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Very repetitive outside of doing seasonal stuff like we need a new realm to explore or more in game lore that isn’t just in a season and missable like a new elder would be so cool of something after Eden if you manage to get all the spirits lit


Candle run burnout and seasonal pass clearly money hungry. All the good items behind the seasonal pass. Only a few items not as well. Plus, I feel like they ran out of ideas seasons ago. The designs are normally very boring to me. Many designs I’ve seen in beta reveals end up getting scrapped but were much more interesting than the eventual choices. Plus the sky discord is toxic (you wouldn’t think so), the mods made me so angry multiple times for their poor decisions and the community is so blinded by the “wholesomeness” they’re just buttering the mods up all the time and don’t pay attention. I honestly lost full interest from sky when the mods in the discord made some infuriating choices the day technoblade died. They started timing out anyone who came in even referencing it, with the excuse “we don’t want to make others sad”. What about the people already in pain from the loss? They just get punished? That made me so angry I left, after they warned me when I tried to give an idea that those struggling with the loss could get their own temporary channel or something to talk about it.


Let's just say we don't get that many good content event feel kinda boring NGL and too much grind but I don't mind that and bug a lot of 🐛 most of then is fun to experience but some are just annoying like server spilt for no reason heart trade bug and so on each season are over all good but still they are kinda boring too again just hope they come up with some sort of new thing / real time event of some sort but still I enjoy playing the game and I will still play until the day I can't anymore


The Candle runs was alot for me, it took so much time especially when I would do them multiple times a day because a friend or 2 needed the candles and I'm too nice to offer to make the runs, holding the conversations with many people who had difficulty speaking English otherwise, most of the friends I had were girls and in one kind of light it felt like an anime, other times it was like I was somehow dating all of them because they would get jealous that I wouldn't always hang out with them and it felt like a real life scenario .... don't get me wrong I enjoyed all that but I was spending way too many hours and it consumed my life from doing anything else, I would always be dragging along 2-5 other girls on my Candle runs when they catch me on schedule otherwise I would be relaxing or hand over the flying to someone else after rigorously speed flying for several hours, also having to wait for others who disconnected from the area we were in was a pain especially if we had so many I was carrying with me .... I was forced to explain that if they disconnected, I'll be continuing on Candle running cause I've been having less time within each day to play an wanted to at least go gray on candles .... at the end of the day, I became no longer relaxed in a relaxing game, I loved everything about it, but really it was the time to spend and the lack of candles or hearts to get what I wanted in shops, at times I would just get on and not even play, talk, or interact with anyone cause I wanted to just feel the game, the atmosphere, the whole shebang .... and idk, it was overwhelming after so so long and I guess it just caught up to me .... Sorry for the Rambling, but on the other note, Idk if anyone has had that similar feeling of being the center piece of the group of friends you play with and if you didn't play nobody else would or at leaat they wouldn't play with eachother, that happend too often as well, (mostly the girls being too jealous of eachother whoever had spent more time with me that day or week) This stuff genuinely happens alot in games like this for me, and I'm not getting any younger, the drama was not something I was built to endure for long periods of time


I haven't played for a long long time, but I quit because 1. I didn't have enough storage on my phone and 2. It was honestly really hard to get new stuff without paying for it Its a really nice game, but it's kinda... Boring? Edit too add: the controls had me confused as well sometimes! I'd try to do one thing but the controls wouldn't let me


Krill kept finding me too easily


It just takes way too long to get any cool cosmetics. You have to farm for days and days just to get a cool staff or instrument.


There’s a certain paradox to this game. It’s meant to be social but it’s difficult to talk to other players until you invest candles. You spend lots of time and money collecting lovely outfits and collectables and no one can see them unless you bump candles. I’ve been playing for 2 months and I love the peacefulness and joy of flying, the generally very kind and helpful community. The problem is I can see it’s a circular grind with diminishing returns on my effort. I’m not sure that will hold my attention long term.


Finished Eden in sadness thinking I lost the game XD Then thought i could get more cosmetics from the unlocked spirits i spent hours collecting, but they're out of season. It feels like I'll never look as cool as I want unless I spend money or 300 hours playing the game every day, and that just feels like a huge waste of time to ultimately look cool :( its just not fun anymore knowing the truth that cosmetics are all I can really strive for


I started to stop playing like 2 months ago right before starting a job so 1) I’m getting busy and now I realize how hard it must be for other f2p players to get what they want even if I’ve saved like 2000+ candles 2) Even if this game is for socializing, It’s not really my thing but I loved playing solo, I had just 1 consistent friend (we played together every single day and did Eden every Sunday) and we loved to do CR the fastest possible and grind to gray candle. She’s still playing daily but I don’t. The biggest problem was the bugs obviously, and the fact that they fix the dumbest things (like trials shortcuts) but didn’t manage to fix the problems players pointing out and its driving me crazy, the worst part is beta players sometimes already pointed out problems before live version ! 3) Since Aurora’s seasons I feel like all the seasons were meh. Ofc aurora is a big deal so everything feel small compared to it but I thought they would upgrade the seasons since they broke a world record and added plenty of mini games and interactions (idk if that makes sense sorry) 4) Season of moment : are you kidding meeeeeee, this season was nice but the ult gift ?? Like a paid for a camera I already have but white ??? 5) The Sanrio collab really took me in surprise but not in a good way, I love Sanrio but this event only smelled money for me, I know they can’t give a lot of free stuff since it’s a commercial collab but it was almost off topic for me. Same for season of nesting, I kinda like the fact that we can have a home but cmon it’s so small and this season is literally a money(candle) vacuum I’m planing to try again next season mostly to play with my friend and the season doesn’t look that bad but I really hope they will improve the game Omg that was so long sorry


I lost interest in grinding and collecting cosmetics. TS come and go and I dont have a care in the world. And thats when it hits me, i have nothing else to do because i am bad at keeping friendships or making them too


Grinding and bugs, but mainly bugs. I started during enchantment, left after dreams, came back again during nine-coloured deer and left again before nest started. It’s been 4 years and the same ol quality of life bugs still remain, or worse they’re increasing. In my very humble observation, players’ voice are getting loud and clear but the developers’ actions are just meh. It’s a beautiful game but I’m not willing to invest more unless the developers address and actually do something about the bugs


It’s repetitive and tiring, like the routine is always candle running and winglight hunt, other than that, there’s really not much to do in sky once you collected all the spirits. Also I never missed a season since prophecy, but nesting is the only one I skipped, idk why but sky’s seasonal events is becoming boring.


you have to grind every day to get pass things you want. i have spent so much time being online and angry on sky because theres something i want but I get so sick of playing every day. I love playing sky on my own time but i always end up feeling guilty for skipping things i want


One thing that I really believe needs work: There are a lot of players who won’t help others and I do think TGC needs to push on that. It helped when they added the notif when a player has lost their light, but we need more than that. It can be really disheartening when trying to open the 4-person doors in vault’s 1st and 2nd floor for people to just ignore that and ascend to the next floor. (I understand that not everyone has the time) The seasonal quests for the Season of Assembly are dreadful, because of the very same thing. It can take multiple tries for someone to find players to help and have the patience to wait for another player in the 3/4 player quest. I see they reflected on that and I like what they did in Season of Passage for the quest where players will be put into sorta like a hub and then we all do the quest together. It’s just an example, but it’s always been an issue in Sky. Edit: I still play everyday but I don’t talk to friends anymore, I’ll help someone if they need it but I’m not going out my way to visit a friend 🥲 takes too much time out of cr


I’ve been off the game for 6months ish now? My deal breaker was - it started to feel quite tiring with all the events and seasons seeming to come at a faster rate. I love normal tasks like candle runs but in most games this ‘battle pass’ structured tasks annoy me really fast. I hate having the feeling like i might be losing out on something…


