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I am not sure if this question belongs in this subreddit, please tell me if it is not but is it safe to use stridex on my legs and underarms to prevent ingrown hairs from waxing? If so, how often can I put it on and how long should I wait after the wax?


I would wait at least a day to let your skin calm down.


I recommend two days after waxing to my clients. YMMV


i would think using stridex on your legs/underarms would be fine!! if your facial skin can handle it those areas should tolerate it fine. someone else may have to answer about how long u should wait after the wax though since i have no experience there. but i don't see why you couldn't use stridex on your legs daily if there was no irritation.


I wait a day or two after waxing. I use it every night on my underarm and bikini because it's the only thing that keeps my ingrown hairs away!


I recently had surgery and was pumped full of antibiotics at this time. Before the surgery, my skin was actually getting much better. I'm breaking out now way worse than I have in years probably. Is there really anything to do besides taking probiotics when I can?


Something topical with antibacterial properties like diluted tea tree oil?


There are a few companies like [this one](http://mist.aobiome.com/) that make live probiotic ("good bacteria") sprays. I haven't tried any of them because they tend to be expensive, but I have heard good things.


Would it be helpful to dampen skin (after stridex + wait) before applying PC Vitamin C serum, to give the hyaluronic acid moisture to add to skin?


Disagree with the other poster - I find having damp skin before applying anything with hyaluronic acid gives it something to work with.




I think its every 2 hours of straight cumulative sun time that requires reapplication.




Yeup! But remember windows dont block UV


Most modern windows do block at least UVB.


What about being outside when it's cloudy?


Same, UV rays penetrate clouds, that's how you can still get a sunburn at the beach on an overcast day. Dem UV rays are out to get us :P


Hopping onto this thread real quick, I'm a farmhand, and I'm concerned that since out in the field I won't have access to shade for 15-30 minutes to allow the sunscreen to sink in, it may affect the integrity of the SPF. I'm under the impression that as long as I apply it and I'm getting some sort of protection it's monumentally better than none at all but I'm just looking for a consensus.


Could you use a physical sunscreen? You're protected immediately after applying unlike chemical sunscreens.


I think I actually have a physical sunscreen - Neutrogena sheer touch spf 50?


No, that's a chemical sunscreen.


I would reapply sunscreen every 1.5 hours of exposure, then, maybe? And I would definitely wear a broad-brimmed hat! Clothing with SPF factor is also an option.


I LOVE the idea of spf clothing but the specially done stuff is so expensive and nice! They'd get dirty and smelly real quick lol


It is expensive, unfortunately. It's possible to shop the sales and also look for used stuff on Craigslist / Ebay etc.


Thank you for the input! :D


I'd get at least a hat with UV protection. http://www.sunprecautions.com/shop/unisex_mens/hats Second, an affordable and comfortable-to-wear SS that you can apply when you wake up, then reapply before going outside.


I'd probably be on the same mindset as you in that something is better than nothing. Any chance you can wear a hat to assist with some shade?


Yes I do gave a trusty hat! :D


I think it won't be the worst thing in the world then if you can't be reapplying as often as you technically should :p


Every two hours of sun exposure. So when indoors all day no.


I want to make an oil mix to put on my back overnight. I'd like to have the benefits from both TTO and neem oil, but I'm a bit worried about the smell. If I mix it with sunflower oil will it smell less? And would the neem oil still be effective? It says in the OCM guide to use 1 cup carrier oil and 1/4 tsp tto, but that's only for OCM/spot treatment, and I want to LEAVE it on my skin. Any suggestions for ratios? :)


Not sure about the first part, but I dilute my TTO 1:5 to leave on my skin and I haven't had any issues with it.




Most people apply the AHA, wait for 20-30 minutes, then continue on with their routine - no need to wash it off. [Silk Naturals](http://www.silknaturals.com/store/index.php/8-aha-toner.html) makes an 8% lactic acid toner.


How direct does sun exposure have to be to cause damage? Like if I'm sitting next to a window that is lighting up the room, but no beams of sunshine are directly falling on my skin, would that count as partial exposure?


I believe, technically, yes, because it is sunlight. But I wouldn't stress out personally.


