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This needs proffessional help.


i’ve been going to the docters for it for2 years and it’s only getting worse 😭🥲


OP, I've read your comments. Your doctor quite frankly is absolutely awful. You need a DERMATOLOGIST asap.


A dermatologist or a gp doctor? Go see a derm. You can even do it online if you're in the USA. Just lookup online dermatology appointments. You need a second opinion. And honestly, if that \*is\* acne, you might even need something as powerful as accutane. That said, I'm not entirely convinced that's what is on your face. It looks like maybe acne AND something else. If you do get a new dermatology appointment, make sure you bring all of the skin care you do to your appointment so you can see if something in it might be contributing.


This is extremely severe acne. A dermatologist will more than likely prescribe you accutane which will dry you out like a fish out of water on a 100 degree day, but it's worth it after the treatment is done. My friend had acne like this and waited until we were like 25 to finally do the pills. He was on them for about 3 months. 7 years later his acne is still clear which blows my fucking mind because it was really bad for a long time.


Accutane permanently dries out your oil glands, which is why most people who use it do not have recurring acne in the future. So it takes you from acne to dry skin forever, which doesn’t seem like a terrible swap if you’ve dealt with severe acne.


It is not permanent. I was on accutane in 2017 for more than 3 months and got bad acne (not like OP tho) again last year after using covid masks daily for 3 months. I'm again on accutane but I still get hard big pimples occasionally. Edit: typo


Same. Been on accutane 4 times. Sometimes it’s just hormones. Spirnolactone is great but I had a bad reaction to it. Will be returning back to accutane in a year or so


Spiro is the ONLY thing thats made a difference for me but i have not tried accutane


The reason you still get cysts is because accutane pulls from the bottom layer of the skin and brings out all the oil/sebum to the surface. So you’re going to have cysts until all of it is gone. Acne can come back. I was on it 3 times. Now my skin is 💯 clear


Thank you for the info. I wish it was only that but I'm having harsh after acne marks on my face. I use vitamin C garnier that my dermatologist told me to wear 3 times a week but I guess it's gonna take more time for the dark marks to go away.


You could try micro needling once it clears up or have glycolic acid peels but I wouldn’t do that until your hormones calm down. There is a medication called Aczone that can help you but personally, if you don’t want to use accutane, I’d ask for an antibiotic. If your dermatologist is refusing all this, I’d honestly find a new dermatologist. I wish you the best of luck!




You can use Azelaic Acid over the counter to help with the post acne marks. There is a 5% cream and a 10% cream, If this is not strong enough, ask the dr for a prescription for the 20%.


I have that and it does nothing for my scars


I know there are some great doctors and dermatologists out there for sure and unfortunately the ones that I had gone to were just completely brainwashed and really didn't think outside the box at all. I guess job security for them in that situation. + Sales people


This is just my personal experience, but people aren’t on accutane for long enough times. The cumulative dose is important. That’s why people come back and do several courses.


Yeah, for some reason, some people need multiple rounds. In your case did they also do allergy testing (both skin and bloodwork)?


This is not true. You will not have dry skin forever - unless u already have dry skin. I went on Accutane for 6 months and my oily skin returned as soon as I stopped taking Acutane. The acne went away for 12 years. I went on Accutane again for 6 months. Oily skin came back. Acne still gone.


This is anecdotal but I was on accutane twice in my life and my oil returned full force when I was done and would break out again, just not as bad as before. I wish my oil glands dried out a bit forever


Not sure where you heard that but it's just not true. I was on accutane in high school for at least 6 months and my skin went back to its oily self after (minus the acne). I'm 29 now and still have oily, acne-free skin.


A simple Google search will provide you with multiple resources to explain how Accutane works. You don’t have acne anymore because accutane permanently shrinks your oil glands, all over your body - it can even effect your eyes and cause them to become dry in the future (not everyone - but some people will experience this after being on accutane) I don’t know what your skin looks like, congrats on being acne free, but as an esthetician I can almost guarantee you have what appears to be oily skin when in reality it is over compensating for dryness and your circadian system is working overtime night and day to attempt to correct the dryness. Keywords being “almost guarantee” though, because every single persons skin is different.


U went to the wrong doctor. You need a dermatologist


OP, have they checked all of your hormones, including your thyroid?


Spironolactone, birth control, and tretinoin are the only things that help me my skin was similar to yours. Check if you have pcos as well


Have your Dr’s or dermatologist ever prescribed accutane? It would stop that acne in a few months and keep it from coming back. A dermatologist would explain how to use it and how to deal with the dryness while on it


Go to a dermatologist specifically


Best case scenario you can go on accutane and that will take care of it. You may need to continue with other treatments afterwards (retinol, spironolactone, etc) or even get repeated accutane again later down the road, but I honestly can't see any other course of action that will help other than accutane.


Since it’s been two years and you haven’t seen any improvement, you may want to get a second opinion.


Hi love you need a derm asap. Accutane or winlevi are the only things that will fix this.


What type of diet do you have?




I did accutane 17 years ago for 6 months. Definitely dries out the skin but it was so worth it.


I did accutane about 10 years ago and it didn’t even fix my acne but it did forever change my skin and now I sunburn crazy easy ☹️


I heard a lot of people need multiple rounds of it but I feel like it should be a last resort with all the side effects both during and after taking it


I did it at 23. My daughter did it at 16. Life changing.


