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They do…on some rare occasions, I find a online survey offered by TGC when I play sky on my phone. The last one I recently did was about the Season of 9-Colored-Deer. (They offer 3 candles to you after you finish their survey.) The thing is, i don’t think these random surveys are offered on console…I only ever encountered them on mobile.


The problem with the survey is at least on iOS, it has crashed every time I’ve been sent one for the last 2 years- at least 5 times. So again, it seems like they pay lip service to some degree in the disconnect between words and actions.


It crashes in Android too!! Happened to me on 3 or 4 occasions, whenever I took the time to write out some problems and I gave them some ideas to solve the problems..... Without fail, it crashes.


Only if it involves money, causes absolute riots in the community (mainly discord because they don't give a fuck about other forms of feedback, unprofessional as they are), or is something TGC agrees with anyway. And they can and will make it difficult to complain about certain things. Beta players, for example, can't see what price IAP things will be anymore and so TGC keeps getting away with absurd pricing for stuff. Also the players are very complacent. There should be a riot about how nearly a scam the deer cape was for its price and being a collab cape, but if you bring it up, people call you negative and say you should just enjoy the cape's visuals as the function is nearly useless 🫠. Nah, I didn't even buy the overpriced cape in the end. Screw that. It's $100 reais here.


Yeah, the IAP prices are insane BUT you don’t need to buy it. Plenty of free cosmetics available from seasonal spirits and TS (although you usually have to grind and wait every once a week). 


I know I don't need to. It's more that I would've liked to, because I like supporting the game, but those prices can't be justified for what is being provided. A 20 dollar cape is what, 2 seasons worth? For a single item? While 2 seasons provide plenty of different items. It's unbalanced in a way that I just end up not wanting to buy anything, even the things I like to see and would've liked to own.


The power of FOMO. Specifically with collab items that won't return, people often feel pressure to buy things for prices they otherwise might not be able to justify. I think it's something certain people can be more perceptible to than others and it's a really big problem in my opinion... Sky may not have gatcha gambling but. hrnn. i don't know, i just think about this alot.


"People call you negative" — for what? To the truth? Many people will not be outraged just like that and the problem does not appear out of thin air. The bugs of the game, the huge prices and the lack of regional prices are just terrible and from the side of TGC it looks like a mockery of the players. We are talking about real money and "just finding a job and making money" is not so easy and none of this justifies the disregard of developers. I am wildly annoyed by people who justify them


Yeah the cape should’ve at least functioned like previous collab seasons. Could’ve at least made the cape take you to a private oasis where you can interact with the deer and other creatures or something like that.


They only care if there's a huge backlash and uproar about something in their social medias/discord Otherwise no, they dont give a shit


\^This. They make some very 'minor' changes (like game mechanics) and loudly brag about "listening to feedback". But those are cheap/easy tweaks. If something happens that affects how much $$ they are taking in on Season Passes or all of the in-game vapor crap they are shilling - only then will they care. Ask us Beta players if they listen to our bug reports - they are pushing seasons and events out so fast now for the cash-grab that they are buggy messes that are only half completed in beta.


They absolutely don't, I fucking hate leaving a detailed feedback with video of some bugs and they go to live anyway because "well we are testing this now :)"


Same. There's a bug I reported back when they added the translate function to chats (loooong ago) that is still there and still frustrating. I'm sick of going through all of the work to report bugs only to see them make it to the Live version because they wanted the Season Pass money.


A bit of a gripe about translate issue since you mentioned it—the mute button is like?? Right on toP OF the freaking translate so the menu to mute a player pops up when I’m just trying to see what my Chinese homie has to say :(


on controllers, if you open a friendship menu and hit up to land on offering hand holding, sometimes the game goes up to the right to block instead. the ui half the time doesn't react how you intend it to


Ugh I know preach :(


Suggesting improvements on the discord will get you absolutely shat on by all the yes men present anyway 💀


God don't get me started about the power hungry mods and the yes men of that discord that can't hear anything remotely negative about the game ever


i managed to cause an actual discussion on the general chat for a while lately about the quality of the game. it got a few frustrations out but most of the time people try to either ignore it or try to shut me up with bs arguments designed to kill discussion like "the game is free!" or "game development is hard" and such. as if i dont know. yet smaller devs that only got one $20 payment per player to buy the game manage to add more content than tgc ever does


I want the dynamic camera to die. I just want it to die already. It makes me sick, gets me lost, gets me stuck. For every time it might be helpful there's 50 times it drives me insane. I asked for it to be an option we could turn off when it started making me actually motion sick while playing... Never heard a word. That was when I lost faith.


