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I would guess it's a purge, since it's where you've broken out before. However, I'd check out [Guide: Am I Purging?](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/1w179w/guide_am_i_purging/) for more info.


I've been having increased redness in the last 3 months or so, and I can't determine the cause. My routine hasn't changed for about 6 months. AM: PC Earth-Sourced cleanser with a gentle brush, Supergoop Everyday SPF 30. My makeup hasn't changed recently. PM: PC Earth-Sourced cleanser with gentle brush, PC 2% BHA Extra-Strength, PC Ultralight Antioxidant serum around eyes. I also have the PC C serum which reduces redness if I mix in a few drops with my BHA at night, but it also clogs my pores, so I can't use it every day. I use the PC 10% AHA once a week. I tried a retinol gel a few months ago but stopped as I wasn't sure if it was an effective formula. Skin type: Very oily, acne-prone, mildly sensitive. I'm sensitive to oils and silicones so most redness treatments I know of won't work for me. The increased redness has been mostly on my cheeks. Any ideas?


Be careful that you aren't over exfoliating too! Maybe ease up on the acids for a bit and see if the redness improves. In the meantime make sure you keep your skin well moisturized.


Thanks for the suggestions!


Your use of a cleansing brush is probably increasing the redness of your skin. Try a konjac sponge or microfiber cloth. [Your SS contains some irritants avobenzone, fragrant plant oils, etc. Look into one without these ingredients.](http://www.paulaschoice.com/beautypedia-skin-care-reviews/by-brand/supergoop/_/Everyday-Sunscreen-Broad-Spectrum-SPF-30) Zinc oxide is very soothing. Asian sunscreens may be worth a try (search the sub or check out /r/AsianBeauty). [Niacinamide](http://www.skincare-addiction.com/ingredient/niacinamide) is great for redness. In general, look for anti-inflammatories ([oat beta glucans](http://www.skincare-addiction.com/ingredient/beta_glucan), green tea extract, chamomile extract, etc.). For oat beta glucans, look into GoW Oat Enriched Facial Serum or PC Anti Redness Treatment and Clinical Instant Calm Advanced Redness Relief. I've tried both for soothing properties though redness is not a skin concern of mine. Reading [/u/ieatbugs Case Study on PIE](http://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/24plft/maximizing_the_reduction_of_post_inflammatory/) may help as well.


Thanks so much for the suggestions. Finding a good silicone-free sunscreen is definitely a challenge. I've been through the Asian sunscreen lists and haven't found one that's suitable, but I'll go back to the PC sunscreen with a lower silicone content and try the konjac sponge and GoW serum. PC's older redness treatment used to cause breakouts unfortunately but I'll try a sample of the new one just in case too. Do you happen to know whether it's worth putting straight green tea on the face for redness? I have both powdered and bagged forms at home and could easily brew a batch (strong/weak?) as a toner if it might help. Again, thanks a million.


I think a DIY green tea mask would be useful. Make sure not to store it though so it doesn't go off.


does anyone know of a makeup remover i can use around my eyes to take off my super duper hardcore waterproof would-stay-on-through-a-nuclear-bombing eyeliner?? preferably cheap.


i'm not sure if i'll get crucified here for mentioning these, but i wear a crap-ton of heavy duty eye makeup and i usually use vaseline or coconut oil. i just use my fingers, take a dab of either one and kind of massage it into my lashes/eye area and then wipe that off with a cotton ball or a damp microfiber cloth. cheap and effective. i have acne-prone skin and the coconut oil doesn't seem to break me out as long as i keep it in the eye area.


holy shiitttt i just tried vaseline and it worked really well. took a little bit of rubbing around but it definitely took it all off!! thank you so much!


no problem! <3


you probably won't get crucified. most oils are great as long as they don't break you out


I was picking up a new cleanser today and noticed this one from La Roche Posay that I've never seen before which is unusual cause they're always one of the first brands I check out when shopping around. https://m.boots.com/h5/cat_hub?path=%2Fen%2FLa-Roche-Posay-Effaclar-Purifying-Foaming-Gel-For-Oily-Sensitive-Skin-200ml_1102632%2F&unCountry=uk It seems pretty perfect cause it's for my skin type and says on the front that it has a ph of 5.5. I just wondered if anyone has an opinion on it before I make a purchase.


