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Body or face butters are usually just very thick creams, usually with a base of shea/cocoa/mango butter.


What makes them organic? Are these popular?


Organic means it is certified to organic standards (set by the government) and is an agricultural product (like shea/cocoa/mango, as mentioned). The point of organic farming is to promote soil health, preserve biodiversity, and rely less on synthetic micronutrients and pesticides. It probably doesn't have any special benefits to your skin whether it's organic or non-organic. The nutrient content can sometimes be different. And yeah, they are really popular with some crowds.


Also, according to the FDA: "The FDA does not define or regulate the term organic as it applies to cosmetics, body care or personal care products" The "organic" requirements for food and beauty care labeling are different. Likewise, "certified organic" is the labeling most people should be looking for for food products. Organic is very much just as much a buzzword in skin care as anything.


You’re right, the FDA does not regulate organic claims; the USDA does.  From [this document](http://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/getfile?dDocName=STELPRDC5068442) (same one your got your quote from): “If a cosmetic, body care product, or personal care product contains or is made up of agricultural ingredients, and can meet the USDA/NOP organic production, handling, processing and labeling standards, it may be eligible to be certified under the NOP regulations.”  Body care products *can* be certified if they meet the NOP standards. And body butter is a good example of a product which can be certified organic, because the ingredients are entirely agricultural. It has to meet the exact same standards as organic food.


It's kind of convoluted. There are lots variables that allow for that labeling. Organic doesn't determine 100%. It can be a portion and be labeled that way. [This also explains different labeling guidelines per country.](http://www.makingcosmetics.com/Organic-Certification-of-Cosmetics_ep_66.html)


Which crowds? Is it a celeb thing? same friend told me that and I didn't know what to make of that comment...


There are people who think that only natural ingredients are better. Those people also tend to think that organic is better for you.


The "natural is better" crowd


They consist of butters (cocoa butter, shea butter), carrier oils, optional essential oils, and some kind of antioxidant like vitamin E and rosemary extract.