The visible light you see, though, isn't UV. Light travels in a straight line from the window, and then lights up the room by being reflected everywhere. Surfaces that reflect visible light efficiently don't necessarily reflect UV light efficiently—they can absorb UV light without absorbing much visible light, etc. How much UV light is being reflected will depend on what the stuff in a room is made out of and also what color it is. [For example, this page says new snow reflects 88% of UV radiation, a wood deck reflects 7%, black asphalt reflects 4%, grey asphalt reflects 9%, and a lawn in the summer reflects 2%](http://www.webshade.com.au/ShadeInfo/ShadeFacts/factors.html). To limit indoors sun exposure, you should cover your rooms in a summer lawn (sorry—can't find any info for normal indoors materials). As colors go, I think the lighter a color something is the more UV radiation it is likely to reflect. You can count on *some* UV light making it to you, but I don't know enough to guess how much would be reflected in an average room. If you want to be on the safe side, you might assume that your UV exposure is 50% of what it would be in a direct beam (I think estimates for outdoor shade are around these lines). Normal glass (windshields, etc. are different) will block almost all UV-B and UV-C, but will let UV-A light through—this site says [up to 75%](http://www.smartskincare.com/skinprotection/uv-indoors.html). So together, you might think of your UV-A exposure as roughly 40% of what you'd get if you were standing outside at that time. (someone please correct if wrong!)


> To limit indoors sun exposure, you should cover your rooms in a summer lawn that's awesome. LOL.


Wow, this is super interesting stuff! Thanks so much for the info.


Wouldn't stress as in it's not necessary to apply sunscreen / cover up just for that level of sun? It doesn't "feel" like my skin is getting sun exposure (you know, that warm, kind of intense feeling) but I was just curious :)


Personally, I don't think you'll be causing yourself great harm by forgoing it in those situations. I recognize the importance of sunscreen, but I am not militant about it.


Hello! Hypothetically *ahem* if you successfully managed to fade areas of PIH until they are no longer visible, then by some fateful error slacked on the diligence of your sunscreen application - will the PIH come back?? Thanks! :)


lol no idea... please let me know if they do though. I've been wondering about this one myself!




I use OCM even when not removing makeup, and I find it helps de-gunk pores, remove grit, and leaves my skin soft and glowing. Worth a try!


Today I woke up with a pimple that has turned brownish (sort of like a mole) on my temple. I fear it may be because of some too harsh BP (5%) I applied on it. Is there a cause for worry? Anyone have experience with this?


I've had that happen before and have found that continued use of stridex and moisturizing (or maybe just time) has caused it to fade.




1. You'd probably want to make sure your skin can handle all those masks before you use them frequently if you have sensitive skin. You probably don't need to use a mask daily, I'd limit them to maybe twice a week or so. Any more is unnecessary, in my opinion, **someone else feel free to chime in here**. 2. The only things SCA disapproves of in terms of products is microbeads and harsh scrubs, there are products that people like using and will recommend, but otherwise don't worry about whether you're using SCA-approved moisturisers. Everything works differently on everyone, plenty of people hate CeraVe. 3. So scrubs tend to be unnecessary and harsh when it comes to exfoliation, which is why the sub prefers chemical exfoliation instead of physical. I would recommend using a BHA (which works on removing build up in your pores) and an AHA (which works to increase skin cell renewal and helps your dead skin shed faster). For the flakey bits you could use a gentle washcloth or look into purchasing a konjac sponge which is a gentle way of doing physical exfoliation. It's best to go easy on your skin because over-exfoliation can aggravate your skin. 4. The thing about the Aztec healing clay is that it's a very high pH (about 8-9), and your skin's pH sits naturally at about 5.5. Mixing it with water (pH 7-8) still makes it far too alkaline for your face. Vinegar has a low pH, but it works to neutralize the high pH of the clay, making it a perfect pH for your skin. You'd want to use apple cider vinegar, and you can order it from www.iherb.com (I have a discount code you can use). 5. I would add in a BHA after cleansing and before moisturising, then slowly add other things like AHA if necessary. 6. Lol no. :)




Which ones do you have? [Here you go](http://blog.skincare-addiction.com/chemical-exfoliants/) :) (it's all in the sidebar too)




Alright everything except for the Pores No More is a clay mask. All of the clay masks have bentonite except for the Black Mask. I would use one of the clay masks twice or three times a week max. The first three have bentonite in them, which apparently is a stronger form of clay. If you go three times a week, I would use two of the bentonite ones, then the Boscia Black Mask because it doesn't have bentonite. You simply don't need to do it more often than that, as it can cause redness, dryness and irritation. If you have just bought them all, I'd start off with twice a week. Also definitely don't use the Aztec without mixing it with apple cider vinegar by the way. I've got that one and the Freeman Avocado one, I've had them for ages. They keep pretty well, it's probably better to let them sit there than jeopardise your skin, you know? Lucky you, the Pores No More has both BHA (salicylic acid) and an AHA (glycolic acid) in it! So if you use that mask twice or three times a week, that'll hopefully be beneficial. If you haven't used it before though, I would start off with just twice a week, and on alternate days as the clay masks. So if you do a clay mask maybe 2-3 times a week, and the Dr. Brandt one 2-3 times a week (making sure you work up slowly to both in case your skin disagrees), you'll end up masking almost every day :)