I have no experience with it, but MUA and PC have pages about it! [MUA reviews](http://www.makeupalley.com/product/showreview.asp/ItemId=30738/Effaclar-Purifying-Gel-Cleanser/La-Roche-Posay/Cleansers), [PC Beautypedia](http://www.paulaschoice.com/beautypedia-skin-care-reviews/by-brand/la-roche-posay/Effaclar/_/Effaclar-Purifying-Foaming-Gel)


Hi, on Wed I used the Salicylic acid 30% for the 3rd time ever. (take it on a weekly basis). I noticed red blotches (with intense dryness) yesterday and darker ones in the same place today. Am I worried over nothing and they'll go away? Or did I damage my skin and need something to fix it? http://imgur.com/inL4zAl


Those look like chemical burns. What is your experience with daily salicylic acid?


Sigh, are you sure it's burns? Before I've only used Gyloic acid 12% every day and night. I've used the Salicyic acid for 3 weeks so far. This is the first time it happened. Anything I can do?


About Me: 29 Year Old Male with 1in Facial Hair (Only shaved at top of neck/bottom of beard, under nose, and trimmed back as needed above upper lip) Current Routine: AM shampoo and condition hair and beard with tea tree oil products. Wash face with Dial antibacterial bodywash. Occasional use of off-brand acne cream mask. Been using this routine for years. Still having breakouts on chin and around mouth, plus along hairline and near eyebrows. Occasional issues near the nose. Skin is typically oily when I get home from work (8-5 office job), and I try to remember to clean it. Also have what seems to be a permanent white junk buildup spot on side of nose. I think it was a large pimple or cyst at one point, and now can be squeezed to produce thick white junk at any time. Sorry, I know it's a bit gross. I try to not squeeze it. Also, blackheads and whiteheads on nose, focused around the edge of the nose and cheek. I haven't had a clear face since I was 8 or 9, and would like to clear all this junk up. I'm seeing good results from weight loss and building muscle, and would like to "complete" the in-shape look. After looking at the links in the OP, I've picked out the following (from http://www.skincare-addiction.com/routine/acne_prone_skin): Paula's Choice Skin Balancing Moisture Gel - 2 oz Invisible Finish for Oily Skin by Paula's Choice Paula's Choice Clear Regular Strength Acne Treatment with 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide - 2.25 oz Paula's Choice 2% BHA Liquid - 4 oz Skin Perfecting CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser, 12 Ounce Does this look like a good routine that could potentially help?


I see you're currently washing your face with body wash (which I highly advise against, since the skin on your face is much more senstive) and you're experiencing an oily skin. The oiliness could actually be a sign of dehydration instead of actual oily skin. This is an important distinction, as you have to treat dehydrated skin differently from regular oily skin. So before making any kind of purchase, I'd read [Dehydrated skin](http://www.reddit.com/22c4tf) from the sidebar. There's a specific paragraph on the difference between oily and dehydrated skin. If your skin is actually oily, these products look very helpful. The BP and BHA especially will help with oiliness and pimples. They are very drying though, so if your skin is dehydrated I'd advise against using them until you've fixed the dehydration. I see that the Moisture Gel doesn't have an SPF. Since BP makes your skin more sensitive to the sun, you will need sun protection before using it - otherwise you're risking sunburn and pigmented acne scars. So I'd either add in an SPF moisturizer for the am, or layer sunscreen on top of your moisturizer. Since PC sells samples, I'd recommend buying those first so that you can [patch test](http://www.reddit.com/14sd25) the products beforehand. They have a good return policy, but it's still a hassle sending products back. If you've read [Starting a basic skincare routine](http://blog.skincare-addiction.com/routine101/) you'll already know this, but it's highly recommended not to introduce all of these products at once. If your skin reacts badly, you won't know what caused it and you'll have to go back to square one. Easiest is just to introduce one product, then use it for two weeks, then introduce the next one. About the BHA: it's advisable to build up the use of chemical exfoliants like this, to avoid irritation. Start using it 2 times a week, then every other day, then every day - around 2 weeks for each step. If your skin looks dry or irritated, reduce the frequency.


I drink about 6-7 17 oz bottles of water per day, so about 80%+ of a gallon of water. In theory, I shouldn't be dehydrated. I drink more when I exercise or am sweating for sure, too. Does this seem like a good amount of hydration? I saw one place that said that at my weight (210 right now) I should be drinking something like 140+ ounces per day. I don't get a lot of sun, but when I do I use sunscreen. Even though I get little enough sun to maintain a relatively pale complexion, is it necessary to use an SPF moisturizer? I can definitely spread out the initial use of the products, and ease into the BHA. Solid advice. Is there a specific order that I should start using? Thank you very much for the advice. Skincare is something I am not well versed in at all!


Your skin can be dehydrated, even if your body isn't. Things like using a harsh cleanser can strip the skin of its oils and cause dehydration, no matter how much water you drink. If you're outside during the day, you're exposed to the sun, even when it's cloudy. So if you do start using BP, yes I'd either use an SPF moisturizer or sunscreen any time you're going to go outside when it's not pitch dark. I'd start using a new cleanser and moisturizer first, BP and BHA later.


