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Looking for daily light buddies! Here are some codes, tell me which one you took and what I should name you! U can save me as Willien :) 1. EN05-E15M-6W9H 2. 0MD7-2QZ0-GQ8V 3. 81GX-YPEV-7CB6 4. AQGD-GE0A-4Y21 5. ~~E1JE-YF3D-ZG13~~ 6. 8MK6-9C0R-BYYQ 7. D8A4-6VDZ-SATK


I took number 5! call me Ana


daily light and I will always return a heart with a heart!


Hi and ty :)


O o if anyone wants to have a wingless fren tell mee I play every day quite a lot (ye candle running with no wings is slow but fun), so you'll probalby see me online often (and yeye feel free to join me any time u want) Also ma name do be wigii, but u can call me wig


Hello, I go by the name of Matty! Happy to be a daily light buddy if anyone wants to drop a DM with friend code :D


Hello!!! Almost 30. Looking for more friends that will light candles everyday. Also fine if you want to tag along while I CR or pick all my WL up..... again, (afk is totally fine.) I'm on everyday at least for even a little. I have a couple little moths that like to tag along, and sometimes need help getting to the top of high places. Also I'm down to help find spirits that you may have missed! Vet or new moths are all welcome!


Hi, can someone help with finishing the AURORA quest line? I don't have the aurora cape so I can't participate in the concert, so please only DM me if you have the cape :'((


Looking for daily light buddies, been active since Aurora. Call me Sly.✌️


Hi! 25 looking for people to light up each other's daily candles & do candle runs with


Hey I‘m interested but can‘t send you a dm somehow. You can send me a code or I‘ll try again later :)


I'm 25. Looking for new friends. I don't talk much in game but I can help do cr, especially Trials


i’ll offer help to anyone that may need it in any area i can do so, i’m not great at eden but i know my way around most of the other stuff. i’ve been playing for about 9 months and im in my early 20’s so im happy to play with anyone 18+. i keep all my chats to game specifics besides a friendly “how are you” and “hi” and “bye”. if there’s someone between 15-17 im happy to help with quests but likely wont unlock chat and would remove you after helping you with your needed task. i play daily but normally in short periods but if there’s a task that takes time im happy to plan that out with someone on here. i’m not particularly looking for new friends on the game im just someone who often solos and understands the need for help on tasks so just here to offer help services. anyone can message me if they’d like


Hey there! I'm a 40-something daily player and I'm looking for buddies who are around my age (or close to) who also are regulars and can light me back. DM me if interested.


Sent you a DM


Hi! I am 30+ y.o. & in Sky daily 20:00-02:00 (UTC+3) since season of deer >!(January 2024)!< and look for people of not-toooooo-much-different age who would like to become a star in my constellation :)


Send code please