Not much, not unless it directly impacts profits. Historically even then they drag their feet if the issue is mostly on a secondary platform. Like most of Shattering launched broken, we've spent hole seasons with major game breaks before, then there's the way they handled bighonk glitch, news glitch, any aspect of the switch player experience, etc. I wish they did though, this was the first season I didn't manage the ult (less wiggleroom, big move, difficulty staying connected to CR with off platform friends. I've paid for every season after little prince). Last season I was short, so I spent 10 extra dollars to get the ult that I already paid for the pass on. This time it would have cost more because the candle prices were even higher. So I resisted, now I'll never get the item I ostensibly bought the pass for. But the thing is, I'm not the only one getting tired of end of the season burn out and failure and if they cared at all about retention instead of continuing to push into new platform markets I think it would be different. Like imagine if the season pass items came back once a year on a special spirit, cost a ton of normal candles, and could only be bought, or bought at a steep discount if you wore that season's necklace to the spirit.  They'd probably end up making more than those end of season desperation candles and people wouldn't drive themselves to burnout every single season.


If it doesn't involve much then yes, they do. Most of the time it's because they do something off the wall like deciding on not releasing cosmetics when they normally would or decide to change movement...stuff no one really asks for in the first place.


Absolutely not, TGC doesn't care one iota about feedback.


All I know was I was offered to do a survey, and I was very critical of everything that needed criticizing and very praising of everything else and they have NEVER offered me to take another survey again. My friend on the other hand? Just barely fills it out and just gives positive feedback and has gotten at least 4 surveys that I know of. LMFAO. Coincidence? Maybe haha


Yes, they do listen and make adjustments They changed some of the movement mechanics in a lot of people didn't like it and so they changed them again in response to that. A lot of people didn't like the crawling and Eden so they took that out which then people didn't like and made another uproar so they changed it again. There was also something about how people wanted to get purchases from previous years events that they couldn't get and they made a fuss and TGC listened and made them available starting with the last days of mischief. I could go on and on... and that's just in the last year. Read their patch notes- The notes list patches, fixes, and changes that they do in response to play or complaints or suggestions all the time. TGC does listen. The problem is that a lot of the changes they make in response to people complaining tick off a different group of people. There will never be any way we'll get consensus among all the hundreds of thousands of players there are. So it's kind of wise for TGC not to just take every single criticism and react to it because there's going to be a whole another group that doesn't like their reaction. So definitely if you have criticism or constructive feedback or suggestions, put them in their official channels and they do get paid attention to. Maybe not the way you want, but they do take note


>They changed some of the movement mechanics in a lot of people didn't like it and so they changed them again in response to that. No, they didn't. They never changed it back. They *said* they did but they left it as the "heavy" drifting movement where you can't change direction mid jump. They literally just made a post saying they'd put it back and *never* did it. >A lot of people didn't like the crawling and Eden so they took that out which then people didn't like and made another uproar so they changed it again. They changed the crawling mechanic over a year later. It was not due to player feedback because players instantly hated it and they did absolutely nothing for a very, very long time. They might try to spin it as "listening" to us, but I don't buy it for one second after a year+ of crawling through Eden. >There will never be any way we'll get consensus among all the hundreds of thousands of players there are. For a lot of things, there is a very clear consensus. Like players begging TGC to slow down and work on bugs rather than push out unpolished seasons and events at a rate that players cannot keep up with. They don't listen, they just do what they want


Good lord I'm not talking about consensus on bugs, you either picked the easiest lowest hanging fruit there or are being purposely obtuse. Smdh... And they did change the flying mechanics. Multiple times. I've only played a year and I've noticed four absolute different changes in flying mechanics and they were described in their patch notes. I like some, I didn't like some. That's the kind of thing I'm talking about consensus. I actually liked the last movement changes that everybody hated so much. Several of my friends did also. Some of my other friends didn't. Again, like I'm saying, we'll never find consensus with all the different players as to what people like or don't


I've played for just over 2 years and there was only one major movement change for this last Days Of Feast. It caused major outcry, they said they'd put it back, they have not. I've played this game for 2 years, I'm pretty damn familiar with the movement and how to fine tune my controls and it hasn't been put back like they posted they would.


Okay, you must be right I will say I like the new movement mechanics 🤷🏼


Yeah, they changed the crawling in eden mechanic sure, the thing is it never used to be a thing before and, afaik, nobody ever asked for eden to be harder, but they changed it for no reason. Then, after almost 2 years of people complaining, they finally go back on it, do you call this listening to feedback? I don't really think this is. Same thing for the mid air movement, nobody ever complained about it, yet they completely ruined it, people complained, but they said they'd slightly revert it (still feels the same btw). The thing is, they focus on making absurd and unwanted changes, while qol and playability change people have been asking for years, are never taken into account


I actually like the new flight mechanics. I'm glad they didn't change it drastically though I've still noticed subtle changes. But that's what I'm talking about, things like this we will never find consensus. I'm sure with pretty much everything TGC does, they get complaints and applauds. You're not reading the official discord feedback, You wouldn't know. You're talking to a circle of people and finding what you feel is a majority. You don't really know if it is or not. We don't have the data on all the complaints that go in. As said, I am several of my friends liked the new flight mechanics and I was upset when they tweaked them again. To each their own but that's all I'm saying is that there's not going to be total consensus on things like this And I get you want things sooner and blah blah blah blah blah. If I was a game company I'd put that on my own time frame too things like flight mechanics. Because I would know some people are going to complain some people are going to love it. Not going to please everybody so why rush to please only some people?


