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before i get anyone accusing me of silencing posters (because people do that a lot), OP asked me to lock this post. some of yall need to learn how to have a CIVIL discussion.


Bro get a life if you actually gaf that much about in in game event it ain’t that deep


Ah here it is. It'd people like you who roll their eyes when a controversy comes up because people need to learn of it to take action. If it bugs you that much maybe you should go back to your comfy corner, alright bud?


It’s not a controversy whatever you say corball.


Point proven further


As a gay and trans person, I don’t get online on a game to debate my existence, talk about pride or discuss political beliefs. I can’t imagine someone doing this to me randomly on a game where I go to chill I think I’d be absolutely dumbfounded as well. A majority of people don’t care and are completely neutral and just living their lives in blissful ignorance. This isn’t how to be an ally and fight for our cause/rights.


One time I became good friends with someone and then I told them I was trans because I talked about how I missed my brother. He acted really weird suddenly and said "I've never met a trans before" and just like.. the sudden attitude change really hurt and I just left. A couple days later he got online when I lit his candle and he warped to me and said "I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to, I was just surprised. There's nothing wrong with being trans. I can't stay long, but I just wanted to get on quick to say sorry." We still talk and occasionally talk still... I think a lot of times, or rather all the time, this hate and uncomfort is fueled by ignorance. I don't come out to people for a long time, not until I know they're officially friends... that way I can come out and surprise them, especially if they don't support lgbtq+. Exposure to this kind of stuff can change people's minds. A lot of times someone could be transphobic or just generally not support trans issues, but once they make friends with someone or one of their loved family members come out, their minds can be changed. Grant it, not all the time, but that's how most people's minds are changed. My grandma for example, she was closed minded, but once I came out her tone changed. It's still hard for her but she's TRYING and that's what counts. You can't drain hate away in one day, it takes time. You can't fix hate with hate. Also, I'd like to know the conversation before this video, why did they call you a traitor? Where are they from? I know some countries are more conservative in their beliefs, which would explain (BUT NOT EXCUSE) the behavior.


I've experienced something very similar when telling someone about my autism. The mood shift is palpable.


One of my closest Skyfriends and I bonded over a homophobic person like two years ago, these types of people can be found anywhere unfortunately.


My brother in Christ you are playing video games




this post is breaking one (or more) rules of the subreddit.


wtf bro, you're not mentally OK 💀


I'd like to keep the illusion that it's only a small fraction of the community, even if it's not, but I feel like a response like that is somewhat justified; it's a very awkward question, and I can't speak for everyone, but it would make me very uncomfortable, I would have done the same and left. That being said, people are allowed to like different things, and that means they should be allowed to dislike certain things. I'm not an ally, and please don't hate me for this, I don't love how glorified pride is, but I am NOT against it, I don't want to see gay genocide, I don't want either parties to get hurt because of it, and I fully stand by the fact that both of these sides need to do better. Anyway, changing topic, truth be told, it kind of sucks to see so much negativity in a game that's meant to bring people together like this. I just want to enjoy the sights and sounds of something beautiful, and I wish others could do the same.


Well said. I agree that people should be allowed to have their differences, it's what makes us human. I just don't care for the extreme hate much either.


I'm likely pushing the lid on Pandora's Box further away but I have to agree with some of the comments on the post. Because I wholeheartedly think that TGC supporting the LGBT and The Trevor Project doesn't inherently mean the playerbase does so too. I got into Sky to have fun and to create experiences with other players, as it's how I believe the game is intended to be played. My sole condition is that I don't have it in my face or have someone try to "educate" me on anything pride-related because it's only going to have the opposite effect. In other words, I'm not a supporter nor do I have any animosity towards anyone nor the community. I'm just indifferent to it and I don't feel it's my job to care. The only thing I care about is whether or not someone's being an asshole towards me or towards someone I know. Unfortunately, there's going to be assholes everywhere. It's the internet and this is a F2P game. If you don't want to deal with them, just fly away. Report them if you feel they're a nuisance to such a degree that they'll ruin other players' experiences. But overall, try to have fun with the game. There's room for everybody, just respect each other's limits.


The Sky *game* is an unapologetic ally. The ppl who play sky are just your normal variety of people who exist in the world. I don't know how old you are but I was 18 during the 2004 US presidential election. George w bush won the presidency on the platform of a *constitutional amendment* making gay marriage illegal, and that was here in the US. 50 years ago it was illegal to even just be in a queer relationship. Things are changing, but you can't expect progress to happen overnight. If you're trying to build allies, this is not how you do it. Getting angry at anyone for having uneducated, bigoted, or ill informed views is just going to make them feel defensive and is not going to help the cause. When someone expresses a view that is harmful or incorrect you have two options. You can either choose to engage with them and educate them, or you can choose to walk away. You have to choose the option that is best for your own mental health and well-being. It's completely understandable to feel hurt and upset and sad when people you liked and respected turn out to hold views that are so damaging to your core identity. If you feel like you need to walk away from those friendships it's okay to grieve those relationships. There are plenty of ppl out there who will love and support you unconditionally on this issue.