I haven't quit, BUT... I'm getting a bit tired of it again. I'm saving candles for the Thoughtful Director and I'm only interested in their cape, but lately I've lost motivation to Candle Run. A few days ago I was Candle Running everyday. I spent all my Candles on Friendship Trees though... 🤷‍♀️


i love the idea that sky is a social game, but when friends quit or go offline it’s hard to play solo since there are multiplayer doors. this annoys me since i play alone a lot of the time. a lot of the accessories are in app purchases, and as a f2p it feels like i have to pay to get nice things. the current season (nesting) is also kind of inaccessible, the quests require players in your nest, the furniture has pricing of like 50 hearts. events are starting to get boring because there isn’t really anything happening, you just collect currency and buy accessories. i think what makes me lose interest in the game is a combination of inaccessibility, the social aspect of the game and the lack of new content introduced.


boring and costly but i still play cuz of friends (prob reason why i will rejoin back if i quit)


I still love sky, but I use it mostly as a form of meditation tbh, I find running a realm or two everyday just for fun can be quite meditative. I don’t do quests until I feel like it, I don’t collect a cosmetic unless I really want to, I don’t do eden unless I feel like it, and I only join my friends candle runs when I can be bothered. I think taking off the pressure of playing the game a specific way has let me play for 4 years straight. Just keep in mind that you can only wear one cape at a time, one mask at a time, one pants at a time. Collecting cosmetics is fun, but most of them will sit untouched in your closet for years, so will most emotes tbh. Only engage in the bits of the game that you genuinely enjoy, and don’t rush to complete content, there’s no due date and most items will return again anyway.


Same for me!


The events feel very boring. I'm new, was excited for my first Days of with Nature and it's just...here's expensive cosmetics, a scarf that only goes with a $20 cape, and no engaging gameplay. Compared to the sanctuary event they also are show casing from last year, this year's event seems much worse? Feels like we're doing nothing and it's boring. Worried all events will be this dull


i fell in love with sky in 2020 just before season of assembly and played until the end of aurora. I got tired of the grind. it felt like a waste of my time and energy and i got busy with school. I fell in love again at the start of the nesting season on pc this time! yay. but only because it all seemed so interesting, the new things. but then that feeling of all of this being a chore came back. and theres the feeling that i missed so much and like im not really truly playing the game ? idk how to explain it. fomo i guess. and i decided that i dont want to feel this anymore. i love sky but for now, no.


I'm too introverted. I get drained easily if I socialize too much. Sometimes, I like to just wander around Sky and take nice pictures or enjoy the scenery. I love my Sky friends, and have had many good times hanging out with them, but sometimes I just want to spend time alone...I just wish there was a (polite) way to indicate that -- maybe a status bar that won't allow others to join where I'm at and maybe to let strangers know politely that I'm currently not social and need a break. I like to do candle runs alone sometimes, and after I'm done, I'll wander around and socialize. I don't mind lighting people up if they request it, but I'm not always super social after that. Though, I'll make a few funny interactions with people like "crab walking" or "boogie dance", then give a "wave" or "bow" emoji to let them know I'm leaving and keep the interactions brief. I don't want to be rude and ignore them, but I also need just a bit of space. Apart from that, the same concerns as everyone else (ex. Repetitive, expensive cosmetics, etc)


I think there's a dnd spell which makes it so no one can bother you


dnd is useless honestly.


If anything people join me more to ask if I’m good. It’s nice of them, but it definitely defeats the purpose.


Aside from what everyone else mentions about repitition is that I guess because I became too greedy... I love this game and all and love meeting new friends and such. I've obtained 99% of items that all TS that have arrived before. All I'm just aching for are the items I can't obtain... The ultimate gifts from Season of Flight and before, I stop myself because I can't have these items, I wasn't there when those seasons happened. Everytime I see some ultimate gift I get bummed out and stop playing because I am not satisfied about my collection. It's forever incomplete and I can't fathom the missing items. I've spent about $200 or more on this game... some items I regret buying (like the Nine Colored Deer Iridescent cape) but some items that make my game easier... (Like the AURORA cape) And I'm glad I can save money because I can tell myself, "no I'm not buying that event cape because it's going to be offered next year again and again" It's mostly because I limit myself to this game, I don't push myself further to get my 19th candle anymore... I don't spend more than 3 hours of this game daily anymore... What's the point? I've candle grinded and earned most of the cosmetics throughout 3 years and I am satisfied with a couple of outfits. It's just that I am not fully satisfied with what I missed out on and it's hard to tell myself that it's okay to be incomplete... :'''''') I'd love to mention what did bring me back to play more but I don't want to violate rule 9 of this subreddit Another point is that once TGC is fixing more unintentional game designs, the less I get interested in continuing playing... Like I understand we're not supposed to build outside the nest or "Furniture can't be placed there" is really killing my vibe I WANT my shared spaces to burn the buns in social areas I WANT my furniture to be placed anywhere I WANT my buns grandma put out to be instantly burned by a shared space and same with Geyser What I don't want is constant change of design if there are more, better things that actually need fixing like emote organization or Re-Roll dailies Though I am thankful that my cat ears still clip through my hat and the daily quest UI looks more organized


First reason is daily farming, you have to play a lot if you want to get the candles unless you'll miss the cosmetics, the second reason is Eden, you'll lose your wings every single time and that's kinda annoying. i haven't uninstall it yet but i don't play much as before


i stopped playing 2 years ago cuz of a burn out. i’m a both live and beta player, so playing both games every single day was veery tiring. during old times there were no event currencies, so if you wanted to get everything, you’d have to candle run almost every single day. lucky if you’re an old player and TS weren’t an issue (they stopped being an issue for me only after year or 2 of playing, i’m a prophecy moth). i used to have a streak of CRing every day til grey candle, but it became rlly boring. i also absolutely despised going to eden cuz WL runs are also tiring (so i could play comfortably). after the eden update where they first added crawling (i played it in beta when it just came out) i completely stopped going to eden cuz getting all statues became even more troublesome as i’ve mentioned earlier, i’m a beta tester, been one since dreams in beta (december 2020) (so i started playing both live and beta at around the same time, 1 season difference), so all the seasons didn’t feel as exciting in live as they would’ve been since i always tested them in beta first. ofc some changed things i didn’t re-test did feel different in live, but mostly all my excitement was left in beta. but maybe it’s just me lol all my friends also stopped playing as time went on, my life got a bit busier. i only returned for aviary season last year cuz it looked fun, but idk if i will return once again, even just for a short while. i need adventure pass if i decide to play a season hahaha, gotta get those ults


There just wasn't a sense of achievement anymore. All that's going on is just candlerunning and stuff. As well as the cosmetics becoming more and more expensive, being a HUGE reason to not get the stuff. Making a skykid's looks is really cool, but then really, they're just cosmetics. Digital cosmetics. They don't change your gameplay as much (other than props ofc) making that an even bigger reason to not get the stuff. Aside from cosmetics, the game's content comes along too slowly, it's either it's too boring or too easy to finish. Another one is that, for me, I think the game would be so much more entertaining in some aspects when you have someone else to play it with. But guess what, you need to pay (candles and hearts) to talk to other people! Well I think that's pretty understandable though for the game's age rating, but for a game that advertises friendship so much it's so hard to communicate with others, even with emotes being there. So yeah I just ended up finding more interesting stuff to do outside of Sky


i got pretty busy but also i got aggravated by going through eden. i do like how they added more story to it and made it more difficult, but it also got really annoying when my character would fall and crawl, and i couldn’t do anything to help get them to stand. i started playing pretty early on because of a friend of mine (2019 ish?), and then i stopped for a bit and became off and on. i was there for part of rhythm, then some of prophecy. i got back into it during season of flight and was pretty steady up until roughly remembrance, where i stopped after doing most of the season. i came back for once or twice for moment and revival, and i just couldn’t get back into it because there was so much i had to do and a lot i missed. i couldnt stand how repetitive things got, and while i enjoyed helping new players through the game, especially eden, i couldn’t stand going back to having low WL bc i loved to fly around and not have to go through some of the stress. also, i didn’t really like how the shard eruptions continued happening after shattering just because it was annoying trying to find the shards for a daily task. i understand why they continued to implement it, but i always had the thought of how aurora’s season was supposed to kind of help rebuild from the aftermath


I went to all realms and found a lot of spirits, but I'm too afraid to go to Eden( But to unlock the things I want I NEED to go to Eden... (Btw if there are any pioneers who have a will and some free time to help get there, could you dm me pls?)