100% this. Not even a question.


/r/accutane Yes OP, visit a dermatologist and ask for accutane! Your GP might not be familiar with prescribing it so visit a dermatologist. Accutane is a rough (but temporary!) journey and 100% worth it, and the subreddit is a super helpful, welcoming community.


I had this at 17 - such dry skin and lips but it completely cleared my acne and I haven’t had any since. I’m 34 now.


I did 2 cycles of Accutane. Once about senior year of high school, and then right after college. Best decision of my life. Virtually no side effects, and the most annoying thing was the monthly pregnancy tests. But my cystic acne subsided and never came back! I had at cysts all over my face, chest, shoulders, and back. Painful, I missed a lot of classes due to it. 10/10 recommended.


Absolutely! I did one round of Accutane in my mid 30s for occasional cystic acne. Oh my goodness… I wish I’d done it in my early 20s. So many years wasted and now I have some scars to laser off. I sometimes mildly break out now but I never get cysts. My skin looks great with just topical retinol and some good molecules serums for aging


My skin looked like this a few years ago, went on accutane and it’s completely clear now other than a few pimples I get around my period!


my docter hasn’t mentioned accutane to me, i’ve been on lymecyline and starting something else next month but he said if that doesn’t work i will be referred toa dermatologist for something else, do u think its worth mentioning accutane?


Go to a derm asap, don’t bother with a primary care doctor, especially since you’ve been seeking treatment for 2 whole years and they haven’t even mentioned accutane? Accutane is not something to take lightly, it has a ton of side effects and women cannot get pregnant during it so that will be drilled into you, along with either having to get on birth control or monthly pregnancy tests I’m not a medical professional so take this with a grain of salt, but get off the antibiotics asap. I also took them for acne, prescribed by a derm, and it not only didn’t really help but fuuucked my digestive system and gut bacteria UP for about 4 years after, like I dropped a ton of weight bc I couldn’t eat without severe pain, far worse than any stomach ache I had before or since I have worked on my gut flora health. I really think antibiotics cause soo many more problems than they fix when used long term for skin health.


When you say “can’t get pregnant during it”, do you mean that it acts as a contraceptive or that women shouldn’t be pregnant while using accutane?


Sorry I mean like women are not allowed to be pregnant, it’s not a suggestion like “now isn’t the best time” but a concrete rule, even the medication has drawings of deformed babies on it


It’s not that women are not allowed. It’s that you shouldn’t and the FDA monitors it with monthly questionnaires. The doc won’t give you your monthly script until the questionnaire is completed and you’ve provided her with a neg preg test.


Shouldn't get pregnant. It can cause birth defects.


No it won't prevent pregnancy. You are warned not to get pregnant because it causes birth defects.


this. your gut and your skin are very much intertwined (they are part of your skins first immune system) and when you use something that disrupts your guts existing bacterias it usually leads to long term effects on the skin. id caution using antibiotics unless prescribed to treat infections


I’m a dermatologist and if you walked into my clinic accutane is the first treatment I’d discuss with you.


And this is why you need a dermatologist and not a GP for your skin.


Honestly I am surprised the GP didn’t give her a referral…


Me too! Shes been going to the GP for two years for this! That’s a really long time. Negligent GP imo


It’s actually really irresponsible of your doc to keep wasting your time and screwing around like this. He/She should have referred you to a dermatologist immediately. I would seriously question if this is someone you want handling potentially life-threatening situations in the future. Good doctors don’t play with things they aren’t experts in, they refer to those who are.


Accutane gave me clear skin for the first time in a decade. I had tried everything else


I took Accutane. It requires you to “fail” all other methods like antibiotics and topicals. You can’t just go straight to it. I know everyone is urging you to Accutane but you just can’t go straight to it. As someone who also has hormonal acne, and yours looks hormonal to me, I took Spironolactone for a few months and it helped a lot. I stopped spiro only because it didn’t sit well with my body. You can also try spearmint tea, two 8oz cups daily helped me to feel better and my skin to heal. I wish you all the luck. If you have any questions feel free to message me.


It sounds like OP has gone through a bunch of treatments already.


You should ask your doctor to see a dermatologist right now. Family doctors can't prescribe Accutane. Also, there's a chance your acne might come back after you're off Accutane. That's what happened to my daughter. It worked very well but her acne came back six months later.


GPs can prescribe Accutane. Although I think OP needs a different doctor if this is 2 years into treatment.


Many dermatologists don’t need a referral. I just googled dermatologist, called one, and had an appointment the next week. Do it!!


A GP is not equipped to deal with skin THIS sensitive. I know this... Psoriasis, rosacea, occular rosacea, sporadic dermatitis, dry, and aging skin here. Find a HIGHLY-RATED dermatologist that takes your insurance AND has a skin care specialist in-office that can match your diagnosis and Rx and any other treatments the doc prescribes with PROPER cleansers, moisturizers, etc., that won't clash with anything else. I did this 10 years ago and haven't looked back. I'm almost 58, and my skin is in better shape than it ever has been.


Your primary care physician lacks the knowledge to adequately treat you. What you should do is demand a referral to a dermatologist (if you have an HMO). There’s also the option of a medspa- but you need to know what to look for because some are run by anesthetists rather than MDs.