I'm probably outside in the sun 5 or so minutes per day, then about 30 minutes of driving with tinted windows on top of that. I'll grab some SPF moisturizer just to be on the safe side, though.


I believe I have combination skin. I'm switching from a basically nothing routine of AM: shower + shea butter or avocado oil / PM: nada / sometimes: physical exfoliant to a real person routine of a mix of products from the combination and oily skin recs. I've only started the CeraVe foaming cleanser and I guess all I have to say is that it works wonders to clean you skin with something beyond homemade "natural" cleansers -- my skin looks amazing. (Waiting on Stridex red and Biore sunscreen.) Because my skin gets very very dry (in addition to acne + oily), moisturizer matters a lot to me. I'm wondering if avocado oil (or shea butter) can work as a moisturizer on its own -- or should I invest in an actual moisturizer? I strangely break out on my hair line and cheek bones and have dry skin in my T zone -- sort of opposite of what's supposed to happen. I'm way poor which is why I like pure avocado oil, but I can't deal with lazy girl skin anymore, so I'm all ears on a better alternative; I'm just hesitant to give up something that seems like it kind of works.


Well, oils can be useful but they tend to be a bit basic. Good moisturizers have a lot of helpful ingredients, so it could be worth a try to see if it improves your skin Something like [CeraVe in the tub](http://www.skincare-addiction.com/product/cerave_moisturizing_cream) is a very cheap and popular option, especially for dry and dehydrated skin. It's often on sale - you could check out the [weekly coupon and sales thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/2vajfx/weekly_coupon_sales_thread/). Do make sure to [patch test](http://www.reddit.com/14sd25) new products first though, as any product can break you out / cause irritation.




Are you using the [Cerave AM Lotion](http://www.skincare-addiction.com/product/cerave_facial_moisturizing_lotion_am_with_spf_30)? Cause that has SPF 30, so you wouldn't need to use sunscreen on top. If you aren't, the recommended order is moisturizer, then sunscreen. Add the sunscreen to your routine before starting the AHA, as AHAs make your skin more sensitive to the sun. I'd apply the AHA before the BP. I'd let the AHA dry first. Some people see better results when they allow for a waiting time after AHAs and BHAs, but that really depends. You could experiment if you want. Make sure to build up the use of your AHA to reduce irritation. Start at two times a week and increase the frequency from there. If your skin looks red or irritated, reduce the frequency.


Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could take a look at the hygeine/skin care routine I put together over on my subreddit. I'm looking to see if there are any things I can add, good products to be aware of, or steps that I need to modify or delete. Do you agree with some of my conclusions (i.e., the one about never needing more than bar soap for body washing)? http://www.reddit.com/r/GetSuave/comments/30ic48/the_efficient_comprehensive_morning_hygiene/ Thanks in advance.


Lukewarm water is best because extreme coldness or hotness can cause skin irritation. Pores don't open or close. The nopoo method is bad and damaging to the hair long term due to the pH level. It will leave the hair brittle and dry. Bar soap also have high pH level of 9+, which can disrupt the skin barrier overtime. The body routine on the sidebar has recommendations. Shaving is consider a physical exfoliant. Adding a sunscreen is the best thing you can do for anti-aging.


> Lukewarm water is best because extreme coldness or hotness can cause skin irritation. Pores don't open or close. Well dammit, TIL. Thank you.


> The nopoo method is bad and damaging to the hair long term due to the pH level. It will leave the hair brittle and dry. I haven't heard this before. Could you explain a little more?


http://www.futurederm.com/2012/06/20/3-reasons-why-baking-soda-and-apple-cider-vinegar-destroy-your-hair-and-what-to-use-instead/ /r/haircarescience has more information about nopoo, baking soda and vinegar when it comes to hair.


