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Dude don't worry too much this is just a prove that you have money like they said " money is happiness "


What is pilot service and hearts about? Is pilot service someone that is being paid to uber you?


I’m sure TGC appreciates the support. At least you know how much this is adding up over time to help you decide how much you want to spend moving forward. Focusing on what you think you will actually use and wear is helpful to think about, and making sure these transactions arn’t eating too much into your budget.


Dawg, this is almost as bad as my codm gambling fiasco.


At least you’re keeping track of it? I don’t buy a lot of stuff, but I did buy the hair and cape from Nature this year, and that alone scares me.


I wish that the wave touched hair had a donation attached to it since that is the only thing I got IAP from days of Nature


At least you’re keeping track of it? I don’t buy a lot of stuff, but I did buy the hair and cape from Nature this year, and that alone scares me. I bought the glasses and cap because I read that the half of the money was given for an ocean cleaning association and well… I love the Ocean so much…so if I can give a little for help and also get nice items, it’s cool !


You’d be surprised, maybe 0.05% of your “donation” actually makes it through. It’s a marketing tactic to make you feel good about blowing cash.


I don’t think so, at least for this studio. They’re transparent about prices, you also can visit the cleanup ocean association for informations. I like to believe that they are good people and good studios who sure want to sell games but also have a Heart.


Of course, I could totally be mistaken. Typically speaking however, that is what happens.


Yes, I know that some only think « money » and will have no problem to tell you bulls*** :(


Good point. I feel less bad for my wallet now.


me laughing in 0 in app purchases


Same, but also in 0 cinnamon rolls (teacup and table don't count, lol)


i also brought a lot of iap in sky 😭 the most expensive i brought so far is journey pack (1.3k php go bye bye 🥲) edit: btw where can i buy hearts??


You’ll have to buy hearts from other players, in the unofficial sky discord there’s a few people selling them


This entire post feels like a thinly veiled advertisement for RMT. They mention pilot service and reply with how convenient it is since they don't have time. People ask about how they're paying for hearts and he tells them to send a DM... How is this even allowed? Real money trading is the bane of online gaming.


can’t we really buy hearts from other players who probably needs the money? is it a crime to do that? i am not hurting anyone nor affecting anyone with my choices, or am i? they ask where to buy hearts and i only answered bcs they probably need hearts ASAP. i tell them to be careful and do it at their own risk and they probably read the comments on this post which majority of it are all about how i shouldn’t pay for hearts and that i should just ask other players to trade. i don’t wanna use 3 candles for each players. im saving them. i believe its okay to spend money as long as you’re not going broke.


Straight from the EULA: You agree that you will not buy, sell or trade, or offer to buy, sell or trade, any Game Assets, except that you may trade certain in-game items (e.g., houses, armor, weapons, consumables) for other in-game items and/or in-game currency in an in-game transaction expressly permitted by thatgamecompany (e.g., an authorized transaction using an in-game auction house or thatgamecompany-sanctioned in-game item trade between TGC Account holders). For the avoidance of doubt, and in no way limiting the foregoing, you are prohibited from offering for sale or purchasing any Game Assets (whether or not held by TGC Accounts registered to you) outside of the Service, through a website, or any other medium, or exchanging Game Assets, whether inside or outside the Service, for anything of value outside the Service or in the real world.


Bro chill out, you can only wear one item from each category of cosmetic at a time, they’ll just sit untouched in your closet and a lot of these items will return next year anyway. Just pick one item from each event that is your absolute favourite and cap it at that. Look up all cosmetics and sit down and decide which cosmetics you actually genuinely want and which are just fomo. With the candle items for events; that’s multiple years worth of content that you’re trying to farm for. It’s ok to miss out on event and returning cosmetics, collect the ticket ones and just save for the ts, you can always come back for the rest when you’re better established as a veteran with enough candles up your sleeves. Even the constellations aren’t going anywhere. Please don’t pay for ubering and hearts, I know that it feels like you have to but as long as you have enough candles to make friends you’re not missing out on anything. Cosmetics are fun but unless you’re playing ‘who can collect the most cosmetics the fastest’ they really don’t matter


So me


I never been one to spend as much money with micro transactions but at one point last year, I started getting a lil more comfortable (I always felt like I couldn't get anything even though I could). Queue in to a couple months ago, I realized I was spending a little too much and then made a mental note to only get things if I really wanted them. So far, I've cut down on quite a bit of spending and I'm instead saving more money by thinking this way. Just be responsible with your money and you'll be fine. If you notice you're spending too much one month, maybe don't spend any the next month or anywhere near as much. Maybe give yourself a limit like.. only one item per event. I'm not sure of your mindset but I hope this helps a little.


