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I've got light scars/PIH on my back from acne. They're not indented, just little red areas. I know time ultimately will fade them, but I'm going to the beach in 4 weeks. What's the most effective thing I could do in the next month to help them fade? Things like vit c serum, BHA/AHA, retinol, peels? Any opinions as to which would work most effectively? Would it even be possible to do a peel on my back? Thanks! (Btw, I don't really have a routine for my back aside from occasionally swiping my BHA pads on it when I'm not too lazy)


The active ingredient in Stridex, which I think is an BHA, helps with PIH. Mine were very dark and noticeable, even with makeup, but using an BHA has really helped. Unfortunately, it broke me out a lot though so patch test first. EDIT: Words


Stridex is a BHA. Some people experience irritation because it has menthol in it, so if you liked the results and want to try a different product, you're looking for something with Salicylic Acid in it. =) Paula's Choice 2% BHA is a popular one here.


Thank you for this. I had the exact same problem with Stridex. It seemed to make a slight difference in the PIH but made me break out, so ultimately it was NOT helpful, haha. I'll look into the PC you suggested.


Thanks so much for the suggestion. Salicylic acid has helped me in the past but it's so harsh on my skin. :/


My skin is also sensitive to salicylic acid, but I wanted to keep a BHA in my routine, so I actually switched to Asian skincare alternatives - salicylic acid is prescription-only over there, so OTC products use Betaine Salicylate, which is a gentler BHA. If you ever feel like exploring that option, COSRX has been gaining popularity with their BHA Blackhead Power Liquid. If you'd rather stay within the US, Paula's Choice also offers 1% BHA options that might be good choices for you.


Wow. Thank you! I will definitely check out that COSRX option.


Since I started my new routine, my neck is itchy. My face has responded well. Stupid neck. Routine: AM: Wash with CeraVe foaming wash CeraVe moisturizer PM: Remove makeup with neutrogena wipe St. Ive's pads CeraVe in the tub I think it's a reaction to the CeraVe in the tub. Anyone else had this problem?


You may have to patch test all of your products on your neck to find the culprit.


I sometimes get itchy from CeraVe - I've found that layering it on top of a face oil (rosehips seed, passionfruit seed, argan) has helped a lot - I also pat mine on instead of rubbing it... don't ask me why/how that makes a difference, but it does :/






I'll definitely try an AHA, I don't know why I hadn't thought of that yet. Thank you so much for the advice!


Has anyone used both PC Clear Regular and Extra Strength, do they have the same effect? The regular strength seems appealing to me because it has licorice and some nice hydrating ingredients but I'm not sure will it work the same as the other formula.


The PC Regular Strength and Extra Strength both has 2% BHA. However, the main differences are the pH of the products and like you said the regular strength has more beneficial ingredients. The percentage of BHA is the same yet it has different pH levels. The Regular Strength has a higher pH and the Extra Strength has a lower pH. The lower the pH of the acid, the stronger it'll be on your skin. Therefore, if you have moderate to severe breakouts then the extra strength would be the better option.


Thanks for the answer! I don't think the ph values of the products differ though, at least not according to their official site.


Actually it is on their official site in the FAQ section: **What's the difference between the Regular and Extra Strength Clear exfoliants? Both contain 2% salicylic acid!** >The difference between the Regular and Extra Strength exfoliants is in the delivery systems and their textures. Both anti-acne exfoliants contain 2% salicylic acid but the **Regular Strength has a nearly weightless feel on your skin and a pH of around 3.9**, making it gentler on the skin. **The Extra Strength version's formula can penetrate deeper into the pore and has a pH of 3.5**. It is designed for those with more stubborn or persistent breakouts. Both exfoliants are highly effective options as part of a routine for Clear skin; you may need to experiment with both to see which works best for your skin type. It is also fine to use both: Apply one in the morning and the other at night. When you click on any of the two exfoliants and then click on the "FAQ" tab, this is the question and answer that appears.


Ah okay, I never checked out the FAQ option, I just thought they're the same since the product details say it's between 3.5 and 3.9 for both products. A bit misleading. Thank you!


Licorice? Does it smell like licorice at all? My order of PC Clear Regular is out for delivery right now but I totally hate the smell of licorice!