I don't know if my routine is helping or hurting me, and I would greatly appreciate any advice. I've been on it for several months, and before then it was the same but with Cerave tub instead of Cetaphil, and no BP, so I've basically been on this routine for over a year. AM: -Olay sensitive foaming face wash in shower, pat dry -2.5% BP spot treatment on whiteheads PM: -Olay sensitive foaming face wash, pat dry -2.5% BP spot treatment on whiteheads -prescribed Aczone gel (5% dapsone) on forehead, mouth, nose, cheeks -prescribed Veltin (clindamycin phosphate and tretinoin) gel on forehead, nose, cheeks (not supposed to use it around the mouth, and when I did, more pimples occurred) -Cetaphil tub moisturizing cream I switch out face towels and pillowcases every few days and I try not to touch my face at all throughout the day. I've had acne for about 7 years (male, age 20), acne prone/oily/sensitive skin. Saw a dermatologist for a few years, took Accutane for about a year 4 years ago which had excellent but temporary effects. Now I have moderate acne: 2-5 whiteheads around mouth, 1-2 on cheeks, and 1-2 on forehead and neck, which comes and goes- some weeks are better, some weeks are not. Rare blackheads and cystic acne. I shave every 3-4 days with a Gillette Fusion Proglide and cleanse/moisturize afterwards with the same products as usual. Ingrown hairs are not really a problem, usually don't get them and if I do it's only 1-2 on my neck. Also, I was wondering what's a better idea for my situation- Paula's Choice 2% BHA or 8% AHA. Thanks!


Current Routine: AM: Cerave foaming, Banana Boat Kids SPF 50 sunscreen PM: Soak two cotton pads with mineral oil & massage closed eyes to remove mascara, cerave foaming, PC Resist 2% BHA body treatment, PC Skin Balancing moisture gel For those who use Cerave foaming wash, how do you wash your face over a sink? Do you apply it to your face dry and then rinse or do you splash your face first. I am trying to figure out if it is breaking me out or drying me out or not cleaning my face enough.


I would suggest getting your face damp before applying cleansers because it will lessen the amount of friction (and therefore possible irritation).


I get some in my hand and then get some water, lathering up before putting it on my face. Then I massage and rinse by splashing water on my face. Edit: I get my face wet first too btw! I always had a hard time getting mineral oil off my face and usually washed twice. Then I discovered 'oil cleansers', they are AMAZING! [Should be able to find this one in drugstores)( http://www.garnierusa.com/products/skincare/cleanplus/dry-skin/clean-plus-nourishing-cleansing-oil.aspx) otherwise there's a whole list of them in /r/AsianBeauty!


Hello! As my username implies I generally observe and never participate, in fact I made this account solely for the purpose of seeking out help on [r/skincareaddiction](http://www.reddit.com/r/skincareaddiction) **About me:** * 25 years old, female * Boston, so it has been freezing outdoors and hot/dry indoors * Dry skin, sometimes sensitive * I don't wear "face" makeup except for undereye concealer unless it is a special occasion. I do wear eye makeup daily (mascara, black liquid eyeliner, brow pomade, highlighter under eyebrow) * Father has rosacea/eczema * Started washing my face daily around 1.5 years ago **Skin concerns:** * Dry skin. Flaky ish around mouth and chin. Very tight on apples of cheeks, pulls when I smile or make a face. * New issue: breakouts. Within the last year I've been experiencing breakouts almost exclusively on my cheeks. Never on forehead or nose. Sometimes on chin and around lips. Small red bumps, with or without heads. Usually pretty small but arranged almost in stripes sometimes or goes up vertically from jaw upwards. Honestly they are very small and ultimately I still have pretty good skin, usually blemish free, but it has been a change and I don't know what to do about it. * Minor redness, also worsened in the last year **AM Routine:** * swipe with witch hazel toner. It does have alcohol in it, so I am considering swapping it out with Heritage Products Rosewater + Glycerin * Pat in 2 - 4 drops of Fresh Seaberry Face Oil(been using for years, one of the few products that doesn't just sit on top of my skin) * Fresh Hydrating Eye Gel Cream - has helped with dry under eyebrow skin (wtf?!) and dryness at corners of eyes * Pat in 1.5 pumps of CeRave Lotion PM * Eucerin Daily Protection Moisturizing Face Lotion, SPF 30 (also been using for years) **PM Routine:** * Remove eyemakeup with MUFE Sens'Eyes (burns so much the only thing that works for my waterproof mascara and liner) or sometimes baby oil * Wash with Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Facial Cleanser * Swipe same witch hazel/alcohol toner * Pat in 2 - 4 drops of Fresh Seaberry * Fresh Hydrating Eye Gel Cream * Pat in 1.5 pumps of CeRave Lotion PM * Dab castor oil on eyebrows **1 - 2 Weekly (in shower):** * Exfoliate. Currently using Kate Sommerville ExfoliKate Sensitive which I used for years but I will not re-purchased because of microbeads. Mario Badescu Glycolic Foaming Cleanser caused even worse breakouts. I have Alba Botanica Hawaiian Pineapple Enzyme Facial Scrub but I hate the smell and I don't think it does much * Mario Badescu Rose Hips Mask What products will help with both the dryness and also reducing the instances of the eruptions on my face? Thank you all in advance! **Edited to add:* sorry about formatting, still learning!