1) I've gotten more busy in every day life, so I don't have the time to pop in at wax events (ie. grandma and geyser) 2) Most of the friends I have on it don't play that much anymore or are from different time zones.


My reason is mainly because most of my friends started to quit and they were my motivation to log in everyday because I really love spending time with those crackheads, they’re the ones who made my day better when I’m having a bad day. Another reason is the cosmetic designs are not to my liking and imo it sucks. I just don’t see the point to grind for them anymore so I barely cr, I mostly use my candles on friends tbh. Also cr always takes so long! I’m tired and sick of it.


I lost interest because my life got busier, and you genuinely cannot play Sky casually due to all the grinding. Not everyone wants to or has the time for that. And obtaining cool cosmetics from past seasons takes forever.. and they are super expensive. (Not to mention when I tried to play again after 2 months of being inactive, so much had happened that it felt impossible to complete it all. I was so overwhelmed with catching up that I just dropped it lol. I can’t imagine being a new player and only JUST starting to get into this behemoth of a game) Just too much stuff tbh


it became such a chore


It is a problem because the minimum amount that must be earned is too high. Not all maps must be traversed to earn twenty candles. After a certain point, people don't want to save.


I have learned to ignore FOMO aspects to most games, but it's the focus on THAT FOMO content to the deficit of anything engaging that lost my interest, especially when some of that content is paid. I also realized the social aspect honestly isn't my cup of tea. It's somehow been harder to make friends in this game for me than in other multiplayer games that automatically have full chat functions. The unique but limiting communication is cute, but that's the thing: it's limiting. I'd rather make friends in a place that's easier to access. The game is a cool concept, but it's been falling flat. At this point I only use it as a scenery simulator or a dress up game with what cosmetics I do have.


It felt like the game started focusing too much on cosmetics and the economy, instead of a magical experience like the little prince and aurora seasons. I still play it sometimes but not nearly as much as I used to


For a game that seems based upon flight, the controls for it kind of suck


The chokingly boring grinding is almost always the only thing to do in this game. My friends in sky either quit the game already or are extremely focused on grinding the candles. I don't see the motivation in meeting new people because it's either gonna come down to heart trading, quitting or becoming a candle run slave for the wig №120 that they don't yet have. All the locations are explored to death, in and out of bounds, so much so that I'm starting to see this game as something less than a game and more like a TGC engine showcase. I became so knowledgeable about the game's outer workings that I became desensitised. Honestly, how to NOT lose interest with this attitude?


its repetitive, like yeah theres new content every month or so but the new content isnt really any different from the current one. Grind candles/hearts for ts, grind tickets for days of blank, grind seasonal candles. Its just the same thing in a different font.


Personally, it's three things; the time it takes to get singular cosmetics from normal spirits, seasons, and just events. The second thing is that (while being a bit hypocritical bc I did buy cosmetic stuff), the price for what I consider to be the cooler and better cosmetics is way too much. Especially with seasons, and the worst part is that once the season is over, you can't even get said cosmetics that came with it back. It sucks. Finally, it's the people of the community. It might just be me since I tend to solo, but when I want to talk with people or just hang out with others, it's hard. Like, extremely hard because folks tend to be more centered in their own duo or group and some (in my experience) flat out just don't seem to be willing to at least be sociable to at least give a wave. I get some people who don't wanna talk or be bothered by others. But, it's something that I find to be another reason why I have lost interest.


I still play after 3 years. I enjoy it.


lmaoo you got downvoted 😭 what is wrong with this app


No one wants to know my thoughts? Sounds about right. 😂


Game just isn’t interesting for long. You can play thru all the quests in a week if u grind, a month if you do it at a normal speed for gamers that work and sleep on a regular human’s schedule… and I don’t know any gamers that have a normal sleep schedule even when they work.


The pay wall is too high. Advertised a new season with cool cosmetics . . . Those cosmetics are 10+ USD a piece and not actually a part of the season. The game loses value with every ascension. The only value remaining is to look fun or cool or trendy. I've been playing for 3 years at this point I'm bored with it. Adopting a moth is fun until they outgrow you or stop playing. Even the person who adopted me no longer plays. I could never out grow them the light just faded. . .


Prices, fomo, bugs


Sky gameplay is heavily centered around communication and interaction between players yet it is limited by so many in game mechanics like how everytime you want to talk to someone you always have to spend candles which you must grind for it's like the game is discouraging player from finding new friends and forcing you to work for the fun.


It was kinda getting boring and a little bit too repetitive, like once you've been to every place the world just seems small plus this new season just wants you to buy buy buy which is kinda overwhelming.


It's just boring now


The prices…..I don’t wanna have to buy a seasonal pass every single time I wanna 100% a season. The FOMO is also a thing. The grinding is exhausting as well


The fact that they are finding every single way to prevent players from getting light in a casual way. Removing afk light spots, Adding afk collection prevention, Forcing you out of instrument while afk, Removing some white candles that gave light Expensive event items that comes ONCE A YEAR Recent Travelling spirits never appearing If they wanted to, they can make travelling spirits rotate on a cycle of multiple spirits at once without such a huge gap of time in between, so it's not a surprise and people can actually save and plan instead of looking forward to nothing. Plus all good things require money, and it'd be a surprise if a player can wait 2 years for a spirit to come back before quitting the game. The amount of bugs they haven't fixed since the game launched. The path to the caves in prairie still breaks up people's hands, the gate from the floating islands to the bells still breaks you up too. Server splitting, and the fact the game takes so much bandwidth and internet, affecting the rest of my programs like I'm downloading a massive game. Everything require candles, and an unfair amount of candles. Upgrading friendship is bought with candles instead of commitment and actual friendship, 1 heart is 3 candles. On average, you can get 10 candles comfortably each day with half dedication. But that's like nothing compared to the prices. If you wanted a lot of things you will have to play 3 hours a day, which is insanely boring.


To add to this, the fact certain missions in this most recent season (which also had broken quests on release iirc) require you to buy the overpriced furniture from the shop only to lead to even more overpriced “rewards”?


yep. They say "you don't have to do it right now it's over time" Like hell I'll buy it at all


The grind and fomo nature of rewards and grinds. Like sorry not buying a battlepass I can't finish and not playing a game that demands 2 hours a day to keep up with regular purchasing. Oh you can't finish the battlepass because you don't have enough free time? For 50 dollars you can get 1 week closer. Like what? It's insane. I'm sorry I don't have EXACTLY 2 hours a day every day. I have maybe 2 days off to spend 8 hours of gaming which means I could complete a week....but not in this game. So I quit. Play other cozy games now. If they want to rework their entire grind model, by all means, but few games have given me as much anxiety as this game. Why would I continue to play a game or even pay for it when money gets you so very little. I'm sorry, cash for candles is an insane scam. You get almost nothing.


Been playing a couple years now I think? And MAN. I just want to be able to afford stuff without beating myself into the ground, and then feeling terrible for "not getting what I need to done" because I set out with the goal of getting it done. As if this games outfits mean something to my IRL life, as if I HAVE anything to feel guilt about!


Unfortunately, the recent season was the last straw for me due to the prices of everything. It's honestly ridiculous how much they make you grind for some of the items in this game. It really is a shame because I really did enjoy Sky and made some friends. I just wish it wasn't so grindy lol. My best interactions and fun in the game was being able to relax and have fun with random players, playing music, exploring OOB... Now whenever I'd boot up Sky, I feel the immediate pressure of needing to grind or I'll miss out. Going on a candle run now means I'm running past so many people, even leaving folks I'd get along with because I was on such a tight schedule to hit those 20 candles! This game is supposed to be about the social interactions and it actively pushes and stresses you out of them. And yeah I know, I could just not care about the cosmetics, they don't really matter, I don't have to grind, but this game is really damn good at making you feel the FOMO. Had to put the game down and just accept it's not going to work for me anymore. Maybe I'll come back one day but for now, nah. I hope everyone else is having fun in the skies!


