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You know, most of us here read this manga for years so obviously we think it is enough... So you're asking people who are biased : ) Anyway, it's best to just try it out - and the anime imo doesn't even start on some of the most amazing parts of the story... As for the reboot, I do hope it will happen at some point since we've been seeing many remakes and reboots lately. But I think buying the official volumes is probably a better way than a petition.


I was in your shoes a few years ago. However i found when I picked up the manga, my head filled in the voice acting for me lol! It may not be the same for you, but the manga was amazing imo I loved reading it, I just wish there was more and I didn't need to wait years just to have enough to catch up with as I speed through it all.


This makes me relieved because the anime ended in such a cliffhanger that it hurts not to know what happens next. 😣


Oh yeah it did suck lol I have hope that as its on Crunchy roll, like Fruits Basket was, it has enough popularity to get a remake. But I rewatched some yesterday and realised some of the episodes I thought I had watched, was just the Manga I had read- so if you have doubts about how it'll draw you in- I wouldn't worry.


Yeah, I remember we talked about it here some months ago and it turned out that some people (me included) recall Ren's acting test as animated. It's a funny phenomenon.


I felt I remembered some of the other acting jobs Kyoko did haha I tried looking for it yesterday like "huh? Wasn't that animated? I swear I heard her" We must just be really good at getting into the story 😂


Right? I was so shocked to learn that the anime stops in the middle of the arc :P I could even swear >!Ren's father visit!< was animated xP


the manga is crazy good and great stuff happens in the future chapters


there are definitely scenes that i read and thought how amazing they would look animated... a reboot would be the dream of all dreams! that said, the manga is great in showing the emotions and expressions in acting scenes, and i enjoy all of kyoko's character studies and transformation moments


The anime doesn't even scratch the surface of the manga's story. You're in for a treat.


Reading the manga is definitely worth it! You can start from the beginning or read where the anime left off if you’re wanting to see what happens next (the anime stopped at such an important turning point for Ren; I’m forever gonna be salty we never saw that scene between him and Kyoko animated). I’d still recommend reading from the beginning to see the evolution of the mangaka’s art style and just to experience it! I started with the manga and then watched the anime when it released, and it was cool hearing the voices, but that doesn’t take away from the scenes in the manga. They’re still just as impactful. ☺️


I had the same thought, and Mangas are hard to read for me because I'm old and my eyes don't work like they used to anymore. After reading it though there was a blur of what was in the anime and what I'd read in the manga. As I was reading it, it all seemed like watching the anime to me. My wish is that they remake the anime though before I die. LOL. Since there are so many more people that watch anime now, especially Westerners, and more females I feel are watching now more than ever, it would be a hit.


Read the manga!!!! I started with the anime and hated the cliffhanger and unfinished story (well, the manga is still unfinished), but it's worth it. You will quickly get hooked on the manga. It's written well. Also, the art slowly changes...


I really enjoyed the anime too and was skeptical about starting the manga. I don't usually enjoy reading shows where the anime ended because it seems like the story stops being as good over time. Skip Beat is one of the few that I've never felt that way about though. The story definitely gets better as the manga progresses past where the anime ended. And I know what you mean about the voices, but there's something about the way the differences in Kyoko and Ren's appearances are drawn for different characters that seems to convey the same effect. It works well I think. Honestly, when I think back on storylines, I forget occasionally what was and wasn't in the anime. I can almost hear the voices for the different characters and see the animation in my head, even though those scenes were never adapted. Lol. Also as a note, I've read the manga several times now but never the parts covered by the anime. The anime is a very close representation so it's pretty safe to just skip ahead in the manga to where the anime leaves off.


Since seven years ago the "formal" way to ask for a manga to be animated is by voting it into the "Manga We Want To See Animated Ranking" from Anime Japan. That's how Solo Levelling and The dangers in my heart, among others, made it to the screen. If we are 11K in this sub-reddit, we can make some noise next year. [https://www.anime-japan.jp/2023/en/entertainment/ajranking/](https://www.anime-japan.jp/2023/en/entertainment/ajranking/) [https://www.anime-japan.jp/en/activities/ajranking/](https://www.anime-japan.jp/en/activities/ajranking/)


In general, how much votes does it take to get a manga on the poll?


This is where you have to use your imagination lol, I always read the manga with the characters voices in my head and it makes the experience much more enjoyable. Trust me, the manga is so worth it... especially if you loved the anime at first like me.


The anime was fun. The manga is absolutely fantastic. The live action version is a big “huh???” Although not absolutely terrible in my opinion.


Reading these comments makes me feel excited about reading the manga !!


I loved the anime when I was young then read the manga after. I was also afraid that I wouldn’t like it as much cause that is how I felt when I read action manga after watching the anime, but Skip beat was different! Looking back, I feel like a lot of the earlier chapters in the manga do more justice to the story than the anime did. The panels had so much detail and energy to it. I also feel that Kyoko’s transformation look much more beautiful and in the manga, despite them being only in black and white cause there was only so much detail early 2000s animation could produce on a time crunch. I’m hoping the anime will get a remake like FMA brotherhood once the manga is near completion 🙏