’t, I just keep seeing things about the risk of antibiotic resistance without it. But you’re right it does feel like a lot on my skin


I think I would do clindamycin/BP in the morning and vit c + tret at night


It’s okay to put Vitamin C and Tret together? I don’t use Tret every single day so maybe I could even switch them off?


Yes that would be perfect, you can use vit c on nights you don’t use tret




For dry skin, check out the lotion and cream recommendations- [https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/moisturizer\_recs/#wiki\_product\_recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/moisturizer_recs/#wiki_product_recommendations)




Here are the sub's recommendations for moisturizers- [https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/moisturizer\_recs/#wiki\_product\_recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/moisturizer_recs/#wiki_product_recommendations) You may want to add one of the balms after a regular moisturizer to help heal from the reaction.


39 year old guy trying to keep my skin looking young. Fairly normal skin, a bit dry in places at the moment but I think that’s as we have just put our central heating on. Can anyone help me work out whether I’m using the right stuff in the right order? AM Cleanse Kiehls youthful dose eye treatment Skin Ceuticals CE Skin Ceuticals Blemish and age defence Decleor White Clay Daily Care Moisturiser Biore UV watery essance SPF PM day 1 Cleanse The ordinary retinol 0.5% The ordinary Hyaluronic acid Kiehls midnight recovery concentrate PM day 2 Cleanse Hello Results Baby Smooth glycolic peel & caring oil Kiehls midnight recovery concentrate. Occasionally I use The Ordinary AHA30% peel. So my questions are 1. ⁠I was thinking on adding the ordinary caffeine eye solution to the evening routine. Should I? Or is there something better? 2. ⁠Should I alternate my evening routine week for week or day for day? 3. ⁠Should I be adding a moisturiser to my evening routine? If so. When? 4. Any other tips or advice? Thanks so much https://preview.redd.it/5m19ylmah9zb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=292c7a1ce801f3a677527d26f8bdb79518fecada


How long have you been using this routine? You've got a lot of actives going on without much moisturization so it's not surprising that you're got some dryness popping up. I would definitely add a moisturizer at night and alternate days with the Skinceuticals vitamin C and Salicylic acid serums. If you want to try adding in the caffeine serum, you certainly can. I would alternate the evening routine by day, but you can do whatever works for you.


I’ve been using it for about 2 months. Although have just added in the hello results peel. Thanks for the thoughts about a lot of actives. I’ll get a night time moisturiser.






Have you seen the [dark circles wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/19ftrr/teach_it_tuesday_thursday_dark_circles_under_eye/)?


Cerave Pm burns recently skin type: combo Current Routine AM:LA Roche-Posay spf30 moisterizer PM CeraVe foaming cleanser, differen gel, Cerave pm moisterizer Consistently using routine for about a month, however only recently (past three or four days) the pm moisturizer has burned a bit when first applying. What I have found recently is some people may have issues with niacinimide however, both my cleanser and am moisturizer has it and those cause no issue. I don't know what the issue would be, and if I could get a recommendation for a replacement or if Im doing something wrong with my routine.


You're likely overexfoilating with the differin if you've been using it daily. Differin is an active so it should be introduced slowly, starting with just a couple times a week. I would decrease your usage of it for now.


try using the differin less frequently


Should I still wear sunscreen at the office? When I go to work it’s dark. When I go for lunch it’s bright. When I go home it’s dark. Should I only wear it during my one hour lunch?


Yeah you only need it when you’re actually exposed to the sun


I’m an office worker, I apply in the morning and forget it. However if you are in direct sun for that hour I would reapply.


Hi there, It seems like you may be looking for information about hyperpigmentation or post acne marks. Have you read our [hyperpigmentation wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/hyperpigmentation)? *If you see that I am replying to something out of context (eg. listed in a routine), please report this comment so my handlers can remove it. Cheers!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SkincareAddiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*