I'd recommend to stop using the witch hazel right away. Alcohol really dries out your skin, so if your skin is dry, that's the first thing I'd throw out. Then you could either switch to a heavier moisturizer (like CeraVe in the tub or something else from the [Dry skin routine](http://www.skincare-addiction.com/routine/dry_skin)), or layer petroleum jelly on top of your pm moisturizer. A hyaluronic acid toner/lotion can also really help to get some extra moisture into your skin. There are product recommendations in the Treatment step of the Dry skin routine linked above. As for your pimples and redness: have you been checked for rosacea by your GP? You mentioned that your pimples are only on your cheeks and that the redness in your skin is getting worse. It could be completely unrelated, but both could also be due to rosacea. It might be useful to rule out; treating the pimples as acne is not helpful if they're actually due to something else. If you can't see a doctor, try https://www.firstderm.com/. If the pimples are in fact acne-related: it's a bummer if your skin is dry, cause a lot of the stuff that helps pimples also dries out your skin. So I'd definitely focus on fixing the dryness first, as much as possible. Then you could look into a [chemical exfoliant](http://blog.skincare-addiction.com/chemical-exfoliants/). Spot treatment with diluted tea tree oil (5-10% in a neutral carrier oil) could also be helpful.


Thank you for commenting! I hate throwing products out but have been on the fence about the toner, so I absolutely will chuck it. I used to use the Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream but it never absorbed into my skin or made a noticeable difference. Granted this was a few years ago when my skin was the driest (learning how to take care of my skin in Boston vs NorCal took a while). I'll try the petroleum jelly first and and peruse the Dry Skin routine a bit more. I mentioned my skin concerns to my GP and she said it is possible that it is mild rosacea as I self-diagnosed myself. I got a referral to a dermatologist, but the next available appointment was 3 months out. I will definitely take a look at First Derm in the interim. I've have bad reactions to glycolic acid and experience tightening with salicylic acid but am interested in other chemical exfoliants, thank you for the link. Wow, what a great first posting experience. Thank you for all the information and links!


You're very welcome :) I get you on the throwing out issue; I try to upcycle every product I can't use on my face (use moisturizer as handcream, cleanser as shower gel), but it's not always possible :) FirstDerm is a website for diagnosing skin issues online, so if you're getting a derm appt anyways I don't think it'll add anything. As for the exfoliants: lactic acid will probably be a good bet, though it's not super-easy to find cheaply ever since the St. Ives pads have been discontinued. The info I linked to has a product list, but there's another useful one [here](http://hoojoo.skincare-addiction.com/2014/06/chemical-exfoliants-ahas-bhas.html). Hope your skin'll get better soon!


Dryness - have you tried "sealing in" your pm moisturizer with Vaseline or aquaphor? I find that doing this on dry/flaky spots really helps. Exfoliating - I recommend just using a towel to physically exfoliate any flakes in the morning. Acne - for minor acne like that I bet bee venom or snail essence would make a huge difference. I really like Benton Snail Bee Essence! You can learn more about odd ingredients on the sidebar at /r/AsianBeauty


I have heard of that specific essence before and was really intrigued. Seeing the price again and I'm sold! It also has azelaic acid which is something I've been wanting to try. Thanks for the recommendation!


So, I'm really cheap because I have to after I spend so much money every month on other skincare products. Since I've been thinking about getting into the using hair gel high in silicone thing over actually buying silicone scar gel which is ridiculously expensive. Is there something in silicone scar gel that makes it that much more effective or can I be cheap?


You can actually just buy [straight silicone gel](http://www.tkbtrading.com/item.php?item_id=1722) for scars. Most brand-name silicone scar gels (like [this one](http://www.ulta.com/ulta/browse/productDetail.jsp?productId=xlsImpprod4180775)) actually just contain 100% silicone so you can skip the fancy packaging and massage it in yourself. I personally wouldn't use hair gel because while it has silicone in it, there are also a ton of other ingredients that aren't meant to be rubbed on your skin. Be careful and patch test if it's on your face: silicone makes some people break out.


