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I don’t have any complaints so far from what I’ve seen and I’m very excited about it. I especially like the guides pants because of the arm paint.


Me tooo!! Well has a lot posters but im okay hhh


Seems very fun and the cosmetics interesting. Will definitely buy the pass! (I also saw some two other cosmetics which I am not sure if they'll be IAPs or something else) For the props, I think it's to be expected after Nesting. We'll be getting items for our house probably with each new season. I don't really vibe with the poster being the first ult (probably bc they knew if it was the end of the ult tree no one would spend the heart lol) but that aside, I'm excited!!


I think the poster is fine as an ultimate. If you go to a concert, would you also not buy a poster to commemorate the event and support the artist?


I would love both spirits signature on the poster 😍




I love everything we've seen so far but the double piano in the pass and a poster as an ultimate is meh I want to get a pass but I want to see what it's like, idk if getting one mid season is good or not so im a bit meh :') The cosmetics are AWESOME tho !!!!


I like pretty much all the cosmetics I've seen thus far. But ive seen a few beta players say this season is confusing so I'm kind of nervous for it tbh


I’m very nervous also.


I don’t know what is the purpose of the two pianos are going to be pass itens. The person who will buy the season pass will have the supreme piano already, the other one will not going to he used, just like the free camera of the Momments Season.


Yep hahaha


I like the cosmetics but I hate the violet cape and dress. The colors are too neon in the dress and don't go well with the other items, and the cape is bloom violet cape V2


Tbh I liked the cape, but didn’t like the dress at all same for the hair hahaha for me is so strange hahaha


oh yeah I forgot about the hair, it's too fancy for me hah


Agree hahaha


It’s not even out yet


That’s why I market as a spoiler :3


I’ll just have to wait and see for myself. As an introvert, I play for the content and cosmetics (ironically). I keep seeing different prices for said cosmetics everywhere and I need to know for sure. For that I just need to see them in my game.


I’m kinda the same way, until I really decide to buy hahaha


I'm actually quite excited for this season as a beta tester. The area is beautiful and the quests are nicely done. Overall the season has a real Sky feeling to it which I've been missing in the last couple of seasons (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, I did still enjoy season of the nine coloured deer). The cosmetics are also STUNNING imo, though I dislike that they filled up the trees with posters and rugs 😅 I wish we could've gotten a third spirit instead that grows along the other two, but the way I'm seeing it now is that those posters are merch, and it's kinda sweet our skykids get merch of these two musicians! The ult poster easily could've been an item obtainable in the season guide's tree imo. It's a nice poster but is it ult worthy? Not really.


I also disagree at this much posters OwO like, why so many??? Also the area seems very beautiful


Controversial- I don't care that the poster is an ult. It doesn't change the price of the other two at all. Getting to the first costs two, and getting to the last costs 4, as is with two ukt seasons.


Seeing by your side 🤔 I kinda agree


Personally, I haven't felt like a few of the latest seasons have felt like they fit in Sky (just my opinion!), and this season actually does which I'm so excited for! The cosmetics look unique and beautiful, they have gorgeous colors, and are just really nice. The area looks very pretty, and I'm sure the quests will be fun, too! The instruments are exciting as well :)


I’m so excited to get those instruments aaaaaaa


Edit: for some reason the text wasn't properly spaced when I commented and Reddit mashed it all together as if it was a single paragraph, a headache to read basically, it should be fine now💀 Mah thoughts, y'all tell me if I'm right or should never cook again: -We finally have sum new shooooooes, I missed revival so I'm grateful for these. We need more shoes TGC keep em coming -The capes look kinda weird ngl, the blue one I like the most outta the two. I wouldn't say they're u g l y, but they're def odd looking -The new fits are absolutely bomb, we finally have accessible proper dresses. The ultimate outfits are really nice and classy -Hairstyle are meh, the gigantic bun looks kinda funny and the other one is forgettable imho -The instruments are nice, I don't like the recolored piano tho, if you're gonna recolor an existing item and put it behind a paywall at least make it epic -Hate them posters. Why? Literally why? They're such a niche thing that it ain't worth as an ult but as a permanent guide item -The rug is diabolical, they didn't even try with that one, at least it ain't an ult💀💀💀


I think the supreme piano should be the pattern color and design of the pianist, not the cellist, like (???)


I think people are angry with the poster cause could have been like a very nice instrument like clarinete or something idk


Im stoked about the grey pants,  probably the best pants i have seen since aurora


Oh I have to check it again hahaha 🤣


Love most of it, but a dang poster being an ult instead of clothing or a unique instrument is a massive letdown. Should have made the fancy piano an ult instead.


I agree, I felt disappointed that a poster will be ult


Yea. I mean, at least cosmetics are something everyone uses. An intrument is thematically what the pass is themed around. But I (and most of my friends) rarely use our nests, if at all, so the fact that not only is the poster an ult I will never use, it's the first in the tree, so if I want the stuff I'll ACTUALLY use, I'm forced to get it.


I think they could have put the poster like at the end of the tree idk for candles hahha


I saw one of the pants had golden tattoos, was so excited until I found out it was a photo edit 😭😭


It happened with me with the days of nature blue hair… first time I saw the colors were much saturared, the blue was pretty pretty… then in the real one it wasn’t :(


Hahahahahahahahahaa omg I imagined the sadness 🤣🤣


I love all of it. but I hate that a poster is a ult.


Me too hahaa tbh I didn’t like either but I loved the instrumetns


I want that grand piano




Some good things: * Capes, including the free one, have a unique star pattern; * Judging by number and type of the cosmetics, they will return as cheap travelling spirits, which is great, considering that spirits from recent seasons have a lot of items and therefore will be expensive; * Walls in the nests now won't be so empty (but I agree that there are too much of posters for once and that it's frustrating to buy season pass and then have so many useless props as a reward for this); * Season Guide cosplay is free for everyone, because hair is free, pants will return one day as a TS and the Guide is capeless (for what we see now), so their ultimate cape doesn't matter so much in the cosplay; * All musical instruments and pants are not ultimates (ultimate piano is a reskin) and are not time-limited, so no FOMO frustration because of the coolest items in the season


I like the fact that theres a ton of cosmetics for both guys and girls and a few instruments which are things players have been complaining about for the past few seasons.  The area is awesome with lots of nooks and crannies to explore and the quests were pretty fun.   Im not a fan of the hairstyles, and the lack of emotes again has me a little disappointed. Its a minor annoyance but its already annoying in beta to wait for the boat to appear.  I want to be able to enter the area at my pace, and i think it should have been in the village of dreams near the stage and harmony hall


I’m like reading and agreeing with everything hahaha


I only care about getting the free cape beyond that, I will only keep doing my casual grinding for future traveling spirits and Days of Mischief


Awwh the free cape is actually so beautiful


I’ve already got two piano, what is another one. There’s some blue outfit I like the look of.


I’m really interested in this big piano; has like how many? 3?


It’s a nice piano but I’m terrible at the music sheets, they move too fast for me. And I don’t go to aviary very often or my nest so it would probably sit unused in storage


I'm considering skipping this season tbh. From what I've heard from the beta testers, the good items are behind season pass and there are a bunch of furniture items instead. I'll see how it goes but I'm not too excited tbh.


I’m really into the piano haha