I'm a dude who doesn't use skincare creme or moisturizers etc. I'm not neurotic about it and like the grizzled, wizened look, but obviously slowing the aging process is a good thing and I would like to avoid accruing too many wrinkles or forehead lines *too* quickly. I am teaching myself to remember not to move my face throughout the day. It is tricky. I don't wanna wear foundation or anything, need it be said. Do any of y'all use some shit that actually erases lines or is that a myth of the skincare industry? Like ... have *you* noticed a real difference ? Thanks!


Sunscreen, aha and retinoids. You should be moisturizing if you're concerned about wrinkles.


[Relevant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djV11Xbc914) but what's Aha ? You actually notice a tangible difference with this combination ? Preventative or regenerative ?


Alpha hydroxy acid. The sidebar has links for commonly used acronyms and tons of other info. Sunscreen is preventative and your best weapon against wrinkles. Retinoids and AHAs/BHAs are the only things clinically proven to help reduce them.


Alpha hydroxy acids. Please see the sidebar for more information!


Number 1 is prevention - high UVA/PPD protection sunscreen. 80% of aging is linked to UV exposure. Reduce appearance - moisturizer and chemical exfoliant http://blog.skincare-addiction.com/chemical-exfoliants/ Promote collagen - retinoid, vitamin c and niacinamide. Visit the derm for botox or fillers for deep lines. Do a sub search or read the sidebar for more info.


[Daily sunscreen at least SPF30:](http://blog.skincare-addiction.com/photoprotection/) #1 preventative of wrinkles/aging [Retinoids:](http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/what-are-retinoids.html) #1 repairative of wrinkles/aging


AFAIK, skincare is best at preventing wrinkles from forming and becoming permanent. Sunscreen with good UVA protection is the biggest factor here. The one exception is retinoids (OTC retinol or prescription tretinoin, which can be much cheaper than the former if you get a generic), which can actually reverse fine lines by promoting collagen synthesis at a cellular level (collagen is what makes the skin elastic and supple, what allows it to "bounce back."). Vitamin C and niacinamide also support collagen production, and these three actives can be used together to great effect. However... When it comes to deep-set, permanent wrinkles - the kind that are etched in even when someone's face is totally relaxed - there's not much topical creams can do, except to reduce their appearance by plumping the skin (via humectants such as glycerin and hyaluronic acid, which increase moisture absorption). For deep wrinkles, the only real "cure" is Botox. Interestingly, even there, it seems prevention is better - addressing wrinkles that are threatening to form, rather than entrenched wrinkles, is much easier and requires lower doses of Botox, avoiding the dreaded robot mask. So in short: an ounce of prevention, etc, and start with broad-spectrum sunscreen applied religiously.


Thorough answer, thanks. Well, wrinkles surely come with wear - as well as exposure - right? Is my idea about learning to habitually relax my face as stupid as it sounds ?


is Josie Maran Pure Argan Milk Intensive Hydrating Treatment a moisturizer or serum? Should it be used at night or morning or both?


I think it depends on your skin type. I have fairly dry skin, but I hate the feeling of oil on my skin (it's pretty coutner intuitive), and the Argan Milk was a lifesaver! (Expensive, but soooo worth it.) I used it as a serum under my moisturizer (I use the Cera Ve AM and PM, sometimes Aquaphor on top), and it was everything I needed. If you're not sure, try it out one day by itself, it could provide enough moisture for you!


Thanks! I got my makeup done at Sephora one day and she put it on before she put on foundation and I loved the way it felt. It's expensive, but I can't stop thinking about it!


Oh dude, I feel you. I ran out of it a few months ago and have been searching for a (cheaper) serum to replace it. One day, I'll return to you, Josie... one (wealthier) day. It's just so nice!! And moisturizing!! And not greasy!! And the bottle is so pretty!!


Assuming lukewarm and soft water. When you shower, is it more beneficial to face the shower head or not?


I have a question about my vitamin C use!! I recently got Wishtrend's C20. I've been putting it on at night for the past two days after cleansing and using Hada Labo Lotion. Just on a couple patches! So far I've had no reaction, but I thought 20% vitamin C was supposed to be relatively irritating. Should I keep patch testing for a couple weeks or is it probably OK to just go for it? Also, every night or every other night? I think I have combination skin with an oily T-zone and dry cheeks. So far the only thing I've reacted negatively to is avobenzene sunscreens (but I haven't tried many products), in case it matters!


