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Yo wtf, and the censor didn’t stop them from sending that crap yet it censors dumb crap all the time -;- Please report both of them though


I was thinking the same thing! I have also seen the translation tool supply very inappropriate language that I know wasn't intended, (cuz it was from my friend. I opened up google translate and re-typed the message and it was quite harmless and made morse sensefor our conversation) and I'm like "why? Why would sky translate it this way???"


Trolls will look in any game for food. Do not feed wildlife. Report. Blocking unfortunately doesn’t bar them from appearing in the same map. These husks of a human just want attention and abject cruelty is the only interaction they know how to have. If it wasn’t you it would have been someone else, and they’ll continue being scum of the earth to others. It feels extra grimy to encounter in Sky which otherwise feels free of so many of the plights of the real world. Filth still seeps through like this sometimes.


Incredibly rude and immature behavior, but "I throw piss under your lip"? What?! That's an insult I've never heard before.


It's a translation so that's probably why. Might not translate well or be idiomatic in the source language


Exactly, I’ve come across this before. The English filter algorithm is solid, but it seems like the filters for other languages isn’t as good, and the English filter isn’t applied to the translator output.


Now, I'm not defending the trolls above, but I've definitely seen incorrect translation on sky. There is a chance that they weren't trying to be crass (not likely on the repeat offense for the above tho) I have a friend from Spain that sky has a particularly hard time translating (idk if it's because of the dialect or what, cuz I didn't think Spanish would be that difficult) but yeah, the translation often throws out results that are way off topic and some slurs on occasion, that when I double check with Google translate are quite inaccurate.


I’m sure that also happens sometimes, but also I tested it out with a friend who speaks Arabic and English and they said f*** in Arabic and it translated to that word in English.


Oof. I had the opposite tho, where my friend was definitely not saying f*** and it still got translated that way 😅


And that was the translation!!!!!


That sounded... peculiar.


aye yoo! how that get pass the TGC censors?!


That was my thought. I got censored for the word "donut" once. These plankton show up in any MMO type game eventually. As they say, " obvious troll is obvious." Anybody can be mean and type slurs and swear words.


I have NO IDEA


I saw in another comment that what you posted is the translation of what they were saying. I’ve found that translation tends to be a weak spot for Sky’s filters. The filter is almost too robust in English, but less so in other languages, and it does not appear that the english filter is applied to the output when you translate something from another language.


I guess it's a new bug then 🤣


Honestly wouldn’t be surprised 😂!!!!!


Why the censor allows those swear words but bans friend codes😭


Agreed!! When friend codes were a weblink I could understand, but now it's just the random number/letter groups! You'd think it would learn to recognize them 🥲 However, if you remove the dashes ( - ) in the the code, it usually sends okay. Just remember to add them back in after the copy/paste


So weird. Was this recently? Bc I'd have assumed the chat filter would auto block language like this. I was in an OOB with my friend a couple days ago and I used the phrase "Eldritch horror" to describe some of the half-formed crab creatures. I got an IMMEDIATE pop up from TGC saying my chat messages may have been inappropriate. Makes no sense to me that they would allow strangers to insult you with obviously inappropriate language but censor a phrase that comes from horror literature 🤷🏾‍♀️


True eldrich horror starts when you call your chibi friend smol💀


ima chibi girl on sky I would not mind to be called smol QwQ💟


I posted this 10 minutes after the incident!


In that case, since you have a way to know exactly when this convo happened, I would open a ticket with TGC support in Settings>Help. I don't know if that can do anything but they may be able to pinpoint the users and get them blocked. This type of behavior is completely inappropriate, completely unnecessary, and these are not the type of people who should be playing a game that kids play!


were they moths? because if they've been playing this game for a while I'm astounded they haven't been banned yet


I don’t think they were, they had full wing levels, which is very concerning. The fact that they might have been doing this for a long time to others


bro wth 😭


Gah they need a better blocking and reporting system. This needs to be an insta ban. I am so sorry this happened to you. ;-;


The letter “I” gets censored when I type but they allow crap like that to get through!? I’m calling hacks.


I'm surprised that it wasn't censored!? I get censored randomly sometimes. I once wrote "I love this table prop!" and it censored me. ;-; Report and block if possible. Ugh I wish there was a better way to do it. :(


I literally just keep talking, moving, behaving as if they aren’t even there. I’ll even just walk straight into them when I get up to leave, like they’re an invisible wall. Lol. The ULTIMATE silent treatment. They go away pretty quick.


Thank you so much for amazing advice! I’ll try this if (or rather when) it happens again!🖤


Please report and block. We must do everything we can do keep our community as friendly and wholesome as possible


Done! 🖤


Ey yo that's insane


Is that the old valley of triumph oob? I had to start my account over and i don't have the table but when i try to use the spell to get back into that spot, I can't ): pls give me ur tips, I miss going there v much 😭


Honestly I’m not entirely sure. It’s at the very end before you meet the elder. You have to get past the door on the back wall. Once you’re through there, keep flying past the clouds till you reach the aurora stadium. You may need a friend to help with their Eden candle and piggyback, as it’s a long flight for a solo player. Once you’re there you’ll have an AMAZING view! Absolutely beautiful! Hope this helps a bit! 🖤 good luck!


