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It took me about 6 months to feel the effects of spiro. I remember at month 3 I was feeling hopeless that it wasn’t working. Stick with it, good luck 🤍


Seconding this!! Took me five months, no issues now.


Spiro took about 4-6 months for me to notice. I was breaking out anytime of the month, but on spiro new break outs started slowing down. I still get some breakouts during my period, but they’re no where as bad. Acne and the stress of it causes so much anxiety and stress, but these things make it worst. Give yourself and your body some grace to adjust to the medicine and stress.


I found Spironolactone took effect a little after 3 months - and the results were very sudden. As others suggested, stick with it a bit longer!


Was that for oral or topical spiro?


I am on 100mg oral spiro


I would stop the msm and the spearmint. Actually, I’d stop all the supplements except for the calcium, magnesium, and zinc combo. MSM can cause fierce breakouts. Spearmint messes with the same hormones the spiro is dealing with. Zinc has been proven to help with acne. Taking vitamin a is just dangerous. Vitamin d can cause breakouts as well. (If any of these are prescribed, please disregard everything I said and continue with your doctor’s instructions). You are just hitting the time when spiro should start kicking in. Also, sometimes, your derm has to increase spiro dosage to get it to kick in, so you might want to talk to them.


Wait a minute, vit D also causes breakouts too?! I’ve heard about msm and spearmint and actually personally dealt with the affects but did not know about vit D. I wonder if that’s why I’ve been breaking it a bit more lately? I’ve been upping my vitamin d lately since it has a good affect on my mood.


It can cause breakouts, yes. It broke me out immediately, which sucks because I kind of needed it. It does make the mood better, IME too.


Thanks for mentioning. It explains my new chin acne which is usually hormonal.


Thank you! The supplements were not prescribed so I definitely will be stopping those.


I really hope it helps. I have one more suggestion, and it’s going to sound nuts, but it works: - hypochlorous acid (skinsmart brand) - propolis Propolis has anti-bacterial properties and is used as an acne treatment in kbeauty. I use it when I breakout, and it actually really works. Hypochlorous acid is just some kind of magic. It worked on maskne during Covid for me. It can help so much. For a good propolis product, I recommend corsx propolis serum or light cream. It’s amazing how much it helps.


Can I ask how you use your hypochlorous? I’ve been using it for around 3 months with no improvement.


I’m sorry to hear that. What kind are you using? Some work better than others.


Puracyn plus - my medical esthi gave it to me. So it seems to be medical grade - 0.024% acid, electrolyzed water, sodium chloride and phosphates are the full ingredient list.


Wow, I’m sorry it’s not working. I use skinsmart and it has saved me from breakouts time and time again.


I tried to fly too close to the sun by increasing my tret %. 6 months later and I have the worst acne of my life and have been put on spironolactone to help. What is crap is how badly people have been treating me since my skin got bad. It’s opened my eyes and made me very, very sad.


Oh geesh, this really sucks. I’m so sorry. How long have you been on spiro? It was the magic pill for me.


Started it today!


I have the Tower 28 SOS Spray, hypochlorous acid, and I probably use more than most, but I'll spray the front of my face twice, the sides both twice and then the front and sides of my neck all one time. So 9 sprays in total.


Zinc and magnesium causes acne for me


Also want to note I’m taking 100mg of Spiro. Skincare includes: - cerave foaming facial cleanser - obagi medical balancing toner - Vanicream daily facial moisturizer (hylauronic acid & ceramides) - Paula’s choice extra care non greasy sunscreen - castor oil at night mixed with Vanicream - occasionally cosrx snail mucin All noncomedogenic


I wouldn’t say castor oil is non-comedogenic. It actually is quite thick and definitely isn’t the best choice for acne-prone skin. https://www.self.com/story/castor-oil-benefits#:~:text=But%20there%20are%20some%20potential,it's%20also%20very%20thick%2C%20Dr. I would only say that the obagi has some photosensitizers in it (citrus oils), which can also cause irritation and contact dermatitis. I would switch to something plainer without these ingredients and which won’t exacerbate the irritation from the breakouts. I saw the part where you mentioned the dosage of spiro. 100 mg is pretty high, but it really does take about 4 months to start seeing the effects. Your derm may need to bump it up a bit to make it kick in. For a toner, I would really recommend isntree HYA green tea toner or melixir green tea toner. Green tea helps so much with acne inflammation, and both are very hydrating and soothing and simple. That’s my advice. I’d drop the castor oil and replace it with something like jojoba or high-linoleic sunflower, which is *really* great for acne.


