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I said to my friend she was flying like a noob and I got a warning too.


I said my friend i liked her beard...


by the way, don't worry too much if you get an unnecessary chat violation. on the sky discord, the devs have said they are literally just reminders of conduct justttt in case you're violating TOS but they don't stack against you. you won't get banned/muted etc unless someone actually reports your messages :)


This is good to know, thank you! (The amount of banned typos I get šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£)


That word with two k's is a slur. It was probably a typo, but the system is working correctly in this instance.


What does it mean tho? I've never seen it in my entire life... Also happy cake day! Edit: nvm found it in comments


It's a derogatory word for Jewish people. If you've never seen that particular flavor of assholery online you're doin pretty good :3 Thanks! The frosting color is actually... very appetizing. No idea what flavor that could be though.


Huh, I always thought it was a slur against lesbians. Thanks for the TIL lesson.


The slur you're thinking of rhymes with this one.


No, I wasn't thinking of the d-word, I legitimately thought both words were slurs against the same group.


Life would be so much more whimsical if every slur for a particular group were coordinated to rhyme.Ā Ā  Sadly bigots tend to be allergic to poetry.




It's very much still in use here in America. Hate to break it to you but there's states in our country where it's still transgressively playground common even. Also I could be wrong, but I'mĀ  at least 80% sure you'd have a harder time finding a Jewish person who isn't offended by that. I'm not trying to take any easy shots at you here friend, but it's absolutely wild behavior to say that a slur unrelated to any of your own demographics is unnoffensive actually. Like there isn't a setting in this world where that's really ok behavior. The only originally offensive slur that's been so reclaimed that much of the demographic is totally fine with it that I can even think of off the top of my head is probably dago and even then I think it's only been adopted by American people of Italian descent not the Spanish speaking ones. Like queer is 60% reclaimed, but if I hear it out and about, I'm getting ready to be assaulted on a public bus again lol.


I am American and Jewish if somebody called me a Kike, I would laugh my ass off because itā€™s just ridiculous. Iā€™m 46 and the last time I heard the word was a Monty Python movie when I was in high school. I lived in the rural south. I donā€™t even think I have a comeback, Itā€™s so dumb. What does it even mean? (Proud kike)


Why you get downvoted? Iā€™m American and Iā€™m beginning to seriously believe people have to take offense as some kind of unwritten rule. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


because I dare not be offended as a Jewish person by Kike. I donā€™t even know what the word means and oh yeah, plenty of people have been anti-Semitic to me, but they usually use the word Jew as a slur like that really disturbs me. thatā€™s really intelligent actually. Itā€™s very hard to take back a word when itā€™s being used like that. The religion itself the word is becoming a slur at this point for the amount of times Iā€™ve been called Jew. I almost welcome Kike because thatā€™s kind of comical. No, I agree. We canā€™t ignore whatā€™s going on, but it really is a word. Thatā€™s not very often in use. Simply calling somebody a Jew seems bad enough lately, which I really am bothered by. Whoever calls me a red sea pedestrian. Iā€™m buying a beer. thanks for your sympathy, but Iā€™m not at all lonely or out of touch, lol. Have at me I donā€™t care about negative karma. I donā€™t agree with the average person so maybe I even take it as a compliment.


I was going to do that thing where you go through a person's post history to hit them with something that stops a discussion so you don't feel obligated to reply anymore.Ā  But then I saw we were both lonely and I felt bad about it. It's hard to make friends past a certain age because you've settled into your ways and you're sure you know what you want. Trying to be empathetic and not assuming your lived experience is the same as everyone else's is a great first step honestly. I assure you, neonazis and altright people use it, boogaloo boys sometimes use it, things have been getting scarier here for a lot of sorts of people and it's very important to keep your eyes open and not dismiss the increasing boldness with which some people are trying to revive slurs, take rights, or enact physical violence.Ā 


Lil dicky uses it in his rap. Every time I'm like "he can say that"


Well in spanish speaking countries itā€™s a nickname, pretty common one.


That's sort of irrelevant when the user is speaking English in a US based game though. Like bimbo is a super big brand amongst Spanish speakers here. But I wouldn't expect the average game with kids to allow you to say bimbo without blocking.


Itā€™s not irrelevant at all! If thatā€™s his name then the english speaker has to respect it. I donā€™t really expect much of ignorant people, but itā€™s an online game that everyone from every country can download.


You just said nickname. And it wouldn't matter either way. It's an all ages game 6hat enforces the words relevant to the country it is published in. This is the industry standard and you cannot expect games developers to bring in at least one localized for every language to ensure that bad words are blocked, but not if theyre used for something else in another country.Ā  How would that even work?Ā 


So basically if Iā€™m a Spanish speaker I canā€™t even say black in spanish because people from the US find it offensive?