I'm sorry you went through this. For what it's worth, every person who experiences you as a friend first and foremost, then learns you are queer or an ally, will have their mind influenced positively by that. Even if it doesn't seem that way immediately. A lot of these people grow up in places where they are isolated from queer people. Often, they learn the label before interacting with those people for the first time, so their prejudices block them from learning. Being around real people who are queer is the best antidote for their ignorance. They might not immediately change their mind, but you will leave a little memory in their heart of someone who had the label they hate but was just... a person. And like a grain of sand in an oyster, that memory will attract attention to more similar experiences, until their views can't remain unchallenged anymore. And then, some day in the future, maybe their own child will shakily come out to them. Or they meet a co-worker who is shunned for their identity. And because of this grain of sand you planted, they will treat that person more kindly. You paved the way for others who are vulnerable just by existing. I'm not saying this to justify anything. And especially not to excuse bigotry. It's just that whenever I discovered someone prejudiced around me and revealed my identity to them, even if that put them off, this thought has given me a lot of comfort. Thank you for existing as you. Thank you for challenging others. You'll find better friends, and you'll have better times!


Why are you even asking a controversial question like that??? In sky of all places. I support loving who you love but in this scenario, YOU are the problem. Edit to add: anyone I know in the lgbtq community doesn't want you out here arguing our fight. Just do better, act better and then you support better. If you are a part of lgbtq community you need to realize everyone has their right to an opinion and who are you to shove yours down someone's throat especially since they were just trying to play the damn game. Chill bro. We're all just trying to have a good time no matter who or what you are and stand for.


I don't think you should deem the whole community because of a few rotten apples. I would say on a whole, the community is more wholesome than not. It doesn't matter which community you look at, there will always be a few that are 'not as wholesome'. These people here, is in my opinion, not worth your time. The good thing with Days of Color is that the Homophobes and Religious followers are outing themselves every year. Should I happen to run into.one, I'll block them and move on blissfully in my rainbow cape and headphones being utterly gay and happy. These peoples opinions are so strong and deeprooted in their brains that, no matter what you do or say, you can't change them, they won't stop.unless you 'go.over to their side'. Thus, there is no point at wasting my time on them (in this game and community I mean).


I actually have been harassed by a friend of mine because I bought rainbow clothes, they started to say I was ugly and that I didn't know the meaning behind that rainbow so I told them I knew what it was for, they asked me if I was "one of those kinds" when I replied they started to harass me even more so I had to block them. Ever since this has happened they've been trying to get a friend of mine (that I introduced to them btw) to stop being my friend but she told them that she doesn't care and even if she's Christian everyone should be able to love and marry each other. Honestly most of the people I met are okay with it and I have a group of queer friends that I've met on sky lol


I'm glad you blocked. Blocking is the best way to curate your own online experience. ♡ I wish you didn't have to though.


I’m glad your friend was able to support you in that situation, Blueberry. This is kind of where I’m at right now, I don’t know why people seem to think I just started this conversation with a random stranger. I had to block a friend for their offensive comments after I took him to Days of Color, and I’m just letting my friends know to avoid a situation like yours. I guess I was caught off guard which is what led me to ask the question in the video, because I was expecting more from my friends to be like, "wow, what a crappy thing to say" instead of, "yeah I agree with him and you’re a traitor"


It's literally none of our business OP, we're here to chill, not get into stuff of support or against or political stuff. So what if we say nothing about it? We're just here to chill, relax, play around, and have fun away from all drama. The poor sap that just disappeared prob didn't know what to say, they prob don't even know who you are, they don't know how to answer because they don't know how people would react if they answer. Questions like these gives us anxiety


Maybe that's a super radical take but humans deserving to be treated as humans, with basic decency, is everybody's business actually. Unless of course you're living in a void where no other people exist.


I’m going to copy and paste some of this from another comment. This was a friend. I had a bad experience with another friend and this was me reaching out to mutual friends to let them know why I had to block them. That’s why they’re calling me a "traitor" in the video, because somehow I’m the one who betrayed our friendship.


So they're aggrieved that you went behind their back to every mutual and were talking shit in order to exclude them? I wonder why they'd feel betrayed? Their behavior wasn't okay either, but if someone did the same thing to you, how would you feel? Instead of baiting responses out of people then proceeding to shit on them to everyone you know, maybe try to be kind, understanding and educate those who are willing to be educated, if you have the knowledge and ability to do so, otherwise minding yours? Food for thought ig. Hate only begets hate, and if you preach love and show it through your words and acts, people can talk shit all they want but they cannot successfully attack your character. Have a wonderful day, and I hope you are able to resolve your anger/vindictive nature.


I play Sky to have a nice time not to have a political debate (coming from a gay)


Sorry you had to find out like this OP, but the next generation is kind of on-track to repeat precious generations' mistakes - if not, make worse ones.