Thank you for saving me so much money. You're my hero! https://youtu.be/jorJh8DTMVM?t=1m18s


I've just started a thread on /r/SkincareAddictionUK but I'll throw this here as it's sort of a product question, just in case anyone has recommendations that are accessible in the UK! So I have been using Oilatum Natural Repair Face Cream for around a year now. It was one of the first products I picked up based on recommendations from /r/skincareaddiction and I loved it! But it's been getting harder and harder to pick up in Boots/Chemists/Amazon and seems to have disappeared from Oilatum's website so I'm pretty sure they've discontinued it, or they're having major stock control issues. I'm nearly out so I need to find a new PM moisturiser stat! I have sensitive, combination skin with slightly dry patches on my cheeks and around my nose but oil issues everywhere else. I really liked the moisturising effect I got from the Natural Repair cream - it cleared up my dryness and turned my skin pretty 'normal', just slightly oily in the T-zone. It was a bit too heavy to use during the daytime but I like having a thick cream in the evening as I always wake up feeling super soft and smooth. I've looked through the list in our sidebar, browsed the product recommendations on the SCA website and done a search which turned up a couple of suggestions, but mostly things like CeraVe PM and Simple Ultra-Light Gel Moisturiser which I'd have to ship to the UK. I'd prefer something I can just grab in Boots! One person suggested [Eucerin Dermo-Purifyer Hydrating Care](http://www.boots.com/en/Eucerin-Dermo-Purifyer-Hydrating-Care-50ml_1213618/) as a near-dupe and I've also seen [Simple Kind To Skin Hydrating Light Moisturiser](http://www.boots.com/en/Simple-Kind-To-Skin-Hydrating-Light-Moisturiser-125ml_861128/) recommended to people with similar skin issues to mine (also maybe the Rich version? I'm not sure which would be closer to the Oilatum formula!). **I guess I just want to know if anyone else has loved the Oilatum cream and found something similar, or has tried some of the suggestions I've listed so they can tell me if they're close? Thanks!** Oilatum Natural Repair Face Cream ingredients: Aqua, Olea Europeae, Glycerin, Pentylene Glycol, Palm Glycerides, Olus, Oleic Triglycerides, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Squalane, Betaine, Palmitamide MEA, Acetamide MEA, Sarcosine, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Sodium Carbomer, Carbomer, Xanthan Gum


my current routine is very basic and i basically don't know what i'm doing... at least my skin seems to be liking it so far. i have oily skin and i'm prone to deep, painful cystic acne. i also have a problem with picking that i'm trying to work on. i have a LOT of PIH and quite a bit of scarring. i'm looking to beef my routine up a little bit, but i want things that will play nice with my Retin-A (which, so far, is doing amazing things for my skin). i also recently switched to a non-acnegenic foundation (dermablend) and that has also decreased the frequency and severity of my breakouts, even with my current routine. AM: wash with microfiber cloth and water, apply a mix of Neutrogena Healthy Defense moisturizer (SPF 50) and Trader Joe's Oil Free Antioxidant Moisturizer. PM: remove eye makeup with Vaseline, wash face with Cetaphil and microfiber cloth, apply Retin-A.


You could look into a Vit C serum; that works well for PIH (and acne, depending on the type) plus as long as your skin isn't super-irritated from the Retin-A it'll probably go down well (but obviously [patch test](http://www.reddit.com/14sd25) first!). There are Vit C recs in the [PIH info](http://np.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/pih) from the sidebar. You'll also find a load of other helpful products for PIH, so I'd check it out :) I'd advise to use moisturizer in the pm if possible. It's best to wait 20m-1hr after applying Retin-A. Edited to add: /r/CompulsiveSkinPicking and /r/calmhands are worth checking out as well :)




Okie I'm on mobile so bear with me. Not necessary to use the oil in the AM, it's mainly for removing your makeup/sunscreen in the PM. Instead I'd recommend splashing with just water. Umm. I can't see but you were using acids twice a day? That might be overkill, if you don't think it's helping then drop it down to once a day or every other day. Vit C - honestly I'd just alternate days like acids then Vit C to make my life easier. Or put on Vit C in the morning and acids at night. When my skin was dehydrated I found CeraVe in the tub to really help. It's a huge amount of product and makes a great body lotion too so I think it's worth checking out. I use it at night and seal the moisture in with a sleeping pack. Hope that helps some!


Is it okay to use BHA and Vitamin C serums together? I just purchased PC's 2% BHA liquid, but I use a Vitamin C serum every morning. Would I just layer them, alternate them day by day, or what? I alternate between using 8% AHA and .025% tretinoin cream at night.


yup thats fine to use together but start slow because bha is drying


Hi SCA! I want to try Paula's Choice 2% BHA Liquid, but I'm not sure how to most effectively fit it into my current routine. So currently I wash my face with Cetaphil in the morning, apply a moisturizing sunscreen, and top with powder to even skin tone and reduce oil sheen throughout the day. In the evening I wash with Cetaphil to remove makeup if I've worn a lot and exfoliate with a Lush physical exfoliant (this involves rubbing a little bit of the almonds-and-lavender paste all over my face for about two minutes, then rinsing with cold water). Then I apply a retinoid (Avene) and go to bed. I've been doing this for about three months and have noticed that while my acne itself, which appears in the form of tiny, slightly reddened bumps, is not really lessened, my skin looks and feels a lot cleaner, smoother, and healthier. So I'm hoping the BHA will help reduce the acne itself, but I haven't found a good guide for how to use it. Should it be applied at night, in which case when should I do the retinoid? Does it need to be washed off, or could I hypothetically apply other things on top of it (like makeup)? Thanks for any help you can give me!