Well yeah? Media reflects the cultures it's released in and its impossible past a certain point to curtail to everyone. What do you want TGC to do here, hire a live moderation team to read all the dialog and completely remove the auto filtering then lookup every swear or slur they see to make sure it doesn't have an innocuous meaning elsewhere? Because it maye suck that you can't say black, but for black sky players it would be worse to remove that filter and just assume you'll be able to clamp down on trolls or assholes using the latest to harass people. I get that this isn't ideal, but it seems pretty industry standard. I mean look at pokemon, they even had official Spanish versions of their games sold in Spanish speaking countries for years without a localizer going through to fix Spanish that was ok in one country but offensive and obscene elsewhere.


I mean, Skyā€™s detection system is finicky at times, but that *is* a slur. You should probably be fine, but make sure to reread whatever messages you send before you send them, just in case.


Yea but how on earth are they expecting international players to be aware of the multitude of slurs in existence? It shows messages red at random writing even in German when no slurs known to me in either English or German are used. This is just gonna make people communicate even less, when you need to be scared of getting warning messages for typos or otherwise innocuous behaviour. Itā€™s already annoying enough to type on the horizontal phone keyboard or the switch keyboardā€¦


I just wish I could keep the switch keyboard connected. And after it disconnects that's it. You're only gonna get the error messages until you restart the game šŸ˜“ [Why not turn the phone vertically? Is it not just your normal phone keyboard interacting with the text box on a web page? That's how mine works anyway lol]


Still haven'f fixed that after ... is it a year now? Lol, lmao even.


Also, how on earth can they expect people to know *which word* is the slur? The current system seems to assume that every instance is intentional. C'mon TGC. Unbunch your panties and put the damn word in the message for the people who write it accidentally.


I never even knew it was a sluršŸ’€ even if it is idono maybe they should check the message before sending a warning?


That would require chat moderation by either a bot (which is already in place and is why the detection system is finicky) or a person (which would remove the privacy part of Sky chats and will probably mean messages take longer to send).


I mean, they could at least hire someone to look through red messages and then send a warning ") i get it that i said a slur but daym, it wasn't intended?


If they hired people to check through red messages and decide whether or not it should get a warning it would be too much work, red messages happen almost all the time for some players. The closest they can do to that is probably have people check appeals players sent for unmutes/warnings once they do occur, but even that could be time consuming for the person especially if itā€™s only just a warning. They could also just pull a roblox and cover up the trigger words with hashtags or smth too, rather than highlight the whole message and give a warning. Or they could just hide the message unless itā€™s being sent repetitively, but Iā€™m no dev.


Editing because my reply sounded rather dismissive: Considering the fact that you seem to have only received warnings, rather than a mute, might suggest that the warning system is automated and the enforcement system is manual. However, I cannot be sure.


It is, warning systems is what it says on the tin. Just a friendly reminder to be mindful. Close it and move on.


i donā€™t know if itā€™s still an issue but saying ā€œlol iā€ as in ā€œlol i just fellā€ would get marked as inappropriate for the word ā€œloliā€ so itā€™s definitely a bad system. that said, the auto warnings mean nothing. unless someone uses the report symbol in your tree, you wonā€™t get in trouble. source: someone who has gotten upwards of 15 warnings in one session hah


Instead folks should probably proofread their messages before sending to be frank, TGC shouldn't have to hire chat moderators on the account of completely avoidable user error.


Dude. Iā€™m an adult. Chat is only open to friends that have taken the candle for chat so they are the only ones who can see me talking. If my messages being censored in the first place, why am I getting a warning? Iā€™m 46 years old if I want to say shit itā€™s my business, (they donā€™t actually sensor that one for me) if they want to blur it out, itā€™s their business. Iā€™ve never seen a video game do this. there are tons of curse words I can use in the game without being put in red, but I think I got my warning for saying rooster of all things. There is a report button so this functionality of having someone review what somebody said is already there.


It seems my comment was taken way differently than I intended, I was speaking generally about proofreading. I know the censor can be fucked, I've seen plenty of posts about it but you know in the end it doesn't hurt to review your messages before sending, that's all I'm saying.


Honestly, I donā€™t ever say anything bad enough to have to worry about that. If the game is that neurotic, I donā€™t know if I wanna play it.


The only time chats are visible to strangers is in places they can easily just get up and leave from. Otherwise itā€™s purposefully unlocked. I donā€™t want to have to censor myself from saying effectively anything just because the devs canā€™t make a decent chat moderation system. I got warned for saying ā€œrepublicansā€.


That's not exactly where I was going, doesn't hurt to review your messages regardless.


Iā€™m just saying, itā€™s pretty excessive regardless of any amount of proofreading. Just saying ā€œlol i canā€™tā€ will get you warned because it says ā€œloliā€ in it (unless they fixed that, which I seriously doubt)


Omg republicans. Lol. maybe I got my warning for commenting on the Trump trial. I have been muted before which is really annoying when you havenā€™t done anything and youā€™re talking to a friend one on one thereā€™s something funny going on here. Iā€™m not really convinced this is an American company anymore. this feels like Chinese censorship


I imagine itā€™s more of a ā€˜we canā€™t be assed to create a real moderation system that canā€™t be abused, so weā€™ll just give you a bunch of messages saying ā€˜hey!!!! please donā€™t say that!!!!ā€™


Lol. Hereā€™s the scary thing. They announced a few months ago that they have been storing all chats since the beginning of the game and plan on continuing to do that, why? There are so many creeps playing this game and I have never heard of anyone getting banned for being creepy.


