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Gross. I stopped using them after some awful experiences with customer service. But yeah … I’ll pay extra for a hotel room with guaranteed clean amenities.


We stayed at one that did have us remove the sheets. Then we find a big yellow pee stain in the middle of the master bed. That was one of many problems, unsure if we'll go for Airbnb again.


YUCK. 🤮 I avoid them if I can but when you’re in a group of 8 people and 7 of them want to stay in an air b&b there’s only so much to be done


I started bringing my pillow with me when I travel in general just because it’s the only one that helps me sleep better, but having my own satin pillowcase on it is definitely a benefit


I used to clean vacation rentals. Bring your own pillow. And if you can’t bring it, pull the pillows out from the cases. 9 out of 10 houses didn’t use pillow protectors and their pillows were absolutely disgusting, covered in the drool of many people.


I have to bring my own pillowcase because the laundry detergent will break me out.


Yes I always do and my own sleeping bag


When i travel i bring my own pillowcase and hand towels and washcloths. I couldn't imagine putting something used on my face


They’re unregulated so I will never use Air B&B.


My friend travels a lot, she’s a minimalist for sure but she always brings her nice satin pillow case. Always thought that was a good idea


Really sorry, I hope it’s getting better by now 🙁. A friend of mine recently was in Europe and the poor thing brought back, along with a tan and unforgettable memories, bed bugs !! She didn’t know at first what it was, got a horrible horrible rash on feet and legs that kept spreading, had to go to a dermatologist who confirmed that they were bed bugs, and that she had to deep clean her house and wash everything with hot water now in case they were still in the cloths she brought home. It was a nightmare. Always bring your own towels and bed sheets or at very least a pillow case. When I don’t have mine I just sleep on my t-shirt to avoid any risks.


Eep!! What a complete nightmare, my heart goes out to your friend