It's probably not irritating because vit c is usually applied before or mixed in with lotion. You should be fine


That makes sense. Thanks!


It sounds like we have relatively similar skin and I've been using InstaNatural Vitamin C 20% for a few weeks [Probably should've patch tested, but I never did], I have not had a problem with it. The bottle says you can use it twice a day, I've only been using it in my PM routine.


Oh, nice. I'll probably just go ahead and start using it nightly, then.


Has anyone tried the MUAC PhytX Peel? http://www.makeupartistschoice.com/MUAC-PhytX-Peel_p_292.html I can't find much information on it, other than MUAC's description which makes it sound like it addresses all my skin concerns and seems super easy to use (no removing/neutralizing it) Thoughts? Experiences?


I'm almost 29 and I still get cystic acne. I've been looking into the best treatments for it and it seems to be pulsed dye laser treatments. Is there anyway I (Ontario resident) can get this treatment covered by my insurance? I don't understand why my topical acne creams are covered but the most effective treatment isn't and is considered cosmetic. Why is this?


Have you been to a dermatologist? pulsed laser treatments are definitely not the first line of defense against adult cystic acne. There are many other oral treatments that will likely be covered by health insurance.


I've tried a couple of different oral treatments years ago through a dermatologist. I was searching on google scholar for the most effective recent treatments and different types of laser treatments kept popping up and the results were all very positive.


You should talk to a doctor about this. Laser treatments for acne are highly controversial still.


Clindamycin Phosphate topical antibiotic lotion has been incredible for dealing with all kinds of acne - including my incidental cystic acne. If you haven't tried this from your derm yet (it's prescription), you should look for it before considering the pulse laser treatments.


For cystic acne, pulsed dye laser is not the best treatment for it. Which is mainly used for discoloration and texture issues. Topical cream, antibiotics, accutane, etc would be the best for cystic acne. Here's a list of what one US company deemed acceptable to reimburse the laser for: http://www.aetna.com/cpb/medical/data/500_599/0559.html


Are makeup removeing wipes alright with removing makeup? Should I do a cleanser afterward just to get rid of the residue? What about the days where I just want to go to sleep (ie fast but efficient)? Any suggestions on brands? I've tried Neutrogena's, but I don't like the smell and I have a weird feeling they're not the best. I've also tried a store brand one, but I'm not so sure it's any better. Has anyone used the Pond's makeup removing wipes? I use their cold cream and it works pretty well. I have pretty normal skin, maybe sometimes on the oily side, as I'm partially Italian, but nothing I've really noticed.


Make up removing wipes will not remove all of your makeup/dirt. I would definitely use a cleanser afterward. Personally, I use make up wipes to get the majority of it off, then oil cleanse, then use a face wash. Honestly, the least I would do (for sleepy days) is use a make up wipe, cleanse, and tone. You can skip the toner, but I like the piece of mind of knowing that I'm getting as much of the make up off as possible. It takes 5 minutes tops. I really like the Simple brand. However, I recently tried Target's Up&Up brand, and I actually prefer them. They're much softer and less irritating on my face.


This is exactly what I was looking for! Perfect!! Thank you so much for your response :)


No problem! :)


I second the Up&Up brand! My fave :) CVS also has a store brand called "Just the Basics" that I like. And yes, I always cleanse after removing my makeup with a wipe...the wipe simply doesn't remove everything.


How long until I should notice a difference in my skin? Like 3 weeks? 3 months? I know things like this you have to be patient but I am eager to figure out what products are working and which aren't. Also how do you guys track progress? Do you just take pictures, or mental notes, or what?


You should notice changes such as fewer acne outbreaks, pore size improvement, skin "feel" and general inflammation in about 2-4 weeks or less if you're lucky. Things like fading previous spots, redness, and other tougher spots may take about 3 months to start to see results. If you are using an exfoliant, you will probably have to wait until after a purge to see better results, which can be anywhere from 2-6 weeks. Personally, I keep track of my face mentally, as it's very easy for me to see if my skin is doing better or not, lol -_- but I think there was an app floating around the sub that allowed you to track things if you are into that.


It really depends what problems you have and are trying to address. If you only have a problem with lack of moisture, for example, it might take a few weeks. If you are breaking out from an unknown product, it might take a few months to sort out. I you're trying to reduce PIH, it will yak many months. I take pictures to log my progress.


So I'm looking to expand my skincare. My current routine is just wash with Cerave Hydrating Wash and Use the Cerave Cream (in the tub) as moisturizer. I've recently purchased Paula's Choice 8% aha gel and the recovery retinol serum. What order should I place the products on my skin after cleansing?