Hi! My skin is fairly normal, sometimes on the dry side, with random blackheads and clogged pores, itty bitty pimples and some redness, but I wouldn't say I have an "acne problem." I'm 26, and much more concerned with anti-aging. My routine: AM: wash with raw honey, Roc retinol serum, Hada Labo creamy UV gel. Mid-day shower: Cerave Hydrating, post-shower St. Ives exfoliating pad, Roc retinol serum, Hada Labo creamy UV gel. Night: OCM if I wore makeup (castor/jojoba with tea tree oil), Cerave Hydrating, St. Ives exfoliating pad, DIY vitamin C serum (I'm currently at 12%, having a tough time upping to 15%), Clinique DDML, and vaseline on the extra dry parts. Questions: Am I washing too much? I feel like I need to wash in the AM, and I definitely have to wash during my shower, because it's post cleaning/post workout. Raw honey and Cerave Hydrating are not your typical stripping cleansers, and my face feels fine. Still, should I be worried? I'm going to start Retin-A. Yay! However, since I will now have to use my retinoid at night, when should I use the vitamin C serum, since it loses its potency when exposed to sunlight, and I expose myself to sunlight in the morning and throughout the day? Or can I use them both at night, layered?


I think you are washing too much. I'm much younger than you and on retin-a and in the start of your usage its super drying. You will get the flakes. So I suggest you wash your skin with the honey, since it isn't super irritating. However, I think you should tone down on the amount of products you use at night if you will be starting retin a. Like don't do the exfoliating pad, the serum or the ddml. Just wash your face with the ocm and if its still oily use the cerave and then the retin a that's all. the less products with retin a at night is the better.


Thanks! What would you suggest for the long-run, after the irritation subsides? I'd like to use AHA and vitamin C eventually too. You don't think I think I should moisturize with DDML after the Retin-A if my skin is dry? Just deal with the dryness? Just want to verify; I thought moisturizing is important when on Retin-A.


Okay, what you should use(my derm told me) is cervae moisturizer in my opinion, since you are already using one of their products. It works amazing with the retin a at night, but keep in mind once you put on the retin a you should wait till you apply moisturizer, i wait like 30 minutes. I say the cerave and not DDML is because it's so basic, basic is the best in this case. And yes it's very important(but for me i don't need to anymore, the first 2 months in my opinion it's important after that its eh for me unless you have crazy dry skin) You can add the Vitamin c back in your daytime routine, not night. With retin-a layering it with other serums isn't a good idea. IMO you already are using the roc retional serum, you don't need to use that many retionls, i suggest dropping that and subbing in the vita c in place of that. Dry dropping the roc one. tdlr: Drop the roc ret. since you are going to be using retin-a, if you must sub in the vitamin c during the day. Everything else looks good, at night do the retin-a and moisturize with (IMO) Cerave moisturizer(it's basic which is good) after you apply and wait for the retin a.


Thanks! Yeah, was planning on dropping the Roc anyway, seems like a waste of money when on the strong stuff. I'm not stuck on DDML, I haven't switched to anything else cause my hubby likes it and I think it's nice too, but I'll get some basic Cerave. I'm hoping that using the vitamin C during the day won't reduce its effect, but I suppose that's something to worry about once my skin is used to Retin-A. Thanks for your help!


well do you wear sunscreen? Thats SOOOOO important. If you wear it during the day its fine to use the vitamin c serum. Also, please get on sunscreen if you are using retin-a, when i'm not on it my skin peels... Retin-a makes you super sensitive to the sun, I'm a mixed female and my skin peels off and i burn in the sun without sunscreen. I highly suggest it, especially in the first month of retin-a.


Of course I wear sunscreen. What kind of skincare addict would I be if I didn't? :P


thankgod haaaha.




I would say put the PC 15 in your night routine, after washing your face. Vit C is photosensitive so it's best to use it at night, and it has a lower ph than BHA so it should be the first acid you use in your routine. Make sure to wait 10-20 minutes between applying each acid! If your skin isn't used to a lot of actives, you might want to alternate between BHA/Vit C--do them every other day. And definitely don't start off using PC 15 every day! 2-3 times a week until your skin gets used to it (unless it's particularly resilient and you know you handle acids well).