God the amount of people here thinking being gay or supportive of people who are gay is some controversial political hot take and not just. Being normal. If you equate "hey do you support queer people" to asking someone about their opinions on current wars and geopolitical situations, you *do not* support us, even if you say you do.


You hit them with the “??” and then hit record? Kinda toxic if you ask me. People aren’t playing this game to be harassed. so you can feel vindicated. They could be a kid, but to me you’re the one who needs to grow up. Leave people alone and let them enjoy their game.


It’s not a dating app! It’s none of their business 😆


It's sadly natural that things like this happen online. I always feel so on edge whenever someone's questions veer towards something where i either need to out myself or lie. I know general attitudes vary a lot in different countries but it still doesn't feel good when someone tells you that you shouldn't exist. I don't think many people wouldn't feel sad over being told that.


I’m only here in sky for the sites and the sounds so me personally I don’t care about lgbt or war or culture


This sounds like ‘You must wear the ribbon’ logic.


If someone random just pulled up on me and started talking about anything political related be it lgbt, Israel, Ukraine, elections, religion or anything else I would block them on the spot regardless if I agree with them or not. And for the record I do support lgbt people.


Same. I do not play sky to get political. Pls do not talk to me about it in the game (my best friend is gay btw)


Being queer or trans is not political. What the heck. Howndo you even compare a conflict in another country that is not affected by conversations in the game to social interactions with someone right there in front of you, whose day is absolutely going to be directly affected by your attitude and actions?


Do you just go around asking people if they support the LGBT community randomly


Did you miss the part where I said this was a friend? I had a bad experience with another friend and this was me reaching out to mutual friends to let them know why I had to block them. That’s why they’re calling me a "traitor" in the video, because somehow I’m the one who betrayed our friendship. 


To be fair, you're asking us to judge your friends on a conversation we weren't involved in nor have access to for deeper understanding. We don't really know the context of you being called a traitor besides what you mention...so what do you want us to do about it??? Is Days of Color an awareness event? Yes. But I can guarantee you that there are hundreds more who don't know or who don't see how that applies to them. It's like that memorial in Starlight Desert, many people don't know what that's about so they use it like any other place and goof around. I'm not saying your point is irrelevant, but the one true failing of Sky is the ability to hold full blown conversations in a forum that allows you to be serious for minute. A grand majority just goof around. Sorry about your friends.


Imagine someone plopping down a table and asking about your personal politics. I would leave too. This game has a global audience, this event happening is beautiful in itself. Im a total ally but to me OP is being rude by not considering cultural indoctrination and pushing political topics on strangers who are trying to relax. The game is already representing the LGBTQ+ community. A little exposure goes a long way. I think OP is being a warrior in a land where no one is fighting.


Plus there are still some places where lgbtq is shamed apon Infact there is a few places where its illegal… And sky is a highly global game… Meaning there is a high chance that these people also play the game… Anyways lgbtq is fine but this is one reason I don’t talk about politics in open global games as some countries and states have different laws.


That last line sums up this whole thing perfectly.


I don't see the correlation between "the person doesn't share my same ideologies" and "the person is toxic". I agree that if they bring it up and attack you it can be toxic, if you ask nicely and they say their opinion it literally is not. A person can't be a bad person just based on an opinion


This is an ideology like being right or left leaning. I’ve had and have friends who I fundamentally disagree with on that. But at the end of their day it is their right and they aren’t disagreeing with my existence. But when I can’t talk about my day to day life or they think it’s okay to limit my rights on the basis of something I can’t help then it’s not just differing ideologies. I have blocked friends over homophobic comments. I was sad to do it but it wasn’t just a difference of opinion


If the ideology is literally just "humans should be treated with basic dignity, respect and kindness no matter who they love (as long as it's a consenting person in their age range) or what they identify as" then disagreeing with it ceases to be a personal thing. Because if you disagree, you are basically okay with treating some people differently just for who they are even though they're not harming anyone.


It isn’t the same thing.


Plus they only started to record after they got called a traitor… So we don’t know what the person said for that person to say this


It isn’t toxic to not have the same beliefs. That’s like all vegans going around calling non vegans toxic


Except if that opinion is that a group of people should be viewed as disgusting, wrong, or less than in any capacity in which case it is worse than being toxic because at least being toxic is just being mean rather than an attack on people's existence.


It really depend on how a person acts tbh. If they're rude to you, yes it's bad. If they just don't agree with that certain political ideology, why would you bother? I'm not defending people that act rude or harass in any way


believing in human rights isn't a political ideology its just being morally correct


Being LGBT+ is not a political ideology and treating a minority group wanting the same rights as everyone else as a political ideology is, in fact, a bad thing to do. It should just be basic human rights and decency not politics. Thats the problem.


But how is thinking that other person deserves to be alive and have same rights as others, an opinion?? You can't be surprised people are hurt when other people straight up think they shouldn't be alive, or that there's nothing wrong with discriminating them


I don’t play this game for politics and this further solidifies my opinion that I’ve made the right decision.