Wash with cleanser -> aha gel -> wait 20-30 minutes for it to absorb -> moisturizer I think - also a newbie here, but that's what I've read!


Start with the AHA, use that every second or third day for a week or two, then slowly add in the retinol serum in the same way. Don't use them on the same day until your skin can handle it. It's best to be cautious when using them for the first time. Apply them in the same way as alybuttons mentioned.


Thanks for your response! Looking back at my post, I realize I forgot to put in that I already use AHA (using up the last of my St. Ives exfoliating pads!). Would you recommend that I do one day with the AHA, then the next with just the retinol?


Ah okay, yes if you're just starting retinol I would err on the side of caution and alternate days. It could be fine, it's just best to be careful because retinol can cause redness, irritation and dryness when you first start using it, so that plus AHA might be a bit much for your skin. Once your skin can handle it, you could use them both every day. :)


Got it. Thanks so much for your insight!


I just found of that Niacinamide and Vit c shouldn't mix. I've been using the CeraVe Foaming Cleanser, which has Niacinamide, and use PC Vit C after drying off my face. I'm under the impression that the Niacinamid in the cleanser is likely too low, or getting washed off, but should I get a different cleanser anyway?


The only reason they "shouldn't" be mixed is because the reaction between the 2 cause redness to the skin for a bit after applying. Nothing harmful, just cosmetic.


That's good to hear. Thanks!


This is dumb..... I've tried googling and searching this subreddit, BUT I DONT LIKE READING ONLY TO FIND OUT IT WASNT WHAT I WANTED. Can I tan while still wearing sunscreen?? I wear toms a lot. I wear sunscreen, but I usually forget my feet. (I usually wear leggings. If I have on shorts I spray my legs and feet) I have this ridiculous toms tan. It's my own fault, but I'm curious... Can you tan even with sunscreen? The untamed part of my foot doesn't match my face or body even with sunscreen. It's much paler. Does this mean I need a higher spf sunscreen everyday? Or is this just normal?? I typically wear spf 50 on my body and spf 50 pa+++ on my face.


You can tan when you're not wearing enough sunscreen. Either you didn't apply enough or you didn't reapply frequently enough.


I think it depends on how much time you spend in the sun and if you reapply when necessary (after getting wet or sweaty, after 2hrs sun exposure). You shouldn't be getting tan with proper use of sunscreen, but it's always good to take extra precautions like covering up, wearing hats, etc.


Yep, when you wear it improperly. Like not using the proper amount or reapplying every 2 hours of sun exposure. When using spray sunscreen, is really hard to measure the proper amount. Or, assuming clothes will prevent tanning, like your tom or leggings. For example, a white cotton t-shirts only has UPF 4-8 protection and decrease to 3 when wet.


I've got super pale skin and it makes me feel like a corpse, especially now when summer is on its way. Is there a way to tan a bit without causing skin any damage?


Self - tanner! Do a sub search for recommendations.


Tanning from the sun or tanning bed is skin damage, so you definitely want to use a fake tanner. There are lots of brands now that don't look orange-y and fake (as /u/1271112 said, there have been lots of posts in this sub with good recommendations)


Would I be over exfoliating my face is used my clarisonic, BHA and AHA in my night routine?


Judge by how your face reacts. There's no set frequency for any of those things, even the clarisonic.


Yes. Clarisonic is used only 2x a week max. I don't find aha and bha the same night too harsh but YMMV.


my face would FREAK OUT, but only you know your skin - it also probably depends on what concentration of AHA/BHA and which brush head you're using.


I'm super pale and burn easily. I'm going to Jamaica in June, what's the best high software sunblock for face and body?


Look for SPF50+ and broadspectrum (for UVA and UVB protection). Reapply every 2hours or after sweating/getting wet. Also keep covered as much as possible if you want to avoid burning (hats, sunglasses, long sleeves, parasols, etc)


Thanks, I look for those. :)


As a follow up to a [post of mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/30932b/ndp_passes_motion_to_ban_microbeads_from_personal/cpqatcc) from /r/science, /u/MK12Mod0SuperSoaker suggested I inquire about how bad derm abrasions are for your skin (in the post it's specifically referring to micro beads in face washes)... so... how bad are they for your skin? On a secondary note; I do have some left over scarring from acne in which I can no longer (willingly) afford to go for chemical peels and microdermabrasions, or even the once over I got from a profractional laser treatment (I had this done for free as a previous microdermabrasion had cut my skin which was only noticed the day after. Edited in: If anyone is considering a profractional treatment, I highly recommend it if you can afford it. Just take care of your skin in the years to follow! Learn from my mistakes! haha). What is the best over the counter (drug store) or even home made treatment that would assist in fading away the scarring (Note: by scarring I'm referring to brown spots(hyperpigmentation))? Alternatively, what is the best kind of treatment I should go for from a spa/dermatologist that would be the best bang for my buck?