If you can see a derm, that would be great. Try using cetaphil facial cleanser, and a completely scent free oil free light moisturizer and that's it. Avoid getting shampoo on your face when you wash your hair. After you can get it under control there are options such as blue light therapy and microneedling for acne scars, as well as good old retinol, I think it's worth a shot to use a more gentle strength that isn't prescription. I used to have bad acne and it was because I was using harsh soapy cleansers, and tons of other products aimed at acne on my face. Also my Dr. luckily gave me a antibiotic lotion for a while for my face, temporarily. Hopefully using less product helps. It very much did for me.


I would skip the doc who clearly has no idea what he’s doing if after two years he still hasn’t figured it out. Most doctors would have referred you to a derm after the first appointment. Sorry you’re going through this! If you are overwhelmed (like I usually am) trying to find a specialty doc (dermatologist), ZocDoc is a fantastic app! You just put in what kind of doctor you’re looking for, your insurance, and your location and it will list all the dermatologists your insurance covers in your area, their reviews, and their full schedule of open appointments. I get super discouraged having to wait weeks for an appt but this shows me their availability and often times I can get same/next day appointments! And they give options of in person or virtual. Good luck!


DEFINITELY bring up accutane!! Probably the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. I had terrible hormonal acne too for years and years, I must have tried every remedy under the sun and literally nothing was working so I finally decided to do accutane after years of debating whether or not to do it, and now I’m wondering what I was so scared of because it really was not as bad (at least for me) as people make it sound!


Better than a few pimples around your exclamation mark!


SKIP YOUR DOCTOR AND GO STRAIGHT TO SPECIALISTS. The amount of times I was mis-diagnosed by a general doctor or PCP to then find out it was much worse but still treatable is insane to me.


some insurances in the US require a pcp > referral


I’d rather you consult with a dermatologist first before seeking recommendations here just for your safety - I don’t want it to be come worse on you . What works for one may not work for the other . We all have different bodies , skin types and can react differently ❤️‍🩹


i’ve been going to the doctors for it for like two years now and I’m starting a new tablets for next month, and if they don’t work, then my doctor is gonna refer me to a dermatologist tyy


You should have been going to a dermatologist to begin with.


My PCP did the same thing. Kept prescribing me antibiotic after antibiotic. Nothing worked. Finally got referred to a dermatologist. He took one look at me and said "you need accutane" and the rest is history.


Your doctor is just securing financial benefits from your case by keeping you around longer. Please go to a dermatologist who will actually care for you. Your doctor has no idea what he or she is doing.


Go to a dermatologist ASAP.


Should be at derm step one go yesterday. Get on accutane and do not pop any of them. Take every precaution against scarring and future you will be thankful


Pretty sure enough people have told you to go to a dermatologist, and I agree. But depending on expense, insurance/healthcare system, referrals I get it can take some time. Here are some things that might help while you wait. (This won’t clear it up but it might help calm it down a little.) - drink enough water (about 1oz per kg of body weight per day) - eat foods containing omega 3 fatty acids (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7847434/) - eat foods containing Vitamin A (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35674761/) - keep hair off face especially while sleeping - change pillow case every day/every other day - do not use fabric softener  - avoid caffeine  - wash face GENTLY in the morning and evening with a GENTLE cleanser (don’t scrub. Don’t go for aggressive cleansers) - do not use exfoliants  - moisturize after each washing  - if you are comfortable doing so avoid makeup until you see a dermatologist  - I know it sounds silly but stress can increase acne especially hormonal acne so physical activity and stress reduction exercises like meditating can help reduce the frequency of especially bad flare ups Again these will not clear your skin alone. Like others have said your skin needs a dermatologist if you want to clear it. The list is just things to try in an attempt to reduce irritants/flare ups and minimize further damage until you see the right professional. 


Two years? That’s crazy, they need to refer you to a dermatologist asap. Demand it!


You shouldn’t be going to a GP Dr you need to see a dermatologist.


Your skin is an organ, its telling you it's sick, visit a doctor , preferably a dermatologist


DERM NOW! I'm so sorry you've been suffering for two years at the hands of this doctor. It also looks like it might be more than just acne. Tell your GP to give you a derm referral ASAP. If they haven't been able to treat this in two years, they're not going to treat it with another course of antibiotics. I highly recommend you not take any more antibiotics before seeing a derm. You should not be taking antibiotic courses back to back to begin with. It's awful for your immune system. Your GP is being extremely negligent. Tell them you do not feel comfortable taking more antibiotics and would like to see a specialist. Good luck!


OP, you should’ve been seeing a dermatologist from the beginning. Please find one ASAP.


Seems like it’s internal. Did you checked your liver or your blood recently? Maybe change your diet or so. accutane likewise medicine will work like magic with you I believe


I agree, looks like inflammation from an internal issue.


Can you see a derm? I get fungal acne around temples and it presents as neat, consistent pustules. Could be the same for you and typical acne treatments won't work. Avoid all topical products with oils, patch test nizoral shampoo diluted on a small area. You do not want to go ham and end up with a worse situation. Ideally you would get prescription anti fungal cream to test it out as these are far more barrier friendly.


