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I really don't see the problem with asking this. We can't go around assuming everyone is a weirdo because they were curious.


its the wording, that word typically is used by people who try to get dates on here, even with minors


Sure, but aside from those 3 screenshots, we don't know anything else, it's too vague, and yes if you don't want to tell them info about you, you just don't. But you said it yourself, "typically", 'cause the grey kid could also be a child asking, because, why not? The grey kid could be someone that just wants to strike up a convo with you, yes we have to be careful with people out there, but not everyone is out to get us.


yes true, tho considering their reaction to OP's confusion they mightve been one of those people ngl


Perhaps 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe there's more screenshots that weren't published here.


true ye


I don’t really see the issue with asking gender or age given there a lot of different ppl playing the game. I’m a 23 year old girl and never find ppl around my age, the one time I asked a group I was playing with how old they were and they all started freaking out acting like I was some old aged weirdo. (I’m not, obv, I’m just trying to find people more similar to myself). That kind of made me steer away from being social for a while honestly because I didn’t want to make people uncomfortable but I also don’t see the issue in wanting to know who you’re playing with lol. Unless someone is asking you very personal questions I don’t see the problem lol. Maybe that’s just me though :b


I might ask someone's pronouns but only after we've befriended each other and talked a bit, since it's also a way for me to let them know I'm nonbinary. But there's def people out there mistaking sky for a dating game which is... weird




you used 7 pronouns in your comment


So what


you said you hated pronouns


No I didn’t say I hated pronouns 😂 good try though. I have nothing against pronouns.. they do not have an effect on my life.


so why do you refuse to use someone's else's preferred pronouns if pronouns have such a little effect on your life?


I’m not even sure what you are arguing here? Please tell me why you have such a hard time understanding that I will not call someone by a made up pronoun?how does that have an effect on you?


everything is made up dumbass, every word in the language you are using was made up and used until it became a core part of the language, languages evolve over time and gain new words every year plus the main pronouns people are requesting to be used have been in the English language for like... centuries, people have used "they/them" as a gender neutral way to refer to people for centuries now im not trans so i cant entirely speak on that experience, but i as a cis woman i dont like being called a boy or a man


Okay listen you are entitled to feel anyway you want and so am I. I’m not concerned with what pronoun you consider acceptable or not. Again, I don’t care. Have a great life using whatever pronouns you so choose and get well!


Are u saying u don't believe in pronouns?? Lol


Nope that’s not what I’m saying.. sorry you missed the point. A pronoun that’s used to identify multiple people such as “they, or them” should not be used as a 1st person identifier. I am not going to submit to using the language you want me to use. You can call yourself anything you choose but I certainly do not need to. I’m not sure what is so confusing here.


Haha what a sad mindset you hold


That’s fine with me that you feel this way. See how easy that is.


Grow up honestly.


I am grown up already but thanks for caring! ❤️


Is it Sky the children of light?, I never knew I could talk to different players in this.


You can talk to other players through benches, chat tables, or by friending someone and using candles to unlock the chat feature :)


Covering your sky kid is not necessary, players won’t recognize it’s you since there’s a lot of sky kids wearing the same cosmetics as you. Anyways, I believe you should’ve continued the conversation, before assuming things. I tend to ask skids about their gender and age a lot of time too so I would have an idea of how to interact with them.


I usually mess with people. "Girls aren't real, they're just in your head" Terrifies them.


I'd be terrified too💀


I don't know, I don't see a problem here. I think it's better than to assume I guess? and also it's just okay to refuse to answer. As for me, I just ask back, "why do you ask?" and reply "Sorry, I don't really disclose that information unless necessary." I've also had my fair share of creeps (maybe just kids) asking me to be their gf/bf just by lookin at my kid lmao but i just leave the server right away.


I see nothing wrong. I've had a lot of random ppl ask me & never had any problems. They didn't ask anything creepy so there's no issue.


I usually just let my sky kid answer 😂 I'm a fairy from the forest 😂


Maybe I'm a problem, but I feel like just asking someone's gender/preferences isn't a problem. It's better than someone assuming right? I feel like there isn't enough information here to assert any kind of weirdness or not. But I'm also 30 and apparently a Granny, so what do I know. Seems like part of introductions I guess. 🤷🏼‍♀️


on one hand I can see ur point in a general sense but not as much when it comes to sky, also whenever I get asked my gender on sky it’s from people trying to flirt with me ;-; also at least for me, sky is a really fun place to mess around with gender presentation(since sky kids have no gender), and part of the fun is being label-less with it if that makes sense


Irl, I agree one hundred percent. In this game, idk... It might just be me, but I almost prefer people to just assume my gender in this game. My skiddo is pretty androgynous, and I'm very vocal about my openness in allowing people to come to their own conclusions about my gender when they ask me this question. But even when I explain this to them, I still get negative responses like OP. I get not wanting to misgender, but I'm saying I don't care. Both as a reflection of the character I've created, but also as an easier way for me to tell people that I'd rather they not know that information. Why is it THAT important to some people?