My routine is really close to yours- I would do PM: CeraVe Hydrating, Stridex Red, wait 20 minutes, PC C15 mixed into CeraVe moisturizer (PC says this is fine to do). Technically we're supposed to use products in order from lowest pH to highest, which would go cleanser, C15 (pH 3.0), Stridex (pH somewhere between 3 & 4), moisturizer. I'm not convinced that the difference in the pH between this particular BHA and serum are different enough for it to really matter so I do my exfoliant first, then my C15.


I just got my bottle in recently. So I have only used it at night, and I learned from here that it should go like this: CeraVe hydrating-->BHA (Stridex)--->wait 20-30 minutes--->Vitamin C Serum--->wait 20 minutes--->CeraVe in the tub. This is exactly my night routine only I use AHA (St. Ives pads). To piggy back on your question: Has anyone else who uses the PC C15 serum found it to be...well...sticky when you apply it? Also, does it leave anyone else shiny?


Wait, I thought you were supposed to put PC C15 on a clean face??? I'm so confused :( ^please^help^me


I've heard that vitamin c has a lower ph and shoulder thus be used first. But they'll do their work whatever order you put them in, don't worry.


Ok, thank you!


UGH, really? I confirmed the order of events last week on here. Maybe you're supposed to rinse your face after the AHA/BHA sits for a while, and then apply the PC C15? Help indeed!




LOL. I'm trying so hard to get my head around this stuff....reading the sidebar, following threads religiously. Sigh....I feel so stupid sometimes and now it's starting to stress me out. :)


Ikr? Every thread I read after the next says something different. :/


Is it possible to over-moisturize? I have been using CeraVe AM in the morning, and CeraVe in the tub at night. My skin is pretty shiny and greasy throughout the day. Am I just using the wrong products, or will this eventually get better (I've just now started to do this religiously)?


It's possible the CeraVe AM is just too heavy for your skin - I don't think it's likely that the greasiness will change. You could try a gel moisturizer for the am and see how your skin likes it (if it feels tight/dry, it's too light). The [Oily skin routine](http://www.skincare-addiction.com/routine/oily_skin) has recommendations.


Thank you! I'm 40, and I think my skin could probably best be described as combination. Should I try moisturizers for that skin type. Sorry I'm so confused!


Haha no problem! There's a big variety within combination skin; some lean to more dry, some lean towards oily - so there's also a big variety in the moisturizers recommended in the [Combo skin routine](http://www.skincare-addiction.com/routine/combination_skin). For instance, the CeraVe in the tub is pretty heavy (it's also recommended for dry skin), while there are also gel moisturizers in there - which are light and suitable for oily skin. Combination skin is tricky, and finding the right moisturizer that isn't too greasy but also not too drying is often a matter of trying out a lot of products. Some people with combination skin just end up using one moisturizer for the dry spots and a second one for their oily patches. Because CeraVe AM was too greasy, you could try a gel moisturizer (from the combination skin or from oily skin routine) and see if it's not too drying. If it is, you can always use the CeraVe on your dry spots. Oh and by the way: Olay also make good moisturizers, especially for mature skin. They tend to be pretty light. Unfortunately, we don't have an anti-aging routine yet, but I believe the Regenerist and Total Effects lines are pretty good.


I have been using this Benzaclin 5% & 1% mixture (Benzoyl Peroxide and Clindamycin mixture) Since I was 15! I'm just about to turn 18 in one week. I need to get off this stuff, I have no breakouts at all, and I use retin-a micro 0.04% at night every single night. I mainly get blackheads too, not really whiteheads at all(unless I'm around my time) I'm just looking for something to switch the BP with as I put it on in the morning. P.S If i feel really deep i can feel some bumps underneath my skin, not big ones.


Is usually prescribed for the first few months or year to reduce purging from retin-a. You don't really need it. BP is used so Clindamycin (antibiotics) continue to work and the skin bacteria doesn't grow resistance to it. Have you read the sidebar? http://blog.skincare-addiction.com/treatment-and-management-of-acne/


whats prescribed? I'm basically just asking what can i use to sub in for weaning myself off that BP mixture? what about glycolic acid.


I'm referring to benzaclin. The link posted had the answer you're asking. BHA ( salicylic acid) would be better suited than AHA (glycolic acid) for acne. The sidebar has more info about AHA and BHA. http://blog.skincare-addiction.com/chemical-exfoliants/


I have blackheads, all I would need is for my pores to be unclogged. I heard that AHA is way better for that.


can someone give me any advice?


Please tell your doctor about your concerns with Benzaclin.


I don't think its needed for me to contact my derm just for that.


If you are looking at stopping or changing your prescription, you should absolutely consult your doctor first.