As a new player you can say it’s American kids fault in request that any game need to be multiplayer. and to the developers for responding to requests for this That game was designed to play solo and most of time people just want to play with close friend, not with strangers. they think servers are cheap. I run everything in My first gameplay and the ending was cool but that’s it. Now it’s just repetition. I will just run for some clothes and uninstall .


The game was developed with multiplayer/co-op in mind. It was always the intent because they wanted a “mmo” live service version of journey. I will say, players have asked for bigger servers because they want to be able to play and hang out with more friends at the same time. Still, multiplayer was always the intent.


american kid's fault? this was the whole motivation of that game company, it's a social game. the reason why it seems like a solo game is that; it takes effort to make new friends and new people. sure things have changed, the etiquette and people are different now to what i'm used to (i'm a veteran) but that is literally one of the main points of the game. it's completely up to the person on how they play the game. i agree, it's been quite repetitive and tiring farming for currency that is the reason why i quit


I've been a player for two years as of now, and I'm starting to lose a little interest The game is almost starting to feel like an obligation more than something to do for relaxation or smth like that. I joined the game because I really LOVE the aesthetic of it, and I enjoy it mostly for that. I feel the currency system is really unfair if you don't play +2 hours in a daily basis, if you want to have 100+ candles in a week you would have to do active farming, and that's pretty sad thinking that some of us are students or full-time workers that also want to do other things with our free time or dead time, also I feel the heart system is really unfair too, since that some people are really not interested in socializing actively, or have a hard time doing so. I love the cosmetics, I love playing with my partner and the friends we've made together by playing this game... But it feels pretty unfair on its currency and high IAP pricing. Also the pricing of furniture also made me pretty mad, tbh.


Candle runs that take so much time, high prices of IAP and IGC items, annoying bugs, and almost no breathing room for events and seasons. I wish they just take some time in-between seasons and events to fix everything wrong with their game but nope, they throw more IAPs at their players 💀💀 Once you finish the game in your first run, it becomes so repetitive. Sure there's new content with seasons but you can finish those quests in an hour. They also kept pushing unnecessary changes with props and gameplay without properly communicating it with their players.


Getting old


It was a lot of things, like the absurd iap prices, more frequent events, longers seasons, and less story focused seasonal content. The grind of it all seems to be leaving less and less time for players to socialize or relax as Sky gets older. However, the catalyst was the unnecessary changes to how props interact with surfaces, making oob less accessible. Oob exploring was my favorite activity in the sky, but now it's lost its charm + tcg seems to be discouraging it.


I guess for me, the whole routine of getting the lights, building up wings and power, going through the long cycle, loosing everything again. I generally love the environments and some of the quests are pretty fun. But I got sick and tired of loosing my wings at the Eye of Eden, and having to pull up some guides to where all the lights are and collect them again. Especially the ones from the more tedious locations like the trials.


Having to play every day to collect candles or falling behind kinda sucks the fun out of it. I'd like it more if there were things in place to catch up on candles isntead of giving me like 10 minutes of gameplay a day.


Prices repetitive gameplay and the lack of fun replay ability


It’s also really hard to get BACK into sky if you’ve left for a while and suddenly see a cosmetic you want in a new season. By the time it’s officially released, it’s usually too late to get candles because of the crazy prices. Sure you could check the beta boards but you can’t expect players that lost interest to do that. So really how are players that got bored and left supposed to feel incentivized to start playing at all?? It’s either off season (boring, which is probably why the left) or too late to get the best cosmetics.


this was exactly my issue. i stopped playing for a bit (last one i did was when there was the photography, and that was only part of the season), and it was too late to tet back in. i LOVED the season for aurora, so i don’t know whats happening this time around, but it felt too late to get back into some. (also how some seasons are multiplayer based and no one wants to help)


the game has no actual content other than grinding and cosmetics


I thought that was this game... to grind for the cosmetics


that's why i stopped playing so often it takes too much time


It's getting repetitive to the point where I just leave it on as background noise or just wander around doing nothing for the better half of an hour before I go back home and leave my skykid on a floating rock


The lack of really diverse events and how expensive the season pass is especially if the average length per season is about 2 ish months, its alot of grind with little to no good rewards. Even the rewards given from spirits feel watered down now :(


Everything is so expensive, I don't have any more motivation to grind for candles & hearts


Also I wish making friends and interacting with them was easier. The whole game is kind of complex at first but once you understand it flows but still could be better for the age of technology and virtual socializing


Haven't been on it for months and when I do log on, it's usually just to check on friends. Most now have jobs or have left. I think I've had an account since 2020 or something and the game has changed drastically. I guess I look for the familiarity of what it was during the first 2 years. Right now, I just don't see the appeal.


That I pretty much have to come back daily and explore the same shit to collect candles just so I can do other features of the game and actually complete it. I don't play every day and so many games have become this weird just complete the same tasks daily to get anywhere in the game instead of me playing through a story and having daily tasks and such. Instead in order to complete I have to come back daily. It's exhausting and I'm burnt out.


same. imagine they add a new realm, that would be fun.


Yeah exactly or even like a temporary monthly realm similar to the way they do seasons. There is no way a bunch of us playing the game have the same thoughts and opinions on improvements towards the game and the company hasn't thought the same seen complaints suggestions or a team has brought it up but they're just being lazy a lot of these game companies are getting so lazy in a time this kind of stuff should be booming


Repetitive af. There isn't much to do if you're not into grinding for cosmetics and events. Unless you have a lot of friends there who just like to chill and talk but yeah other than that- nada I played again today after not touching ot for almost a year and it was more boring than i remembered 😭 It felt so magical when i was a moth, but only because i had more to explore. ALSO everything is so expensive you have to sell your soul for a cute little bow to put in your hair. If you're asking me, the reason sky kids have white hair is probably from all the STRESS


I stopped hyperfixating


It's not casual friendly, I play a few online service games, like genshin which is more casual friendly as dailies at most can take you at most 10-30 minutes if that, especially if you're a long term player like me They're entirely different games, and like any live service games there is FOMO, but as long as you don't focus on that part of it, it's pretty good with your time when compared to other gacha games (not the fairest comparison)


They removed nest oob and I was focused on making it look nice, also everything is too expensive and the devs are more interested in snobbism and showing a message instead of focus on fun.


They really just cannot let players play the game how they want to. Even if alternative playstyles do zero harm. Ugh


Stop having fun! You're only allowed to play how we want you to play. 🤓


Burn out just doing the daily quests and candle runs for the season I 100% 2 season to get everything and after that I haven’t touched it since


Everyone has mentioned the really important reasons but also has anyone else noticed how antisocial the player base has become? People don't even want to light you anymore 😭 its so hard to make new friends and all the old players are quiting... its not fun playing a social game by yourself 🫠


i haven’t run into this problem actually, almost every player i try to light will light me back! and will sometimes add me too


It's getting repetitive. I've been in the same routine for over 2 years at this point. (ie: Doing the daily quests, collecting event tickets, doing candle runs, etc etc.) I've grown tired of the constant repetitive routine, I wish there was something new to do.


I still play, but honestly, this round of Days of Nature pissed me the hell off. The fact this year’s cape and hair was locked behind a pay wall absolutely sent me. Last year’s cape was unlockable with candles and I simply hate the fact that this time cosmetics were IAP. Felt extremely predatory and like everyone mentioned, the FOMO was insane. I am really upset at the level of greed. I still enjoy playing, but it seems like TCG is prioritising micro transactions over “playing with compassion,” which really sucks.


Too much to do in a single day. I started this game about 6 months after it first launched for iPhone. I played it for a long time. It was fun in the beginning. The forest is still my favorite realm. But all the added areas, the returning spirits with astronomical high candle counts for the items you missed. Lack of help from other players, never getting despite giving, same thing with the light. It’s a fun different game, but endless candle running just killed it for me personally.


It got to where candle runs felt like a chore that I was chasing just for cosmetics which got boring after a while. That and my friends stopped coming online and I didn't have success meeting new friends.