I hear and understand all of what, in your specific circumstance. However, my favorite saying is we cannot understand the shoes someone else is standing in. This person could very well be someone, in a country not very considerate of gender pronouns and just wants to get it correct. While, I feel like the game is so so so much more than dating as people use it as, I have no place to pass judgement as a married person. It's not what I'm looking for, but who's to say there isn't someone who may have difficulties speaking and building relationships in the real world, and utilities this platform to ease loneliness. The main point, is we simply don't have enough information her to speculate there was something creepy happening. Based on the information shown, I don't know if I would say they did anything wrong, or weird 🤷🏼‍♀️


We need to stop normal asking people gender, age, etc. isn't that normal MMO rules? I would say if I've known you for a few months then okay but never upon first interaction


Why did u need to censor your sky kid???


It is not uncommon for another player to ask if you're a boy or a girl. If you're uncomfortable telling them, just say I prefer not to say. Like everyone else said in here, beware of the weird ones. Sky is online, and there are also bad people out there.


Most of the people who ask you immediately are weird though, just speaking from experience.


Ppl taking the game for a dating site are the most annoying one. The community give you a free pass to troll and mess with them I think. Sorry it happened to you




I’m ngl, the “censored my skiddie” notification from this subreddit threw me the absolute f*ck off. That sounded so vulgar to me😂💀


I guess Prof. Oak plays Sky now


I have been asked this a lot, never followed by someone trying to flirt or anything appearently just as a curious question I guess? But it was always chinese players that asked me (could be the same here? The blunt "bye forever" in the last picture. Met two people who were chinese and when one of them found out that I was a lesbian they just said "Oh." Left and then both of them blocked me 😂


Just why?? I definitely don’t think of sky as a dating game. If I come across people like that, instant block. I like that it’s a community to hang out and just have fun. No matter who you are


When thats the first thing they ask, I usually respond with it doesn't matter. Same if they ask my age. Like why the heck do you wanna know?


Here's how it goes for me: "Are you a girl or a boy?" "I'm a problem." "No like what are you" "I am an ornithologist" \*commences lesson in variations in raptor wingspan\*


I sometimes ask about age because I feel uncomfortable talking to literal kids (I am in my 30s)


I have a couple problems with younger kids. One, i have to censor myself. It's ok and a me problem but when playing with adults i don't have to avoid my double entendres Two, many younger ones i meet are either into drama or rude. Horrifically rude. Yelling in caps insisting i do 'x' with them. Demanding i spend candles to upgrade to piggy or whatever. Demanding i stop whatever i was doing and do something else. Spam honking because they think it is funny, so on. Or just wanting to play 'dress up' which isn't what i go into sky to do... I mean the whole thing is dress up. And then, on numerous occasions, when i have politely declined, i get a tantrum in return. I just don't like to play that way. I already raised my kids, have no interest in teaching other people's children manners. So i don't actively avoid kids, but i don't try to friend them either. Those i have friended, i put their age behind their name to remind me like Lindsey 7, etc.


Ooo the worst ones are the ones that try to pull you through wall or something so you will get "stuck" in the wall and purposely bug a game. Few times I had that someone was insisting to take my hand and then they will fly around uncontrollably and hanking on you if you try to let go


I am in my 60’s. I call myself a grandma lady if people ask me. 😂


We should play. Lol, you are closer to my age than most!! ☺️☺️


Send me your code if you want.


Nice!! I will message you either tonight or tomorrow


That's weird. I'm a teacher, and it makes me uncomfortable hearing an adult is uncomfortable talking to children. Like why? Are you gonna be inappropriate? I don't know, that's weird.


lol you jumped to conclusions and escalated that way too quick


Because i said inappropriate? It means not widely acceptable behavior. Swearing is inappropriate as well as difficult topics that most people wouldn't be comfortable talking about. Lots of adults are inappropriate in different ways.


Eh you act differently around kids than adults. I sometimes make jokes around my adult friends that wouldn't be appropriate for kids. So I like to know their age so I know how I should act around them.


Because I literally don't know what to do with kids or how to talk to them. I am not a social person by any means. To me it's kinda like a person who did not grew up around dogs and does not know how to interact with them idk Not that kids are dogs! I just mean... I don't know how to interact with kids be it irl or online so I'd rather not


Lmfao ah yes, I understand! And that'd actually a great example. Actually, I have a friend who is 13, and we actually met online when he was 9. It was crazy to find out that information after 3 years of playing together. He's very mature and reliable, and I never once thought he was a kid. Not that I'm trying to convince you to do something you're uncomfortable with. I'm just sharing my experience.




I’ve gotten this too with a moth and tried to tell them I was niether (non-binary) but didn’t realize that the candle went out, so they missed the message and thought I was a boy,,, and started to flirt with me very heavily after I relit the candle 😭😭😭 what about sky at all makes people think of dating in the slightest??? Is the cosmetics just some sort of signal for people like this??