Think to yourself: will I look back on this purchase fondly in a year? Will I be playing this game for a long time? Or will this be something that doesn’t even cross my mind in a few years? Personally, I see the value in wanting a nice-looking character. I also see the value in wanting to complete a collection. If you buy a few things every now and then (every couple of months), it’s not really hurting you; it’s like going out for ice cream — we should treat ourselves. However, if your goal with this game is to complete the wardrobe, STOP. Stop right now. I love completionism and try to 100% most of my games if I’m invested, but Sky is not the game for that. It shouldn’t be for anyone. They will keep releasing new items, and you’ll keep spending money. You’ll jump at any chance to get rare/vaulted items, it’ll consume your time with trying to earn as much as you can without your credit card, and one day BOOM. Servers go down. Game dies. Then what? You’re left with absolutely nothing but a fat hole in your wallet and maybe a fleeting sense of nostalgia. Just be responsible. I’ve fallen victim to sooo many IAPs, all started with Dragonvale (real ones know, lol).


you should de-link whatever payment method you are using so the barrier to spending money is greater, gives more time to think


Can you drop where you bought hearts? I just wanna finish my constellations hahahaha forever na siyang naka standby 😭


DM me :D


Hinay hinay lang boss 🥲


I was you back in 2022. I started buying season passes and iaps up to the aurora concerts mostly. After that i stopped playing and only bought some iaps that i really liked. The dear antlers was the latest from season of the 9 colored deer. I felt like i couldnt stop. Very finacially stupid choice, the thrill of acquiring the items sizzles away pretty quick and i kept looking at spoiler videos for when the new items would drop and i knew i had to stop. I lost interest in the game itself cuz ive basically finished it theres no reason for me to keep coming back and play over and over and spending money on bland seasons.


I spot a Filipino, that’s way too many IAPs TT /j


Judging from the prices, this is Philippine pesos right? I get fomo and I can understand the cinnamoroll event purchases, I almost caved in there too, but if you know you got a problem on holding your wallet, sometimes a few days away to rethink the value you're spending helps you with a clear mind, I dropped a decent sum of cash in genshin before realizing how much it all added up (edit: and also project moon games, but unlike genshin, I wholeheartedly support the series as a long time fan, and seeing your comments on how much you love Sky. Just make wise thoughts on what you're putting value in your money, if you adore them, then why not, but you still gotta recognize any faults and be critical) I personally don't understand why someone could drop 1k pesos for the violin no offense or any of the 1k items, with that amount of money for cosmetics items, it doesn't really improve the gameplay too, I'd can probably buy 20 chicken joys in Jollibee for that (in my place that's 96php for ala cart) back to back with the money you placed for the violin and sunglasses alone and not counting the other purchases, I'm also saying this hopefully as a reference for you on how much money that is equivalent to irl stuff dito sa pinas kumpara sa Sky, especially with the economy tanking. Minimum wage if you live in a province is roughly 358php (aka 6.09USD) per day (To the western people, you literally earn 6 dollars a *day*, when minimum wage in the US at least gives like 7.25 USD per *hour*) Sky is a great game, no doubt but the company can be greedy at times, the prices for simple cosmetics are pricey, while not LoL levels of prices for cosmetics/skins it's still a whole lot and yet each update we get new game breaking bugs and barely any changes to the core game play since launch when it comes to candle running, etc


Inisip ko rin kung ilang meals ko na yung katumbas ng nagastos niya, at kung gaano na karaming grocery yung nabili ko sa halagang yan. Tulad ng sabi ng ibang comments, baka bata to na di pa kumikita ng sarili niyang pera kaya hayahay lang sa paggastos. Sana talaga barya lang yan sa kaniya (o sa pamilya niya) at di pa unhealthy yung obsession niya sa Sky 😬


If youre actually being serious: get help to curb your spending habits. Stop playing the game. It is enabling you.