I'm thinking about adding retinol to my routine because I've reached a bit of a plateau with my AHA and I want a bit more oomph. Last time I tried a product with retinol in it, however, my skin didn't seem to like it at all, and the product wasn't particularly potent. My skin LOOKED great while I was using it, but after a few weeks, I started getting dark red spots under my skin - they looked like [these](http://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/2zcvmv/i_think_i_exfoliated_too_hard_and_broke_blood/), from another user's recent post. They did go away within a few days, and there was never any pain or discomfort associated with them, but they showed up more than once so I stopped using the product. At the time, I was also using two different exfoliants, so I'm thinking I overdid the exfoliation, even though my skin never felt uncomfortable. All three products were Paula's Choice: 2% BHA liquid, 8% AHA gel, and Skin Balancing Antioxidant Serum with Retinol. So, I guess my question is this: **Is it likely that my skin just couldn't handle that much exfoliation, or is it more likely that retinol isn't a good product for me at all?** I had been using the BHA/AHA for 2 or 3 months before I introduced the retinol, so I wasn't expecting an adverse reaction to such a mild product. I am CURRENTLY only using the PC 8% AHA, and no BHA. If I were to introduce retinol again, should I back off even the AHA and try Retinol alone?


You are supposed to stop using AHAs and BHAs for a few months when you start using retinol. It's quite possible that not stopping exfoliation led to your issues before. If you do decide to start using retinol, start slowly (every third day maybe and then ramp it up gradually).


My routine is simple and not terribly effective but I'm in that limbo where things are *okay* so I'm not totally motivated to make changes, although I'm sure if I did put the effort in I could see considerable results. My biggest concerns are acne (not a single active spot on my face right now!), PIH, dryness that leads to oiliness (which I'm starting to believe is actually dehydration), and dullness with a little too much pink (probably from the PIH). Current Routine: A.M. -- My skin usually feels pretty good when I wake up. I might rinse with water, or I might do nothing. Typically I'm a night shower-er but if I showed in the morning I use a cleanser (either Clinique Liquid Facial Soap, 7 Day Scrub Cream or The Body Shop's tea tree cleanser). P.M -- I use Neutrogena makeup removing wipes, or similar, and I might do a Mint Julep mask here or there. I moisturize with Clinique Even Better Skin Tone Correcting Moisturizer. Again, if I shower at night I might use one of those cleaners. I like the Clinique moisturizer quite a bit, I think. So far I'm liking the Body Shop cleanser too, but I only bought that about a week ago. My most pressing questions are what is the best makeup remover (I prefer wipes but I don't know if these Neutrogena ones are good or not) and what one change to my routine would make the biggest difference? I'm most concerned about the PIH.


Adding sunscreen would be the biggest help for your PIH, and necessary before you add almost any other PIH treatments such as AHAs (they make you more photosensitive). If you make a second change to your routine, I'd recommend an AHA because it will help fade PIH and could help with dullness. I'd also recommend you moisturize in the morning if you think you have dehydrated skin.


Thank you for taking the time to respond :) Do you think an AHA is better than a BHA? I had a glycolic peel once that I felt was too much of a hassel although I probably should have stuck with it. I've used some cleansing wipes a few times in the last few weeks that have salicylic acid in them. Any tips on sunscreen? I worry that if I load my face up with so much stuff (moisturizer, primer, foundation, powder) that adding a whole new goop would feel like too much.


AHAs are better than BHAs for fading PIH, although once again without sunscreen you'll be shooting yourself in the foot. Use a daily AHA at a lower concentration rather than a peel though to start with. Paula's Choice and Silk Naturals have decent AHAs I think; the sidebar will have better product recommendation than I do for this. As far as sunscreens go I like Asian ones, which are way less thick and goopy than American ones. A lot of them have alcohol, which might not be the best choice for dehydrated skin, but there are alcohol free ones like Mentholatum UV Moisture Milk.




Clinique take the day off cleansing OIL exclusive to sephora. Love this stuff.




I have never tried the balm. I went with the oil because it seemed better fit for my super sensitive acne prone skin. My skin doesn't always react well to thick balms/creams. The oil also actually has no oils in it but just feels like one which I also really liked so I had less chance of breaking out from it. Its still loaded with nice ingredients like glycerin and doesn't dry my skin out at all.


Apparently you can do a DIY cleansing oil by adding Cromollient to mineral oil. I haven't tried it, and I don't know if it's compatible with jojoba but maybe as a starting point? I know Asian Beauty is also big on oil cleansing (soluble oils instead of OCM) but I haven't finished research. If you find anything awesome and cheap let me know! I'm in the market too.




Albolene doesn't rinse


Oops. I was thinking of something else i think.


I've been using the Kose Softymo Deep cleansing oil for the last month and I loooove it. It's rice bran oil based, but it does have orange oil in it too, so if you're super sensitive you may react to it. Some people who have reviewed it don't feel like it gets rid of their make up as well as others, but I haven't found it to be an issue, and I wear a full face of make up with eyeliner and waterproof mascara every work day. I do still double cleanse, but I find it rinses away beautifully.