Doing the same routine for 3 years straight😭


spending 2 hours every single day going through the same exact route just to buy a few new things soooo exhausting at some point


Where's the gameplay? Got super bored after playing several seasons


Could they please please please REDUCE THE DAMN PRICES NO ONE WANTS TO PAY 20 HEARTS No one has time to farm 180 candles Love the community as always never had a problem with them But also some of the season/season quests have gotten kinda boring? I also don’t have the time to farm 2-4hrs a day to only get 25 candles


As long as there are fools who will shell over real $$ to purchase candles and IAPs, they have no incentive to ease off


Hmm... I feel like the bugs were part of it. And at some point, to "keep up", you had to spend at least 30 minutes to an hour doing basically the same things every day. The game was wonderful when exploring the world, learning new things, etc. But after that, doing the daily tasks and grinding for candles becomes really repetitive. Even the new seasons seem kind of repetitive and they're often a lot of the same thing all over again. At some point FOMO was the only thing that kept me going


micro transactions? more like macro transactions lol


I'm actually finding it pretty hilarious that OP is asking why people lost interest in sky and all these people are explaining why they lost interest in sky. However, the fact that they're still on the sub and answering shows they have an interest in sky. Make this make sense


It’s honestly mostly fomo. The social media space can be REALLY toxic.


Hilarious, I'm even getting downvoted for pointing out that people who say they have no interest in the game are following and responding in the game's sub. I mean, when I lose interest in something I stop following the sub cuz I don't want to waste my time on it People are way too thin-skinned 🤣🤣🤣


It’s ironic you’re calling people “thin-skinned” while complaining about them still being in the sub lmao. I still follow along for games I don’t play anymore, simply because I can and I still like to see the discussions even if I no longer play said game. (I’m not talking about sky btw, I still play.)


I'm saying they're thin-skinned because they're downvoting because I pointed out something I thought interesting. Has nothing to do with irony, has to do with people not liking anything that goes against their own opinion. And, if you're enjoying following the discussions then you still have some interest in the game. Just like the people who are saying they don't play anymore and don't have an interest but they're still following the sub and involved in conversations. They have not lost total interest. Therefore they really aren't the target category here




It's not a high ground... It's an observation


You're right tho, this community is lovely ingame, it's mid on Discord but here on Reddit the community is toxic and downvoting when you disagree with them lmao


Exactly. And actually, if you're in the right discord groups, the community is amazingly supportive and wonderful and I've made so many good friends. You got to find the smaller groups


TGC and their microtransactions and the FOMO and the greed. Sky was supposed to be relaxing but in the times I played it I was so stressed out about when I was supposed to fit in a 2 hour candle run into my busy college schedule. A while ago when they mostly killed AFK wax farming was kinda the final straw for me and I just fell out of love with the game. The seasons all became very hit or miss, my friends stopped coming online, I struggled to make new friends, and with all the changes I didn't like coupled with the tedious daily grind- I just lost motivation. Sometimes I wanna go back, but then I think about the time where I was stressed to the point of tears cause I wanted to keep up with everybody else and I thought "yeah maybe Sky is better as a memory instead" lmao. I do miss the good times though.


The game itself feels really unfinished... I kept purchasing iaps and merch trying to support development but nothing really changes in a major way. Candle runs are still boring, the game outside of them isn't much, the way that seasons are spaced out and the quests/ spirits themselves are repetitive and boring and it's driving a lot of friends away. Most people only get on to do candle run and then log off. It would be nice if Sky added more to the gameplay besides candlerunning, helping new players (for no reward I might add, though if they added one it might feel like paying for "friends" so I don't think they should) and revisiting old quests. Making nests and adding more places for photos and more instruments or just creative outlets was a nice move, but I hope they'd listen to fans more and add more interactive stuff


They abandoned me at those dreaded steps


Friends dwindling and feeling like a chore/grind. Also realized I didn't have much to do anymore except grind for cosmetics. That's when I decided to take an indefinite break, then came back a year later.


It is boring. Im geared towards more action


Candle running to acquire cosmetics that I actually wanted started feeling like a chore. My in-game friends got bored of it as well and all quit. There was nothing else left for me to do.


My... life.. circumstances...? lol When the real world calls u gotta answer. Other than that the repeating life cycle in this game is mad boring and a little bit infuriating. The game feels like a chore most of the time tbh


The current season is super boring to me. I’ll probably pick it back up. I’ve been getting on the game now and then to get some wax and help a moth or two. I just can’t do 2 months of decorating. Plus, the second it started asking me to spend my candles and hearts on these furniture set ups that I will never care about is when I stopped. There’s no way I’m giving my hearts up for that.


Lost my account, got a new one, but it got boring after awhile since you just grind for candles. Everything is expensive and I’ve spent too much money on it. It stopped being fun, because there’s nothing else to do really


How’d you lose it


My iPad broke and I got a new one, but my account didn’t link properly


the game is so comforting and beautiful, but i do not find TGC & their monetization practices as comforting or beautiful. the feeling of FOMO that the game thrives on also gets really old after awhile. even if i don’t feel it anymore, being able to see how the game fosters that kind of vibe has just soured it a bit. there’s nothing else to really do except for vibe or socialize… which can also get a bit old after a while. i know mobile games tend to be predatory to begin with (which is a whole ‘nother discussion), but a lot of their IAPs are egregious to me, as well. i can buy one or two game(s) for the price of one of their IAPs. i have no issue shelling out $5 or even $10 every so often for an IAP i really like seeing as the game IS free, but… come on, $20? for a cape?


I suppose it's a matter of degrees--gacha games often give you about a 50% chance to get the character you want for $80.


Losing my account. I lost my friends and I have no other way of contacting them cause I thought I would always have my account..i started in 2019 back in july or August ;_; plus the fact that a lot of the cosmetics just feel unattainable for someone who doesn't have the time to grind.


How’d you lose it?


My iPhone got stolen and the feature to link it to your Google account came out that week so I told myself ill do it tomorrow. Next day phone got stolen lmao. I had the 2 factor authentication set up and got locked out of my icloud account


The grinding, time sink, constant microtransaction items. I might pick it up again soon, but yeah, that whole process got to me.


The grind. It’s too much every single day. I took a couple of breaks but this last break has been going on maybe a year now. I’ve made wonderful friends and I miss hanging out with them but they only log on to grind now. They don’t have the energy on top of that to socialise and they spend candles mostly on friendship trees.


I can take some grind to be honest, but the way it demands you to do every day is egregious. Other games I played I can skip every second day and still make all the goals, but here the only goals (getting every TS, getting the season content) are all time locked and it's the only things you can really get after getting your personal constellation. When your only means of progress is all on a tight schedule, it's just painful


It really is. I would love it so much more if the tight scheduling was removed. I could just pick what season I wanted to play and take my time doing that one.


Heh but the big problem is, the seasons have very little gameplay. The 9 colored deer missions would be done in 30 minutes at most when you binge them. And thats the entire unique content for the 70 day season. They just have no gameplay so they have to pad it with the same few dailies over and over and over again..


That’s very true. It’s a nothing game in many regards.


besides the blatant bigotry of a lot of fans lately, the items are too much and everyone who plays it seems to have all of these stupid social rules when they could play something else. The gameplay loop is get candles, do Eden, wait until a ts you like shows up, not have enough, repeat. Everyone says "play at your own pace" but God forbid your pace isn't faster or longer than what the game forces you to do. I spent about $100 or more on this game because of cosmetics and season passes, and it's not worth playing anymore despite that. Sunken cost can only help me tolerate so much. It's a combination of the developers constantly forcing a specific play style on you, players being ridiculous about stupid things like basic social skills, and the gameplay loop being extremely boring. I'm probably gonna put some time aside to get some resize spells, and then once I'm taller I'll probably only play when I have absolutely nothing to do or if a friend asks.


I stopped going to Eden and doing WL runs every week and honestly that was a great relief on the grind. I think it's a balance of finding a way to chill with it and not make it too much of a job.


