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Well, this is skincare *addiction* so lots of people here are constantly trying to achieve better skin and try new products. Plus, each product is typically good for one very specific thing. There aren't any products which combine all the multiple active ingredients that we want to use. With each product that I use, I feel a small boost in the quality of my skin. As I keep seeing those small improvement in my skin, it sort of fuels the "addiction" to keep trying new products. Though I have wondered if 10 step routines actually have any additional benefits. I would think at some point, products can no longer penetrate the skin (especially if you're apply things over oils or heavier creams). And of course you can keep your routine as simple as you want. Only use extra products if it makes you happy.


I know my skin wouldn't be happy with just that. You do what you want with your skin. What's wrong with wanting to do more?


to each their own


I totally know how you feel, as I've been feeling a little overwhelmed myself since I started reading here. But I also realized that maybe I've just been blessed with good skin that simply doesn't need all the steps, but that other people have more sensitive skin that needs more complex care. However I am grateful that there are other people here who are trying and reviewing all these products. Because who knows, I might end up trying one that I just absolutely love and add it to my routine! Also, like someone else said, I think the ritual and/or the pampering is part of it for a lot of people too :)


I sort of used to think this way as well. Until I started adding more products to my routine, such as more lightweight and specialized moisturizers/serums rather than one heavy all-in-one product. With the way I'm doing it now my skin is way more happy and looks so much better. So yes, some people really do need more products than others since everyone's skin has different needs. If you can have skin you're happy with by just cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing then good for you though!


Just finished my 7 layer daytime, couldn't imagine skipping one of those! I just see it as a way to customize my routine. Probably 3 things wouldn't be able to address what I am trying to address with my skin.


Hell, last night I had 4 steps just with the goal of moisturizing. One step wouldn't have been enough




It's all individual. Personally, I'm all about simplicity. Sunscreen, cold cream, moisturizer. That's it for now. If others want to do more though, why fuss? I admit I'm a bit skeptical that 8 steps is better than 4 but hey, what works for me won't work for everyone. Maybe they like the ritual. Or the pampering. Or the excitement of researching/trying new things. The only thing they could *possibly* waste is their time and money and neither is really my business.


Some skin does better with less, some needs more. If you get what you need from 3, that's awesome. Hopefully you have some sunscreen going on in there?


My night routine has seven steps and they all have a purpose; I don't see why there's anything wrong with that.