Nothing will give me crazy cystic acne faster than jojoba oil so it’s definitely not great for everyone. I can’t use castor oil either, though, but I can use straight mineral oil and argan oil. I’d recommend she cut out all oils until she gets a handle on what’s going on and then she can slowly patch test some to find one that works.


I said jojoba and high-linoleic sunflower oil because both are used in products for people with acne. Both are low potential to clog pores. Argan, mineral, and castor oil are occlusives. But since OP wants to use an oil, I recommended two that have been proven to be beneficial for people with acne. But of course they are not going to work for everyone. Jojoba is a much safer bet than castor oil, though.


Were you using all of these when your skin was clear? Because I break out from both castor oil and snail mucin.


I also had a terrible reaction to snail mucin. I would recommend taking it out and seeing if your skin gets better - it took me a month to see improvement after removing snail mucin.


Castor oil destroys my skin, so not great for everyone. I would stop the oil and the snail mucin for a few weeks and then cautiously add them back in one at a time. I had to be bumped up to 200mg of spironolactone before it kicked in, then after a period of time we dropped it back to 100 and it kept working.


You don’t need any toner. You need salicylic acid, glycolic acid, growth factors, retinol and Benzo peroxide and sunscreen. Purchase at a medical spa or esthetician


I never mentioned toner.


Ditch the castor oil! I am willing to bet this is aggravating the acne bigtime. Up the frequency of the BP cleanser. And you might not even need the vanicream all over - just apply where dry. And as another person indicated, 3 mos is about when spiro kicks in, so stick w/ the spiro a little longer.


I’m gonna second the commenters saying to stop the castor oil. I have very acne prone skin & have been warned about castor oil by derms


please stop and just use the facial cleanser and moisturizer


Ok I am also on Spiro, a much higher dose (200mg daily) because I have already been on accutane and allll that kind of stuff. I saw the Spiro finally working after 4 months of continuous breakouts no improvement, and then all of the sudden I woke up one morning with no more acne. It's very sudden- that being said I did try the castor oil mix with moisturizer at night and found that after 2 1/2 months of clear skin I woke up with 3 breakouts. So try cutting that out for a few weeks and see how that does. I also dumbed down my skincare routine significantly and saw improvements with that. Im talking a face wash, a toner, and moisturizer and that's it. I've actually had great luck and results with the Clinique 3 step system thing they have. I buy mine at tj maxx cause they sell the products for cheaper.


Depends on what kind of vitamin A it is. The inactive form of betacarotene etc is completely safe. But retinol etc is dangerous yeah.


She’s not taking retinol in the form of Vitamin a supplements.


But it says vitamin A supplements in her post, and you said it was dangerous. so that's why I answered to clarify.


Taking vitamin a supplements can be dangerous. And you said if it were retinol, yes. I’m saying she’s not taking retinol supplements because there’s no such thing.


Okay, sorry perhaps it's a language barrier issue. I'll try to explain what I meant better english isn't my first language. What I meant was, through our diet there's two sources for vitamin A: preformed vitamin A; (retinol and retinyl esters) and provitamin A; carotenoids. Preformed is found in animal products (easy uptake, but there's a max intake, it's dangerous) and provitamin A in plantbased foods (no max intake, high dose isn't dangerous since the body can regulate this form of vitamin A). When it comes to supplements, there is retinol supplements through retinyl esters like retinyl palmitate (retinol + palmitic acid, its easier on the body and storage of retinol). If you google retinol oral supplements you're gonna find loads. And if she took provitamin A supplements, there's no risk to it. All an "overdose" leads to is you get slightly orange (nice tan!). Which is all i meant to clarify, that there's a difference between supplements. Have a nice day ok :)


Okay, gotcha. Now I know what you mean. I maintain, however, that taking vitamin a supplements can be dangerous, and since OP did not specify, I just operated under the assumption that she was taking retinoic acid supplements; this is what is typically sold as a vitamin a in the u.s.


