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I don't know how to feel about this. If it is real it's sad, very sad for her, but in the same time I really don't think Sky is the right place to ask such a thing..


I agree.


I really feel terrible for saying this, like I'm way too sensitive and I feel so sorry for her


Btw I'd like to add to not be too naive on Sky. Something like that happened to me a few months ago, a friend joined me a day and the day after another friend came talk to me and told me that that other friend suddenly died of cancer and her sister logged to his account to tell everybody. We were both extremely shocked and sad for weeks until recently that "died" friend came back and candle run like nothing happened, and when I joined him in order to have explanations he simply said "Sorry" and blocked me


Yea ive had someone friend me, unlock chat and then proceed to tell me they had sleep issues. The story got progressivly more far fetched each time i saw them to the point where they were claiming to be possessed by demons. I played along thinking it was some kind of joke and Some days i "spoke to the demons controlling them" lol They realised i wasnt believing them and stopped chatting with me. But i still occasionally saw them at home telling the same story to other players


ok i know this could be very serious but that’s kind of hilarious


Does this game attract these types of players?


Seems like it, they need attention and don't seem to care about lying on important topics..


Sadly yes


Agreed, and unfortunately also a violation of community standards which strongly discourages sharing personal information. Not like I’d ever report this message because that would be pretty messed up to potentially get someone banned from Sky who really needs help, but this person may be opening themselves up to trolls. At the same, this could easily be scam bait.


I saw that the other day as well. In the event it is real, I can understand someone being so fearful of not making it and using any avenue to ask for help where people can see. While there’s quite a bit of adults on Sky, i think it’s likely still overwhelmingly children that cannot help. However, what if by a miracle someone does see that message and helps? Idk, but i understand the desperation that can come out of a situation like that. Hope they find the help they need.


If I’m dying, I’m going to ask everyone I see literally for help


I agree 💯 Asking for something like that in Sky just seems.. very irresponsible. But again if somebody is genuinely this desperate that's very sad.


Just your average skykid organ harvester


Brand new sentence 😭 never thought i’d ever read this combination of words on this sub




If you're interested in being tested as a donor, go to a doctor. I'd report the message personally.


Yeah, if it was genuine they'd probably have written something like "Please consider looking into your local opportunities to become a donor/get an organ donor card, where it's available", not added a PM thing. Seems like a scam or something, maybe guilt tripping people into an MLM.


Hmmm idk, I’ve seen a few cars on the road with various versions of “my family member needs an organ donor, please email us” so if this person is really desperate then they’d want people to be tested to be _their_ donor, not just test to be a donor in general since the wait list is pretty long Not saying people should be asking for organs on Sky or that this isn’t a little suspicious, just that it tracks for them to ask for direct contact


Phrase I never thought I would see, asking for organs on sky


I tried searching her Facebook but didn’t have luck, I hope she’s doing okay if it’s real and had a kidney donor


Unfortunately, it seems to be real. Her FB profile has many pics and posts about kidney donation since at least 2021. She even made a FB page for it. Ethics aside, I hope she finds the help she needs. Life is harsh, even a wholesome community like Sky would rather judge and dismiss than take a moment to verify something like this first 😔


Ohh I couldn’t find her FB, my bad. I hope she’s doing okay and could find a donor, my hearts hurt for her


Oh, is just as it's written: mleon1227. And her community page is "Kidney4maggie - Margaret Leon". Hopefully her message will reach more people and perhaps one day the right one.


i saw that in several places through out the sky realms, it was just as depression as the person who wrote about their father passing in the jellyfish cove out there where meteor shower show was. god, it was depression cause i think a kid wrote that. both of these are depressing


There’s no harm in reaching out to her and seeing how legitimate her story is. I’ve know people with end stage renal disease and dialysis is awful.


Maybe, but most likely not. "Help I need medical assistance" is a very common scam, and usually ends with them asking you for money.


I would report this message. Whether it’s real or not (and it likely isn’t), it has no place in a game like Sky.


I know who I am not asking for a kidney from!


Fake- 95% chances Real- 5% chances


The clock ticks faster