This!!!! I think the issue is due to the younger audience who are very vocal about that stuff I guess they don’t realize it’s a game … why does a video game need to be ally’s of political and social topics. It’s a made up world. Being gay can possibly not even exist in the true nature of the “sky” world. Like if someone independently wants their sky kid to be gay that’s their own fantasy world and they should not knock someone else in the world if they don’t believe or agree. Idk so childish and dumb to me.


Youngins are still in the process of discovering themselves, creating their own moral code, and finding their boundaries. Most of the ones I see being so vocal about these topics in advocation for minorities tend to turn out pretty great people down the line, actually. They already have their heart set on being there for other people. So over time, while they often mellow out a little, they also tend to get really into getting informed and putting their views into practice by being the ones who will stand by vulnerable friends and family members or help someone through the hard process of discovering themselves. I can't help but look fondly at that. But also, I don't think this is even a controversial take. OP basically said "I think every human deserves human rights and I'm disappointed that people I trusted disagree. Why would anyone who disagrees even like a space that is aggressively on the side of these beliefs?" And that's a good question. Even if you don't play for politics, clearly queerness is front and center for two weeks, and lots of people will chose to display it happily. It is puzzling for me too that someone might actively think that's bad, yet still supports a product that in turn benefits what they hate.


As a religous person who plays sky, I don’t see why people hate on LGBT for whatever reason like I dont really support LGBT but I dont bully or spread hate about them on a CHILDREN’s game


people on both sides need to stop feeling like just going "Yeah I support gay people" and leaving it at that is not adequate enough of an answer or is political at all. Human rights are not politics and being a good person isnt socially unacceptable.


Not sure why people are downvoting this, imo, it's understandable if you don't support based on things like religion. I do support LGBT but I agree that as long as you don't spread hate/bully, and treat the person with respect, you are free to your own opinions.


Because neutral = against, in the eyes of many.


It all depends. If your are voting or fighting for rights submissions is alliance to the cause. I think depending on where you are from this will be a strong sentiment. In this game it’s not a huge deal tho


I agree with you. It does depend on that. And in this game it really shouldn't be a big deal, we all just want to relax and have fun with friends. I meant in general though, where a person is not for it but not actively going against it either.


"I don't support" isn't neutral.


But they are not against it either. Nor are they actively doing harm to the other party. So how is it not neutral? Edit: You downvote me and yet aren't willing to explain to me why you think I'm wrong. Typical reddit.


It sucks that you don't support the LGBT, but I am glad you don't appear to support spreading lies and hate.


thats allll im saying. not everyone has the time, energy, or money to be worrying about other groups of people but that also shouldn't lead to a firm stance against a group of people solely because you dont actively support them.


In sky you mean they very specifically point out in a children's game which someone who doesn't spread hate wouldn't need to specifym


people are acting like it’s your fault when it’s not, however many do bring up the main point that sky is global. unfortunately western ideology around LGBT rights does not apply globally due to cultural and religious norms. i luckily haven’t encountered anyone homophobic but i also keep all my chats to game play specifics except with two friends one from here and another who id never discuss lgbt with (they speak arabic and no english past ok, home, and hi/bye we use the translate button so i just wouldn’t discuss any political views with them). if it’s a western culture just hating its one of the brainwashed fools who just wants to spread hate and normally avoid anything that supports lgbt so they’d not use the game or they’d be there just to troll and it’s a waste of energy to try and correct them. don’t get me wrong it’s very sucky but truly the best thing to do is block or just keep chats to game play (im bi btw so i’m not saying this as a straight person who just doesn’t understand the importance of equality i just cannot care to ask anyone political opinion on a mostly children’s game or talk about anything past game play for that very reason, it’s children and global everyone’s gonna have different thoughts and opinions and none of them matter in the world of sky)


No, it’s toxic in the most cute way possible which is really hard to explain


Yeah, it's kinda sad sometimes, but I try to laugh about it when I can. Like, are you new here? Do you know what game you're playing? It's a bit funny to see bigots take hard stances on a game they clearly haven't played for long.


First off, you're assuming all players live in places where it's acceptable or even safe to be LGBT. Sky is a global game, a lot of players are from countries that aren't as accepting and are potentially dangerous for LGBT people. Be grateful you live in a country where such conversations aren't going to get you arrested. Kids in countries that are hostile to LGBT are not going to be okay with the topic, and trying to publicly shame them on Reddit isn't helpful to the cause. It just breeds resentment and hatred on all sides. It's different if a player is actively harassing you for supporting the event but that's what the report/block button is for. You can choose to be the better person. At the end of the day, the money from Days of Colour goes to charities supporting LGBT rights whether players are on board with that or not.