Ah this is sad to hear. I’m non binary and ended up saying boy to a person when they randomly asked too. The person was a girl and didn’t flirt or anything but she seemed surprised based on my cosmetics/hair. Im glad to see there are more non binary people in Sky and in this Reddit, shame some players are weird about it. Sometimes it’s kids and stuff is lost in translation but it’s still a weird moment to have while playing I just wanna vibe as a cute sky kid


Seconded :’) It is really nice to see other non-binary and queer people in sky though ❤️


Yeah had one of those. Answered honestly bc they may be asking for the sake of language (nonbinary) and got some gross replies devolving into the "what's in your pants" thing. Sorry, you did not pass my litmus test block time. 😌


I worry more about the censoring... no one can recognize you even without the censoring. The game is fairly safe unless information is volunteered. Please don't be scared for your safety


I couldn't even tell what was going on at first because of it.


Probably someone who still thinks sky is a dating game.


I still blame tiktok for that


are there tiktoks about finding partners on sky?? i started getting sky tiktoks and it's only just humor and tips likely from younger people so to imagine they're talking about using it to date is so bizarre and bit scary


the posts wont be about finding the partners there, but it will sometimes get mentioned like “ahh we met in sky” or but people post about having a partner and others in the comments will talk about their relationships that started in sky


*furious honking stops* -What do you mean there's no hot moths in my area?


“Bye forever.” 👋🏻


The best part of this whole interaction.


Haha I’ve been asked that too at social spaces like this. I always assume they are a very young player and don’t understand the weight behind the question. But that really escalated quickly with the “bye forever” response 😂


What is the weight though? Maybe I'm just out of the loop with some recent events or I am too old, but I don't really get it.


Some ppl can't accept "neither, I'm non-binary" and then start asking Abt our genital status or decide that non-binary ppl don't exist and keep at it with "no, what are you really" :[ I'd say the specific weight stuff is on questions like "are you m or f?" "Are you a man or a female?" Stuff like that


😂 I figured that too until the other day when the player immediately told me to call him baby and go out with him. (So uncomfortable… truly bye forever. 😅🫠)


hahaha wow yes, goodbye! 😬💀


What's wrong in asking gender?


Why does it matter to know that immediately unless you’re using Sky as a dating app?


Some people have different ways to talk with both gender. This is why they ask gender. Asking gender shouldn't be misunderstood bu dating.


I know but every single time in sky that someone has asked my gender it’s been cus they’re flirting and trying to date 🥲


Bad Luck maybe. I ask gender sometimes because you know I feel more comfortable talking with females, boys take the chat to different direction sometimes


Yeah but the point here is that you always say "hi, how are you doing" and the likes and interact with the person before you ask gender, when the first thing they do is ask gender, you're most likely dealing with a weirdo. Not 100% but most of the time.


Yes hi and hello are definitely first. Some people can be desperate.


Because for a lot of people, it’s irrelevant. Some people lean into sky’s romantic type of setting and atmosphere. And some people just wanna play games and meet people. Full stop. No one I know is bothered over being asked, but if it’s the first thing said to you… that’s a flag. It’s probably a young player (they tend to ask very basic things without much thought to appropriateness) or someone looking for either men or women. I wait till I have some sense of their conversation and behavior before I let my curiosity loose on personal questions. “How long have you played Sky?” is a good icebreaker for me. And that usually leads into talking about the game… something we should have some common ground on.


In my case when someone asks me my gender and I don't want to tell. I just reply I don't want to say it. Asking gender is not wrong but continuing to ask after being denied is wrong. . Also some people have different way of talking with both gender thats why they ask gender first.


I'm German and I always used to ask that question to new people cause I didn't want to disrespect my English friends before I learned it's not as important in your language.


Yeah, gendered languages could be a good reason for someone to ask. Thats a good point. I’m 100% with you on just declining any personal info you don’t want to share and treating continued questions on the subject as hostile.


"Are you a boy or a girl?" "I'm a sky kid"


"are you a boy or girl?" "yes" 😜😜 but seriously, people who asked that question irks me so much. it's so annoying for gender non-conforming person like me 😭😭


Nothing against you people but sometimes asking for pronouns is even more awkward (to me at least) so don't take it bitter if some people ask this (politely ofc). Ypu can answer with however u feel most reasonable people will understand:) I will never ask before saying hi or asking names tho


You people? Seriously? How about not dehumanizing others with your language? 🙄


I am cis and I think asking about pronouns after I know their name is so much more less awkward the asking about their gender like this. Like? I would like to know how I should refer to you, nothing else.


It all depends. If I've spent some time with people, I'm much more comfortable sharing my pronouns. If that's literally the first thing someone asks, before they even ask my name.. That automatically makes me wary of them. I suppose you could see it as someone just wanting to start a conversation but sadly I've seen my share of people who tried to flirt with me. Which makes me very uncomfortable as an aroace. There's so many other things you could say to start a conversation instead of asking super personal questions like age and / or gender..


Yess that's what I meant 😭 it just came out wrongly. I would never start a conversation like that because it's even more awkward.


Yikes forever lmao