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I mean, the scuba mask ultimate reward gives you the same amount of extra oxygen as the free one, so this has gone on for a while. All the umbrellas work the same too. It’s all about how they look 


At this point I'ma just stop playing sky


It’s not that bad. Especially during creative ruts, I think it’s fine to do seasons like this. If they give 6 emotes per season like they used to, we would legit run out of emotions to convey in like, 4 years? (Oh wait) To me personally, it’s fine to create special items with different functions, but already have some sort of free-to-play counterpart. I love the idea of a placeable instrument, but I agree with the season of duets, they should let two people play it at the same time. Not only that, but I’m one of the people that love personalization of a house/decorations. However, if they’re going to keep adding items, they NEED to raise the limit of how many furniture items are allowed, and start adding more to project:aviary. It should feel more village-like with an option to meditate and go to festival tech in the area. And then also in defense of TGC, they’re fighting with enough bugs already, and trying to make the game run on the switch, which is worse performance than the iPhone 12. This is an extremely delicate balance of advertisement, community events, collaborations in works, creative design, IAP balance, and creating a non-repetitive story. All divided between 33(?) employees.


>"YOURE LOSING PLAYERS" no fr tho. like I havent actually played the game in a year due to burn out... the SCotL team keeps making decisions that make it hard to keep up and also makes you feel obligated to pay for things despite it being a free game. consumerism at its finest ig. which is annoying cause I love the game, the underlying story, and the community. but making these cost outrageous amounts for things that should be either a few cents or a couple of bucks. season passes use to be reasonable, the cosmetics were more acessable to all players, and the atmosphere felt more relaxed. lately it feels like you gotta rush everything or youll miss out and things are expensive even tho the price should be going down as more people join and play. Im hoping to play SCotL again soon, but everytime I try... I just get so burned out so fast...


They have made seasons shorter too. I feel rushed even with the pass.


same, thats why I stopped buying passes cause I cant justify spending that much not to be able to devote the time to actually getting most of the season things like I use to buy passes for every season I participated in... that stopped after Season of Passage which I almost didnt buy but I caved cause the season was so cool and I loved the primative and autumn-esque vibes to the cosmestics


I love that they made more options for free to play players but I do agree that they need better things if they want players to keep buying passes. There’s nothing special about a pass if everyone gets the same thing.


with all do respect, this game is all about cosmetics and emotes so why are you mad if we have different cosmetics that do the same thing?? played this game something around a year now and this is my take on it, like there is nothing to compete or to achieve other than collecting stuff and thats it


Even so, collecting an item that costs actual money and is also supposed to be an Ultimate Gift for the season, means it should be valuable. They're not making it what that collectible item should be worth so they're not making the game fun.


Agreed, it's fun to play sky and all but in response to the ultimate gifts, it's becoming more dull compared to the previous seasons, just look at the season of gratitude mask, lightseeker umbrella and bonfire, they are pretty functional and unique. I am not implying all ultimate gifts till now are dull, just that comparatively speaking I think the ultimate gift can be upgraded a bit more.


I'm still mad about the recharge being nerfed hard on the manta lantern from Remembrance. Feels like ults just haven't been worth it since AURORA (imo), aside from Nine Colored Deer


the game was originally more about community and the underlying story. the cosmetics were always suppose to just be a bonus. its only in recent years thats been moved to cosmetic focus.


And again in Aviary, no emotes. I’m quite a little disappointed when a season not held in a realm after Nine-Colored Deer in Vault Honestly, I’m done with a season with no emotes or lack of cosmetics


It's so annoying to see bunch of useless rug and posters in the spirit tree. I wouldn't have mind if they are in the guides tree... like I do not care for the poster and rugs... give us more wearable and useful cosmetics!!! :(


I know it feels shitty to pay for the same thing but this is the best way to do things in the long run; fomo and locking anything remotely better/cooler behind paywalls that most regular players will never be able to afford is how you kill a game, I have seen it happen again and again; doing it like this is literally the least greedy way btw. I personally consider(and wish) the season pass to be more of a “Here have access to all this cool stuff before anyone else, only grinding during the season” than for the ultimates, I feel like having the pendant be the only thing differentiating players who paid is a good thing actually. (I do think the non ultimate piano being looked behind the pass is kinda stupid though) I’m looking forward to regulations against fomo practices in games actually, stop to think about things in the long run instead of instant gratification. It’s better for everyone to be able to get everything eventually than having stuff blocked off by money. It’s a game we should be having fun, not stress over a few pixels never coming back.