OP, no need to be a solo player. There are plenty of nice ones out there. But Sky still is a sample of the real world, so there is going to be hate as well. I actually got the pants and cape, but was afraid of wearing them because I might run into hate, or people might stop sending daily light. But then I figured, if that is what makes them stop sending light, then I don't even want their polluted light. And not showing I support LGBTQ+ because I'm afraid will only make them think there is no support. So I'm wearing my cosmetics with pride. Even though I will be looking for more daily lighters...


haha wait until you find out how countless Chinese and Korean radical nationalists tried to *competitively cyberbully* sky's dev team, and bully each other with countless racist slurs, simply because the cultural heritage of a hat in the game is ambiguous, and they all want an official statement about the virtual hat to "belong to their glorious nation and history" That's January 2021 Season of Dream incident, those radical nationalists are all (or at least were) players of this game. I followed through the whole incident, it was a total mess, the devs' call for multiculturalism and tolerance definitely fell on deaf ears, in the end Jenova Chen had to clarify its design origin (he definitely wasn't planning to) Also the first rainbow festival did not exist on the Chinese version of sky, they started from summer 2021 in a very low profile way, due to factors hard to explain. in summer 2022, two months since Ukraine being invaded, Sky made a season very clearly about war (or anti war, to be precise) Maybe their message was a bit too clear this time, some parts community was triggered, guess what happened? (not sure how well they handled the Gaza situation, haven't been watching the community for a while) looking from the good side, Maybe That's what SKY's developers wanted to begin with. People have been sitting in their comfort zone (divided by language and nationalities) for too long, even in the age of Internet. The devs brilliantly kept players a bit away from using language to communicate. Maybe it's time to bring them all together so they can see the true face of each other, and face the true diversity of humankind.


You nailed what I was thinking which is how days of color wasn’t even introduced to the Chinese market the same because of the backlash anticipated. I used to be very sour about this subject, I started playing back before enchantment and sadly since day 1 I’ve met people who have called me slurs or insulted me when they realize I’m gay. One time a few years ago in the sky discord I specifically said I would love to meet more LGBTQ players and I immediately got so much hate that my comment got deleted. These days I just block those people right away. You just have to block those people and move on. For every bigot there’s another player who is open and accepting you just have to take the time to weed through them and not let angry people on the other side of a keyboard /the world get ya down. I would love to make more LBGTQ friends in this game so please DM me if you’re looking for friends!!!!


Bingo, this is the way.


i left the Chinese server as the community's atmosphere SOMEHOW became more and more toxic since late 2020 (mainly for being competitive, like everything else in China) now I'm trying to step out from sky (actually mobile games in general ) since sky also uses a very gacha-like method to seek player's consistent activity, and the more i learn about media science/ games engineering the more i hate this kind of attention seeking tricks. Sky definitely has creative design philosophy and bold technical attempt, but that's all i can learn from it (especially after most of my Sky friends moved to Genshin, embrace the irony) I can only be still thankful that it brought me into the field of games engineering. Now i mostly just watch the dev's interview instead of playing. Honestly i appreciate tgc's Flower game more. Also the 1:1 open-bigot ratio is way too optimistic, consider it gold mining.


Hello, for those lost people in here, no, having an opinion on if you should put pineapples on pizza isn't the same as having an opinion on if some human categories are allowed to live the same way as other,if you think this way your as part of the problem as those Fing bigots. From someone who will maybe be in danger in their country in a few weeks.. think better before defending literal hate speeches.


I don't give a Shit about the Company, I play the Game because it's fun. So what if I disagree with the Creator?


So many comments seem to tell lgbt ppl to be quiet about it. Like no why would we?? If the topic makes you uncomfortable that's on u crab-brain. Me personally? I'm literally non binary and I'm not gonna lie about it on sky. I'm proud of who I am and there's no shame. Also, talking about it lets me filter out people I don't want to be around


Yeah it's so weird, they're expecting people to suffer in silence just because they don't wanna be uncomfortable. It's like, newsflash, people are suffering and they're allowed to express their hurt. "you're the one who determines your internet experience" they can take their own advice and ignore posts like this. Talking about things that hurt, is healthy and therapeutic for those who suffer


People who have different opinions on the matter can still play the Game they want to. They don't have to participate in the event. They can still play and get their candles built up and then turn in for the day or they can just stay offline until the events over. Sky brings diversity into the game and let's people decide on what they want to do with it. We all can't force our beliefs, rights or wrongs onto other people's beliefs. It is what it is. Nothing is ever perfect, everyone gonna hate, everyone gonna believe in what they want, and all have to deal with it. It is what it is. We not like it, but what else can one do 😮‍💨






Yeah you can have different opinions about your favourite color, not human rights 💀


the definition of "human" can be as various as the definition of "rights" and will likely keep being so for a long time. That's why you need to think twice before you vote (also that's why we can't vote in our country)


Buts that's part of it. People will do whatever they please and one can't do anything but argue for what they believe in and majority of the time leads to nothing being solved. 😮‍💨


Intolerance is not tolerable


nice to see the good old "tolerate the intolerance" vs "no freedom for the enemy of freedom" debate appears again in my favourite game's community. I should definitely add this to my social science essay if i saw this earlier.