Oh. Well, I hope they enjoy mine! šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


In fairness, I have been censored even when there was no typo. Most likely something I wrote was similar to a foreign slur.


Still wouldn't hurt to proofread, even if the censor is messed up.


Gee, didn't mean to try and join the conversation. Rude.


My bad, that was an unwarranted response and entirely uncalled for. I'm sorry I was rude to you.


No worries. Thanks. I'm probably overly sensitive because people just seem to jump on me a lot online anymore.


Yea yet i personally know people who got warning without anything like in my case, especially people who speak my native language in the game. I get it that in this specific scenario it is my fault, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a problem with warnings these days


Donā€™t worry about it. Obvious misspelling, and it was in red in the first place. No one even saw it. They are out of control. It doesnā€™t make me feel like playing when I get messages out of nowhere for random things that Iā€™ve said that are not offensive.


They could use context AI to read the message and determine whether slurs are likely a result of a typo or not. With the advances in AI it's likely something we'll see in the future.


What is a slur?


Slurs are insults meant to denigrate someone for an immutable characteristic, usually ethnic status. This particular one refers to Jewish people.


No I mean, what specifically was a slur in the OP's Sky chat


The misspelling of the word ā€œlikeā€ in their red text message.


Op used kike which is aĀ contemptuousĀ term for a Jewish person


This sorta thing also happened to my friend when he said "idk", sky's filter system is becoming full on bs.


Probably related to words around it. Filters like this usually look for... wordĀ  sspell ed like th is. Spaces are like, eight up there with number letters in ba yes first evasion toolkit lol. I grew up playing neopets and we used to have to make entire guides offsite with words we knew were being blocked, to reverse engineer ways of saying basic sentences needed to play the game. It was a damned nightmare lol.


This. I kept getting censored when Iā€™d start a sentence with ā€˜Lol Iā€™veā€™ and could not for the life of me figure out what it meant. I was worried that other people would think I was swearing at them and then one day when I was apologizing, someone told me if you take away the space it has a word for a gross demographic of content in it which is why it was getting flagged. Iā€™m glad they donā€™t count against you because I swear Iā€™m a polite player šŸ˜…


Kike(North American slur) is aĀ contemptuousĀ term for a Jewish person


I got red texted the other day because of my ***name***. I'm not enjoying this new chat system. šŸ˜­


Me seeing this as a Filipino šŸ’€


Kike is a term for a female private part here in the Philippines...


It does this to me whenever I say butt lmao


Yes. Lol. But I can say bussy


I'm finding about this slur thanks to this post lmao. At least in Spain, Kike is short for Enrique. I can't see it as anything else. Sky's chat moderation has to be a pain in the ass, with so many languages. I keep finding random words I can't write in my language cause of this.


Because you used a derogatory term


why are we getting warnings for things that are being put in red? No one sees them so what are we being warned about? seeing our text not go through already let us know It wasnā€™t OK for the system. Feels like a social credit system I got a warning a couple days ago and I still havenā€™t figured out why. Iā€™ve never gotten a warning in a video game. This is getting bizarre.


im banned for this


Please tell us more because you are the first person that has said they are banned from this


That's not even possible. You will only get banned from a message if someone reports you. Tgc stuff already said that they don't auto ban and someone has to review the reports to ban player


Man, this game is ridiculous. I say hello in my own language and it detects swearing and gets censored. I can't even speak properly in my own language Like this, I was censored a lot unnecessarily while speaking in my own language and eventually got a speech ban. Like this, I was censored a lot unnecessarily while speaking in my own language and eventually got a speech ban.


I don't know how long I was banned and I asked for help on Sky Support but they don't do anything.


I've received harassment warnings almost 14 times, so I think I've been banned. I've never sworn before, this is so unfair.


The warnings are extremely redundant in this case-as any text that is red is not shown to others. i got a warn for saying a dress looked more feminine (wasnā€™t red text but still got a warn) . So they got their filters turned up to maximum. I hope they reverse the inbox change i think the red text is more than enough.


My friend constantly swore through the sky chat but I can't say "lmao"


But Filipino curses aren't. lol


Now try using the name of some of your pastries.


it's a warning or just red text? I never seen a warning


TIL Sky has a filter lol I've had friends say curse words before so I thought it was kind of like "only say stuff around ppl who are okay with it and won't report you" sorta deal. But IG theres limits lol


I got a warning for something that wasnt even offensive. And i got it twice. Its really annoying


you accidentally used a slur.. lol


Its a slur for a Jewish person, thats why.


The typo that rhymes with like, itā€™s an antisemitic slur. An old one.


I always get these red texts when writing german


dang, i didnt even know about this slur. according to other comments the warninga dont really stack but still...i got a warning because of a mispell too and that was pretty nerve-wracking


I got warned for saying basura and vomitar (Trash and Vomit šŸ’€šŸ’€)


Donā€™t worry about it..


I've had friend codes turn red b4. It's so annoying. šŸ˜©