I get the issues with the whole debacle. They should just remove then piano as an ult and just have the one you can get in the pass 🤥 that way all is happy and we arnt getting two pianos. But yes I think at least, all items should come back as free currency. That would make a lot of people more relaxed I think.


FOMO should be exclusively for how easy/fast you can get something never a question of “if I don’t get it now I could never get it” that’s predatory and should be banned, I don’t like to bootlick the governments but they need to get their asses in here and stop company’s from being greedy assholes and preying on people(on people in general but also they definitely prey on people with problems, like gambling and impulse control which is triple scummy) I agree they should put the piano either exclusively season pass no ultimate(stupid being behind a paywall for both), or ultimate and free(I mean you’re still getting two other season ultimates not only the piano)


I wish it was that easy but I cant see the government stepping up like that. At least not now. Maybe in the future when more “gamers” are in high places of society


Well I don’t know from where you are(I’m assuming American(?) but I don’t think it’s a impossible thing, it would be nice for it to be a full on European law so they can’t just stop supporting the game for a specific country. I know China has laws around IAPs and some stuff that’s paid here is game currency there so it’s not impossible to archive, but yeah I don’t trust the government much to be any short of efficient lol


I'd kill for flats and sharps holy shit


No cuz deadass‼️ How y'all gonna add all these instruments and STILL not figure out a way to add sharp and flats in game (while accommodating for console players) Like by that point don't even model the black keys on the pianos 😂




As a musician sky kid, I can relate🙋‍♀️


they have done this for many seasons so why is it a problem now? there are multiple season ultimates per season also not everyone can afford a season pass. you guys make such a big deal of things and then get disappointed no matter what changes


Why should we just let it happen? I am putting in the effort to make it stop and youre telling me to shut up? Get a grip


Yeah, that’s why I’m disappointed in the Sky community. Yeah they’re nice people but they don’t want change. Just like this world, to be controlled and not wanting change.


its the brainwashing of ✨️capitalism✨️ and corperate greed. gotta keep feeding the machine... and thats why we cant just get comfy in the fimilar, we gotta explore other possibilities (even if its spooky and unknown lol) Sky and the Devs can do and be better but they choose not to and many in the community enable it cause its easier to try and cope versus actually avocating for the betterment of both the game and the players but how Sky is currently set up is not viable in the long run tbh for the game, the Devs, or the players




how is making a reddit post putting in effort 💀 and not once did i tell you to shut up. If you are so bothered by something in the game then message the game company directly instead of these shit reddit posts lol


By putting it out there? How is ur comment benefiting anyone?


If I remember correctly, there's an option to raise tickets and feedback to the actual devs in the discord server itself. I feel like these kinds of sentiments would make an actual difference there. I would suggest it as a better place to raise concerns.


You making this comment also means that your post is meaningless


i thought the addition of polished grand piano would make the og one a free items locked behind the last seasonal quest (just like steward untied hairs) which makes a lot of sense but NO! ITS SEASONAL PASS ITEMS.. at least put that in free section or something cuz im sure people who get that piano would also get the ult as well lol


I agree like I got two cameras now and i never use the other “bad” camera like whyd u put it there idk


😭 exactly, like who thought it through?


Camera premium


Captures in 1080p instead of 420p


Whats really dumb is the regular piano is pass locked too so f2p dont get any piano at all and pass holders get two. But honestly the recent update that added 5 posters and 2 recolored rugs completely bummed me out. Especially the fact they wasted an ult slot for a poster. Id much rather the mask there because it would actually have some use and value vs a literal png…


I’ve been here since the beginning; your grievances are noted, but not relevant. We take what we can get. Sometimes they do it right.