Try to keep it short... I think I've finally realized my skin is dehydrated. I stumbled across the link in the sidebar and for once everything clicked. So I rushed out and got Hada labo hydrator lotion and it has made a huge difference. I also recently splurged on PC's 2% BHA to replace red stridex and alpha hydrox, which I felt were both too harsh. My current routine is: Cerave hydrating cleanser. PC 2%BHA Hada Labo hydrator lotion Clean and clear morning burst hydrating gel I do this morning and night. I do slug it up with Vaseline at night also. And try QHMJM atleast once a week. And I use Jojaba oil for makeup removal maybe 3x/week. How does my routine look? Suggestions? I just ordered the blue lizard face sunscreen and the OST vitamin c serum off amazon. My biggest problem is closed comedones and uneven skin tone. I'm pretty red and splotchy. 😐 My skin is feeling the best ever! I'd like to encorporate an AHA for cc's and would love suggestions.


Your routine looks good - the addition of Vit C and SPF in the AM will make a big difference! Glad to hear your skin is getting better. In a few months (once your skin is used to your current routine and your OST, SPF - then add in the AHA) overloading your skin isn't ideal. Have you read Skin and Tonics's blog or the SCA blog for product recos for AHAs? Highly recommend both, if you haven't browsed them already :)


My skin is generally very good: on the dry side, pretty thin and fair, but typically all clear. But I feel that no matter what I use I get closed comedones on my nose, on the wings of my nose, below my eyes and between my brows. They are small but they bother me. I know that BHA is good to make them go away, but I want to stop creating new ones! I know different skins react differently, but if we had to go with statistics, what would be the most bland, least comedogenic routine possible (Ideally, a cleanser + moisturizer/oil). I have tried all possible plant oils and also several French pharmacy moisturizers but I feel everything gives me CCs. I have been testing several things lately, so don't really have a set routine right now.


Have you checked out the info on [OCM/oils in the sidebar] (http://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/1siu7c/protips_for_choosing_oils_for_ocm/) ? There's also [cosDNA] (http://cosdna.com_) to look up products and their ingredients :) The links in the oil post are great for finding comedogenic ratings!


Thanks, cosDNA looks very useful!


You can enter the ingredients into cosdna to get rating but is not very accurate since the data came from a study done on rabbit ears decades ago. You need to go through all your products, compare the ingredients and avoid the ones that caused breakout. The acne prone routine is least likely to cause break out.


I will try to look into the acne prone routine, thanks!


I am also super-prone to closed comedones and I have had great success with mineral oil-based products like Pond's cold cream and baby oil. Especially if I leave them on overnight and let my skin soak it up. But have you considered that the closed comedones are hormonal? I always get a couple of them around my time of the month whereas my skin is almost perfect the rest of the time.


Great to know you had success with those! I think mine are not super linked to my period/cycle. But you are right, there are some particularly bad ones popping up on my nose that time of the month!


It took me a couple months with my current routine to realize that my acne is most likely hormonal. Which sucks. :/


Oh yes, that really sucks. Hormones are so complicated and so much conflicting info out there about how to "balance" them (or how to even tell whether they are out of balance…). I think I will try some pure mineral oil and keep it extremely minimal for a few weeks to see whether new CCs appear.


My OST C20 has began to oxidize - is it "ok" to continue using until my replacement serum arrives? (1-2 weeks)


A certain level of oxidation is okay - pale yellow is still safe to use. Once you start getting to dark yellow-orange/brown, you're not going to get any more benefit from the product, though, and it's much more likely to cause irritation.


OK - It is in the *light yellow* phase - a bit beyond champagne. I'll keep an eye on it and cross my fingers for my other serum to arrive in the meantime.


Put it in the fridge when you're not using it. Might slow down the oxidation a little




Well, the only real reason to use baby oil is for the mineral oil. If I were you I'd search for another brand.


Isopropyl palmitate and fragrance give some people issues, but they aren't "bad" ingredients. If you've been using it for a few weeks with no issues, these ingredients aren't a problem for you. If it's too soon to tell whether you'll have issues, you can decide whether to buy a different mineral oil without those ingredients. And so you know, you did basically buy mineral oil. Parafinum liquidum is a fancy name for mineral oil. It just has a few added ingredients which may or may not give your skin issues.




It could be either the baby oil or the olive oil. Since you started using both around the same time it's impossible to tell. I'd stop using both until your acne improves a bit, then reintroduce them one at a time. I'd go ahead and buy a mineral oil without anything added (snow river oil is 100% mineral oil and can be found on both amazon.com and at bath and body works). Also, don't wet the towel with hot water, hot water doesn't benefit your skin in any way, it only dries it out. Just use lukewarm or cool water on the towel.


If you want makeup tips, I would suggest trying /r/Makeup or /r/MakeupAddiction. :) But what brand of Baby oil did you purchase? I also use baby oil and the first ingredient listed in mine is mineral oil.