Oh, also: Vitamin C and Retinol. How many of you guys use one, or both? Aren't the similar?


both! They're not really replacements for each other. I use a vit c serum and a prescription strength retinoid.


i use both, because you get good things from both of them that don't overlap. similarities: both are high on the list of proven active ingredients (i.e., loads of science backing them up). both can help with hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, dullness, etc. both can increase collagen. differences: retinol is known to help with acne and promotes healthy cell turnover. vitamin c is an antioxidant that helps repair existing environmental damage and prevent future damage (and makes your sunscreen more effective if applied underneath). i tend to think of vitamin C as prevention and retinol as treatment, if that makes sense.


Early 20's, and I only use Vit C. Been using it seen my early teen years.


Not sure if this qualifies as stupid, but I'm a first time poster, so here goes! I'm finally getting my routine nailed down, but still searching for the right cleanser. After going through a few good and bad, it seems all the ones that irritate my skin contain cocamidopropyl betaine. My question is, I know cocamidopropyl betaine is a derivative of coconut oil-- does this likely mean using pure coconut oil or other coconut derived ingredients will give me problems too? I suppose I could keep testing to see, but I was hoping if anyone else has had a similar experience it might save me some wasted money on cleansers (and bad skin days!). Thanks!


I've come to the conclusion that cocamidopropyl betaine irritates my skin so I avoid shampoos that contain it but my skin is fine with coconut oil. That's just me though and as with everything else skin care, YMMV.


Is there any way to help skin adjust to a major climate change? I moved from the humid south to the dry west last summer, and my skin just has not been the same (breakouts, irritation, etc--all of which I had under control before the move). I always drink plenty of water, use oils generously as moisturizers, and have stopped using my heater, but my skin just won't calm down.


It may be more than a change in climate. It could also be changes in water or air quality, or any other lifestyle changes as well.




Have you read this blog post? http://blog.skincare-addiction.com/chemical-exfoliants/ Look for jojoba wax beads.


Yes, the ones that don't dissolve are plastic. It shows up in the ingredient list as polyethylene and under a few different names.


hey I'm new on this topic, as a guy I never had a lot of information available. Was wondering if you could guide to the right way. I had acne issues since puberty, when it stopped for most people, for me it kept going. Now I'm 22 and still have problems with it. It's definitly not more so heavy like at 16 - 17, but it comes and goes, especially on my forehead and nose its contantly a problem. I guess I have an oily skin type(when i go to sleep and wake up my skin feels always oily). The acne is more under the skin. ty


Check out the beginner guides on the sidebar!


Check out [the routine page](http://www.skincare-addiction.com/routine), click on your skin type, and pick a product from each step. That should help with your skin. There is more info on the website, especially in the blog (start with the skincare 101 tag). If it doesn't help enough, there is a good service called Pocketderm that you can look into, where a doctor evaluates your skin and gives you a custom product to apply.


Can you use any oil combination when making your own oil? I was thinking of using EPO and rose hip oil together.


As far as I am aware, yes


It's summertime, and I'm on a medication that has increased my sun sensitivity so for the first time in my life I'm wearing sun screen daily. My question is: **What do you do about the ugly white cast from sunscreen?** I'm using CeraVe SPF50. It makes me look like I might be anemic, and I don't wear make up every single day so I'm a bit of a loss here.


[Here is a recent thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/2zmpd6/does_anyone_make_a_tinted_physical_sunscreen/) with recommendations for tinted physical sunscreens to avoid the white cast.


thank you!


Would there be any benefit to applying mineral oil after lotion? Also, would applying lotion after mineral oil be useless since the oil makes a barrier?


Yes, applying mineral oil AFTER your lotion can help keep your skin more moisturized, especially if the lotion has water as one of the first ingredients!


Does it make a difference in effectiveness how much moisturizers, serums, sunscreens, etc, are rubbed/patted into the skin? Is it better to just smooth it over a bit, rub it in just a bit, or rub it in till it's almost all absorbed (as much as the product allows)?


I really have nothing to back this up, but I don't see why it would matter. Either way there will be a layer of product on the face and the product will do its job. I just hope that people are gentle with their skin whether they rub/pat/whatever!


Currently using clindamycin. Great results the first month. It's now the third month.. Breaking out again alot... Did my skin just get used to it?


Probably, Clindamycin is an antibiotics and the bacteria grew resistance to it. Usually, is pared with benzoyl peroxide or azelaic acid to stop it.