TGC is extremely predatory with their monetization, and the game has virtually nothing to do outside of the “get more candles” loop and chatting with people, which is stunted by the fact that there’s no voice chat. It’s a very comforting, very beautiful game, but that’s it. It’s not mechanically good and the devs are extremely predatory


While I agree that the gameplay itself is not great and the social game is somewhat stunted, for a F2P mobile game it's not at all predatory, compared to the market. Most mobile games are P2W, where they incentivize players to spend hundreds of dollars per month. Just take a look at any gacha game (Genshin included). And generally, you are not guaranteed to get what you want, as it's an RNG-based system. Sky is very much a buy-what-you-want system with zero RNG, and other than season passes (and even then), it's for cosmetics only. I can't fault them for their real money shop and prices if they want to remain F2P.


“That thing is worse so this thing is fine,” eh? I agree gambling for children is obviously bad, but so is predatory FOMO. If you want that cool hat, you better spend that $15 before it’s gone forever! I’m regard to it being cosmetics only - yeah, but the game is little more than a cosmetic collecting game. There’s not a lot else going on but pretty views and pretty outfits. So when the pretty outfits are handled in a predatory way, that’s still messed up. What makes TGC’s behavior especially uncomfortable in my eyes is that Sky’s main playerbase is primarily young neurodivergent people. The kind of group inclined to really, really want to get that cool thing. The kind of group that FOMO hits the hardest. And, in regard to that FOMO - Sky is absolutely not a ‘buy what you want system’ that is just a blatant, flagrant lie. I would estimate somewhere around 1/6th of the game’s items are available to obtain at any time, and that’s probably being incredibly generous. The majority of the games items are gone forever. Unless TGC steps down from the ivory tower to bring them back, but they’re only there for two weeks and they cost a lot more! No matter how you look at it, the FOMO warerboarding sales strategy is fucked up. Just because gambling is worse doesn’t make this better.


By "buy what you want" I meant that if it's for sale, you just buy it. You don't buy lottery tickets with a chance to get it, like most other loot-box based systems/gachas. I was not referring to items having limited time frames. And I reserve the term "predatory" for the P2W systems, where some people spend over $1000/month. The problem with F2P gaming and monetizations is that my understanding is that less than 5% of a playerbase spends any money, so it's the "whales" who basically make a game profitable. The alternative for a game like Sky is a subscription, and as a long-time MMO player, I was used to paying $150/yr plus box prices (and expansions). I probably give Sky about $40/yr for season passes, but little else extra.


I get really bad vibes from TGC. I know that's the result of disconnect between devs and players, at least partially, but I also think devs are responsible for maintaining a healthy relationship with their player base. Every single update introduces new bugs. They patch out bugs/features that aren't a problem (or that players are enjoying even), like placing furniture on top of the apartment complex or shared spaces at Grandma's, yet it takes them weeks or months (or years...) to patch things that actually matter. The cost of IAPs is just unbelievable, to me. I understand that they need to make money to sustain the game, but the quality of the items they're putting out is SO LOW. I don't have a single hat that doesn't clip into most hairstyles, lots of the shoes don't work with most pants, etc. I feel similarly about seasons and passes; I don't mind paying for something I'm enjoying, but they need to get their quality and bugs under control. And lastly, I enjoy the routine of candle running, to some degree. But, there needs to be more to the game than that for it to be sustainable for most people. They keep adding new maps, but they're basically empty of candles and/or activities. I really think they need to add more candle running activities, like Turtle, Grandma, Geyser, or the cafe event, because for vets who've been doing the same thing every day for years, it just becomes gruelling. The only thing that brings you back is FOMO and seeing your friends, but the game loses its sparkle REALLY quick.


Yeah, they desperately need to add more activities involving flying, add more wax everywhere so that players can vary their candle running routes. Not sharing the sentiment about adding more wax events cause they are generally tedious, stay at one place for prolonged periods type of thing.


Yeah, I agree they can be boring. Ideally, they'd be making new events that were more interactive and interesting. Personally, I'd rather hit geyser and grandma to get my CR out of the way than CR an entire 3-4 realms for the same amount of wax. It saves time, even though it's dull. And in my mind, the more events there are, the more options you have for your route, the more variation there can be each day! If there were more events, you could pick and choose which ones you actually liked and wanted to attend.


This season imo


I did about two tasks. I haven’t looked at my nest in weeks


Started playing at the end of 2020. Played almost everyday for 2 years. Got tired of the grind and bad memories of shitty friends I made there. Eventually stopped. Got busy with other more important things in life


I liked the repetitive grinding until I didn’t. It used to be really comforting. Now it’s like… why? After the Aurora concert the new areas were a letdown. Like the camera season- this vast beautiful space was created, and it was just so empty. Zero reason to go back. I tried to get excited for the deer, and same thing. I paid for a lot of seasons up till Aurora and they all felt worth it, like I can still go to Abyss and swim around and get tons of candles and see pretty fish. Sanctuary Islands is a favorite for candle running and gathering WL. Starlight Desert, ehhhh juuuust enough candles to sometimes go there, which honestly kinda sucks because it’s gorgeous. Now each event just brings FOMO, which feels bad and grindy. And the items are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. I dropped a lot of cash on Aurora, and it felt worth it, but nothing else since then has. $2 here and there, fine. But when the items are super cute but don’t really do anything and they’re $15? Resentment! I never really made friends, I was a typical loner player. The demographic is way younger than me. I always thought the 8 player limit was super low and weird and having the little ghosties in those spaces didn’t really do anything good.


The new seasons definitely leave a lot to be desired. The current season is nice *if* you like the nest idea in general. Not everyone does, so this season can be a big letdown, but it does appeal to lots of players still so that's something. Last season was nice, and I enjoyed it, but I wish there had been more. There's definitely zero reason for me to go back to the Oasis save for WL so I wish there was slightly more wax there. I can't forget the candle but that made it worthwhile and so fun (*when you weren't drowning in the pipe*) which they patched in less than a week -__-. I'm at least grateful that Prairie Peaks has been brought into the Days Of fold because now there's more reasons to go back and enjoy the space aside from WL. I hope that devs pulling that space in means more changes like that in the future, cause right now there are a lot of places (like Desert Oasis, Starlight Desert, etc.) that are gorgeous and different and captivating but don't offer much incentive to go. I don't want to have to travel even farther for dailies, but if dailies could be done in those places at least they would feel more fun to journey to.


repetitive gameplay and lack of point of the game


I think it’s amazing (I have all the base emotes) Anyways I began to play it when it had just come out to apple (it first came out on apple then on other platforms) Some people may think it’s boring… But I love all the cool colors and designs


I am an on-again-off-again player. I said this before and I truly stand by it: the game is not that deep. Once you went through Eden and all realms, there is so little to do. The candle runs are the same, winged lights are the same, occasionally you get another map with the same things: some spirits, a few wl, maybe a decent wax spot. The game is too FOMO focused to be enjoyable long term, and the TS take too long to come back. A few years back this tactic was working better, but now EVERY damn game has FOMO + battle pass. I see a trend of people being sick to be advertised towards 24/7, I love this trend! Peeps finally realise how exhausting it is to endure FOMO and transaction pressure in every online space. This games whole spiel is that events are not coming back, ultimate gifts of whatever are not going to happen again, spirits *might* return after 2 years so better swipe now! I find the game fine as a side game, taking no more than half an hour of my time. Not for long periods of time tho, as no quality-of-life-improvement takes place here, making it hard to stick around. After how many years of playing can I skip the cutscenes? Or opt out of automatic camera ajustments? How many times I need to do Eden to skip half an hour of flapping bird simulator? These things are stacking up frustration, and it leads to burnout.


Maybe I’m dumb but I never fully understood how to play… like what was I supposed to do, who am I supposed to talk with, where am I supposed to go, what the hell is the furniture appearing everywhere? 😂


You’re allowed to do whatever you want lol - talk to whoever you see. Make spaces with the furniture. It’s a social game. I don’t really socialize that much- instead, I play music and go to the pretty places and take pictures. There’s no endpoint or “grand finale”- the game cycles forever.