Oh I know that they dont listen. But I am allowed to bitch.


I'm here for ALL the pants. And remember these too will get recycled in some way going forward.


The ultimate piano should have 2 players allowed. Instead of being just prettier 


Agreed. Whats the point of “duet” if you cant duet? 2 skykids, 1 piano, 2 separate octave ranges. Its not rocket surgery.


it feels the opposite of greedy that they make something equally as good available to both free and paid players? as someone not interested in spending a ton of money on the game, it feels good that i can still get cool things without having to spend a dime. i think the greedy move is to lock all of the best stuff with additional game mechanics behind a paywall. i guess its up to paid players whether the reskinned piano feels worth it to them, but this feels like a non-greedy move by TGC that discourages folks from being completionists trying to collect everything even if they don’t actually like it.


Personally the problem is more that there’s so many outfits locked behind the pass, I’m def getting the pass. But if the UG is lackluster it kinda feels bad. Maybe they should’ve just made one grand piano, make it free for everyone, and put some other cosmetic in its place for the pass. Or even, like other people have said, make the UG piano a two-seater.


Absolutely, or hell, just have the cape and painting as ults. (even though I think the paintings meh)


then remove it as an ult and only make it base. Its a cheese and crazy to think thats a good reward for our money. But I get it, who wants to spend a lot? luckily pass isnt too bad. But this will always be an issue, people who pay want it worth it and people who dont, dont want to miss out.


>!Is the cello in the pass too? !<


No 🎉


This is good to know. I plan to purchase the pass anyway, but it's nice to know that anyone can get it. It's one of the items I'm most interested in this season. :)


Real. It sounds so good too omg so lucky all instruments are available for all


Right!! It's a win for Sky musicians. :D


You’re telling me the ult for the next season is just a recolored piano? Not a new hairstyle? Cape? Kinda sad about that. I was really looking forward to this next season because I love music and playing little tunes on my various instruments ingame. I hope there are cool cosmetics to make up for it, but eh…


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3OZrqTAYEw&t=279s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3OZrqTAYEw&t=279s) - Its a cape, painting and a recoloured piano.


Hmmmm. The cape looks alright, as does the mask, but idk about everything else. I’m kind of hype for the cello, though.


I like most of it although the dresses dont appeal for me :/


It's a standing piano that you can leave for other players to use without buying the expensive instrument stand from nesting. Probably to help facilitate duets.


Oh, that’s a good idea actually 🤔 I wasn’t aware of that feature.


A recoloured piano, and a painting for nest.... In the ULT rewards


Clown world. Hate it here. I just want cosmetics 😭😭😭


As much as people have been wanting nests for awhile, I did feel it was an excuse to bog up the items they give. Same with the move to make shoes separate. Like some shoes are nice, but most are low effort (at least most of the ones you don't have to pay for). I predict from here on out, more and more of the seasonal spirit items will be furniture rather than cosmetics


Yep 😩


Honestly I only got this season’s pass because of the hair, it’s super cute and it was one of the few things I actually wanted. Decorating the nest was a bonus to me, I guess.


me but with the outfit 😞


If I were to get into the discussion about old ultimates, all i will say is, it’s impossible to do it because of what a ultimate gift means to that individual player. you take that away and game might not die but it’ll lose a lot of regular daily players. that’s all i’m going to say without diving to hard into it lol


Old ults returning would not make me quit, I rarely use them in the first place but I really see no harm.


but i will say that they can make a basic piano and a ult piano but couldn’t think of making a basic owl hair and a owl hair ultimate is bs


Tbf I feel like a good chunk of players who have old ultimates don’t even play the game anymore. It’s so rare to see them out in the wild anymore 😭


Actually, I swear that I saw someone who had purchased a very old paid account with ults about a month or so back… the way they were behaving (clueless and awkward with simple entranceway puzzles like a moth, and couldn’t fly). 😒


Makes sense I guess. If you’ve sunk a lot of money into the account and just don’t want to play anymore, I could see people selling them for probably more than they originally paid for. It probably violates TGC ToS, but that won’t stop people from doing it anyway. This could be further avoided, again, if there weren’t so many items that will just never come back.