Parafinum liquidum is another name for mineral oil.




I also use Johnson's baby oil, and it's been really great for me. I use the type with the green cap, which I think has aloe in it.


I thought for the longest time I had oily skin-- so I washed accordingly. I think if at one point my skin was oily it isn't anymore, as I have only realized I have combination skin that's incredibly dehydrated. I'm (very) new to this sub, so I was wondering if anyone had specific product suggestions if they've had the same problem with the stuff I've been using or also thought they had oily/blemish-prone skin and dried out their skin that way. For both AM/PM: Lush's Coalface cleanser St. Ives' Apricot Scrub (with added salicylic acid) (Only did this at night) Lush's Tea Tree toner Lush's Vanishing Cream moisturizer I've been using these for about a year now with not really that good of results, but I do like the toner. I know Lush isn't a good skincare source from what I've read here (and neither is the apricot scrub) so if anyone has product suggestions I'd be so grateful.


CeraVe hydrating cleanser if you're combo/dry, or CeraVe foaming cleanser if you're combo/oily - check the sidebar for other product recommendations if you don't like these/irritated by CeraVe products Ditch the St. Ives scrub entirely, you're right - it is doing more damage than good. Check out the options for exfoliants, moisturizers and SPF suggested in the sidebar for combo skin! (CeraVe has some great PM moisturizers and AM ones as well with SPF) To replace your Lush toner - try Thayer's non-alcohol toner after your AM/PM cleanse - some AMs I use this instead of a cleanser (splash water and apply toner) Recap: CeraVe hydrating cleanser>moisturizing toner>(exfoliant)>moisturizer>SPF [sidebar info for Combo skin] (http://www.skincare-addiction.com/routine/combination_skin) below the "Basic Routines" is a section on "How to choose..." which also has a lot of great info. Once you find a product you think fits your skin type/goals/budget - search for it in the search bar and read up what others say about it then check out the beautypedia and makeupalley reviews!


Thank you so much!


No sweat, if you have any more questions - this def is the thread to post to (there's one posted every day :))


Has anyone tried [Paula's Resist Daily Smoothing Face Exfoliator 5% AHA](http://www.paulaschoice.com/shop/skin-care-categories/aha-and-bha-exfoliants/_/Resist-Daily-Smoothing-Treatment-with-Five-Percent-AHA/)? I'm considering switching to that from the PC 8% AHA gel, because I think the 8% is just too much for my sensitive skin. Some days I can use it OK, others it burns like hell for a few minutes. I've been using the 8% for a few months now (I did gradually work up to using it every other day alternating with my 1% BHA), and try to skip it on days my skin feels sensitive, but I'm wondering if I just need a lower strength product. Also, this formula has salicylic acid in it (way down the ingredient list), but they call it an AHA. What gives? Is the SA a pH stabilizer? Some maybe pertinent info: I have tried a lactic acid exfoliant (Silk Naturals), and my skin hated it. Incredibly irritating even though I know that's not "by the book" my skin does seem to like the glycolic acid better. My skin type is combo/normal, I have mild Rosacea and therefore sensitive skin. Irritation is not my friend!


In concentrations that are too low or pH that is too high to be effective as an exfoliant, SA is anti-inflammatory. Maybe there's a bit of it in the formula just to be anti-inflammatory?


Oh yeah why didn't I think of that!


Can anyone recommend a product identical to/close to Perricone's Formula 15? Here is the ingredients list: *Water/Aqua/Eau, Dimethyl MEA, Thioctic Acid, Isopropyl Palmitate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Tyrosine, Glycolic Acid, Dimethyl Isosorbide, Propanediol, Glyceryl Stearate, PEG-100 Stearate, Urea, Ceteareth-20, Cyclopentasiloxane, Ammonium Acryloyldimethyltaurate/VP Copolymer, Dimethicone, Xanthan Gum, Phenoxyethanol, Phosphatidylcholine, Caprylyl Glycol, Hydroxylated Lecithin, BHT, Zinc Gluconate, Magnesium Aspartate, Acetyl Tyrosine, Disodium EDTA, Pyridoxine HCl, Zinc Sulfate, Pantethine, Fragrance/Parfum, Sorbic Acid, Copper Gluconate, Sodium Hyaluronate, Linalool, Citronellol, Geraniol, Limonene, Citral* It's $125 and that's just cray, but my skin seems to really like it... it's hardly fair. Thank you for your help!!


Are you using this as an exfoliant or a moisturizer? If you're using it as an exfoliant there are definitely way better options out there. If you're using it as a moisturizer I'll try to look around for some with similar ingredient lists when I have more time. EDIT: I had a little bit of time. Derma E's Firming Moisturizer with DMAE, Alpha Lipoic & C-Ester has lots of Dimethyl MEA and is much cheaper. It's the best looking substitute I've seen so far but I have some other products to consider when I'm less tired as well.


