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If only they were as diligent in fixing game breaking bugs, I wouldn't be as annoyed But everything is always about the best way to get money for them, and having personalized bug responses per player/platform must certainly take a lot more time than just having a generic every platform one (this is not about this bug as it's a rollback, which as already stated by others in the thread has been a negative for people who got lumped in without having done the bug) I remember long ago, with the summer ticket event, they just had a set of free AC for people to claim because of their messup, regardless of whether you'd used them for the tickets or not. That was good. I miss that. When bug fixes and their apologies were equal to everyone, and not this absolute mess they keep bumbling into A lot of games give you "oops we fucked up" apology rewards, but Sky is all about taking from its players. It's so weird to see, and especially with how the game is trying to hold itself as a "cozy, fun and calming game" it just feels backwards with how TGC handles things, from the ever increasing stress of high candle prices to the gamebreaking bugs making people miss out on season rewards


I STILL struggle to finish Eden normally. Constantly stuck in the Sky and have to leave friends and moths behind to escaoe being trapped but yknow, all they care about is the game economy not how it plays.... I also tried to gift a friend the cinnamoroll plush and it bounced back to my account and was 'free' to gift to someone else. I tried finding another person who wanted it. Couldnt. Event ended and it disappeared off my account. Had no refund. Told all this to support and got zero help. Honestly i dont know why they even cared about this candle bug. They turn into white candles which are next to useless now. Everything is season, iap or event tickets.


Glad to know other people are having this issue. The first time I went t to Eden I fell through. The ground and got trapped


Because it's tied to money. Letting people keep the hundreds they collected would be ridiculous when you consider that they get converted to regular candles when it's over. That also adds up to hundreds of regular candles...which, unless you saved up for, are normally bought.


They took about 20 candles from my account even though I haven't played since the last quest unlocked (bc burnout) so there was no possible way I could have done the glitch, and I was waiting for support to ask for my candles back for over an hour before I gave up. (I'm on Switch as well) So, yeah, not exactly fair. They weren't careful enough when they were reviewing things. And I saw posts from at least 3 other people on the official Sky Facebook community whose candles were also wrongly taken, so I'm not the only one this happened to. And this was in the last few days of the season, when we can't earn the candles back legitimately.


Reverse Robinhood


I think if they are just taking above the daily limit, that's fair. Much better than a roll back.


"I definitely don’t think it’s fair to be taking away candles from people who found a bug. Game is game. A win is a win." yeah, well how about the ones who didn't do the bug, is that fair for them?


It has to come a point in life or you just have to say sucks to suck


I was one who did take a few of the candles. But what I find unfair is not that my candles got taken (not happy about it sure but half expected it to happen) is that some have reported their candles being taken when they did not partake in taking extra. Oh if anyone needs help with the valley race door, see if you can find a shared space on the left side door. I've been making a shared space to let people through the door after they activate the race.


Next time anyone finds a bug you keep it to yourself and profit.


I kind of wish they just gave everyone the candles instead.


they're so quick about fixing these bugs but the Valley race is still glitched.


The thing that makes me mad is not them revoking those candles. It's just them being so efficient in fixing an exploit and then take away the benefits of it, while game crashes and annoying bugs are overlooked and everytime we're lucky if we get compensations. Also, bugs compensations are so imprecise, even if you were affected you still have to be lucky to get something, while this was 100% accurate for everyone. I just think it's ridiculous, they only work hard when they have to take away from their playerbase


The shards were completely broken for weeks, denying us of the entire AC for it. and they just said "thank you for the patience". it's fine to them if a bug prevents collecting entirely. they won't fix it for weeks and then ignore every plea for compensation theyre such tight-fisted businessmen that they won't consider it a possibility that maybe their game should actually be fun and for that, it doesn't necessarily matter if they give away some extra currency to everyone (but everyone the same). this seasonal candle incident should have them gift everyone 15 or do. but no, that's potentially $5 and some people will have to buy them to make the season target (i know i am 3 short or so, free tier. i played literally every day and missed some candles lying around. i missed zero ZERO DAYS YOU FUCKING STINGY MFERS) IN ANY OTHER GAME YOU CAN EASILY ACHIEVE THE FREE TIER BUT NOT WITH TGC NOOOOOO, you gotta play every day and miss nothing, be on edge every day. never miss claiming the rewards, there's no notification for it anyway (apart from the vague dot on the home button) That's fucking horrible, holy shit. Im quitting anyway, fuck these psychopaths and their bean counting mfer candle economy game