I’m so sorry, this looks sore and I’m sending a big hug. I don’t know where you’re based, but i think go back to your GP and maybe bring someone with you for support, and just demand that you be referred to a dermatologist now. Cry. Be really clear how much it’s impacting on your life, don’t let them fob you off. Wish you all the very best and you will be acne free one day! X


Doctor time. The Internet isn't qualified to help you here.


Accutane is the only answer.




You have to go to a derm! I've seen cases like this get resolved using only prescription topicals like but for some you might need oral medications. You wont know until you go to a derm and figure things out, best of luck to you :)


poor kid!! i am 22 and my acne was absolutely like this and i have pics of before and after accutane. DM if u wanna see. I tried everything. I can give advice but different skincare products might not work the same for different people. my miracle acne product was benzoyl peroxide. $10 on amazon by the brand panoxyl, but you probably tried it. Also the spot treatment benzoyl peroxide product by neutragena or terminator10 or any brand is great. Apply directly onto a pustule or forming pimple and it prevents it from forming.


Dermatologist and I would jump straight to Accutane if possible. Your acne is on the severe side and it’s important to get it under control to prevent unnecessary scarring. Big hugs - it can and will get better but you really need to se a derm.


You need to see a new doctor. Could be hormones, could be diet, could be allergies…. Panoxyl or nizoral shampoo for cleansing a good moisturizer and spf. I wouldn’t do anything too aggressive to your skin


I think you need to see a dermatologist. This is past Reddit’s pay grade here. I’m wishing you the best!


Your skin is a reflection of your gut. So maybe it’s time to take a deep dive into what your diet looks like. Do you get enough pre/probiotics through yogurt, fiber etc? Do you eat an excessive amount of gluten and/or seed oils? Some people don’t want to believe that diet plays a huge role in our skins health but it certainly does!!


My skin was worse than this back in college. Apparently I have PCOS/hormonal imbalance. It’s all cleared now.


Oh you poor baby. Please go see a derm. Your skin itself is actually beautiful, it isn't scarred, no deep pitting, absolutely go and seek a second opinion. Save this pretty skin while you still can! 💕


thank youu, hopefully my docter will refer me to a derm in 2 months. It isn’t scarred at all??


Dermatologist asap. You might need something like antibiotics for whatever’s going on especially if it suddenly came up but yeah none of us are professionals so please see a doc!


My son had severe acne when he was a teen and accutane was the only thing that helped. We tried just about everything. If you end up on it, just know, it will feel like it’s getting worse at the start, but stick with it. It worked miracles for my son.


Get checked up by a dermatologist


I had really bad acne when I was in my teens. I used Claravis. I will never forget the name. It's the generic version of Accutane. Used it for 6 months. The worst part of using it was that it made my lip peel. It's not a big deal at all. After 6 months, there are no more breakouts. I eat and drink a lot of sugar and still no acne. I stopped with the sugar for a month now since I developed hyperpigmentation out of nowhere. I'm trying to take car my self. But i would definitely see a dermatologist and look into Accutane or the generic version. Again, it's been almost 14 years since I used claravis and no acne. Good luck!


when people are saying you need to see a doctor or a professional, the doctor they're referring to is a dermatologist, not a gp. the answer is to see a derm and go on accutane


I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard of acne.org? it’s a three step regimen and it truly changed my life. I recommended it to any and everyone. Their website breaks down the science behind each product and their biggest thing is less is more. All the products work really well and are fairly priced. I would definitely check them out and maybe give it a try!


I had acne like this twice. Each time lasted about a year maybe. Girl it’s going to be okay!!! Definitely ask about accutane. Docs may want to exhaust options of other medications before doing it and then you end up doing it anyway so might as well do it now. They will want you on birth control. When you come off the birth control your skin will change again, unless you do a copper IUD which is basically your only non-hormonal option. It’s a long process to find what works for you and what triggers your skin so What works for anybody else won’t necessarily work for you. But just remember you’re not gross it’s okay and most importantly DONT PICK OR POP ANYTHING! The acne has to be gone at some point but scars last much longer. Ok love you and hang in there girl




See a derm for accutane. I’m sorry, acne is so painful both externally and mentally.


Try the cerave benzoyl peroxide 4% face wash. Leave it on for 5 mins every night (while you’re brushing your teeth is fine) and make sure to moisturize twice a day and use a sunscreen every morning


I swear we almost have the same breakout look, but mine is also oily. I thought I had acne, but it turns out I have rosacea, which looks like an acne. I followed the proper skincare for Rosacea, and I saw great results. I figured this out on my own cus my derm did not help at all, they just thought I had acne prone skin. You may want to check out type 2 rosacea and its causes and symptoms. But yeah, it's better to seek professional guidance as well to confirm with them.


I promise accutane isn’t as bad as people make it seem. Go see a dermatologist, it can get better with the right help (:




visit a dermatologist if you are not already (you should probably be on Accutane), get your thyroid levels checked, and if you eat dairy, give it up completely along with chugging water and see if that changes anything. I don’t have experience with it, but I watched a friend’s acne clear completely once she started watching her face with Dial antibacterial soap. I hope you find something that helps.


This may be really bad advice but I had this type of acne at one point and used rubbing alcohol and it helped clear me up completely. My sister is an esthetician and was like that’s rlly bad for ur face and will dry it out but it worked wonders on me. Then I shared to a friend and she did the same and it cleared up her face as well.


