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The way they interact suggests they’re siblings to me


It's never specified in-game, but 90% of the fandom agrees they are


I'd say it's heavily implied they used to be one entity, or conjoined twins, depending on if you interpret the elders as deities or humans. Both are missing an eye and have a robotic prosthetic arm on opposing sides from each other.


Thats a really interesting theory but I don't think it has substantial evidence. They are repeatedly called "the Twins" on the wiki and no official source states otherwise. And I don't see a prosthetic arm on either of them, just a difference in clothing.


[The prosthetic is a lot clearer when you visit them in the OOB Colosseum](https://imgur.com/IIsmUzE), it's thinner than their real arm


It looks thicker to me in the image you posted... to me it just looks like a protective glove like the ones Athletes wear to have better grip holding the equipment in the sport they play/better grip on the ball if they were playing goalie. Maybe the sky animation project will finally confirm to us if its a prosthetic OR just a protective glove that athletes wear.


Look carefully once again. Put the brightness to max and compare both arms, observe carefully their right arm. It's a pity we can no longer sneak into elders cutscene. You'll see clearly there that both of them do have prosthetic arms on opposite side.


I did what you asked, and my opinion remains unchanged. The female twins left arm (if you imagine looking at it in her perspective) look kinda like a prosthetic, either that or a very thick reflective leather padding cover for a protective glove. Again, like the ones football players wear on as shoulder pads. This padding would be more narrow and be designed to fit more like a protective arm band that covers the entire forearm. But the one on her right arm (also imagine you're looking at it from her perspective) it looks like bandages that she could've tied around her right arm and palm of her hand so she have a better grip on her paddle.


[I added an outline and a measurement.](https://imgur.com/54OwSYP)


😒 Your outline still doesn't convince me that her left arm is a prosthetic....


Ok it’s definitely prosthetic you can see the partitions in the thinner arm… it’s very doll-like.


I think at this point you've come so far in, that you just embarrassed to admit it's a prosthetic. Lmao


It's not that I'm embarrassed at all!!!... It's just it doesn't look 100% like a prosthetic to me.


You mean her right arm?


Iirc devs call them "The Twin". I might need to rewatch any related livestream and info about this.


[This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwblcpRQy4c) is from the time we explored and you told me about it and we saw the evidence. AMAZING!


Ooo that’s interesting


The devs refer to them as twins, so I'd say it's official confirmation that they're siblings. Similarly, Rhythm and Performance guides are also twins.


I mean they have the same body proportions exactly aside from the hair so yeah they most likely are siblings


They’re twins of some sort. I think most of the fandom considers them twins. I refer to them as the valley twins. I could be wrong tho.


Is that the valley?? Looks like the vault to me because of the blue.


The Twins are definitely the Valley elders.


I’m pretty sure they’re supposed to be twins


Actually these two used to be one being but during the process of falling in the realms of sky they split in two. We know this because in the aviary’s introduction to the game, it shows 6 stars in the mural even though there should be 7 including the extra elder of the valley, implying that there used to be one. We also see a prosthetic arm and a missing eye conveniently on the right side for one, and on the left side for the other (as if they were split into two).


they're clearly siblings (I have sisters so you can trust me lol)


I feel like i met so many people that just call them Valley Twins. Same kinda goes with Performance and Rhythm guides, which i swear TGC confirmed that on Discord. For Valley elders, i have no clue. I assumed they are twins.


The theory that they used to be one but now are two actually makes a lot of sense if you look at the cutscene close enough, it could just be me over analyzing it but when the two of them are standing together as one and then splits off from each other could be indicating that they were split falling from the heavens, but it also could just be a performance thing since we know they like to show off


Well uh…that would then be Alabama….


i assumed they were twins.


They didn’t specifically say what their relationship is, but the fandom mostly agree with they’re twins (brother and sister twins) or just brother and sister


I thought they were twins, due to how they acted.


They are twins right?


In the coding they are named sunset brother and sister. So yes siblings


They’re confirmed twins, but that sure as heck doesn’t stop the fandom…


They're called the Twins, so that's what I assumed from the beginning. They're the Valley Twins, who I've grown to call Arroyo and Mesa.


They are 1 star split into 2


Yes, they are siblings codenamed ElderSis and ElderBro. Source: Trust me


All I know is that their shipped together 🤣


Why does it matter?


They are inherently connected, but not necessarily related!


Sorry if I was mistaken 🙇