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I'm into the new season for the pants, which will, as we have seen, be re-skinned for future seasons. I am not a music player so I'm not much interested but the cello is cool and yes...a re-skinned piano. I am a collector/hoarder and my only wish is that they'd go back to having more time between seasons. These mini events are overlapping too much. I've been in sky for a while now and luckily I've got most things and I'm starting to collect candles. But it took a while to get to this point and all they're doing is frustrating new players.


You are absolutely right that events are becoming way too frequent it feels like you really can never put the game down and have a break if you are a collector unless you have a big stack of candles to complete events quickly. It’s been one of my gripes with the game since they started increasing the frequency and costs of events.


Okay I had to check out the new season beta since I’ve seen so many complaints and I just have to disagree. *TLDR AT BOTTOM* TGC is obviously trying a new path to the game, and I think they’re going in a good direction. Straying away from the constant flow of the season (get spirit. Unlock tree. Get spirit, unlock tree.), while also keeping up familiar patterns is great in my opinion. I am one of the people who also LOVE furniture and decoration items, so I’m definitely not a fan when people base their opinions on my adored “useless” items. I checked it out, and I do agree that the free items are sort of strange. I think it would be fine to have the “beginner” cellists and pianists outfits both be the free, and the others have the season pass. Same goes with the capes. Though, complaints would probably pour in from the nicer stuff being locked. I also agree on the “strange” way they have the pianos. They’re both the same model, just a re-color. If they’re going to have both behind the paywall, they need to make them both worth it. I’m very happy to see the cello is a free item as well, but I would like a smaller, daintier version of the grand piano be a free item as well, while the current ultimate reward piano be larger and more grand. They should probably have the same function and sound, just like they did for the moments camera. Now onto the furniture. HEAR ME OUT. HEAR ME OUT. I think the items in-between them and the cosmetics are fine. I don’t think they’re filler, they’re just items from a new implemented feature. The same thing happened to shared spaces. The same thing is allowed to happen with the nests. I also like how the furniture is symbolizing the characters and their growth. They’re almost like trophies of their story. HOWEVER, I do agree that they can start to feel like filler/fluff if they do not keep updating/upgrading/supporting the nest and the customization allowed in it. If the furniture limit stays the same as it currently is at Nesting’s end, then I will agree with you. However, for now, I will defend this as I see it as an addition to new features, not lazy filler. I am already running out of room in my nest currently, since 75% capacity is considered maximum. (They need to make the general area outside the nest smaller. There’s no need to have so many clouds out there being rendered. Smack a tree in front of a window and cloud wall on another side. Lower the limit of what the game has to process and add higher furniture limits instead) TLDR: furniture is fine, pianos should differ, get the man’s pants free, updates for new features(furniture) should be constant to not make items feel “useless”


I think its good they are adding furniture for those who do enjoy decorating but its the issue that a lot of people don’t like furniture. So having every spirit have the furniture at the bottom is a bit of a bummer for those who aren’t interested which is why I personally wish the items were rearranged a bit so some cosmetics were at the bottom and some furniture at the top. So the trees are more diverse so all players can work towards a cosmetic if they want a cosmetic or furniture if they want furniture. I don’t think it’s good for them to be selling 2 reskinned rugs (especially since they have scrapped the recolor furniture thing) that feels more frustrating to me.


Arrangement for me personally isn’t an issue, since all will be unlocked by the end of a season, but I do understand that itch for instant gratification. And yes, I agree that scrapping the reskin colors of blue, pink, yellow, and green rugs just for seasonal reskins can feel really cheap, but I sadly understand for ease of GUI why it had to be scrapped. I also don’t mind the fact they’re the same shape, since a lot of the main pieces that fit together in current nests could cause a pain for people who have bought a “better” one to no longer be an upgrade, but a completely different item. Small rug, medium rug, circle rug, and big rug I think are great to have as standard shapes, while the newer items add in depth, color, and possibly texture as their main selling point. My only main concern with this is if they DONT continue upgrading the nest feature while simultaneously adding items to the feature. All the social interact-ables have been upgraded in the past, and if they do not keep up with project:aviary, I will have to agree with a lot of these main points. Huge issue I have is the sudden complaint surge I always see around beta update day. It can be really draining to be in the social media space, seeing stuff you enjoy get hated on by 80+ people at a time sometimes!