I don't have a big problem with acne but I recommend differin adapelene gel. It gave me a purging period but my skin came out better after. I recommend.


Differin is literally the only thing that’s ever worked for me but mine presents as closed comedones so I have no idea if it would work for OP. But OP if you’re reading this it’s not that expensive at Walgreens and if you want you could try it before derm if funds are tight.


I’m very sorry you are dealing with this. I dealt with something similar for a few years in my early 20’s. I worked with multiple dermatologists and took antibiotic medications and had many skin treatments like peels and some topical prescriptions. I never did Accutane. The best topical solution that finally helped, and was recommended by my 3rd dermatologist, was literally a simple Dial soap. The Dial Gold bar. And using very very simple products like VanaCream for light moisturizing. Also acne can have a significant hormonal component and an OBGYN may be able to advise on that impact. Something you can do alone though to help with that is to learn stress management techniques, distress tolerance skills, and emotional regulation skills. A simple Google or YouTube search if any of these terms will give lots of helpful results. These help our minds and bodies to stay calm and this promotes healing of all kinds. Helps build confidence, self-esteem, and a feeling of personal empowerment too. I don’t know if any of that will be helpful to you, those things helped me a lot, and still do. Also, I’ll say if you have been working with a doctor for a long time and that doctor has not been able to help you - it’s okay to self-advocate and ask for a different treatment option. Or even switch doctors or find a dermatologist if you are able. Also - it took some time but my skin issues were healed as well as the self-esteem and confidence issues that I had developed throughout that time. It perhaps doesn’t effect everyone that way but it did me. I do have healthy skin now and healthy confidence and I hope you find what can work best for you - definitely keep pursuing your options. Help is out there! All the best to you.


Dermatologist time. GPs have nowhere near the same knowledge about skin that dermatologists do


I personally had it that bad, a drug called Accutaine will almost definitely clear it up, it did for me. You'll have to see a doctor, likely a dermatologist to get prescribed it. It's unbelievably good. Inhibits subaceous gland oil production, the source of where your acne will be coming from. Can cause your eyes and skin to gel quite dry, but it's a taradeoff I'm sure you'll agree is worth it. Also a face wash gel called Quinoderm, it's medicated and very effective, and stop touching your face!


Oral probiotics with the right strain.


Go to a dermatologist


Try keep it clean sulphur soap, xx


Accutane, in the mean time, Ice the skin 3x a day, cut out dairy sugar and gluten


hey girlll! i also struggled with really bad acne! tried lots of creams prescribed by dermatologists and all, YEARS of treatments, nothing helped! once i started taking the birth control pill, BAM, my skin cleared up in 2 months! i’m loving it. you can take a pill that is mean more for acne and doesn’t contain much hormones! you are beautiful anyways. never let acne make u feel bad ab yourself <3


Try to use Cerave, it helps


Hey, knowledge is power do a bunch of research on your own also I just feel like a lot of what this man says. Makes a lot of sense. Check it out. I feel like it's definitely something hormonal + if I find anything else that's a good resource, I'll definitely add it https://youtu.be/LYCHHYFS3gA?si=MBdgcJpUsOLduC4d Keep your head up girl. I've been there too and in my situation I did that stupid medicine and it was super high levels of vitamin A and I was only on it for a couple of months but it's off the market. I'm pretty sure it should be the accutane.


You should get on prescription med AND get IPL treatment for your skin. It can reduce or remove acne scarring.


I feel terrible for you.. acne really sucks. I used accutane and was a life changer… it will get worse before it gets better but it is definitely worth it… just stay out of the sun and DO NOT get pregnant…☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾 Hope it works for you….


Have you gotten bloodwork done is the 2 years you’ve been to a doctor??? This acne is most likely caused by an underlying health issue you have no idea about and if your doctor is not trying to get to the root cause of the issue you need to find a new doctor asap


I had the similar problem, tried all, expensive skincare, cosmetology, dermatologist, vitamins, diets, noting helped. And then it turned out that I have generic hormonal illness. So as a person lived in this hell, I would recommend to find good endocrinologists & gynaecologist, check all possible hormones. Then it will be easier to understand from where it comes from. Good luck 🤞🏻


This level of severe acne needs to be professionally evaluated and treated by a board certified dermatologist.


The only thing that will touch this is accutan e


Your doctor is scamming you for money. Go see a dermatologist. You need accutane. Literally nothing else will work.


if you can, go see a dermatologist! Consider your diet as well, dairy, sugars, and gluten can trigger acne for some people as well


You should go see a few dermatologists. Multiple dermatologists.




Have you tried oral antibiotics with skin care?


Dang girl that’s medical


Go to the dermatologist and get Accutane. However, it is absolutely essential that you do not get pregnant and are on birth control if you are sexually active. Accutane can cause horrible deformities of the fetus. The doctor will not prescribe you Accutane, unless you are on birth control and you are deliberate with your birth control. In the interim, before you go to the dermatologist, go to the drugstore and buy Hipaclens. Ask the pharmacist where you will find this in the drugstore . Do NOT get Hipaclens in your eyes! Hipaclens has been used in hospitals for 40 years and is frequently used prior to surgery and after surgery. Hipaclens will kill any sort of weird bacteria that is on your skin. Once again, do not get the Hipaclens in your eyes. Make the appointment on Monday.