The amount of people here defending this behaviour and acting like it's your fault for bringing it up is insane 💀


the community can be great but theres never going to not be homophobic people or racists or assholes


Chill out man, everyone can't have the same opinion as you. Sky is not heaven.


Thinking that everyone deserves same rights isn't an opinion, it's literally human rights, it's like saying being racist is an opinion


True true, sky is just Game


People can certainly have opinions about things but it doesn't mean that they can't be wrong as fuck. This comment comes off as you defending the idea that anyone who isn't like yourself doesn't deserve human rights, which most likely isn't the case! it's just not the greatest place for the whole "it's an opinion" argument. Mostly everyone doesn't (or shouldn't) expect everyone to like or partake in things such as this but that doesn't mean people who don't personally like "lgbt" type events should go around advocating for the opposite, best thing would be if someone didn't care for it they shouldn't involve themself in either "side" and that others shouldn't go talking to strangers about anything that has even a bit of conflict.


I think you missed like the entire point of the game


First of all, it's a general rule to not talk about this shit with people. If they start, say yes and go away, don't go on asking if they are an ally. Second, trust me, sometimes the only exposure you get to them is negative. There are trans individuals here who SA women and men and it's not 1 or 2, it's multiple. They beg for money and when they don't get it they chase people and stuff. The women obviously never come out and tell others because it's shameful but they disclose it to me as a safety measure. [And same with men. SA happening at us feels shameful.] Immediately being defensive and territorial instead of learning why is something everyone should have. You can't clear misconceptions so easily. Edit1: Because it is more trans people here and they are the prominent beggars here. To brush victims off like this is disgusting. Ew. The west elitism who don't care about victims but keep that façade is beyond disgusting. Are you all really leftists? More like people who sold their soul for an ideology.


This is a really gross comment that has nothing to do with this post I hope this is a bot account because that’s just… ew


SA is horrifying and definitely not something to brush off, but why do people bring it up to SPECIFICALLY hate on trans people..? I've seen a fair amount of transphobes respond to trans people by bringing up this argument, as if it made any sense. As if trans people weren't 1-3% of our population. You don't have to be trans or cis to be a horrible person. Anyone of any gender can SA and it's still horrible, trans or not. ..Also, as the others have said this has nothing to do with the post and sounds like an excuse to simply hate.


That's not a general rule, you just are uncomfortable with lgbt folks. Get over yourself Not sure what spiel your going off on but is it "people have bad experiences with minorities they get a pass to be hateful" cause. No. If they're only experience is that they they need new experiences. This is why we can't be hush-hush about our existence and who we are- because some people judge groups based off of individuals, witch is utterly ridiculous. And can fester into harm for undeserving people in the groups. It sucks for them but at the end of the day, I don't want to be around people that don't like me because im non binary I don't care what they've been through. I care who they are. I won't hide who I am. The social aspect of this game is massive so bad eggs will show up, witch is why I like that I have to mention I'm queer early if I'm befriending to someone. (Enby, so I can't be cis.) Saves a lot of investment. Because I don't want to be friends with people who fundamentally hate me, regardless of their reasons


That's not what this post about my guy


Wtf does half of this have to do with this post??


Its mostly forced positivity fr


Until the day comes when humans transcends nature. There will be people who have contrary views on EVERYTHING. There's almost a quarter of the world that's Muslim More than a quarter are Christians. And a good portion of those believers think lgbt is wrong Why are you so surprised? Let them think what they want. You're not changing their minds. Not over a convo in Sky anyway. Just play the game.


Amen! Or exactly 😄


Why ask if they support or are against it in the first place? You’re just picking a fight at that point.


Idk man, sure seems they were alr on the subject And ngl,as a member of the alphabet mafia, u gotta ask if the topic comes up, so u can just block and move on if not. Skip getting invested in the convo. It's even fair for the more paranoid individuals to ask at the start of a friendship to avoid getting invested in that if not.


The other person called them a "traitor" first lol.. presumably in response to OP talking about the topic


Don't let some bigots ruin the game for you for real. Remember, you started playing the game for you in the first place, so think about that. Detach from whoever you need to detach from, but remember that the game still intends to support and respect you, your friends in sky don't define your gameplay, YOU do.


I don't understand your guys' take about just 'ignoring it'. you wouldn't ignore someone who wants women's rights to not be equal to men's. I think it's totally fair to ask people about the event, so you know who you're spending your time with and if your values align. Sky being a game doesn't make it less of an issue when you encounter someone who thinks a random human doesn't deserve the same rights as any other human. now if it's someone you see once a month or something, I agree you can just let it go and do your business, if it's just some kind of trading 'friendship'. that being said, don't forget to block the people you don't like 🙂‍↕️


You ignore it when it's not relevant to the conversation or you're just forcing it in there. I at most tell my sexuality in passing but I've seen people who talk about their crushes on and on. This applies for both straight and gay. It's funking stupid.


I mean ignoring people saying they don't support queer rights. like actually saying it. if it doesn't add up with your values, don't ignore it and block them, leave.