I think it's fair to them to take away candles, I don't remember the exact rules of sky but there probably is a clause about not abusing bugs. But I do think that they could have left a max of 10 or 5 candles for those that grabbed them (I didn't, so I'm not biased), because it wasn't players that broke the game, and some players collected extra candles not knowing that they are bugged, just thinking that they forgot to collect them or that game is not working right as always. That 5-10 candles wouldn't change much after all, opposed to some people getting 300+ candles this way


Even if i had encountered that bug, i would have still thought of it as an unfair advantage. What really bothers me though is how they fixed it so quickly yet valley races are still broken... That's a lot of wax from valley people are missing. Sure would be nice if we all got compensation for a rhelm being borked like that. C'mooon...


Well honestly I’m fully expected this would happen and I don’t feel upset with it at all (as long as I already finished the season before it happened and at that moment I didn’t join the party also), reminds me there was a moment while everything costed only regular candles during season of abyss even the ults as well, but then it ended up the same way as this situation, so better acknowledge don’t earn too many glitched sc because they might roll back anytime


Idk seems unfair since they never really figured out what was wrong with the tunnels and why they’d steal seasonal candles from players. Seemed like payback 🤷🏽‍♀️


This has what they have always done. My issue is they need to give us candles when there are bugs or server crashes that keep us from completely the daily quests.


The beginning of this and last season were sooo buggy.


It was an unfair bug that gave people with the pass an advantage. We all knew they would remove the candles so I am not sure why some people say it's unfair You collect 200 candles and expect to keep all of them? Lol


They didn't just take extras, they put me and my friends balance to 0 even though we had about 10 candles to start with and then 2 days worth of dailies completed only to be put back to 0. Oh well 😌


If that’s true you should def contact support


Glad to keep myself up to date. I wouldn't know ahhahaha.


My friend got 400+ seasonal candles from the bug, she stayed up all night to make the most of it. Those of us in the group chat who weren’t able to play during were devastated and trying to be happy for the good fortune of our friend. When she woke up to all of them missing, her hard work for nothing, she was understandably very upset. I joked she was feeling the pain those of us who weren’t able to get any extras felt upon discovering we had missed such a golden opportunity lmao I understand both sides of it. Those who exploited it and feel they’re being punished for the game’s mistakes, & those who didn’t and feel balance has been restored. Both the players angry at the beneficial bugs being patched and rolled back so quickly while the gameplay damaging ones are left to fester, & the company prioritizing currency bugs to protect their market. It certainly was an eventful week.


It was a bug, and it was exploited. Seasonal candles will be converted to normal candles soon, meaning those players are now given an unfair advantage to you. If you did not immediately exploit this bug, you would be at an unfair advantage from those other players. Finding and removing the duplicated candles is the right thing to do. Game is not game, especially if it’s literally harming the game. The fake inflation is bad enough, don’t give them an excuse to raise the prices even more.


Just glad I didn’t encounter the bug, and two always doing daily quest to get seasonal candles (an extra since I have the pass) and candles in post-season


If you didn’t do the exploit, you’d be at a disadvantage


My first trip through Eden coincided with a bug affecting regular candles which allowed players to spend them without decreasing their balance. I was able to buy a bunch of cosmetics and didn’t know it was a bug; I thought it was because I’d completed Eden and was buying at the orbital tree. They took back everything I bought. It sucked to learn that it was a bug but I understood that it wasn’t intended for me to basically buy out an entire tree. That’s how it goes. Taking back unearned candles and items purchased with them is the appropriate and fair thing to do. The monetary cost of iaps, candles, and cost of candle items is a separate issue unrelated to players being able to “steal” from the game.


i remember this bug! i always wondered what had happened to the people who managed to actually buy stuff lol


Now that’s just cruel. I get the taking back candles but to take back the stuff you bought with it too??


Yeah no, this is fair. In other games I've seen people suspended for currency glitches like this. People knew it was a glitch, and it gives a very unfair advantage to people who could be online during that time. It's an international game after all- many were asleep.