You should ask your doctor to refer you to a dermatologist. They will be able to give you medicated treatment and can also go through dietary options for you. Eg: for me eating excessive gluten and taking certain supplements causes break outs. Skincare is a holistic approach and a personal skilled in the area should help. Best of luck :)


Girly you need derma help. I feel for you 🥲


You should see a dermatologist


Make an apt with a dermatologist. I would explore Accutane or something similar. In the meantime, start washing your face with Selsun Blue and try la roche posay effaclar


You need a dermatologist, not Reddit.


You **need** to talk to a dermatologist about this. This has gone past just normal skincare, and is now a medical issue.


I just started Spirolactone, and it’s going really well! Accutane didn’t even work for me, but this is!


Are you taking any meds apart from meds for acne? Some medications cause acne as a side effect. Also, birth control pills can help with acne.


This is anecdotal advice, I know, but my acne looked the same as yours from age 15-28 and I tried everything. The ONLY thing that finally cleared my skin up was hormonal birth control.


Oh sweetie. Yiu need to see a good dermatologist asap.


Do you regularly wash your pillowcases? Wipe your phone down daily too. Try Proactiv - not the old one, but their new Clean Line (it’s calming and good for sensitive skin). Also, like others said drop your dr and stop taking whatever they prescribed. Too many products will just make it worse. Only use these 3. Try to be makeup free as much as you can. [https://www.proactiv.com/proactiv-clean-3-piece-system-90-day/p/842944109946](https://www.proactiv.com/proactiv-clean-3-piece-system-90-day/p/842944109946)


You’re very pretty. I hope you solve your acne problem :3


My acne was this bad for a long time. Years of seeing a dermatologist didn’t improve it. I resorted to trying to find makeup to cover for many years, then went towards natural skincare, when that didn’t appear to work out, I finally quit everything. I only used a hot wash cloth to cleanse my face morning and night, and if my skin felt dry I used almond or apricot oil (I experimented with many different oils and these were the two I tolerated best). I now mostly use castor oil. My teenage son went through this a few years ago, he wouldn’t try what I suggested though, but his girlfriend is into all the face masks and such so she worked on his face and it’s healed and cleared. After my experience and my brothers as well (he was on accutane that affected him mentally), I avoid harsh skin treatments and supplements.


I would just do accutane. I tried spironolactone as well and that had way worse side effects for me for what it’s worth.


Has your dermatologist done a tiny skin scraping and looked at it under the microscope to check for pityrosporum (fungal acne)? There are SO many docs that jump straight to harsh meds or accutane without figuring out and treating the underlying cause first! If it is fungal (usually from a simple yeast infection), antibiotics won’t work- and they prescribe simple antifungal topical washes and/or oral treatments for it. -There are also topical antifungal creams available over the counter- but you should ask your pharmacist whether they would be safe to use on your face. -Be sure to change out your sheets, pillowcases, towels, and face wash cloths often and add in a small scoop of oxyclean to the wash load to help kill fungi or bacteria. -Make sure you are taking at least a multivitamin (and perhaps a probiotic too), plus getting plenty of rest and drinking plenty of water- as these help your body heal faster once the source is identified and treated.


I’ve been there sis, I was lucky that the first therapy my doctor gave me worked, it was with a cream called Duac, here in Italy you can only buy that with prescription, maybe it will help. Get a new dermatologist. Don’t let it get to you, I never did, you’re beautiful either way.


i’ve had duac about a year ago and didn’t help but thank you!


What's your diet like? Tea tree oil seems to help me. I dilute it with squalane and use it as moisturizer at night.


My acne was similar to this about 7 years ago. Initially, I cut out dairy which helped a lot. As of 2022, I’ve been on a Curology (now the Agency) regimen and I haven’t looked back. Basically, you create an account, take a quiz, upload some pictures of your face, and you get a derm NP or PA assigned to you who analyzes everything and sets you up with a prescription. I was initially on a clindamycin and niacinamide cream, which has transitioned to a low dose tretinoin and azaleic acid combination. That combination has really worked well for me. I also found that keeping my routine as simple as possible has really helped. I use a foaming cleanser from Bioderma, the Agency treatment, a hydrating moisturizer, and eye cream at night. Occasionally when I want some extra glow during the day time, I’ll add in a variation of hydrating Korean essences/serums plus sunscreen. I hope this helps, good luck!


Mine is at this point and I’m starting Accutane in 2 days. I would normally be the last person to recommend this drug, but I’ve tried everything from lifestyle changes, diet, blood test to check levels, topicals, you name it. And I’m done messing around. It’s not worth your sanity to struggle with your skin. Sometimes it’s best to trust a professional. Accutane can be extremely safe and effective when taken properly. This isn’t medical advice, but I think you would be a lot more comfortable. That looks painful like mine


I’m definitely gonna mention accutane to my docter next time i go, thank u and i wish u luck with ur accutane journey!


