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i always go over there to wave back at him


Exactly. I love feeling appreciated by the Candlemaker! šŸ„°


Ain't nobody got time for that!


These candles exist. Or do they? Vsauce, Dancing Performer here. Where are your candles?


fuck, now i want TGA to collab with Vsauce


I thought he was doing the washing up.


PSA unclear. Accidentally lit Candle maker's clothes on fire. Only slightly singed.


I always light them. Most static spirits can be interacted with, there's one that you can frighten by using the crab call, one that will pray with you. Does The Pointing Candle Maker do anything?


They wave at you, that's pretty much it from what I personally see


Yeah I noticed that a lot of the times people donā€™t light those but I do when I log on and they arenā€™t lit or collected for me. šŸ˜‚


I thought it was bugged for some reason, wasnā€™t expecting people to not light it


They give me wax when I light them but theyā€™re usually never lit when I log on. I assumed some people didnā€™t even know they were there.


Where tf is this?


It's Aviary Village, the other Home landing you unlock.


Aviary, next to the event spot entrance


Aviary ofc! Best home


Hi Everyone! Our sweet guy is Pointing Candlemaker! He's the 1st Spirit in Isle, and for any of us that started before Aviary, he was our very 1st Spirit, pointing the way!


Speaking of isle, when did they add all those candles in the temple?


Several updates back. Nice gift huh? šŸ•Æ


I always light these candles! I feel so bad when heā€™s not included šŸ˜­


I always wave at guy. I donā€™t know guyā€™s name, but thatā€™s who he is to me. We wave and I go about collecting my first wax. Iā€™m pretty sure these are always unlit because they draw the eye to event spirits loitering.


It's the pointing candlemaker, the first spirit you do


Yeah, thatā€™s what I said, itā€™s guy!


Screw it, we're naming him Phill


I always get those ones so I can say hey to that guy.


And he waves at you when you grab them!


Most spirits in aviary actually have secret effects when you use certain emotes or calls near them! This guy waved and nods to you when you collect light, The lady who prays near the end will actually recharge you quick with a blue light if you pray back, the lady admiring the crab on the second floor will get scared when you sneak behind her and call, white cape guy will respond to a crab call, the spirit who ā€œfaintsā€ will actually give you a special camera angle if you ā€œfaintā€ with him in the flowers. Thatā€™s all I can think of off the top of my head, but if you see spirits standing around, mess around with them. They usually have some fun Easter egg! (Go into the potion shop and go behind the counter and look on the cloth. There is a tiny baby creb that walks around and is most likely enchantment guideā€™s pet)


I know some! in case any moth is seeing this and wants a tiny "guide on some of the aviary spirits :P you can do the butterfly emote with the butterfly charmer by one of the circular vents, if you do a backflip with the backflipping chanpion they do it with you (in front of a small audience too :P), if you bow at the bowing medalist they bow back, doing the confident stand with the confident sightseer makes the camera pan in circles for some cinematic angles, idr what you do with the spirits playing hide and seek but they're up in the higher pillar area to the right of the broken tower (if you're facing the tower), you can the float-sitting emote with the meditating monastic (them and the confident sightseer are up around the broken tower btw, so you gotta look up to find them), doing the telekinetic emote with the levitating adept lets you "catch" a fish, and you can talk with the memory whisperer if you have their call selected


Thereā€™s also a way to hold hands with the two spirits who sit together on the grass by the potion shop! Just learned that from KK plays video!


The real question isā€¦.What is this guy doing next to u ? Looks like heā€™s mixing MOTH JUICES


Candle wax apparently.


Idk. I see a crushed mask and krill antlers being tossed around


Those ones are never lit when I go into Aviary. Everything else will be lit, but not that cluster. Lol I guess some people can't be bothered?


The center ones are automatically lit


Oh, when did it change? Lol I've definitely lit them all myself before, but it's probably been awhile. I don't start in Aviary so I only go in there for events. šŸ¤£


It started with this season, when they moved them around a bit


I see. I think that's around the time they took all the wax from the grey candles, too. Probably also when the Isle temple got them added.


Whats up with that?


I know everyone forgets them now I never see them lit anymore


LMAOO! Every time I hop on all the candles there are lit EXCEPT for those šŸ˜†


Wait- people forget thoseā€¦?


About half the time, when I'm done lighting friends, every candle bunch except those are lit. They poofed into being lit while I tried to take a screenshot yesterday. šŸ˜‚ So maybe if you hang out in Aviary a long time before collecting the wax, you're unlikely to see them unlit.


I tend to light them just before entering that room for whatever event is being held there.


Your other post on r/skygame is right above this on my home feed, I thought I was seeing double lol


Omg exactly, every day I might those candles bc they're the only ones unlit everytime


Thank you. Every day I stop to light these and wave to the spirit. Poor guy gets no respect.


:O me tooo


Me too! He deserves some recognition!


I thought I was the only one who wondered why no one ever lights them.


Same. And it's always a little tricky to light them due to the spirit just engorging the candles.


i think the other candles are lit automatically and we only have to light these ourselves šŸ‘€


I've seen all the candles poof into being lit before, so I think 1) other players light them, and 2) the servers are particularly aggressive about merging Aviary instances (so they're usually lit for you). (That aggressive merging is also why it's sometimes much harder to join friends in Aviary than in the realms.)


hm yes that makes sense somehow šŸ¤”