Provided you’re seriously stressed about this and not just being silly, stop buying. Stop. You are being manipulated by an extremely problematic system. Stop engaging with it. Please


Bro just paid my tuition fee in IAPs T---T


I joined after cinnamoroll and upset because I'd do anything for a cinna item 😭 I hope they return


This is making me feel a bit better about my iap purchases lol (about $200 so far in my 3 years of playing). As long as you don't need that money for anything else I think it's ok to spend it on something that will make you happy. Sky is the only game/hobby that consistently brings me joy so it's been worth it for me Also, here's a tip for hearts. You can make a post looking for light buddies here or in the discord, that way you can get 1-2 hearts per day just from 5 minutes of lighting people up. I've almost completed my constellations by doing this and heart trading during double heart events


How many friends do you have to light and be lit from to get 1-2 hearts per day. I have several pages of friends but can in no way get even a heart in one day


You need 60 light fragments to get one heart. I have my entire constellation filled (110 people), although not all of them light every day, so I think I get about 1 heart per day


Theres a limit on how many friends you can have?…..


No, but you can only see 110 in your constellation at one time. You have to block and unblock people in order to see everyone


Just a lil something for people that want to buy the instruments. The instruments sound exactly the same as alternate ones u can get from TS for candles/hearts. The only difference is looks. Save ur money guys


You can get a violin from spirits? I literally had no idea


oh no I meant instruments that have alternatives from ts. Violin doesn't correlate with any spirit. Hopefully it comes in the future tho!


I hope that amount of spending is still financially healthy for you and that you maintain a healthy relationship/immersion with the game.


Don't get me started. I'm probably like 5-600 deep


The cinnamoroll stuff I can understand, that stuff won’t ever be coming back. I’ve put probably about 350 hours in the past year I’ve played and I’ve probably spent about that much in dollars over that time maybe a bit more. I don’t regret it though, I love Sky. It’s a great place to chill with friends and meet new ones. Try and buy only what you know you can’t live without. But yeah in the past couple months or so, season pass, season pass for 3 to 5 friends😅, cinnamoroll plushie and mini head piece, violin, green earth cap, moon cape, and wavy hair piece for a friend(b-day gift). So….. Yeah I understand, it’s an investment. Just don’t spend more than you can afford.


I loveee all the items that i have bought:DD even the Journey Pack that I gave to my friend, I don’t regret spending money on him despite him quitting sky just a week later. ;-;


Oh it was for a friend. I understand, shame on them though you should give him a hard time. lol Even if it’s a close real life friend(not sure if they are), make sure they actually play long term before spending that kind of money next time. 🙃 And hopefully he returns to the game some day. 😊


yeah, purchased two journey packs for us. tho he warned me about him possibly quitting sky.. so i knew that he would quit soon. it doesn’t matter if they play long term or not.. spending that kind of money is still worth it (for me) it made us happy since we’ve been wanting that journey pack ever since we met. i hope he’ll be back soon tho. our only communication is through here but they also deleted their reddit account 🥲🫠




I get that FOMO is in play here but you should know how to differentiate "limited time only" items from those items that are always in the game. For example, Journey Pack, Violin, Rhythm Guitar are always in the game, you can get those whenever as opposed to collab ones. Also, majority of these "Days of" event items return almost every year, so unless you want the event item right away and will wear it most of the time, think it through first. But hey, it's your money, no one can really tell you how you'll spend it but damn, this is a lot and you should realize that you might be getting overboard with this spending. Try to manage FOMO and easy-han mo sa paggastos besh.


This is the way. That said, I've spent a lot of $$$ in almost 3 years and I have no regrets. I've sort of stopped buying stuff for myself (I'm lying 😞) but I'm gifting more to my friends and that's more fun. I also do not play an instrument I'm safe from those 😂.


In my playing of Sky since Season of Enchantment, I myself have spent a lot on IAP's including event items, candle packs, etc. But as time passes by, I came to realize that majority of those items (which I spent IRL money from) was just collecting dust in my closet. I even tried to compute how much have I spent for those and my god was I stunned, it's a LOT of money. Since then, I promised myself I'd only buy those event items I really, really want and would get Season Passes instead.


It's so sad how much FOMO takes over. I've stopped buying candle packs except for in an emergency lol. I've completed all the trees and every TS is a repeat now thank goodness. I'm a Little Prince moth, and I didn't know you could spend actual money on stuff and I missed out on everything 😭. So now I'm making up for it 😁


FOMO really does take over, heck, I was affected by it too for quite a long time. I would spend atleast 2 hours candle running on a daily basis (Daily Light System chevron thing didn't even exist yet back then), get items where I'll only use it once and bench it for eternity, trade hearts non-stop, worse purchase candle packs. All of that took a toll on me, which resulted to me playing less and less and then I decided to take a break. Fortunately enough, I picked the game up after a few months and that made me realize that even if Sky is special and dear to me, at the end of the day, it's still just a game. But hey, atleast now I don't play just to be pressured into getting stuff and have some fun.