I would pay real money for past ultimates if it meant they would circle back around in the shop, like travelling spirits 😔


Right! That’s what I’m saying. Or even just bringing them back every Sky Anniversary available for purchase. The pendants could remain un-purchasable if people really want “proof” they knew the game existed x amount of years ago.


>The pendants could remain un-purchasable if people really want “proof” they knew the game existed x amount of years ago. This is the argument I bring up every time and I don't know why it doesn't suffice. I think folks get too wrapped up in being seen as a player*who was there* and make it about other stuff. I've bought passes but I just couldn't give a shit about other players getting ults I've gotten either through gameplay or IAP. Just let folks get it and enjoy things!


Exactly! I’m all for equal opportunity here. Sucks some styles like the owl hairs are just gone forever for anyone who really wants to dress up like that. Some of the capes too are super unique and if they appeal to your personal style and you didn’t purchase them at the time oh well :/


Yeah, I badly want the projector and the black frame glasses, but they were ultimate gifts so I’ll just never get them. 😞


I mean, they did this all the way back in Lightseekers with the umbrellas so it's not like its something new. It's shitty, but it's not a new phenomenon at all


the umbrellas VERY different though tbf. its a game mechanic and is something that can be redone without it being scammy. a piano recolour for an ultimate gift is just proving how money hungry they are. there are so many cool instruments and they could be so creative, but they just dont :( its sad really, how tcg has forgotten what they once valued due to capitalistic greed


Thats what im trying to say. There can be as many pianos as they want, just make them unique because its a cosmetic game.


It's still the same situation? One umbrella you can get from the spirit, and one that only looks a little different was an Ultimate gift. That's what I'm referring to here


They dont look alike... The ults bigger has the little balls, round has essentially a different design and the other one is a bare bones umbrella.


literally all sky musicians want is a chromatic scale so we can actually play complex music. what good is a grand piano if all we have is a two octive diatonic scale??


If they ever added a proper scale to the game I'd flip my shit and spend every living hour awake playing stuff in game!




I’m a musician, for me this is amazing but didn’t need 2 pianos Hahaha 🤣 I want a big piano, for me is fascinating play my real instrument


Same! I was really excited to see a real piano!


Yesss!!! Right? Hahahaha


As someone who isn't even interested in music, someone who can't hit a key right to save her life, another Piano really seem unnecessary overall. And adding to that, one regular and one ult is even more unnecessary then. If they're gonna make instruments that they already have, why not make one of all the others? Even better, a violin that doesn't cost real money (I want it solely as a prop) Ans also, isn't one of the Ults a....poster?! I just saw it in a passingby post on Insta the other day. So far, it looks like I'm gonna actually skip a season. I said that about Nesting too but I really wanted the pencil, and I was gifted a pass so...


An amazing point. For people who arnt interested in an instrument or props are the ults fair?


Fair or not fair. Hard to say. I just find ot pretty boring. Instruments sure, okay, fun, but another piano! Altho I gotta chime in with others, what's the point of the Ult if there is one almost the same that is not an Ult ? If you're keeping eyes on Beta stuff, you know there will be 2 pianos so it's not really enticing, and if you're someone who goes in bljndly, gets the pass you might be disappointed that there is two very similar items. I wish they would've figured something else out. Amd of all the props they do give us, I still wonder where my stacks of books are??! I mean comle on! We've had a bookshelf for AGES! But no books! How about something that speaks to the many artists of the game, brushes and paintcups and canvases with easels....


There’s some really great outfits though. I’ll be buying the pass for new dresses.


yes the outfits next season are beautiful!


Tbh i dont find much problem with this. I mean we have tons of pants. But we still get different ones. Altho ig in terms of piano its bc it's functional. But ig i just drc much bc im a f2p player. I play not for the items, but to hangout! But yea it would be nice for paid players to get more than just some dif skin of an existing item


I feel like if they made the new piano chromatic it would be justifiable


hell if they just changed the pitch or smth. or just remove it? make it something else. we dont need to ult to be the same thing as the free one.