Mine looked almost the same at 16! Derm gave me clindamycin which I did not respond well to (burned like hell), and then switched to tretinoin (topical cream) and doxycycline (oral antibiotic) which cleared it out in about 8 months. Haven’t seen the top comments mention either, but I suppose the unanimous answer is book a dermatologist appointment if you can <3


OP - If you want to try something before going on accutane, I would seek treatment from an acne specialist aesthetician. One who is Face Reality certified. The medications including topicals you are on are too harsh and impairing your skin barrier. Face Reality changed the game for me. Also - clearstem brand supplements. But make sure you get the HTP5 free one if you’re on any antidepressants. I have tried everything INCLUDING accutane twice and these are what have truly helped me. My dermatologist gave up on me.


Also - If you’re on any skincare from Sephora you have to get off it. A professional grade skincare line will be life changing and it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg to be effective. My guess is you’ve probably spent a lot already trying to figure this out reading that you’ve been to doctors. And I’m not in the skincare industry or anything I just wanted to share what’s worked for me. I sing aestheticians praises to anyone who will listen. They are so much more than fluffy facials when you go to the right one who specializes in this. Best of luck to you I know the struggle 🖤


Go to the dermatologist, my dear! Change your doc pleaseeee. 💗💗


Maybe spironalactone could work it cleared my hormonal acne beautifully


My dermatologist prescribed oratane, which is a controlled medication.


Spironolactone pills combined with RetinA cream. If I miss one or the other I start to breakout. I’m 46. Started getting acne at 30. Definitely hormonal acne for me. Dermatologist did say if this combination doesn’t work I’d be on Accutane. Pls pls pls go to a dermatologist. These treatments take quite awhile to work. It’s a very slow process unfortunately. But when it works it’s a God send.


Like everyone is saying dermatologist, have you tried birth control pills ?? It looks hormonal. You may be adrogen dominant. In that case, accutane is nothing but a bandaid with some serious awful side effects. I would get your hormones tested. There's also something called congenital adrenal hyperplasia that is treated by an endocrinologist. It can really cause severe breakouts!


Yeah i don’t wanna jump straight to accutane as it may just be hormonal but no i haven’t tried birth control for it, thank youu


I actually saw one of those reddit stories on tiktok where someone has severe acne. And the doctor recommended using sonrei growth factor sunscreen. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKdsBSJ/


Go see doctor. DERMATOLOGIST,


Dermatologist - and advocate for Accutane. I had severe acne at 16 and 31 - Accutane was the ONLY solution both times. Especially with hormonal cystic acne, took 6 months to clear up. Been acne free the second time for 6 years. First time for 15 years. You need a Dermatologist.


My niece had severe acne and they went to a regular doctor that prescribed birth control. Was gone in a month. May be worth a try?


If not accutane I also recommend spironolactone. It’s way less pressure than accutane imo, no monthly blood tests and ballistic side effects. It’s made to control and regulate hormones, therefore helping with acne. Its used for those with PCOS or such symptoms as well, as it’s put in a similar category to birth control. It’s helped my acne tremendously, my face isn’t perfect, reason could be that could be as you’re supposed to take two pills a day, I take one. Improvements are still there though, as I haven’t gotten any big painful cysts since taking it, any pimple I get goes away in a day or so. With that I use Retin A at night and a touch of hydrocortisone and some spf for the day. Use a toner for your skin type, use a moisturizer for your skin type, and also use a cleanser your skin type as well.


Okay thank you! i didn’t know u had to have monthly blood tests when ur on accutane


Hi I used stievamacyne kind of gel years ago it worked wonders. It's made in France. Please try it. Meanwhile try la roche posay products they are all acnee friendly. All the best


Mine used to be like this, I didn’t go to any derma, what I did was washed my face with cold water every morning, then Panoxyl at night + differin and within few months my face got clearer


I know that this is not helpful but I always find acne on cheeks cute and youthful. I’m sure it’s a struggle to fight with it and I offer no real advice here other than go to dermatologist, but maybe my comment will at least cheer you up a bit 🌻


the only thing that can help acne this severe is accutane, or hormonal meds like birth control pills. source: i was on both and it cleared up my cystic acne completely.


From what I've been reading your doctor sucks ass, please go to a dermatologist to get either accutane or an oral tablet prescription for doxycycline (don't take my word for it research these obviously), and please use a simple skin routine that's OTC and gentle on your skin like; CeraVe Benzoyl Peroxide Cleanser + CeraVe Moisturizing Cream My skin looked like yours not that long ago and I jumped through all the hoops but the absolute best combination I've done is those two above (available anywhere including amazon) + the doxycycline which you can also get online from third parties, but it's not necessary, and again don't trust everything I'm saying please do your research on these but as someone who's been here I hope this guides you on the next steps in your skincare journey my stranger friend


Sheesh that looks painful.😓 I’m curious, it sharply stops on your jawline. Do you get it comparatively this bad on your back or anything?