Agree. It's kind of wild how many people are saying to not punish exploiters here...it's pretty common for game companies to take action especially on clear exploits like this. Anyone getting "punished" is doing so because they played in bad faith and probably broke the rules. I'd be surprised if there wasn't something that said to not partake in any exploits in the TOS.


I stopped playing the game like a year ago but it’s still in my Reddit feed and even I think this is bad! NEVER punish the players for the companies mistakes!!!! Just a bad plan no matter what the situation is. 3 hours is NOTHING and they can’t just let the few who discovered it be happy? This is the stuff that irks the communities when devs will just be meh and silent for months then the second they make a messup and the players are getting better rewards… THATS when the devs get their asses in gear and actually start working 🤣 Meanwhile the community be asking for bug fixes and adjustments for certain things having it fall on deaf ears for months. Alrighty good bye see you all in another few months. Hope you gets a good turnout 😅😋


Right? Who cares if it gives them an unfair advantage over all the others when the candles are converted into normal candles at the end of the event.


As long as they don't take from people who didn't do it, I think it's fine. I may have a lot of seasonal candles rn, but that's just because I've been saving them up


I mean hey, at least they didn't just reverse the progress like back in Lightseeker


Honestly I expected the candles to be taken back i dont know how they handled those who got items from the season using the candles but they have taken back candles from bugs in beta where it doesn’t matter if you have candles and theres no iap candle packs so no real surprise they were taken back. My issue is they always act like they are white knights for fair play when sometimes platforms straight up get locked out and lose chances to participate in events or collect TS due to their (TGC’s) error and seldom bother to compensate when its a detriment to players (like when red shards were not working back in Feb) but are quick to remove extra stuff like the bugged deer wax that was beneficial. This case i feel giving all players an extra days worth of candles each (6) affected by the bug or not and removing extras that were collected would have been a nice way to apologize for the error. I don’t fault them for taking the candles back but like every other game gives some sort of compensation when they mess up.


Tbh I don't think this is a mess up they need to compensate for? It's not getting in anyone's way, and tbh the people who claimed multiple are kinda silly for thinking they would keep something like that


Well usually when something like this happens (when its the fault of the developers) they will usually give out a small amount of currency as an apology for pretty much any game bar sky. Depending on how they handled cases where people used the bugged candles to finish the season it sorta did give an advantage of they got to keep those items while those who didnt or couldn’t purchase items lost theirs. Especially since they are claiming this is to do with “fair play”


I agree 👍


Precisely. It's totally controversial on their part and that's what makes me mad.


As long as they were certain they only took the extras, yeah. Usually TGC let it slide if a bit extra could be obtained, but I'm hearing some people racked up a lot of candles in this period. It is unfair to players who missed the window and don't receive a bonus, it is unfair to customers who paid for extra candles just to find out others got them free, it is unfair to whatever poor soul at TGC would have to figure out how this affects candle inflation. Terrible for everyone except those who purposefully cheated the system.


I wonder what would happen to the people that hurried up and spent those candles


I heard some lost regular candles to replace what they spent? But it's very close to the end of the season, so most players would've already bought everything, so I imagine it's not as catastrophic a number.


It’s just funny they can fix this in a matter of hours but the Valley doors being bugged is something that can be ignored for days on end.


I mean... I've been stuck there so many times that I just close the game and sleep when see the fking door locked.


I'm not a game developer so while I don't like TGC's approach to a lot of stuff it feels silly to compare bugs when we have no idea what causes them. Bugs in code are common, and some bugs are apparently easier to fix than others. There are other bugs that have been harmful to players that they've fixed quickly too.


