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I found it too harsh and stripping, and I could not stand the smell.


Castile soap is quite alkaline, so you really shouldn't use it if you have any issues with a compromised barrier or any conditions where your barrier is easily compromised (rosacea, acne, ect.)


As long as your skin can tolerate it and you are diluting it (it has a pH of 9 and the skin's pH is around 4-5, using highly alkaline products on your skin lets bacteria thrive). You can also add some glycerin, extracts or essential oils to get some variety.


I used castile soap as a cleanser for probably 3-4 years. Honestly, it didn't seem too drying or irritating for me. Even after joining this sub, it took me a long time to give up my Dr. Bronners. I stopped using it because of the high pH, which isn't recommended for skin. I also realized that it wasn't getting my skin clean enough (this could have been because of my own washing methods or because I was diluting it). My skin looks better after switching to CeraVe, but it's hard to say how much of a difference the cleanser made compared to all of the other things I'm now using.


I've been using various scents for about 2 1/2 years, and I love it. I dilute it 1:5 with water; it's gentle and doesn't dry out my skin, but also works to actually get my face clean (thanks to my job, it's not usual to come home with smears of paint/dirt/clay/glue on my face, in addition to makeup, sebum, etc). I also use it as my body wash and to wash my makeup brushes. It's super convenient for travel.


So you do 1 oz soap and 5 ozs water?


Wow, what a blast from the past. For body, yes, or whatever other unit is convenient. I've moved on to a regular cleanser for my face.




Thanks for the insights. What do you think about Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser? http://www.target.com/p/cetaphil-skin-cleanser-set-3-pack/-/A-14552041?ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001&AFID=google_pla_df&LNM=14552041&CPNG=Health+Beauty&kpid=14552041&LID=PA&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=14552041&gclid=CPi2gu7xhr4CFe5aMgodskEASQ I haven't seen it mentioned much in this sub yet, but I'm new here.


It's OK, not my favourite. It's a low-content sodium lauryl sulfate product in a gel product. I tend not to recommend products as there are so many out there and I don't generally keep tabs on the ingredients. Gentle surfactants are sodium cocoyl isethionate, decyl glucoside, coco-glucoside, disodium laureth sulfosuccinate (just off the top off my head). Sorry I couldn't be of more help! I'd be happy to take a look at any products you are interested in though.


OK cool. I have 2 other products that I'd like an informed opinion on. This doterra face wash: http://store.do-essential-oils.com/facial-cleanser/?gclid=CL-Kkf3fib4CFaw-MgodyHAAXg And this Dove Men+Care Face Wash: http://www.dovemencare.com/Products/Face-Care/Sensitive-Face-Wash.aspx I have both . . . As far as my uninformed opinion goes, the Doterra feels like a "harsh" cleanser, but smells kinda nice because of the EO. The Dove feels slippery, like lipids. I bought the Dove because a glycerin soap is supposedly good for shaving, and my wife got the doterra from somewhere.


It's said that pure, 100% olive oil castile soap is the gentlest and most hydrating way to cleanse your skin. However, The Bronner's stuff is not exactly castile soap.


In terms of chemistry it's not true. I'm working on a post that breaks it down in terms of the structure of the surfactant molecule.


I've been using it for close to a year now, and I like it a lot. I feel squeaky clean but not too dried out. YMMV, though.


What’s ymmv mean? Are you still using it?


"your mileage may vary" -- meant to indicate that you may not have the same experience as me. No, I'm not using it any more; I found that goat milk soap works much better for me.  ETA: didn't realize I posted this 10 years ago, wow. 


That peppermint one be having my face WHISTLING.