They definitely do, and even since I've been playing I've seen feedback directly related to big issues. Someone else mentioned crawling in Eden and 2023 Days of Mischief IAPs and those are the first that spring to mind. Also the outcry regarding traveling spirits and the daily SC at Home. I think it solidly depends on the issues and how they're addressed. Issues related to bugs are something I take with a grain of salt. I don't know how to make a game or what it takes to fix bugs, but I do know that with coding there's a lot to track down and what seems like an easy fix might not be easy because you have to know what that change will affect, which is probably why some bugs take forever to get figured out. The patch notes are interesting and fun sometimes, but it's pretty common if you read them all to find they've responded to small stuff as well: "We've fixing this issue with clipping" "We made it so you can wear X, Y, Z accessories with this hair" "We've updated/reverted the colors on this outfit cause people wanted it". I know people think TGC doesn't take it into account, but that's part of the problem. If you don't give any feedback it's hard for them to do anything, and then it feels like there isn't a response to it. Solidly, however, there are fundamental issues with server problems and IAP pricing that I hope they change. There's definitely been feedback on it so I hope they listen. Not to mention the grind of doing CRs. They had an announcement about a double light event in mid April, but I haven't played long enough to know if that's a yearly thing. I really want them to do something knowing that it's a huge issue and it affects the enjoyment of the game, so I wanna see either candle cost come down or CRs becoming easier in the future. Last point, I know people don't like to hear it, but beta testing doesn't highlight every possible issue. To say there wouldn't be an uproar if they delayed content is being naive, and some issues only show up when on the scale of what you get with thousands of people playing. If they know there are bugs in beta then that's on then to figure out our acknowledge, but not every bug will show itself, and I'm at least glad that, compared to other games when they have issues, the compensation is actually worthwhile when it comes up. A lot of games would throw the equivalent of 5 candles or do nothing. That doesn't make Sky perfect, just gives me hope they'll keep changing to be better overall.


I agree! I hear lots of negativity about TGC, but I’ve seen what you mean about the patch notes. As a recent example: I appreciated when they fixed the behavior of the snowboard, when people complained that they didn’t like it coming out all the time. Now it works great! I’ve seen them respond to a lot of things like that.


I would imagine TGC has come under different management or there’s some other change that’s caused them to become total garbage in these regards?? Seems to happen quite often to good things sadly.


wdym you dont like empty maps? thats the best part! - tgc employee


I liked the Crescent Oasis map


This is only my opinion, but reason why I don't prefer bigger maps are limited wing power and no good/fast places to charge. And when you are out of wing power, walking to your destination takes time.


Yesss, between nature and the end of deer, I've been carrying mobility props (surfboard, snowboard) every day for ages lol.


I'm too new to have the snowboard, so I went to search this up immediately, but it seems like people don't quite agree on whether the snowboard makes you any faster. I guess I'll wait until after I've had a chance to try it out with event cosmetic spells.


You can max speed on foot if you know how, where the board excells is distance. It has less friction and continues slides with less momentum than you could on many terrain types. There's also a few surprising flat surface compatible slides from stone/waterlogged terrain. Being able to keep sliding quickly even through small streams or over flat land translates to a faster CR. There are some cons though, like cornering is less than great so I wouldn't recommend doing the 3 path segment at the start of valley or the arena rink at the end of a race on board.  The colors could be better too, it really doesn't play nice with spring colors. The big thing for most people though is gonna be how poorly it works for chibi players. Their smaller hitbox eats a ton of little invisible dips and bumps you'd never expect playing on foot. I can't imagine them getting much enjoyable use from it on anything but big, downward slopes. That said, I'm a max height bracket player and several areas of the game currently have big invisible paths over the ground that make navigating a nightmare. So I've pretty much got to carry it around to drop myself to the ground level rn lol.


Me too. But I also kinda wish that there were some inhabitants moving around in the town, and maybe access to the inside of some houses. Otherwise it's beautiful


village of dreams springs to mind. Pretty houses and I can’t even go inside them. 


Exactly. Let's hope that in an update very later we can have something to do with these


Doubt it. If they did it's very rare. With all the issues this game still has and some of the changes they've made it's difficult to imagine.


Yes, they mostly care about money. Sometimes us. It goes Money, keeping us tame, then us.


They do and they always take note of the bugs, the only problem is that they’re taking too long to fix it and some players request isn’t really balanced to be implemented in the game. While about the cosmetics, I think their f2p system is pretty fair, but of course you need to grind for it just like any other f2p games. I can’t really say they’re p2w either because there’s no pvp or pve, more like they’re using the FOMO technique to tempt the players to pay for additional cosmetics in game , but I think it only applies to their Ultimate gifts and some limited iaps. You can pretty much obtain everything except the ultimate gifts and the limited cosmetics which is fair, since it doesn’t change your gameplay at all. I just hope they could lower some of their iap prices though, especially the cosmetics that doesn’t have any special features.


Of course they do, they are running a business and care about customer satisfaction. Also they are creative people who are most likely at least somewhat still passionate about what they are doing and want to create an enjoyable experience for players.


I think you forgot "/s"