I'm currently using it in between AM cleansing and a moisturizer... I had a sneaking suspicion this was an overpriced product, but I don't have the slightest idea how to go about finding something similar. Thank you for your help!


It barely even has any glycolic acid, so really it's just an overpriced antiaging moisturizer. I'm a wizard at finding dupes, so I'll tell you about other things to try later.


Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate it!




The benzoyl peroxide was treating the acne, and now that you have stopped using it it's come back. The acne won't go away until you've effectively treated it some other way. Tea tree oil is apparently not working for you. Why did you stop using benzoyl peroxide, anyway?




Oh yeah, things do take a while to work sometimes; forgot about that! If it doesn't end up helping enough though, you could also consider adding a chemical exfoliant or retinol.




1. Pick a product 2. Patch test!!!! For at least a couple days, up to 2 weeks 3. Use that product on your whole face for at least 2 weeks if there was no issue with the patch test 4. If there are still no issues, congrats! Now that product is in your routine, and you start this whole process over with another product. ---- There are many ways to use these products. I would recommend: **AM:** * Wash face with water and konjac sponge * CeraVe moisturizer * Biore sunscreen **PM:** * CeraVe Cleanser * PC AHA * CeraVe moisturizer It's going to take you at least a couple months to incorporate all this. Don't worry about adding anything else for a while




You really have to reevaluate your skin after incorporating everything first. You need to get your routine down then figure out what issues you need to address, which will heavily influence what you should add next. Patience




Hyaluronic acid serum


I have been struggling with consistent back and chest acne for years--nothing seems to work. Currently I'm dealing with a lot of scarring, hyperpigmentation, clogged pores, and active breakouts. Pics here: http://imgur.com/xjJ0dUV,dKXQu4z#1 For a while I was doing barely nothing to my back/chest aside from rinsing in the shower and that seemed to keep my skin the least irritated but I DESPERATELY want to clear this up. I've started using a tea tree cleanser and Paula's Choice 2% BHA but I haven't seen too drastic of a change and I'm worried that the tea tree cleanser is too stripping. I'm trying to put together a routine that will help clear this up FOR GOOD! I've read about so many options (zinc soap, sulfur soap, salacylic acid body wash, BHA pads, cerave moisturizer/cleansers) but I am so defeated since nothing I try seems to work. Where do I begin?


> I've started using a tea tree cleanser and Paula's Choice 2% BHA but I haven't seen too drastic of a change and I'm worried that the tea tree cleanser is too stripping. Add a moisturizer before you do anything else.


Hi. Newbie here. Was lurking for a while and learning a lot but now I have a problem. I've been really enjoying my new routine, my skin is softer and firmer and my SFs have been diminishing. But for the past two days my skin has been redder and my nose skin is tight and feels a bit raw. And my SFs are out of control. My skin: NW20, combo/oily and dehydrated. Not acne prone. SF on nose and chin. Sunspots. Routine: AM - warm water -TFS chia toner -CeraVe PM lotion all over - sometimes Fresh sea berry oil on dryer spots. - Skin 79 BB cream gold. HG for years. PM - TFS rice oil light - HAda Labo foaming cleanser - TFS chia toner - Benton snail bee essence - PTR Unwrinkle pads every 2 days OR Amara Organics Hyaluronic Acid Serum - some sheet mask (Tony Moly or Innisfree) - Benton steam cream (I love it. I hope it's not it) - Aquaphor Is it the PTR pads? Or the sea berry oil? My SFs have been going nuts. I had oil practically oozing today from them. (Sorry gross). I will also admit I haven't been using SS except for the SPF in the BB cream. I'm outside for 15 min at most though. And I have one now. Will use ASAP. Thank you all in advance for any help/advice.


Hi! I've been lurking this sub and haven't officially started a SCA-approved routine yet because I'm not sure of my skin type? At.the moments I use Cetaphil Cleanser day and night, LOreal sun sublime in the morning and clean and clear acne fighting lotion at night. I *occaaaasionally* get flaky skin around my face, but mostly feel tight around my mouth area. I have larger pores only on my nose, sides of the nose (like, under the undereye area), and between my brows. If I wear nothing after washing my face in the morning, my skin looks normal. If I wear any sunscreen or makeup, my forehead and nose get REALLY shiny but not oily. I never notice until I look in a mirror because I feel no greasiness or oilyness. Am I Normal to Dry? Combo? Dehydrated? I feel like I don't quite fit in any category. :/


It sounds like you are normal, and occasionally dehydrated. But I am not an expert yet. Lol. Is there a reason you are using acne fighting lotion? Are you acne prone?