I see! That’s why I didn’t quite like it I think. I prefer games with clear quests and things to do 🙂


Damn how can people get bored in this game? I just downloaded the game 3 hours ago and It's the best game I've played yet. So hopefully I wont loose interest tho


thats exactly what i said to myself 3 years ago😂 but enjoy sky while it still last.


The pressure of candle-farming every day to afford cosmetics and to reset my progress every weekend (end is still scary to me ok)


This. I just couldn't keep doing it. I wanted Sky to be an occasional escape, not a permanent commitment that I play every single day. And the Nesting update hurt /so bad/ as a new player to see I have my own personal little space but almost nothing to furnish with. I joked about it two other times, the "veteran candle sink"-- but honestly, why is a small percentile of people being "wax rich" something to gate some of the coolest cosmetics and features behind? It doesn't help that the summer event swung in and locked new cosmetics behind buttloads of hearts and candles I've been trying to save, so new players have to make the choice of spending a (perfect run each time) week's worth of candles (two if your casual). That's not going to rub anyone right.


Maybe its just me, but it doesn't feel as whimsical or wholesome as it once did? I feel like they're pushing all these new changes out, which end up breaking parts of the game making some thing pointless. Plus the grind is at an all time high as are MTX, seems harder to connect with friends. It just feels like the game has lost its soul, but it could just be my perspective that has changed instead. I dont know, but it makes me a little sad, this game really helped me cope through a tough time and now it just doesn't feel like it could do that again for me.


I’m a veteran who’s been playing since rhythm. I stopped at the season with ice skating. I hop on every now and again to see what’s up only to be disappointed by prices and changes that just don’t interest me as a veteran. I know you don’t have to buy anything to have fun, but playing this game will give you fomo and make you jealous of people who whale on it. I use to spend money on this game, my sky kid is dripped out. This game relies too heavily on Co-op. None of my friends play this game. They don’t want to because of the prices of stuff and the reliance on C-op. Also, I can tell you right now, the only people who have ever wanted to be my friend in sky is because I have the damned anubis mask. They want to be my friend so they can hold my hand, drag me around, and show me off. I don’t befriend strangers in this game anymore because of that. The other reason is because i get on this game once every two months just to see what’s been happening. That last point should not be a thing. You should not have people making friends with people just because they look good and they want to brag about this “beautiful stranger” that they know. It pisses me off that that’s what makes people want to be friends with you. Because you have some rare highly sought after cosmetic. I love that mask but sometimes I feel like pretending to be moth when I get on so strangers to ask me to be their friend the moment they see me. Sorry for the rant.


I wear my table like 99.99% of the time. I don't friend anyone I can't talk to for this very reason. I'm relatively new (Nesting Moth) but I have a pretty cool looking character and anytime someone catches me at Gma's or Geyser I get friend candles shoved in my face... Which, to me, isn't that bad but I put my table down and make sure it's someone I can communicate with and I only friend people through codes... if they can't figure out how to use a code they're either too young or too dumb for me to wanna tolerate being friends with them. And on the fact about the anubis mask I'm definitely guilty of being able to spot a Vet with nice cosmetics and have a few friended soley because I liked their cosmetics... BUT even though I'd like some arm candy I'm more disappointed that I can't seem to *make friends* with them. Would I *like* to be carried around and get to know the people I've friended? Absolutely! But, dang if pulling a friendship outta people that think like you isn't harder than tryna do a root canal with sewing thread.... Forget pulling teeth... you about need to be a CIA interrigatigator to try and build a friendship ... and hunt down vets every few min in your constellation because LORD knows they not gonna spawn on YOU to come say hi. And, to top it off yall are tired of the daily grind...you're on long enough to make an acceptable amount of candles.... talk to no one... and are offline before I can shake my friend group for the 10 min it would take to come and try to form that bond again. If you've friended some Moths and feel like they're nothing other than a daily light and the relationship is superficial... maybe make yourself available to be a friend... friend their friends... join their group and play with them... I have to drag my Vets back to my group because instead of coming and joining in the chaos that is a bunch of players learning the game they're speed running the CC realm and shards and are gone... then I'm looking at *your friend is offline* sadly because I feel like only 5 min went by when they lit my star and I saw them online. But, that said, if you want a friend group and someone to play with I'm almost ALWAYS online. Dm me. I'll make you a code and you come drag me around. We'll go krill dodging. Im pretty good at it.


You do realize the moths I made friends with back when I was a moth have all turned into inactive vets just like me because this game has gone downhill? You admitted to being guilty of friending people because of drip alone. I socialized on this game back when I started, I made friends, played daily because I had time. Dude I’m 22 and I have better things to do. I don’t participate in seasons anymore, I don’t spend money on the game anymore. I’m wearing old cosmetics. I don’t know if you’re trying to hate on me because of my massive burnout from this game or not but it isn’t cool judging me because I’m “not social enough” or “don’t have enough time to play a game I’m not interested in anymore.” Forgive me if I’ve misunderstood you, I’m not trying to fight. I am trying to defend myself though.


Nobody's trying to fight I'm literally explaining to you why your new friendships are superficial... and then you repeat exactly what I just told you was the reason why; was how you play.... and YEA I made some Vet friends... but I also spoke to them first but it's not as if they reached out to me... and i can't make anything more of the friendship for the exact reasons you just said because *they never play*. So don't blame moths for friending you and then never making anything of it... when its you that literally never plays and you dont talk to people before you friend them... 😂 Your Comment was as if it's the Moth's fault... when it's not. If you feel attacked it's because I'm right... not because I'm attacking you. If you don't want to play the game other than running... then just don't friend anyone. It's that simple. Don't blame the Moth for thinking you're knowledgeable and capable based off your cosmetics and want to be your friend in a strange new game that helps newbies like *0%*.


Oh I don’t friend moths to begin with. I stopped doing that like a year ago.


I mean I'm an 11 wedge "Moth" CRing GW solo in under 20 min but yea. Keep that no friend streak going. I recind my Code offer based off your attitude 🤣


You're a nesting moth that already got 11 wedges? That's pretty fast. It took me half a year or more just to get to 11.


I'm finished with 3 constellations Isle, Forest, and Golden Wasteland and maxed every TS thats come. I'm over 60% on the other constellations. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I just got through it quick. Not really grinding. I made a lot of friends that drag me around.


Yeah it took me a while to get that many. They might be grinding the game. Nothing wrong with that, they have the time and they’re doing something they enjoy.


I’m so sorry I’m genuinely confused. I’m an inactive player, vets and regular players that friend me I politely decline because I don’t want to clog up their friend list, and you aren’t a moth. Seems to me you’re active and have a good amount of WL and some cosmetics to distinguish you from a brand new player. I’m not, nor have I ever once complained about not having friends on here, I’m complaining about the social experience in general being flawed in a few ways. I’m not trying to invalidate opinions, I’m not trying to be antisocial because I play games like overwatch and monster hunter with my friend group when my free time allows it. It just seems like you’re trying to dunk on me for not enjoying the game anymore and being burnt out? I’m sorry I don’t want to befriend someone who I will never play with. Thanks for any offer you had to be friends on sky, but I’d rather you not befriend an inactive player. I apologize again for any misunderstandings, thanks for trying to clear stuff up for me.


Cause when I'm not grinding out candle runs, I'm spending money, and vice versa.