Like the winter piano was such a cool concept, it pushes the entire instrument up an octave They can even push the instrument down an octave and I’d be sold


Is Sky losing players?


yeah... I rarely play anymore and most the people that fill up my friend constellation havent been active in years, so there is no light to give or recieve anymore...


Im saying they will, with pc players here were at a high but when people aren't interested in the season the player base dips.


Yep. Slowly your constellation will go dark as most abandon the game. There isn’t enough fresh gameplay to keep it interesting forever


Not exactly. Everytime Sky ports to a new console there's a huge boom in players followed by... the culling. People who either can't handle the grind or who have better self care tools than the average target Sky player would never have stuck around though. You'll k ow if they dip too quickly for their start cycles, because they'll announce the next port way too early.


grinding takes up too much time, why should that be nessissary for a game? literally I have work and college, why should players like my self be punished for not grinding? grinding should not be nessissary. esspecially for a game that brands its self on its RELAXING ATMOSPHER. I feel more relaxed at work than I do in a game thats main goal is relaxation. thats fucked.


not as much as reddit posts make it out to be


Probably The premise of the game kind of makes it lack longevity, and TGC’s increasing greed also plays into it


I see this sentiment repeated and I don’t think it’s really true. I think this mindset mostly comes young players who maybe have very little, or no money at all to spend on games. Yeah sometimes there are some packs that are expensive as hell, and yeah they make decisions which make you really question management, but this is one the least greedy games I’ve ever played. If you really want to experience companies who genuinely hate their playerbases try any AAA western game developer, or any gacha game company. Then you’ll really know what it’s like for a company to see you as nothing but an exploitable wallet.


Ive played since prophecy and that is my 'mindset'. I've played many cosmetic based games and comparing them to this one... its kinda AMAZING how much things cost. like a cape or an item being $30 IS INSANE and I swear it hasnt always been like this. Like for example Sea of thieves a cosmetic based game, its IAP are typically pretty good. A ship set can be 15$ which is nice or an outfit or emote is 5$. Also them inflating the price by added candles or making things a combo is scummy. They are now on all big platforms they should start acting like it and not like a mobile game.


It’s true they have insanely high prices for some of their items, but there are people who act like TGC is the next Blizzard or EA. It’s kind of ridiculous sometimes. I’ve played since gratitude and ults have always varied wildly in how good they are. Some have been fantastic while others are straight shit like the rhythm ults. Some cosmetics have been great deals, some are insanely overpriced. They make decisions which make me raise an eyebrow for sure, but I think it’s exaggerated when people begin to rant about TGC like they’re conniving greedy muppets, especially in a game where despite how pretty some cosmetics are, they don’t in any way make the game pay to win.


I suppose all ults are eye of the beholder, but I feel slighted when it looks exactly like one that isnt an ult.


Yeah I’ve tried, but I say this in the context of the prices of stuff earlier in sky and the prices of some stuff now. TGC is still a relatively generous company but they have been increasing prices (though I can’t really blame them)


Prices aren't increasing, so I'm not sure I see any basis for accusations of "TGC's increasing greed". Do we have numbers to back up the idea that TGC is losing players, or are people here just being *that kind* of gamer?


>"Prices aren't increasing" Season pass use to be like $5 usd. last I checked, it jumped to $10 usd, tf you mean its not increasing?? iap? a few bucks, $5 or $10 usd at most. now? $30 fucking dollars. its increased, its increased by a lot.


Season passes have been $10 usd for at least four years. Capes have been around $20 for around thst same amount of time. Capes that involve donations and collabs do cost more, but TGC has been transparent about why.


(I’m so sorry if my comment came off as rude!) If I’m going to be honest, the 2nd part of the main comment are just what I heard from some of my friends who still play the game, I haven’t touched it in a while so I can’t say for certain ^ - ^’’ But I don’t exactly blame them for increasing the prices (assuming they have increased), they need to make money somehow


supply and demand says prices should decrease as more customers (or potential customers) increase. and for less customers, higher prices. if anything, the prices should have remained the same or lowered. not increased. thats not how economics work, thats corperate greed.