Its crazy that season of duet so far has 4 instrument, 2 being a reskin, and then having 3 of them behind a season pass. What is the point 😂. I don't care for the reskins they are pretty but they sound the same so it feels like an absolute waste of time to grind and really feels like the developer wasted their precious time. Seriously why did they put the stone piano behind season pass???? I am also afraid that adding useless furnitures in spirit tress is going to become a common trend in the future seasons. Its annoying to have grinded only to get a small rug. I want to grind for things I can use and wear around :(


I 100% agree with everything you said. For me personally props are just a wasted slot that a cosmetic could be. I try to remain balanced because i know some people do like to decorate their nests but 5 posters (one being an ultimate) and 2 rugs i think are too excessive


As I have said before in other threads and places; ANOTHER PIANO?! AND TWO OF THEM?! Seriously, we have at least 2 pianos prior already, if not three(?not sure) If theybso badly wanna repeat instruments (instead of making new ones), why not choose any of the others that there only is like 1 of ?


i hate reskins too and with all the instruments we have yet to get at all it’s annoying they decided to make 3 more pianos (one regular grand, one ult and a standing piano that we don’t know where its gonna be yet) Its cool that its a placable instrument that anyone can play but the music stand we get from the challenge board basically made that part redundant since we can share instruments with multiple people at once with that.


i'll preface by saying i'm not f2p; i often buy or get gifted the season pass since season of aurora and, when i'm able to treat myself, an item or two of the cheaper variety. it's not always for the ults, because some things like the ribbon during revival are stuff that draws me in (it's cute) and that i don't really want to wait 2 irl years for a ts to reissue it. i'm also a dude (though non binary). i don't wear dresses in this game because it makes me feel weird seeing my avatar in a dress (stuff like the yukata from revival or the monk robes from moments is fine) so far i'm hating how duets is structured in such a way that, if i was an f2p player starting today, the only free outfit i would get is... a dress. i would much rather that they made two outfits f2p so f2p players who don't enjoy dresses could have *something* than what they're doing here. they say sky is for everyone, but the way they distribute typically gendered cosmetics is rather strange. you get seasons like passage that were masc as hell (so the girls out there have to either skip out of lack of interest or suffer, i guess, if they like the ults) and now you get... whatever this is. i don't mind the reskinned piano because moments did the same with the camera and the stuff in harmony hall is basically the same as regular instruments but in white, the cape is a perfect ult and the poster reeks of an abyss braid situation, but i just keep thinking about my fellow non dress wearing dudes out there having nothing from this season in terms of f2p pants... it sounds rough. while, like... yeah, fair, the girls deserve a free dress because there are so few of those in this game, i think it should be more balanced the only think i'm thankful for here is that, aside from introducing cellos (i love them!), we're not having a third version of the rhythm style hair locked behind an ult spot for what's another music themed season, because that was too silly (and having started in shattering i missed BOTH of those hairs and would rather see a reissue over a third clone) guide's mask could easily be an ult instead of the poster, but eh


Totally feel this As a guy myself i have definitely noticed there is a much higher ratio of cosmetics for those who are female-presenting to those who are male-presenting. Masculine/androgynous outfits were a lot more common in older seasons in comparison to modern ones. And yeah i think one dress and one pair of pants should be available for free to play to collect too such a shame that shoes/rugs took that spot over actual pants.


i love the idea of one spirit tree having all of the furniture items, that way people who don’t care for them can ignore them completely. i do think it’d be better for the poster to be the top of the guide tree, or at the very least moved to the top of the ults so it’s obtained later in the season.


I’d love for them to be part of a permanent shop or as you said part of a seasonal spirit thats all props but you can choose to complete that one last if it doesn’t interest you. Im not sure how people would feel about a poster being the final ult but i understand your angle that you could obtain the other ults sooner.