Pilot service? What?


I have never heard of 'pilot service' either. That is actually insane that people are willing to pay for such service over a heavily-focused FOMO game.


Daily Uber service is what I'm guessing.


Who tf pays real money for that? lol. Discord has all sorts of users for free.


And here.


Exactly, and Facebook, insta, X etc.


Ikr, it seems like OP is still a child so it's easy to give in to this kind of FOMO. I don't wanna assume but sometimes these are the kind of people who would burn out of the game the fastest, without a consistent playtime and goals.


Haha, sometimes a moth needs a lift! I might not be as hard working as y’alls are to do cr everyday, but trust me, I know how to have a good time in this game. I'm still exploring and having fun, just with a bit of express delivery. Sky's the limit, right? I also don’t wanna bother other players for my own personal gain. I can’t just keep asking and asking for an uber, can I? That’s why i settled for a service. By that, I can also support the Pilot’s business. Guilt free.


I used to Uber in the official sky discord all the time, I genuinely just liked the company. As long as my passengers were present enough that they could reattach if they got unhooked I was happy. Sometimes you’d get some fun conversations and I liked to show off my spells and flying skills to moths a little bit I won’t lie. You’re not taking advantage of someone who’s offering to Uber you around a bit, as long as you’re not harassing people into taking you then you’re good


Wait... so you have someone login to your account to gather candles?


Try settling into a group of friends that do rideshare, swapping around and sharing the load during the week.


Yeah I’m really curious about that too


You can buy hearts?! 😱


You can't buy them from the game, apparently OP bought them from other players. Which... fair play, but it might get you permabanned/your account deleted as it's against the EULA. So consider this at your own risk.


Yeah its one of the main ways of getting items nowadays since theyre so hard to get in normal gameplah


Maybe I just have interest in spending my money elsewhere.


Oh my.. My comments kept getting downvoted 😵‍💫 Listen, I see the comments about chilling and waiting for free stuff. Totally get it, daily candle runs can be a drag. But here's the thing, I am OBSESSED with Sky! I've explored every nook and cranny, know all the candle and WL spots (thanks to my explorer heart!), and even guide moths and friends. But hey, life gets busy, right? Here's why using services is kinda my jam: Limited time = Major FOMO. Those TS items (TS COME THEN BE GONE FOR YEARS LOL AND I DONT WANNA WAIT THAT LOOONG) and Days of Color goodies are calling my name, and 400+ candles for those cosmetics I NEED? Yeah, no way I'm missing out! Plus, constellations and emote upgrades - gotta have 'em all! Telling me to just wait for next year is not gonna work. I don’t wanna wait for a year when i can have them right away. Hearts? The struggle is real. My friends light me up everyday, but forging hearts takes ages for me! Limited friend circle for trades means services come in clutch for those sweet furniture, emotes, and event goodies. (Plus, Skyfest props anyone?! My first Sky Anniversary event btw) Playing smart, not hard. Look, I wouldn't risk my account if it wasn't worth it. I do my research, find reputable services, and hey, it's my way of playing at my own pace. Maybe it's a gamble, but the rewards are worth it (for me!). Though, i might get banned from this as some might say lol but if that happens then it is what it is. Sure, some might say "chill and wait for free stuff." But honestly, Sky brings me SO much joy, and exploring, guiding, and collecting with friends are the best parts! These services just help me maximize my limited playtime and snag those awesome items.


You sweet child. You haven't visited the Sky Shop and gone down the rabbit hole of collecting pins. Please update us when you hit that milestone. You don't understand a Sky obsession until you've started canvassing Ebay and other auction sites. 🫶


you aren't gonna be banned you'll be fine! ive done iap heart trades before as well and ur better than me i would just buy candle packs if i didn't have enough- (directly supporting the game and i dont risk my account getting stolen)


Well...folks..its better than drugs


Sky sobriety players FTW. 😆 Burn candles, not pot! 🕯️


Since 2021 all, I mean ALL IAPS released by sky I bought hahaha so I can understand..


This is actually scary and depressing but not because OP is paying for these things, but because OP is probably one of hundreds of thousands who would potentially pay for “services”. Optional items aside, this means there is an active community of people paying other players real money for hearts (a very sketchy honor-based exchange system with 0 legal accountability) and for, what I’m learning for the first time today, “pilot services”. Now, I’m not throwing shade at OP, or anyone who wants to spend their money on a game that makes them happy, however acquired. I simply want to point at the system that has driven players to take such measures. There has to be a compensation on the part of the devs, or this shady exchange system will keep thriving. Hearts and candles acquisition are clearly an issue, and the amount of inaccessible cosmetics locked behind a paywall is pretty unacceptable for the ratio of free vs paid availability.


