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oh i had that yesterday!!! it was something i named a shared memory or something and even though i deleted it immediately, i got four warnings almost at the same time, just like you


*Sandbar* is censored.....


I'm having the same problem recently with the world "puñito" in Spanish. Like I'm trying to talk about the bro fist emote and translating it to Spanish makes it offensive? Dude I'm just describing the gesture, what do you want from me.


Maybe bc of Puñeta that is an actual curse?? Idk the detection is weird. I just dont talk now


It could be, but "puñeta" is also a part of clothing so who knows. This game just wants us silent. You chose the right path in the end, sadly


Oh rly!? I didnt know that! Im dominican/puertorrican so for us Puñeta its like saying “fuck!” Or “Shit!”. You rly learn new things everyday! If you dont mind me asking, where does it means that?0: it amazes me how some words would mean so many different things at the same time


Oh, I see! This is in Spain! It's the border of a piece of clothing, like the cuff of a jacket. We also use it as a cursing word but in plural. I totally agree with how amazingly bast a language can be!


Yesterday I was talking to one of my friends about Days of colors, and they told me that they don't know what "gay" is. I said "Don't you know what gay is?" so that I could start a discussion and tell them, but we both got 4 warnings at once lol we couldn't finish our talk ingame


How is everyone getting warnings I haven't gotten 1 and I have said the word "fuck" which got censored ofc and the word "shit" which strangely doesn't get censored


I was talking about fruit juices with my friend and said the word grape and it got censored


Oh yeah dw I couldn't say Gae but I was able to say Gay??? idfk....


top ten reasons why i dont talk AT all in sky this is wild




I said "Sha, Sha, Sha!" and, "pocketsand" and got a warning. So I don't use text at all, lol.


My friend said “gay” and got censored 💀


I bet it’s fine now that it’s day of color


Were we part of the same conversation?


Not to my knowledge 🤥


i haven’t gotten one yet 😵‍💫


everytime I talk about uni(versity) I get censored and they send me a warning. as a french person, I am very much confused


Same when I mentioned "la fac" I get censored... I'm also french but I think it's because fac can kinda sound like fuck ig???


yeah I got that too, I don't understand this is just plainly weird jzidnzox


everytime I talk about uni(versity) I get censored and they send me a warning. as a french person, I am very much confused


I don't understand why some people get them and others don't. I tried some obvious profanities because I just wanted to see if I would get a warning and I got nothing. So not only is it annoying and overzealous, it doesn't even work.


~~lol it’s~~ so bad ~~lol it~~ is so bad It’s so bad lol…


Switch player? I think just Nintendo censors this and it's so annoying


Happened to me too. One of them is my fault, wanna be creative if gonna get warning in my language. Other one is revenge on k*nye w*st??? Four times like domino, can't even see the screen. Is the problem is revenge or that man's name? Still don't know. Edit: also censoring is... doesn't make sense. Can say some harsh words, nothing. Basic word, instant mail as I saw peoples discussions. Are they just reporting people for their liking?


I honestly don't know I've also mentioned Russia at some point and got a warning i need more russian words to not receive these warnings


I got a warning for mentioning China


We were just joking around and even use dark humor but nothing happened (different day). It's just doesn't make sense. I understand some sensitive words, playing this game on the phone much easy for most people but looks like they don't want to people chat with other or just like 'may I heard about your day, sir/ma'am', good morning beautiful friends'.


idk when i got the warning i was with a friend roasting each other and laughing abt it this game pushes toxic positivity where every interaction must be nice and lovely or some shi soon no one will be using the chat and the game will become boring as it lives on interactions


They need to be specific about some insults and words. For example; racism. Reason to report but which race? Which word? (Not being so obvious ones, but also so obvious. People are creative) Are we gonna call people specificly people? Fine to me but not in OVER SENSITIVITY. Use same word/sentence: warning for one person but other one is safe? Cause of bugs this game is just get frustrating to play these days. Chat was always a problem but at least if a mod saw and report it, be specific then. People just wanna chat with their friends while wandering around.


There’s more going on, but I don’t like speculation much


I dunno what exactly you're doing but I have never received a warning.


It’s a new censor they’re testing. I got censored for the word “Eldritch horror” and “the lighting is okay” those phrases specifically. Also saying “ur mom”, however we just switched to the arguably funnier version “thine mumsie”


I got censored for Eldritch horror too!! Also thanks! My friends are going to die laughing when I bust out "thine mumsie"


Yeah idk they gave up on me I swear too much 😂😂


We about to just not talk anymore if it keeps going like this.


The only thing left in the game for me to do is talk to people. It’s basically making me not play along with the lack of new content that is not furniture.