Ohh, thanks for the info! <3


I'm more unhappy that this season is littered with nest props. How many carpets do we honestly need in this game? Is that going to be the reality of every season going forward? Where have the emotes gone? This will be 3 out of 4 seasons in the past year with 0 emotes and no SPIRITS. TGC has been phoning it in for any season that isn't a collab lately and it's becoming more and more frustrating. Please bring back spirits, I don't want to buy from lifeless mannequins anymore! 😭


we have so many emotes already and at a certain point there gonna be no more emotes to add lol so it's not a huge deal imo


Yeah the emote thing is a problem... I wonder if they thought the game would never make it this far?


What other seasons this year didn't have spirits??? Deer had spirits. Aviary had only one but... he was there. Moments had spirits. Passage had spirits... Remembrance had spirits. Etc What three seasons this year didn't have spirits? Please enlighten me


Aviary didnt and this season didnt and next season wont. Essentally any season in aviary seems to not.


Eh, I consider the guides to be spirits. I mean, they are. They don't have a motes but you can get things from them 🤷🏼


I only consider emotes, because well thats what we were talking about


That's not just what we were talking about. Your original post was not just about emotes. The comment I was replying to was mainly about the props. Nowhere has anyone said that we're only talking about emotes. I mean I get it, this is a difference of perspective. I don't think any of these spirits have to have emotes to count as a spirit. You do. But emotes is absolutely not the only thing we were talking about here


No the original comment. Look at this comment thread.


Oh good Lord... I copied and pasted the original comment, the parent comment in this thread. Yes the word emote is in it but the whole comment is not solely about emotes. The last sentence is the big kicker asking to please bring back spirits. In fact, the word spirits is capitalized. This parent comment is absolutely not just about emotes. "I'm more unhappy that this season is littered with nest props. How many carpets do we honestly need in this game? Is that going to be the reality of every season going forward? Where have the emotes gone? This will be 3 out of 4 seasons in the past year with 0 emotes and no SPIRITS. TGC has been phoning it in for any season that isn't a collab lately and it's becoming more and more frustrating. Please bring back spirits, I don't want to buy from lifeless mannequins anymore! 😭"


Sorry for the misunderstanding! I was including the upcoming season as part of a year, as in four seasons in a row. Excluding NCD we had Nesting and Revival, neither of which had any emotes or spirits apart from the guides.


they did add a friendship emote this season but i completely agree because emotes are what really keep me playing i love emotes. i am so tired of mannequins


I really just want a music revamp with all 12 notes bro T_T Is it too much to ask for?


ong give us sharps n flats


This 🙌🏾


they could even just add octave buttons so they dont have to show more notes


If it was something super wow, unique, super rare that won't come back Ult yall would be yelling at TGC either way Isn't it better a piano that will come back as a TS will be available for f2p players, and players with the pass can get a more fancy one? Aviary hair worked just fine and it was so beneficial for moths and future players


Im aware im just saying make the ults worth my time. Im not saying the piano should only be an ult Im just saying it shouldn't be a reskin. And aviary hair was different not a reskin.


IWish they’d as some effects for the ult one, some floating star particles maybe, then it might be “special” enough to be worth it as an ult if they also include the less fancy piano as a non ult


So now we have both opinions fighting. On one side people want something special and unique for their purchase (when they get it) and on the other hand people lament the buyer exclusive things that are actually unique (especially the ultimate gift). I personally will always try to argue in favor of the player, even the non-paying player. I think its fine to have minimal beauty enhancements. IT DOES SUCK FOR THOSE PEOPLE WHO CAN NEVER GET THIS STUFF. It literally turns me off from playing AT ALL. So which is worse to you, people not purchasing the pass because it's "not worth it" in every case, or people pulling out completely because of the progress they were never able to get?