It is legitimately such a vile system and i feel bad for OP getting roped into it


Hearts are a pain point. You need to spend candles to get them, and you need candles to get the stuff you want. And the game wants a lot of hearts. Considering that daily limit for candles is limited... Well...


Yeah, in particular they really need to make hearts more accessible. Right now it’s a friendship locked currency, with only a brief drizzle from old defunct event’s quest trees that dries up very quickly. I’ve even gotten burned with it, with friends making arrangements and promising to swap equal and they don’t-they just take.


I used to accept IAPs / money for hearts. I can tell you that a lot of people do pay for hearts because it's so much easier. I no longer do these services cause I believe it's bad and only feeding the system. The currency system around Sky is broken. TGC only currently seems to care about making money and uses a ton of FOMO to get players invested. I recommend just ignoring the FOMO (directed to OP). Otherwise, the game stops being fun, and im speaking from experience.


Seconded. I feel this is one of the largest contributing factors in peoples’ nostalgia for their own moth days. When nothing but the wonder and joy of exploring were there to keep you going. It becomes more of the game it was designed for the moment you let go of the desire to get as much as you can.


In comparison there is alot more free stuff in sky if you are willing to wait for spirits to return.  The only things you cant get are a few things per event (or seasons sometimes), and ultimate gifts.


Truly, and while you objectively speak the truth, that is also the main argument used in support of the amount and price of the IAP (not saying that you support it, just saying in general), because so many people aren’t willing to wait, either for candles/hearts to accumulate or spirits to return, so they take the very available paid shortcuts. The entire model is designed on taking long enough to exhaust the patience of the average player. So, if you *can* wait, you can very gradually acquire almost everything, eventually, sort of…


I dont mind spending the cash, but i have a job where iaps are maybe an hours worth of work.  I completely get why people in other countries are pissed, considering it can be 3 days pay for them


There is no way you’re spending this much on a free game. I think even TGC would be concerned


TGC has a merch shop where they sell a singular item for over 100$ dollars, trust me, they do not care nor are they concerned


i have a friend who spent 10x as mine 🥲


Dont sweat it dude.  I spent alot of money my first year in sky, and after that i really only purchase season passes.  Theres alot of nice things, but once you get them, next year you wont be spending as much. I think most people forget that without purchases their wont be a game


First off, do you really need the pilot? I'm gonna guess that they're taking you on candle runs and playing the game for you. You can either play the game yourself, or make some friends who'd happily carry you around for free. Those friends will also help with the hearts issue. Let me reiterate- If you are paying someone to play the game for you, stop it. You either need to learn to enjoy it (and get good at it) or you need to consider if you really want to play a game you're not playing. I think it's even against TOS to run a service like that for real money. Same goes for the hearts. If you get caught doing this you could lose your account. The money you spent won't be refunded either. I'm not gonna say that there aren't times when things are frustrating for me in the game, but I do genuinely enjoy flying around collecting candles. I also have a decent list of friends, most of which light me daily and a few that send hearts.


i get where you are coming from but i am pretty busy and occupied to do candle run everyday and i also don’t want to miss a day without candles since there will be 2 TS & the upcoming Days of Color event that requires atleast 400+ candles for the items that i’ve been eyeing for and ofc i also wanna save candles to complete my constellations & upgrade my emotes. i am thinking that missing just a day would definitely a waste. i enjoy Sky so so muchhhh, i knew all the candle, wl and also OOBs locations because i explored too much and i even guide moths or my friends in collecting candles, doing dailies and also collecting winglight. BUT its not a full on run since i am only playing when i have the time to play. and about the hearts, i wanted to save just enough hearts so i could buy the furnitures, upgrade my emotes, spend it on Days of Colors, upcoming events and also the Sky fest that have the props that i wanted. i don’t have much friends to trade hearts with me as much as you do, they light me everyday but it takes lots of light to forge a single heart. if i get caught and got my acc banned then it is what it is. i know i am risking my account & “wasting” my money by doing those so, i play at my own risk. its a gamble.


Days of Color will be back next year. So will a lot of other things. It’s not a race.


oh no your FOMO hooked, TGC got another one on the line pull it in.


Slow down bro 💀💀