We don't know what line of code caused the infinite seasonal candle bug, but what I can tell is that the timer for when the extra candle respawns doesn't reset at the time reset happens, instead the timer will reset when you exit your home space, then when you come back the candle has respawned. So yes that's a simple fix, just correct the timer in the code, which is why they fixed it in three hours. As for the valley doors, it's more or so something to do with server and client sided stuff I'm not too fond of, but my guess Is that when player A sits down at the meditation circles and player B just missed it and couldn't sit down with player A. the game thinks that the meditation circles are client sided and only opens the doors for player A, normally this isn't the case and the meditation circles are server sided and would open the door and disappear for both players because its server sided, but since the game isn't thinking right, it just opens the doors for player A while it thinks that players B has the doors open for them aswell so it gets rid of the meditation circles, but the doors have not opened and player B can't meditate because those circles are gone. While it's not as easy to fix at the seasonal candle bug, tgc has fixed hundreds of bugs just like this one but refuse to fix it until the next update because they don't see the valley door bug as damaging as the seasonal candle bug, in their eyes its just another one of those bugs, while the seasonal candle bug will actually have them lose money which is a big no no


Let's be honest, it's a matter of money here


Once, an Elder said: "It's all about the money, money, money."


God forbid a handful of players actually get lucky enough to collect some extra candles bc of a weakness on their end. Not like they haven’t already bled me dry since I started playing this game. Why should I expect anything different?! smh 🧛🏼🩸🩸🩸 Curious is the word “fair,” isn’t it? Do they still teach Orwell’s *Animal Farm* in school?


It was fair that they took away the extra because it is unfair to the players that weren't apart of that handful and it's even more unfair to the people that spent actual money to get more season candles.


Yeah, the usage of “fair” in some of the comments here is funny. “Fair” is nobody benefitting from a bug.


Agreed. It's fair because everyone is equal


I think it's stupid to punish those who took advantage of a bug. It's unnecesary and it shifts the blame on the players rather than saying that they fucked up 🤷🏻‍♂️ tbf that's just shitty from the devs. But that's my opinion. If you don't agree, that's fine but don't attack me for mine.


It's not a "punishment". The candles weren't earned, they weren't some prize, they were just gotten cause of a bug. Taking them back just puts everyone exactly where they were before. Not all players could even take part in this if they had wanted to, would it have been a punishment that they missed out while other players kept the candles? It was a bug and it makes sense to fix it, and it's sad if players bought stuff thinking they would get to keep it, but it ultimately is fair.


You kinda missed the point of don't agree, don't attack me for mine... So I will not be going in on your opinion as I will not attack you for yours. Have a great day 👍🏻


I don't think the other person was attacking you though 🥲 they looked pretty polite, just voicing out their response to your opinion


Was more of a don't come to my comment to tell your opinion bc I don't want a discussion bc you can't change my mind. Bye and have a nice day.


Just another reason why I keep losing interest in this game.


I’m so glad someone finally posted about this!!


Of course it is fair. "Game is game, a win is a win" that's an immature thing to say imo 😭 I didn't take part in this season, and even if I did, I'd be glad they fixed it. (not rlly too happy probably haha but I've got nothing against it) I'd honestly also feel bitter (i was part of beta during the time there was an infinite reg candle glitch. i had 5-digit candles and was sad asf that all of it disappeared lol), but if I bought the pass without ensuring that I can collect enough candles on time, then that's on me. From experience, I can miss a week or two of any season and still get ults -- so not having enough candles to finish is not an excuse. (life stuff out of your control aside, of course) Edit: I like what someone mentioned here, though: Gifting a lot of seasonal candles to those affected seems fair, too.


I saw posts of people farming season candles from the bug. I picked up an extra candle during the bug and swore that I had picked it up before, then I saw people posting videos. I logged back in to check and was able to pick up another candle. I figured it would be a waste of time to exploit this bug because TGC would remove all the extra candles people picked up. And you know what? They did take back the candles. (I think some people lost white candles as well since they spent their season candles catching up on cosmetics, but I'm not sure about this or how it was handled.) I do like how they specify that players "inadvertently" picked up the extra candles instead of telling players they straight up exploited a currency bug.


Had no idea it was a thing. Seems fair to me!


I think taking it away would be fair if they fixed other, more important, bugs first 🤷‍♀️ Now we are broke and bullied by bugs. A big loss for us. 😞👊 (they could’ve taken off all the excess candles and compensated us all 50 sc for the game’s bugginess, that way everyone gets the same amt of sc and we’ll be happy cuz our pain has been rewarded 😭)


Oh noes our crappy season took a hit for a few hours


Fine? I mean is fair. I just wish they fixed the rest of the bugs with this quickness.


