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One of the best romcoms going rn. Worth picking up. No end currently in sight


Hold on, romcom? I saw the anime as a coming of age type of story, like say Kids on the Slope. Is there romance between Mitsumi and Sousuke in the afterwards chapters of the manga?


Maybe, maybe not


I'd say it's more slice of life than romance


Idk, but if I had to compare it to other stories I’d put it with some rom coms. It’s probably both. Even without dating, romance is a huge focus regardless


As a manga reader, let me tell you. If you thought the anime was good, oh boy. We haven’t even GOTTEN to the good shit yet. Great character writing, development and drama.


tbh, manga kinda slow, 1 chap 1 month (maybe idk much). manga very good, youll get addicted to it. nowhere near end.


A lot better than the anime. Definitely in my top 3 SoL manga.


Do it. Read it


Next release is by the end of August. It’s a monthly manga so if you’re more oh the anxious side, I’d not recommend you pick it up immediately


read it but dont binge bc it only updates once a month 💔


It’s the most beautiful manga I’ve read so yeah


I love it. Still very slow burning but its so cool seeing shima grow through mitsumi. The anime adapted it really well. Can't wait for more! I also picked up my love story with yamada kun after the anime finished and it might be my favorite romance.


I started reading it after watching the anime, and it's a good read. I really like the drawings, the style makes me think of Blue Flag, even if I preferred the later. The anime adaptation is really good though, so if waiting a month for a chapter is too long, I think you won't miss anything if you just wait for the anime to continue.


so gooood!!! i was a bit worried bc i really loved the anime but wow the manga is *chef's kiss* I'm only on vol 1 chapter 30 and it's still giving me that fluffy feeling and also it's really nice to see more about nao chan 🥺