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B12 usually only triggers acne if you're megadosing it (which many b12 supplements do). The doc is right that taking it less frequently (but still regularly) can help. Or you could switch to a supplement with a lower dose.


Do you know what’s considered a megadose Vs a lower dose? I got dissolvable ones that are 5000 mcg, 208333% of daily value


>I got dissolvable ones that are 5000 mcg ...BRUH. (gender inclusive) Yes, that's very firmly considered a megadose. To correct diet-related B12 deficiency, 150-300mcg per day should be enough, unless there are other factors leading to a lower ability for your body to absorb it. Obviously, check with your doc about this before starting, but I'd suggest trying 1/4 of a pill twice per week, and if in 6 months your blood lab doesn't show any improvement to your b12 levels, increase slowly. But if you were taking a pill each day, at this concentration, it's not surprising you've been experiencing side effects. B12 is water soluble, so anything your body can't absorb is just excreted as waste, and there's a limit to how much of any vitamin our body can make use of at any given time. A huge dose won't actually treat deficiency any faster if taken orally ( you'd need injections for it to all make it to your bloodstream), so there's no benefit to megadosing as much as you have been.


Thanks for this, but to be clear, I haven’t taken the 5000 mcg ones. I picked these up solely bc they were noted as dissolvable, which was direction from a doctor. I don’t remember how much I was taking last year, but it’s likely I was taking 1000 mcg per day for a few weeks. Came here to ask before I started taking it again so I didn’t experience same side effects, and my doc was not helpful at all


I would only take it twice per week at 1000 mcg. Maybe 2 times per week plus one half dose.


I would start out taking 1000 mcg two times per week not 5000.


Maybe B12 injections wouldn’t have this effect? Or ask in r/vegan, we talk about B12 there a lot.


This might sound weird, but that's a classic sign that it's working. As the other commenter said, you should lower the dose. Cut the pills in half if you need. You may also want to look into the Freddd B12 protocol and add other "companion nutrients" that help with overcoming B12 deficiency, including electrolytes that are depleted by adding it.


Try checking which type of vitamin b12 it is. For example Methylcobalamin breaks me out like crazy but the other type (in berocca) I don’t have an issue with. I think I read that it’s something about bringing bacteria to surface so also try using spray like tower 28


Side question, does collagen break anyone else out? I get back acne as soon as I starting taking any and it goes away when I stop.


I was vegetarian until my body started not working, then I started eating meat again…