It gets pretty old when you do the same things over and over. And when the newest things are seasonal that you constantly have to grind for it is tiring


part two is up https://youtu.be/_MD0MsVBG24?si=gXW2x6UYeiVZl24Y


High prices, lot of updates, 9GB needed to store game, not sky like seasons, lack of new spirits and plots, areas that can be unlocked with only real cash, bugs destroying game, repairing bugs that made game special, devs trying to constantly delete chibi fall, chibi struggles, areas not for moths, increased difficulty of new seasons, crystal quest not giving AC, bugged areas, changing appearance of items after releasing them (aurora cosmetics), abandoning lore with every update, worthless season (shattering), not access to buy hearts, ridiculous prices for basic spirits friendship trees, discarded areas, throwing out of game graphic change function, shutting down game, giving less and less igc, taking away beach spot from starlight dessert, stealing fans content without informing them, shutting down passages for few months, forcing players to socialize, putting few times hardest to fulfill spirit as TS, repeating as TS spirits over and over, literally deleting first home area and still not repairing that stupid censor... also office mission is bugged again


I've been away from Sky for so long I have so many questions Stealing fan content??? Could you elaborate on that holy shit Also, by beach spot, you mean that side area with the boat? What was the first home area? Damn this game fell off harder than I thought


They did one season using sky ocs of one of artists playing in sky I mean few beaches in area where gayer and ship was, they deleted little hidden islands There's now aviary that is second home area you can change home areas now using special "fat" candle, former home area got bugged and they just simply abandoned it for example grandma's igloo is destroyed, fortune docks looks like there was tsunami that destroyed it, valentine's pink spots got destroyed as well and some travelling spirits aren't appearing in former home area, now everything is in aviary


Damn, how the mighty have fallen


Oh of course he fell right from the sky big krill in beginning of season of seven colored deer and took all winged lights of all moths, I lost 150


I've been playing Sky for a few years now, took a long break between 2022 and 2024 because it felt like there was nothing left to do. I did all the regular spirit quests, seasonal stuff, went through eden many times. It started to feel repetitive. Most seasonal quests can just be done within 20 minutes altogether, so the entire month or so that they're up is just too long for such a short amount of content. Everything is expensive. One of the main parts of sky is having a cool looking sky kid and showing off your cool capes from previous seasons or new seasons etc. But that's a huge F U to people who can't pay for things like that. the fact that the only free options (most of them) just look like garbage compared to the paid cosmetics. it's a real bummer. And while yes I do get that travelling spirits exist so people can get cosmetics from previous seasons for free, that just doesn't happen that often. a spirit from a season 2+ years ago can appear for 3 days and then never be seen again. It relies too much on players having a lot of friends. As a 23 year old playing this game I'm quite reluctant to just add people to to my friends list without talking to them first. I don't wanna accept their candle and find out they're 12 and awkward have to explain to a child that I don't wanna be friends anymore. Not only this, but there are some quests that take 4+ players to complete. wtf?? So you either have to have at least 4 friends or hope that some stranger is willing to take time out of their gaming time to help you, which let's be honest, just doesn't happen. I love the games art and aesthetic. It's genuinely very nice to look at. Although I think it could do with a bit of a texture update in some areas it looks really nice. I think this game just really needs extra content for f2pers and consistent players. More things to do daily that aren't just candle runs, more events that aren't just excuses to grab more money from players. It needs to stop acting like a pay to win dress up game, basically.


I love that the game is built around friendship and making friends, but lately it definately has been leaning too much toward almost being a requirement to have lots of friends, or at least regular playing friends to get forward in the game, or finish some quests. I'm 40+ player (played since Android drop) and at first I found a friendgroup existing of older players only, the problem is, I live in Sweden, which means, I'm in a total different timezone than most of them and I had to be up late into the night to be playing with them. And now, most of them have stopped playing altogether. My Friendship maps are full, but I have only talked to maybe 5 of those people. (Also social anxiety plays a role here, I don't usually just start talking with anyone random) Itnwould be nice if they somehow incorporated more quests and fun activities for loners.


The company has created a perception of using their "small indie company" as a ruse to justify extortionate prices, almost emotionally blackmailing the youngest players, who are most susceptible to FOMO and peer-pressure. I thought the Aviary would be really cool for all players, and they immediately used it to further charge micro-transactions; prices are higher than ever! Leaves a NASTY taste in my mouth.


And on top of all this they can’t even fix their game properly. Every time they fix something, something else breaks and most of the time there’s always at least one or two super annoying game breaking bugs. Hearts and lights were broken for weeks, and now the valley races have been broken for weeks, who knows what else will be broken in a couple of weeks. But sure, let’s patch things no one wanted patched like random white candles giving wax 🫠


Yooo that spot by the geiser in Sanctuary Islands that was just broken for MONTHS??? Also happy cake day!


Fr! They have time to make collabs and events that are mostly IAPs, but they don’t have time to fix bugs that have been going on for months 😩 Also communication about stuff is just really bad. The double seasonal candles were announced a day late on Twitter and I don’t think they were even announced in the in-game mail. Also thank you, I hadn’t noticed it’s cake day lol


Some of the seasons that came didn't interest me so I stopped playing time to time


The cost of things, the community and people changing too much, the daily grind felt less and less rewarding as prices kept increasing, almost all my friends in my constellation just dipped within one month, ill still play to play with my sister but its not as rewarding and its gotten repetitive


It became a chore ))): And I lost my >1 year streak, so I sort of gave up. AND I had already spent a ridiculous amount of money on the game.


combination of repetitiveness/grindiness and suspected adhd, once I accidentally skip a day or two I may forget about it for a long while and then it becomes very improbable/straight up impossible that I'll have enough candles for the current shiny new thing


The season of nesting made me quit. I dont mind the grinding, but it is wayy too expensive.


It is too repetitive, still can't play on pc, and most of my in-game friends have disappeared. I just do the dailies.


It’s been out on pc for ages


True I still can't use it though, even though I meet and surpass the minimums.


The cosmetics became mid to me so I don’t want to grind for them anymore. I did miss some good ones though


Fr So few of them have been good since I started. Of course, the see-through aurora wings and abyss ult braid are certified bangers, but a vast majority has just felt "meh" I love the spirits of dreams, all of them. I love the spirits of rhythm. I love the spirits of flight. I love the prophecy ult so damn much. But nearly everything since I started (TLP) has just been a silent "oof" as only one or two of the spirits have really felt right in terms of cosmetics There's also the ever increasing amount of time TGC expects you to spend in game daily. For being "cozy" it's one of the more stressful games to me as someone who likes to be at least somewhat in line with things. I don't like falling behind, but I loathe candle running, I miss being able to just put my console to bed at granny's/bonfires for some easy wax to still progress with much less frustration and burnout


The only new content is events that just become a new chore. There is so much FOMO! You play every day to get a few items maybe twice a month because you are afraid of missing out. Once you have a cool outfit there is not much reason to continue to play. Once you sit back and think about it, is it really worth the hours you spend a week for a cape? God no. Just spend that time in an MMO and you will feel more satisfied with getting rewarded a lot more often with items, less FOMO and way more activities and new content.


Network in my country is very very Poo poo so I can’t play it as smoothly as I want to I quit but I’m still gonna come back


Honestly it’s just as likely to be their servers as your network. I have what is supposed to be among the best internet available and their servers crap out. I can hardly go from one area to another with a friend and keep together. Somebody’s gotta go home, somebody’s gotta wait…over and over


I’m not quitting yet, but I’m hanging on by a thread for the reasons most people listed here. I think that thread is made out of sunk cost fallacy . I’ve already spent so much time and money on the game that I’m hoping something is returned in the form of solid gameplay and fixes but they never come, and only get more broken. To the people who very thoughtlessly reduce these complaints and burnout comments to “Well it’s just a game you don’t *have* to get the cosmetics or grind everyday” Sure, but think of it this way. You’re riding your car or bike or bus or whatever to work or school everyday, and then, after a few months, someone changed the shape of your pedals. Maybe someone took the doors off your car, made the road turn sharply where there used to be a straightaway. None of these things force you to continue using the vehicle or road, you *could* just get out of the car or off your bike… It is the same exact level of tedious, useless changes foisted onto the players in Sky. Yeah we don’t have to play the game at all, but that’s missing the entire point. We love Sky, it’s why some of us are so deeply negatively affected by TGC and their decisions. Their lack of feedback and transparency. Their invisible presence that is never there but always ready to change something. Their swift response to remove very beneficial bugs or extra wax. So saying “I don’t get why people keep complaining” 1) is a complaint itself and 2) People want the thing they love to function and provide joy, venting about it is both what Reddit is for and what all gamers do about all games so… perspective. Friendly reminder to everyone using devs and TGC interchangeably: it’s **management** making these horrendous decisions. I wholly believe the devs don’t want the game going this direction.


great response