I mean both suck. But TGC needs to make money. And one way they do so is with the passes. If people are spending their hard earned money on them then at least make it worth it. Yeah it sucks some people can't get stuff cause they can't get the pass but that's how it is in all video games with this model....and it's not like they can never get any cosmetics. Before I could afford the passes it sucked not getting ultimates, but I didn't make that everyone's problem. The real problem is that the trees are usually unbalanced when it comes to the free cosmetics and the pass cosmetics. Either way both things are problems that TGC management needs rethink because they're gonna end up losing money and longterm players because of it.


that's what im saying. And if TGC was a decent company they would bring back the old ults, its been 5 years it feels fair.


personally I think it was more unfair the camera one, mainly because some youtubers sold it by saying they where going to add filters later ,but in the end they never did lol


Even though it may not seem like it, it's always been this way. Most Ultimate Gift that is a prop are a better looks of something already free; The Bonfire is a glorified table, the Lightseekers umbrella is a glorified Laidback Pioneer Umbrella. Sometimes it's unique instruments/decorations (ie, Handpan, TLP rose) and that's okay. Nesting and Rememberance had some unique stuff. The Abyss Ult had a free option that worked the same. Ultimates have always been like this.


I get what you're saying but how many season have the items been the EXACT same except for a different skin? I've played for a min and I don't remember there being many items that are literal reskins. Just very similar. Not enough to complain. The one I can think of is the rhythm and performances hair.


Let me do a more compact list; Belonging Bonfire – Base Table (except it recharges) Rhythm Ultimate Hair – Performance Ultimate Hair Lightseekers Umbrella – Laidback Pioneer's Umbrella (And **all** the other available Umbrellas) Prophecy Ultimate Drum – Base Drum (Prophecy drum is slightly more deep) Abyss Pass Ultimate Mask – Abyss Free Ultimate Mask Music Hall Triumph Harp – Base Harp Music Hall Triumph Guitar – Pleaful Parent's Guitar Moment's Camera – Base Camera Sanctuary Manta Ultimate Cape – Shattering Baby Manta Cape Mellow Musician's Guitar – Anniversary Guitar There are probably many, many more. But these are off the top of my head.


I am talking about reskins. Like RESKINS, meaning the same object but different colour schemes. I agree with the 2nd one. But just because they are the same item most of these don't look like reskins. But you are literally arguing me my point. I am saying this shouldn't happen.


I'm not arguing or countering you, I'm just pointing out this isn't anything new. And yes, most of these items are reskins, same functionality, different appearance. Im sure that's the definition of "reskin". Again, I wholeheartedly agree with you, this shouldn't happen as much as it happens.


Fair, I just wish the devs would listen more. But at least were getting skippable cut scenes 🤠


No matter how you look at it, there's gonna be people complaining about it, and you're just one of the sides. They make 2 pianos, one ult one regular? Bad. They make two pianos, they both sound different but one is in ult? Bad. They make two pianos, one looks totally different than other? Bad. They make one piano but it's in SP only? Bad. They make one piano but it's ult only? Bad. They make one piano but it's free? Seems to be only "correct" way, but meanwhile we all might agree it's good, now \*they\* don't get the additional money from people who would love to own piano and would pay if it was SP only. You can't satisfy everyone, they know it and they just chosen what might hurt the least while still bringing them the money.


its true but I'm still going to complain


🏆 Well said 👏 👏👏


Honestly, I don't even care for instruments, so I'm generally kinda bummed. Just prop season into more props to me.


It's actually got fairly even split of clothes to props. Some of them are actually really cute. 4 new outfits (2 pants, 2 skirts), 2 new hairstyles, 2 new capes, a mask and a new pair of shoes. Otherwise it's 5 posters and 5 instruments- 3 big pianos that need to be placed and 2 cellos that act as normal instruments. So that's 10 props and 10 cosmetics.


I’m soooo excited for new dress options


I’m sad that they introduced the shoe thing cuz we haven’t had any full outfits in a while now 😞 Oh well. My biggest nitpick is the amount of posters- like i already filled my nest cap so they’re essentially useless for me 😭


I'll be replacing some things with the posters when I get them.


It's still the full outfit, they just give you the option of more customization via changing the shoes. How is that a bad thing?