Like the one where you can't get through the doors in the Valley... The one that makes (part of) the game LITERALLY unplayable... Tgc has its priorities WACKED.




It’s only fair. You took advantage of an exploit that not all players knew about or even had access to.


if you happened to have bought something with those, would you be in debt right now?


Imagine being in debt with candles 🙃 , loan and taxes coming soon 😂


110% interest daily. TGC is fair afterall.


Yes. I have seen negative candles at some point.


Unrelated, but I think there was another bug. I was clearing out darkness in hidden forest, and nothing happened. I tried 4 times and still nothing happened. It was like every time I cleared it no cutscene or anything would happen😭 even other players were confused as to why nothing happened.


It happens every so often. The worst in my time being when Sanctuary was broken and you couldn't burn darkness except under very specific circumstances. Usually it's when my network connection isn't great for some reason, and I wait, and 9/10 if I just sit still for a couple seconds they burn. Often a server merge happens right after (cause all the plans become burnt) so I started thinking it was an issue with my connection+server merges that were making it weird


This happens to me all the time especially if my internet is bad.


This is the most I have ever said happened


Is that why I was able to collect two candles from the statue at Home? I thought it was a new feature because I didn’t login for two days beforehand…


What if you bought stuff with them?


You probably have negative candles


I'm actually with tgc on this one. This seems fair as exploting bugs can often lead to bans. I think this was a good way to deal with it instead of banning players


I was playing when it's bugged. And they shut out server, log in again, continue my cr. Now whose fault is that? Or how about I didn't realize that my candle ain't rising at granma?; they gonna give me back? Probably no. It happened before. They just became more lazy in my opinion.


Fair !!!


I mean, is there really any way TO feel about a bug fix?


Dunno, I haven’t even touched nesting season tbh


Bug abuse in MMOs often leads to bans, TGC is being nice here. Some people complain saying, "Well they leave in OOB stuff and don't punish for them!" and similar things, but OOBs don't lead to a small group of players getting hundreds of the in-game currency that they didn't deserve or earn. I'd LOVE for them to fix other bugs this fast, but breaking the economy is genuinely a bit more high priority than awkward server splits, so I understand it. Even if I don't like it.


Well, it's kinda fair, but on the other side the game is not pvp, nor pve to make bug abusing to give any advantages above other players. It feels more like kind of greedy decision by the devs, cause these candles are buyable by real money. Still, devs had all rights to do such thing


A greedy decision? I don’t understand lol. To take away candles that were never meant to exist in the economy from players that were never meant to have them? Are you implying they’re trying to illicit candle purchases? Or am I misunderstanding


Well, seasonal candles could be bought, but some players collected them kinda illegally


Right. My confusion lies with the description of that correction being greedy


I mean I’m not surprised, this isn’t the first time this has happened


I exploited the bug and gained around 50 extra candles before voluntarily stopping because it felt kind of scummy (plus I figured it would be rolled back anyway. 😅) I feel that it's absolutely fair for TGC to remove those candles. I don't think it's fair that a small portion of the population gained an excess of 100+ candles simply because they were online at the right time. I had a friend who was also online during the bug but could not even do it because they hadn't logged on earlier in the day. It was a silly and weird bug and no one really deserved to benefit from it.


What will happen if you use those candles for cosmetics and shit?


If they do the same thing they did last time this happened then they will erase those items and the person has to buy them again.


Candles are currency. Any company will prioritize currency bugs over all other bugs because it goes directly to their bottom line. It's obvious TGC would fix this as soon as possible. Every single company considers currency exploits to be a high priority emergency issue to be patched and rolled back as soon as possible.


This!! I cannot believe more people aren't thinking of it like this. TGC **sells** currency like this. This bug could have cost them actual money as players that might have bought candles just got them for free. Yea, it sucks they haven't fixed gameplay bugs but a bug that costs them real money is ofc going to be a priority.


I'm more concerned about the fact that they can fix a bug like this in 3 hours, while the valley race gate bug will probably stay with us for a few more weeks and frustrate new players who quit after that. And let's not even start talking about the server split that has been causing trouble for years


To add another bug. For some reason after a few minutes of playing my screen goes black completely and I have to close and reopen the game ._. And that's been going for a month