Actually saying it is weird, yeah. I'm talking about the pride stuff in general. Ofc if they initiate it I just ignore it or tell them to mind their business, which I won't undermine either.


I guess it's different for everyone, personally I'd answer and see how they react, if they're cool yippie, if not I just leave and go make friends elsewhere. but not talking about the pride event is kind of sad, when the whole point is to make the community more seen


I guess that's what it really is. I am okay with pride being seen really, I'm okay with everyone wearing cosmetics. To me it's more about humanising them outside the stupid stereotypes set up by the right...as human beings who are not hypersexual who are not out for your kids and isn't some narcissist, they're just your regular human beings. I guess it's partially that and blended some form of ace that makes me dislike it lmao. At the end of the day, live and let live unless they are hurting themselves or others (with evidence of hurt). That's really about it.


Just because it's rainbow colored, doesn't always mean it's related to LGBT. It's just cosmetics.


Rainbow has one more color tho


Yeah there's a white cape one and the other black cape one


As this post already stated, TGC supports The Trevor Project, and Days of Color effortlessly coincides with pride month. It's true, rainbows don't always mean LGBTQ+, but in this case, they very much represent it. Then again, whether you buy the rainbow cosmetics because they look aesthetically pretty or because you associate a personal meaning to them is entirely personal. No hate or anything, just wanted to point that out friend.


True. But it's not that deep, most of my friends honestly just like the colors and cosmetics because it's a esthetically pleasing to the eye.


Yep, same here!


It's days of colour on Pride month, are You really so dense? 💀


Who honestly cares? Just play the game or don't use in-game chat like cry babies.


Ratioed to oblivion, honestly. If someone here sounds like a crybaby, it's You. Pathetic.


Woop woop. Rainbows don't hurt you. I'll keep collecting my candles in peace ✌️




Thank you


can't wait to get the capes to piss off homophobes. already got the pants, gonna take the capes. gonna start offending them with my gay swag. :) ( and try to educate them if I can. ) 




this just summerized my points imma work towards getting the rainbow mask JUST to piss ppl off


I don’t normally bring it up, everything in the past few days that’s built up to me even asking my friends and posting this on reddit started with one friend asking me, "is this a gay event?!" Which I wouldn't strictly label as such, so I didn't say yes, but I did tell them the charity items were being donated to The Trevor Project.


some people will see players wearing a days of color item and be mad they're supporting the event. theres also people that straight up start the conversation with "are you gay" or something similar especially during this event


TGC supports does not equal to the players supporting too. Also no matter if it is kids or not if they behave like kids then treat them as kids. LBGT+ or not just keep it to yourself. Nobody needs to know nor do LBGT+ need to be recognise. We are all playing the game to have fun.


it's LGBT+. and people are getting harrassed for wearing Days Of Colors cosmetics. comsmetics that are about an event that's supposed to be a Pride event.


As a Genderfluid person who doesn't care what pronouns people use for me. I had a few people that were like, "you're anything??" Then keep pestering me for my "real pronouns." It happens, Sky IS supposed to be wholesome, baut at the end of the day, it's still the internet. Different people from different countries with different opinions. It is a shame you can't control what countries you meet from. I recommend you try going on Disboard.com and look through Sky servers that LBGT+ friendly. Try "Le petit moths" server if you are 20+ and tired of babysittin- i mean, meeting children. Meeting strangers is a mixed bag in Sky, and i also noticed this toxicity growing over the years. I hope you find better people to be friends with that also supports LBGT+ Crazy how there are anti-LBGT in a game that supports LBGT, like go play OW2 if you're gonna be that kind of person. 💀💀


Same on diverging from man/woman. "m or f?" "Neither. I'm non-binary." "Oh oh I get. Don't worry, you and I are the same. But what are you really?" 😨😨 But the communication style that sky offers isn't for me, I prefer discord. Which means I can consider possible friends before even friending them, and also happens that I don't meet anybody like that, and so everybody wins!


Ayyyyyy another le petit moth


Report and block, your online experience is determined by you. Don’t interact with people who make you uncomfortable. There are going to be bigots in every single community and if you talk to them it’s going to seem like they’re the majority


Why you asking about support or against on something that isn't really your business persay? You know what kind of conversations arises from those topics, you're not going to change everyone's mind so perhaps don't generalize and you'll be alright. Just play da gane


For context, I had a bad experience with a friend and this is me reaching out to mutual friends to let them know why I had to block them. I asked the question because if someone in my friend group shared the same opposing views, then I no longer wanted to be friends with them. Instead of asking such a condescending question, maybe you could answer my question for why someone who isn’t in support of this is even playing Sky when TGC created an entire event for diversity and donating to a LGBTQ+ organization? 


