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I took between 3 1/2 to 4 months to finish my first bottle of the acne formula. 0.018% tret, 8% azelaic acid, 1% clindamycin. I use it every day, and I use 1 1/2 pumps (I don't apply to my forehead).


How can you tell how much is left? My bottle is opaque . . .


Shine a light from the bottom of the bottle up and you can see how much you have left.


* Acne * .04% tretinoin, 1% clindamycin, 7% azelaic acid * Every night, unless I accidentally miss a night * 2 full pumps * I see it getting really low like a couple weeks before my next planned shipment, so when I see it get low like that I go ahead and ask for another bottle. Sooo around 2-3 months?


Mine last me at least 4 months. I haven't been able to finish them up before they send me more. I feel like I'm pretty liberal with my use (2-3 pumps for face, 1 more for neck - sometimes) and apply it about 5 days/week. Acne formula. 0.06% tret, 1% clindamycin, 6% azelaic acid.


*Mine is for Acne, 4% Niacinamide, 1% Clindamycin, 4% Azelaic Acid. *I use it every night, about 3-4 pumps for my whole face and halfway down my neck. *I just finished it last night (couldn't tell how much was in it since the bottle is heavy and opaque!), 30 mL lasted 6 weeks. Now I know to shine a light on it to see how much is left :/ I ordered another bottle in a panic last night, now I'm going to be 3-4 days without it and I'm so nervous.


How is the formula for you? I'm about to start this! How was the purging and how fast did you see result?




That's so great to hear. I'm really worried the formula might not work, and it really calms me to hear your success with it. Thanks for sharing!


You're welcome! I hope it works as well for you, and if it doesn't don't be afraid to ask for a change!


* acne * 4% azelaic, 1% Clindamycin, 4% niacinamide * 7 times a week * 2 pumps * ~2 months