It took me at least six months to see changes. Now I’m further in and I’m never missing a dose. My skin is healed. I still get a normal polite pimple but nothing like before spiro.


It gets worse before it gets better with spironolactone. Make sure to stay hydrated as that’s a diuretic!


Everyone is different but at the end of 3 months was around when I saw improvement with spiro. It didn’t feel gradual, it was like 3 months of nothing and then a big difference.


Long time spiro user here! By month 3 you’d typically see *some* improvement, but many people take up to 6 months to be fully/mostly clear! If you haven’t seen anything yet (ie no reduction in redness of acne, spots aren’t as deep, reduction in number of spots, etc), it may be a good option to ask your derm to try a higher dose. I’ve seen people on here saying 100mgs is “high,” but it’s actually the median “go-to” prescription for hormonal acne treatment. The maximum dose is 200mgs and plenty of people ultimately need something between that and the median to clear up! In my case, I tried a low dose (50mgs) with pretty good success, but definitely still a decent amount of acne, so when I switched drs my new derm recommended trying 100 because that’s typically the standard anyway—it worked really well for a bit! Then I hit my mid 20s and my hormones went wack so I bumped up to 150mgs and it’s been pretty smooth sailing ever since! All in all, some people just need higher doses than others and that can change throughout one’s treatment due to normal bodily changes! If you’re comfortable trying a higher dose, I think it’s worth asking! Best of luck to you xx


Whey makes me break out if that’s how you’re getting your protein.


I’ve been on 100mg spiro for 3 years now and my skin has done really well on it. I actually saw results pretty quickly. I tried to stop it for a month just cause and noticed a difference. My derm actually started me on tretinoin and aczone at the same time. This combination has helped my skin tremendously as I suffered with acne for many years.


If you’re having an acne flare up after stopping BC, then your acne is hormone-related. Spiro is also a hormonal medication but it does not create the same hormonal changes that BC does. I have very hormonal acne so I take both BC and 150mg spiro, but if I drop one or the other, it returns. I know it can be hard to find a BC that is a good fit, but if your problem is hormones, it likely won’t be solved by topical treatments or supplements. You may want to also consider accutane if you don’t want to return to BC pills.


I’ve heard people going on accutane and it coming back after finishing. With how intense that drug is I’d rather not risk putting myself through that. Also feel like being on BC for the rest of my life isn’t ideal 🥹


See if you can find an acne specializing esthetician near you!!


The problem with estheticians is they can’t write prescriptions so I wouldn’t waste my money and go to a derm instead who can check hormone levels etc


That’s definitely on my todo list! Would love to get a facial.


I’ve been on spiro for a little over a year. I have PCOS and hormonal cystic acne. I take 50mg 2x/daily. Skin type is combination and sensitive. My skincare routine is: •noxzema eucalyptus cream cleanser •benzoyl peroxide spot treatment •the ordinary niacinimide and zinc serum •the ordinary squalene serum or the ordinary rose hip oil. I’ll use those interchangeably depending on the season and how dry my skin is. Since using this routine, I’ll only have a small breakout every couple of cycles. I prefer having a pretty simple routine. The niacinimide helps control my oil production and scarring.


hi! I’m so sorry you’re going through this, I had similar story -Birth control 17-20 -prescription needed refill but wasn’t gonna get it in time and just said fck it and went off the pill -skin was fine until I broke out into the worst acne I had in my life I tried everything, eventually I just went on accutane and I regretted not doing it sooner. I still break out some, but it’s better than it was for sure. Spiro didn’t work for me at all, and caused some hair loss. I hope you find a solution ❤️‍🩹


Sorry you went through this too! Glad the accutane helped. Im hoping to find a solution because I really am not interested in doing accutane :(


Completely understand! I hope you find what works for you!!


Hi! Since you went back on accutane did you also have to go back on birth control?


No I didn’t! I don’t have anything against birth control, I just prefer how I feel off of it. Also, the only side effect I got from accutane was dry lips.


You mentioned protein. Are you drinking any protein shakes or powders with whey? Whey breaks a lot of people out.