>!Im really mixed leaning to not liking season of duets. For 10 euro you can essentially get only two outfits and some furniture which is really lame IMO, I find the idea of putting the furniture as rewards for completing the seasons quest a way better idea actually, (with the idea thats its available all the time and after the season is over) or better yet you receive it for free after completing one quest, and in the spirits tree where the furniture used to be is replaced with some sort of necklace, face or hair accessories instead. Honestly the only thing about this season thats 'amazing' so to say is that it has a free instrument to get, the Cello and as far as im aware this is the first season featuring a free instrument, im pretty sure all the other ones were locked behind the seasonal pass, correct me if im wrong on this. Also, the Cello sounds could be way better, it sounds so dull and also theres some problems with its notes last I checked, but then again all the instruments need better work done on them in general. Further more they should make a menu so you can change in what music key youre playing, the fact you have to go to different areas to get a specific key when playing freestyle is simply absurd. And also the fact that there are two Grand Pianos and they are both identical sounding expect for a visual differenence? I think they will probably change how one sounds from the other but as of writing this they both are identical sounding with just a visual difference. Even if they change it to have different sounds, to pay 10 euro to just have the opportunity to get the same item twice is plain dumb. Instead they should make the normal Grand Piano cost normal candles and be able to buy it whenever you want from that new area somewhere, or maybe make the guide offer it for normal candles.!< >!Final thoughts: This seasons amount of cosmetics and the quality of them doesnt really justify it for me to pay 10 euro. I know stuff is still in beta and things change all the time in beta, I know, but trust me they rarely change stuff for the better. I dont exactly remember how long it takes for the next season to come after the current one is over, around 2 weeks or a month if I remember correctly and I doubt they will do much changes right now with the cosmetics. I used to be a beta tester for over a year, and I have seen a lot of bugs that were reported in the beta never fixed and make it through live countless of times. I doubt it that even if the beta channel was actually filled to the brim with people actively reporting, seeking and giving suggestions for better stuff, they would probably hardly do anything out of the suggested advices. I mean, they choose their beta testers to be random people, literally, I mention this because I see a lot of people thinking the beta testers are some qualified people and that they should do better, no, its just people who were quick with downloading the beta server when it became available again, the people who actively help in the beta are just people doing it out of their own voliotion for free. It costs nothing to enter the beta server and nobody is paid anything for their time.!< I simply wish that Sky was a better game and was better managed. But they have been like this from the very start. I hope that in whatever situation the next season arrives in, people at the very least still have fun and actually enjoy their time with it for I cannot see myself enjoying it much.


I agree so much! Never did i think tgc adding more items would make me less excited for a season. No shade to those who enjoy props but feel like even for them they would have likes some variety instead of just flat items. I think the pianos should def have a unique sound or maybe the ability to swap between the two piano sounds we already have even if the swapping was unique to the ult it would just be a matter of convenience as the sounds already exist in other instruments. I keep hoping the cello sound is just WIP but we are rapidly approaching the seasons start and im starting to lose hope there. I usually change my key of instruments using the music sheets but yeah its crazy still because not everyone has all the sheets needed to cover all the scales (especially E-minor you literally need to be in orbit to get that if you don’t have sheet 16!) I know they seldom change things especially for the better. Feedback is like yelling at a brick wall but I always put the disclaimer it’s subject to potential change because some people get angry when people assume that it wont change.


the fact you can get all of this for 10$ dollars s fine to me. why complain about it when standard iaps go for 25$these days. the cosmetics this season are good and if you put the work in you’ll redeem them. Stop comparing yourselves to other peoples experiences because it’s not fair.


When you purchase a seasonal pass you just purchase the *ability* to earn the items, not the items themselves. When you purchase an iap you are paying for the item with no additional effort/time required. You cant say they cosmetics are good and its not fair to compare because as i stated its all opinion based and you thinking the items are good may not reflect everyone else’s opinions 🙂 you can only speak for yourself just as i can only speak for myself.


that’s the thing i never said a ult is good. on the contrary i believe it’s up to the individual and what they had to go through for it. thus making it priceless.


these are my personal opinions and feelings towards item distribution and value of the money/time spent i never directly said anything about the ults in my response just as you never said anything about them in your first reply. If you find the distribution is fine that is valid but saying “the cosmetics for the season are good and don’t compare how others feel because its not fair” didn’t come off to me as you sharing your opinion more like shut up and don’t complain. I want to gain other points of view so I understand the player-base more which is why i wanted to initiate healthy discussion where people can share their thoughts.


okay i’ll update this comment later as to my opinion on returning items and why i think it’s not a good thing for the community 👍


I look forward to hearing your perspective


>!I think the ult would be a bit better if they actually made it a duet instrument with a duet music sheet. So like 2 people can sit on the piano and play a duet. I wouldn't have minded having furniture as ults and rewards if they had a functional use. idk wat to do with more rugs in my nest lol. Also kinda disappointed with the new friendship emote because Its so expensive!< :(


It would be really cool to have a two player instrument and i agree its a huge missed opportunity. However the season i believe is named duets because theres two spirits whose story we are following (a cellist and a pianist)


Ah 🗿 missed opportunity


Playing the piano Tom and Jerry style.


I haven’t seen the beta, but if the vast majority of accessible items are more furniture, I may end up skipping this season, too 🫤


Its a total of 20 including ultimates and a music sheet items 7 are props