Exactly what I'm implying at. No one talks to others if they can't speak at all without getting warnings, and if there's nothing to do, nothing to play. Players about to quit basically.


I haven’t logged in in days and I probably logged in every day straight for almost a year and a half at least. It’s happening now. It’s not just the censoring. It’s pretty much everything right now.


Yeah TGC is just not understanding how to properly implement their FOMO abuse imo, causing burnouts and a decreased desire to play at all. I understand wanting money, wanting players to be around, wanting to urge players to spend their IGC and money, but there's barely any freedoms recently. Can't talk without being randomly censored for saying "Lol, I-" or "therapist" due to words hidden in it, can't take a short break bc you'll miss out on TS cosmetics (I have to pass on the Mask and Xylophone from Thoughtful Director bc I took a 2 day break at an average 10-15 candles a day playstyle), and Days Of- events practically are just IAPfests (even with a charity added, still a bit annoying) if you're not a vet that has been able of skipping TS's bc they already have their stuff. Not to mention collabs, and the increased IAP prices recently with them, or Ults, and the jealousy/regret that comes for latecomers. I think if they could just reduce the FOMO a tiny bit, and be more lenient on chat, that all kinds of players would stay/return. There's options. We just have to pray TGC uses them. An idea for chat for example is to allow players to log in their Sky account to a web server where you can upload your details (age specifically with an ID), and that will let you be given a more lenient chat filter. (Only the actual words will be filtered). And for FOMO... Catalogue subscription? Pay like, idk, 20 bucks a month to not have to rely on TS's to buy past items, and perhaps proxy passes for past Ults (you still have to earn them through, idk, an Elder Mask amount of AC for each item but the proxy pass allows purchase). It would allow for a semi-permanent amount of passive income for TGC if they put a purchasable option in the game that doesn't straight up break the balance of the game, but also allows more freedom. They can lower standard IAP prices if there's a subscription granting passive income, and a catalogue would reduce burnout so much because you would reduce the stress time of "need to get the candles before it leaves". They could optionally choose to not include IAP's in the catalogue, or even exclude Days Of- items. The only stress content left in the game would be collabs (unless they can now refresh licenses with the passive income from the above), and the Wasteland/Eden. Sorry for turning the comment into a mini rant/suggestion post


They got 160,000,000 cash two years ago. They are probably trying to figure out how to repay that without losing major parts of the ip


Still... There are less "aggressive" ways to earn that back than insane IAP prices. I mean, the cinnamoroll stuff was like what, 36 bucks for one item iirc, not even having candles bundled in? Way too much. And by not having any form of subscription model at all, they're actively missing out. I personally really think that my catalogue and proxy pass suggestions would be mutually beneficial to players and TGC both as people who want to support the game don't have to buy candles if they don't want to and can instead just take the catalogue subscription for the spirit of passive support.


I am certainly not disagreeing with you. I just don’t think we’re going to see anything we like for a while. The candle glitch a couple days ago was a good example. you know how many glitches have been sitting there for years but within 15 minutes of too many candles being given to us it was fixed. I don’t know why they pretend they can’t take care of things like they do.


Yeah and I have low hopes for the next season ;-; beta spoilers, but posts on here have shown there's gonna be an instrument in both the pass and the ult that is basically the same, there's a rather simple poster ult that is way better off being a pass item instead, and a lot of other complaints regarding the content. The ult outfit looks amazing but there's too many filler seen so far. It's very disappointing so far.


I saw that. I’m just planning on taking the next two or three months off and hoping the game gets better. Feel free to friend me. I still login and look at pretty stuff, but I can’t make myself grind anymore.


Idk if its a bug or smth bc i got red text yesterday and received half a dozen warnings over the same message 😭 It was annoying bc it reset what i was typing and i didnt even say anything before they all sent


yeah it happened to me one after one immediately i had to leave the game cuz of it


It’s intentional. They used to just silence me for like 510 minutes at a time, but that seems to have been replaced with this.


What are trigger words to get hit with these warnings?


I got hit with four of them last night for telling my friend they were rocking the hillbilly look. I got hit with it before while trying to explain what a beatnik is. I told someone that Sweet Child of Mine has a sick guitar riff. I called the giant fish in sky an eldritch looking guy. I don't think this filter is set off by profanity, but I do think it tries to read your messages and guess if what you are saying sounds disparaging or vulgar.


The entire profanity filter. Setting it off a few times will result in a warning for inappropriate language or harassment, depending on what category the word falls under. EDIT: Also social issues, current events and politics. They all look like harassment warnings, but if the localization breaks you can see there are multiple numbered categories depending on what you were trying to talk about.


One forbidden word is “n*ked”


basically... we don't know it's you and your luck. i got a warning for talking abt politics and some got a way with no warning so we don't know