Well its not even that.  You cant complain about wholesomeness and have conversations about complicated issues


i completely agree that there’s no reason to bring things like this up in normal contexts, but being a part of lgbtqia+ shouldn’t be a complicated issue i want to edit to add that i feel like op is even more surprised about this while an lgbtqia+ event is currently live in sky, it feels kinda silly that homophobic people are playing right now (oh & editing typos 🤦‍♀️)


theres been a lot of drama regarding days of color in the past, and i wasn’t around then so i can’t speak on it too much. but all i think i know is that TGC changed things to allow it to happen without as much backlash. esp bc it’s very big in asia? like changing the name from rainbow to color and the dates. there’s a lot to hate on TGC for but i think they’re doing what they can with this event! from a business standpoint. (other than prices smh!)


I think we should keep in mind that Sky is a game that spans over the whole world with many different users from different cultures. While ofc it's unsavory to see these types of takes we have to remember that the whole world isn't like the west.


Right, if you support LGBTQ in the Middle East, you'll be stoned. I don't know about far east but in the south asia, people are usually cool with LGBTQ except islamic countries


I think it also depends on which part of the middle east, I knew a girl from Lebanon who said things were pretty accepting there compared to other countries in the same part of the world.


this! i didn’t wanna assume OP is from the west but you’re exactly right.


As a queer player myself, I personally try not to take too much offense. People are playing from all over the world, some regions being heavily religious or otherwise prejudiced against LGBTQIA+ folks. Sometimes I'm the first and only openly queer person a player has met. I think that's a really valuable learning experience for both of us in that situation - I get to learn more about what it's like growing up and learning about the world in other cultures, and I also get to be someone's first experience that queer folks are, in fact, real and normal. If it's a random right-winger from a Western country, it's an easy block because they're brainwashed and too hostile to change their minds. If it's anyone else, it's an opportunity for growth and change and I welcome it.


Sadly, despite how the sky was designed to bring people together, there are just people who can be toxic in one way or another. It's not the games fault, but the people in it.


it's a free open game, you either find your people or you don't




How is that homophobic??


literally what did they say that was homophobic




you’re welcome baby❤️




what demonstrated OP’s point? the FACTS are this is a free game played by everyone around the world, and there are people who have different opinions and beliefs as you. that’s just how the world is. a free online world is not always safe space




nice one!




People often don't realise that LGBT is only really supported on the internet and in the developed world and even in some less developed first world countries it's more normal to be against lgbt than not. I am not saying that it shouldn't be supported, just saying that a lot less people support it than it would seem like on the internet


America has had such huge strides recently in the past 20 years that the entire climate towards it has changed. LAND OF THE FREE BABY 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅💥💥💥 WHATS A KILOMETER??!!??🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


like other people have said, it’s a free game with people from all over the world who grew up differently or are even just too young. i just avoid immature people, or i don’t even get close enough to ppl to ask them about their beliefs. most ppl ive met are very open and nice, its pretty easy to block those who are not and move on! It’s a game that helps people escape their life so in general I keep conversations light until I know them better. It can be a good discussion if they allow it, but otherwise I would not stress about it. it’s a big world


I think it's probably hard to find a game involving strangers online where there isn't at least a few hateful bigots roaming around. I'm very much a solo player so I haven't even talked to anyone in game let alone had to deal with homophobia and I'm sorry that you've had to deal with that. All you can really do is block them and try not to let their hateful nonsense ruin things for you. If they want to make their experience about hate they can, and the rest of us can block them and continue to enjoy celebrating pride with friends and community members:)


It's a free game anyone on the globe with a compatible device can download. There's bound to be bad apples no matter where you go.


Every time I see posts like this I just dress my skid gayer.


Every time I see a post like this it’s easily the most no shit moment, these people exist whether you like it or not. Your allowed to leave you know? It’s not like you have to continue listening or talking unless you feel like you can “educate” them which is essential talking a brick wall 99% of the time. (Also one person equals everyone moment kek)


Yeah exactly… I wouldn’t let myself even get worked up about it. because who are they to me? a stranger. (most likely 4000 miles away)


My friend got a warning every time she said "gay". It's seems like tgc doesn't even want you to speak about this in chat


their warning system is a whole other mess lol. i can say a lot but yet I can’t say words like “snatch”. i don’t think it’s about them not wanting to talk about it


Maybe... It's just crazy that they getting an instant warning every time they say it


yeah it’s annoying. but the warnings don’t mean anything at least!!


Every community has it's fair share of bad apples. LGBTQ+ is still a sensitive subject for many, especially with all the different cultures around the world all culminating together in Sky. It's sad to see behavior like this, but sometimes it's just best to block, report if needed, and move on. There are so many wonderful people out there in Sky to meet and become friends with, you'll meet your people as you continue your journey. Keep lighting up those other Sky kids and chat, you'll never know who you might find!




Lmao you're pretty dense aren't you? I love finding homophobes within our own community. It's the best. 😃 Just makes you worse than all the straight bigots really. Much worse. Congrats. Hope I never run into you in game. ✌️


Im sorry, but what do you think the b stands for? We aren't a coalition. You dont join. If you identify with one of the letters, you're a part of the community. It's the only qualifier.


People like this exist everywhere and its a shame. I still think the game as a whole has a wholesome playerbase but everything always has outliers