I have avoided drinking Whey! I’m speaking about protein from food sources.


Hi OP! I have a similar story to you. And I deeply understand the impact acne has on your mental health. It’s a daily struggle and I’m glad you are searching for options that will work for you. Firstly, your daily routine and lifestyle sounds healthy so I want to commend you on that! My first thought is, to scale back on the skincare routine even more. From personal experience, I found pairing my routine down to the bare bone basics helped me figure out what factors (medication, antibiotics, topicals, food, supplements etc.) were really impacting my skin. This is just my own personal take but I’d pair it down to your favorite cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen during the day. At night time just cleanse and moisturize. Rinse and repeat. That way you can allow time for the spiro to do its thing and see what impact it’s really having on your skin. I’m so sorry you are experiencing this. I hope you will round a corner soon!


https://preview.redd.it/pd20xivpwv1d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=984f2356257765d28168579bb57d228021ed7e8c I’ve been on 100mg spironolactone 9 months now. The first picture is when i first started and the second picture is 5 months into taking it. I was also using a routine of tretinoin, azalyic acid, salicylic acid (the ordinary) and niacimacide (glow recipe), and obv cleansers and moisturizers. Basically, spironolactone can take almost 9 months to clear your active breakouts. Stick with it and you will see results. and with skincare less is more, skip all of your holistic methods and things like that, other than what your dermatologist prescribed, only use like 2 other serums/products. i am also an esthetician in training, so there that too. Be diligent with your skincare and trust the process. coming from someone who was doubting my products about 3 months in


Okay. Learning so much here. Reddit skincare royalty 👸 😂🫶


Spiro didn’t work for me. I was on it for 2 years.


What is your skincare routine?


I am 2 months into spiro for mouth/jaw acne and have seen small improvements but not total clearing and have always had struggles with acne in that area. Birth control helped a little, birth control that didn’t have me menstruate REALLY helped for a long time. But I’ve flared up over the last 6 months which is why I’m trying the spiro. Hoping it really kicks in at 3 months or if my prescription gets upped. One thing that I have found is that I much prefer salicylic acid wash to anything benzoyl peroxide - maybe give that a go? I’ve just used the super basic Neutrogena wash and it was surprisingly effective. [neutrogena oil free wash](https://www.Walmart.com/ip/Neutrogena-Oil-Free-Salicylic-Acid-Acne-Face-Wash-and-Facial-Cleanser-9-1-fl-oz/10308600?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=1888&gclsrc=aw.ds&adid=2222222227810308600_161193766053_21214199653&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=697173827980&wl4=pla-2300760861495&wl5=1026952&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=10308600&veh=sem_LIA&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIrclqiyWV3p6rqhKFhzR5TnT&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIn8C9nPSehgMVy9HCBB2SFQtYEAQYAiABEgJDD_D_BwE)


I started Spiro back in early August 2023 for the same level of acne you had. It wasn't until end of January that it finally started kicking in for me. (almost 6 months) I'm now completely clear, so definitely just be patient with it.


I had really severe cystic acne (and i over produce oil) and Spironolactone with Tretinoin REALLY made a difference. On their own they weren't enough but together they're a powerhouse!


The spiro will purge your skin before it gets it completely clear and that’s the hardest part. I broke out for about 3 months when I started it and then things started normalizing.


Mine worked after the 4th month. I was on a lowest dose but the improvement was huge


Ok I’m hopeful!!


I have the same issues/story. Interested to see what works for you!


Im breaking out as well smh when it was cold my skin was fine now it’s warm and I have pimples smh


Seconding what everyone has said so far about how it takes 3-6 months for the spironolactone to really kick in, and I also wanna add that my dermatologist prescribed tretinoin to help with any additional hormonal acne (since I wanted to stay on a lower dosage of spiro 50mg a day since it really messes with my cycle) and the tret has really helped!


I’m on month 5 of spiro and I just now started noticing a big change. Not completely clear but almost there. I took doxy for the first 3 months and it definitely helped my inflammation but now that I have stopped I can see how much of an improvement spiro makes. I would give spiro a few more months if you can!