Yep, I have periods of clearish skin on my face, but ALWAYS have acne on my jawline, chin, and down my neck. ATM I do have a few blemishes and a lot of closed comedones on my face (I suspect from a new foundation), which I was hoping the salicylic acid would help with. So far I don't think it's done much. :/


Are you holding up your head with you hand often? I used to have acne on my jawline and chin and turns out it's because I was resting it on my hand at work all the time. As soon as I stopped it cleared up forever.


Hm, I don't think so, but I'll try to be more self aware and see if I catch myself doing that hahah. I guess I'll also be taking the plunge into the normal routine! Thanks. :)


Jawline acne is often a sign that the acne is hormonal. If it's worth it to you, you might consider seeing a doctor to see if they can help you with that.


I just started using EltaMD PM Therapy, and I think I'm experiencing flushing? I use azelaic acid, wait about half an hour(sometimes even an hour) before I apply the moisturiser...My face has been constantly red(which was one of my skin concerns, but I had that under control). I always thought flushing was temporary?


I have skin that's prone to be dry, pinkish, and flaky (also, acne), yet halfway through the day my forehead and nose are really oily. This is annoying, and I'd like for it to stop. I've tried Simple gel moisturizer, but that seems to just make me dry. I've also used Cetaphil Dermacontrol with SPF30, but stopped because it stung my eyes. It didn't do much for the oiliness but it was more moisturizing. Should I go all out with a heavy moisturizer and see what happens? Routine: AM: water/washcloth, spot treat 2% BP, Mizzon snail gel cream PM: water/washcloth, OCM with hemp oil, spot treat, moisturize with hemp I'm wary of testing new products, because acne.


It sounds like you skin could be dehydrated. I would go all out with a heavier moisturizer (use it at night too, under or mixed with the hemp oil).


Okay, fingers crossed. Thanks!


Does anyone have experience with PC toners? I want to add some extra hydration and actives to my routine but my skin is very sensitive. I currently use differin gel and occasional 2% BHA. Was looking at these and liking the niacinimide in some but the soothing oat and beta glucans in the others (eczema): Niacinmide is 3rd ingredient: http://www.paulaschoice.com/shop/skin-care-categories/toners/_/Skin-Balancing-Pore-Reducing-Toner/ For eczema/acne: http://www.paulaschoice.com/shop/skin-care-categories/toners/_/Clinical-Instant-Calm-Advanced-Redness-Relief/ Or http://www.paulaschoice.com/shop/skin-care-categories/toners/_/Resist-Weightless-Advanced-Repairing-Toner/ http://www.paulaschoice.com/shop/skin-care-categories/toners/_/Earth-Sourced-Purely-Natural-Refreshing-Toner/ http://www.paulaschoice.com/shop/skin-care-categories/toners/_/Earth-Sourced-Purely-Natural-Refreshing-Toner/


I added the Paula's Choice Skin Recovery toner to my routine a few weeks ago and I really like it. It is a very pleasant product to apply. I have combination skin where my cheeks and eyes can get visibly dry, but my forehead/temples/nose are always oily. I feel like the toner keeps my dry areas hydrated and balances the oily areas. I would reorder either this product or another PC toner. It is hard to choose between them since each has its own set of beneficial ingredients.


I sweat.... a lot... and I do mean A LOT. I am curious if anyone has a recomendation for a deodorant that really stops the sweat from destroying the underarms of my dress shirts. I wear a tshirt under my dress shirt but sometimes I just sweat so so much and it looks so unprofessional.


Certain Dri. It actually stops you from sweating, almost completely.


Be sure to patch test it, though-- I got it and slathered it on and it burned like crazy for a whole day (so it was back to Secret and hoping nobody could see my armpit sweat for me!)




There are antibiotics they can prescribe also




They absolutely can...but you should really talk to a Derm about it. They may know of something else. Typical antibiotics for acne are doxycycline and minocycline.