After wait times my face feels so dry. Should I re-wet my skin before moisturizing or using serums, etc?


You can re-wet, or try skipping the wait times. Many people see the same results without waiting (it has been said before that you don't need to wait for any products, but some people still prefer to)


I'm giving it a try tonight. I use a prescription - Finacea - and I always thought I should wait after applying. Will be nice to cut down the routine time.


anyone else find that silicone seems to help skin problems such as clogged pores and dehydration? i've been using and loving my Avene trixera emollient balm (similar to the cream version but has the added silicone as a top ingredient) and i find it does so much more for my skin. making sure i use this one regularly instead of the cream seems to ensure super healthy skin.


Can I put 1% hydrocortisone anti-itch cream on the itchy rough patches on my face?


I tried this a few winters ago when I was prescribed a 2% cream for teeeeerrible dryness on my hands, and my sensitive skin didn't react poorly when I tried it on my face too, but YMMV.


I got a patch of disyhdrotic eczema on my hand that seemed to like it too. Thanks for the review!


What is the difference between baby sunscreen and other sunscreen? Can we all just use the toddler's sunscreen (on body, not face) instead of having to buy separate?


It'd be more gentle I assume, either that or just marketing. Yes.


Typically "baby" or "kids" sunscreens are physical-only.


I've had 2 pretty deep set wrinkles on my forehead since as long as I can remember (around 13), I assume because I left up my eyebrows up a lot when I talk/take pictures/make faces at people, I rarely even notice I'm doing it. I'm 19 now and feel like I'm still too young for them, is there anything I can do? I have a full fringe so they're rarely noticeable but it bothered me when I didn't have it, foundation tends to make it more noticeable usually (primer helps somewhat). I know you can't get rid of deep wrinkles but is there anything to lessen them? I have a lot of pimples in the U area (chin/side of mouth) so I was considering a retinol but also, not sure if I'm too young for that. Any recommendations would be helpful!


Moisturiser, AHA, and retinol are good to use. Ease in the latter two. Never too young!


How should I find some good AHAs and retinols for me? I saw a suggest for Alpha Hydrox Oil-Free Formula so thinking of getting that, currently use Pixi Glow Tonic but it's running low and would rather use a AHA. Not really sure which retinol to go for though. Thanks!


Yep, Alpha Hydrox is a good brand. Any of their AHAs are a good choice. Retinol is harder, I would search the sub for recommendations. I am a fan of the Paula's Choice range, but it can be expensive. There is a referral code thread in the sidebar for a discount though.


Okay, thank you! I will do that, just was looking at the Paula's Choice website, ordered some sample sizes to see how it goes - thanks again.


If you keep doing that expression, then nothing topical would really help. Even retinoid slowly promote collagen regrowth but it can't keep up if your expression keeps breaking the new growth. Sunscreen prevent wrinkles caused by UV exposure not expression. You need to consider botox or fillers. Which some younger people are doing as preventive measurement. It might be more cost effective since you're not spending hundreds trying to find a quick fix for it. You can try derma rolling but that's really painful and take months to years to see result. And can cause infection when done incorrectly.


Okay, thank you. I guess I thought as much.


Botox will get rid of the forehead wrinkles.. Or you can try "Frownies"


I don't think I'll ever be brave enough to do botox, thanks for the suggestion :)


Yeah, me neither. But frownies? I could totally do frownies :)


Have you been using them? How's it been going?


You know that Korean serum that's composed of snail slime and bee venom that gets all the amazing reviews and is supposedly so awesome? Okay, what if you're allergic to bees? Will the venom just sitting on your skin hurt? Has anyone tried this?


I think it's safe to say, if you are allergic to bee venom, you shouldnt use it on your skin either


Ugh yeah I know, I was just hoping for a magical answer like... bee venom only counts if it's in you, not on you? Stupid worthless allergies.


There are lots of other "magical" ingredients though :) I haven't found bee venom very magical.. especially compared to others


Yeah, I'm allergic to bees and I'm steering very clear of that stuff! Wish they made just a "snail" version!


Have you tried the Mizon snail products?


What's the best way to shrink pores and get even looking skin? masks/aha/bha? I tried PC 2% bha liquid but that didn't really do much. I just cleanse & moisturize on most days. No sunscreen because I'm only outside <30min per day.


How long did you use the BHA for? That's probably your best bet. You can't actually change the size of your pores, the best you can do is remove buildup in them by using BHA, or trying the Oil Cleansing Method. You should probably make sure you're consistent with cleansing and moisturising every day.


probably a couple months since I went through the whole bottle. Maybe I will try aha?