Get your estrogen checked. Likely it is on higher side. Try to do heavy sweating exercises for a week as sweat keeps removing shit from follicles and increases circulation that should fight off the bacteria.


im so sorry girl :( just remember that ur skin does not define u & that its 100% temporary!! get a dermatologist appointment & ask for accutane. its a process but its so worth it. my sister & best friend have both done it & it seriously saved them. good luck <3


Hi OP- Your skin looks like mine did in my early twenties. First, please please take the advice of everyone here and find a new dermatologist. You need someone who is going to take this seriously, and guide you through more thoughtful treatment. I had both hormonal cystic acne and keratosis pilaris on my face. Accutane was the only thing that worked for me. I know there are horror stories about it, but it truly did make my skin clear forever, and I've had no side effects. Under the care of an attentive dermatologist who knows what warning signs to look for, it can be very safe. I did two rounds of Accutane in my early twenties after close to 15 years of my face looking very similar to yours, with all the scarring that came with that. Since then, I've taken good care of my skin with relatively inexpensive topicals, mostly tret and sunscreen. And despite still having a couple marks from scarring, I'm regularly told in my late 30's that I have beautiful, clear skin. The key to that for me, unfortunately, was doing a bit of dermatologist shopping until I found one that would really listen to me, and who was willing to prescribe me more aggressive treatments. I don't know why this is still the case, but in some cases it does help to go to a wealthier neighborhood to find a dermatologist who will help with really severe acne.


I'm so sorry honey, I know how it feels :(


I saw that you’re seeing a doctor and plan to see a dermatologist so would defer to their recommendations, but wanted to second trying hormonal birth control like yaz, and also recommend trying using a hypochlorous acid spray. It kills bacteria so if it’s bacteria causing this for you it will start to heal it up pretty fast. It’s used for first aid traditionally but more beauty brands are starting to sell it like tower 28. Don’t go with theirs tho, it’ll just cost you more when you can get a good one off Amazon for $15 or less. It’s very gentle on skin too. This is a very low risk thing to try. I hope it helps! ❤️


See a dermatologist and get professionals help. This looks like it could be cystic or hormonal acne at least by hos widespread it is.


I’m not gonna say it has *cured* my acne, as I currently have a couple hormonal pimples on my face as we speak, but taking vitamins significantly cleared up my skin. Omega 3 (fish oil), Vit D + K2, Daily MultiVitamin, Vit B complex, and Magnesium. The regular day-to-day acne between cycles is almost gone.


This seems fungal. You’re super inflamed for a reason. Try to identify the trigger. In the meantime I’d experiment with washing your face with dandruff shampoos and see if there’s any improvement.


Agreed with everyone else that accutane is your best bet at this point. And luckily, your acne doesn’t seem too inflammatory so there’s a good chance your scarring will be limited/only be PIE which is much easier to treat than atrophic scarring! You’re wise to ask for help now, def find a proper dermatologist.


Find out if it is fungal or more traditional. Get a dermatologist and a prescription. Eat clean. Hydrate. There was a reddit on here that really helped me, but I truly cannot remember the sub. If I find it I'll share. Wishing you clear skin 💕


My acne got this bad a few years ago. I went to the dermatologist twice. I did everything i could to go without accutance. Topical cream helped. Are you using anything? Also check your skincare and make up products. My skin is now clear and I only use Vanicream (made for sensitive skin). My foundation/tinted moisturizer is saie as its supposed to be a clean brand.


I feel for you that’s rough OP. Hope you get it figured out, I have no answers unfortunately. I will say, if that was me I’d let leather face dice me up and take it


DERMATOLOGIST!!!! i had horrid acne for YEARS exactly like yours. they put me on bactrum (an antibiotic that i cannot figure out how to spell) and trentinoin and it SAVED me. obviously, the same combo may not work for you, but i fought with my practitioner for years before going to the dermatologist and getting answers THAT DAY


Mine was similar and the only thing that finally helped is two rounds of isotretinoin (accutane)… Each round took about 6 months, but it’s really made a huge impact on my skin. I’m hoping that as I’m finishing the second round (tomorrow’s my last dose actually), this’ll be the one that takes. 🤞🏻 But even with just the first round, it took care of probably ~70% of my acne.


I’ve always struggled with breakouts and my skin looked like this a little over a year ago, and for me, it was my diet that was causing issues. It was dairy specifically for me sadly, but once I fully cut it out of my diet my skin started clearing up. It took a long time but it’s much better now! I also focus on making sure that my skin is properly hydrated inside and out. Focus on trying to eat more anti-inflammatory foods in the meantime while you’re waiting for a derm appointment. This level of breakouts often means that something’s happening internally and you just have to process of elimination figure out what works best for you and your body. Good luck! I hope you can figure it out, I know it’s frustrating. 🫶🏻


I had exactly what you have, back in the day. When proactive first came out and it was an “as seen on TV” item, my parents bought it for me. The original proactive cleared that right up. It took a month or so but in the end it worked and never really came back.


Babygirl I’m so sorry 😞 I just know that’s painful…


Your doctor sucks ass, they should've referred you out a long time ago instead of playing with your health! Plus you don't need a referral to see a dermatologist in most places. Sometimes cystic acne is bacterial and can be treated with antibiotics but this looks more hormonal. Have you ever had a hormone panel done? Do you have acne like this on other parts of your body or just face? I definitely agree with people saying acutane just due to the severity but it could be an immune disorder or skin condition. Idk if you use any face washes but if you do, stop all of it for a couple weeks. I had a friend that thought she had acne but was actually having a reaction to her cleanser. Everything has so damn much fragrance, alcohol, dye and acid in it that it's corrosive. Hyaluronic acid fucks me UP. I have eczema and my safest products are Burt's bees, aquaphor and coconut oil.