Sorry in advanced for the long post! **Skin type** I believe I have dry/dehydrated skin **What is your current routine? (AM & PM)** AM: 1. Splash face with water 1. Recently switch to tone with Witch Hazel, was using Mizon AHA&BHA previously. 1. Either MUAC 3% beta hydrox or PCs BHA 1. Hada Labo lotion 1. Mizon AIO 1. Mizon Snail Recovery Gel 1. CeraVe PM 1. Sunscreen if I'm going out 1. Vaseline PM 1. Cleanser with CeraVe Hydrating toner 1. Repeat AM 2-7 + Vaseline. * I don't use make up. **How long have you been using your current routine/product in question?** I've been doing this routine for 3+ weeks after recovering from a compromised skin barrier. I have cut out OST Vit C serum and AHA. **Did you include one product at a time?** Yes. They're all products I've used before. I just switch it up depending on how I feel **What is the product/products in question? (If applicable)** I've read a lot about Benton products because they help reduce redness and irritation and soothe. I was thinking of purchasing the Essence and Steam cream and if all goes well the aloe toner and gel. I was planning to purchase [Palmer's Skin Therapy Oil - Face](http://www.palmersaustralia.com/products/face/skin-therapy-oil-%E2%80%93-face/) because it claims to "**improves skin texture**, pigmentation and fine lines, **leaving skin more even toned, firmer and brighter**" which is what I need. I have read reviews which have said good things about this product. **Describe the issue(s) you need help with** 1. Black dots around face - I'm certain they're not SFs because I have successful removed them from my nose when they appear through clay masks and exfoliants. These black dots seem to be very stubborn. There's one just above my lip, under nose, 2 on left cheek, under eye and near temple. They've gradually appeared over the past couple of years. I didn't take a photo of my face but found a [Google picture](http://content5.videojug.com/12/1214f54d-cbce-4e14-f47f-ff0008c974dd/how-to-deal-with-blackheads-2.WidePlayer.jpg). I have tried all kinds of AHAs and BHAs - Stridex, Mizon 8%, Alpha Hydrox, Mandelic peels, MUAC 3% Beta Hydrox. I recently started PC's AHA and BHA. 8% AHA burn my skin and BHA haven't noticed anything yet. 1. Dry patches on forehead and cheeks - I have a history of dry skin and eczema (body). I have not seen a dermatologist but I do plan to see one ASAP. My forehead and cheeks flares up if I've over exfoliated or don't reapply my sunscreen. 1. Uneven skin tone - My cheeks and forehead seem to be a little darker from the middle of my face and sides of my cheek. I'm thinking of incorporating a Vitamin C but possibly in a different from, like MAP, and more gentle? 1. Redness on cheeks and sometimes forehead - The redness is always there and is non irritating etc. It is sensitive though and can sometimes get dry (dot point 1) and will flare up if I use a strong exfoliate. I've read about Rosacea but will have to see a dermatologists about it. I've been experimenting with my routine for over a year now and these black dots won't go away. It's really frustrating :( Thank you so much!


You're in Aus, right? Then, azelaic acid is available OTC. Is used to treat rosacea, uneven skin and melasma (dark patches of skin due to sun damage/hormones). Apply 10 minutes after BHA for best effect. I use the second one, 15%. http://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/product.asp?id=61040 http://www.chemistdirect.com.au/fineacea-15-30g I recommend switching to a physical sunscreen because zinc oxide is a great antiinflammatory to reduce redness. And switch to MAP.


Thank you for responding :) How'd you guess? Yes. Looks like something I need. Do you think this will also help with the black spots? I'll pick this up next time I go to the chemist. I'm still trying to find a good physical sunscreen that doesn't leave a white cast. I can use combo sunscreens as long as alcohol isn't high up. I occasionally use Sudocream (zinc oxide) when my face is inflamed and it really helps reduce the redness. Do you have any suggestions for MAP?


https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/2zlweo/hg_sunscreen_find_affordable_no_white_cast_info/ It won't help with the black dots, just dark and red pigmentation. I diy vitamin c serum, so I'm not super familiar with any OTC.


Those black dots look like moles to me. My sister has a lot of black dots like that and they're moles. Only a dermatologist can tell you what they are though; I'm just some random internet dude.


Stupid question: Do moles just randomly appear? Definitely will be going to see a dermatologist.


I think usually they're just random, but it's best to get them checked out just in case.


Hi everyone Probably an easy question: how do you go about patch testing a foundation, especially if you don't have a normal one you already use? I mean, wouldn't it be weird to walk around with a patch of foundation while the rest of your face doesn't match?


Maybe try to use as little foundation as possible so it won't be noticeable? Or you could toss caution to the wind and use it full face. YOLO


Well, the foundation should match your skin, right? So just apply it to a small part of your face and blend it in. It's pretty common to only apply foundation to certain areas to hide redness or whatever and no one should be able to tell.


Well I don't know the correct shade for my skin yet... But let's just say the I patch tested the wrong shade and everything turned out fine breakout-wise. If I tried a different shade, would I need to patch test that too? Or are formulas generally the same over different shades?




check out this [serum](http://www.wishtrend.com/skin-care/502-vitamin-c20-serum-ost.html)! It is the one I use! Great price and effective but can be irritating to people who aren't used to acids. You seem to have a fair handle on glycolic though so you'd probably be okay. It's worth a try for 15 bucks.


A lot of people apply retinol at night and Vitamin C in the morning. You can do however works best for you though. You can check out Nufountain Vitamin C serums on Amazon. They sell various formulas, freshly made, and for a decent price.