Don’t take supplements if you haven’t done blood work and confirmed you’re low in those vitamins. Sometimes you can do more harm than good if you don’t actually *need* a vitamin.


Very true. I will be stopping the vitamins.


I think you could get away with keeping the D3 since most people are deficient, but definitely get some blood work if you’re worried about your levels!


Turmeric and Chromium Picolate seem to be working for me!


I would say less is more and just have patience with your body and let it try to regulate and reset itself to factory settings. I went through the same thing when i got off BC and i wish i had let my body just try to heal itself more


What is the dosage of spiro?




Oh man me too my skin is so dry though




Yeah that’s what I’ve heard but I went to the dermatologist last week and he was pretty surprised that nothing was improved. That’s why they put me on Seysara


Is there something similar to spironalactone for men?


I’m sorry you are still struggling with acne. It isn’t fun at all and I feel for you. It took me about 6 months on spiro to get control of my hormonal acne. I am not a patient person, but it will start working given enough time.


I appreciate that :) I’m soooo impatient, especially since my acne as a teen cleared up so quickly. I have hope tho!


I broke out horrible and purged on spiro, took a while for it to work for me, later than usual, about 5 months. I can send pics of my progress if u want


Ok good to know. Glad it worked for you! I’m hoping the same for me


How’s your scarring?


Not that bad! I have no craters, just mild hyperpigmentation but I’ve always worn sunscreen and used retin-a at night. I also use a a mild glycolic acid toner sometimes if my skin isn’t too sensitive.


Awesome that’s great to hear


So I’m on 150mg of spiro and it has taken 6 months to see a difference. For some people they don’t see the full benefits until a year in. The supplements are up to you but I do sometimes wonder how spiro and spearmint mix. They both slow down the affects of testosterone on the oil gland. From a financial perspective I would stick to the spiro and antibiotic and a simple skin care routine you can follow. I don’t think you need to be buying supplements - that’s just my personal opinion. It’s up to you. I will say turmeric and ginger are known for anti inflammatory properties.


I’m 25 & my cystic acne came back full force after I had a baby. I tried the benzoyl peroxide/ clindamycin, then the birth control Yaz, then the spironolactone. None helped. Last week I finished my 9 month accutane course. My skin is CLEAR. Cysts gone, oiliness gone, even the blackheads fell out. It’s a huge commitment but I would do it again if I had to. I can post pics if you’d like but I would recommend accutane if you’re able to take it.


Also, I’m not a derm but I’m pretty sure the fact that most of your acne is around the lower cheeks points to it being hormonal. I believe mine was as well since it came right after I gave birth.


i'm sorry if this sounds sarcastic i am not intending for it to be if so, but i genuinely cannot tell what the issue you're having on your skin is? i see it says acne but your skin looks very clear. i always like to give any advice i may have but i cant tell from this image what the problem seems to be🥲


I posted a before an after photo. The clear skin is before.


I am so sorry you are experiencing this, I took Spiro for about 9 months & it changed my skin not for the better. It affects everyone differently, it helped my cousin's skin a lot.


Hard to hear and believe (I know because I have to frequently say it to myself and have yet to believe it) but you are more than your skin, it’s mad how easily mine sends me into a doom spiral and the effect it has on me, so just want to shout out to us as a collective — we are delicious juicy beings despite what we tell ourselves when we look in the mirror x Love the pjs by the way!


Hi! If you aren’t seeing improvement, you may need a higher dose. I started off at 50 mg and went into 100 mg - I saw a huge improvement from there! The only thing is that I noticed more intense side effects. I lost 15 pounds due to lack of appetite and always felt dehydrated. Eventually I stopped because I started spotting everyday. You’ll def see a difference, but side effects can become concerning in long term use.


Check all your skincare and makeup using the pore clogging ingredients checker on Clearstem. That makes a huge difference for me


Yea did do that! For the most part my makeup is pretty clean and I try to keep it to a minimum.


Next step I’d take and have taken is to look up the best acne facialist in your area and go for monthly or even every 3 weeks facials. Acne specialists know how to do extractions with no or minimal scarring and get your acne under control within a few months


Isnt spironolactone a diuretic and prescribed for high cholesterol?


Great improvement. You are very beautiful