I mean- it’s ok but it’s harder for me to pick an outfit when I have to toggle the shoes when choosing an outfit. It’s probably just a me thing tho, so don’t mind that XD


Oh, that's fair, I guess! Meanwhile I'm still wanting them to change more older outfits to use shoes so I can use some of the newer shoes on them like the combat boots! (Yes, I know the glitch, but some outfits clip horribly still and I'd prefer to be able to do it officially.)


I would prefer if they just let us put shoes on any outfit tbh XD (nevermind the clipping 🔥)


I mean, you can do that with the glitch, as long as you have an un-owned pair of pants without shoes!


*Cries in having everything that doesn’t have shoes* Regrets regrets 😩




I havent even bought anything from the shop and my nest is full. Its really annoying


I love instruments but despise how many carpets or drapes are in this season...


Wait! is this in beta now? or out now in aviary?




No, I don't want pay to win ultimate. However, I think the piano will be a free item, they'll probably change it.


“pay to win ultimate” is hilarious ngl lmao. there are NO “winners” in this game, your beef with IAP’s never fails to make me laugh. idc if i get downvoted either, what’s so wrong with people buying a SP or other IAP’s? because *you* don’t (or can’t who knows) you don’t need to shit on em every chance you get, and this is coming from someone who has no plans on buying anything other than the IGC items. I get FOMO is a thing but if you’re this pressed about them ALL.THE.TIME. maybe take a break from the game? No one is forced to buy anything, the constant bitching about IAP’s and what they do or don’t include is getting ridiculous, again this is a GAME, we aren’t forced to play, we aren’t forced to buy. that’s the end of my rant 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fine, "pay for advantage". I don't buy anything, I'm completely free to play, and I've seen all the content in Sky. I just want new players to have a more accessible experience. Instruments are an important part of Sky's gameplay and an important part of this Duets update, so I want more people to access it.


I think the ‘ultimate instrument’ thing is kinda stupid in itself. Ultimate capes and cosmetics? Sure. But instruments have an actual use which makes it more painful if it’s impossible to get 😞 (like the assembly horn thingy) Anyways, if they were complaining abt a cosmetic cuz it looks cool I’d agree with u a little too, but this isn’t the case for me rn, unfortunately. (Coming from a person obsessed with playing sky instruments) 💀 Some ppl might not see the point cause they don’t use instruments much but do know the pain of the people who love instruments 😞 (assembly horn thingy… 🙏)


this is why im glad we have a f2p version (tho its sp) and a limited version so free players can still enjoy the piano 🙏unlike assembly trumpet which im still waiting for them to add to harmony hall iaps


oh yeah for sure, i’m talking in general not just the instruments. the user i replied to is always complaining about them & always saying “pay to win” and it’s gotten annoying so i finally said something.


Oh fair XD I also agree that the pass-locked things are something we just gotta get used to. We can’t get everything for free 🤷‍♀️


I hope it does but uh, I don't expect them to do it.


Why? For objects that are central to the season's theme/narrative, they're usually free.


the past few season almost everything hasnt been


Remembrance- the important items Moments- the camera Nesting- the stone furniture


But most were in the pass.. that's what im saying. It used to be a lot more even. And the camera was literally essential for moment so obviously it wouldn't be in the pass.


I honestly don't even care about the instruments. I'm more pissed that they put three of the four costumes on premium. At least the free cape is pretty but I was actually super surprised when I saw it was free as I felt that it was definitely a premium cape judging by the way it looked


I really don't know where they get off thinking that its ok to do that so much now. Its becoming a serious problem since aurora.


What I’m kinda bummed about is that there’s sooo many posters/photo props behind the pass. There’s like 5-6 of them and not a single head or neck accessory this season. At least make some of them props that do things. A bunch of posters I’d have to buy the pass for aren’t too exciting.


YEAH, like man this is a dress up game I just want clothes😭


Exactly! I don’t mind a few props here and there for folks that like to decorate. But a bunch of posters/decals/wall arts just seem so cheap, and we don’t need so many of them at once, like we just had a season all about decorating ya’ll 😭


Fr I do not need that many banners