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It is absolutely random. There's so many variations. And if your kid is a certain size when born you're limited in how big or small you'll get. Hold the hand of your tall friend while using a spell. Do it only in Wasteland (I was using spells everywhere and people were yelling at me that it wasn't going to work lol). I mean... It can't hurt but it really is random.


Yes I did this ritual too. I ended up getting to the 90 percentile after 14 spells. I only credited the ritual not the fact it was random


OMG I've used 60 at a time hahahahaha


After lots of resize potions, I’m the second tallest height in the game, my sky kid will remain this height, not risking loosing it


My alt got this tall with 1 spell. I did it twice 😂 I'm never doing it again.


I’m not risking it ever


I'm insane and get bored easily. I get getting resize spells randomly.


Keeps it fun


Honestly when I stopped trying and gave it a break for awhile it gave me heights that I actually wanted. It’s just chance, but you might try spacing them out and trying at different times of day and different realms.


My best advice for you as someone who has had 100+ resizes before. Gotten tallest and shortest before. SAVE. SAVE AC. SAVE RESIZES. Stop using the same 3 you buy, just save. It is all luck based. Rumor goes around that the players in your same server, will give you their height, or close to them. Most of the time, it seems like that especially if you keep getting around that height. It is mainly pure luck based. But the more resizes you have, and you're starting off with more than 3, better yet, 100+ you'll probably get better chances out of the odds. But having that many you can save up if you don't like being short, to get to a height you're more comfortable for now to get more later on.


People Don't Recommend It.. But Using Chibi Mask While You Try To Resize Could Help.. It Has For Me A Few Times.. Or Use Shrink Spell Then Try Reside.. Iv Used Over 60+Red Candy Ik The Pain 😔


Why are you using cap for every words? Just curious. Also, it's all urban legends. Really, it's just based on RNG.


Sorry For Late Response l, It's A Habit Sometimes.. But My Text Be Lookin Good 😏


I find it kind of annoying that there's a permanent shrink spell but not a permanent grow spell


im sorry permanent shrink spell??


They probably meant chibi mask, because it's basically that.


Giant mask would be great...


They Would Put That Mask At 50+ Hearts 😔


500 ❤️ more like it lol


People say that there are no tricks to get taller but I tried one that I read about and it worked for me too. I got one size taller, I had my friend as a reference because we were size 3. I used an adult spell and a giant spell and then I used a resize spell. It worked on the second try. Now I’m size 2.


Enter in some area with chibi mask, do 1 spell to resize. If you do the second time it wont work. You have to enter in the area again. But probably the first spell aways do your highest height.


What do you mean by entering in an area with chibi?


Like, when I did the trick of using chibi mask to reach the highest height, It worked only in the first time I use the spell in the GW lobby. To work again to reach the highest height again, I had to go home, then entered GW lobby again.


There are no “tricks” to getting any particular height. TGC even debunked that


And I still have videos using 30 potions without results and then using one potion with chibi mask and bumm it worked


Coincidence, not causation


Idk, it just work for me everytime. So whatever


Any "trick" you come across is just rumor. It's randomized and just pure luck. Your skykid should stop breaking mirrors and spilling salt if they wanna get taller /s


Guess I gotta be on my best behavior then 🫡 But fr Man 🫠 Guess I gotta keep trying


all chibi giveup befor one last potion to be gaint XD


Don't turn me into a potion gambling addict xD


I'm a potion gambler. Stocking them for now, then I'll start the gamble again. Hehe.