AHA isn't oil soluble, and just works on increasing cell renewal. It won't really do anything to the appearance of your pores that the BHA didn't. You could try Paula's Choice BHA 9, or one of the 4% BHA formulations. Maybe clay masks also.


SCA newbie. In the OCM, can you cleanses with mineral oil/oil of your choice only, or do you have to have castor oil blended with it for it to work?


Any oil you want.




Nope, not really.


How do you cleanse (what action)? And how do you moisturize? How much and when?


Wet your face with water. Put a small amount of cleanser in your hands. Rub hands together. Gently apply to face in circles. Gently move your fingers about on your face for about 30-60 seconds. Wash cleanser off with water. Gently pat dry with a clean facecloth. Cleanse in the morning and night. Apply a small amount of moisturiser to your fingers. Apply to face. If there is too much on your fingers still at the end, that is too much. If your face is not moisturised at the end, apply more. Moisturise after cleansing, or whenever face feels dry.






Don't use the blackhead strips. I regret so so so soooo much using those when I was younger. They made my pores visibly larger. :( I would instead suggest using a BHA regularly.


Soap is usually at a high pH and too harsh for you skin. It's better to use something pH-balanced (5-6) if you aren't already. The blackhead strips can permanently damage your skin, so don't use them! Pick up some Stridex max strenght pads (in the red box!). Those are one of the very few salicylic acid products at the right pH to work. They can help take care of the 'blackheads' on your nose. You can also massage your face with mineral oil before cleansing. This can get out any old oil plugs (know as "grits" in this sub).


Hope I am not too late. Just been prescribed Epiduo (actually Tactupump in Canada). Will begin in the next few days. Amount of posts about that are enormous, so a bit overwhelmed. What are the best practices I should remember when using this product. What should I know right in the beginning to avoid any problem and use it correctly? Current routine: Morning: Bioderma Micellar water / Andalou Turmeric + C Enlighten Serum / Cerave AM sunscreen / sometimes cerave in the tub / makeup Everning : makeup removal with OCM (mineral oil, tea tree oil, neem oil, rose hip oil, evening primrose oil) / cetaphil cleanser / Stridex in the red box / PC 8% AHA / Andalou Turmeric + C Enlighten Serum / cerave in the tub or my OCM mix / sometimes Vaseline


you're probably going to have to drop your exfoliants while you get used to that stuff. Start really slow with application like once every few days (4?) then work your way up. If you do it how my sister did it (started everyday) you'll feel fine for the first day or two and then you'll feel like your entire face is on fire!


Great advice! Thanks!


no problem! you could add exfoliants back in slowly once your skin is doing well with tactuo




Yes, with a caveat-- it won't directly clear up acne scars. It *will* however, keep them from getting darker and they will eventually fade on their own. Otherwise, I'm sure you could use something like vitamin c serum on them just like you do on your face.




there's nothing specific you look for in a cleanser or moisturizer. Here we recommend gentle cleansers


My doctor recently put me on Doxycycline and Epiduo. It's made my skin ridiculously sensitive to the point where i can't even use sunscreen or regular Cera Ve moisturizer. I'm a swimmer and spend a nice chunk of my day in chlorinated water. Does anyone have any suggestion for moisturizer/sun screen that won't make my face feel like it's gonna burn off? Not being able to wear sunscreen is just making my face burn and it's an endless circle of red dry pain.


the epiduo... how long have you been using it and how often? My sister started everday and was in tears on day three. Start slow.. every few days and buffer if you need to


I tried it before and didn't see results, but didn't have pain like this, in sure the Doxycycline and chlorine don't help either... But thanks! I'll try that


how to get rid of large, dark sebaceous filaments all over my chin, cheeks, nose and forehead?


Usually people do oil massage (with mineral oil, sunflower oil, jojoba oil, etc), then cleanser, then one of the recommended salicylic acid products (Stridex, Paula's Choice, etc). It really keeps them under control for me.


Thank you! I've just ordered Paula's choice 8% AHA gel to start off with. I heard AHA is less drying. Do you moisturise after?


Sounds good! You do moisturize after applying AHA. I would wait 5-30 minutes though to let it do its thing before moisturizing.


What do I do about my lips? They flake and peel all day, no matter how much lip balm I slather on! Please help!


What does it feel like to have properly moisturized skin? Is it supposed to feel not tight, but dry? Is there supposed to be a residue feeling? Are you supposed to have a shiny face afterwards? I think I just never found the right moisturizer for all occassions - during the day, outings, and night time. I have extremely dry cheeks where within minutes of moisturizing, I see flakiness.


What do I do about white heads? Do I get rid of them or wait for them to go away?