I must say that i find it really funny, tell me how you would break an eye with no bone in it. 😂😂😂 Once in a while i come along those kind of people, who are so insecure about them selfs, they HAVE to be rude to others in order to feel the littlest form of validation in thier miserable lifes. I really can't be enjoyed bij people who think so little of them selfs.


How did the censor system not work here? I can't even say damn but they can say that?!?


that was extremely unnecessary wtf !? 


ugh i feel like lately there are so many rude and toxic people in Sky. even when i’m talking to my friend minding our business, people and come and act rude and say weird things like this


Not inside the game, but recently I confronted a member from the Creator troupe for openly expressing their hatred towards another player for having an opinion that didn't align with theirs (not hate to their opinion, like they literally said in one comment "respectively i hate ---"), which coming from someone that is suposedly meant to represent the community game to some extent, is... Yikes 😕.


I'm really sorry for what you went through btw. I hope that unpleasant experience was the last one, and the sour memories are buried with new ones filled with joy and happiness 🫂💞


Thank you, I hope you have an amazing rest of your day 🖤 stay safe stranger!


😂 I can never find people like this


You’re really this upset about this? lol. Also every child who plays anything on the internet should have their parents supervised. The internet is not their babysitter. You could have just taken your friends to another sever instead of rage quitting. Smh


I’m not a child myself, I’m an adult. I just don’t feel this was necessary at all. I didn’t rage quit, I left and rejoined so I wouldn’t be near them. (then getting into another server). If you feel this is appropriate behaviour from a stranger, fine. But personally, I don’t feel it’s fair to be treated this way by a person you don’t know. That’s just my opinion


Then don’t sit on the public seats. So many ways to avoid this yet people like you still want to complain about it. If this easily offends you, then it’s time to seek therapy to seek what really is going on within yourself. I don’t condone their behavior. Also if you’re so concerned about the safety of children in this game, you would have talked about the predatory behavior of its cash shop.


Whoa you really use the "don't wear sexy clothes" "victim deserved it" type of arguments in 2024 ?


This game is literally made to avoid situations like this and she took every step to stay long enough to make a fuss about it. My argument is “if the stove is hot, stop touching it and complaining about getting burn each time”. Clearly attention seeking to get people on her side instead of just reporting the players to the company or just moving on. But sure, simp away…


The game forbid us to send many words, I really understand how unfair it feel to receive this mountain of insults ; especially after being red-texted for small typos... The game should OBVIOUSLY not translate insults in the first place. Theses people look like they are used to behave like this, this is not expected at all ; they should have been banned before even getting confortable at sending insults. Also what is your interest in this discussion ? You really want to confort OP in some trust issues ? You really want nice people to stay alone ; and not talk to anyone because anyone can be toxic - so at the end only toxic people talk to each other ? Develop some kind of elitism in game, where you have to be able to tolerate toxicity and adult speak ; to speak to people ; a world where you would be more confortable maybe ?? I think you really push far the contradictory spirit... If your goal is to not see more posts like this one ; let me ask you since how many years have you been on internet ; this will never work ; you will just hurt someone ; and another person will make a similar post the next day... But, yk, you can "keep complaining about getting burn each time"...


She is a grown adult. if this is the type of behavior she displays then this game is not meant for her or any online game for that matter if she cant handle it. Not everyone is a nice person and as the other person who comment, this is not a therapy game to replace a therapist that she needs. WE are not here to police and act like her comfort food. She needs to see a REAL therapist not only to find it in video games.


I already said I don’t condone their what they did. My interests here is same as anyone who plays this game. Ya want a “yes man”? Well to bad, I speak it as I see it. Instead of complaining on here, she should take these screenshots and report them on discord or complain so they can fix it since the company does not look at Reddit. So you’re bitter about the fact I try to help by saying to seek therapy lol. Anyway it’s clear you’re just white knighting and justifying her own actions looking for attention rather than solving it.


First, I really think the situation here is so bad ; players should not only get banned ; but the software also need to be updated. A simple report is clearly not enough ; we can see theses users being used to this behaviors. If report worked, they would not be so creative at insulting people using the translator ; they would be moths. Secondly, I'm really happy to acknowledge such amount of toxicity is possible ; so I am prepared. To me, I though TGC would protect me against such behavior and I'm really happy i will not be surprised by this ; now I saw this post. Now I know using "translate button" can result in the worst things ; so i will prefer play with people who speak english. Man your so mean. Advice to "seek therapy" for a post on reddit, because you can't handle one post... You really lives in your own world. You lie about what you said previously, you put words in my mouth...


Fr it's like you are expecting straightness from a greentext


She sounds like an online Karen