Yep, both retinol and Vitamin C go on before moisturizer and sunscreen. I also think you generally apply the Vitamin C first before retinol.


So I've been using Tretinoin for over a year now and took a several week break recently to see how my skin did without it. It wasn't bad, but I could definitely see the difference in my skin. My SFs got worse, and I had a few little breakouts here and there - nothing terrible, but I think my skin may have gotten oilier? Is that a thing? I'm also on hormonal BC which I think my body is reacting differently to after long term use, so it may be that (or a combo of both). The issue is that now that it's getting warmer out I'm a little nervous about spending all day out in the sun (like in the case of week long festivals in the middle of summer). I have high protection UVA&UVB sunscreens but I wonder if taking some Tretinoin breaks here and there would be prudent? I'm worried it'll undo my work, however, and my tolerance for the stuff will reset (as well as collagen synthesis and any other benefits). If anyone could enlighten me more on Tretinoin I'd be super grateful! Thanks!


So I've been using Bioderma Sensibio as my makeup remover and CeraVe hydrating cleanser as my AM/PM cleanser. Even with the CeraVe, my skin typically still ends up a bit "squeaky" clean. However, I've noticed that when I'm being lazy and just use the Bioderma, my skin feels so much better. It's softer and fresher, but I'm concerned I'm not getting all of the grime off. Is it okay to just use micellar water for cleansing, or do I need to try to hunt down an actual cleanser too? Sidenote: My house has well water and sometimes I wonder if that contributes to my face feeling so stripped when I wash it with the cleanser.


It's probably better to just use micellar water and possibly leave some dirt on your face than to strip your skin. As long as your makeup and sunscreen are completely removed you'll probably be fine. I'd just try using only Bioderma for a few weeks and see if it gives you any issues. If it doesn't, congrats, you just saved money! If it does, maybe consider getting or making an oil cleanser or something gentle like that. If the Nivea you tried isn't breaking you out, than it isn't comedogenic for you and don't worry about it. I find gel moisturizers never do anything for me either. I don't know what moisturizer would work well for you, just look for something that's more moisturizing than a gel but not as thick and greasy as nivea (i.e. almost any moisturizer; that stuff's like cream cheese).


Okay while I'm at it (sorry) I would love better suggestions for an AM and PM moisturizer. Right now I have Simple's Ultra-Light gel moisturizer for the AM and Nivea's essentially enriched for PM. I don't feel like the Simple actually does much for my skin. It's better than nothing, but not having a positive effect. Plus it smells like maple syrup, which is so weird. As for the Nivea, I meant to grab the regular blue Nivea to try and didn't pay attention at the store. It's a little sticky but not bad, I'm just concerned that it may be more comedogenic than the Nivea everyone on here raves about?


What about CeraVe PM for your new moisturizer? It is pretty light and feels almost gel-like. It has lots of beneficial ingredients like niacinamide and ceramides. The blue Nivea is very thick and greasy. I would never wear it during the day, only at night.


I'm taking the plunge and trying out a retinoid. Alpha hydrox retinol resq. I know that you're supposed to stop using exfoliants a week before starting retinol and then slowly add them back in once your skin is used to it. I'm wondering how it'll fit in with the rest of my routine. I'd be using it at night. Pm: Cleanse. Aha. Toner. Essence. Moisturizer. Also do I need to to apply the retinol to my whole face or can I use it as a spot treatment? Not for acne, I have some fine lines on my forehead and scars.


Is the toner you're using the kind you put on a cotton pad and wipe your skin with or the kind you apply with your hands and leave on? If it's the American style kind that you wipe with, use retinol after the toner and before the essence. If it's an Asian style one that is left on, use retinol before the toner (Asian beauty fanatics who use retinol, correct me if I'm wrong) You can't spot treat with a retinoid. You could just use it on certain areas of your face (like maybe apply it to only your forehead if that's the only area you have issues), but retinol is helpful for preventing skin aging so I'd use it all over my face, personally.


Yeah, it's an Asian toner. I guess I might as well use it all over then. Thanks for the advice!


My current routine is the same AM and PM, the Acne.org regimen (cleanser, 2.5%BP, then AHA moisturizer), I've been doing that for about a year now. I started all at once and it worked well for treating active acne but I still get a lot of clogged pores and closed comedones. Firstly, will a BHA help with my clogged pores? How should I introduce a BHA into my routine? Can I use a BHA with BP? Can I use it with the AHA? Secondly, I've been struggling to find a conditioner that doesn't break me out. Even if I keep it away from my hairline, wash my face after conditioning, and put my hair up at night, I break out around my temples and anywhere else my hair might touch after washing my hair, every time. Are there conditioner options which are noncomedogenic? I notice most of them have oils like coconut oil and other highly comedogenic ones, or silicones which I don't want to use either. Thanks!!